Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sister Wife Get the Hell out it's my night...

Here's a couple of Videos that are a little different!

This tune is catchy!

This is a video from Funny or Die....

Project Reality: Sister Sister Wives (Pilot #1) - watch more funny videos

Twisted Sister took me up on my dare to make a Fashion Police Video... Isn't her picture of the set great!!!! Thanks Twisted Sister! Here you go! Enjoy!

BE SURE and drop by Twisted Sister Cafe Press and order you goodie today! Hurry before it closes!

          Open Discussion Area!


  1. To see some of TW's cafe press items, go to her closet, or check out these posts:

  2. Love the "funny or die" video. It just highlights the ridiculousness of polygamy and all those bottled up hostilities. And the "fashion police" video is a hoot! Well done!

  3. Hey there sister wife get the hell out it's my night... going to be in my head all day, kinda catchy! The spoof-I was surprised at how many little things they put in there that were so funny... like "ootah", and the first wife's place being bigger.
    twisted sister, that was funny! I love the picture, but just that you could put that together is more than I could do!

    1. I know, it is catchy! I'll be singing it over and over...
      The spoof was ok. I know the blog always posts any that come out, it somewhat shows the temperature of the show by their being so few jokes or comedy skits made about it. Would love to see SNL or Jimmy Fallon do one.
      Twisted Sister, that was cute! You should make more videos as times goes on....adding what the sister wives are "thinking" VS what they are saying.

    2. The Details you put into the FP picture are really interesting! It's like Finding Waldo looking for SW!

    3. Omg I love the Jojo song! I am actually from a town next to Foxboro, MA which is where Jojo is from. She was always popular around town and I met her once when she came into the restaurant I waitressed at for a while. My sister wife and I danced around the house singing this earlier while pretending to be mad at each other. It is super catchy! I can't believe I never searched for anything like this on YouTube before haha. Thanks for posting! totally made my day

  4. and they have big babies! and oh first wife got mad when she heard #2 was having a baby! I'm surprised there haven't been more spoofs made.

    1. Saturday Night Live should do some spoofs.

    2. Too few viewers know about Kody and Krew. Spoof would flop

  5. Twisted Sister, you certainly add flair to the blog.

  6. The 5th wife is Kody's hair (or lack thereof)! ;)

  7. Here is the correct link to the CafePress stuff:

    Our CafePress is set up as a fundraiser to support a great cause, Americans Against the Abuses of Polygamy. 100% of the proceeds are donated to this cause. Let's raise some money and have some fun while doing so. I'm having a blast with this!

  8. I can see Meri in my head singing the song! Sitting in her bubble bath, wiping off her wet bar, picking out her negligee. She probably knows it. And Christine too.

    1. I can see them all singing the song, with the exception of Janelle. Other than being with her kids, has deluded herself into thinking she doesn't need his Kompany. Wouldn't you think she has been self medicating?

  9. Off Topic - so other reality shows can take a 6 mo. break, such as The Real Housewives, however, they are replaced with another. Super smart on Bravo's part. But this show just drags on and on. 6 months for what, 6 shows? maybe 2 fillers. And aren't those secrets revealed a joke? It was already announced that the show would return, then Robyn couldn't say?
    BTW, I did enjoy this post!!

    1. Maybe they could do some "blooper" fill ins.

    2. A vacation or holiday special, a special about celebrating birthdays, a special about the older teens getting driver's licenses and coming of age, applying to college in a family with finite resources, and yet too much income to qualify for financial aid (lol) you're welcome f8

    3. How about a "Big Brother" type of show where we just get to watch all the time!

    4. lol @formerAddict, I'm not too sure I'd want to see that hahaha (who am i kidding) ;)

      They should give the kids cameras and let them shoot from their point of view, would probably be pretty telling.

