Sunday, January 6, 2013

Review: S05Ep08 Hard to Say Goodbye

It's so weird to see a season finale after only 7 episodes, but that's business as usual for Sister Wives. And of course, the season finale begins with those damn McMansions.

Seems even Kody is getting weary with this story line when he says "...I just want a decision made...this is something that I really want to just hurry through, because I just want to get it done."

Yeah Kody, I hear ya.

So here we are, hopefully at the end of the long, drawn out drama about those pesty options Meri, Robyn, Janelle and Christine have to decide on...with minimum help from their husband, Kody of course.

First up was Robyn, who apparently was completely on board with Kody's wishes that the standard options would do nicely in her overpriced, cavernous McMansion. Lucky thing she wore that dark colored t-shirt under her babydoll. That was just what was needed so Kody could ensure Robyn's carpet choice would not clash with all her black furniture.

What a man...

Next, was Meri, who happened to be over budget before she even began.  Kody quickly put her on the defensive when he demanded that she not look at the upgraded carpet and to just focus on selecting from the cheap crap. Of course, Meri threw a fit and stormed out. This woman is cunning like a fox. Her storming out so that Janelle and Christine could pick their options before her was sooo deviously cunning on her part. How much you want to bet she knew Janelle and Christine would most likely come under budget? And rather than waste that budget money, Meri figured she'd get Kody to slide it over to her budget so she could get what she wanted. Forget Meri's petty rationalizations for her behavior in the couch interview, this was her plan all along! And when Kody gives his reason for including the washer and dryer in the options because he doesn't want to have to haul them in and install them himself, you just have to shake your head over his absolute stupidity. What the hell does this man have sloshing around in his head? Mock tapioca pudding?

Yes sir, Kody is seriously stupid. And these women have hitched their wagons to this looney toon idiot for all time and eternity. Unbelievable.

Anyway, Janelle came into the office and decided not to get the cement pad in the backyard. She figures she can do a DIY cement job later on. A DIY job on a house costing over $400,000? Which is amazing because didn't she say in previous episodes that she could keep her costs down by having her children share bedrooms? So what happened? I think Kody put his foot down and demanded that she opt for more bedrooms so Logan could have his own room. Kody initially protested Janelle's decision about the cement pond pad, but didn't tell her to forgetaboutit. In fact, he was so happy with her at the end that he demanded a PDA - no doubt in response to SWB saying he never showed affection with Janelle.

Yeah, Kody is not only an idiot, he's a psychic idiot.

Kody asking Christine ....
Up next was Christine. When Lonette mentions that Christine has a ton of room left on her budget, it's like, how did that happen? The last we heard, she wanted all 6 of her children to have their own she has a "...bucket of money" left? And that crazy eyed Kody immediately jumped on it. "Can you, like, loan that to another wife?" he asks.

"NO!" Christine responds, and quickly used up her budget by opting for the stone exterior for her house. You could just see Kody's beady eyes throwing daggers at Christine for not falling for his stupid suggestion.

Christine's reaction....Oh no you didn't

When she said "Everybody here loves the stone...I know I love the stone too...Let's do it!" the look on Kody's face was priceless. Christine shot his butt down, getting the stone that she knew would blow her budget out of the water but at the same time, shutting out Meri from using any part of it. Excellent job, Christine! Tell Kody to go hock that Rolex on his wrist if Meri needs more money in her budget!

It was not surprising that Christine didn't even get a sideways glance from Kody as she walked out of the room.

Christine's reply: When pigs fly!

Of course, in the couch interview, Kody tried to rationalize his behavior by saying it was all a joke. He wasn't being serious.

Yeah right.

Hey Kody have you heard the saying...'Many a true word is spoken in jest'? And Meri, Christine apparently knows you better than you think. So don't say that you felt selfish by being over budget when the audience has seen nothing but selfish behavior from you all season long. Two words...WET BAR.

Next we see Meri back in the office to finalize her options with her best buddy (and Kody's obvious favorite wife after Meri) Robyn holding Kody's #1 baby boy Sol in her arms for moral support. Most likely Meri learned off camera the bad news that Christine didn't fall for giving up part of her budget, because all of a sudden she was now agreeable to all the cheap stuff - except for the washer/dryer option. That was her way of making Kody pay for screwing up with Christine earlier. Even so, she still walked out of the office over budget by almost $4600. Which she says she'll take care of it. Get out your checkbook Kody. Your inability to sell Christine into giving up part of her budget to Meri is going to cost you.

And Meri, for the record, that wet bar looks cheap. It's hideous. A bare wall would look better. You know, I bet Papa Joe Darger could have easily built that 'counter space' you wanted for your pastries when you entertain. And I think with all the free advertisement the builders got, those blinds, washer and dryer, upgraded carpets and tile, etc options should have been included FREE (and I suspect they were). If they weren't, this just shows how awful a salesman Kody truly is.

But I digress...

Back on topic, I do have to smile a bit about the segment with Meri making the home video montage of all the Brown bonus kids for Logan. Who would've thunk that Meri was not smarter than a 5th grader when it came to running a video camera? Meri was so funny when she watched the video and realized the camera was on pause when she thought she was recording, and recording when she thought it was on pause. Props to Gabriel for knowing his way around a video camera - very impressive. It was also fun to see him, and his siblings Savanah and Dayton get some quality camera time, too.

Of course, Kody has to have his own mini segment discussing why it is so important for his 4 families be in the McMansions by Christmas. I'm beginning to get the impression that polygamists - particularly the Kody Brown kind, must believe their children disappear when they turn 18.  I'm certain that Logan will NOT suddenly go 'poof' in the night, and that he will be coming home every week to get his laundry done. In the case of Mariah, she will carefully pack up her dirty laundry for Meri to wash for her at Christmas, spring and summer vacations. After all, who wants to waste quarters when you know at least 3 of your Moms will do it for you?

 Just another perk of polygamy...

All I have to say about the hair salon segment is that now we know why Kody and Meri have the same hair color and highlights - they share the same hairstylist, Kennedy. Suffice it to say Kody is overly attached to his hair, and his wives love his surfer dude look. Even if he is balding.

At last we get to the final segment when Logan leaves for the dorm. It's kind of sad to hear Logan say he's nervous about his new college friends finding out his family is polygamist (whoops, Logan must not have gotten the memo to say Plural Family not polygamist). Poor Logan...but of course, instead of going into more detail about Logan's feelings about how polygamy has affected him in school, suddenly Kody showed up for breakfast and of course the conversation shifted to Kody's hair.

It's really sad that in a five minute segment about Logan leaving home, half of the time was spent talking about Kody's hair! AGAIN! No wonder Logan is ready to leave!

Later at Robyn's house,  Kody talks about his message he wrote on the Quilt of Many Browns -essentially saying that Logan should be a gentleman and not indulge in pre-marital sex. This reminds me of when I was in college, one of my friends showed me a note his father had written to him when he left for college. It simply said (in Yiddish) 'Be careful where you put it'. Just like 40 years ago, all I can say is what is this male preoccupation with sex?

Christine looks very striking in regular clothes
As Logan packs up his hand me down Lexus, Kody decided one more run to the McMansions for old times sake was necessary.  So as Kody droned on and on about family and happiness and overpriced McMansions, I was left wondering about Logan's Quilt of Many Browns, and if Logan was really going to use it in his dorm room or just leave it in his dad's old babe magnet Lexus. Suddenly, I remember the picture in Robyn's bedroom, of the Lexus with Robyn embracing Kody beside it. Oh Logan, here's hoping you have better luck than your dad picking up babes with his babe magnet Lexus. And remember, be careful where you put it...the quilt I mean!


  1. Live the summary of the wretched weekly next toe last show. I shake my head and roll my eyes and just cannot believe there exist such asshats posing as parents.

  2. Review was worth the wait! Will you put up something about the no-secrets-revealed special?

    Meri is a greedy plyg pig. Her house was the most expensive. Christine's was approx. $4,000 less. If you wanted more counter space why didn't you just install an island? The wet bar means it'll have a sink in it -- totally unnecessary for setting out pasteries. That sink will sit unused, guaranteed.

    I've noticed before that Kody and Meri had the same hair color/highlights before when I saw the photo of the two of them posing with a motorcycle (love it). I don't see many pictures of him having glamour shots taken with the other wives. People have said it on here before, and Meri mentioned something about it in the book, they totally look like siblings. Slim gene pool I guess.

    1. Yes, the no secrets episode will be next! Thanks!

    2. Did you hear Kody refer to the lady who does his and Meri's hair as their "stylist"? And how much does she charge to come to their home to "style" them, rather than have them come into a salon like us regular peeps?

