Friday, March 1, 2013

Off Topic Friday

That's right. This is the place where you can discuss almost anything you want.

Want to discuss the Jodi Arias trial? This is the place...

Want to share something you read? Or a video you watched? Yep, this is the place...

Let me start....

It's been a couple of weeks since I ventured over to The Polygamy Blog at the Salt Lake Trib, but I've noticed some interesting changes now that Jim Dalrymple and Trent Nelson have taken over reporting responsibilities. Some recent articles include:

Alcohol, coffee and why the FLDS drink them

Judge dismisses parts of lawsuit against polygamous town’s water authority

Just how big are the polygamous towns on the UT-AZ border anyway?

William E. Jessop and his ordination — the back story

Last (and certainly not least) the latest tweets from the adult Browns...

Robyn must really be busy with MSWC because this is her last public twat (couldn't resist). Sorry Lourdes, but that  'retina searing' yellow background is still there...Oh, I bet that fishbowl is where you put the cards with your name and address for the Becoming Sister Wives book raffle...or maybe to sign up for the next green koolaid event at Meri's McMansion. 


Looks like Meri was the first to congratulate her bonus child Hunter on getting his first Varsity letter. Good job, Hunter...This tweet almost makes up for the next one that your Daddy Dearest retweeted to everybody...

No Kody. What's scary is that you retweeted this and totally embarrassed Hunter in the process. Nice job...

And here's Janelle who now has a new dinner buddy, who also gets her tickets to concerts and is their booking manager. And doesn't Janelle look almost like she could be Maddie's older sister instead of her mother?


  1. Hey, Twisted Sister Wife! Oh, I really hope you see this. I just got my mug and it looks fabulous! Love the SWB logo on the front, and how did I miss that when I originally looked at it? I can't wait to use it tomorrow morning. Or maybe later this afternoon if my kids don't quit running me ragged.:D Is it just me or does coffee taste better in a cute mug?

    Poor Robyn is looking sort of matronly in that picture. And puffy. I think it's the cut of the jacket?

    1. I'm glad you like it!!! I'm sure that coffee, or Postum, or Brain Bleach, or wine, or tequila, or tea...does taste better in a cute mug.

      When we start selling on QVC, you can be the spokesmodel! "I never thought Postum would taste so good until I got my new mug. Thank you Sister Wives Blog!"

    2. I thought robyn looked bloated or heavier or something. Is she getting bigger because Kody likes curvy women? Thinks if she isnt skinny her sister wifes will love her more> she has gained weight since she had Sol. All of them wear their emotions on their waist. (sleeves) Wouldnt it be crazy if Janele gets smaller than Robyn. Go Janele

    3. Well, just had my evening tea in my mug and it was extra yummy. Snark is sweet and has no calories! And TSW, I'd love to be your model, but I'm only 5 feet tall and have a figure that was made for radio.;D

    4. Robyn looks just fine. Conservative dress - which is Okay, much better than the baby doll thing with skin tight long sleeved T underneath. Give her a break for goodness sake.

    5. Robyn looks beautiful as always. Her hair is shining and she has her usual glow. She should be proud of her jewelry business.

    6. Agreed - Sobbin' is appropriately dressed to sell her joo-le-ry, and I can't see any sign of weight piling on.

    7. I was only agreeing that Sobbin' looks OK. The joo-le-ry is still overpriced, ripped off crap (but "iconic" crap, of course).

  2. To the Arias trial watchers...Thx CJ for the opening on this...
    (Apologies to those not watching or not wanting to know)

    DO you think the prosecutor effectively unraveled her web of lies as he wrapped up yesterday? I sure hope so.
    Still can't believe, knowing that SHE murdered the guy, she sent condolence flowers to his grandmother (the woman who raised him) to further her cover story.

    She has been SOOO well-coached by her lawyer on every possible question and scenario and also just how to play (combat)the prosecutor. And it *seemed* to be working on day 1 to 3...until day 4...
    And for sure....until yesterday.

    DO you think the forensics are right..stabbings first, throat cut next and then the bullet? Or is it the way she said...gun first, stabbing, then throat??

    I don't believe he confronted or attacked her about the camera. The whole shower photo bit was her idea and her way of getting him somewhat physically incapacitated...vulnerable.
    I think she was out of her mind about him taking someone else to Cancun. If she couldn't have him, no one else could. I also don't believe there ever was a rope. That bit was created for her fictional self-defense and abused MO.

    Did anyone get a "creep" vibe from her lawyer when he was doing direct exam questions about ALL the sex exploits. He frequently sounded WAY too *into it*,......asking for more and more specific, minute detail.
    He has a real "ick" factor for me. He seemed to "get something" from belaboring *every* detail. Especially since she herself admitted she was a willing participant and was hardly new to that kind of sex.

    So glad the state's case does blow holes all over her "abused" posture. And how about right after she slaughters her "love"..she drives to meet up with a guy she has *never* been with before and sleeps with sex according to her....just laying together. Yeah, right !!
    Right after you have savagely murdered, and left your victim to rot until someone discovers his body days later.

    She was soooo arrogant, so smug, so quick to *never* answer directly about *anything*...."until yesterday."
    Yesterday she had no where to go to hide with lies or attitude.
    Sure hope the jurors are astute enough to see through her.

    1. I think it was all over for Arias when the prosecutor asked her "Were you crying when you were stabbing him?" "Were you crying when you were shooting him?" "Were you crying when you slit his throat?" and then said he had no further questions to the judge.

      And now the revelation from a male groupie that she told him she would not be convicted, that the jury will come back as "hung" causing a mistrial and that on re-trial she will be found guilty of 2nd degree murder and only serve 4 years in prison. Kind of like the 48 Hrs interview when she stated she would NOT be convicted by a jury for Travis' murder. By the way, this is the same groupie being reported as offering to be the sperm donor so Jodi and her lesbian prison partner can have a baby when she gets out of prison.

      Arias' attorney most likely was going so detailed into the sex in order to take the focus off Arias. See how you remember the attorney sounding way too into it? I think the prosecutor was able to show Arias was the one who was way into it...trying to use sex to catch and keep Travis in her control.

      I think what was most chilling was when, after she had killed the guy she still sent him an email telling him that she would traveling to Mesa while he was in Cancun, and that she'd be sleeping in his comfy bed while he was away! And of course the flowers to the grandmother.

      Redirect starts on analysts are saying the defense has a lot of work ahead to try to rehabilitate her.

      And don't forget that the jury will have the opportunity to ask Jodi their own questions, too.

    2. CJ, You're absolutely right about focusing on the sex...and on her creepy lawyer. I was !!
      And I agree, the prosecutor did an excellent job of showing just how *reverse* it all really was.
      SHE was the controlling stalker !!

      The defense IS going to bring on "experts" who will attempt to fit her into the mold of an abused woman, with stats and data of women who "snapped" and killed their abuser in self-defense and/or due to aggravated temporary insanity. I saw a case like that (it was legitimate) way back in my work where the woman was acquitted of shooting/killing her husband. And then remember Farrah Fawcett's movie, "The Burning Bed?"

      But I also predict the prosecutor will be well-armed to deal with their theories about justifying this psycho's actions. Plus, he will have his own experts.
      Travis's sister, the police officer, must have more than a bereaved sister's stake in how this case is going.

    3. I didn't think the sisters would be called to testify considering they have been sitting in court. I hope they are called though.

    4. could her lawyer say "and how did that make you feel?" any more times. What a douche! I'm sick of everyone saying her tears are going to hang the jury she is a stone cold killer and I have not actually seen a tear yet. If she gets off I really think the American justice system needs to get looked at first Casey Anthony got off which was a travesty. I don't care if she gets the death penalty as long as she never gets out of prison.

    5. I think she "shot herself in the foot" when they have her on tape saying that he did not have a gun. Then when she needed a defence the gun miraculously appeared on the shelf. I sometimes wonder if when she stabbed him in the shower he did lunge out and was then so weakened that she finished him off. Then she dragged him back. What a fool to not throw the camera out in the desert, those pictures are going to be the demise of Jodi Arias.

    6. That Mormon creep of a boyfriend was really using her wasn't he? If he was doing that to me I would want to kill him too.....not really, but I would be tempted to key his car. What an ass_ole he was.

    7. That Mormon creep of a boyfriend was really using her wasn't he?

      He may have been a jerk, but there are plenty of men who have acted the same way with women, and were not butchered like Travis Alexander was. And she DID vandalize his car by puncturing his tires.

      Don't forget this was a man who was stabbed 29 times, with about 9 stab wounds IN HIS BACK and the back of his head, not to mention his throat being cut. Oh yes, she also shot him in the face just above his right eye. All in the name of self defense. Right...

      No, the only "ass_ole" was the woman who thought she could get away with murder.

