Thursday, January 10, 2013

Plyg Love Means Never Having to Say.....

"Love means never having to say you're sorry" is a line from the novel and 1970 film  Love Story starring Ali MacGraw and Ryan O'Neal. The line is spoken twice in the film: once in the middle of the film, by Jennifer Cavilleri (MacGraw's character), when Oliver Barrett (O'Neal) is about to apologize to her for his anger; and as the last line of the film, by Oliver, when his father says "I'm sorry" after learning of Jennifer's death. In the script the line is phrased slightly differently: "Love means not ever having to say you're sorry."

So, let's rephrase that and you finish the sentence....

Plyg Love Means Never Having to Say.....

(Sources: Love Story synopsis from Wikipedia; picture from Caramel Brownie, Idea from Amused, Thanks!)


  1. Never having to say, "We have no jobs and multiple bankruptcies, but we can afford HUGE houses and the man of the house can drive a fancy car, just 'cause we're so special!"

  2. You're the only woman I'll ever love~~

  3. You just wait til your father gets home!

    1. .....but not tonight because it's Robyn's night...wait, no it's Janelle's night or is it Meri's night??? Oh, never mind whenever my night is that's when your in big trouble young man!! LOL!

  4. Plyg Love Means Never Having to Say..... I wonder where my husband got that STD.

  5. Plyg Love Means Never Having to Say.... You remind me of my other 4 wives!

  6. Means never having to say, "Why did you call out another woman's name?"
    or, "Does this babydoll top make my butt look big?"

  7. HoardingToddlerWivesJanuary 10, 2013 at 4:26 PM

    Plyg Love Means Never Having to Say..... I'll have the nachos!

  8. Never having legally say "I do" more than once .. Without getting a divorce of course :)


  9. Never havin to say "who's the baby daddy?" But, ALWAYS, " who's the baby mama?"


  10. LOL! Underwear and Lobo, toooo funny! Cute idea. Loving the fill in the blanks, Krodys sayings, etc..keep em coming SWB, and Amused! My fav blog. (just read Anon 4:17..babydoll top..lmbo!)

  11. plyg love never means having to say, " and when all the kids are finally grown and gone..."

  12. being a plyg (man) means never having to say, "the world doesn't revolve around me!"

    1. plyg love means never having to pay child support

      plyg love means never having self esteem

      plyg love means never having health insurance

  13. Plyg Love means never having to say, "No thanks. I've already got my one woman and she's enough for me!"

  14. plyg love means never having to say i had to grow up alone

    1. Or conversely, plyg loves meaning never GETTING to say I GOT to grow up alone.

  15. never having to say "I hate you" (it's understood)

  16. Plyg Love Means Never Having to Say.......Don't be silly! I don't NEED a wetbar.

  17. Never having to say, I'm leaving you for someone else.

    1. Profoundly true Plygnonomous..what a sad life.

  18. Being plig means never having to say what your previous job was on a job appplication

  19. Never having to say "we can't bring more souls into our family"

    Never having to say "till death do us part"

    Never having to say "I'm alone"

    Never having to say "I was unfaithful"

    Don't hate us just because you are jealous

    1. Plyg love means wanting your husband when he is sleeping with other women.

    2. Plyg love means wanting your dad but he's just not there

      Plyg love means knowing you aren't enough for your husband

  20. Means never having to say, "why do your kids look like my husband?"

  21. Plyg Love means never having to say "i swim with the sharks!"

  22. not tonight, maybe tomorrow night...I am really, really tired.

    1. Not tonight, maybe next WEEK....I am really, really tired.

  23. Never having to say, "There's no one to talk to." There's always someone to share your thoughts, dreams and hopes with.

    1. I share my hopes and dreams with my husband. I also have great girlfriends who I share my hopes and dreams with. ummmm, except my girlfriends are not also "sharing" my husband. And since my husband only has one wife, he has time to listen to all my hopes and dreams and I listen to his. I can have both. I have Wonderful friendships and an amazing husband, without being a polygamist.

    2. Well said Emily!

  24. Plg love means never having to say,"No, honey, I have a headache"

  25. PLYG Love means *never having to say*......
    You are my "one and only" lover, life partner, co-parent and soul-mate.