      It's VERY obviousy they are also trying to set up a hair plugs storyline and are trying to get someone to foot the bill for it. Who would really want that kind of free advertising?

    3. Awesome! I imagine that'll be a tall order, as they did their best not to reveal any secrets. Still there was, as always, plenty there to see in the subtext.

      Did you catch Christine's reply to the question about why they can't share a home? She said "that's a good question" and the other wives shut her down by talking over her.

    4. Peanut Butter FritosJanuary 6, 2013 at 11:36 AM

      Review was fabulous, as always. Can't wait for the next one!

    5. Kody could get hair plugs instead of dishing out money for invetro!

  3. I don't believe this show will ever make any sense. However, it has sucked me in as we'll as this blog has enhanced my sister wives experience. I am here for the ride.

    1. A snapshot here and there of someone's life tells very little. Same applies to this show.

    2. But at least if I take a snapshot of my life, I make sure it's positive representation. Sister Wives thinks the snapshot is positive but in reality it shows what a hot mess their lives are.

    3. I agree - this is one of my favorite reality shows (I don't have to see people fighting/pulling hair/punches etc like on the Real Housewives franchise), and having this blog of like minded people to post with is a lot of fun.

  4. I love your take on things. I always find the commentary hilarious. There is no way any college kid would keep a quilt with giant pictures and obscure purity quotes laying across their dorm bed. Also this kid picked the wrong school. He should gave gone sooooooooo much farther away.

    One last note. I'm pleased Christine didn't fork over her cash to meri. I really can't stand that broad. She has some brass cojones. I got so sick of her and that stupid wet bar. I mean its a wine rack with a sink. Just go to Bed Bath and Beyond and get a wine rack instead of draining "family" resources.

    1. After looking at photos of a model home for sale by the same builders in the same cul-de-sac, I notice it's not only a sink and wine rack. It actually has an L-shaped counter top, I'm sure with cabinets beneath it.

    2. Yep, that's what Meri is now claiming she wanted: not the wet bar but the counter top so she can put her buffet food on it when she entertains. It's so dumb because she could have it custom built. I'm not sure about the cabinets underneath. If you look at the model home, the kitchen island is cheaply made with no cabinets.

      And anonymous 2:56, I have a feeling that Logan probably wishes he could have gone farther away too. The quilt was a nice thought, but I agree, no way is that coming out - especially after Logan balked at having all the wives go to his dorm room.

    3. What is the big deal about Logan moving across town to the UNLV campus? He is only 20 minutes away. It's not like he's serving a mission in the Congo or deployed to Iraq or Afganistan. I get the fact that he is the first Brown youngster to leave home, but he can be back as soon as the pastries hit the wet bar.

    4. @ cj lol... You would balk as well if robin, meri, and Christine, were your "bonus moms"

    5. I would like to recommend that we replace "when the sh*t hits the fan" with "when the pastries hit the wet bar"...

    6. LOL anon 1:02 I love it.

    7. The Eyes of the Browns are upon you
      All the live long day......

    8. I think the quilt was cool. because he can flip it and the colors are his school colors. BUT-the parents should have known NOT to display the photos on television. Some jerk at his school will probably damage the quilt on a dare, I can just see that coming.

    9. Anon 8:34, you make a very good point, though not the one you intended. All Mormons are supposed to go on 2 year "missions." Have the Brown adults gone on theirs? Will the kids?

      Also, I have to mention this because it is driving me crazy: My grandmother made me a picture quilt for my high school graduation, much like the one Logan received. I can't tell you how much my grandmother stressed that that quilt was NOT TO BE USED and WAS FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY!!! It was displayed at my high school graduation and then put away until, years from now, I have a house and a place to hang it. If you actually use it, the pictures will get ruined because of the way they are made, Logan either needs to put it away (go Logan!) or it will get ruined. Sorry...needed to get that off my chest. All I could hear when they were talking about him actually using the quilt was my grandmother yelling "DO NOT ACTUALLY USE THIS QUILT! It took to much time to make for it to be ruined!" lol! And it doesn't matter if he flips it over to only show the plaid side either, the pictures will still get ruined.

    10. All Mormons are supposed to go on 2 year "missions." Have the Brown adults gone on theirs?

      As a matter of fact, while Kody was still LDS, he DID go on his mission. It was while he was away that he learned his parents had been excommunicated (or whatever they call it). It was after he returned home that he started to seriously think about joining the AUB like his parents. This was discussed when Kody returned to his hometime of Lovell Wyoming episode.

      I doubt if the male Brown children will go on mission for the AUB - unless its in Mexico, but I have a feeling that is rarely done (unlike the LDS).

  5. Brilliant review! This blog is the only thing that makes the show worth watching.

  6. There way of doing anything makes no sense at all.If Meri wanted extra space for "cookies" there is a thing called a table.In the opening credits Meri should just say I didn't want Sisterwives I just wanted a wetbar.

    1. Hilarious! "I believe in wet bars. They just make us better."

      Call my uncouth, but I have a couple of rectangular folding tables that I set up and throw festive tablecloths over whenever I'm entertaining holiday guests. Meri would be horrified.

    2. Hey Anon at 11:12AM. Your folding tables sound fine to me. It is the time you are spending with your family & friends over dinner that is the important thing. Not uncouth at all. Just practical - and presenting the meal in the best way you can for the enjoyment of all.

    3. Or a buffet table. We bought one, new in the box, from Target @ The Goodwill for less than $50.

      But we are financially responsible. Our home will be paid off less than fifteen years from the time we bought it.

  7. Hi, thanks for the fun review...I have to admit, when I read the caption under the picture of Christine, with her "reply" I kept thinking "when plygs fly"

    As for wet bar, yes, so dumb. Meri, you idiot, they are utterly useless. My house has one, we will get rid of it at some point and get more space in our family room. If she wants space for all the pastries at the big parties she's going to host someday when she grows up (um, never?) she could buy a fold up table and a pretty tablecloth, and then put the whole thing away again for the other 364 days that she doesn't need it. Jeez.

    Or, if she must have the higher know, they sell bars at furniture stores. The ones where you get the stuff new, Meri.....if yo had skipped the wet bar and hubby room and extra bedroom, you could have saved a bundle and bought one for a couple thousand. And the ones I've seen look a lot nicer.

    Anyone have any theories as to why "her" house is in Krudy's name? Was her most recent bankruptcy too recent? It would be funny if they all got loans except for her.....

    1. Why Meri's house is in Kody's name? Well, it's actually in both Meri & Kody's names because they're legally married. Kody isn't legally married to any of his other wives.

    2. Fake Fan - I keep thinking the same thing, if Meri wants more counter space, why not get a folding table that they sell at any Target, Walmart etc or like you say, a free standing bar if she wanted a higher counter top?

      How much does she entertain the whole family? I wish that would have been shown more, if that is the case. Don't they rotate (sorry to use the word!) houses for get togethers?

    3. In NV, you can get a mortgage just two years after filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Bankruptcy usually improves someones credit. And creditors are all over people who have recently filed because they are forced to pay their debts and can not refile until a certain number of years have passed.

  8. I think Janelle is being told to put more effort in. I've noticed on her Twitter, she's been drinking and hitting the kody aid a little hard. She's been tweeting things like, "love love my Brown men" in reference to Kody cheering on Hunter and then saying something like how proud and unique her children are-All 17 of them. I think Kody and Meri pinned Janelle down on the wet bar and said, "People are noticing you look miserable. You need to sell this fab plyg life if you want those TLC checks to keep rolling in so you can keep your house and keep Logan in college." Or at least until Kody gets his free hair plugs.

    1. Peanut Butter FritosJanuary 6, 2013 at 11:51 AM

      I disagree. It makes it more interesting knowing she can and just might leave this dysfunction if she can get it together. Five kids worth of child support could make a heck of a dent in Kody's TLC cash.

    2. Anon 516 I agree. Seems like Janelle is putting out the Kody love at least for now.

    3. I believe Janelle is in for the long haul now for her kids' sakes. (yes, they are attached to Christine's kids as their siblings and bonus mom.) She came back after packing up all her kids and leaving for months already. She MAY leave once the last kid is finally gone. Christine will never leave unless some "knight in shining armor" comes in out of the blue and whisks her away. She lives in a fantasy world.

    4. Seeing that pic of Janelle kissing Kody made me throw up in my mouth a little. Why the sudden change? I hate this fake crap.

    5. If I'm remembering correctly, when Janelle left the family before, she was gone for at least a couple years. She finished college and purchased her own vehicle and home.

      Kody convinced her to come back because he found the Lehi house and wanted to move there.

