Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Misc News...Diva's Day out with Kody Brown Family!! Canada/Utah Polygamy

Twisted Sister Artwork

Lobotomized Artwork


Found on Craigslist:

2/23: DIVA'S DAY OUT w/special guest "The Kody Brown Family" (DAVIDBARTONGYM, TIVOLI VILLAGE)

See Ad at:


On a more serious side, an article from the Sun entitled " Utahns lobby against polygamy with a little  help from Canada."
There’s Canadian content in a new brochure that was hand-delivered Wednesday to Utah state legislators by a group that opposed to the decriminalization of polygamy. The brochure quotes from the decision of B.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert Baumann’s decision in 2011 that concluded that Canada’s anti-polygamy law is constitutional.
The constitutional reference case was started by the B.C. government in response to concerns about the polygamists in Bountiful, who are members of two separate fundamentalist Mormon groups. The one group follows Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; the other follows former FLDS bishop Winston Blackmore.
Read the rest at:

original date 2/18/13

There's still room available for comments on this article, so I've bumped it up. Please feel free to post your comments here for discussion.


  1. I was going to say that the older guy in the beer commercials is hot, but then I thought about him naked and I changed my mind. Not knocking anyone who is into May/December, but it's just not my kink. He is rather handsome though. Now I feel dirty. LOL

    1. We could play the game: Would you rather....this old guy or the Kodouche??!?! ewwwwwwww, give me May/December any day!

    2. We need emoticons! That actually made me laugh out loud, which is a rare occurrence. No contest...I'd run my fingers through the old guys hair any day. I have a big water heater so I could steam away the shame:)

  2. I love that guy from the commercial- that is too funny Twisted Sister!!!

    The Browns showing up at a cancer fundraiser as "special guests" is nice, but they are also selling jewelry! I'm assuming the proceeds from sales go to the charity?

    1. Hell to the no on them donating the green. Gotta put the pastries on the wet bar! I'm just sayin...

    2. Lauralee I read that as "put the *panties* on the wet bar"...


    3. I don't know how many times I've typed 'pasties' instead of pastries. Talk about a porn parody..!

      Twisted SisterWife

  3. Aspyn just posted this on Twitter and I thought "Oh the Blog is going to love this!"

    "I want to be rich when I grow up but I don't want my kids to know it"

    And Go!

    1. Ok, I gave this some thought (because she's still a kid, so she doesn't exactly get a *pass* for her comments, but she does get a little bit of extra consideration), and I came up with a couple of things...

      Option A - Aspen has some friends who have parents with money, and has realized that money doesn't solve eveyone's problems (or buy a child's happiness).

      Option B - Aspen wants her kids to learn the value of work, paying their own way, and the value of a dollar.

      Option C - Aspen has seen her parents in action and knows that their motto is (practically) 'every man, woman, and child for themselves', so she's intent on keeping whatever she has for herself, since this is the example her parents (all 5 of them) have lived and taught to their children. She's sick of sharing and sick of seeing Kody, Meri and Mariah get whatever they want, whenever they want, while the other mothers and siblings scrimp and usually go without. She wants to grow up and be the Mariah - or the Kody.

      Option D - Aspen really hasn't thought any of this through, and just made a thoughtless tweet.

      I'm guessing it's probably D, backed up subconsciously with years and years of C, but I hope it was B or A.

    2. Aspyn had better stay out of polygamy if she wants to be rich. Kind of sad for Mariah, because she's getting a taste of what money brings, just in time for a dose of the reality of average plyg poverty when she becomes a married man's live-in girlfriend. (Or maybe she'll be the legal wife like her mother - not that that affects the ultimate poverty factor). If she thinks there are "ghetto" Walmarts, she should try the "ghetto" of the dumpster diving that many polygamist families are reduced to.

    3. I thought it more as Aspyn has seen her parents have money (or at least have a sudden influx in cash in the past two years) and she doesn't like the way they are dealing with it. Or as above Option D.

    4. I think she is being exposed to her parents having money now, and she likes it. But, since all the kids know the parents are making money off of the show, they are all probably constantly asking for money, so she doesn't want her kids to know it and ask her for money all the time. Yeah, I'm probably over thinking it :)

    5. I think she thinks her parents or her dad is rich and not sharing the wealth with the kids. Her parents buy these expensive homes go on vacations and complain about being poor. What's a girl to think?

  4. Replies
    1. TSW - Funny take on the beer guy's line! I am catching up on a lot of posts. You are soooo talented! Very creative. Good job on all of your submissions! I love the beer guy.

  5. In my case any romance with the guy in the beer commercial would be December - December. So sad...

    Anyway, I don't know when I started watching Sister Wives show, and I only learned of the Dargers in last few months. As I was watching the Robyns and Cody's "wedding reception" on a 9/11 SWB clip, I saw that the band playing is the Darger son's band. He looks just like his mother, one of the twins.

  6. The gang is at Disneyland AGAIN! Give me a break! Can they please stop flaunting themselves blowing through all their money? They should just move into Cinderella's castle.

    1. I do read through their Tweets quite a bit. What's interesting is that Meri/Mariah and even Aspyn are ALWAYS at Disney, but the rest must not get to go as often. It was Hunter's b-day and apparently he is getting to go for his birthday. I have not seen them post about the little kids going all of the time. I guess Meri had the most money left over so she could afford to go all the time. That is so not right.

    2. Personally, it's not even just the money, it's just the boredom of going over and over and over and over and over and over get the picture. I mean...on MY vacations I can think of better things to do than wait 90 minutes in a line for a 4 minute ride that they've probably already done a bunch in the past. but then again, I'm SO not an amusement park person. I'd rather go to Mendocino or Yosemite.

