Thursday, May 30, 2013

For Fun: Test your Knowledge about Centennial Park!

Here's a little quiz you can try out while I write up my review of Tuesday night's show.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

Oh yes, as an incentive to do well, the person with the lowest score gets to kiss old "Uncle Art"!!


1. What are the names of the two men who founded Centennial Park?

2. What are the last names of some prominent Centennial Park/polygamy families?

3. Of the family names you listed for questions 1 and 2, which names have been featured so far on Polygamy, USA?

4. In what state is Centennial Park located?

5. What is the name of the largest non-polygamist town that is popular with Centennial Park residents?

6. Why did Centennial Park break away from Colorado City/Hildale?
    a. Better job opportunities for women with better schools for children.
    b. Better housing conditions with missionaries building homes and doing trash pick ups.
    c. Power fight between one faction that favored one man rule and another that favored ruling by council.

    d. All of the above.
7. "Uncle Art"  is a 4th generation polygamist. What was his father's full name?

8. Which of the polygamists featured on Polygamy, USA are employed at a school?

9. Which of the following houses belong to "Uncle Art"?




True or False

10. The Centennial Park charter school is called The Masai Academy.

11. Ezra's mother is young enough to be her husband's daughter.

12. Hyrum and Kelly will date for two months before their wedding.

13. In Centennial Park,  marriage is based on love and boys can propose to girls as long as the Brethren allows it.

Essay Questions (haha!! just kidding!)

14. Why is Berry Knoll a significant place in Centennial Park?

15. How many years did Hyrum serve as a missionary?

Post your answers below...The person who gets the most correct answers will earn all of our admiration for a job well done and won't have to kiss Uncle Art!

I'll post the answers later in a comment below.

Feel free to discuss Tuesday's show!!! (Episode: The Priesthood Council)


  1. Due to my clumsy fingers trying to do something on my Kindle, this comment was deleted accidently.

    From ac4prez

    1. Marion Hammon and Alma Timson 2. ? I am guessing Uncle Art and Hyrum's family. 3. same as 2. 4. Arizona 5. something Springs...where the girls went dress shopping for the ball. 6. c 7.? 8. Papa Cawley 9. b 10.true 11.false 12. false 13. false 14. it is the site of the future temple 15. 3

  2. Ok here is my best shot:

    1. John Wooley and John Taylor
    2. Hammon and Timpson
    3. Hammon
    4. Arizona
    5. St George
    6. D all of the above
    7. J Marion Hammon. Also referred to as "Old Rheumy Eye" by certain nonconforming groups.
    8. Connie Cawley, Becca Thompson?
    9. B
    10. Masada Academy?
    11. True. Some might be young enough to be her husband's granddaughter.
    12. False - they will date two weeks
    13. False. Marriage is based on women hearing voices of the name they are meant to marry. The brethren sometimes break into young girls room and whisper the name 'Arthur' into their ear.
    14. I am not sure? Was it a source of contention when they split from the FLDS?
    15. 3 years 8 months

    I am hoping my responses will help me avoid a big wet kiss from Uncle Arthur!

  3. Man o man, that guy just looks like he's on death's door. blue lips, droopy eyes all red around the rims, face like aligator skin. Yeah, thats something for the young men to aspire to. *shudder*

  4. "13. False. ...The brethren sometimes break into young girls room and whisper the name 'Arthur' into their ear." That is the best response! Thanks for a good laugh!

  5. What I want to know is who is Arthur's third wife? It seems suspicious to me that we haven't seen her.

    1. I don't know why but I get the impression that Arthur has more than three wives. And they stated that not all of the wives wanted to be filmed/on the show. My guess is that there are some young-ish wives since he does have a toddler.

    2. I suspect it is the younger women in red they show helping the first two wives in the kitchen right before they all sit down for dinner. The last scene in the dining room shows Ol' Rheumy Eyes sitting at the head of the table and she is standing close. You can see her body but not her face. It is just a vibe I get.

    3. Arthur has had four wives but his second wife left. The one we see on the show, with the black and grey hair, is his third wife. His fourth wife was married to his brother, but he died. She is now married to Arthur but only briefly appears in the background of some of the clips on the show. She is around the same age as his first wife.

  6. I don't have answers, but I have a question. On another thread (which I can't find at the moment), several people spoke of Hyrum's Facebook page, and offered the opinion that some of his posts were rather crude and immature. Since the page has evidently been deleted (or made private), and the rest of us can't read it for ourselves, could someone in the know please give us some examples? They don't need to be word for word, but at least give us a clue as to what kinds of things you thought were crude, immature, improper, etc. Much thanks in advance.

    1. It's been awhile since I viewed his page but I recall a few of the post as I found them to be in poor taste and very immature. I think there was something along the lines of "gays are gross, but lesbians are nice and if you don't agree you can go to the toilet on yourself." Something about how yum/nice whisky is and another about cooking midgets.