  10. This was just the comedy relief needed after the JA trial drama. Loved the fashion police! TSW, I saved my soda for after this time. Not gonna get me twice! ;P

  11. I agree, welcome relief from the Arias trial.
    Especially since Willmott, with the adolescent "okay" chirping, annoying voice, is now up just droning on and on.
    After Juan Martinez's cross, looking forward to the jury's questions of Ms. LaViolette.
    The jury had *no* questions after the defense's direct examination of her, but once the prosecution was up, the jury's questions submissions began.
    Just like when Martinez was done with the shrink, Samuels...same thing. He has them thinking.

    Fashion Police was *really* good.

  12. Latest Tweets from Meri:
    Meri Brown ‏@MeriBrown1 6h - Every prayer you pray gets answered, even though sometimes the answer is "No". -Brad Paisley
    Does she need a song to tell her that? Jeezers!

    Elisa Furr Elisa Furr ‏@elisafurr 9 Apr - u are Beautiful souls and I just felt like u needed to know that 2day! @realkodybrown @MeriBrown1 @LuvgvsUwngs @rosecolored6 @MaddieR_Brown
    Looks like oh Elisa hasn't gone anywhere. Hmmmm.

  13. Kody's the "polydactyl"!!

  14. Cute! Kody's tweets are so stupid lately. Christine has dropped the ball and quit tweeting.

    1. lol ... in all fairness, i see very few "smart" tweets from anybody really.

    2. TLC/F8 must only push them to tweet around the time the show is going to air, perhaps some more tweeting would keep them in the public eye a little more.

      Even the Duggars manage to stay in the media more than these people, although it usually involves the announcement of another child coming, they're still getting attention.

  15. OOOOOTTTAAAAHHHH" There's many one liners from that gal.
    Too bad they didn't have the girls where they resembled each of the sister wives personalities.
    Song is good- But Tw's project was my favorite.

  16. those videos are hilarious!! love it.

  17. This was great!!! Very creative :)

    No Name

  18. omg! on the fashion police video, i literally lol'd on Kodylock's frozen shot of the Dumb and Dumber smile! Priceless.

  19. I loved them all, but TW, your's wins first prize. I hope you continue doing Fashion Police updates for the SW crew.
    Love quirky fun.

  20. OFF Topic -
    Lindsey Lohan
    Wasn't that pathetic on Letterman? What should society do to help that girl instead of letting her get worse and worse?

    1. I didn't watch it, but my opinion is that LL is no longer a "girl" - she's an adult, and needs to take responsibility for her own actions; if she needs to seek assistance, she has to take the initiative to do so. No one else can do it for her anymore. IMO

    2. I agree DJ. She, Brittany Spears, Miley Cyrus, so many of them had so much success at a young age and parents that really didn't help them make the smartest choices.

      With a child being a star at such a young age, more falls to the parents to help keep their values and morals where they should be. Unfortunately LL's mother was more into fame for herself and her kids than about making sure her daughter had a good role model. Now that her daughter is an adult, she doesn't feel she needs anyone else's influence in her life. It's a shame, but at this point they all need to make their mistakes and try to learn from them.

    3. Star at a young age that parents live off of, parents idiots, justice system tapping her too lightly all along, total recipe for disaster. I feel for those young stars shoved into the limelight and drugged. I hope she gets the help she needs. i don't see her as a spoiled starlet, but rather a child caught in an adult body with no coping tools.

    4. Now TMZ is tempting her with where the closest liquer store is next to Rehab, and daddy is saying how rehab won't work. i'm afraid we will see this girl dead.

    5. Isn't it kind of sad that we are talking about a female that had every chance in the world and made all the wrong choices and then there are so many females that are born into a life without any choices? It is a sad life for those that don't have any say so. People like LL will get nothing but pity from me.

    6. i think daddy is basing his statement on her past rehab experiences that haven't worked. she doesn't seem to have changed her mindset about it all either, so he's probably being very realistic and no longer hopeful.