    3. Good Point Mock Jobs! Meri always just takes the older teenagers. The little kids are NEVER there! They probably cry at home while the big kids go! Disney is MADE for little kids but MEAN "mom" Meri will only take the big kids. So unfair. NICE FAMILY!!!

    4. DakotaJustice, I hear ya about the long lines. When we went to Disney in FL it was at the height of summer and standing in line for over an hour in that heat for a lousy three or four minutes of semi-fun sucked. That was the vacation from hell. On a side note: our hotel banned us from the pool cause my 3 year old step brother whipped his "pinkie" out and peed in the pool in front of God and everybody LOL. Poor little guy was just potty trained and didn't know any better. And I'm sorry my earlier post gave you a bad case of icky mind :)*giggles* If I could, I'd send you some brain bleach.

    5. Lauralee I have plenty of brain bleach, they sell it at Costco! LOL

      I actually have a lot of co-workers who LOVE going to Disneyland, and all those other parks. The only one I really enjoy is Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, and that's because of the beach and the great ambiance of Santa Cruz in general. Plus the history including one of the most famous, oldest wooden coasters in the US, The Giant Dipper. (Not a big roller coaster person, but I do appreciate its history). Besides, it costs nothing just to walk on the boardwalk and hang out on the beach and enjoy NATURAL scenery rather than artificial landscaping with a ginormous entry fee...that's money that can be spent having lunch or dinner w/cocktails at a nice/fun restaurant. (I would hope that the food has improved at the House of Mouse since the last time I was there...for me a vacation must include really amazing food!)

    6. Meri seems to take her own daughter, Mariah, to Disney more than any of the other children. I just find this odd because Mariah is a teenager and I think the younger children would get more of a thrill going to see Mickey than her. Does anyone really believe that Meri treats or cares for all of the kids as much as her own?

    7. Lauralee and DJ, you guys crack me up! Brain bleach...I'm already creating a logo for it in my head.

      Forget Disney, let's all take a blog field trip to Las Vegas! We'll probably even qualify to buy our own McMansions while we are there and have us a nice vacation house. I hear the exiled sunsets are amazing there...we can even do some proseltyzing for the blog and multiply some blog love.

    8. Twisted Sister - Thoughts for coffee cups or tee shirts:

      "I validate me" or
      "You validate me" or
      "I am a Physical Manifestation"

    9. Thanks, Sinister Drives! I'll get to work.

  7. I knew right where to bring this. SWB.

    Relative to 14 kids with 4 baby mommies, 9 kids and 6 baby mommies doesn't sound so bad. The judge goes further and says he wishes he could order sterilization. Funny nobody talks much about court-ordered sterilization for (white) Mormon superbreeders like Kody and Darger.

    Aspyn wants to be rich. Poor kid. Much easier to start out in life well-capitalized not one of 17 sharing one paternal income.

    1. Maybe someone SHOULD talk about court-ordered sterilization for (white) superbreeders like Kody and Dargar. Or Warren Jeffs, for that matter. I'm a little surprised that with all of the control Jeffs still has over his community and congregation, HE hasn't begun ordering it for those he deems 'unworthy'. Ick.

      In all seriousness, the courts CAN tell someone to "stop having kids", but I'm pretty sure court-ordered sterilization is along the lines of a civil rights violation. I'm not a lawyer, but I'm guessing the judge who ordered this will find it overturned in appeals court (if the guy appeals).

    2. State ordered sterilization was constitutionally upheld by the supreme court in 1927. The victim in that case was white. You would think society would have evolved by now ... Guess not.

  8. Today is the Dargers 23rd. wedding Anniversary, or Joe's 46th. as their facebook page states.

    1. So...the only anniversary that counts is the first one - the first marriage with the two wives? Only the original wedding counts, but the years are coumpounded, like interest? The ones who matter to PappaJoe are wives 1 and 2, and being married to them will only FEEL like an eternity?

      Way to make twin #2/wife #3 realize she's losing the competition and she'd better step it up if she wants back in the race.

    2. Good grief, Darger married wives one and two on the sameday. Wife three's anniversary is on a different day. It was meant to be funny so there isn't any need to make something more out of it.

  9. AH HA HAHAHA!! I needed a laugh today. I don't even think this is the same gym that Janelle and whoever works out with clueless trainer Sean. And also I checked the class schedule and they have a class called Ass Blast. ROFL!!!

  10. according to Janelle's twitter, her and Christine are officially working in sales at TMI realty!

  11. Yes they r also listed on TMI site as agents. Maybe their chance to get out.

  12. They lie so much that I can't remember what Kody said about wives they get to keep those or does everything go into the family's money pool? If I was Janelle and had supported these yahoos for years I wouldn't be so anxious to get another job and start doing it all over again. Especially when none of my "sisters" or celestial husband would even help kick in for a patio!

  13. TMI realty is a terrible name.

    1. The irony is probably lost on them!

    2. I agree on that. I wonder if Mona (shown as the owner) knew the meaning of TMI?

      I am not a real estate person at all, but being an agent doesn't necessarily mean they are getting paid a salary I believe. My BIL works part time (on the side) as a realtor but only makes $$ if he is involved in a sale I think. If Mona is paying them other than that, I would have to say its really more of a admin/office job. *shrug* I noticed their pages on the realty site say "as seen on the TV Show "Sister Wives"" so I guess Mona feels that this is a selling point for a prospective real estate agent? And that Janelle is shown as a "real estate sales professional". WTF?

    3. I wonder if this means they are now licensed agents? If they are, I honestly wish them luck. They will need it to make any money in that industry, in that depressed market. But Janelle and Christine have the most kids to take care of and financially support of all four women, and they are the only two going to work. I don't consider what Robyn and Meri are pretending to do, real work. And don't get me started on Kody.

