Friday, January 4, 2013

You might be a plyg if....

Kody could become a comedian if times got too rough....
 Fill in the blank... You might be a plyg if....

Have fun!!

Fun Idea from Sister Whine!


  1. You might be a plyg if yours isn't the only spoon to dip into your mock tapioca pudding.

    1. That is both the funniest and most disgusting post I think I have ever read! Bravo!

  2. ....Your theme song is OOPS I Did It Again, and it's either a new wife or baby

    ....Plyg Tales are lies, not something that requires hair ties

    ....Astronomy is your version of the MLS

    ....ROTATE means switch beds

  3. You Might be PLYG IF: ROTATE means switch beds You Might be PLYG IF: Your theme song is OOPS I DID IT AGAIN, and it's either another wife or another baby. You Might be PLYG IF: You show your butt sweat on TV and you STILL have 4 women to sleep with. You Might be PLYG IF: If you have 5 kids by a guy you are not legally married to, he MIGHT help you out financially if your in a bind and you are JUST figuring out some men are BASTARDS. You Might be PLYG if: PLYG TALES are lies, not something requiring hair ties. AND FINALLY You Might be PLYG IF: you have 4 pairs of running shoes in DIFFERENT closets, and you thin it's cool.

  4. You might be a plyg if your "mom" thinks it is cute that you have tons of Barbies, but only one Ken. And Ken "rotates" between the Barbies (even kissing each of them!) Ewww gross!

  5. You might be a plyg if... You work the phrase "I have FOUR wives!!" into a conversation with someone you just met as soon as humanly possible, lest they think that you are, in fact, a closeted flaming homosexual.

    1. I love this one. It's my favorite so far (:

    2. I just woke up my baby by laughing out loud. Thanks. ;)

    3. Don't forget the episode where he visited his high school friends and some of them said that they always thought Kody was gay!

    4. I love this gay jazz because I honest to goodness think he is gay. I'm not kidding, for once in my life, when I say this. On some other page, where posts were no longer being taken, a person had mentioned the gay thing. I so wanted to put in my two cents but, couldn't. Glad someone mentioned it here. How many others think he is really, honestly, gay as gay? I live for gays so I have no issues with his being gay but clearly, he does.

    5. actually, Kody being a closeted gay has been a popular consensus here mentioned a number of times over the course of the past year or so. Also, that Meri is at least bi if not full scale lesbian. She's always pointing out women to Kody as well as Kody said Meri was in love w/their first 17 year old girl she wanted for her first sister wife when she turned 18.

    6. You might be a polyg if you have more then one pair of running shoes

    7. If you think wearing your summer spaghetti strap blouse over a long sleeve shirt is "styling" you might be a polyg

    8. LOL Kody gay? Perhaps he is still trying to figure that out. How many wives does it take before you decide your gay? LOL

  6. You might be a plyg if you absolutely have to have a wetbar!
    You might be a plyg if you think it's icky to date a divorced woman but find it fine to date a married man.

  7. You might be a plyg if you live in a Beverly Hills mansion and share a famous man in a bathrobe with his multiple 'girlfriends.'

  8. You might be a plyg if you're kissing your girlfriend while you're wife is giving birth.

  9. you might be a plyg if

    Your Mom is also your Mother-in-Law and your Sister Wife is also your Twin Sister and/or your First Cousin and/or your former Sister-in-Law and/or your Husband is also your former Brother-in-Law and/or your Baby Sister or even your own Daughter can become your Sister Wife at any given time. Yeah, it's all a family affair!

    1. So what you're saying is you might be a Plyg if your family tree is a wreath

    2. Or in the words of Jeff fox worthy about rednecks, if your old in laws are the same as your new in laws, you are a plyg.

  10. You might be a plyg if...
    ... you leave your wife at your son's graduation to find your other wife.
    ... you drive a snazzy convertible while your wives drive old, practically broken-down cars
    ... your husband pressures you to use your sister wife as a surrogate mother
    ... you and your one daughter need a wet bar more than your sister wife needs space for her six children

  11. You might be a plyg if you never worry about how to support all the kids you bring into the world as that's what the "gentile taxpaying suckers" are for!