    6. At Iconic moron
      In one episode Kody said that things between Janelle and him actually got quite romantic since they moved to Las Vegas :)

    7. Anon 5:16 I agree as well. Janelle is faking it. I think she's just loving the $$$ that is finally coming in without her having to work for it or inherit it and hand it over to Meri. But I do think she has an extremely low sense of self-worth. She has struggled with being over weight her whole life. Her body is shot, frankly. Even if she loses the weight, she will have huge folds of skin which will require surgery to remove, and scars left behind. I actually think she is in love with Kody, and buys that he loves her too. It's really sad.

  9. It was never about the wetbar. Meri is so insecure about having 1 kid and retaining her power as wife #1 that she had to have the most expensive house with all of those options. I bet she was impartial about the wetbar until she learned that to have it she had to have the 6th bedroom and all those other options. She's the worst.

    I also hate the way Meri justifies the way she treated Janelle. She was awful to Janelle but instead of admitting it she cries and justifies it by saying she was just 'speaking her mind' and she didn't know it was wrong. Are you freaking serious?!

    1. Classic narcissist. Projection, neverr accountable, never wrong...even with master kody she pulls that.s*hit1

    2. Agree 100%....and at the same time, Meri also said that she had a 'louder' voice...WTH???
      She labels herself as an industrial size bully, but we all knew that a long time ago....idiot...

    3. Meri is a sister witch

    4. If she really loved her sister wives the way she says she would have felt devastated to hurt Janelle.

  10. Just want to say thank you to the wonderful moderators of this ste. I love reading this blog especially the summaries.

    As a Sociology professor, I find the subject of plygamous lifestyles very interesting. This show has provided an endless amount of "talking points" for my classes. Too bad I can't be as "candid" as the posters here in the classroom setting. Lol.

    As crazy as this show is, it does provide some thought provoking situations. Too bad most of them end with me thinking they are "stuck on stupid".

    As a person of color, I am still waiting on them to discuss their "beliefs" on racial relations. Do they hold the belief, like some sects of the LDS, that Black people have the mark of Cain? Do they believe that people of color are not equal to them? Do they believe in the division of races? I have only seen one person of color be refererred to as a "friend" (please correct me if I'm wrong). Actually he was a co-worker of Janelle who came to their "coming out" party in Utah. The other rare interactions with people of color have been fleeting and very superficial, including the pointless interview with Tamaron Hall. How would they react to their children befriended a person of color? Hmmm............that could be a good story line. If you can talk about a silly wetbar for an entire season, imagine what you could do with that. A bi-racial relationship or baby might extend their TLC shelf life for a couple of seasons.

    I hope that now that they have their new homes we will now see more of the real family dynamics and a lot less of adults acting like spoiled, entitled brats.

    I agree with the posters that believe there is way too much crying going on. Not only is that a sign of underlying problems, it is very annoying and makes me want to reach through the tv and slap the "Shazam" out of them! Get counseling ladies!!

    Sorry this comment is so long, I'm also an insomniac. : )

    Looking forward to another season of craziness,


    1. FYI, on Twitter Madison has a picture of herself sitting in a car with two friends who are African American. My guess is that Janelle is welcoming to all her friends but who knows about Christine. She sees non-Mormons as sharks.

    2. Forgot to mention I'm "Team Jenelle" all the way! I believe she is getting her plan to escape the madness ready and it is only a matter of time before she is on her way to freedom and sanity.


    3. Interesting thoughts. I have wondered that too. Utah is not all that diverse but Nevada is. STrange that no people of color are ever shown on the show. I would have loved to see Melissa Harris Perry interview them. her background is half Swedish Mormon and half black. she is a beautiful person inside and out and a tough interviewer.

    4. I too have wondered about the "lack of color" in this show. Any color.... I have read that Mormons think that black people are an inferior race. I wonder how much of that still prevails?

      Scary, scary people.

    5. I imagine the interviews are all as staged as their show scripts are. The Browns would never agree to a tough interview. It was the same old lame one done w/ supposedly "SECRETS" REVEALED.

      At a book signing, Troy Bowles (former plyg victim who visits here occasionally) asked the Dargers a hard-hitting question about God's numbers not adding up in polygamy and thus the Lost Boys factor. They gave him some lame evasive answer and quickly dismissed him.

    6. Hi Missy and Welcome!

      I am still waiting on them to discuss their "beliefs" on racial relations. Do they hold the belief, like some sects of the LDS, that Black people have the mark of Cain? Do they believe that people of color are not equal to them? Do they believe in the division of races?

      I think we are going to have a long wait. The topic of race is one reason I believe the Browns do not discuss their religion. And the Dargers are no better according to Troy Bowles, a former AUB member.

      The ONLY times I have seen Kody and his Kodettes interacting with an African American was 1) the Las Vegas consignment shop salesman.
      2) the block party neighbor. Oh boy, was that an uncomfortable moment - for viewers as well as the Browns. Again, it was obvious Kody was trying hard to be sociable, but it just looked so...faked.

      Janelle is the only wife who has said that they have friends of all races. Strange we never see them. And when they had the party for work friends in Lehi, the only person of any color present was a hispanic man that worked with Janelle I believe.

      Here's a quote from a book I'm currently reading - it pretty much answers your question:

      "Fundamentalists also reject the 1978 revelation given to President Kimball that allowed blacks to enter the priesthood (Doctrine and Covenants, Declaration 2). They believe that God told Joseph Smith that “negroids” are marked by the blood of Cain8 and would defile the priesthood and the temples. The FLDS removed a Polynesian from their midst, stating that he was too dark, and they frown on interracial marriages of any kind. Warren Jeffs contended that blacks “are low in their habits, wild and seemingly deprived of nearly all the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind.”9 The AUB and LeBarons are also against blacks but allow mixed alliances with both Hispanics and Polynesians. Nevertheless, the AUB removed Richard Kunz (an individual who is phenotypic white and genotypic black) from his position on the priesthood council."

      Bennion, Janet (2011-04-24). Polygamy in Primetime (Brandeis Series on Gender, Culture, Religion, and Law) (Kindle Locations 1326-1334). University Press of New England. Kindle Edition.

      I seriously doubt that any of the Browns, particularly Christine (self proclaimed AUB princess) would ever welcome a woman of color like myself into their homes or as a friend. But they are ever so quick to latch onto the civil rights movement when it behooves their cause!

    7. wow, that's sad. it doesn't really surprise me to read all of that, but it does make me sad. i had not thought about what they believe about people racially speaking before reading this most excellent blog.

    8. youtube- watch Secret World of Mormonism, a cartoon that is controversial, but by many, some of the truths told to them when they were LDS, AUB, etc.

    9. Warren Jeffs on blacks...

      Warren Jeffs states, "Some classes of the human family that are black, uncouth, or rude and filthy, uncomely, disagreeable and low in their habits. Wild and seemingly deprived of nearly all of the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed on mankind."

      I'm sorry to bring those hateful words to a usual fun place but this is what these people are conditioned with for generations. This is the purest form of evil.

      Thank you, CJ for your wonderful, intelligent post. It is so sad to think anyone could think these thoughts and then to spew them as gospel proves this is a cult.

    10. If you want to read the mormon's history re:blacks - this is an excellent and factually documented resource.

    11. Wonder what would happen if Logan fell in love with a woman of color? How do mormons feel about Jewish people and Asians?

    12. Thanks for the welcome CJ.

      I'm glad to see that I am not the only one that wondered about the diversity on this show. I have studied quite a bit about the beliefs of FLDS, LDS, AUB, etc. Members. From watching the show I get the impression that although the family wants to be accepted and respected, all of the adults except maybe Janelle still harbor the belief that they are superior to people of color. I don't know this to be a fact and I hope that for the sake of their children I am wrong.

      If the Browns really want to end the stigma and distrust associated with polygamy and religions that promote this type of family structure, they will address this issue and many others on their show.

      Hatred and discrimination are tough topics to address. However, I believe the best way to end these problems is to have honest, open discussions.

    13. When we adopted our baby girl, who is of color, she was placed in a foster home with a incredible foster mom who has had many infants. The child that she had before ours was adopted by a couple that were recent "converts" to the LDS church. The baby was dark skinned and the couple, unaware, brought the baby home to a houseful of people who promptly left when the blanket revealed a black baby. This was 9 years ago. I never heard the end of the story but if the LDS church wants to try and put out the "we accept all" bandwagon it's blatantly not true. Makes me so angry.

    14. Julz,

      How awful! I pray that the baby found aloving home and wil never learn about that incident. :(

  11. Love, love, love the review. These people have sucked me in and I love reading about their dysfunction. Thanks!

  12. Excellent review, CJ !!!! Thank you !!! (hope you are feeling better)

    As always, you hit all the salient points that show just how twisted this group of adults are. That's why I love them. Your reviews so clearly show the whole damn show for what it is.
    Starting with the first season right up to this season's finale, it all comes down to what was evident back then and still is....that Kody Brown is a chronically self-absorbed, self aggrandizing shell of a man.