  7. Arthur is starting to grow on me a little bit. (no kisses though please!). Although he is blustery and gets mad, I think he really does care about his kids. And he was downright delightful to Tiffany. I feel for her, she has no idea what her life will become if she marries Ezra and they agree to follow plural marriage. I suggest to her that she read all the books out there on polygamy (Irene Spencer’s book is great) or just watch Sister Wives and see how bitter, resentful and angry Meri is. That is your future, Tiffany.
    Hyrum has been waiting for years to have a woman get his name whispered in her ear and he can’t even GET OUT OF HIS TRUCK and greet her properly? Way to be a gentleman there, Hyrum. If he had met her at her door and escorted her to the truck and helped her in, maybe she wouldn’t have made that comment about hating getting into his truck(although gosh, first sentences and they are at odds already?). I guess we can see how Hyrum will be treating his wives.
    And well the Cawleys just make me sad. The wife who had to tell Michael they needed more applesauce seemed terrified to tell him. Why can’t Michael just work more hours? Shouldn’t he put in that ‘sacrifice’ since he is the one fathering all those kids? I really honestly hope that he only told Connie (don’t know if I have their names right) that she had to go back to work on her birthday because the crew was there filming. Reminded me of Kody hounding Meri to try fertility treatments while on their vacation. Way to suck the life out of someone’s birthday, Michael.
    Very entertaining show though. Lots of characters and room for drama and chatting on SWB.

    1. Seriously, the applesauce scene was almost more terrifying than every creepy scene in "Silence of the Lambs" put together. And THEN, he takes his wife out for her birthday and decides that it's a perfect time to tell her that she has to get a job. Nice move, Mike. I also loved how he read the menu to her and then told her that she couldn't have anything on it because they are broke. Would've made more sense to just take her through the McD's drive-thru to split a cup of water and an order of fries.

      I would like to see Michael meet with Kody (although the way I feel about Michael, I probably would have to watch with my hands over my eyes). Although I think it's rotten to leave one wife home alone with a dozen babies and toddlers, at least Michael, in his unique creepified way, understands that one must "work" to bring in the cash. I would love to watch as Kody tries to wrap his brain around such a far-out concept.

    2. I like Arthur too. This past episode his love for the community and seeing it carry on is evident. He was very nice to Tiffany, nicer than my inlaws at least and while he seemed a bit distant to his daughter last week, he still supports her decision. Ezra's mom, could be the mother of a toddler, she is younger than some moms that have babies, she just looks so much older. It is a hard life for sure.

      I was appalled that Hyrum didn't get out of the truck! My parents always said a boy had to come to the door and pick me up personally, the only exception were carpools.

    3. I'm curious about Tiffany and her family. She is only 17 years old and has stated that she comes from a monogomous family. Are her parents comfortable that she is talking marriage with a man who intends to have mulitiple wives? I assume that since she is a minor someone would have had to have given her permission to appear on the show? Im from Australia so I'm not that familiar with US laws regarding this.

    4. Tiffany is from a monogamous family, but I wonder, if like many in the area, she has relatives who practice or a history of polygamy in her family (grandads or great-grandads practicioners.

      Your right-Tiffany is a minor, someone would have to give her permission to be on the show-and to get married. If she's serious about marrying and committed to the lifestyle, I'm pretty sure she would have to have parental permission, unless she waited until she turns 18.

    5. I had a peek on the Nat Geo website and next episode the Brethren give the Ezra and Tiffany their blessing to be married but they first must save $10,000. I'm not that suprised by the decision because due to polygamy CP must be running low on available ladies.

      She stated that she grew up without religion so she is in for one hell of a culture shock. Also although she says she can cope with sister wives its obvious that even the concept of them bothers her.

      It is evident how much she cares for Ezra but I'm with Uncle A on this one, their love might not be enough.

    6. Apologize for the typo in my last response.

      Ezra doesn't seem that enthusiastic about work. Unfortunately, I can see Tiffany working (perhaps multiple jobs) to contribute to the lion's share of the savings.

      In addition to the shortage of women, I've seen in FLDS (and its offshoots) that the most "worthy" re: older men or men who have completed missionary work/community work in this case have a higher chance of approval for marriage. Women born into polygamy are considered hot commodities(especially if they come from a major family) compared to women who convert. Ezra might have thought he was getting over the rules by going outside the group for a mate.

    7. lol Ezra couldn't come up with $600 to get his car out of the impound yard. I see him in jail for robbing a bank for the 10 thousand.

    8. Does anyone know why a monogamous and, by Tiffany's claim "non-religious," family would move to Centennial Park? That is what intrigues me about Tiffany . . . if she's not FLDS, why is she there?

    9. Does anyone know why a monogamous and, by Tiffany's claim "non-religious," family would move to Centennial Park?

      The show really hasn't said where Tiffany lives, but I don't think she lives in CP or CC. Maybe a neighboring town up the road in Utah, possibly St George? Does anyone know for sure?

    10. I thought Ezra mentioned going to pick up Tiffany in St George in the winter ball episode?

    11. Actually, Centennial Park has more monogamous families than polygamous families right now. Not everyone here is blessed with multiple wives. Personally, I do not know much about Tiffany or her family except that they has been living in town here for about 2 years now and the children attended school here. I am assuming Tiffany's view may be that they 'non-religious' because they didnt attend church often. Or as with any production, what she said may have been taken out of context.