  12. You might be a plyg if you're all about crying "persecution" even tho you're clearly never arrested for publicly declaring you're breaking a felony law.

  13. You might be a plyg wife if your "day of the week" undies all say "when it's my turn" !!

    You might be a plyg wife if your Abreva sits next to your One-A-Day vitamins.
    (thx to Lisasumms for that inspiration)

    You might be a plyg wife if stretch marks are considered tattoos.

    You might be a plyg wife if other women *really* get on your nerves, as you smile through your teeth.

    1. Hahahahahahahaha......"stretch marks are considered tattoos" OMG, I was cracking up! That's an awesome one Amused ;)

    2. All of these are hysterical, but this one got me!!
      "You might be a plyg wife if your "day of the week" undies all say "when it's my turn" !!

      Amused, I had those undies as a little girl!LOL

    3. Ms,

      I did too !! Loved them but within a few short weeks after getting them I had the days all out of order...LOL

    4. You might be a polyg if your idea of "safe sex" is multiplying the number of persons you have unprotected sex with.

      which brings me to the thought of, imagine doing the math on the theory of when you choose to have sex with someone you have sex with everyone they have had sex with multiple that times four,,etc etc etc.

    5. you might be a polyg if you have stock in Monistat

  14. You might be a plyg IF you think love should be multiplied, but the only thing that seems to grow and spread are cold sores

  15. anonymous 10:42...u my friend, get the award.
    If you aint speaking the truth then I dont know what truth is,

  16. You might be a plyg wife is you're husband is kissing his fiance (a relationship facilitated by your sister wife) while you're in labor with his 16th baby.

  17. You might be a plyg if you start business after business whether you have any business sense or not...

  18. ...if you wake up alone three out of four nights, but wake up not alone every fourth night.

  19. You might be a plyg if you keep all of your baby mamas in the same house. Otherwise you are a Brown.

    1. Agree Traci!! I see Kody more as a bigamist, the Dargers polygamists.

  20. I think Browns are special kinds of plygs, so you might be a Brown plyg if... think rich people build houses with four kitchens. think that even though your "SW" jewelry stands for Sister Wife, someone is totally going to buy it to mean Super Woman.
    ...some of your daughters have shorter hair than you do, and you're the dad.
    ...multi-level marketing sounds like the perfect way to make a living. consider taking care of your own children to be babysitting.

    1. hahaha - "...some of your daughters have shorter hair than you do, and you're the dad."

  21.'ll share a husband but not a kitchen.

    1. Very clever! !!!

    2. Anon 12:07...
      that is the best one yet!!!! Never thought of it that way! Sharing a kitchen is abusive, but sharing a husband only multiplies love! Haaaaaa

      I'm the opposite... I loooove for someone to clean my kitchen. I don't care where you put anything!!

    3. Yes, good one, that really highlights the mindset.

  22. You might be a plyg if you wait until after a ceremony to give your boyfriend "the cookie", even though the ceremony doesn't change the fact that your boyfriend is still a married man.

  23. You might be a plyg if you've learned to hone the skill of Passive/Aggressive behavior to a black belt level.

  24. You might be a plyg if you can't stand any of your sister wives.

  25. You might be a plyg if you don't feel special anymore when a new wife comes aboard after you.

  26. You might be a plyg if you know that First Wife and Last Wife are the only two coveted positions in the harem.

  27. You might be a plyg if you know that your husband doesn't have to be physically attracted to you to marry and breed with you.

    1. I don't think kody likes ANY women!!

  28. You might be a plyg if your first wife, with whom you are still married, chooses your fourth wife.

  29. You might be a plyg if you find a suitcase under your bed containing running shoes,viagra,book of moron,I mean mormon,zanax,plans for a wet bar,and a stack of tank tops and under shirts.