    7. mock tomato sammichApril 13, 2013 at 4:29 PM

      I agree with Dakota Justice. She is an adult, and society can not do anything for her, she has to do it with her own motivation. Often times addicts have to be at the bottom and about to lose everything they hold dear in life. I don't think she's lost enough yet to make the changes needed to be successful in a sober lifestyle.

  21. Mister Sister and Cynocal Jinx,

    Subject: Jodi Arias tweets from jail.

    Here is a link to a site that has a list of Arias's far.
    I leave it up to you both about the appropriateness of this link on the blog. Having sent a link recently which was posted about the trial and then seeing it removed, I do not want to cross any boundaries.

    If it is not appropriate, I understand....but I did think you would be interested in it privately anyway since you too seem to be vested in this trial as I am.
    It is amazing to think that this murderer is afforded access to a computer to manipulate the public, which she does so well; and also to hawk her "art" for profit. Arrogance and narcissism seem to still be her strong suits.

    1. What do you think of all this Cynical Jinx?

    2. What do you think of all this Cynical Jinx

      From what I've heard so far on HLN, Arias does not have direct access to twitter: she has a "friend" who tweets for her. If someone at the county jail has slipped up and allowed her access to a computer (which I doubt) I have a feeling Sheriff Joe would make sure THAT was nipped in the bud right quick.

      Now, I also heard she is selling her artwork (or someone is selling her artwork for her) on ebay. A topic of discussion on HLN was whether Travis Alexander's family could sue Jodi Arias in civil court (like what happened in the OJ Simpson case). They argued that since Arias has already said she killed him, it would be almost a slam dunk for a guilty verdict (lower burden of proof) and they could put a claim on any future monetary gains (including book, her artwork, her manifesto, etc). I don't think that was something Arias thought about, I have a feeling she's writing her manifesto while in court each day and at night at the jail. If she had access to a computer she would not need to steal pens and hide them in her cell (which she has been reprimanded for several times).

    3. Boy you right on that, she's not thinking!

    4. Thx for the clarification about Jodi having a computer. However this friend has said that she and Arias talk every night (phone?) and they discuss what tweets, if any, should be sent out. One way or another she is having regular, daily contact with the outside.

      Apparently, according to one of her tweets, Ebay has now banned her stuff on their site. Her tweet response to that news was that now her art will bring even more money since it will be harder to find and buy. Sooo self assured, isn't she!
      Just like her statement to 48 Hours that "no jury will ever convict me." Of course that was when she was still doing the "Ninjas killed Travis" story.

    5. I just heard she's allowed 16 hours of telephone usage a week. No incoming calls, she has to initiate and make a collect outgoing call. One of the commentators on HLN just mentioned that all phone calls are monitored so the sheriff's dept had to know about the phone calls and their content plus this woman friend also visits her.

      Nobody talks bad about Sheriff Joe's jail, so expect a public announcement from his office at any time.

      She certainly seems to be loving the title of most hated woman in America...A MANIFESTO??? Pullleeeeeeeze!!!!

    6. Right now HLN (on Nancy Grace's show) is interviewing Donavan Bering, the person who tweets for Arias and goes to trial everyday...

      My BS meter is going crazy over this person. I am speechless...the friend just said Arias wasn't intentionally flipping the bird, she was only pushing her glasses up and the tweet about Nancy Grace was made after the fact ???? Ah, folks, since when do people wear their glasses near their chin?

    7. My My Keep us posted on what all happens!!! Unforgettably, my cable doesn't get her - I'd love to be watching that!!!!!!!

    8. Darn it, I don't get her cable show. Keep us updated, this should be good!

    9. Whaaaat!!!??
      Damn...missed the Grace show so will DVR it for the repeat showing later tonite. Unreal !! This crap with Arias just gets more and more unbelievable.

      Today's proceedings with LaViolette and Willmott went down as if Travis Alexander *is the one on trial* for making Jodi Arias brutally slaughter him.
      So sick of seeing Arias sitting there day after day, doodling/writing like a kid in daycare at the play table, while "her killing of this man" is pushed aside in preference to talk about poor, abused and low-self-esteem Jodi. Low self-esteem my ass, not when you tell people (after the murder) that you have an IQ higher than Einstein.