    8. Exactly !

      There are so many holes in Arias's story that it boggles the mind that any juror would be conflicted at this point.
      But I had that same thought at the closing statements of the Casey Anthony trial and we know how that turned out. And in that case too, there was glaring testimony, huge holes in her story, proven lies..etc.

    9. There are plenty of men that have acted that way with women, and many thousands have been slaughtered by their boyfriends....we seem to find it fascinating when the shoe is on the other foot.

      If you believe in equality of the sexes as a goal - this murder is nothing special in that regard.

      It is special to the families involved.

      It is up to women who are mothers of these boys - men to teach them to be respectful and stop using their penis for a brain It does a lousy job. No excuses men.

    10. Right on Anon at 4:10PM! It is a wonder that more guys aren't murdered for using, abusing and sexually assaulting women.

      It wouldn't make it right, but it would make it understandable.

      Keep your pecker in your pants boys.....keep it there until you are sure this is the gal for keeps, not just for dirty sex, and then look for someone who is a nice girl. (cause you ain't no nice boy and she doesn't need to be saddled with you)

      Hate these double standards that bring out the worst in people.....and this murder certainly shows that.

    11. A reminder here folks - Arias is a proven liar. You can't believe a word she has said about being abused. Secondly, there is zero evidence that Travis was an abuser. Their sex was consensual, with her in fact being the instigator (hello predator!). Arias' stories about abuse are simply lies to cover her real motive for killing him - rage and jealousy. She is a psychopath.

  3. I had the same thoughts about her attorney-creeky and way to into the details of her sex life.

  4. Jodi Arias (in my opinion) corrupted Travis! She threw herself out there and he took what she tempted him to take. She is one sick cookie. After listening to her testify I wanted to soak my brain in bleach...blech!

    Maybe she is demonically possessed or something. She did dabble in the occult/wicca after all.

    I look at those long fingers she waves around and gestures with and I see the hands of a murderer. Truely I think she may have injured her 'crooked' finger during her attack. She is a sick and twisted woman!

    I can't help but wonder, seeing her mother in court day after day, how this mother feels about raising a monster? Mothers know their own children better than anybody. I wonder what goes through her mind.

    Just watching her play word/mind games with Mr. Martinez pisses me off! There is no way out for her now, she is pure evil incarnate.

    The moral of the story for horney men NOT play games with psycho women.

    1. And a word of advice to her lesbian prison lover....
      She had better watch her back (and neck) if she doesn't play it Jodi Arias's way!!!

  5. I read she petitioned to act as her own attorney in 2010 (just like Ted Bundy) but soon backed out...she's quite a confident little psycho! Can't believe it's taken 5 years to get her to trial.

    I really feel so bad for the victim's siblings as they sit in court and listen to her madness day after day.

    1. She was also offered a plea deal of 2nd degree murder and she said "NO".

      I also misspoke earlier...she told her male fan that on retrial she would be convicted of manslaughter (not 2nd degree murder).

    2. And she will probably go the same was as Ted Bundy.

    3. On Tru Tv or HLN this past week one of the commentator said the 2nd degree murder deal was offered by Jodi Arias to the prosecutor's office. Evidently, that office believed they could prove and convict murder one. Her offer seemed like an attempt to take the death penalty out of the equation. Certainly, with her confession, she's going to be in jail for quite a while!

      I just tuned in to the trial during Jodi's testimony so certainly don't know the prosecution side of this case. What was her motive to kill Travis? The killing scene with all the stab wounds sounds like rage or hysteria. LOL Even if there were only grains of truth in her testimony, Travis seems to have been an adolescent jerk. But why on earth would an ex-girlfriend drive from Northern California, stopping off to visit friends on the way, spend the day having sexual adventures with the ex-boyfriend and then do what she did?? It boggles my mind!

    4. The prosecution's case is that it was "pre-meditated" first degree murder.
      Arias and the victim had an on again-off again relationship based on sex....*mutual* sex. They never lived together, they were not engaged or otherwise committed. Travis had told her that he was going to Cancun and taking another woman. State's case contends that she went to kill him, engaged in sex which was their normal pattern, then manipulated him into the shower and followed out her plan.

      Also, she was no stranger to relationships or was a stranger to casual *creative* sex.

      After brutally murdering this guy, she attempted to create a diversion/alibi by leaving the murdered Travis to decompose in his shower stall until his body would be found several days later, leaving the scene and driving hundreds of miles more to be with another guy. There she was able to act "normal," like nothing happened, and engaged in intimacy with him....literally hours after slaughtering Travis Alexander.
      She left voicemails on Travis's phone shortly after the killing to throw off suspicion. Allegedly, she disposed of the gun and the knife along the drive to the other guy's house.

  6. WOW! Janelle is totally losing the weight. Go Janelle!

    1. My thoughts exactly!!! She looks like she has lost a lot!! I want to see more pictures of her.

  7. On the Sister Wives front...still no sign of the new "jewelry piece" for St. Patrick's Day over at the Closet. Hey Sisters, it's March already! Wonder if they'll include a bottle of green goo with every iconic shamrock necklace???

  8. I am obsessed with this trial. I guess being mormon for so many years it really interests me. I just cant help but wonder how she managed to get the first stab? Was he taking a shower and she just started stabbing him?? Also the brutality of it. Its not an abused woman thats a enraged crazy woman. The extra creep factor is she left him and went and met uo with another man uggg

    1. I think it is crazy she slit him from ear to ear. Talk about your Mormon temple symbolism.

    2. Do you think her plan was to dismember him? Why would she attack a person so much bigger than herself, with a knife? She says she shot him first but state says she shot him last.

    3. Good question. And only Jodi Arias knows the answer. And she certainly will never tell.
      It would appear that she did go to his house to kill him with either the knife or the gun. Or both.
      If the forensics are right, she slashed him enough to incapacitate him, along with then slitting his throat.
      That certainly would have killed him, so why the gunshot after the fact is a mystery?
      I also read that when she was finally taken into custody, she had apparently been intending to flee and had packed her car with clothing and personal belongings, including a box of pistol ammunition and two knives hidden among books. That police report has NOT been seen by the jury at this point.

    4. Amused, Do you think she will get death or life in prison? This is so much like the case of the "Blue Eyed Butcher" That was the name of the lifetime movie but I can't remember her name. Or the pastor's wife who claimed abuse and basically served no time for shooting him in the head. Although she seemed pretty abused....I think the defense is trying to make Jodi seem like the pastor's wife. Remember the wig and the stilleto shoes he made her wear? So they try to make Jodi seem like Travis humiliated her the same way sexually.

    5. OMG is the slitting from ear to ear the blood atonement thing? Too bad the prosecutors didn't know this part of Mormon history. She is so calm and smirky, not even sad that he died.

    6. I believe that she instigated all the fantasies, knowing that stuff would turn on any normal straight guy, even a devout Mormon. She was handing him sexual fantasies on a silver platter.

      SHE was the aggressor, SHE was the creative sexual director, SHE was the stalker who would not take "no" or "we're done" for an answer. Remember...all her accounts of the "enforced" sexual encounters are *her* word only! Their sex-talk texts and voicemails were mutual. Unlike abused women who live with their abusers and are trapped, Arias lived hours away from him. She could have stopped pursuing him, and stopped getting him to pursue her, at any time.

      She knew he was going to Cancun with another woman. She went there and willingly engaged in raunchy sex "by choice," had driven over a thousand miles to do it. She instigated the shower photos...he didn't want to do it. She admitted to the detective that she had to "talk him into it"...and she obviously had a plan about getting him into that shower. She was outside the shower, fully clothed and *in charge.*

      Re the possible sentence....
      I read a bit of background on this judge. She apparently has no problem handing down life sentences.
      *IF* the jury convicts her on murder, first degree, yet do not have the stomach to recommend the death penalty, this judge will rule life in prison. I do think this is how it will go.
      Juries do not like to recommend DP to females.

    7. Thanks, I needed to hear that because sometimes I soften and feel bad for her even though she did this. I think what happens to someone in their life to make them do this especially with no other police record. after reading your run down, it shook me back to reality.

    8. Anon 10:15,

      You're welcome.
      And with your soft heart, I am glad you aren't on the jury. lol

      Seriously, just google "was Jodi Arias trying to flee" or any question you may have..lots of info about it on the web.

    9. She is a murdering devil.....he was a lame brained idiot, who didn't use the brain God gave him. His dick ruled his head. Did this ass-ole deserve to die? No. Did he have to let his dick think for him...NO

    10. Well, God made sure Jodi was caught. What were the chances, the camera would continue snapping pictures?

    11. Fan From AustraliaMarch 3, 2013 at 7:54 PM

      The only way the camera would continue to take photos would be if it was set to do so. Most cameras have a timer so you can get in the photo as well, instead of missing out. As they were taking photos of each other in the shower minutes before he was murdered, I can only assume they set the camera up to take photos of the two of them. What a mixed up crazy girl she is, I feel for his family seeing so many graphic photos and testimony in court day after day.