  30. You might be a plyg if all your EXPENSIVE jewelry came from "MY SISTER WIVES CLOSET"

  31. You might be a plyg ...
    if you have many children with different woman.
    You are a plyg...
    When you cheat the state government of welfare. When you open up multiple lines of credit under different wives names. When you ignore your own children in public to cover your own tail feathers. When you marry your first cousins. When you commit insurance fraud to cover the health of your many children. When you file multiple bankruptcies. When you belong to a racist church. When you believe that your church and religion are the only true religions in the world. When children witness the grief and unhappiness of their mothers living polygamy, these are the things that say you are a pig, I mean, plyg!!

    1. Hey KoKo,
      You were the one on the show right?
      Nice to see you still around.

      Not sure if you can say but the show seemed to portray that you felt they were a good family. Did you?

      I think some of their teens appear to be great people. What about the adults?


    2. Welcome back, KoKo !!!

      And loved your post, especially knowing it is first-hand truth !!

    3. HOORAY again for KoKo for escaping the hellhole of plygdom at such an early age!! May you have a blessed life and accomplish some great things now! So glad you can be who you were meant to be and not dictated to be someone you're not by a stupid man-made and man-ruled religion. Learn to make good choices and choose good friends and many best wishes for you. xox

    4. ditto! You can make your life whatever you want it to be KoKo, chase your dreams! You inspire many people!

    5. Welcome back Ko Ko! Hope you weren't taken in by the Browns. Their version of polygamy is is a miserable way to live too, and all the fake smiles can't alter that.

    6. Yow may be a polyg if the police cruise your mone to see how many people live there

  32. You might be a plyg teenager if....You think there are almost more kids than you can handle.

    Your father will ignore your opinion of that even though you are close to/are an adult.

  33. You start to sprint around wive's back yard and it turns into a marathon

    1. & then U turn to ask Ur wives if U looked stupid doing it!! Like Kody did on the couch interview, after they showed his ass running around the lots putting his stink on it...LOL

  34. You might be a (Brown family) polyg if:

    * your husband doesn't want you if you can't/won't produce offspring.
    * your kids have brothers and sisters and brothers and sisters and brothers and sisters.
    * you think it's perfectly normal that you're willing to share a penis with 3 women you can barely stand to look at.
    * you squish yourself into a longsleeved tshirt and top it off with a too-small tank top, because "modest is hottest". (No, Las Vegas is hottest, even without the two shirts.)
    * you think that oompa-loompa orange is a flattering skin-tone.
    * you 'support' women escaping from polygamy...while proclaiming to the world how much you believe in polygamy.
    * you think that running into someone a couple of times in a couple of years = being very close pesonal friends for several, several years.
    * you think the general public is too stupid to remember what was said a few months or a couple of years ago...this scam can go on FOREVER!!!! (Sorry, we're onto you.)

    1. Running into someone a couple times means you are close personal friends..........that is FUNNY! Good one! Thanks for the laugh!

  35. You know and care more about your hair than your kids or your sex partners.

  36. You might be a plyg..if by mistake you called out your other wife's name during sex!

    1. Ohhhh Meri, Ohhhh Jenelle, Ohhhhh Christine, DAMNIT!..I MEAN ROBIN! "J/K!"

      Actually, If your Kody Brown, you just call out your own name! Daaaaang my hair looks good today! I look like a sexy surfer dude! I'm gonna run my hands threw it! Ooooooooo..That's nice! I think I'm gonna..(Wait for it)........... ..................................................................................FLIP IT ALL AROUND! Ohhhhhhh Kody, I'M THE BEST I EVER HAD!

    2. OMG SandraD. your comment totally triggered a memory about a movie I watched with Christian Bale called American Psycho. If you've ever seen the movie, you'll know what I'm talking about, there is similar scene. Great job!!!

    3. Hahaha..Thanks Iconic! I've heard of the movie, but I've never seen it. I'm gonna look for it right now in fact! :)

  37. You might be a plyg girl if you witness firsthand how horrible polygamy can be but still want to be a sister wife when you grow up because you think it's the only way God will accept you.

  38. You might be a plyg if...all U own/live on a dirt farm!

    You might be a plyg if U only own 7 plyg dresses(1 for each day) in all boring colors.