  8. I think I figured out why Isaiah has his own room. There is probably an awesome master bedroom with attached bathroom in that house and I bet the wives couldn't agree on who would get it. Although I'd rather sleep in a coat closet than share a sex bed with my sister wife. Also in the episode where Becca picks him up in Vegas did anyone hear her said it had been 6 weeks since she had seen Dan? She said it while packing and they repeated it while she was driving. Unless I misheard her. I know they state some names have been changed.

    Also can we start a collection to send Michael Cawley some updated glasses frames? I think he would look slightly less creepy with smaller glasses and a new haircut.

    1. I think you are right, that would make the most sense about the room situation. I will have to try and catch the Dan scene.

      Although most of the people on this show need to go on What Not to Wear and get a makeover, the Cawley family needs it the most!

    2. Although I agree that Michael needs a 'makeover' from a physical standpoint, I would not recommend he spend any money on more modern glasses when he has so many children to feed and only one wife is home taking care of 9 small children. He is a teacher so why can't he take on some work during the summer break? Maybe go to an apple orchard and pick apples and make crates of applesauce?? Plus, it doesn't matter if they can make Michael "pretty" on the outside, it won't change the fact that he is not attractive on the inside.

  9. Ha! I was hoping you would catch that screen shot of him telling everyone marrying for love never works!

  10. *raises hand*

    Question #11 under the True or False section...I'm going to need to see a flowchart. No matter how many times I read it, I can't wrap my head around that many family members listed in one sentence.:)

  11. Hi! I've been lurking for a while, and I just wanted to add to the conversation(I have been really into reading about and researching fundamentalists of all stripes for a while, and have become really interested in this show.) At first I was really creeped out by Arthur, but the more I watch the more I am convinced I would get along rather well with the guy. I appreciate the fact that he is trying to be accepting of his daughter who moved to Salt Lake to live her own life and hasn't shunned her. And he was very kind to Tiffany. Initially Michael Cawley seemed okay to me. I could see how he had a creep factor to some of the posters here; but I just saw him as a calm, kind but unfortunately looking man. But after how he treated Connie on what was supposed to be a special date, my opinion changed. He really seemed like an insensitive jerk. Yes, I appreciate the fact that they need her to work, but he could have been nicer, and more tactful. I hope it was editing and he really doesn't treat the wives like this all of the time. I noticed Rose looked scared to mention that they needed more applesauce, so I really think he might be quite mean.

    1. Welcome!

      Rose looked so absolutely scared to tell CP Mike about the applesauce situation. I think when he isn't channeling Warren Jeffs (who has got to be a cousin) and talking so "sotto voce" to the kids, he must be a screaming maniac.

  12. I haven't seen it, but I hope I'll be able to see it free online somewhere. Is it Arthur pictured at the top? :-/ I'm worried about his health! I'm guessing they have no Drs or nurses in Centennial Park? =8-o

    And I'm dying to see the applesauce scene now! If a lack of applesauce is a crisis can you imagine what happens when there is a real problem?

  13. 1 Arthur Hammon
    2 Hammon and Cawley
    3 Hammon and Cawley
    4 Arizona
    5 St George Utah
    6 c
    8 Michael Cawley is a teacher
    9 b
    10 false
    11 false
    12 false
    13 false
    14 They want to build a temple there.
    15 4 years

  14. DO U ALL REALIZE THEY ARE BEING PAID FOR THIS SHOW. It's a little hard to believe there poor me story my husband works at the studio.

    1. The Browns are paid for their show, but they still talk about finite resources and spend like there's no tomorrow. I find it hard to believe the Cawleys' story, but it's probably leading up to show how Centennial Park takes care of its own. At least I HOPE it does, because there are way too many millionaires in that community not to give back in the form of financial help for their indigent brethren.

      Bottomline is, most of us are well aware of the agenda behind Centennial Park allowing themselves to be filmed: They want polygamy decrimminalized. They will showcase certain families so that outsiders will think, hey, they have the same problems we do...they are JUST LIKE US. Problem is, they are not like us and never will be.

      Hopefully by discussing Centennial Park here on SWB and other places, people will not buy into their hype and see polygamy for what it is.

    2. anon 916 maybe they give money from the show to the church. That would explain the cawleys needing more money.

    3. I bet that the 2nd and 3rd Cawley wives are on food stamps. I was wondering when he was reading the receipts if he was reading what he would have paid without food stamps on some of them.

    4. Here in Centennial Park, we do take care of our people and create resourses to do so. The Cawley's story is real and they are not on government assistance like what is assumed. If they were, why did Connie have to go back to work as a substitute teacher? She wouldnt because government assistance would help cover a good portion of the $1000 with food. There are not as many millionaires here as you are assuming. Just because there are 'McMansions' (as its been termed here) doesnt equal millionaires; most of them have been created through hard work. I know for a fact the houses you have been shown in pictures here have taken over 5 years to completely finish inside and out. Ive seen 'McMansions' in all the places I have lived out west. Large houses are more of a western thing than an east coast thing. East Coasters think of yard first over house size. Families here understand finite resources as well. I totally got how Rose didnt want to ask Michael for applesauce because of the finite resources for food.

      Yes, those that live here want it decriminalized. We have the Centennial Park Action Committee (CPAC) working with state agencies, going to conferences to get their message out. Shouldnt consenting adults be able to chose how they live? The Browns themselves have taken on the State of Utah concerning bigamy which is another first step. I do find it unfortunate that they chose to leave the state of Utah, their home. I would have liked to have seen them stand their ground, but thats a whole other thread for me.