      What a JOKE that Meri tweets about being in Disneyland AGAIN, and then has the balls to pretend she is working while standing in line for a ride.

    4. Mona is no fool. Hiring Janelle and Christine will bring attention to her office. Good or bad, people will want to use her agency just to get there 15 minutes with the girls. The bad thing is that a lot of people will waste their time.

    5. They should have just changed the name to TMI Reality Show.

    6. If I was looking for a real estate firm (out of the myriad of real estate firms out there...) I would be looking for one with a professional attitude, that gets the best deal for its clients, that knows the ropes inside and out...NOT because they have some third-tier reality show participants on their employee list.

      Come to think of it, that wouldn't apply just to real estate. As stated below, it's clear from their unprofessional email that they are merely a gimmick. Unfortunately there is no doubt a percentage of potential viewers who would use them JUST for the opportunity to "meet a sister wife". GAG ME.

    7. They might as well buy a double-decker bus and offer Sister Wives tours around the cult-de-sacs of Las Vegas, because the only attention they will get is from tourists and looky-loos.

      I wonder if Mona is going to let them set up a little joolery counter in the real estate office?

      What a joke.

  14. Wow...

    Meri BrownVerified account ‏@MeriBrown1

    @DCAToday I love that in this technological age, I can actually work while I'm waiting in the 90 min line for the Cars ride at CA Adventure!

    1. I wish I had twitter so I could comment on that. Grrrrr.

  15. Ok, ok, ok - I have to ask, it has been driving me crazy! Have the sister wives, Janelle, Christine and "The Chin" legally changed their last name to Brown? My husband just checked the TMI website and Christine and Janelle are listed as agents...Christine BROWN and Janelle BROWN....oh and they both share the same email address,

    1. Christine and Janelle Legally changed their name to Brown.

    2. I've always wondered. Do we know if Kody is listed as father on Jenelle and Chrisine's kids birth certificates? If he is, wouldn;t that have made it impossible to get the single mother welfare benefits they apparently did? If he's not, how sad for those children; I'd resent having to 'respect' him in any way if I were them, if he isn't listed as father..

    3. I can't even believe that they're using "mysisterwifes" as their professional email address- and that they're sharing it. In my business classes they always hit us over the head with the idea that your email address should never stray outside of the business name or your own (i.e christine.brown@whatever or cbrown@whatever).

      If that doesn't scream that all they are is a gimmick at that company I don't know what does.

    4. Not to get all English teacher on you, but isn't the plural spelled with a V? Using a possessive as a username (sans apostrophe) makes little sense.

      The Gordon Setter

    5. Sharing a "sisterwife" realtor email= pathetic gimmick. What's next, a free butterfly/dogpaw apron and a bottle of green goo with every house purchase? Grifters.

    6. Boston Corgi,

      100% agree with you !!!
      Grifters.....and the worse part is that they are now celeb grifters !!

      Doesn't say much for TMI Reality, does it?

    7. "The Chin" Hahahahaha!

      In Canada we call it the Mulroney chin :)

  16. Love the Planet Kody illustration, LOL!! Even funnier if they were standing on a brown 'planet' much resembling a turd ;)

    1. That's funny! I saw the planet as a big, festering cold sore!

    2. Yes, the picture is PRICELESS! Looove Robyn especially.

  17. Since the Browns spend so much time at Disneyland, I wonder if they think this is what the real world is like,

  18. I guess what irks me the most is that Janelle and Christine tried to find a job, while the others did not. I know the "Noni juice and aprons" are supposed to be their jobs, but seriously ... I would've respected them so much more if each one of them had tried to get a realtor's license. Even if they didn't all decide to go that route, the other three should have tried to find a job somewhere with some benefits for those 17 and Counting Kids.

    1. Benefits for 17 kids: I have heard of domestic partner benefits, but never of having your kids and all of your boyfriend's other women's kids covered as well! However, couldn't one call them all your stepchildren and get them all covered in theory?

    2. The only way ALL those kids are going to get any health, dental, vision benefits is if THEIR FATHER, gets a job that has it. Otherwise, they have GOT TO BE paying through the nose for any health care benefits that they have right now.

    3. If Kody had a job with benefits he probably couldn't carry all the kids, but the moms could get jobs with benefits and carry the kids. That would ensure everyone was covered.

    4. Kody, work? I can't see that happening anytime soon.

  19. I don't have twitter, so I keep up through this blog. Regarding Aspyn's post, I think the older kids see the parents carelessly spending and passively aggressively lash out like she did. I also agree with a previous comment about some feeling slightly jipped because Meri has a smaller brood but equivalent slice of pie so to speak. Have there been any reports of Janelle or Christine at Disney on a regular basis? My guess is no. By the time their children are all Mariah's age, the cash cow will be dry, and half the family will be parked around the wet bar eating mock tapioca while Meri chases Robyn's toddlers around screaming about how they are crunching peanut butter fritos into her carpet.

    This is totally off topic, but has anyone besides me noticed how many people beg to know when the new season starts on their Facebook page? They all send the same message just reworded a bit.

    The wives do not comment on that site nor does TLC. All people need to do is scroll through a few posts to see the others squawking about a new season, too.

  20. ""The Utah group called the Sound Choice Coalition is led by Kristyn Decker, a former polygamist. In an interview with Fox News, Decker said if Utah moves to decriminalize polygamy it will allow the state to become a haven for the abuses that come along with the practice.

    “We want to see these people protected, especially the children,” Decker said. “We’ve got generations, if it’s just ignored we’re talking hundreds of thousands of generations of the same thing going on and on.”