    You might be a plyg if U try to learn a new fancy word every 6 months & over use it in ur daily conversations to try & make yourself look smarter than U really are!!

    You might be a Brown plyg if U would rather celebrate Hannakuh instead of celebrating Joseph Smiths birthday in ur homes.

    You might be a Brown plyg if Ur wives continually lavish U w/ unneccesary expensive gifts like an arsenal gun or laptop, instead of hair plugs or clothes that fit.
    You might be a Brown plyg if U spend all the TLC $$ on foolishness instead of building a nest egg, saving for a rainy day, or kids college fund.

  39. carry hair gel and a shaving kit in you backpack.

  40. ...if you think Wyoming begins with a Y....if you admire the bodies of your friend's sister wives but don't lose weight yourself....if you like your women curvy and your hair creepy....if you put your pet out of its misery but not your hair....

  41. You might be a plyg if..... you refer to your children by who their mother is, and not by their names.

  42. ...or, if you're a grown man who wears a tiny purple backpack, but still want to be taken seriously when you throw a hissy fit.

    1. Win! This is the first outloud chuckle!

  43. You might be a plyg if.....Your secret weapon in finally getting rid of your abusive husband is a large order of nachos.

    1. LOL-ing so hard my tummy hurts!!

    2. Good one, OMG that was one of the worst Kody comments ever.

  44. When one of your kids wants to do something, and you say..Go Ask Your Mothers'..Then you might just be a plyg!

  45. if you are an emotional eater, have puffy eyes and a red nose from crying all the time, display manipulative passive/aggressive behavior due to your low self-esteem, are overly dramatic about petty things, feel trapped by your financial situation due to no education, job skills and too many kids, feel overwhelmed because you don't get any help from your equally overwhelmed and emotionally screwed up sister wives - then you probably are experiencing all the joys and blessings of plyghood.

  46. Peanut Butter FritosJanuary 5, 2013 at 11:20 AM

    You call taking care of your kids "babysitting" and paying for your mortgage with your wife "helping out."

  47. You might be a plyg if... You have no idea that men can be such bastards (GASP!!), yet all of your children are born out of legal wedlock. However, this arrangement allows for a greater amount of public assistance, so that makes it all good.

  48. You might be a plyg if... You want to bark orders and have them be OBEYED! And if they're not, you and your widdle backpack will storm out of the RV in a perfectly staged hissy fit.

    1. WIDDLE BACKPACK!! I'm DYING here!! These posts are so good I can't even come up with anything comparable. HILARIOUS!

    2. Love that! I thought he just FLOUNCED out the door....with his *widdle (purple) backpack"...for a second I thought I'd accidentally switched to LOGO TV.

      Oh yeaaahhhh he's a manly man...uh huh yup...

    3. Widdle Backpack - hahahaha, oh that is hilarious

  49. Oh my gosh, these are ALL GREAT!!! Too funny! Some of you posters are making my day!

  50. Someone asked and know for the life of me can't find it...
    If you have a good BUZZ or Kody statement, I'll allow them here since that post is full.
    Any discussion should go in the post below. Thanks!!

  51. you might be a plyg if you find joy in astounding the world of how great your crappy life really is.
    you might be a plyg if you multiply herpes...errrr love....instead of dividing....
    youmight be a plyg if your kids see you once every eight or so days and consider all things you say a big fat joke
    you might be a plyg if you think you are a boy toy or pool boy while the world laughs out loud at your pot bellied bald old self
    and finally
    you might be a plyg if you think sex equal satisfaction and weekly visits equal commitment.

  52. You might be a plig if you look at one of your children and say wait,, i;ll guess your name eventually, no hints, dam it robyn, why cant these kids have there names tattoed on there foreheads, hows my hair look ?

  53. You might be a sister wife if you're daily outfit consists of layering a skimpy tank top over a long sleeve shirt. Modest is hottest, ya'll!

  54. You might be a plyg if you ask your girlfriend to give up some of her budget to help your wife buy a wetbar and french doors.