    Somehow, some way, he has managed to manipulate people and systems to support his obsession with self. And it continues on and on.
    It is relentlessly always about Kody. Kody always gets what Kody wants.

    Using one of his favorite words, it is *amazing* that with 17 children, four wives, three of whom are nothing more than illegal props for his ego, the SW show has always been, first and foremost about *him.*

    Thinking about every bogus premise the producers (and Browns) have used, episode after episode, every one of them always comes back to *Kody* as the star and focal point. And he breathes that in like oxygen.
    Kody is a plyg...
    Kody takes on 4th wife...
    Kody is being persecuted which means Kody must flee Utah...
    Kody has to find FOUR rentals in LV...
    Kody had this car, or that car
    Kody wants IVP for Meri
    Kody wants more kids from Sobbin
    Kody wants his own gated compound and gets it
    Kody and his hair is now a MAIN topic
    Kody babysits
    Kody holds prayer service.
    Kody has a meltdown
    Kody orders flowers
    Kody rides a cycle
    Kody shoots a gun
    Kody has wife trouble......etc, etc.....always, always.... ALL about Kody.

    And the "wives" are obviously all along for the ride. They must like being accessories to his bloated ego.

    1. I think this is where the disconnect starts between what they are selling versus what their reality is. They want us to believe that their version of polygamy is four complete, functioning family units with the added bonus of extra support for each wife through her sister wives. The reality is exactly what polygamy has always been- patriarchal, with everyone focused on the needs of the central "father" figure. The families function as single-parent households except on the nights that Kody is there.

      I think the episodes are Kody-centric because their lives are. And they downplay that aspect for the cameras because viewers would be turned off by that. The few times it has come through, we here at SWB are quick to notice and call it out.

    2. Oh come ON! That is what Plyg life is about. You know that. The man is the centre of the universe for them and all the women "rotate" to his tune.

    3. their religious beliefs set the men up for over the top arrogance and entitlement to be worshipped. your own planet that you're king of with your endless harem of wives (that you alone can choose whether to bring into the celestial kingdom or not) and offspring?? talk about an ego trip!! women are only good for breeding and mothering your offspring while you're off happily spreading your seed with others and creating more and more people to revere and worship you. sick. and this is what creates the Joseph Smiths, the Brigham Youngs, the Warren Jeffs, the Kody Browns, et al. and ad nauseam.

    4. You are right, Anon 11:24...not a surprise at all that it is all about "the man." Plygdom is a male bastion.
      So maybe they should have called the Show, "Kody the Plyg" instead of SW. That would be more authentic.

      And if it was only a matter of an ego-centric tool/fool doing his thing, along with the women dense enough to buy into it..fine!

      But when a scammer like him has his fun and all his goodies and the women agree to populate the earth with his offspring, using the system to support or supplement their lifestyle, that's not fine!

      Kody and his kind get to play, and we the taxpayers pay.

  13. Sorry..meant "IVF" for Meri.

  14. They made a nice big family event out of Logan's going-away party. I wonder what will happen when someone later down the line leaves.

    I doubt Grody will even NOTICE the 5th or 6th kid leaving.

    It would be a great episode if they would line all the kids up (NOT in order) and see if he can even NAME them all, much less know their ages and birthdays. Honestly. This man is a sperm donor - not a father.

  15. I have such sympathy for Logan. Every single time that boy should have the spotlight shine down solely on him, Kody must steal it away.

    When Logan made his college choice, Kody announced the trip to Nauvoo. When Logan was at home having his last breakfast before leaving, Kody flounces in late because he was busy fluffing his hair (the fact that Kody's freaking HAIR was the topic of conversation that morning is unforgivable). When Logan just wanted to LEAVE ALREADY, they had to take a family detour to see the houses.

    It has been brought up here that Kody is insanely jealous of Logan and I think that's spot-on. Instead of being proud of the level-headed, responsible son he and Janelle have raised (actually Janelle and Christine), Kody sees in Logan the qualities that Kody himself is sorely lacking. I also think several of the younger kids, the girls in particular, probably had a very hard time with Logan leaving the house, because he was PRESENT. Even when Kody is physically present in their homes, he's so freaking distracted that he's not really there.

    Congrats, Janelle, for raising a great son. I think your other kids will follow Logan's example, despite your "husband's" best efforts to the contrary.

    GO LOGAN!!

    1. Totally agree laurakaye!

    2. Right on....I think Logan is a super kid and I hope he does well. The quilt was a nice gesture and a lovely keepsake. A very thoughtful gift. No - he does not need to use it at the dorm. A quick trip to Wally Mart can sort that out for a few bucks.

    3. That was really an interesting observation about Logan being so adored by the younger siblings because he was PRESENT in their lives. He was mature beyond his years. I think he inherited his level-headed, reliable attributes from his mom. Clearly not from flaky Kody. Logan was the one making breakfast for the children, making sure they were out the door for school, etc. He was there for them in a way that made them feel secure. He didn't just fly in, still buttoning his shirt and fluffing his hair, then fly back out, not to be seen again for up to two weeks at a time. Logan filled an important stability void for many of the little ones.

    4. Of course Kody is jealous of Logan. Logan is young, handsome, intelligent, well-grounded, sane, has a full head of hair. In other words, the exact opposite of Kody and therefore serious competition for whichever woman the King decides he wants for wife No. 5. Logan might have a thing for Tayalyce that hasn't been shown or mentioned, and Kody may take serious issue with that. Don't be surprised if Logan is sent away on a "mission to spread the word" in order to give Kody less competition for Tara's affections.

    5. regardless of the fact that Logan was mature beyond his years, he was still required and expected to step up to the plate as a father role model by both his mother and father. yes, i fault Kody more than Janelle but still, she plays a guilt part in it as well. there's gotta be some stuffed anger in Logan no matter how good-natured he appears to be about it. I'm sure his summers he spent away working those years were a godsend to him.

    6. The comments about Logan are so accurate, makes absolute sense to me!!

    7. maybe if Logan was mainstream LDS he'd go on a mission but neither the AUB nor the other indi fundie plyg sects serve missions. just keepin' it real here. ;')

    8. They may not be mainstream LDS, but if it serves King Kody's best interests to have Logan go away, then Logan will go away. The Kodemeister is very good at picking and choosing what tenets or beliefs can serve him best at the moment. He will lie on camera and say that Logan wants to "explore" the LDS faith and will go on a mission, since they want their kids to make up their own minds. As long as it doesn't interfere with Kody's plans.

    9. Competition for Taralyce's affections...

      See, this is why I think baby Sol is so popular. He's young enough that just maybe he won't be shopping in the same marriage market.

    10. He would have to be given the missionary lessons and be baptized into the mainstream church first in order to qualify for a mission as well as pay for it himself. Kody hates the LDS church as he knows they hate him all due to the polygamy issue. Kody would also have been exed by them once he became a plyg. These factors would all be taken into careful consideration by a bishop and stake president in approving "a sudden desire" from Logan to join mainstream let alone go on a mission for them. You make it sound much more simplified than it really is.

      I'm not a Kody fan by any means but just wanting to set a flippant "factual" comment straight is all. Kody can take another wife at anytime without having to get Logan out of the picture. lol Meri's the ultimate one who will decide if and when Kody can now take another wife.

    11. Hmmm, I don't know Logan personally but I can't see him just up and going on a mission just because Kody wills it. I think Logan has a mind of his own and after experiencing the freedom and self actualization that comes with going off to college, he won't be Kody's puppet. And I think Kody KNOWS this and that's another reason he is struggling with Logan going off. That and he's insanely jealous ;-) Logan, if you read this, you're awesome. Do your own thing.

    12. And I don't see the competition Kody feels with Logan as being a matter of "he's taking the women I want to have", I feel it's more generalized... Like someone mentioned before, Kody sees the qualities in Logan that he wishes he had, he sees how the children respect Logan and not him because Logan was PRESENT and a true father figure, Kody envies Logan's freedom and youthfulness, and the most important thing- Kody is afraid that Logan won't choose "his lifestyle" and that will speak VOLUMES to the children, to the world, and is the biggest SLIGHT to Kodyville and probably the one that will sting the most...

  16. Ughhh that wet bar. I don't even like the layout of it. It's shoved off into some corner across from the laundry room. I guess it is closer to the dining room than any other counter space, but that's a pretty stupid reason for needing to spend all that extra money. I mean even if she has the whole family over every night, it isn't as if that dining room will fit them all anyway.

    Fun review! I loved that you pointed out the difference in Kody's actions towards Janelle and Christine as they each left the room.