  9. I've never seen Janelle look that genuinely happy. She must really love hanging w/her friend. Hanging w/her sister wives - not so much.

    1. Janelle looks happy. That is great. She does not look like Maddy's sister. She does look like a happy wrinkled women in her 40's, and that is OK.

    2. Ha Anon 5:04, I was thinking the EXACT thing. Not a sister but a proud and happy mom. IMHO that is not the most flattering pic of Janelle, but it does show her weight loss. She looks over the moon and I'm happy for her.

    3. Yes, she has so much to be ecstatic about... namely, a happy and healthy marriage to a loyal and loving provider, the fact that she's been a stellar example for her daughters, and how she and her husband have no one on earth trying to tear them asunder. What joy!

      Janelle may have lost weight, but until she gets rid of that giant wart on her ass - Kody, and gets her kids into therapy, she's just the same old sister wife.

  10. Wonder if Kody's always going to be jealous of Hunter.

    1. Since Hunter will always be younger, smarter and better-looking than Kody, then yes, Kody will always be jealous of Hunter.

    2. Hunter is in some ways his opposite. Doesn't care about attention. Masculine in the way mainstream culture defines it. And gives no lip service to considering his father's religion, unlike peacekeeping older brother. Yap - I bet this father/son friction keeps Janelle occupied.

  11. I was looking on the Darger Twitter and someone asked them a question about African American polygamist. I googled it and was surprised to find that there is a growing population of Orthodox Muslim polygamist who are African American. I will not lie, this really surprised me. I guess it should not have. There is even a polygamy dating website where you advertise that you are looking. It was creepy.

    1. The Dargers are super smooth hypocrites. They never reveal that their religious beliefs include the idea that all people of African descent are cursed, unable to hold the "priesthood," and strictly taboo in terms of marriage.

    2. Do not know why I even though of this, but is there ever any news of polygamy within the gay and lesbian sector?

    3. AnonymousMarch 2, 2013 at 10:57 AM I remembercoming across a mention of a now defunct GLBT sect that practiced plural marriage a few years ago via Wikipedia.* I'm currently searching the citations and links for mentions of such a group, but can't find it-I figure either its existence was faked, or I'm looking in the wrong places.

      *There were over 200+ splinter groups starting with the groups that split from the main branch after Joseph Smith took over-many of them are now defunct.

    4. Restoration Church of Jesus Christ (created by Antonio Feliz) was open to performing same-sex polygamous relationships-according to the article it had a majority LGBTQ membership and endorsed polygamy:

      The RCJC site is defunct:

      The United Order Family of Christ was a liberal LDS splinter group that practiced the United Order, but I can't find anything that links them to polygamy:

  12. On my twitter, Janelle posted her congrats to Hunter first, with Meri immediately following. Anyway, congrats to Hunter AND Janelle. Everything seems to be going her way.

  13. Good morning - has there been any sightings of Christine lately? Just wontering if she has indeed lost weight over the shows down-time.

  14. Kody is a child. It is one thing to tease your son privately about the way he looks (which is not cool or right) but it is another thing when you tease him publicly That man has no class. Also, I am not commenting on the way the older guy looks in comparison to Hunter, but how does Hunter think the older guy looks? Is it a complement or an insult?

    1. Isn't the guy a wrestler or something? I think it is a compliment. However, Kody's tweet (as usual) is very, very tacky and embarrassing... It is obvious he does not like this particular son (testosterone MONSTER), I think because he is jealous of him, because Hunter is everything Kody is NOT.

  15. Since the topic is open, I'd like to thank whomever recommended 'The Nineteenth Wife'. I'm 3/4 of the way through and it is certainly enlightening, is a creepy sort of way. I'm wondering how far modern Mormonism has come for it's inception that was chronicled in that book.

    1. I just read this in the Salt Lake Tribune

      They have a newly released English edition of LDS scriptures. It says new Mormon scriptures tweak race, polygamy references. I think they are trying to correct the opinions of a few perverted old men. I'm sorry but if I was African-American and wasn't good enough for their church then....then I ain't good enough now.

    2. They have a newly released English edition of LDS scriptures...I think they are trying to correct the opinions of a few perverted old men.

      Kind of like what those 17th century English kings did to the Christian Bible when they formed the Church of England, right? King James version, anyone?

      ...if I was African-American and wasn't good enough for their church then....then I ain't good enough now

      I would have to say that prior to the revelations of 1978, there were only a handful of Black Mormons in the US - and from what I understand, missionaries sent to Africa were there for whites only, unlike missionaries from other religions (particularly Roman Catholics).

      But, unlike their fundamentalist mormon brethren, mainstream LDS has slowly adjusted and now allow Black men worldwide to become members of the priesthood (like any white male child), and for their Black members to earn the right to enter a temple (something I remember my mother explaining to me whenever we passed the Mormon Temple in Mesa on the way to see my great grandparents. Enjoy it from the outside, she would say, because you will never be able to see it from the inside).

      My point is...although Mormon beliefs are "different", the fact remains there are millions of people who believe in it. So maybe, where you would feel that it may not be good enough for you now, some others may feel Mormonism offers them something they couldn't find in another religious belief. the way, did you know Gladys Knight (sans her Pips) converted to Mormon? So it must be good enough for her.

    3. Hi CJ: what I said was if they thought that I was not good enough for their church then....that I certainly would not go now. I didn't say their church was not good enough for me. My sister in law belongs to the Mormon church and each to their own beliefs.

    4. The original LDS scriptures were in part plagerized from the King James Bible, and then they added cute little twists of their own, like digging up golden tablets....and get this, through his hat, peering into a hole in the ground. Who wouldn't believe? What a joke this religion is.

    5. I agree. Religion is a joke, isn't it?

    6. Totally agree Anon at 8:03 PM. Would love to talk to you more about this.

  16. There is an interesting message board for non Mormon plygs I stayed up late one night reading a few stories under the section about families with more than one wife. There are some stories on there about families who ended up plyg because their husband fell in love with another woman and then used the Old Testament to justify taking on another wife.

  17. "Free Hunter!!!!!!"

    Seriously, is it just me or is it that every time Kody tweets something about this particular son of his, it comes off as just pathetically petty and mean? If I ever tweeted something like that about my own son, he'd be furious. There's such a thing as respecting the boundaries of a teen-ager. We know how Kody feels about his grown sons. How they have one iota of respect for him and turned out as functional as they did is amazing.

    And why was poor Robyn all alone in her jool-rey picture? Where were the "sisterwives" of "My Sisterwives' Closet?" Maybe Janelle and Christine were working at their real jobs and Meri was watching all the children in her McMansion, crying as Sol and Truely scribbled with Sharpies all over her wet-bar and the other kids ran in and out, tracking dirt on her spotless carpet and jumping off the furniture. At least, that's how I like to picture it.:)

    1. And peeing on the carpet!

    2. Been out of pocket with some minor surgery, work and grandbabies finaly getting caught up today. Missed my SWB!! With you laurakaye..Free Hunter Indeed!!! Kotex never ceases to amaze me! So obvious he is so jealous of his own flesh and blood. Stop this abuse of bullying your own child. We are not amused!! Rock on Hunter! It won't be much longer and you will be out of that mess they call a life!

  18. I am still reading back in 2011. I think it is really interesting when all of a sudden a comment will pop up from 2013 and verify a topic or add more information since now they have all the current information. When I found this "Off Topic", I was just going to ask if we could only comment on the top post or on older posts or other subjects still related to the Sister Wives show. Could you please show your blog page with the trailers stacked on top of each other? I just thought all the comments were really funny. I think a lot of newbies do not have the time to go back and read everything. I even stopped reading Fifty Shades of Grey to read this blog. It is more interesting.

    Slept into Debt

    1. Hi Slept into Dept, I too am reading all the old posts. I am up to January, 2012. I think MS and CJ allow us to comment on old posts, and I think there are several of up "newbies" to this site who are reading them for the first time...

    2. I like reading the up to date comments mixed in with the old. It makes it interesting. Isn't there just a ton of information to digest?

      Slept into Debt

    3. Yes! I'm addicted to this blog! Thought I would skip most of the stuff about the Sister Wives show, because I really started reading old posts to find out more about Fundy Mormonism. But once I started reading the comments to the show in 2011, those also became addicting. It's sooo sad how unhappy these women are, and how much weight the wives (except Jenelle now) and the older girls (except Maddy?) have gained! The one truism right from the beginning seems to be that NO ONE EVER liked Robyn! She seems to have really hurt the "family".

      It's also been interesting to see the commenters here change their opinions about the wives. Meri lost EVERYONES respect when she made a statement about how much she was looking forward to Solomon's birth, and hadn't really been looking forward to Truely's. I'm so happy Truely is such anadorable little girl, but is her name really Truely Scrumptious? My gracious, how will she sver deal with that as a teenager and adult!