    PLYG Love means *never having to say*......
    Huh, what !!! You/I have a funky the hell did that happen...?/!!

    PLYG Love means *never having to say*......
    How are we going to afford this or that....??
    (quick, call the Welfare office.)

    PLYG Love means never *having (or getting) to say*......
    Uhhhh, have you been sleeping around???

    PLYG Love means *never having to say (or hearing) *......
    Gee, it's just "you and me," babe...!!!

    PLYG Love means *never having to say*......
    I would like you to meet my beloved "wife".....!!

    PLYG Love means *never having to say*......
    Would "couples" counseling help?

    PLYG Love means *never having to say*......
    No one would be interested in watching a guy who has sex with however many women he wants....and then getting paid a boatload of money to do it.

  26. Never having to say, "We're just good friends"...

  27. It means never having to grow up (Christine), never having to do without (Meri), never having to give up snacks (Janelle), and never having to act like a normal person(Robin). I'm sorry this is so mean...

  28. Plyg love means never having to say "don't worry I got some condoms at the drugstore."

  29. Means Kodouche never having to say "I need to work to support my children" or "I should stop reproducing and get a vasectomy"

  30. Plg love means never having to say "I want the best for my sisterwife" and I will do without! That is Christian love.

  31. Plg love means you can send your husband to your neighbor's house when he gets on your last nerve.

  32. Plyg love means never saying "rotate"

    Plyg love means never having to say "sorry ladies, he's taken"

  33. Plgy future love can be found at family reunions.

    Plgy families heart little things while planning big ones.

    Plgy marriages live the motto share and share alike.

  34. Polyg love means never having to say... "Forsaking all others." Unless, of course, you are a woman.

  35. It means never having to tell your wife she's the most beautiful woman in the world.

  36. Plyg love means never having to say sorry for that cold sore.

  37. Y'all are on fire today!

    Off topic but CJ/MS could there possibly be a blog post on MLMs in general? I think it's relevant since the Browns apparently are making bank on LIV at the moment.

    1. We've done some, here they are!
      Sister Wives MLM!

      Multi-Level Marketing Plan$ "Sister Wives"

      Sister Wives - Humanitarian Training Event!!!!

      Plyg love means... never being alone at a MLM party!

  38. Your're the ONLY one for me!

  39. Plyg love means never having to say "Sure, you can borrow my Abreva."

  40. Loves means never having to say *I am a whole human being, worthy of the respect and love of one man who wholly gives his heart to me and me alone*

  41. Polyg love means never having to say anything intelligent.

  42. plg love means NOT sharing ....plg love means finding your future spouse at a family reunion....

  43. If you hadn't married me who would you have married

  44. Plyg love means HAVING to hear Grody say "This is not a open marriage" all while keeping a straight face. Maybe for the wives it isn't but for him and his heavenly loins it all about being open under the guise of his religion and doing what he is called to do. Yea...ok we believe ya, not!!

  45. Plyg love means never having 100% of your husband's heart, thoughts, or attention.

  46. The last thread brought up one of the girls doing college class through a high school cooperative program. I think it's great. Gives the kids a glimpse of college and that they can do it. Anything to make college more accessible is a good thing.

  47. Plyg love means never getting to hear, "I'm here for you any time, any place, anywhere, for as long as you need me."

    Call me crazy, but that's something I kind of like about my monogamous marriage.

    1. Definitely. That's the thing that always gets to me. When I call my husband comes running. I think it is the single thing I love most about my marriage. Knowing I have not just a "lover" (meri jab) but also a partner. Someone who backs me up no matter what happens. No exceptions. No strings. Sorry I got so serious. It's just that aspect of plural marriage that I will never understand.

  48. Being a plyg means never having to say "sorry I cheated on you."

  49. never having to say

    "oh, I wish I had several people to tell me what to do all the time, for every little thing"
    "how I wish I could find another woman who would sleep with my husband"
    "I wish there was someone else who could figure out how to spend all of our finite resources"
    "there are not enough tears in our family"

    wait, what? ... never mind.