      As stated: "They will showcase certain families so that outsiders will think, hey, they have the same problems we do...they are JUST LIKE US. Problem is, they are not like us and never will be." Its not a problem that we will never be like anyone else. We are a community of like-minded people who have chosen to live the gospel, edify one another, and work through experiences to get back to our Father in Heaven. But do families here have the similar financial issues, child care issues, and children figuring themselves out? Yes, of course because its called life. Hellen Keller once said "Life is but a daring adventure or nothing at all." She was one wise women to know that.

      I sure pray that people will not buy into the hype created by editing for television and realizes that chosing to live polygamy is more than what they see on NatGeo or TLC.

    5. Welcome rain, I didn't get to greet you earlier.
      You feel that the NatGeo channel is not representing CP in a way that shows your community in an honest way? Would you care to elaborate?

      Large homes are usually wanted by most; for me it's not an east coast/west coast thing - but more likely simply that your families are much larger than most families in the east. Not many of us have more than 8-10 tops in a household. And 10 is pushing it!

    6. mister sister - thanks for the greeting. Yes, i feel Part2 Pictures and NatGeo did an honest job with the television show about this community. yet, there is so much more that could have been shown. the logistics of doing the show's pre-production was enormous and Rose spoke about it in church on one episode. I was in church that day to hear her. I also know from experience there were days when my children couldnt go and play with theirs because of filming. i will estimate that each family was filmed about 16hrs. each for 4 months including Hyrum. thats 264hrs. of filming the production crew did as a whole for the television show. 6 one-hour episodes do not show everything. by living here, i do not have the assumptions that others have by watching the show. all i was doing was giving a friendly reminder to all.

  15. 1. J Marion Hammon and Alma Timpson
    2. Timpson, Hammon, Barlow, and Cawley
    3. All four, but Timpson and Barlows use fake names.
    4. Arizona
    5. St. George, Utah
    6. C
    7. J Marion Hammon?
    8. Teresa Cawley, Michael Cawley, Maybe Marlene Thomson?
    9. B
    10. False
    11. False
    12. True
    13. False
    14. They are going to build some crazy awesome temple there
    15. Over 3.5 years

  16. These poor women just seem so beaten down by life. I can't believe the Cawley women are so young. I would have guessed them all to be in their 40s or 50s, not 20's and 30's. When they introduced us to Rose Marie I thought she would end up with Hyrum as they were both being featured on the show and she seems so meek that she would make an ideal wife in that community because it is clear she will follow anything anyone tells her to do. Then we meet Kelly who is so checked out of life at 18 that she makes Rose Marie look like she has some spunk. The Thompson women seem to have some life left in them but also seem so resentful of one another that all their energy is focused on anger.

    I would love to know what happened to the Cawleys' and Thompsons' since the Lisa Ling show. On that one the Thompson wives seemed to genuinely get along and seemed to be making the best of their situation living in their small little trailer. Now they are in a nice home and seem to hate each other. Two of the Cawley women have also changed. Wife 1 seemed terrified of Michael in that show just as she is now but wife 2 seemed to be a real bitch who ran the house and wife 3 had said enough of this crap and had moved out of the house. Now wife 2 is being ordered around and comes across very subservient and wife 3 is back in the home in a xanexed, zombie like state.

    1. TMWB, I didn't see the Lisa Ling show. Cawley wife 3 left?! I'm all ears so do tell.

    2. I am chiming in as well, have not seen the Lisa Ling show. Which wife left? The one that now has to go back to work and had to hear this on her birthday?

    3. We had the show up, and it later got taken down. The third wife, Teresa left and then returned. We will be putting up segments of the "after" show.

    4. I'm thinking she left the house to get away from wives #1 and #2, but she is still with CP Mike. Kind of like what Janelle did with Kody.

      Makes me wonder if she came back to the house just for the show...

    5. I found something online (article) where Teresa was upset with Connie for using her bread to make a sandwich and she talked to Michael about it and he defended Connie on it (that was the gist of what the article said anyhow), and then Teresa left. I'm sure it was more complicated than that. BUT, this underscores a similar issue amongst polygamists. The women all seem to be on their own financially for themselves and their kids. Why would Teresa even have 'her own bread'....why don't they all just share the groceries, etc? This drives me nuts...the men expect the women to pop out a bunch of kids and then they tell them the bills are their responsibility...and the laundry, too. Hmph

    6. I remember that CPA Carol from the TV show. I wish I hadn't deleted it!

    7. I have not watched this show, but did notice that tomorrow (Saturday) I should be able to catch up.
      I watched segments of the Lisa Ling show on youtube... very interesting, because the Thompsons seem like they are best buds! They acted like there was not a jealousy issue at all. They were cooking together and I didn't even notice a "wet bar" :)

    8. I just watched the Lisa Ling Documentary. Teresa, wife #3 and her two year old daugher had left due to the bread disagreement and they were living with her parents. She returned to the famiy home at the end of the show.

      I also noticed more warmth betweem Becca and Marleen, at one point Becca was in tears as she spoke of how much she loved her sister wife.