    So in the article we see Md Decker Speaking out, good for her. There's a part of me that pities those that get out. They all seem to have such a big heart, and feel the need to help others, which is wonderful, but must be exhausting. God Bless them.

    1. I agree. And there are often hateful, or at least disrespectful, comments made about them by uninformed people who say "just let the plygs live there lives, they're not hurting anyone". I think it's hard for us who read this blog to realize how little most people know about the abuses of 'the lifestyle'. My friends are shocked when how tell them about some of the things I've learned and read. I live in the South, and had no idea how widespread the practice is in certain states. So many abuses have been swept under the rug!

    2. I'm active on another message board for what I thought was forward thinking feminists. When I posted something along the lines of it's a patriarchal system and is inherently abusive to the women involved, I got the same line of argument from what I thought were "my people". Absolutely nobody agreed with me and it just blew my mind. A lot of them seem to just like being "liberal" and like the sound of everyone else agreeing with how awesomely forward thinking they are and how wonderful WE"RE so tolerant. Eh,*shrugs* I just wish some people who are so quick to give their opinion would read about the subject and THEN tell me what they think. OTOH, maybe I'm just grouchy/have sour grapes cause I think of myself as kind of the amateur expert on the Brown family on that board and I wasn't appreciated? *stomps foot and has a hissy fit* LOL

    3. lauralee,

      Sorry to hear that so-called forward thinking folks are more steeped in the movement than they are willing to look at the specifics.

      The feminist movement has gone through many shifts in the last 30 years. (Yeah, I was around back then. College was a virtual sea of causes)
      The Feminist crusade achieved really great things for women; things that literally changed a generation for females. But now it seems to have diluted from its core focus and become more political than societal. More party-specific than gender-specific. It's too bad, because in its day, the movement was a hotbed of energy and action. It was all about females..race, religion, culture, assets were simply not was about *Women* !!

      I don't see how any card-carrying "feminist" can not see or not validate the abuse of women in hard-core plyg sects...and on a more subtle level, groups like SW.

    4. Hey, Amused 8:14, wanna join my group so next time I don't hear crickets? I'd like to hear your input about the movement and how it impacted you at the time and now. They've already heard my roar & I could use some back-up :) If you're not afraid of being dog piled for going against the tide it's a hell of a lot of fun! Not going to mention the name of the group right now cause I'm not sure that would be appreciated here.

    5. Lauralee,
      Thanks for the invite but I am respectfully declining. Not out of disinterest or fear of intimidation, but from long experience in similar situations. Eventually there is the realization that rhetoric and facts are lost on those who are vested in their beliefs or causes. And that works *both ways* in any discussion.

      My advice to you (and I admire your passion) is to never back down from sharing your information. When you know that your facts are solid and documented, think of it as sowing seeds. Try to become less attached to the possibility of germination, as much as diligence in sowing the seeds in as much as of the field as you can. Like a teacher, your info won't make sense to every student, but there *will* be those who can and will hear it.
      Also, if the blog is not monitored and balanced by the mods, there can be a mob mentality. So if someone does "hear" you, they may be reticent to acknowledge it publicly. But privately, they may have a new perspective.

      Women's issues are still plentiful...domestic violence/culture abuse, job/salary inequities, medical study oversights, racial prejudice heightened by gender bias, body image, etc, etc.

  21. If "informing the public" really was the Browns' goal in doing the show (it's doubtful, but that is their story and they are sticking to it)....but to give them the benefit of the doubt on this that maybe it was at least part of their reason...
    By coming out, they have peaked the curiosity of the uninformed about the history and practice of Plygs...
    About *ALL* of its versions and sects.

    Rather than improve the image of a religion and belief system which denigrates women, produces scores and scores of innocent, needy children, abandons their own young males to lesson the competition...they have actually drawn attention to all these abuses.
    Rather than show a lifestyle (supposedly their version) which allegedly enhances shared love and respect, they have shown how even their homemade version of plural/plyg marriage erodes the self-esteem and emotional health of the women.

    The Kody Browns have shown clearly that the "man" can be blatantly immature, lazy, disconnected, self-obsessed and still be revered as the "master." In the Dargers' case, Big Joe may not be a lazy, silly, boy-man like Kody, but he too is King/Dictator of his world. He too determines all the how, who, when, what and why "his" life and the lives of his women and children will be.

    For the non-knowing public, SW has been quite an education about the *lifestyle and the Principle* !!
    And the impression about it all is surely NOT the way the Browns, nor the Dargers since they too have joined in the public parade, envisioned their *coming out* and books would be.
    They have opened the media and social network doors on a darkness that cannot be forgotten or ignored.
    Yes, DO already know really can be bastards!!

    1. Well said Amused! We can only hope many people are really learning about how abusive the lifestyle is by reading and researching!

      If (when) we all buy and wear our "I (heart) SWB" tee shirts, our friends will ask us about them and we can direct them to this blog!!

    2. Love your T-shirt idea !!!

    3. Hey Amused, I (heart) SWB is not my idea - twisted sister already has this tee shirt on sale.

      Please, twisted sister, re-post the address to buy your creations!!

    4. Sinister Drives,
      Oh, I meant your idea about wearing them to generate questions for redirection to SWB.

      Twisted Sister, you are a VERY talented artist and designer !! :))


      Hopefully soon I will have a post up all about Twisted Sister's "store"!!!!

    6. I think that Mister Sister is working on a post that will put all of the designs available on it with links on how to purchase them. We're planning to make it a fundraiser. If I'm not mistaken, it will be any day now!