  55. Run, Plyglets, Run!January 5, 2013 at 1:47 PM

    You might be a plyg if your wife is okay with you sleeping with her sister... and her niece... and her daughter.

    (Sorry, I'm reading Elissa Wall's book right now. ;) )

    1. Good book, truely broke my heart!

    2. i've yet to read any firsthand account book that wasn't absolutely nightmarish and gut-wrenching. AND i thought Dargers and Browns were greatly embellished, boring, raised more questions than answers and came across as disingenuous at times.

    3. Run, Plyglets, Run!January 8, 2013 at 1:51 PM

      I haven't read either the Dargers' or the Browns' book, but they strike me as pure public relations tactics, ostensibly to support their quest to decriminalize polygamy, but really to extend the shelf life of their own family franchises. Very self-serving endeavours.

      Elissa Wall had a real and harrowing story to tell. Lisa Pulitzer managed to portray her as an introspective, intelligent (albeit under-educated) and credible young woman. From what I understand, much of the financial benefit accruing from her notoriety has been used to establish means of assisting other cult members to transition to the outside world.

  56. You might be a plyg if you can multiply, but not provide (stolen from my last comment)

    you might be a plyg if tank-tops are automatically paired with base layers.

    you might be a plyg if you buy your shoes in pairs of 4.

    you might be a plyg if your marital status can be symbolized by a dog paw.

    you might be a plyg if your family photo takes up a queen size quilt.

    you might be a plyg if your life resembles a Monopoly game.

    *Speaking of which, a 'Brown Themed Monopoly game' would be epic! The game rules sound oddly familiar...such as a limit to 4 homes on one property, however, homes must be built evenly among the properties. ( that's why they have to hang on to the Lehi house!) The game board can have pictures of Cody multiplying, and Christine in Jail for saying the wrong thing. Obviously Janelle is the banker, and Meri automatically gets a 'pass go', where Janelle has to pay her $200. Although, come to think of it, Robyn could also be a banker, lending out her 'Robyn eggs' and 'incubator rentals'! This could go on and on.

    1. You might be a plyg if marital counselling takes place on a 3pc sectional sofa

    2. That could actually be done - Parker Bros which I believe is owned by hasbro now has permitted themed Monopoly board games - sanfranciscoopoly and Stanfordopoly.

      We could have KodyOpoly! I think Brown University must have used BrownOpoly by now. ;-)

    3. Yes..DakotaJustice...just looked into it..and you're right, it can be done. Here's the link. Oh we really should do this!

    4. Polygopoly! Love it

      Or, 'The Game of (Polygamist) Life'. You start with a little blue man, then a little pink woman. Then another little pink woman, maybe her twin sister? Then another little pink woman comes along. Somewhere along the way, you are blessed with lots of little pink and blue children so you have to buy more convertibles to fit them all in...Spin the wheel again...

    5. If you produce TWINS you get Park Place and Boardwalk!!!

      Spin again... I need to come up with a name.

    6. Seems to me Plyg House of Cards (four of them, to be exact) might be more appropriate. I mean, how long before it all collapases?

    7. The Beach Boys...Surfer Dud.

    8. The idea for a Brown-themed Monopoly game is hilarious. Speaking of spinoffs, why should "The Bachelor" on the TV show be limited to only one choice? Most of them end up saying they love more than one of the final women, and the girls don't seem to mind the sloppy seconds in the bedroom.

  57. You might be a plyg if your sister (Taralyce) comes to visit and you have to hide her from the cameras, lest anyone think she will be wife #5. Does anyone have any news on this situation?

  58. You might be a plyg if you love to layer teeny tanks over too-tight shirts in the interest of "modesty"....yet have no problem being filmed from above in a bathing suit as you struggle to climb out of a cave filled with water.

  59. You might be a plyg if you need to rotate your four pairs or running shoes, tires and wives.

  60. You might be a plig if you get a job at the Tropicana greeting guest by saying, Hi I;m Kody Brown and I have 4 wives

  61. mock tomato sammichJanuary 5, 2013 at 4:36 PM

    If you think toasters are more dangerous than might be a plyg

  62. You might be a plyg if you're "married" to the same guy as 3 other women, but you suddenly morph into a single mother with no baby daddy when you're at the welfare office!