      Anyway, for other newbies, there's a ton of information in approximately the June-October 2011 posts about Fundy Mormonism, and then a ton about the show after that in 2011. Always interspersed with amazing posts by former (and famous!) polygamists who work tirelessly to help others caught in intolerable situations. Amazing reading! Sorry, didn't mean to go on and on here :(

    4. Truely's full name is Truely Grace Brown, because Christine didn't want her to be called simply "Truely Brown". Truely Scrumptious was a character in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and Kody reference's that before Truely is born, so Truely's name could have been inspired by the character.

    5. Thank you Open Minded! I think it was said somewhere on SWB that Truely was named after the CCBB character. I'm soooo glad her name is Truely Grace, I've really been worried the B's were crazy enough to give her Scrumtious as a middle name - although she is a truely scrumtious little girl (LOL)! Somewhere in the 2012 archives there is a pic of Truely "reading" a book, while holding it upside down! So Cute! Reminds me of one of my daughters at her age, no hair, head in book!

  19. I have a fantasy where Janelle sits down with Kody and tells him that she has found someone who loves her and wants to have a life with her. Since they are not legally tied in any way she proceeds with marrying this wonderful man who is committed to making a life with her full time. They will all live happily ever after in their little cul de sac and get along beautifully. Janelle will be the happy, empowered, fulfilled woman she deserves to be with a man who appreciates all that she has to offer. Kody will still see his children on a regular basis and be grateful there is one less "wife" to deal with. Meri will be thrilled to have more nights with her "lover". Go for it Janelle!

    1. I would like to continue the fantasy with Janelle prospering and keeping her LV house while the others short sell and move back to The Ute.

    2. Hey Janelle - my dream sees you rid of men especially Plyg men. We just don't them - like a fish doesn't need a bicycle.

  20. Janelle tweeted:

    "Yesterday I tried on a pair of pants sized smaller than anything I've worn in 18 years. And they buttoned! Thanks @Lifespeedfitnes !"

    So, I have to think that is dramatic.

    It's also interesting that she has been "married" to Kody for 20 years per her anniversary tweet. It only took 2 years of joining the clan for her to start the serious weight gain.

    It is also very interesting that she gives credit to her personal trainer, not the green goo. Good for her. That decision supports her fitness blog vs the kody/meri mlm gig. Showing a bit of self determination there.

    Countdown until she runs off with a real man!!!!

    1. or a real woman! ;)

    2. Or some great job opportunities and some fun, fantastic friends!

      (And maybe a Rabbit Pearl. Hee hee.)

    3. I don't think moving on with another man has anything at all to do with her weight loss. I think she is starting a new career and wants to look good. I think ol Robyn can put up with Kody wanting sex and more kids. Janelle is free of all that stuff and is leading her own life. Good on her!

      Pity the day she starts looking good to Kody again.....yeach! Poor girl.

    4. Fan From AustraliaMarch 3, 2013 at 7:48 PM

      I dont think she would tolerate Kody in her bed again. He seems to be a selfish man and I dont see that changing in the bedroom (excuse me whilst I vomit) I think Janelle has reached that uplifting amazing truth in her life that you dont need a man to be happy and it is better to be happy alone than unhappy with someone. I believe KB and Janneles relationship is in name only. I will also find it very hard to watch next sason if KB starts paying Janelle more attention becasue of her weight loss, proving yet again that he really is a superficial fool.

    5. Oh come on guys. Running off with a hot 30 year old hunk would not diminish her accomplishments in any way. She deserves some time with a masculine man with a great head of hair who won't burst into a "Carlton dance" while eating cake.

      They can go to Mexico and hang out on the beach and learn to surf.

      --Paw Print

  21. I think the man in the pic is Brian Bosworth a former football player. Janelle does look great. It's nice to see her looking so happy. I didn't think Robin looked big at all.

    1. The man in the photo is Brock Lesnar, a former WWE and MMA champion. Brian Bosworth would be too old for Hunter to remember as he played in the '80s and early '90s. Kody, however, probably had (and still may have) a crush on The Boz.

  22. I don't get what was scary about Kodouche's tweet about Hunter? Whi is the other guy in thi photo?

    1. I believe the friend who originally tweeted the picture was comparing Hunter to that guy, who is a famous wrestler on t.v. I'm not a fan of wrestling so I don't know what his name is. Kody proceeded to retweet the picture and add his own commentary.

  23. My Off Topic contribution today is about the documentary Damned to Heaven. If you haven't seen it, it is available free at (or was about a month ago). I highly recommend it for those of us who want to learn about the horrors of mormon polygamy.

    While watching, I was struck by the sounds of a background hymn that could be heard at various times, being sung eerily by beautiful young female voices. I rewound several times to hear the words, I missed a few, but you can get the gist of the message. It gives me the chills to think of the young women growing up believing in these words, and the whole concept of polygamy. I thank the God(s) of us all, that I was not raised in mormon (or any) fundamentalism. Here are the words to the hymn as best I understood them:

    All of my life
    I have lived for the day
    When the prophet would say
    God bless this union
    God bless you
    And He'd seal me forever
    Together with you.

    As a Sarah, not a (friend?)
    She was blessed of God
    For her faith and devotion
    to celestial laws.
    True to her covenants
    She honored her Head
    With a love that was stronger than death.

    My life feels small
    And dreams with love my heart does now seek
    to dwell with him thru all eternity.
    Make me rise with you, thru all eternity.
    My will God take
    May I only seek
    To be part of you.

    1. OMG I watched Damned to Heaven, It is still on the website mentioned above. It is shocking and sad all at the same time. I dont know about anyone else but when the documentary plays clips of Warren Jeffs "tapes" his voice is creeeeepy!!! I feel so sad for the people who are born into that kind of life style. they were not even given a chance. I wish there was a way to help or at least give the people a choice in what they want to do. it is sad. but I would certainly recommend watching this video. It is good.

    2. Thank you for suggesting we watch Damned to Heaven. It is an excellent documentary. Every person that follows this blog - it is a must see.

    3. Hi Nicole,
      Places to help victims of polygamy:

      Tapestry of Polygamy
      Holding Out Help
      Shield and Refuge Ministry

      There are many other places I've learned about through SWB, but these three come to mind. All were started by women who escaped the polygamous 'prison'.

    4. S.D. thanks for posting that link, Damned to Heaven is excellent. I was abused as a child by my father, so it was hard to watch, but very worth it.

  24. On another note, as a non-practicing religiously-raised Catholic, I ask my fellow sisters-wives-blog-sister-wives-family to pray that the Catholic Church obtain true Divine Guidance and elect a new pope who will bring the Church into the 21st century in practices and beliefs, truely expose and punish those responsible for the many abuses rampant in the Church, and renew the hope and ecumenicalism that existed in the Church of my youth under the guidance of Pope John XXIII (Apparently forgotten, he called a Council in the mid 1960's which resulted in better relationships with most ofher religions. Unfortunately, the changes he made, have also seemingly been forgotten by the recent popes of my life).

    1. I totally agreed and I'm praying for the same thing.

    2. I am praying that your praying has some effect. Dark ages religions just don't fit with society today.

    3. people have been leaving organized religion in droves. it's been documented in several places that the largest growing religion is the checkbox NONE.

  25. Sunday night at 8pm Pacific time on the history channel is a mini series about the Bible and it's being promoted by some good Christian radio stations.

    1. Interesting. Who is producing the mini series? Do you know. Is it a religous group or independant reporter? Would like to know more.

    2. The creator of the series is Mark Burnett. He has done "Survivor" The "Voice" and "apprentice" His wife is Roma Downey from "Touched by an Angel"

  26. Fan from AustraliaMarch 2, 2013 at 9:31 PM

    Did anyone else notice on the MSWC facebook page they are promoting their Happy Holidays 2012 ornament again? Really? I think they are like 4 months too late! Or is just something facbook does every once in awhile?

    1. No, believe it or not, they planned it this way. When they ran out stock in December, a number of people commented on the MSWC facebook page they were still willing to buy the ornament even though the season was over. What is sad is that it took them 3 months to make it available for purchase. And the St Patricks Day item has yet to make an appearance.

      Sorry, but their lack of urgency is almost criminal!

    2. but their "creative" products and pricing actually ARE criminal! :P

    3. True on both counts !!!

      Price gauging on *anything but* creative merchandise...
      And all done with no urgency or professionalism.

    4. Maybe the 2012 holiday ornaments are ones that they had returned. . . ?

    5. Fan From AustraliaMarch 3, 2013 at 7:44 PM

      I just can not believe that they are still spruking a 2012 Christmas Ornament AND that people are actually purchasing them! Crazy!

  27. Janelle's hair color makes me wince.

    1. Me too Vegas Mom. It doesn't go with her complexion, it's too harsh. I'm thinking she'd look better as maybe a dirty blonde or light brunette. She's so pretty, with her hair a different color she'd be a stunner.