    7. Just ordered my "I (heart) SWB" tee shirt!!

      Saving to buy Twisted Sisters creations!! Glad there will soon be a post about her 'store'!

    8. Yes, I'll get it up soon! Exciting!

    9. TWS, please don't forget the brain bleach :) I'd totally buy something that had a little something about the bleach on it. You're really creative and can't wait to see what cool something you'll come up with next!

    10. I'm feeling special cause I just ordered my mug :) Can't wait to have my first cup of clarity from it. Thanks TSW!!!

  22. The Browns are wanting freedom of religion..suing for it in Utah..saying they are exiled to Nevada. They know full well the abused women and kids that polygamy breeds and they want to legalize it? just for themselves? how selfish. They know the horrors of abused children and women. on a side note..gas in california is 5 bucks a gallon and they are making many trips to disneyland. Meri and Mariah are blowing thru this money foolishly. Janelle had said i dont care what Meri does.
    This money may ultimately tear them apart. Meri and Janelle still have small children to raise. Does Meri have no heart? she is so selfish. I would tell her to her orange face if i had the chance. Kody lets this go on and on. No equitable distribution for the kids.

    1. Inequitable distribution is part of life. Is a possible advantage of growing up in a giant brood that you learn to tolerate inequitable distribution? Don't get me wrong - I think this overbreeding polygamy is loathsome - but could there possibly just this tiny good lesson in there at least for the children?

    2. i hope so..Janelle and Christine have tolerated it. I just dont think Kody has looked out for his kids financial well being. He has let Meri run over the needs of janelle and christine and their kids forever.

    3. Ageed Anonymous 4:18PM! I think most of us watching the episode of Brown's picking out carpets, tiles & wall colors were sickened by Mari's greed.

    4. And it is a crime in Nevada. Shows how America is so broken up it's sad.

  23. the browns should read the part of the bible about gluttony...trips to disneyland..mcmansions..

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I can see why someone, or many someones would buy a house with J or C (or Mona.) Some number of people will see Janelle on TV, or Christine, and see something in them they can relate to - maybe as simple as 'I wouldn't mind spending a couple of hours looking at houses with this lady.' Of course it's better if the agent you connect with is also a contracts and negotiations expert, but just having someone who doesn't scare the pants off you (or who isn't otherwise an intolerable pain in the rear) makes the transaction more enjoyable. A real estate agent is like a 3 or more month relationship - someone who applies pressure isn't worth the extra stress. Go Janelle (and Christine)!!!

  25. So I went to TMI's website. It seemed to me that some of the houses for sale looked strikingly similar to the Brown's rentals. I don't know for sure. But if it is, they might have trouble convincing people they have not moved as they show there own empty house to a potential buyer.

    1. I know for a fact that Meri's rental is on Trulia right now.

    2. Thanks for the update Anon5:50

    3. I saw Robyn's house on there, but couldn't find Meri's. Is Mona trying to use their notoriety to rent their old houses or sell them? I can see someone trying to rent one, rather than purposely buying an old Sister Wives house.

      Meri's probably would be the easiest to push: cleaner carpets and 3 unused bedrooms, but you'd have to scrape the hairspray residue off the bathroom walls and ceiling. Ewwwwwwww

    4. Don't forget the doggie pee pee on carpet.

    5. and dont forget the fake tan orange streaks on the walls.

    6. LOL! I'm getting an image from The Cat in The Hat.

    7. And the green goop on the floor due to lack of wet bar.

  26. I'm just now starting to watch 'Big Love'. I realize that was a fictional TV show, but I wonder how much of it was based on true events? Does anyone have any insight?

    (forgive me if I missed a previous post on the topic)

    1. Supposedly, BL was based loosely on the Darger family, the "Mother of the Year" Event. Obviously much was based on events that someone had informed them of- it's too eerily informative, in fact, to me, much more than SW. Cynical Jinx is the Big Love expert, so I'm sure she'll respond!
      Here's two posts we have:

    2. Thank you Mister Sister!

      Big Love expert...sounds like a radio call-in show! :)

    3. She's got it down and was a fan, and probably could do a talk show on it! I didn't watch it much, then rented the whole series in Dec and watched it all! So much better than SW

    4. I cannot look at Bill Paxton without seeing Chet from Weird Science, especially when he laughs! Looking at Frank is like seeing Kody Brown in the future, exact same hairstyle.

  27. I just finished reading Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wall. I couldn't put it down. I never would have thought to read it until I found this blog. I can't wait to read more. It's so sad and disgusting what these people do. Warren Jeffs and his cronies should be hung. I just don't see how people could live this way and be so miserable. So sad.

    1. Even Warren Jeff's thought he should be hung.
      From a post on August 12, 2011, they found this in his secret documents:

      If the world knew what I was doing, they would hang me from the highest tree.

      He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he justified it with his religion. I'm sure he thought he would never get caught. I guess by now he knows the prison walls are not going to fall down so he can walk out and return to his perverted ways.

      Does anyone know if he is still calling the shots of his FLDS group or if someone else has taken over?

      Is he still making them eat only beans and drink only water?

    2. I read the book also. What a brave girl Elissa Wall is. I watched the trial as well. Her face was not shown but you could hear her very quiet and shy voice. I am so happy she has found a stronger voice now.

    3. Last I read, that piece of human filth was still very much in control. I just can't wrap my head around how he maintains his hold, but the indoctrination must run incredibly deep in the followers. Every time I hear/read about him I can't help but picture the rape of a young girl that was tied up not to fight him and him telling another woman when he was done that she could untie the girl. I hate him and his enablers with every fiber of my being. The Brown and Darger families put a happy coat of icing on a poop cake and it offends me.