      Yeah, about those glasses....nope, don't wear mine low near my chin...and I still think they are just plain, clear lenses worn for effect. There is not one picture of her before the arrest where she wore glasses.

      Hate the fact that chirpy Willmott will get to redress the questions with LaViolette *again* after the questions are done. Between LaViolette's long-winded answers and constantly waving hands and arms with each sentence and Willmotts relentless baby voice...ughhh!!

      Just want Martinez to get on with the rebuttal phase!!!
      And hope you are right about Sheriff Joe taking care of things !!!

    10. Well this didn't take long...and doesn't really surprise me, either.

      Arias seriously needs to get some new friends...

      Arson suspects named in Sun City West blaze

    11. Geezzzzzz !!!
      Doubtful even Hollywood could assemble a more bizarre cast of characters.

    12. mock tomato sammichApril 13, 2013 at 4:40 PM

      "She certainly seems to be loving the title of most hated woman in America...A MANIFESTO??? Pullleeeeeeeze!!!!"
      I think she will have to settle for 1st runner up on that title. I think Casey Anthony still reigns as the most hated women in America

  22. Meri's been tweeting too- seems she's been to her books today:
    Meri Brown ‏@MeriBrown1 6h
    Forgiving a specific act, & being a forgiving person are 2 different things, but equally important in building or repairing a relationship.
    WOW! She is so insightful! Once she bullies, then everyone needs to forgive her!

    The next one is the real kicker - I thought THEY were designing their jewelry?????

    Gina Wilson ‏
    Working on so many exciting new designs and products with the Brown family! Stay tuned for some beautiful new pieces:

    So now they've hired someone?

    1. I think they've always worked with a jeweler. Remember the episode where they went to some jeweler in LV with Robyn's squiggles?

    2. I think it's more like "once Meri finds she can't bully you anymore, she's trying to forgive you for telling her to go suck eggs." she can't possibly ever TRULY think she's done anything wrong. Her apology is the type that would always have a big "BUT ..." attached at the end.

    3. their jeweler probably has quit them cause it's not worth his time to make time for their piddling orders that trickle in. but now Kody is their new jewelry designer?? or is he designing fabulous gay wear for his own closet?? anyway, wonder what his doodles look like compared to robyn's awesome ones?

  23. Funny, I was over there looking and found a few myself:
    Janelle Brown ‏@JanelleBrown117 21h
    Getting ready for Def Leppard!
    Man, these guys are always on the run..... no wait! Where's Kody?
    Robyn Sullivan Brown 10 Apr
    Some exciting new things coming to My Sisterwife's Closet! Kody has been designing! Keep an eye on !
    OH! He's working on jewelry! Wait, I thought Gina Wilson was? Scratching head.....
    Then I ran into this:
    ****** 3h
    Just saw the dad from sister wives #disneyland #mindblown
    He's at Disyneyland again? Oh my...

    1. Okay, I've got this figured out!

      Kody is actually the "cast member" inside the Mickey Mouse costume. It's not THAT far from LV to Anaheim, and it keeps him in "show business."

    2. And why he can run so fast from house to house, and keeps those running shoes handy!

    3. I think Robyn might be at Disney because its one of the girls birthday......saw a tweet from Meri hoping the girls were having fun. Then saw Robyn Tweeted a pic of her and girls standing in what looked like a line for a ride.

    4. glad they're not "celebs" and have to wait in line like the rest of the pauper world. :)

    5. Kody is a wee willy winkie running from house to house looking for some nookie. I just watched the honeymoon with Robyn show...he says...I have four wives...nothing scares me but poverty. Then he should have said....been there, done that. Even if he had been on the birth certificates, they probably still would have received food stamps because he didn't have any money either. The move and the show are all about money. They were as poor as church mice.