    2. Agree. Dark blonde with some highlights or light brown would really suit her. Delighted she is finally losing some weight! Yeah!

    3. adding lowlights to her overbleached out hair would definitely give it some depth and movement. also, a little eyebrow definition would greatly help. she just needs to play up her eyes to keep from looking so washed out.

      but i'm glad it looks like she's got a friend she enjoys being with. you never see here w/a big toothy grin like that when she's hanging w/her sister wolves.

  28. lets nominate janelle for tlc what not to wear makeover. that would make the other ladies jellys. would make a great show. janelle didnt really wear the long sleeve shirt under spaghetti strap tops but stacie and clinton would have a good time with that.

    1. Anon 2:36 I would watch if if Janelle was on what not to wear. Great idea!

    2. LOL!! I thought that too!! What Not To Wear, personally I would LOVE to be on that show. Make me over!

  29. Do we know when the new season starts?

  30. Discovered the guy pictured with Hunter in Kody's retweet is professional wrestler, Brock Lesnar. Apparently he's a controversial figure due to his angry outbursts and blunt personality. Hunter's friend may have been teasing him but I don't think Kody was; he meant it as a criticism.

  31. I wasn't really following the Jodi Arias trial, until everyone's comments & interest here on SWB piqued my interest & So,all week, I've been trying to get up to speed & get w/ the program. I'm an insomniac, & late late last night, or rather early early this morning, Nancy Grace was on reviewing last weeks testimony,etc... All I can say is WOW!! That bitch(Jodi) is beyond crazy & she's guilty as hell! She knew exactly what she was doing. Hopefully the jury will get it right this time & not let her walk or give her an "insanity" free pass. Although, I do think she's not right in the head & some meds may be needed to balance her out some, but overall, she's GUILTY! I really don't think she's even remorseful. More of a sense, like some have already mentioned,well if I can't have him or be with him, then no one else can.

    1. CB,

      So glad you too are onboard with the trial !!
      This week should be frustrating as the defense tries to undo what the prosecutor managed to etablish last week.
      No doubt Jodi will be back to her lies and "poor me" posturing.

    2. Jodi slipped up on Friday and said that forensics had the stabbing in the wrong order. I caught that on the Nancy Grace recap. How could she know that if she has no memory of the stabbing?

  32. Next Sunday on the Destination America channel HIDDEN IN AMERICA:MORMONS will be premiering, so that should be interesting to watch.

    1. i will watch it but from the recap it has the feel that it's going to be pro-mormon biased. i'll know if it is based on how accurate their history recanting is.

    2. CB - never heard of Destination America channel - would love to see the show. I am central time zone, comcast cable. Any guidance you can give to find the channel would be appreciated. PS I am an insomniac too. Started following Arias trial because of comments on SWB. I think she is a sociopath and probably a psychopath. Hope they give her life in prison!

      Can't wait for Part 2 of your trip!

    3. Hey Anony 1:51am...I had mixed feelings about it. Hopefully it will be somewhat fair & balanced instead of all pro-mormon biased watching. Actually the title Hidden In America captured my attention for some reason. Only because, I figured that since Mormons have been trying to revamp their image, etc..they have gone pretty mainstream,esp with all of the commericials you see about blacks, latinos, a brief bio & testimony about themselves, & at the very end saying & "I'm Mormon".
      So, I guess a part of me is hoping that the show will be about the hidden splinter groups that have formed apart from the mainstream Mormon church. I can only hope tho...Lol

    4. Hi SD,
      I'm also on Central Time zone. My Cable network is Cox ch. DSTAM/102 ...Not really sure, but for Comcast bu try channel 117 & see if that's it. Hopefully, you will get DSTAM channel so you can watch it on Sunday.

    5. Thanks CB - will the DSTAM call letters I can probably find the channel!

      Just saw that part 2 of your trip is published - am going to save it to read with my morning coffee - it's great to have it to look forward to! Thanks again for sharing!

    6. Sinister Drives, check out their website at

      The channel is part of the Discovery family and this page allows you to put in your zip code and select your cable provider to find the channel.

      Unfortunately, it doesn't work for postal codes, so we're out of luck in Canada :(

    7. Thanks Vallidayt Brown!! Destination America has my destination as channel 113!

  33. Lets hope this jury sees what everyone else does. I watched the casey anthony trial too and actually cried when i heard the not guilty verdict. I hope they dont drag ut iut much longer. The trial is in its tenth week and i think the jury gets really tired at this Point and just want to be donevwith it

  34. I agree with you. Hopefully it wraps up quickly now.

    Also hoping that the jury IS fed up enough to zone out on any courtroom antics or tricks the defense or Arias will attempt at the 12th hour.

  35. Oh yeah, tonight on TLC, they're premiering a new show: Myrtle Manor It's one's woman mission to make it the best trailer park in America...Lol It looks like it's gonna be a hoot, so I'm gonna check it out. FYI, in no way am I making fun of people who live in trailer parks either. I just think it's hilarious that TLC pretty much takes anything or anyone who is willing to sell their soul for the almighty $$ to be put on tv, exploited, & pretty much so they can make an ass of themselves for all of America to see (Browns, can ya hear me??) as long as it's a high ratings gold mine. I'm definitely not too surprised either, b/cuz it was only a matter of time before they had to expand their crazy circus of reality shows. Hey I wonder if Robyn will be watching?..Hehe ;)

    1. My's Welcome to Myrtle Manor :) I'm watching it now!

    2. After reading these posts, I caught the last 20 minutes of it. Not my cup of tea, nor was the first 15 minutes of the next show, about American gypsy sisters. I just can't.........

    3. I watched Myrtle Manor and it was definitely different! The mold and mildew they showed in the "Bandit's" rental mobile home was disgusting, to say nothing of all the roaches. I'd be so embarrassed if I owned the mobile home park and was renting mobile homes that were in that state!

      Maybe the roaches were due to poor housekeeping, but the black mold was / could be hazardous to the renter's health! Unless my place was in top shape I would NOT be hawking my life to TLC, that's for sure!

    4. I agree Anon@1:58AM - The only time we really see her smile is when she's with her kids and it's great to see her happy hanging out with a real friend, unlike when she hangs with the sister wolves (love sister wolves ~ hooray to whomever used it first!)

    5. I participate on a board for fans of reality tv. Apparently, Myrtle Manor is as fake as its name. They put up a sign in the back of a real trailer park, moved in some trailers for the area that would be featured on the show, then hired actors to "live" in them.

    6. I agree Funky Town, if my trailer wasn't kept up to par, I'd be real hesitant about going on National Tv. But then again, these folks are getting paid to "expose" themselves, so maybe to them it was worth $$
      I'm not really sure if it's my cup of tea either, but that old woman Peggy sure did have me cracking up. "Is skinny dipping allowed in the pool""?? Asks, an old lady w/drooping boobs who has supposedly been a 30 yr resident of Myrtle Manor...Lol Then when the pool finally does open, she just starts getting undressed, like she's undressing to get in the shower at home or something. After jumping in w/ her white see through panties & bra, she takes of her bra & swings it around like she's dancing, then tosses it out of the pool!! Then she says, I livened the party up a bit. Hahaha... Hey she's just a lil old lady trying to get her swim on & have a good time. I was like, that's how I'm gonna be when I get old...Lol

    7. Hi AZChristian
      You know I really would'nt put it past TLC to do something like this, afterall the stunt they pulled with Breaking Amish.
      But it is TLC, & we all know they stop at nothing for a hit show with high ratings.
      Maybe if we're lucky, an avid SWB reader who lives in the Myrtle Beach area can give us the 411 on what's really going

    8. CB I'm with you on the little old lady skinny dipping! I just laughed like crazy at her. Her other comments were cracking me up too "there ain't no more virgins" etc.

      But as you said, this is TLC and heavens knows that after Breaking Amish and SW it's hard to think of anything they'd hesitate to pull for ratings.

    9. I am from Myrtle Beach where Myrtle Manor is filmed and it is all scripted. The owners are "real" people and the trailor park exist but it has not ever been called MYRTLE MANOR. The filming is all done in the back of the park where everything was specifically set up for this show. I turned it after the first few minutes but DVRD it. I went back and rewatched it last night with a more open mind. It is equivilant to all the other TLC train wrecks out there so just par for the course. PS...our local paper did interview the cast members and I think some are locals but some were just brought in for the show. Check out more at .

  36. No new jewelry piece yet on MSWC for St Patricks Day. Wasnt it suppose to be there
    Saturday? They are loosing credibility fast when dealing with customers and their money. Their word has to be worth something when taking peoples money. No urgency to (pay for the homes) with this online venture. maybe they are not "hungry" anymore and have slacked off.