  63. If, when you have date night with your wives, the lyrics to I Feel Pretty keeps running through your mind

    1. lol....cody songs!

      How about George Thorogood's "Get a Haircut and Get a Real Job"?
      Lou Bega's "Mambo #5"?
      Willie Nelson's "To All the Girls I've Loved Before"?

      For Meri, how about:
      The Rolling Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want"?

    2. Chorus:
      A little bit of Christine my life
      A little bit of Janelle by my side
      A little bit of Meri is all I need
      A little bit of Kolleen is what I see
      A little bit of Robyn in the sun
      A little bit of Meri all night long (real lyric)
      A little bit of Taralyce here I am
      A little bit of you makes me your man

    3. I do all to fall in love with a girl like you.
      Cause you can't run and you can't hide.
      You and me gonna touch the sky.
      Sisterwife number five.

    4. Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" dedicated to Kodilocks.

    5. Wasting away in Kody Brown-ville,
      Searching for my long lost 5th wife,
      Some people claim that Meri is to blame,
      But you know - I say it's Christine's damn fault...

      I blew out my thin hair,
      Tripped over Sol's high chair,
      got on the Harley to cruise on back home,
      there's no booze in Meri's wet bar,
      I'll have to settle for this LIV jar,
      it's green goo will help me hang on...

      Wasting away again in Kody Brown -ville...

      (Sung to the tune of Margaritaville)

    6. Hilarious. I love the verse!

  64. You might be a plyg if... You buy four different pairs of running shoes (conservative estimate of $50 each) instead of buying a $10 duffel bag to carry one pair in your sports car from house to house. Wait, that doesn't make you a plyg. Just an idiot.

  65. ....If it's day 3 and you mistake your mop for your husband, then realize the mop has better hair.

    ....Mark Twain in your favorite author

    ....If your boring mono friends laugh hysterically that you wait four days for THAT!

    ....If Wham Bam Thank you Ma'am is a plural statement

    ....If you kids dread parents night if only for what their dad is going to wear.

    ....If you feel the need to ad an extra plural on already plural words

    1. Brilliant, Julz !!

      My fav....."If Wham Bam Thank you Ma'am is a plural statement"

  66. I can't think of anything witty...which I'm guessing would be The Real Kody Brown's problem. He's not exactly Ron White, or even Pa Kettle.

    I just wanted to say the picture of the B's in the blue Snuggies is a classic!! Haha

    1. I could'nt agree more.

    2. Plyg's in a blanket!!!

    3. That pic makes it look like Ellen is the man and she has five wives, since Kodouche's hair makes him look like a woman.

  67. You might be a plyg if you play this game with your babies:these little plygs got married two little plygs stayed home , one little plyg got a real job, some little plygs got food stamps, and two little plys cried wee wee wee on every stinking show.

  68. You might be a plyg if your wife's family reunion is also a singles event to meet your next wife.

    1. This is the best so far. This DID happen with Meri, Kody, and Janelle. Hilarious!

    2. yes and a visitor to their AUB church in Bluffdale reported all the snarly looks she got from the wives there and all the hits and smiling looks she got from the husbands there. she said it caught her by surprise and was quite unsettling to say the least. DISGUSTING!! good hell - the church itself is basically a carnal meat market that the s wives are very aware of.

  69. Omg all you gals are in rare form tonight!! Too funny!!!

    Now I have that song "A Little Bit of..." Complete with sax solo in my brain. Ahhahaha!!!

  70. You might be a plg if you think Warren Jeffs is just a really bad man.When in fact he is the spawn of satan.

  71. You might be a plg if you are afraid to introduce every girlfriend you have, to your husband.

  72. you might be a plyg if you don't have any girlfriends - just sister wives you have to pretend that are gf's but in reality you can't stand.

  73. you might be a plyg if you love your sister wives but just don't trust them. (Christine quote.)