    1. i lol'd when Robyn came to Meri's defense with the profound declaration "she just needs it to put her Christmas pastries on!" priceless.

    2. My brother has a big lovely house built 35 years ago, that has a wet bar located between the kitchen and dining room, and adjacent to the open plan sitting room. It was a nice feature to have, but they only used it to store liguor in the cabinet beneath the sink, wine rack over top - during family dinners. It kept the drink mixing off to one side and out of the way of my sister in law's dinner preperation area in the kitchen. It also had a tiny area for ice cubes. So I would say it has been used over the years, but not nearly as often as one would think. For a family that does not have wine or before dinner drinks I don't see the point at all, as the counter space does not make enought difference - to lay out food for a pot luck style service.

      Does the green goo need to be "shaken and not stirred" before pouring it over ice in a martini glass? Just sayin...

  17. What I really missed from the show is the conclusion to the scene where Janelle asked Logan if it would be to much if they all came down to visit, and Logan just asked all of you and she said by all she meant all the adults, not the kids. Then there was just a shot of Logans face but no more. Obvi he thought that would be to much, but I would have like to seen the answer as well as the adults (or at least Janelle] elaborate on it. It would have been funny ( and probably super provoking) to hear the adults reflect around that problem.

    1. Poor Logan. He just wants a chance to be looked at as normal and start a new life at college. He literally cringes at the thought of Grody introducing him to everyone and goofily saying, "Hi! I'm Logan's Dad KODY! and these are his 4 moms! We're polygamists!!" *kill me now* thinks Logan.

    2. Janelle - it would be too much to have the plygs go to the dorm. I didn't want my parents hanging about when I was in college. They helped me haul my things in, had lunch and they were on their way. After that they didn't come by. I saw them at home during holidays, dinners, drop ins etc.

      Janelle, I think you should pop in to see Logan in this dorm room on your own, by arrangement with Logan. Nobody needs to know.

    3. Hepburn Hilton, yeah, that was a very real moment in what has been a pretty fluffy season. It was good of Janelle to ask him. Anon - 10:59, yes, in this situation, it would be Kody embarrassing Logan by loudly stating his name and saying 'We have a TV show on TLC! Don't mind the cameras' as he grins. I also could see Kody checking out the college girls too (ew!)

    4. Anon 10:59 - totally agree, you know that Kody will make sure everyone within a mile radius of poor Logan knows that the Kodester is a cool, surfer-dude kind of guy with FOUR. WIVES. Not to mention, you know Kody would be looking all over that campus for wifey #5. EWWWWWWW.

    5. if Logan ever got drunk and cut loose on his dad - WHEWWWWEEE doggie - would that ever be a good one to witness!! lol

    6. I agree, the other "parents" with maybe the exception of Christine, should stay out of Logan's college life. Meri, Robyn and Kody only want to be involved with the kids when there is a limelight moment they can attach to and take credit for.

    7. I think it will be extremely interesting when kody courts wife#5, to watch Princess Robyn's reactions

  18. Cynical Jinx, I can't decide my favorite photo from your review - Meri having a nervous breakdown while looking at carpet squares, or Christine taking Kody down a few notches with her glare. Both are classic - bravo!!

  19. Wow ok so I don't have cable and can't watch the show so the pics are all I have to go by. I don't understand the people who think that Robyn was just fat and now is miraculously thin now? I understand they show things out of order but come on. She was pregnant and something happened. I'm shocked by how flat her stomach is in this episode.

    1. I don't think she was pregnant at all. I just think she, like many people, "suck it in" when so clearly exposed standing in front of people. Whereas if she is sitting down, carrying Sol, behind a stroller or otherwise hidden/relaxed in any way, not so much.

    2. I'm in the camp that no way would this have not been an over the top drama played out over and over again each episode if Robyn had been pregnant and miscarried. no way.

    3. I think she was pregnant, miscarried sometime in late August-September. Most likely it will be next season to see it, along with the footage of the Browns answering questions at UNLV campus.

    4. I hope Logan says "over my dead body" to that one!

    5. There is no amount of "sucking it in" that could have gotten rid of that pregnant belly. They kept quiet to milk in a way that will provide the most money and the best for their show. I can see them keeping quiet for money. They sell out in every other way for money.

    6. Eh, I think she just has a pooch.

    7. If you watch the part of the episode where Big Mean Meri goes back into the meeting with Kootie to discuss her being over budget, pick out carpet samples, etc...and she brings Sobyn in with her, you see a really good clear side-view of Sobyn (while she's holding the wonder child).....and she's got a HUGE pooch which I think is strange as she was such a thin woman pre-pregnancy (to the point of being gaunt and anorexic looking). Most women who are this thin pre-pregnancy lose their pregnancy weight very it could be that she's pregnant again. If anyone is able to watch that episode again, watch that spot in it.

    8. I agree with you anon 7:32 pm and I've been saying it on here for awhile now but I always get shot down by the majority who think she just has a pooch. But being a woman who has been pregnant 6 times in 8 years, I'm certain that ain't no pooch. No one will change my mind and I can't wait until it's confirmed in whatever way the Brown's have decided. We may never know. They may have weird reasons for keeping it quiet that we will never know or understand.

    9. A skinny-mom pouch isn't residual's her actual guts being held in by skin alone as she is suffering from a diastisis recti, a common, and fixable problem. It's what people get "tummy tucks" for, but is also easily fixable with rehab and splints. Christine has one too, which is why she looks big from the front and not as big from the back in the pic where she has normal clothes on in this thread. You can get it from 1 pregnancy but you are practically guaranteed it from four or more! : ) You can google and diastisis recti...tons of good info there! : )

  20. I have a love/hate relationship w/this blog forum. If it wasn't for it, I would have been able to stop watching these nitwits for sure by their second season. THANKS A LOT CJ and all you other contributors here! LOL

    (great job as usual CJ on today's snark) ;'p

  21. Did anyone else notice all the foo-foo collection Meri has proudly displayed? I doubt any of the other wives have been able to start pricey collections like that due to too many kids and trying to stretch the same amount of $$ Meri gets. She envisions her home as the First Wife "show home" and the only one worthy to hold the family get-togethers. I'm sure all the kids cringe when they hear they have to go to another function at Mother Meri's and listen to her bossiness and control of them in her home. I imagine that will become even worse for them when they have their own McMansion to hang in and also as more of them get older and completely sick of Mean Girl Meri.

    I imagine all the teens likewise are forced to be tolerant of self-righteous and always right Mariah too (clone of her Momma) as they will catch hell from Meri if they aren't. I think it was a hilarious inside joke between Logan and Mykelti when she was fake crying her crocodile tears on her goodbye to him as I'm sure all the teens make fun of Meri, Robyn and Mariah behind their backs.

  22. Christine got two FU Kody worked in these episodes. One - when she happily went for the stone to make her house stand out from the 3 others and leaving Kody w/a huge scowl on his face for failing Meri in retrieving money from Christine for her AND when she got to pay his "gross nachos" comment back w/her comment that he looked "GROSS!" with his buzzcut.

    Christine and Janelle are so done w/Kody as an absentee father and a "lover" - they've got nothing to lose now by getting their digs in or distancing themselves physically/emotionally from him. Who could deal w/their husband telling the world he wasn't attracted to you physically as he did to both of them? They also just stay the hell away from Mean Girl Meri as much as possible and their own kids do likewise.

    I imagine next season we'll get a bunch of episodes now w/all the kids suddenly being fawned over constantly by Meri. ;'p

  23. OK, so not only do they think Logan is never coming back, Sobbin had to DRAMATICALLY end the episode by reminding everyone that Mariah and Aspyn will be having their LAST CHRISTMAS EVER this year, hopefully in the new houses. Do they think college kids all go somewhere else for Christmas? Hello, schools are CLOSED, the kids go HOME for the year-end holidays!! You will see them every Christmas! Just another excuse for tears and manufactured draaaaama.

    1. exactly. and not one of those dimwits light bulb went on to immediately say, "no, they'll all keep coming home for christmas like most college kids do." duh. but then Meri and Sobbin' couldn't have had their instant annoying and predictable cry-fest moment.

    2. If you haven't been to college or ever hung out with college educated people, you might not know students come home for holidays and often for summer as well. Good lord, all the kids will be coming home for years. Remember they are part of the "stuck generation" -- many adult kids are living at home after they graduate. And they won't want to share rooms ... Meri's empty bedrooms may be needed after all for Janelle's grown kids. BAHAHAHA.

    3. I think the adults think they are sending their kids out with the "sharks" and they will be "turned" and never want to come back to them.