      Another thing that struck me a odd was that in the introduction at the begining of both documentaries a mans voice is dubbed making the statement "We believe in the gospel as restored to the earth through the prophet Joseph Smith and people can take it or leave it. We have chosen to take it". I compared both documentaries several times and listened very carefully and the exact same words were used in what sounds like the same voice.

      This coincidence of the same phrase being used in both documentaries got me thinking. I had always thought the voice over on the Polygamy USA belonged to Uncle A but he didn't appear on the Lisa Ling doc. Perhaps he was interviwed by Lisa but later edited out. Or maybe these people are so indoctrinated(brain washed) by their faith that they sound the same and talk the same and use the same catch phrases (cult speak).

      I also wondered why the same families are being used again and again in documentaries made by different networks. Is it possible that the leaders in this community have hand picked and groomed these families for public relation purposes.

    9. Wife 3 is the blond with the glasses. She said left because she and wife 2 (the one of Happy Birthday get back to work)could not get along. I believe she said she felt that wife 2 was emotionally abusing her and that when she went to Mike about it he would always side with wife 2. When they interviewed wife 1 about it she basically said the same thing that Mike would always be on wife 2's side and that she and wife 2 did not get along either but she was staying because it was God's plan. The bread incident was an example wife 3 gave of things that would set wife 2 off. She was living with her parents during the Lisa Ling show and it seemed to me Mike came around more to visit the kids and check on her (She was pregnant) and she wanted the kids in his life and with their siblings but she was fed up with Mike and wife 2.

      Someone else mentioned that they thought wives 2 and 3 were on food stamps. I would guess they all are. On the other show everyone agreed that Mike always deferred to wife 2 but he sent her back to work even after wife 1 said she wouldn't mind working. My guess is that wives 2 and 3 get the single mom food stamps and even though they are married Mike and wife 1 get them as they have 8 kids living on a school teacher's salary. If wife 1 went to work or Mike picked up an extra job the foods stamps for them would go away.

    10. That is a good point, That's MY Wetbar. It makes sense about the food stamps and why he would want to send Wife #2 back to work instead of Wife #1.

  17. I am much more intrigued with polygamy USA than Sister Wives. Although I cant imagine that lifestyle, the CP polygs seem to believe in something whereas Kody and crew rarely talked about their beliefs. Typically only when Kody was justifying his desire for multiple wives.

    I've read through many of the posts on this site and have to agree with those about the Cawley family. I try to not judge others but....the Cawley family is bizarre! He looks medicated or something, it's probably the or something. Poor Rose seems to think they are normal. I definitely don't want to be the wife that needs to tell Papa Cawley that we're out of apple sauce! And here's a thought. ...why not stop having babies if you can't feed them? Just a crazy thought! God gives us free will and I think He understands enough is enough when it comes to procreation.

    I like uncle Arthur. Yes he's probably married to some young chics but he has a work ethic, a lot of common sense and seems to still accept his kids that don't want to live the lifestyle. Hopefully those missionaries will gain some skills from their volunteer work. And why do they need to be paid? They live at home. Sorry but I think every young man should spend time thinking of someone other than themselves.

    You don't see Kody's kids out contributing to their community. They all seem pretty lazy.

    I loved Arthurs comment on living on love, as well as the strawberry to emphasize his point. I don't see Arthur living above his means or buying a house for every wife. Not my lifestyle but if I wanted to see how it was meant to work I'd take notes from Arthur before Kody. Kody is a joke.

    Not sure what I think about the Thomson family or whatever their real name is. Seems tense and odd that daddy is gone so much. I guess the positive to this is there is minimal opportunity for jealousy and pregnancy if daddy ain't home.

    1. I agree with you. While I do not in any way believe this is a healthy lifestyle I must say I have more respect for these people then Kody and crew. They seem to genuinely believe that this lifestyle is God's will. The only Brown I can say that about is Christine. I also don't have a problem with the missionary program as it has been presented. It does seem to teach the men a work ethic and I don't see it as too different then many college age men who paint houses or do construction over the summer. I would assume they do more then trash duty and may be learning some marketable skills. The exception to this seems to be Ezra. He reminds me of a Kody junior.

      There are many more questions I would like answered though like where are all the other men (we know there aren't enough women to go around). What is the emphasis on higher education? It would seem none by the show but with all of the extremely wealthy people in that area there must be some who value it. Why is no one seemingly concerned about the obvious inbreeding? How does one jump to the conclusion that a woman that has one man committed to her and her committed only to him mean that she will inevitably end up a harlot in the street? How do you pressure a young 18 year old girl to become inspired to marry a 70 year old man with 15 other wives?

    2. Why do they need to get paid? Because college or a real job that pays would also and perhaps better train them to be out in the world. They are doing it to be allowed a chance to marry. This is the problem.

      They should do it cause they live at home? They aren't doing things for their parents. They are doing things for the community.

    3. Using the young men as free labor would serve to make the older men look better to the women. The young men don't get a chance to earn money or accumulate assets ( like a home), or show that they have ambition and responsibility that a woman might like to see in the future father of her children. In fact by forcing the the guys into unpaid labor living off of their parents, they are keeping them mere boys rather than letting them grow up. I would think that might encourage women to look at older already men as husband material.