  24. What I found most amusing about the Funny or Die clip was that 'Al' is more of a MAN than the Kodester.

    1. Al kept those ladies in line, didn't "he"? Kody has no power as an authority figure. the only way he knows how to punish is by taking away nights.

  25. All three videos above were cute. However, the work Twisted Sister put in, kudo's to you girl! LOVED seeing OUR BLOG under the STARS.

    I hopped over to TLC to the Sister Wives website today. It hasn't been updated in YEARS. My gosh. Bravo is always updating theirs. Is it always this way, or do they not care about this show?

  26. hahahahah Love it when al starts to stick his hands down his pants and catches the camera with his eye

  27. I just thought of something last night as I was watching Sister Wives. It would be awesome if Janelle would get on The biggest loser and lost her weight. Then she would get on Celebrity Apprentice. Where she wins. Kody is so mad about her getting all the attention that he goes on there to and steals Donald Trump's toupee. And goes to jail. He gets fired from TLC and the only job he can get is on The Real Housewives of Atlanta as the guardian of Kim's wigs.

  28. Christine goes on 'What Not to Wear' and gets a new wardrobe and makeover; and feeling better about herself, goes on to star as the next Bachelorette. Unable to decide between the final 4 bachelors, she pleads to Chris Harrison to choose for her, resulting in the newest TLC reality show, "Brother Man-Wives", with Mr. Harrison himself casting himself as Husband #5.

    Robyn accidently tweets a secret SOS message to Patti, the celebrity matchmaker, who ultimately decides to fix her up with Tom Cruise. They fall in love, and decide to create their own religion...a sort of Polygamist/Scientology hybrid, but without the weirdness and extra wives. They devote the rest of their lives jumping and crying on couches.

    1. awesome, I love it. We can't forget Meri. She gets her own show on how to keep your sister wives in line.

    2. I say BRING ON a new wife ;) Robyn's reaction would be priceless.

    3. Twisted Sisterwife you rock!

  29. Just re-watching some of the older episodes and still to this day this makes me laugh: "I couldn't imagine actually having a husband around all the time. It would be kinda weird." --Robyn

    You mean like that monogamist, (allegedly) abusive husband you divorced? Like that one, Robyn? Hmmmm, yeah I can't imagine either...

    1. so phony. she also came in right off the bat as the resident expert on plyg marriage. also lying about her mom and dad's lifelong honeymoon marriage when her own parents were not only divorced but it finally came out her mom was even divorced from her stepdad!! she's so full of b.s.

      and Robyn - was your monog husband around ALL the time or was most of his time spent earning a living like the rest of our monog hubbies are doing? duh! after 40 years of BORING (as your group likes to refer to monog relationships) marriage to the SAME great guy - i'm THRILLED to have him around still! that's longtime true committed love for ya that you still sadly don't have a clue about.

  30. Robyn has her own blog now... . What do y'all think??

    1. ^ Entirely made up, and quite lazily too. Robyn saw Jenelle writing her little blog, maybe she even got a kudos or two from Kody, and Robyn furrowed her little brow and thought, well gosh I'm going to write one too! Then she thought, well darn- my thoughts and interests aren't exactly deep or varied... what to write about. Oh I know! Polygamy! Wait... that's what we talk about all day long on the show... oh, brilliant, I'll pretend I met someone who was mean to me about it and it will make my writing about the only thing I ever talk about so much more profound!

      Her reasoning is so shallow- I'd be ashamed if I had written that about something I cared deeply about. Basically it boiled down to:

      Reason 1: It's my religion okay. Don't question that too deeply, I know I sure as heck don't. But it's my religion, it's what I'm required to do.

      Reason 2: Sure everyone has family that they can depend on but with polygamy you get an entire new set of people who are contractually obligated to care for your kids and be your friend. No more paying babysitters or trying to form meaningful relationships, no siree.