  24. I don't think they went overboard for Logan leaving for college, he's the first kiddo and even though he'll be close to home its going to be a big change. I loved watching him with the kids, and the scene of him watching the video. Even if Kody doesn't spend much time with the kids you can tell Logan loves each and every one of them. I think he'll keep the quilt...folded up under his bed... lol Who hasn't gotten a dorky gift from their family? The sentiment was sweet and Logan seems to know how to behave in public so I'm sure his popularity won't suffer :)

    Okay, am I misunderstanding or something? What is a cement "pad"? What is the appeal? I keep getting to mind an image of a basketball court.. but no, that can't be right... lol

    Kody was sooo not joking about the money. WTG Christine! She was just like "NO now watch me blow my hard saved money!" she deserves to have a house that she wants. I mean, it is HERS not Grody's.

    What about Madi making fun of Kody's hair? And he got all snippy with her? That was too funny, especially the way they edited with his self-depreciating jokes right before her snark. "Its okay for me to joke about my hideous hair, but not you." Hehe

    Great review Cynical Jinx! Bless you for watching these over and over again :-P

    1. The pad would be the base of a nice patio where they could put chairs, etc., to sit out behind the house (which IIRC is about 6 feet from the block wall behind the houses). It would also be a good place to put bicycles, etc., and would cut down on the amount of dirt being tracked into the house. If they don't plant grass (most places in Nevada have "desert landscaping"), there will be lots of loose rock and dirt around the house which 6 kids will be tracking in on a daily basis.

    2. A cement pad is just that - a slab of cement in the backyard to set porch furniture on. We have one, very chic ;) but it gets the job done.

      This conversation may have taken place in another episode, I'm pretty sure it was this one, but I just got a flashback of Kody and Meri at her house discussing the house options with Mariah and Meri had the balls to ask for a TENNIS COURT for Mariah. Mariah, the daughter who will be leaving for college this summer. I think Meri followed that up with "LOL J/K Kodes!". Yeah right Meri. What they should have done is if they had any extra money put in a nice pool between the two middle lots so all of the kids can swim.

      Seriously, good on Christine for getting the stone. I bet it'll look really great and I'm glad she had the option. I've always loved stone houses.

    3. most people simply call it a patio, Janelle. thus, the term patio furniture vs. cement pad furniture. :)

    4. Pretty sure the "cement pad" they're referring to is the cement area they pour outside the back door that serves as a patio or porch area to stand/step on before you come in the back door. That's what most homes have that are built on a cement slab [no basement]. I hope Jannel can DIY it pretty soon or she'll have a dirty mess by her back door

    5. i was sad that janelle didn't get her cement pad, lol. why does meri the queen get to go 4 grand over budget but she can't have a patio? not fair! but maybe she can get grodster to build one? yeah right!

    6. Ooooh. Okay yeah thanks for clearing that up, I was wondering. It sounded hideous but yeah, most people would call that a patio I think. LOL

    7. If King Kody can't hook up a washer and dryer, I seriously doubt he will pour cement. He might get dirty!

    8. I think when Janelle said DIY she meant just she and the older kids doing it, not Kody. She's knows he's a useless lazy ass.

  25. Oh...and what the hell...The Kodester never got up once when any of the ladies entered or exited the room. He just sat there in his office chair throne the whole time. Rude. Come to think of it, I recall a scene a (few eps back?) where Sobbyn was the last person through a door after all the adults, and she was struggling to get in with her giant purse, diaper bag, and plastic Sol seat carrier. Could no one hold the door for her? Not even Kody, the ultimate male???

  26. Excellent, spot on review, Cynical Jinx, just like always!! Thank you and thank you to all those who comment, too!!

  27. Kody's high school friends all said he was a center of attention hound all during high school as well as they thought he was gay. Nothing has changed. A lot of us here say the same thing about him now.

    1. AsSeinfieldWouldSayJanuary 6, 2013 at 4:44 PM

      ....not that there is anything wrong with being gay, riiight? : )

  28. There's a reason even Honey Boo Boo is a much more popular show than this one and it's looking better and better all the time compared to this trainwreck of a family. Honey Boo Boo is much more entertaining as well as a genuinely close and loving redneck family. PLUS June has always been a charitable person but just is able to be even more so w/her godsend of a show.

    What have the Browns ever done charity-wise but just be entitled takers and say, "more, please!"

    1. It's funny you mention Honey Boo Boo. I just got done reading this article


      Mama June Sets Up Trust Fund For Honey Boo Boo & Daughters
      Access Hollywood – 24 minutes ago.. .

      Honey Boo Boo is going to be just fine financially when she gets older, thanks to wise financial planning from Mama June.

      The reality TV mother has revealed she siphons the majority of the family's "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" earnings into trust funds for her daughters.

      PLAY IT NOW: Honey Boo Boo Talks Paparazzi, Favorite Stars & Sings Her Sugar Bear Song

      The family receives between $15,000 - $20,000 per episode, which is divided equally into accounts for Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson, 7; Lauryn, 12; Jessica, 15; Anna, 18, and baby Kaitlyn, the reality matriarch told TMZ.

      The girls will not be able to access the funds for anything other then schooling medical emergencies until they reach the age of 21, June revealed.

      VIEW THE PHOTOS: Honey Boo Boo & Her Family

      "I want my kids to look back and say, 'Mama played it smart. Not like those other reality TV people,'" she told the website, adding that she never actually receives the money. "TLC puts the money into the girls' trust accounts for me and then I get an e-mail telling me how much everyone gets."

      June said Sugarbear (Honey Boo Boo's father) provides for the family by working as a contractor and no matter how much dough they rake in from their reality endeavors, they will never blow it all on material items.

      "You're never gonna see me drive a Range Rover or a Mercedes," she said. "I'll drive one if someone else pays for it. Never gonna live above my means."

    2. I never thought I would say this, but I love that Mama June. There is a woman who has learned from her life experience and is putting her hard earned wisdom to good use.

    3. agree. i have a friend that can't stand to watch Sister Wives and made me watch Honey Boo Boo with her which i had no desire to do. i was instantly hooked. maybe BECAUSE of the difference between this family and Sister Wives. apparently, i'm in good company cause i'm constantly amazed at the likes of Anderson Cooper, schwarzenegger oldest daughter, and others i can't recall right off the bat that have admitted on TV that they LOVE watching Honey Boo Boo and do think they're a very loving family who just happen to also be rather uncouth rednecks. don't get me started about their "biscuits." lol

      I could also watch it since Alana quit doing those child glitz beauty pageants which i truly detest.

    4. I hate to admit it, but I LOVE Honey Boo Boo. Even though they are "rough around the edges", you can tell they really love each other and enjoy being together. The Browns could learn some life lessons from them.

  29. Meri: "Kody, just because i stormed out and cried to Robyn about how mean you were to me and then asked her to come back in with me so you could see she was on my side and not yours, how DARE you say i stormed out and cried to Robyn about how mean you were to me and then asked her to come back in with me so you could see she was on my side and not yours!! "

    Oh yes, there will be great hell to pay for Kody publicly calling her on her shit. Meanwhile, Robyn will be crying to Kody behind Meri's back about how Meri forced her to go do that with her. lol

  30. I thought the quilt was a nice idea...but not something I'll be doing for my son when he goes away....seems very "non-college-guy-like". I can probably come up with guy-friendly ideas within a few minutes that won't be embarrassing.

    I'm enjoying the subtle confidence building I see in Christine. It really makes me happy that she was able to use her budget on herself. I probably would have given it up for somebody else if it were me, just to maintain the peace. It's just my way...and then I stew about it later.

    And, as far as Janelle goes, she needs to do the gym for larger patrons like she wanted to for a business. I just saw an entire news story this morning about a new-kind-of gym that caters to people who are over a certain weight--to provide a more emotionally comfortable place. The news story implied that it was the next wave. I, as somebody who is of the larger variety, never go to the gym because it's emotionally uncomfortable. I work out at home instead but I can't afford the variety of machines that a gym provides. If she does it on her own, yes more expensive than MSWC and LIV, but she would have backing from the SBA and she would qualify for more because she is a woman, granted more debt upfront but she would earning at the same time. And....she could make herself more financially stable...

    1. a better idea would be a t-shirt quilt made of all the sports or activities ect..... fav. bands. then he can keep it as a keepsake of HIS lief. Its about him not everyone else.

  31. Surprised that a swimming pool not included as an extra in that hot climate.. Look at the resale value. Sounds like we are taking sides etc. Safety in numbers, believe they should rewrite their rules and mission statement so that the two largest families have equal say. It is a democracy isn't it??
    3/4 of the group apparently are overruled by the other forth. The newest member should not come in like gangbusters and attempt to take over. Lets multiply and/or divide equally.