    4. The young men can leave or not be a missionary like Ezra. The young men don't look miserable. And once they become husbands they'll get to reap the benefits of the missionary program, ie a clean community and a school for their kids. It's not like Arthur has them cleaning his house. Too many people feel entitled to a nice easy life and the missionaries will have a better view of working hard and having internal satisfaction. Again if they don't appear to be forced.

      It is not what I would ever choose but it's important to keep an open mind. I feel sorry for the wives and the kids but from what we've seen people there have faith and hope and love.

      I would also like to know more about that their view on education, especially for the young girls.

      I have no doubt there are bad seeds that use this belief for child abuse and sexual deviance. I just don't see it in Arthur.

    5. I just wonder why we don't see any of Art Hammon's boys outside of Ezra. They only show the girls. I want to know what happens to all the boys who don't become missionaries. I wonder if being a missionary is only for the sons of the entitled few brethern of Centennial Park. I want to know what happens when a large poor family can't make ends meet.

    6. I think Ezra is the only son of the middle wife. The first wife is nearly 20 years older than the middle wife, so those kids are probably grown up already. I suspect the third wife is a bit younger and her children probably aren't near Ezra's age and aren't ready to be missionaries or have storylines.

    7. I don't think Kody's kids are lazy. Several hold jobs, Madison is class president, Logan is in college, Mykelti is doing some kind of dual credit program, Hunter is an athlete. The are pretty normal and down-to-earth, and considering who raised them, they are pretty fantastic. People can contribute to society by becoming responsible adults and so far they are on track to doing so.

    8. Are the boys that don't join the missionary program approved to get wives? What happens with them? Do they have to go outside the community to find wives? (Like Ezra, although I think he is WAY to young and immature to get married). Are they still accepted by the community if they don't become missionaries? I think there is an element of coersion to the missionary program.

    9. I also think those boys in the missionary program are coerced to do work so Centennial Park doesn't have to pay for outsiders to do. They basically are promised a virgin at the end of their missionary program, but what kind of work skills do those boys really have? Hyrum was still late, had to be told what to do and refused to follow the rule of being clean shaven. I cant see any boy over the age of 18 being allowed to stay in Centennial Park and compete for the few 18 year old girls still available unless he's in the missionary program. Isn't it funny how they never mentioned what kind of drop out rate the missionaries had or how many aren't accepted into the program?

    10. I found an interesting masters thesis done by a student at SUU about CP on the web. He spent 6 months interviewing folks in CP. Sounded like Uncle Arthur and the Cawleys were some of the interviewees. The fellow that sounded like Uncle Arthur had children ranging from age 45 to age 2. He was married for 20 years to just one woman, who had 12 children and then the 2nd wife arrived to produce 8 more. The thesis gives a more involved look at life and religious reasoning in CP than the reality show but I do like seeing the folks interact--even if it is quite scripted.

  18. So many good posts here. Ya'll took the words right outa my mouth.

    Who woulda figured old Arthur would come out as the the most liked, star of the show.

  19. Such a cute post! Many have answered, but it made me think and got going on this dull show!

  20. They seem to be living their life more honestly to their religion than the Browns. But you still have to look at the underlying mess of a "religion" they are believing in. They make up rules as they go. Now the girls have revelations? Come on! What a joke.
    They bully their children into the life to be the workhorses.
    It's still very scary what else is behind it all.

  21. Also on Michael Cawley…..The times we have seen him reading to the children are icky as well. When Fiona was preparing for her baptism he asked her if she knows what being chaste is. And then that sqwicky reading where he says unmarried women’s future generation of daughters will be harlots in the streets. Does he intentionally just pick out the creepiest passages to freak his daughters (and wives) out? Send them to bed thinking that if they don’t hear the whisper of the man they are to marry that their future daughters granddaughters will be harlots? Comforting. And yet they say these women have a choice?
    Michael does not seem like he is ever smiling or happy…his wives and children are afraid of him. Arthur’s wives seem to smile and Arthur does have a sense of humor. At this point, if IHAD to choose a husband from these sad group of CP men, I would seriously choose Arthur. The others are just so unhappy and uptight.

    1. Arthur also seems to value the opinions of his wives. There seems to be a mutual respect in the Hammon house versus fear and sadness like the Cawley household.

  22. Micheal is the Applesauce Tyrant. I just had to add that. Carry on with your snark. ;D

    1. Hahahaaa! I feel bad for his first wife, though.

  23. Arthur Cawley is the leader of the Park. He is the father of Michael.

    1. What happened to John W Timpson and in which mansion does Arthur Cawley live?

    2. I am under the impression that Claude Cawley is the father of Michael, and the stepson of John Timpson, and in the Priesthood, but never heard he was the "head" of the group.

  24. I would like to see a family tree showing the grand parents, parents, kids, their kids, etc. You're right we are missing a lot by not knowing about the other sons. Or Hyrums dad.

    It would also be helpful to know the criteria for being on a mission.

    Did anyone else think it was weird that Hyrum didn't know anything about jis future wife while she said his named had been coming to her for a few years?

    Sorta seriously and sorta being not so nice....but maybe the only way some of those homely girls have a chance at marriage is that they get to pick? Do you think Hyrum would have picked the girl who wasn't on his radar??