      Reason 3: Dating is hard. Monogamous people have to like "try" and find someone they click with and then hope that they stick around for the long haul. But with polygamy all you have to do is look around the church and identify the guy with the most wives and children, surely he's doing something right. Then you just point and say, I want that one and they come a runnin. They've already got three wives- surely they can handle more. You're another straw on the camels back, pretty neat right?

    2. You can take a girl out of the trailerpark, but how do you take trailerpark out of the girl?

    3. Well, personally, I think that Janelle has a ghostwriter for her blog. and BTW what beautician would start preaching to a client, particularly one who is (relatively speaking) high profile and risk losing a customer? I call BS on this one.

    4. What used to be Janelle's blog is now the "Sister Wives Blog". I hope we get some more gem's like Robyn's post from Meri and Christine!I can only imagine what they will write about...

    5. i've always said here that Janelle's blog was not her really writing it. it was always so general in philosophy and weight loss/exercise details that in no way did i ever think it was her. every personal weight loss blog i've ever read ALWAYS included specific details that hers consistently left out.

    6. janelle's blog, robyn's blog, sisterwive's blog - whatever. they're not writing it themselves. also, their "15 minutes of fame" days are numbered, i swear.

    7. And odds are that their ghostwriter is a devoted fan who is volunteering his/her services. Kody and Co. do not pay for things like mere mortals do. As any SW observer knows, they are all "gifted" in the art of getting others to give to them.

      Yep, the flag was waving about Janelle's blog being written by someone else and Dakota Justice saw that one flying a while ago.

    8. I don't think it's a devoted fan, I think TLC has assigned the same intern they use on the Sister Wives TLC facebook page. They just email the story in and the intern spruces it up to meet TLC's specification. That poor intern probably been told if they do a good job they'll get hired permanently with benefits...someday...

      There has got to be a good reason why TLC has such an iron grip on this group...Even Honey Roasted Boo Boo's TLC page is more fun to read !

    9. it doesn't look like Robyn is wearing any iconic jewelry in the photo.

  31. I think she hired an editor. Her grammar and spelling are correct as well punctuation.

  32. This is a funny parody I came across: Conan (the Barbarian) Sister Wives

  33. "Well, in my belief system a woman has the opportunity to consider every man in our church as a potential husband."

    Blink, blink... Sure!

    I seriously doubt the beautician said anything like that to her. She might have overheard something... or didn't get fawned over... but I doubt that a beautician - or really most people in life- would say that right to her face.

    For all the things we say here I don't think any of us would walk up to them and call them 'crazy and stupid.'

    Although... it's a LITTLE BIT crazy and stupid to forget that a person had a first, monogamous marriage and the fact that she chose him out of all the prospective (married) husbands in her church.

    1. I hope Robyn comes back to tell us how wonderful it is for single women to shop for a husband at church when a younger, thinner cuter woman decides she wants to join Robyn's family.

    2. Revealed: The reason Robyn does not attend church since her spiritual union with Kody. (?)


  34. I so enjoyed the post- esp Twisted Sister's slideshow! butKim in AB, you couldn't say it better, blink blink

  35. Truely is three today.
    Happy Birthday, little one! Even if your dad ignores you, everybody else thinks your the cutest.
    So far, nobody in the Krew has tweeted about Truely's birthday yet, so I think it's up to us to wish her a happy birthday.

    1. Happy Birthday, Truely

      and you are smart and funny.

      When I watch your show, you make me smile. :)

  36. I know it's cruel but I can't wait for Robyn to find out what it feels like to be displaced by a younger and maybe more attractive woman. All those platitudes about the joys of polygamy! Let's see how she feels when one or more women choose "her" man! "Sister wife get the hell out it's my night" is something most good plural concubines would probably never say, but it's definitely something that most think!

    1. Actually, I take that back, I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone - not unless it brought her to her senses.

  37. Not sure if I can put this here, sorry if it is in the wrong spot.

    The Kody Brown family will participate in a discussion on plural marriage at UNLV on April 25. Also speaking is Kollene who disapproves of polygamy. Might be interesting.