  74. You look at a half eaten cookie and it reminds you to pick up some viagra.

    1. Thanks Anon, I needed to dust the coffe table that I just spewed ice tea all over after readying with anyways.

  75. You might be a plyg if... You tell your son, who you had out of legal wedlock, that sex outside of marriage is wrong before he is about to set off for college. Since at least two of your girlfriends and your legal wife have no interest in breeding with you any more, we can't have a son getting laid more often than you do.

  76. You might be a plyg if youre just waiting for your planet.

    You might be a plyg if Valentines Day is a group event.

    You might be a plyg if you use the term plyg.

    You might be a plyg if the term "plural" is not referring to grammar.

    You might be a plyg if "sealing" is not what you do to your asphalt driveway, but to an unsuspecting female!

  77. You might be a plg, if waiting for your celestial planet, you forget to live in the real world. Wake up and have a cup of coffee!

  78. You might be a plg if you watch "The Bachelor" on tv and think it is mormon dating game.

    1. You might be a plyg if you, like the Browns, could star in just about any TLC show.
      -Hoarders: (for spouse collecting)
      -What Not To Wear: (for obvious reasons)
      -Extreme Food Stamping: (err..i mean couponing)
      -Say Yes to the Dress: (Cody and Robyn special only)
      -A Baby Story: (16 episodes)
      -4 Weddings: (perfect!)
      -Strange Sex: (umm..ya think?)
      -4 Houses: (LMAO..again..perfect!)
      -My Strange Addiction: (self explanitory)

    2. Nice! The four wedding is "awesome." I would love to see that episode. Especially the part where they rate each others weddings!

  79. You might be a plyg if... You need a wet bar because you like to entertain, but no one can stand your selfish, Oompa Loompa tinged ass so they don't want to come to visit you and make use of said wet bar.

  80. You might be a plyg if you live in FOUR McMansions,(at the same time) and you DON'T own a Daaaaaammn one of them!

  81. ----If you can live in a MCMansion but can't afford anything that starts with MC at McDonalds.

  82. Kody looks like Riff Raff from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

  83. You might be a Brown if...
    Your oldest son is more of a dad than you are.
    You think your theme song is Sexy and I know it
    You can get a two for one special at the salon
    Your highschool friends thought you were gay ( oh you showed them)
    your tv show should really be called Strange Sex

  84. You might be a plyg if....

    Every single Las Vegas restaurant and buffet has removed the "Kids eat free" night from their menu's.

  85. You might be a plyg if:
    *Your name is Mrs. Kody Brown or Sullivan
    *You have a celistial joining with a woman who grosses you out by eating a popular snack food. (She is one of the most beautiful of the lot).
    *You have to rent 2 RV's and 2 hotel rooms for a family camping trip.
    *You have to Rotate your sleeping arrangements (do they wash the sheets before he comes over or after)?
    *If you put your family pet out to pasture whilst digging the hole as it romps around behind you. (Had men at working cracking up over this one when I paused it on the On demand).
    *If your oldest son graduates high school but your sweating bullets because your concerned your fourth wife got lost on a small college campus.
    *If the total sum of education in a family for four wives and a gay man can be summed up by one on-line realtor course.
    *If you keep green kool aid drink on hand by the 6 pack.

  86. If, when your sister wife comes to you to commiserate about her tough times with the Husband, you tell her to change her ownself.... you might be a plyg.

  87. You might be a plg ......if you are perfectly happy seeing your hubby every four days!

  88. You just might be a 'plyg' if your name is Meri and you think that sharing your husband with 3 other women isn't 'doing weird' that is weird!!

  89. You might be a plyg if...You can file 4 bankruptcies and then own 5 homes worth about 2,250,000. And have a red Kitchen aid blender. Have the ability to cry on about 3/4th of each show, and speak only about what they want or don't have. Never about the children or their future needs.

  90. If you think Kody or Joe Darger are worth one night a week, tops....AND THE ARE GODLY ENOUGH MEN TO GET YOU INTO HEAVEN.,