    1. You're right we are missing a lot by not knowing about the other sons. Or Hyrums dad.

      Hyrum's grandfather co-founded Centennial Park with Uncle Art's father. (see question #1 of the quiz). After his grandfather's death, Hyrum's father took over as the "leader" of Centennial Park.

      Do you think Hyrum would have picked the girl who wasn't on his radar??

      No I sure don't. He even mentioned how there were certain girls he had his eyes on most likely hoping they would offer up his name to the brethren. But I think what they want outsiders to believe is that their way works better for them. And it does, maybe. If you don't "love" your partner, a woman probably won't be "too jealous" when the new wives join the family. It's like the royal families of Europe centuries ago who would marry off their daughters for political alignments and peace treaties. Only this is the 21st century, not the 11th century in a very small town of less than 2000 people. It's a genetic nightmare in the making.

      Not to be too gross, but I think Hyrum's just glad to be able to release his inner tensions, so to speak. I don't think he's mature enough to start a family (even at 22) but I'm sure his family connections will see him through the inevitable rough times ahead.

      It's too bad they don't have a rumspringa like the Amish.

    2. Totally agree that Hyrum has some inner tensions that he certainly is ready to release! Also agree that Hyrum doesn't seem mature enough to manage a wife. Probably not a bad thing they made him serve as a missionary for 4 yrs. Maybe not main stream but not completely a bad practice.

      Genetic make up has to be a concern! I really don't want to make judgements but facts are there only seems to be a handful of last names in CP.

      Speaking of Hyrums parents it seemed that his Mom was very respected and was allowed to advocate for her beliefs. Didn't seem she was expected to just sit home and be dutiful.

      Do we know how many kids Arthur has? I saw where someone speculated he may have more to 3 wives. Is that a strong possibility?

    3. CJ, both founders are a grandfather to Hyrum...

      That was not presented on the series and the last name for Hyrum was not his real name. However, it can be easily "figured out".

  25. I was confused by Marlene "Thomson" - I thought she said that she did not grow up in the community - did she grow up on a polygamist family? I know Becca did - sounded like she came from CP. And it looks like Tiffany is from St. George - I found her FB page. given that most people in St. George are LDS, do u think she is Mormon? She did say that she grew up without religion but that seems hard to do in St. George. She just doesn't seem ready to embrace plural marriage.

    1. Anon 9:49, Marlene is from a polygamous family, she just wasn't raised in CP. I thought it was Tiffany who said she wasn't raised with religion?

  26. I can see myself 30 years ago falling for a good looking guy and telling him I'd be willing to follow his lifestyle. While in my mind just knowing I could change him. I get this feeling that is what tiffany is thinking. She seems to have a pure heart as Arthur said but I see huge issues in a few years when Ezra decides to find another wife. I've also wondered how he escaped being the husband choice of some young girl. Did someone pick him but he declined? Lots of questions.

    I saw a pic on nat geo website that showed Arthurs girls. There were a couple that were very pretty. And they didn't all look alike. His older daughter is very pretty. My point is that Arthur makes good looking kids. Not sure why that surprises me but it does.

    I watched part of the Lisa Ling interview and the "thomson" gals were definitely very attached. I wonder if some of that was a result of the hormones from being pregnant.

    I'm not sure what I think of the food stamp comments regarding the Cawleys. If they are then that angers me. I strongly doubt that God wants them to have babies they can't feed! I just don't know how much of that is assumption versus reality.

    1. Don't you just want to scream at Tiffany to run? I know I do, I wish her parents would tell her not to marry him there is nothing but future heartbreak in it for her.

    2. He is only 18. Men get to marry after they serve the community. More like 21 or 22 years old.

    3. The Cawley family does not use food stamps or government assistance at all. Most of CP are very adamant about NOT using it, unlike the flds down the road.

  27. One more comment...Polygamy USA and other documentaries intrigue me and peaks my interest into the religion and lifestyle. Sister Wives is only comic relief. I don't take anything away from that show that would give me insight into the world of polygamy. I would imagine the Brethren of CP are willing to expose their community to the world to show they aren't all immature men that live in la la land like Sweet Kody Brown. Doesn't that name sound like a pimp?

    1. ccook17, I love the pimp reference! I keep seeing a Jeff Dunham dummy with beady eyes and died yellow mop strings for hair. And it's killing me I'm laughing so hard. My husband is giving me the strangest look right now, and it's all your fault. :)

    2. That would be a good act for Jeff Dunham. Maybe you should suggest that to him. I've already made up some conversations in my head. Too bad he doesn't have enough hands to have puppets for Brown babes too.

      I can see the puppets hair, light on the top and stringy all around!

  28. I am so sad, I keep missing this show because I forget when it is on! I haven't seen the last 2 episodes but I am dying to see this applesauce exchange.

    Anyway, I am more intrigued with this show than Sisterwives right now. Which is probably a good thing because from the looks of it Polygamy USA will get another season before Sisterwives does!

    1. I am going to be sad when the season is over. With Sister Wives I was always relieved when it was over and ticked at myself for wasting an hour a week on such a low budget soap opera with bad actors.

      On the SW topic I do have a lot of respect for Janelle. No way i would have been able to support Meri having a huge house. Should be about need and not just want when it came to the houses. Any time you have kids there is always something to spend your money on. I rtried to understand Meri but no matter how I looked at it she just seemed immature and spoiled.