    1. Most of the pools in that neighborhood are fairly small - which a pool would have to be on the cul-de-sac because the land is mostly covered by the houses; there's NOT much space between the backs of the houses and the block wall that closes them off from the rest of the world. They couldn't build it in the middle between two houses because it would make it impossible to re-sell the properties to unrelated people when the Brown lose them. And a small pool for a group of 20+ people isn't a good idea.

    2. Isn't that nuts, 2 million in homes and no pool or yard for the kids...

    3. does this development have a community pool they could use?

    4. No community pool. These geniuses will probably take out 2nds on each of the homes and get the pools that way or else do one of their notorious Walmart runs and pick up 4 massive above ground pools to place in their dirt backyards.

    5. I know right, Mister Sister. Goes to show ya where their priorities are...

    6. No it doesn't.

    7. The pool episode, who gets it, who deserves it, who pays for it, who cries about it and then who fills it will be next season. I'm taking the stand that since Meri has an extra sink in her webbar they can run the hose from there and fill the pool hokey style....just a thought.

  32. The realtor and builder reps should have told Janelle that she would regret not having a patio because the sand and small stones that the kids would bring in on their shoes would scratch the tile very quickly and wear out the carpet. They weren't helpful at all. Someone who has never built a new home should be given advice. Also, if they have to pay for the landscaping which most builders do not include, that will also cost them quite a bit of money for 4 houses.

  33. just wanted to say i loved the review of this made me laugh, and i need laughs today. the pics were priceless too. i will definitely be back to read the rest of the reviews and any future ones.

    did anybody notice (and i hate to give grody kody any credit here) that what meri described as kody being defensive and so on was HER being defensive? it was weird, but in that case i thought kody was being very reasonable about informing her she was over budget, but that greedy sneaky hag acted like he had been hard on her! she's a real piece of work, that meri!

    1. Meri is the one who MUST be obeyed and that includes no one's allowed to call her on her crap without a passive/aggressive head-spinning lying manipulative crocodile tears smackdown back from her. You're a glutton for punishment for even attempting. Notice how quickly Kody backed down and started kissing her ass and backpedaling. Lord, it's hell for all of them to always walk on eggshells around her emotional instability and tyranny. Robyn seems to be right at home with it all tho and works it like a pro enabler.

  34. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Logan got the Lexus. I expected that Meri would insist it be "saved" for Mariah.

    1. Me too! I hate to use the word deserve but I think if anyone deserves it, it is Logan!

    2. Oh, just you wait...Meri will used this in her favor and Mariah will end up with a brand NEW car! "Logan got a car, so only fair that Mariah gets a car!"

    3. I think Logan, being the first and the son trumps all, even precious Mariah.

    4. I thought it was mentioned in an episode that Mariah has Meri's old car. I think its a green 2 door car?

    5. but if Mari had her way she would have had 7 sons for Kody so why punish her by not giving her 7 new cars. everyone is soo selfish and never considers poor Meri.

  35. I agree that Melissa Harris Perry would facilitate a great interview with the Brown family. She could sort through all their 360's and get some real info from them instead of all the same crap over and over and over.

    1. I'm willing to bet it's not the interviewer that's the problem but the interviewer's hands that are tied in regard to the questions as well as the tone of them allowed in dealing w/these fragile and defensive egos. Once their show is cancelled and their 15 minutes are up, they will become irrelevant and no one will even care about asking them hard-hitting questions. The only thing peeps will be interested in is if and when one of the kids (not Mariah) writes a tell-all book up the road. My doubts are high that will never happen tho. It would be hard to take the fallout from their moms as well as from all the siblings. They'll just suck it up and move on like most plyg kids do that can't stand to repeat the lifestyle.

    2. Honestly, Melissa Harris-Perry is much too serious of an academic and journalist to interview the Browns.

  36. Thanks for the great review CJ, I didn't even remember half the stuff you seem to bring to life on paper that they some how make so dull on the show...I'm old school and usually wait for your review to comment on that episode(s) and it is always worth it.

    Lets talk about the houses...I'm in real estate and I believe I brought the location and addresses to the blog last May and mentioned that they are just builder grade.
    These are not custom homes, tract house would be a better description, yes they are large, yes they are on a gated street, but they are not upscale. The same "options" for interiors are the same offered in apartment construction.
    Call me a hater but you make your own decision based on comparables in their same area. The Brown McMansions are over priced...WAAAAY overpriced, and creative financing doesn't even begin to describe this "package" they would have to put together. False employment, income and lots of money down are the only way this band of drifter-grifters got in at all.

    For $400K-$450K they should have got custom cabinetry, interior sculpting (structural decor such as arches, pillars or built ins) we're not talking a counter with a small sink, i.e. WET BAR...Meri's idea of high end living actual interior impact and resale features, marble baths and granite kitchens that are truly CUSTOM...also pools or water features, landscaping and exterior finishes that put their "cuddle sac" to shame.

    You go on and you decide for yourself if they got a good deal for their money...check out current multiply listing for

    9165 Decatur Bl, Las Vegas, 89139, pool, larger lot, tile (way more expensive than carpet), sky lights, and the list goes on $450K, gorgeous!
    Or maybe
    4017 Highland Castle, Las Vegas, 89129, pool, play house in backyard (I bet those little pixies would love that) 3 fireplaces, even a marble bathroom with fireplace!!! $449, 888, fabulous!
    How about
    5575 W Desert Inn Rd, Las Vegas, 89146, waterfall pool, hot tub, grand staircase, etc. All for $435K, this custom home is ten thousand less than each of those barns the finagled.
    True they are not the same neighbor hood, they are decide.

    1. I agree, I built my modest 2000 sq ft home 3 years ago 3 bedroom/2bath 2car garage for 179,000. After seeing the model home on the show, my little house has some better finish's. The crown molding and Trey ceilings in my house are nicer, all my counter tops are granite, all bathrooms are marble. My gas fireplace is much nicer. Looks like they think what they have is top of the line. Who pay's 450,000 and gets the cheapest standard grade carpet and no hardwood?

  37. CJ your reviews get better and better. I haven't watched the last two episodes yet and skipped the poor old dog one (thanks to the comments on here). What a jolly crew all you commenters are. Reading this interactive blog is much more entertaining than passively watching a show. Thank you and I wish you all health and happiness in this new year.

  38. This season lasted just over one month! Seems odd for any TV show. Since they are already filming new episodes, I wonder has the next season start date been announced?

    Free Janelle!

  39. Sister Wives could also be known as Meri Boo Boo

    1. Wet Bar, you make me so....never mind! lol!

      Rename the show, I like it:
      Wives Swap
      The Las Vegas Plygbillies
      The Kootie Bunch
      Krody Days
      How I met your Plyg

    2. OMG....HAHAHAHAHAHA....Thanks for that!

    3. Wet Bar, I LOVE that!

    4. Yes..Sista Knives..a new show title would be great. Love the 'kootie bunch' and 'krody days'..
      I commented a while back that the scarey thing is though, they could fit into any TLC show as is. 'Hoarders' (wife hoarding); 'What Not to Wear'; Extreme Food Stamping (couponing); '4 Weddings'; 'Strange Sex', etc...

      How about "My Big Fat Plyg Wedding?"

  40. So...I finally got around to looking at photos of the Condor model. I saw a wet bar that includes a large island or peninsula type counter surrounding it. Is Meri getting that or just the typical "wet bar" against the wall?

  41. I don't think Robin was ever pregnant. First off, the next new edition to the Brown family would have been an episode. Then, the miscarriage would have been an episode.

    I was very emotional after my miscarriage and would have had a hard time coping with cameras and stuff. I can't see Robin acting much different.

    Has TLC signed the Browns on for another season yet? I thought the last season was very short.

    1. I think TLC most definitely signed them or they and their banks wouldn't be moving forward with the mortgages.

  42. Why is Janelle the only one on twitter without Kody in her profile pic?

    1. She's authentically representing herself, and not sugar-codying it.

  43. Plyg life is obviously not for me! I'd throw a fit if I couldn't get a cement patio and my sisterwife went way over budget. I wish Janelle and Christine were more forceful!

    I would gladly contribute to a "Patio Fund" for Janelle to reward her for being the most sane!

  44. When Janelle's family was having breakfast. There was a weird exchange between Logan and Janelle, something about Kody and Janelle said something and then said it is just him, meaning Kody, and then Kody walked out, appearing like he had just showered. Did anyone catch what that was all about. It was really strange.

    1. Yes, I caught that. What I think was going on is that they were all WAITING on Kody for the breakfast....and then Kody was late because he probably didn't spend the night at Janelle's house the night before so had to 'run in' at the last minute with his crazy hair. I think Logan was maybe complaining that his dad was late and Janelle said 'it's just him' you know, being an apologist

  45. Just watched the show secrets revealed...and i'm really confused why they blot their tears the way they do...and then look at their finger after. What are they expecting to see? I mean, I get the whole 'mascara running' thing..but they blot away their tears before any even really form, let alone streak, so what they heck are they looking for?
    I'm tired of seeing cody sit with Meri every friggin' session. I would love to see cody hug and comfort C or J , just once.