    4. All communications should be severed for him! Why does the system still allow him to preach his venom?

    5. I so agree. He should have no communication with the outside world as it has been proven he is still ruling the cult.

    6. Hi JAE - there were many really good and informative books recommended on SWB post of 1/19/13 "Get Your Aprons Here". If you haven't already, check in the comments of that post to find; that's where/when I started learning a lot about polygamy.

  28. Why do they always have to play the victim?

    People too weak to follow their own dreams will always find a way to hate on yours.
    Retweeted by Janelle Brown

    1. maybe she felt she wasn't been talked about enough on SWB? :)

    2. Janelle, I think you are the smartest of the 4 wives! Go team Janelle!

    3. Oh, so they're "following their dreams," now? So that's what you call it.

  29. Maybe an ounce of truth?

  30. I'm sure that I am way behind all of you people but I am reading "Becoming Sister Wives" just now. Oh my, I did't realize the web that was woven here. Janelle, married to Meri's brother? Janelle's mom married to Kody's dad? Holy smokes! Having to call Janelle, Kody's sister to hide the fact that she was a wife? But she was his step sister, right? And the two personalities of Robyn....She-Rah? Now I get the inuendos about that. So unhealthy the way Meri talks about the relationship between Kody and Janelle as if it was a business only marriage, how sad for Janelle. I don't know if I will finish the book because so far they all seem to be on board with Robyn and on the show the wives acted like she was an intruder. Anyway, enough of my ranting.

    1. Annon 7:25, I , too, suffered through that infernal piece of drivel. I usually finish a book of that length in a day. It took me a month to get through that mess of words, and I skipped most of Robyn's chapters cause I kept hearing her voice and it irritated me. All here had to hear my rant too. When I was through, I found I didn't like any of the adults. Just release the beast and we will all understand. The brain pain will go away- eventually. Sending you hugs and strong whiskey you poor thing. If that doesn't work....there's always brain bleach ;) I've heard they sell it at Costco these days LOL

    2. Lol, I think I will write my own book....seems books are easy to get published!

    3. All I know, was I didn't need to read the book (after spending 50 cents at a garage sale). The Natalie Morales "Tell All" pretty much summed it all up for me...."video don't like folks". These women HATE each other PERIOD. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Not kinda, not somewhat, not NOTHING. They are though tolerating each other for the $$$$$$$$ mula!!!!

      In my opinion, I believe the Dargers saw EXACTLY what most of us saw and were quite embarrassed and mortified at the portrayal that the Browns were showing as an example of "The Lifestyle". Obviously we know that relationships are not perfect, but when you have it broadcast across the nation and you see four women ready to explode in tears because of the lack of respect that 5 people have for each other yet are pretty much stuck with each other due to HAVING SO MANY KIDS or A TLC CONTRACT....well.

      And I'm just thinking they have not looked into any type of counceling because of all the "house planning and building" "work" "traveling" ....that's OK, money will fix it!

    4. Anony - 7:25 p.m. You didn't have to read the book tho to find out about Janelle's prior marriage to Meri's brothers. He's even been shown in one of the episodes after that info came out on the show. LIkewise, Janelle's Mom has been featured as one of Kody's dad's wives on the show and shown in one of the episodes as well.

      But She-Rah has only been mentioned in the book and not on their TV show. YET.

      It's both a painful and yet boring book. Glad I didn't pay anything to read it.

  31. Mariah just tweeted that Maddie has been elected Student Body President of Centennial High. At least she has some ambition.

    1. WOW! Way to Go Maddie!!! I would think that's QUITE an ACCOMPLISHMENT in a 4000 student school!!! We at SWB certainly can pick out the best of this (mostly motley) crew. I think Maddie is a favorite of almost all of us here!

      Aren't we all PROUD of Maddie!!

    2. Wow! Yay! Go Maddie!

      The Gordon Setter, doing happy parade with stuffy in mouth

    3. Yay Maddie! She has been my favorite Brown since day 1 so I'm not surprised. Smart, talented, does not want to follow in her parents footsteps - she will fly high in spite of Kody.

  32. So I too am just now reading the book...and if Meri disses Janelle one more time, I'm going to LV to personally b**** slap the woman. ALL Meri talks about is how at least Janelle's relationship with Kody is not romantic like hers is.... how Kody is only friends with Janelle, is only attracted to her mind and on and on. We get it. You think your relationship with Kody is so freaking much better than Janelle's. So SHUT the CRAP UP already. If Kody actually does prefer Meri over Janelle, then that is simply further proof of the idiot he is.

  33. I have been looking at old posts. If you'd like to see the differences in Mormonism and Protestant faith check out the 4 part series that start here:

    There is no judgment, just a clear comparison of the beliefs. Interesting for those that are trying to self teach themselves like I am.
    Thinking about it, I wonder if Kody and family even remember that they are BASED on a religion? I see no sign of it, no behavior of it, and quite frankly, if I were the the head of the AUB, I would be ashamed.

  34. you would need emotions to feel shame, from what I have seen of this gang they only have two emotions, I am a victim, and I am a complete idiot. But thank Joey Smith that we have enough idiots to watch us make fools of ourselves every week, and idiots to buy our overpriced junk baubles. Now leave me alone were packing to go to Disneyland AGAIN.

  35. Wow! Janelle looks fantastic in her TMI photo. She seems to be doing better and better for herself. Kudos to her for not needing a man, for raising great kids, and for being true to herself.

    1. And kudos for having a daughter who is STUDENT BODY PRES!

      It's so much fun to blame the moms when the kids are terrors. (Been watching Toddlers and Tiaras.) They should get at least some credit when the kid does something good.