  29. Did anyone notice if the Thompsons were wearing seat belts when they were driving to the bowling alley? I re-watched it and I can see Isaiah wearing one but Becca is definitely not and when they showed a shot of the backseat it looked like the little boy was wearing one but shouldn't he be in a car seat or at least booster seat? I couldn't tell if the little girl sitting next to him was wearing one or not but it appeared not. I sure hope she was and that I just missed it! I couldn't tell if Marleen was wearing one either but it didn't look like it to me. I sure hope they buckle up those babies!

  30. Cute! Enjoyed this post!

  31. Is there anywhere to watch this show online?

    1. I've watched it on On Demand because I keep missing it.

  32. OK, here are the answers to the quiz...

    1. Alma Timpson and J. Marion Hammon
    2. Timpson, Hammon, Cawley, Barlow (to name a few)
    3. Hammon and Cawley (the rest of the cast are using fake last names)
    4. Arizona
    5. St. George UT (hey, isn't that where Robyn is from?)
    6. c
    7. J. Marion Hammon
    8. Michael and Teresa Cawley are teachers.
    9. b
    10. F (actual name is Masada Charter School)
    11. T (Gloria is 43, hubby Uncle Art is 64)
    12. F (it's two WEEKS)
    13. F (Kody Brown's Love is to be Multiplied and Not Divided doesn't apply in CP)
    14. future site of their temple
    15. 3 yrs, 3 1/2 yrs or 3 yrs 8 mos are acceptable.

    Give yourself 1 point for each correct answer. For example, in question #2, if you answered with 3 of the 4 names, give yourself 3 points.

    So who gets to kiss old Uncle Art?

  33. I feel kinda icky saying this but I like Ezra. Even though he could be my son. I was kinda hoping since he was a little rebellious that he would decide that he wouldn't practice the principle. I agree with whoever said that Tiffany thinks she cam change his mind. She is gonna have a long road ahead of her.

  34. I just cannot figure out the financial situation. How are Ezra and Hyrum going to support wives? It doesn't appear that either one of them have a job, though they do like electronic devices and large trucks. I take it both of them still live with their families. Are they just going to bring the new wives into the family home?

    1. It's possible that many of the men are employed by the elite wealthy members of Centennial Park. The Timpsons own businesses, Arthur Hammon has stated on the show he has a contracting business, others like the Darger's father in law have extensive real estate holdings and are extremely wealthy. Polygamy USA does not even show the MANSIONS that exist or the affluence. The audience only sees Art Hammon's mess of a house. There's a lot more to the polygamist living in Centennial Park than the viewing public are shown. Those men in the council of brethren want to remain hidden for a reason, if the public knew their mortgage company was owned by a polygamist, his business might suffer. And they are the force behind decriminalization.

      Their religion teaches them they are superior to the rest of the world. If you watch carefully, you can see this attitude when Teresa Cawley speaks. And don't cry for Hyrum, how many houses have a vaulted ceiling exercise room? I don't think his father will let him or his eventual wives starve.

    2. Sounds like you know.. tell us more!

    3. Wine in the WetbarJune 3, 2013 at 1:49 PM

      I agree, pretty please?!

  35. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this over here. I was reading at and someone mentioned that Colorado City is a mile from Centennial Park. I googled it, and wow, they are right next to each other on the map.

  36. Slightly off topic, Ruby Jessop will be on the Katie show this afternoon on ABC

  37. I just finished watching tthid weeks show and I have to say the more I listen to Arthur the more I really like him! He seems like a very wise man, respectful husband and a loving father. He doesn't seem much different than other 64 yr old men. I wouldn't mind at all having him for a dad! I loved his last line regarding Ezra, "all I can do is pray".

    Michael Cawley still seems a bit bizarre and I still stand by the point if you can't afford more kids then don't have them. I feel that way in general, not specific to polygamy. I can't imagine setting up shipping creights as bedrooms and will be anxious to see how they spruce them up! I was proud of Rose for standing up to him initially. And even later when she said she thought this was a great idea I got a feeling she still thought it was ridiculous! I seriously hope he doesn't think it's still a good idea to have 7 wives and approximately 50 kids. Ridiculous!

    Hyrum is a typical 22 yr old in many ways but I love the fact that he feels responsibility for his wife and eventual family. Being an independent woman I certainly don't feel women should sit home but it's very nice to hear a husband feels responsible to take care of his family. His wife seems nervous and immature and not quite mature enough to be a wife. I guess they can grow up together. And they seem very committed

    Ezra is trying to work and make his way. Thats a heck of a lot more than most young men today who feel entitled and don't want to issues and frustrations.

    I really enjoy this show. I wish Arthur would get his own show. Not my way of life but I have more respect for the religion after watching this show. Sister wives did not provide any insight to anything other than a narcissistic man and 4 women who have low self esteem that cater to him.

  38. Arthur is totally awesome. (Anyone else wonder if he and Monson are related? The look lioke brothers) My 1 wife and I think the two wives who's husband travels alot are going to butt heads soon. I just don't see the friendship they claim. The blond want's the brunett gone. I like the show alot. Ezra creeped me out with that tree thing. Kinda weird.