  50. Being plig means never having to say that I *don't have the capacity to love another. My apologies.

    1. NotABrown fan - there is some love that shouldn't be "shared" that's what true intimacy means - being exclusive is part of it being special.

  51. Plyg love means never having to say "I left my favorite undies over at my other wife's home."

  52. Happy Wife happy life.
    or in this case happy wife,more pissed off wives

  53. Plyg Love means "i don't have a brain." (courtesy of KoKo) ;')

  54. Plyg Love Means Never Having to Say..... You're my one true love, my soul mate, my whole world baby. I live only for you Meri...oops Janelle, darn Christine.....Sorry I meant Robyn.

  55. Never having to say..."Now HOW do you spell Wyoming?"
    Never having to say..."Rotate is a four letter word."
    Never having to say..."The founder of our religion had brother husbands."
    Never having to say..."I'll never kiss a married man. I will only marry a married man."
    Never having to say..."Our family tree doesn't fork." (Sorry, stole that from Jeff Foxworthy, but it seems to fit here.)

    1. "I'll never kiss a married man. I will only marry a married man."

      OH SNAP!

  56. "What's for dinner tomorrow night?"

  57. Never having to say: "I wish my husband would just sleep on the couch tonight so I can have the whole bed to myself!"

  58. Plyg Love means never having to say "Same Time, Next Year"

  59. Sky rockets in flight! Afternoon delight!

  60. Never has to say: she was a long skinny woman in a black dress...working for the FBI.... or, never has to say, on the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come they sprinkled baldness in your hair and golden ....
    and finally,
    never has to say good bye girl....oh no...or never has to say or hear the words: you make me feel, you make me feel, you make me feel like a natural woman, oh....look what you've done to me, oh, you make me so good inside. and I just want say do the same for those other three make us feel, you make us feel...NOT

  61. Plyg love means never having to say, "Let's not go to bed angry."
    Plyg love means the man never has to say, "I'm sorry."
    Plyg love means the woman can never be enough and the man is always too much.
    Plyg love means the woman always has to say, "It's not you, it's me."
    Plyg love means never having to hide your Baby-Mommas or their kids from your wife.
    Plyg love means you think people are thinking, "Wow!! How does he do it?", when they're REALLY thinking, "What a tool. Get a haircut and a job, ya hippie!"

    1. Thanks anonymouse! You said it so well.

  62. Plyg Love means never having to say I'm sorry without a "BUT it's really your fault passive/aggressive caveat attached to it."

  63. Plyg Love means never having to say I feel happy and secure in my place in this loving family. I don't feel the need to watch my back at all times by jealous and competitive wives.

  64. Plyg love means never having to say "forsaking all others 'til death do us part"

  65. Plyg love means never having to say "We don't do weird" (well unless ur Robyn & Kody b/c they obviously have a need for a big tube of lube....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

    Plyg love means never having to say "It's hump day"

    Plyg love means never having to say "Did U shower first before U came over?"

    Plyg love means never having to say "Assume the position" (b/c I'm assuming they prefer the Missionary position) ...LMAO!!

  66. Polyg love means never having to say... "Why would you think I am gay? I have FOUR wives!!"

  67. Plyg love means never getting to say on camera:
    "Why can't Robyn take my night?"
    "Who rearranged my kitchen cupboards?"
    "Can't one of the OTHER wives make dinner tonight?"
    "Me time? Anytime is 'ME' time when you're name is Kody Brown!"
    "The only thing that trumps a 'babymoon' is a big party and a honeymoon with my latest conquest."
    "Kody has a key to my house, but those other three hags he's sleeping with don't!"
    "Listen up, family! I just got done talking to God, and he told me we're all supposed to build a big boat, and we're supposed to take one male and 4 females of every species."

  68. Plyg love means never having to say, "I'm in the dog house with my wife. Guess there's no chance of getting laid tonight."

  69. Being a ply means never having to say, "I believe in equal rights for women."

  70. Plyg love never haing to say...I hate that jewelry!!

  71. Plyg love never haing to say..I'm never lonely, I have my sister to picnic with!