    1. I just don't think these people know what they're doing. Have you looked at the details for the holiday ornament? It now says Limited Edition total: 500, with only 138 left in stock. I'm wondering if that was 500 total since last year or 500 in the re-release after Christmas. If they had stamped each ornament with a number (like 200 of 500) they might have been able to charge more than $11.95, but I doubt if these people were smart enough to think that up. Didn't Kody twitter last year when people complained about the ornament going out of stock that they could buy it on ebay because it was a collectible?

    2. It was "iconic" so you'd have to pay more for it, but you MIGHT be able to find it on eBay . . . {gagging}.

  37. Isn't it interesting that Janelle doesn't praise the green goo stuff but another company? Also the picture she posted was clearly taken in her new mcmansion

  38. I'm watching the Arias trial...HLN is now PAUSING the trial while they go on a commercial break so viewers won't miss anything they say! Right now HLN is about 15 minutes behind the live feed broadcast from the local station I'm watching.

  39. CJ,
    I am watching in between the TV station breaks. Lunch recess right now.

    Her lawyer *just had* to go the "waking up with Travis's "P" in your "V"....didn't he??!!
    Geez, I just hope to hell this jury is on the ball.

    Interesting isn't it that Casey Anthony was again in front of the cameras today about her bankruptcy. Sticking it to creditors to the tune of over $800,000 !!!

    1. I won't even click a story on Anthony, to give them the$for writing about her. My only hope for her is that she comes clean and gets right with the man upstairs.

    2. Mister Sister I am absolutely with you 100%! I do NOT want anyone associated with her or her family in any way making money off of my reading something they wrote.

      If it wasn't her that killed that poor child, it was one of her parents. And the trial showed us they are all liars. I have an idea that the guy downstairs is eagerly awaiting them - all of them.

  40. Okay, so Travis was a pervert......should he be brutally killed for that? Lol, my 17yr. old daughter just said (concerning Travis wanting a threesome) "so what, Hugh Hefner is still alive"

  41. " 17yr. old daughter just said (concerning Travis wanting a threesome) "so what, Hugh Hefner is still alive""
    Wow!!...and she is right. Your daughter is a smart young lady.

    And was that tape today edited to eliminate her responses or encouragements??
    I listened to it on the live feed online. There were "sounds/gaps" in between each of his statements.
    Anyone else notice that? I was surprised that the prosecutor was sandbagged like that with that tape.

    They BOTH were into *heightened* sex.
    No doubt about that. was consensual !!
    The fact that he had chosen to be with a new woman is hardly a motivation to do what she did.

    Because if the defense is going to use the "sex" pressures as her motivation..then why did she continue seeing him and complying well after they supposedly had "broken up" after just 5 months of dating as a couple. Why did she continue to have heavy duty sex with him for the next year after they split and then murder him....if she was averse to the sex.
    Why did she have sex with him all that day and THEN murder him ??
    And why was she so easily motivated to be in the arms and doing *whatever else* with another guy *right after* killing Travis?
    For an alibi..? If so, that does blow her "I had sex like that w/Travis just to please him. If that is so, the last thing she would want to do, even for an alibi, is to sleep and "adjust" (her words) another guy who didn't even know her well at all and was happy to just get it on with her.
    She is evil.....!!

    1. I wonder if she went to Travis's place to try and win him back with a day of kinky sex. Perhaps she thought he would not take another woman on holidays because she herself was so fabulous in bed. Maybe the last straw came when he said he was still going and she could not handle the final rejection.

      I think she went prepared to be rejected and that is what happened and if she couldn't have him then nobody could have him. Amused you are right....she is pure evil.

      Slept into Debt

  42. Slept into Debt,
    I think your theory is 100% accurate.
    She thought a day of their brand of kink would turn him around.

    And it didn't....and so she did what she *had planned to do "if" it didn't.*

  43. Our America with Lisa Ling. tonight 3/5/13 OWN 9pm CST. "I Love You and You and You" I look at 3 American families who practice polyamory

  44. Re: Today's trial session...

    After 2 days of the defense attorney's halting, ponderous to a fault, annoying style, this jury must be literally mind-numbed to just want her and him to shut up.
    Or at least to have *their day* in court and present their "100"...yes, count them, it was announced today...the jury has "100" questions for Arias to answer. My state does not have that option for juries...this should be interesting to see unfold.

  45. The murderer's demeaner was incredibly different from when prosecuter asked questions last week - then, combative, flirty, argumentative; now, meek, downcast eyes, sooo sorry. What a sociopathic liar! Hope they fry her (and I'm not really usually for capital punishment)

  46. On Nancy Grace the other night there were comments about "the gun" which I thought were interesting. One person suggested the gun could have been hidden in a bouquet of roses that Jodi Arias placed into the grave....interesting theory.

    The other comment was....if the gun belonged to TA...why wasn't the defence out looking for it. If they found it, then that would validate her story....good point. JA must know where she threw it out but it probably was her grandparent's gun which was coincidently "stolen" the week before.

    This woman is a cunning, blatant liar fighting for her life.

    Slept into Debt

  47. I wonder if we're gonna get to find out the jurors questions that didn't get to be asked??

  48. She is just *loving* being "onstage" with a rapt audience.
    Evil.....just evil !!

    CB, good question !! I hope they do release the questions that were dropped.

  49. As a reader of ALL the old posts (definitely OCD kicking in w/ retirement) I want to thank Cynical Jinx and/or Mister Sister for recently adding the color change function(?) to posts as they are read. I about drove my self crazy(ier) when reading the 505 old 2011 posts, as I was never sure which ones I had read in each month and spent a lot of time flipping back and forth; now, I can just look at the color of the post title. Hurray, and thanks! I'm now up to May, 2012 (but who's counting?) I'm having a wonderful time, amazing (and sometimes hysterical) posts and comments. My best Christmas present this year was finding this blog!!

    1. SD, I am still reading in 2011. Does this mean I am addicted.....I have on my ipad all three pages open at the same time so I can check back and forth to the Caramel Brownie page, the Off Topic page and the 2011 page that I am currently on. Surely do appreciate all the info....usually when the show was on I would be reading a book at the same time. Next time I will pay more attention as now I realize I must have missed a lot of details that others noticed. When the time comes and the show is over I'm sure we will all wonder whatever became of them....especially the kids. Like will Johnny Appleseed Logan become a ply or will Hunter have such a hot girlfriend that he would not consider it or he would lose her.

      Slept into Debt

  50. Yes, Slept into Debt, I think we are both addicted, but it's a healthy and enjoyable addiction! Lucky for me, I don't know how to use an ipad, or open 3 pages at once on a computer, so you are more addicted than me :).

    Incredibly informative and horrifying 2011 posts and comments!!! Once you get in to 2012, you'll laugh hysterically at some of the 'capture this' posts, and the comments on the old shows. I've actually started keeping a list of some of the funnier comments (ie "more people with room temperature IQ's like Robyn", and "I finally told my cousin she had to close her mind a little bit, bec it was leaking out", and CB's funny 'talk to an a$$hole' joke). The two old cats and one dog I sleep with have been complaining about me laughing out loud in the middle of the night and waking them up! (Not polygamous LOL, really are felines and a canine

    When SWB has open comment posts, feel free to refer to some of the old posts, I'll know what you're refering to, and comment back!!

    1. SD, you must remember the video that Caramel Brownie sent in Nov 20, 2011. It was on Brother Husbands on BLT. LMAO. It made my day. I don't know how she finds that stuff. Anyone who hasn't seen it could go back and watch.

      And I meant to say if Johnny Appleseed Logan ever becomes a plyg....when I was little my mother had the Johnny Appleseed record so it surprised me that Hunter would ever know about him. It is an old song.

      Slept into Debt

    2. Caramel Browine is one of the most dedicated and funniest contributers to SWB! I would love to have her humor and sleuth-ability! I don't know how she finds or makes up half the stuff she does! Cynical Jinx is incredible, also!

      I don't think any of the older kids, except maybe Mariah, will become plygs. Actually, maybe Mykelti, too, I don't think we know to much about her - wasn't she the one who objected to the family holding a "worship service" on tv? It sure will be interesting to find out what happens to them all; I think it will be Maddie who writes a tell-all book.

      Hope we all at SWB really do meet on a trip to Vegas to scope them all out!! I'm in Alabama, retired, and would definitely go - how about you???

      PS Wait til you find the video about the "Sista Wives", it's there in 2012, and really funny!

    3. I am in Alberta, on a farm and not retired yet. So it is kind of out for me but I would love to read the adventures if some of you can get together and meet each other. We drove to Arizona once with friends and stayed in Vegas for a couple of nights. Like the gals can go Brown-Nosing around.

      Slept into Debt

    4. Envy you the farm and the snow(?)! Never been to Canada, wouldn't like the cooold winters (maybe), but hated the 10 years I lived in South Florida - boringly flat and no change of seasons. My daughters saw snow for the 1st time on my oldests' 11th birthday in Alabama! Rarely snows here, and very hot in summer, but we do have hills (we call mountains) and at least 3 seasons.