  46. "Hard to Say Goodbye"

    Easy to assume that the title of the episode referred to Logan going away to college. That's what it would be about in majority of families in America.

    Or you might expect the title to refer to the after effects of rubbing Drake out, with everyone gathered around sharing fond memories of the beloved family dog, flashing pictures of him with the kids and with inspiring music in the background...

    But wait, this is the Brown family...The title refers to what the episode mentioned most! Kody's hair!

    Yes, it is hard for Kody to say good bye to his last remnants of a thick head...of hair.

    Kody is the King of the unKonventional Komb Over! "From the center!"

    And he will stay that way as long as he has a soul patch of hair near his forehead, no matter how remote an island that patch becomes, as the rest of his hair recedes like California in the face of the rising tides of global warming.

    No he won't shave his head. But he better hurry up and find "friend" to donate hair restoration surgery, while that coastline still has follicles left to transplant!

  47. Why why why do they "love" Kody's hair?? Newsflash--he does not look like a surfer dude, he looks like a desperate old balding wannabe. Why is the only choice horrible or buzz cut? He could keep some length but not have such an ugly wedge style. I can hardly stand to look at him (beady eyes don't help).

    1. That whole scene was a set-up/plea for Kody's hair transplant sponsor. Just you watch and see.

      Free Janelle!

    2. I know!! It reeks of desperation and denial. And HIGHLIGHTS to boot. The Shaggy ( and I AM referring to the scooby doo character) kind if hides the beady eyes, kind of. He cannot pull off the brush cut, his forehead looks like it belongs on a Neandethal.

  48. What are the kids going to do all day? I think weight gain may be that they don't play outside like they did at the Lehi house. Kids can't stay inside all day. They need a park or school they can at least walk to. Does anyone know if they do? What a shame to spend almost 2 million and not have a place for all those kids to be kids.

    1. I got this feeling those kids are going to be running up and down that culdesac riding bikes, scooters, etc until a neighbor complains. I would not want to be their neighbors, especially if I spent $400k on my dream house only to be next door to chaos. In 6 months those houses will look like trash, except for Meri and her house will look perfect.

    2. Didnt they buy all the homes in the court?

    3. Come here my pretties, Meri entices her bonus children into the oven. Nah, that is ok Mama Meri, I can have a PB&J samwich at Christine's, chill at Janelle's and go pee on Robin's flowers when she aint lookin. Is that Robin's lil girls waiting in line at the wet bar? What that crazy woman doin now with my step sisters? Did they not listen to us? At all costs stay away from Meri she will cook ya and eat you for dinner if you spill your kool aid on her carpet!

  49. Love yur blog and comments more than the show. The "Be careful where you put it" in yiddish line- priceless!

  50. Remember how Meri just had to have a pool when they were renting? I would much rather have a pool at my permanent home I mean if I was able to afford a $447k house. Honestly if I lived in such a warm climate year round I would scrimp on the inside to have a pool. It just annoys me how Meri has to have these extras to show the others who is in charge.

  51. EmbarassedForThem2013January 6, 2013 at 8:15 PM

    The Browns and Sullivans are SO delusional! An inaccurate family tree-who does that?!?!

  52. EmbarassedForThem2013January 6, 2013 at 8:18 PM

    Ut oh-looks like they need to "update" their dream. And who are they fooling?? They JUST said on television last week that they dont want to live together. So which is it?

  53. Lve your blog! But surprised you didn't address the "Meri must make up her mind about a baby" drama.

    Here's my take on it. Horndog Kody is pressuring Meri to make the baby decision because he is anxious to go about impregnating Robyn (the old fashion way) but since Robyn made a commitment to Meri, Kody is stalled and stuck having protected sex with his main squeeze. TV land would not approve if Robyn became preggo without honoring her promise to Meri.

    Meri knows Kody's agenda, and it causes her tons of ambivalance. Meri likes having Robyn under her thumb for the numbers, but doesn't relish that Robyn is now Kody's favorite broodmare. Meri is dragging her feet because, right now, she controls both of them. Meri knows that whether she declines or accepts the offer, she'll lose control as Kody's obligation to Meri will be fullfilled, leaving him free to play house ever after with Sobbin.

    I've come to greatly admire Janelle. I respect her common sense and gracious attitude. She has become my favorite. I'd love to see her break free.

  54. Is there some polygamy family rule that when you turn 18 you're gone for good? I only wonder because of the excessive weeping and drama surrounding Logan going off to a LOCAL college. Next we had MeanMeri and Robyn weeping about this being Mariah and Aspyn's "last Christmas" before they graduate and leave.

    Don't they plan on them returning home for holidays, college breaks, summers and a weekend here and there? These people are so weird it boggles the mind!

  55. I cannot say it enough. Meri is absolutely the worst person in reality TV. She makes Kate G. look somewhat decent. She is a passive aggressive, two faced, nasty, beeyyattch who I hope gets a swift kick in the ass from Karma. Meri I hope you read this and realize what a nasty person you are. I cannot even put the colorful language I would like to use on this website out of respect for other readers. They way you treat your other sister wives is disgusting. You are just a totally horrible person. The fact that you would let a wet bar cause so much drama is completely childish and immature. You are a disgrace to your lifestyle and anyone that calls themself a parent. The way you make the rest of your "family" suffer for your selfish needs makes me want to puke. I seriously hope something terrible happens to you.

    I feel better I got that off my chest. I really just hate that lady.

  56. I know everyone is saying that the kids are going to destroy the new homes by tracking in rock, sand, dirt, etc...

    Do people out west not remove their shoes when they enter a home? We are from Chicago and ALWAYS remove our footwear at the door when we enter. I can't even imagine wearing shoes in our home. Tracking in all that dirt/snow/mud during the winters would certainly destroy the carpet and also my back from having to clean the floors.

    1. Just like Chicago - some do, some don't. We live in Arizona and we don't, but I have a friend who keeps a pair of "inside shoes" for herself and her husband at the garage entrance to the house. They always put them on as soon as they go into the house. But then they have white carpet, and we don't.

    2. So funny, because I've totally had this conversation with multiple people, but yes, in the west it's quite common to wear shoes inside the house. Not everyone, of course, but it is pretty common.

    3. I don't know why everyone across the U.S. doesn't take off their shoes inside the house? It totally grosses me out seeing people wear shoes inside.

      We don't even go outside barefoot then walk in the house...

  57. I wish I could take in 1 or 2 of the older girls and show them what it is like to live in a home with 1 mom and 1 dad and 2 kids.

    Life is MUCH different when you have the dynamics of multiple adults trying to run the household.

    Robyn kills me with her "I love you" attitude, especially with the older kids. They see how her relationship has killed whatever was left with Kody and their "moms

    Robyn and her kids are just more mouths to feed.

  58. I read their book Becoming Sister Wives and their history is not at all what they portray or try to convince people on tv at all. All the talk about the beauty and benefits of being sisterwives and the spiritual blessings are all garbage. Meri is a real piece of work. She is vindictive and manipulative. She disciplined the children and the seeds of her taking out her frustration on Christines children and janeles is obvious. I believe the issues of jealousy between the wives were taken out on the kids. especially meri. read the book. it explains alot about the relationships we see now. The kids have been used as weapons to get back another sisterwife. mainly meri. The extra bedrooms and not sharing money equitably with the houses is meris revenge. read the book. I was distressed reading how meri treated the kids.

    1. interesting. Meri is a piece of work that is totally untrustworthy. Watching her at the reunion, you can tell she loves attention and when all is about her.

  59. They do seem to be thinking that when the kids finish high school they are gone. Maybe the concern is that once the kids are on their own they stop drinking the green kool aid. The parents no longer have control of what information the kids get. the concern maybe the kids figure out the fraud and lies they have been told by their parents. They figure out the truth, then they don't want to go back. There must be something that happens to a lot of AUB kids when they leave home that has the Browns so worried.
    Christine thinks the physical buildings of the houses will create roots, when it is really the relationships. Logan has it with Janelle and the kids. So he may have enough roots to return home, but the other children don't share that. Some of them I think will take off and not come back much or at all. They may very well can't wait to separate themselves from their parents.
    I have watched a little bit of season 1 and 2. How things have changed in 2 years. I have a newish topic. Sister Wives Lies. They are talented liars! What are the lies and contradictions that SWB have found over the years? How can they call this a Reality show when most of what they have said is not the reality?