      The Gordon Setter

    2. Go Maddie! Janelle's older kids are GREAT kids, she did good :) Am sure her younger ones are to be proud of too but we rarely see them (which is fine by me, obviously too young to make the choice to be so visible.)

  36. A lil off topic, but just seen a TLC commercial for the Duggars do Asia...Wonder if the Browns will try to get TLC to pay for their girls trip to Europe??

    1. I was assuming that TLC/Figure 8 had already planned this, which is how they could A: come up with the idea to eve go to Europe, and B: Knew they were going so far in advance, knew the trip would be fnded, etc.

      The Duggars are doing Asia? God help us all.

  37. So looking at the TMI Las Vegas Realty site, a few things pop out to me that I have questions.

    1. What is the difference between a "Real Estate Sales Person", "A Real Estate Sales Professional", "Realtor", "Broker-Salesperson" and a "Real Estate Professional"

    Just want to add that the girl at the bottom looks sooooooooo unprofessional in her spaghetti strap top in her picture...just horrible.

    2. Where are the pictures of the other realtors?

    3. What does TMI stand for? Too Much Information...REALLY " Too Much Information is what we believe in".
    WHAT??? What is that suppose to're a Real Estate company.

    Well, good luck Jenelle and is your way out!

    1. "Real Estate Sales Person", "A Real Estate Sales Professional", "Realtor", "Broker-Salesperson" and a "Real Estate Professional"

      I think they are going to use Janelle and Christine at open houses to pull in people because of their 'reality star power'. I seriously doubt this will be successful in the long run, because people (especially local) will simply get tired of them because they just don't bring anything else to the table. Unless, of course, if Kody marries his 5th, then they will draw the sympathy crowd.

      So in my opinion, they are just sales persons - basically the bottom rung of the real estate ladder.

      OK, I googled the following explanations...

      Real Estate Professional:An individual who provides services in buying and selling homes. The real estate professional is paid a percentage of the home sale

      Real Estate Sales Person:Person who has passed a state examination for that position, and must work under the supervision of a broker..

      Real Estate Sales Professional:A person licensed to negotiate and transact the sale of real estate on behalf of the property owner

      Realtor:A person who acts as an agent for the sale and purchase of buildings and land; a real estate agent

      Real Estate Broker: "Real estate salespeople work under the guidance and the legal protection of their broker. Brokers rarely engage directly in the real estate transactions of buyers or clients, and their role is mainly managerial." (source:

      Also from the website, it goes on to explain that in order to reach climb the real estate ladder, there's a lot more schooling and licensing involved. To be a broker, for example, a four year college degree (or two years experience working as an agent) plus passing the brokers exam is required.

    2. I also noticed that Janelle , Christine, & some guy are the only ones WHO dont have a CELL # listed as a contact...Which Im sure, they opposedthat idea real quick. So it makes dense what u said, CJ , that they'llmainly be doing open houses to try & draw a crowd. Which May work, but not for buying purposes Anyways, just for a chance to meet & chat w/ them, like someone had stayed earlier. Besides, U must not wanna make a sale too bad if ur not willing to give out ur CELL #. You would think, J & C could at least get a seperate phone just for TMI & share since afterall they do share same email & goofy Man they call their ' husband'.. lol Also, Im pretty sure that Janelle is the One receiving & responding to all the incoming emails.

    3. Whoa, I apologize for all my errors above...Lol Ughhhh...responding from my phone is a nightmare. I usually don't notice, til I get on my home computer >_<

  38. I know this was discussed above, but I'm just posting here. I'm not really sure why the Browns continue to be all hush hush about their season starting, etc...Esp when Gypsy Sisters announced on Feb 17 on their Gypsy Sisters FB fan page that their will be a season 2 and they just premiered a couple of weeks ago!

    1. Don't forget Baby Hee Haw. Her dear mama has posted not only season start dates, but filming start dates, the 3 specials that were to be shown (halloween, thanksgiving and christmas) AND the fact the show was being renewed on both the Fan Facebook page and the official TLC facebook page!

      What's even weirder is that TLC announced in the media months ago that they renewed the show! So I don't understand why Robyn and gang are telling their fans TLC has placed a gag order on them.

      Now that the Browns have aligned themselves with some new 'entertainment' friends, I wonder if they are thinking about jumping ship to another cable what Heidi Klum did with Project Runway. I can't think of another channel that would want Sister Wives...well maybe Spike or CMT (Country Music Television - home of the My Big Redneck franchise)would want them...

    2. Caramel Brownie,
      Maybe...they do the hush-hush routine to keep people guessing??
      As in..** to keep people talking about them??!! **

      A nice guarantee for free, effortless PR.
      Grifters....seasoned grifters!!!

    3. Thats very true CJ, I totally forgot about TLC's announcement a while back. I just think its ridiculous how they just think so much of themselves, & still yet choose to treat the ones not buying their overpriced junk or a fan singing their praises, then theyre just rude & get an attitude.
      Yes, Amused, U are so right on calling them Seasoned Grifters....Uggghhhhhh!!

  39. With due respect to our wonderful administrator CJ, it seems to me that Janelle would bring a lot to the table as a "real estate sales professional" if she were assigned to negotiate and transact a sale on behalf of a buyer, assuming that job description is accurate. Janelle would do her homework on behalf of her client, and being a good listener, I think she would be a good negotiator for financial matters on behalf of a client. Janelle seems to be thorough and thoughtful.

    It seems that many posters on this blog are selling Janelle and Christine short on their efforts in the real estate profession. I wonder why.

    1. I think using the "sister wives" gimmick made them look less genuine in my opinion. Hope they'll just focus on being great realtors in the long run... not "SW realtors" or "reality star realtors". I certainly wish them well though since they each have a 7 person household to support!