      Am slowing down on my reading of old posts for you to catch up - I'm at end of April 2012 :)

    5. Thanks for thinking of me but do keep reading....I do have books to get done for the farm so will be reading less. It is income tax time!!

      We did get 3 inches of snow overnight but only -5C which is 23F and is still snowing. We are grain farmers but the ones with cows calving are out every two hours checking for newborn calves. Then they move them into sheds to dry off if they have them. The big ranches including the Deseret Ranch which belongs to the LDS church usually calve later because they have huge herds of cows that calve on the prairie.

      I don't know why these churches have to own so much property. I guess money means power and they are certainly not the only church doing it.

      Slept into Debt

  51. Janelle looks wonderful, keep up the good work gal! I want to see Robyn in the dust. You have the BRAINS and the BEAUTY.

  52. For the Arias trial watchers...
    Do any of you have a different theory on what actually did happen the day Travis Alexander was murdered other than what she and her lawyers are putting out?
    My worthless 2 cents is this....
    First of all, I do not think there ever was a "rope" involved. However adding the rope to the story was vital to Jodi Arias's lies and cover story. I think she brought the gun with her to kill him that day IF her plan to seduce him into giving up his new love interest by initiating a sex marathon DID NOT work. Jodi Arias is the classic "woman scorned" and fatal attraction nutcase. She was ruthlessly obsessed with him and either he changed his mind about the other woman or he would pay.

    She and her defense team have had to create a storyline that supports the self-defense plea. In order to do that they have had to create prior physical abuse and lurid sexual deviant stories, and of course, the dropping of the camera incident where allegedly he was attacking her.
    In order to put *a knife* conveniently *nearby the scene*, the rope-tying during sex and the subsequent cutting of the rope *with a knife* was thrown into the story since conveniently on one of their *mutual* phone sex tapes, a rope was mentioned.
    Interesting though, in all of the sex pics they took that fateful afternoon, there is no rope.

    And of course, the defense had to have her claim a total blackout of memories about any of the stabbings...despite all her deliberate actions to clean up the scene, delete pictures, put the camera in the clothes washer, knife in dishwasher, change her clothes and negate her presence....all while in a fog.
    I loved how when asked by the jurors, "why didn't she use a wall charger to charge her phone before she left his house," she testified that *she had thought of that* but his charger didn't fit her phone. her blackout fog, she managed to think of something that practical and calculating. Really ??!!!

    Why have her "remember hearing the knife drop" on the floor when she could have just as easily taken it with her like she did with the gun and the non-existent rope...?? Apparently she figured that by putting the knife in the dishwasher it would be either overlooked or at least clean of her DNA. But once they found her *bloody* hand print, the knife definitely was in question since she testified that he *wasn't bleeding" after she shot him.. So she and her lawyers had to somehow put the knife, via the cutting of the rope used in sex play, in proximity in the scenario for her "blackout."
    "She" says the shooting came first. *Not so* says the coroner and forensics. According to the autopsy and forensics report, he was shot last. . Evil.....pure evil!!
    Just my take on it. What does anyone else think happened?

  53. I think your theory sounds very probable Amused. I only started watching the trial reports after it started being discussed on SWB, but it seems accurate that Arias thought she could win Travis back through offering herself for more kinky sex. When she didn't, she killed him in a rage. I agree she came there that day prepared to kill him. I think she is pure evil; I think she and Travis' whole relationship was based on going further and further down a road of increasingly debasing sex. I think he was disgusted with her by the end of their relationship, but she continued to appeal to his baser nature.

    I think everyone in court is sick of hearing about their sex life now, I think going on and on in this area is losing her any sympathy she had.

    I just don't understand how Travis could have hidden his terrible temper from everyone else in his life if it is true he had one. I feel increasingly sorry for him as time goes by. His reputation ruined in his death, those horrible pictures of his decomposing, naked body in the shower....

    Someone I love has been involved with several abusive men, and my sympathy is almost always with the woman. Arias just doesn't ring true to me. I hope she gets the death penalty, but I don't think she will.

  54. Sinister Drives,
    Having spent many years of my career in Domestic Violence (which can and usually does include sexual abuse/manipulation) I too will instinctively always go to the alleged victim's side. That's why this case has caught my attention and interest.
    Her story just does not ring true. Not only is her detailed story of the killing full of implausible holes, her demeanor as a victim is "off." Women who kill or injure the abuser in blind, desperate rages are emotionally distraught and literally flat-lined after the fact. They don't go into cunning, detailed plans to cover their tracks. They are barely able to function after the incident. Not saying that Arias couldn't have had a psychotic break that day, but if she did she would not have gone into cover-up mode so seamlessly.

    And you are right about if Travis had this temper the defense surely would have looked for *someone* who knew him or witnessed it to testify to that fact.

    Arias is a sociopath and she gets her kicks having an audience. I hope the jury is saturated enough now with listening to her detailed performance that they now focus on the lies.
    If they believe she has lied in court to them about even *just one point,* they will have to discount the rest of her testimony as false too.

  55. Amused and Sinister Drives: I agree with both of you. She was obsessed with Travis and was a woman scorned. I missed the part about the phone charger....what was that?
    Also about the rope...I heard one testimony where she said the rope was loose enough she could get her hands out so why would there be a knife? I saw one picture of her naked and it looks like something black around her upper left shoulder...what was first thought was black electrical tape but that was not mentioned.
    It is also too coincidental to have the full gas cans so there are no receipts in Arizona.

    I mentioned before that the defence was not looking for the would validate her story.

    Does anyone know a murder trial...does the defence know the if they knew someone was they go ahead with all the stories anyway?

    Slept into Debt

  56. Hi Slept into Debt,

    I heard that too about the rope being loose. Yet under direct exam, she stated that Travis had to cut the rope ??? I do believe the rope story was her creation to have a knife "there" for her to grab in her alleged frenzy.

    The phone charger thing is significant (at least to me) because she testified in that long detailed explanation that once on the road, her phone was near dead and she had to rummage through her car looking for her charger, panicked thinking that she had left in at his house. One of the jury's questions was why didn't she charge it at his house before she left and she stated *that she had "thought of that" but his didn't fit hers.* Who would think of that (even try to see if it fit) if she was in a total crisis-generated blackout??
    Anymore than who would go through all the motions of cleaning up the scene and disposing of evidence.

    I just hope that the jury remembers her VERY detailed *phony* story that she told on camera to 48 Hours about the two intruders holding her at gunpoint and killing Travis...with her oh, so detailed description of all her "feelings" and actions as her life was threatened by these fictional people thrown in for color and drama.
    That 48 Hours performance clearly shows what an expert liar she is.

    Probably the police did look for a gun...but according to her she disposed of it in the desert *somewhere.*
    Of course...she doesn't remember where!!!

    As for the defense attorney possibly knowing she is guilty....
    The legal sources will say that it is every defendant's constitutional right to have the state (prosecutor) prove every element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. So regardless of what the attorney knows, they are defending their client's constitutional rights.
    The defense attorney's role is to present their client in the best light possible, and to require that the government prove every fact necessary to make their case.

    Her lawyer has done his best to paint her in a different light other than as a ruthless murderer.
    And Jodi Arias is more than willing and able to play whatever role it takes to sway this jury.

  57. Yikes!! I accidently on purpose ventured over to the jodiariasisinnocent blog and all I can say is...there are a LOT of delusional people over there. One theory I read was that Travis FELL ON TOP OF THE KNIFE mortally wounding himself in the process. Whatever....But how did he fall on the knife 28 more times (including 9 wounds in the back) and slit his throat? hmmmmm....

    The hot topic over there appears to be their claim that Travis Alexander was arrested for assault in Riverside CA (his old hometown, and therefore, had a history of violent behavior. Even though TA's brother admitted he was the perp, that when asked his name told arresting officers his brother's name to avoid violating his parole (that got violated anyway when they fingerprinted him). Anyway, I was watching HLN today which picked up the story (and the Arias supporters hate HLN with a passion) and what do you know, the mugshot of the perp is not Travis Alexander after all...could that be the reason Arias defense team didn't bring this up during the trial? Of course, this website still claims Arias killed in self-defense. I kind of like the way they call people who don't believe as they do "haters". Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

    Anyway, I agree that Arias was obsessed with Travis and stalked him. I imagine she thought she could use the sexplay to keep him mesmerized, but it didn't work that way. Like that saying "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free" Arias was just a booty call and not that special "one" that Travis wanted to marry and she just couldn't accept it. I would imagine TA as being a guy who, 40 years ago, would screw around but if a girl wanted to get serious he'd tell her she wasn't "good" enough because she wasn't a virgin.

    Tomorrow the trial starts up again, can't wait to see what else other surprises Juan Martinez has up his sleeve.