      Wonder if they get to keep their paychecks since they don't live together anymore or do they still have to share?

  40. Evidently the sisters are introducing "a new jewelry piece" at the cancer fundraiser this weekend. Meri tweets that's it's just in time for St. Patrick's Day so I'm guessing it's an iconic original shammrock designed by Robyn.

    Grifters. They can't even support a cancer fundraiser without promoting themselves & grabbing some cash in the process. Someone on the Closet FB page asked them if some of the proceeds were going to the charity. Hmmmmm...they have yet to respond.

  41. You know I just find it so disturbing thinking of Kody having 4 wives, and even more disturbing that these women put up with it. They must truly be delusional. BUT, I am so glad to see that their children, particularly Janelle's children, are being so successful in school and sports from what I have seen on twitter. Good for them.

    1. Jenelle's children certainly seem great, let's give some credit to Mariah too. Although her obvious drinking-the-koolaid about polygamy is sad, it was mentioned in one episode that she is in the National Honor Society. I think that's a great recommendation for her. I had a Student Body President (small school) child, but never had a National Honor Society child; I would have been very proud!

  42. Found this today and had to share...Another sick Fundy found guilty of rape! I swear these people are everywhere! And to think we really had no idea up until a couple of years ago!

    1. I was just wondering if when a web address is put on with something informative to read if it could be highlighted or whatever you do to it so it could be just clicked on to read without having to type the whole thing in? Maybe this isn't possible but it would be nice...I know you can do it in an email.

      Love, love this blog...still learning so much. Thanks to everyone.

      Slept Into Debt

    2. There is a way to do it using html tags, however, you can copy and paste the url into your browser without having to type it in.

    3. My daughter taught me to just press shift, and then 'scan' the web address with my mouse, and it appears in the google bar. Then I just press search, and get to the address

    4. Sorry. Not press shift. Press the left bar at bottom of my laptop, etc.

    5. Thanks for the hints but I am trying to do it from an ipad and still struggling.

      Slept Into Debt

    6. This blog does not work and play well with the iPad, but sometimes, if the iPad is in a good mood, you can do a copy and paste like this: Hold finger down for a second on the web address. Lift finger, you will see a blue bar with moveable corners. Use finger to glide/move corners of blue box to include entire address. Lift finger. "Copy" and some other option will appear. If not, try touching bluebox. "Copy" and some other optio will appear. Choose Copy. Then open another browser window and tap once in the search will bring up an option to Paste. Click on Paste. Then hit "enter."

    7. Thank you worked! Before I kept getting only one word....didn't realize I could slide the blue box around. So much easier now to read the other articles.

      Slept Into Debt

    8. I use google chrome and if you highlight and then right click it gives you the option go to http:.... Then it opens up a new window with the link. I love it!

    9. This Missouri group of polygamists is associated with AUB. A Nephi Laub used to in one of the AUB united orders, and looked very much like the guy in the pic.

    10. Nice... I'm not far from there and there have been some missing teens girls in the past month or so. Scarey

  43. I am moving to Vegas in the next year and will defiantly look them up as realtors. I am thinking of asking them to show me mobile homes. LOL... Really I went to TMI realty and they do have some 4 bedroom homes in my range. I will report back if I do so though.

    1. "Defiantly"...Freudian slip? LOLOL

    2. Walk in and "Hi! I'm sue and NOT a polygamist!!"

  44. Also, on the TMI website it lists their contact info but check out Christine and Jenelle's e-mail address.... the rest of the employees have typical business addy's ex: The sisterwives have:

    As if we didn't already know it was a marketing gimmick.

  45. Those pictures are so cute!

  46. No surprise that Janelle and Christine are billed at TMI Reality as a "sisterwife" act.

    If just one (or both) worked there minus the "sisterwife" ID, if one or both was/were just hired like any other person with appropriate contact info listed, who would care? Who would all of a sudden flock to TMI??

    Folks can speculate about Janelle and/or Christine escaping or "running"...but I still believe it is never going to happen. And not because of their belief and allegiance to the "Principle" or whatever their bogus version of that is.
    They are a "Brand" now....their collective ID and potential for making a quick and easy buck is squarely on the table and they all have to figuratively eat at that same table.
    If they disrupt that setup (other than adding even more wives) their established brand will fragment.
    No TV, no fans, no Internet face, no green goo/no closet /no curious TMI customers, no meet n' greet sycophants to exploit....
    NO $$ monies $$...!!!
    Ask Kate Gosselin how changing "the Brand" worked out...!

    And even though they *could,* if all fails, go back to scamming the government for welfare and racking up debts and bankruptcies to survive...they have lived the cushy life for over 3 years now. No way would any of them upset this setup.

    They are bonded at the wallet now...and they ALL have signed on for it. Yes, including Janelle.
    The Browns are *a business.*

    (I predict that Janelle, using the "brand" will likely try her hand at peddling weight-loss/fitness videos, book, etc down the road.)

  47. As some have said, I'm watching the first season on Discovery Fit&Health and am startled by how different they are now! They were so likeable and definitely seemed more united. The episode where they went to the ranch in Wyoming was so sweet. The grandmas are adorable, creepy polygamy aside. What happened to this family? It had to be a perfect storm of all the life changes: reality show, new money, and a new wife/siblings after so many years. Wonder if it was worth it to them?

  48. Anonymous 1201 pm: I think that they are probably just marked up for sales with the network. I think they are the same but edited, scripted and polished up a bit. Also they have more $$$ so they can afford new baby doll tops. I love em and want to meet them someday.

  49. Anyone in Las Vegas happen to go to the Diva's Day out?? Did anyone see them?