  58. CJ,
    I think Juan was really doing his job today !!

    There are those who say he isn't focused enough and all over the place since he chooses to not methodically work from a list or script. But with Arias, he seems to know that being the sociopath that she is (and obviously well-coached by her lawyers) she would be ready to go through any scenario, detail by detail with lots of dramatic fill-in, with her rehearsed lies. So instead, he kept switching it up on her. She never knew where he would go next. She really despises and probably fears him, but is too arrogant and narcissistic to not try to one up him any time she thought she could.

    Should be interesting when the 'experts' are on the stand next. So glad Arias is done talking and gesturing. Can't imagine that the jury isn't sick of hearing her too.
    I wonder if after listening to her non-stop for *18* days....any juror has kept count of just how many times she has said, "I don't know".."I can't remember"..."It's foggy"...."possibly/ maybe/ sort of/ not sure/ partly/ etc, etc.....versus how many straight up "Yes" or No" she chose to say?? !!!
    Curious that the judge didn't intervene once in awhile and caution her to do so when she was asked directly to respond with a "yes or no."

    Also should be interesting to see if her lawyer keeps up his annoying, halting, dragged out style of speech with the experts. Or was that style/approach only for handle the downtrodden, fragile "victim" with kid gloves.

    1. What are your thoughts about the first expert witness today? Let's see, the expert basically said he knew Arias was lying about the ninjas, but still no explanation why she chose to lie in the beginning. Okay, so he's the expert on the 'fog' she suffers in times of extreme stress, but still...I'm wondering how long he's going to be on the stand.

  59. CJ, after reading your remarks on jodiariasisisinnocent, I went and looked. I couldn't believe how many people believe her lies they not watch the trial? There are too many circumstantial incidents and she is so cunning. When she talks with her hair hanging over her face and she is mopping her nose (the tissue is probably dry) you want the judge to tell her to sit up and get your hair out of your face. I watched her and she was not wiping tears from her eyes so how upset was she really...hard to see facial expressions because of the hair. If the jury has one bleeding heart they will not get the 1st degree conviction.

    Slept into Debt

    1. I think it's a case of people seeing what they want to see. If for some reason they feel that Arias is innocent, they simply ignore or explain away evidence to the contrary. For me,my moment of 'truth' was when Arias explained that she lied "to protect her ego...[OOPSY, regroup, and change response to say] protect Travis' reputation". That oopsy was probably the ONLY time she told the truth!

      Now the defense expert witness is saying Arias' has a damaged hippocampus. But I still don't hear an explanation why she lied and continues to lie. Hopefully next week will be different.

  60. I am watching too and agree that this "expert" is doing just what was expected for the defense.

    But Juan Martinez is no fool and I am sure next week the Prosecution will bring to light again how Arias *does not* fit the profile that the defense is trying to establish. She is a sociopath who willfully and premeditatedly killed him.
    I also went to jodiariasisinnocent and saw what you said, CJ....there are people on there who simply need/choose to ignore the obvious. Yes, they call anyone who disagrees with them "haters."
    You're right...We DO know about them, don't we?

    Interesting...I saw that the people who put up the jodiariasisinnocent blog are the same people who put up the caseyanthonyisinnocent blog during her trial...???

    1. I saw that the people who put up the jodiariasisinnocent blog are the same people who put up the caseyanthonyisinnocent blog during her trial...???

      Yep, apparently the website just popped up 2 months ago, most likely when the trial began...

      (In my best imitation Church Lady voice) Isn't that special???

      And that supposed "communication" from the Arias family...Anyone who believes that was real, I've got some land on Mars I'd like to sell, real cheap!

      Wait, here's a statement from Robyn I just received that says:

      "This statement is to confirm that Cynical Jinx is the only person who can make fun of me and my online store, directly to my face if necessary." -- Robyn

    2. Oh, I think we can all do that! LOL


    If you are a newby like me...check this out...the Sister Wives on the Ellen show with some really funny captions.

    SD...I finally made it to Dec. 2011

    Slept into Debt

  62. Heard last night that when practicing in New Jersey, this defense "expert" was fined for unethical behavior when he was an "expert" in a custody hearing where he testified as a witness in a custody suit.(*which the father won*)
    He had never interviewed the mother yet alluded to her incompetence and later was found to have bartered for his fees *with the father* for dental services. A big no-no.

    He also has on his website something to the effect of "I will win the case for you" as a marketing slogan.
    Can't wait for Juan Matinez to take him on.

    1. On HLN, one of the courtroom observers said that when they were waiting to enter the courtroom, he was talking loudly about how his court appearance will help the sales of his new book.

      When he testified to the effect that Aria's having sex could make her go into a fog, I turned him off as just another crackpot. Too bad her defense team couldn't come up with enough dough to hire a real professional!

  63. My very favorite 'caption this' was on 11/14/11 during the sisterwives trip to Boston. While there, they went out to eat with "Danielle", an Episcopal minister who became seemingly enamored with them, In this particular 'caption this' Robyn is pontificating while being served food in a restaurant by a college student. I laugh every time I read it the captions!

    Congratulations, Slept into Debt, you're catching up! (Can't read as much, since my fictional modeling career is booming!)

  64. OMG!! Did anyone see the tape that came out today of Jodi Arias....the last part of the tape during her 2008 interrogation??
    After the detective leaves the room, she laughs, talks to herself about that she should have had more makeup on, sings to herself and then *stands on her head.*
    What is obvious is that she KNOWS that she is on camera as well as audio. That fact has to be revealed to anyone being questioned. What a twisted, narcissistic freak !!

    As of right now, the jury has not seen this part of that tape. The only saw her being questioned. I wonder if it will be shown or at least referred to or described by the prosecution.
    The jury *should* see that or at least know about it, lest they have any doubts about her deliberate and *strong* nature.

    1. They just played it on the was totally shocking to see her but the reporter said it would have been too negative for the jury to see it.

      Yeah, it's too bad the jury can't see how she thought it was all a big least that's the way I see it from her actions!

    2. I'm kind of glad they didn't show it, because I'm afraid some jurors might think it shows she's crazy, and therefore shouldn't be sentenced to death penalty. I, however, agree with CJ and Amused - it shows she is a twisted, narcisstic freak who thought it was all a big joke. Watching the last few days of the trial, I don't think she thinks it's all such a big jow now!

  65. Also the jury should know that she could so easily stand on her head.
    It does take agility to do that and upper body strength to hold the pose.

  66. i always thought she is a snake, but has anyone really looked at her really close? notice the little hole in the middle of her lips. is see the forked tongue popping out any minute. and those dark eyes. looks just like a freakin snake.uuugggggh i hate her!!!!!!!

  67. "I'm kind of glad they didn't show it, because I'm afraid some jurors might think it shows she's crazy, and therefore shouldn't be sentenced to death penalty."

    Hmmm.....hadn't thought of that. Good point.

    "i always thought she is a snake, but has anyone really looked at her really close?"

    Yeah, a snake or the cat that ate the canary. She definitely has a smug, sinister look when she isn't posturing for the jury.

  68. Looks like this defense witness is about as credible and organized as Kody Brown.
    Similar hairline too.

    I love Juan Martinez's style of questioning...sort of a cross between Al Pacino and Columbo.

    1. I heard that this witness was saying how this court appearance would help his book sales...I don't think so!

      Interesting point that HLN brought up...if Arias had just been upfront with law enforcement...that she killed in the heat of passion when rejected by TA, she might have been able to get 2nd degree. But instead she continued to use manipulation to get her way (like the way she apparently manipulated this rather weak expert witness) and it may lead her to a guilty verdict and the death penalty.

  69. If she is good at anything, it is at manipulation.
    I also heard today on HLN that originally she intended to be her own counsel at the trial. Wow, that is one super-inflated ego !!
    And how does that fact play into this expert witness's testimony that Jodi Arias suffers from low self-esteem ?

    1. What is interesting is her diary where she says it upsets her when travis says family is forever, why bother with it now (or something like that). Just from what we know about Mormons, he was most likely talking about his celestial family (eternity). And that Arias was not wife material in this life nor the next, otherwise he would have married her and had procreational sex instead of the occasional recreational sex when his roommates weren't at home. She might have thought by converting to Mormon Travis would marry her, but he just saw it doing his job as an Elder bringing another soul into the faith. And she obviously ignored what any teachings about being chaste.

  70. CJ,
    Damn !! That is so, so true.

    I wish you could do society a favor and relay that perspective to the prosecution because obviously they have not explored the Mormon angle enough.
    I understand that their job is to prove premeditation, *but* your thoughts are key to her mission to ingratiate herself however she could including becoming a Mormon, and when thwarted, she went manic and killed him.
    It was manipulation (and premeditation) on her part to the enth degree.

  71. I am lost here, and haven't paid attention. So she's basically a nut who killed her husband?
    Cynical Jinx, you seem to be on this, can you summarize this mess in a nutshell?

    1. Jodi Arias murdered her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander. Wikipedia has a pretty good (and short) summary of the case:

      Killing of Travis Alexander
