Monday, January 7, 2013 TLC Renews ‘Sister Wives’ For Fourth Season

Looks like TLC learned from last year's fiasco NOT to leave announcing a new season to the Browns. But it's still anyone's guess of the date the new season will begin...
Cynical Jinx

Mon, January 7, 2013 10:42am EST by

TLC confirms we haven’t seen the last of Kody Brown and his polygamist princesses...

‘Sister Wives’ Cancellation Rumors:

This news should come as a relief to fans who suspected the show had been canceled, following a cryptic tweet from one of the wives....

Read the entire article here:

What do you think we will see next season?

  • Will Meri make up her mind  about trying for another baby after seeing her 'beautiful' wet bar?

  • Will they show Janelle pouring her own cement pad in her backyard?

  • Will Christine's stone exterior on her house be the talk of the neighborhood?

  • Will the Browns throw a cul-de-sac party for their new neighbors?

  • Will Kody still drive to each house every night?

And what about Robyn?


  1. SeasonFourLastSeasonJanuary 7, 2013 at 6:45 PM

    Next season I am emailing every advertiser that sponsors this train wreck. I will refuse to buy any product or service associated with the exploitation of the Brown & Sullivan children.

    1. For every advertiser that leaves, there will be another to take its place. For each viewer that stops watching, another curious viewer will take their place.

      Nobody is being forced to watch Sister Wives. Like it or not, people watch because they want to watch. And face it, Kody is center stage on the screen more than his children and wives combined, so the only person being exploited is Kody Brown.

    2. SeasonFourLastSeasonJanuary 7, 2013 at 8:37 PM

      Thats fine, anon. I am doing it because I have strong beliefs about it and I have the time and energy to do so. These kids are too young to understand the consequences of their family being on television. I feel this show is causing them to suffer and I will not financially support businesses who would associate with the Sister Wives show. Whatever others choose to do thats their business.

    3. And with that, let's get back to the topic - Sister Wives Next Season: What do you think we will see?

    4. I see a fragrance line coming very soon.....

    5. I think we'll see Meri getting meaner, Janelle & Christine getting leaner, Robyn getting pregnant and Kody getting his buzz on for wife #5...break out the tissues and Prozac!!!

    6. Yes, a fragrance line!! Call it Sster Wives: Butt Sweat and Tears.

    7. ^^ clever! love it! lol

    8. Oh...the new fragrance line must include 'Kody Stink'

    9. The Brown sisters who want to live with sisterwives will probably marry the same man. I see a possible wedding special or television show.

      Kody will find wife #5. She will be the youngest wife, probably in her twenties. This will rock Robyns world. Much in the way Christines was, when Kody married Robyn.

      One of their kids will come out as gay. One will get pregnant or get a young woman pregnant before wedlock and they will be convinced to marry.

      Kody & Robyn will have a complete breakdown in their relationship. Kody is in denial that Robyn has her own needs, that she comes with significant responsibility. Reality is too much for him to stand. Robyn also expected to always be showered with the love and attention she was during the dating. They will syaty together for the kids. If another guy comes along, Robyn would marry them and start complaining about Kody to her new family. She's predictable.

      When TLC ends Sister Wives, the Browns will try to pitch their show to other networks. But nobody will be interested.

      Sister Wives will be cancelled within the next three years.

      The Browns and Sullivans will not have the means to refinance any of their homes. So they will be essentially forced to walk away. Either they walk away or they pay a ridiculously high interest rate and they'll never actually own the homes.

      Within a couple of years of the ending of Sister Wives, they will move back to UT, with their tails between their legs.

    10. I'm very excited for the next season! I always look forward to watching, bad or good.

    11. Hopefully the fragrance line will include a scent that can give you the Brown "buzz." It is all very serendipitous.

  2. I don't watch - just read the blog - so please post the sponsors] names when it comes back on.

    1. SeasonFourLastSeasonJanuary 7, 2013 at 8:38 PM

      I will do so!

    2. one of the sponsers appears to be the aspca-i hope you don't advocate boycotting them!!

    3. The ASPCA doesn't sponsor SW. TLC donates unsold advertising time to them via the Ad Agency.

  3. I've enjoyed watching this show, there is definitely a lot of comedy, unintentional, but still. Maybe we will finally have certain things addressed, like Christine saying she has felt like a single mother for the past two years. And I want to see more of the older kids, what their plans are for college etc. It would be great to see Janelle & Christine doing real estate together. Although, didn't someone say they need to pass another level yet?

    Andy - don't forget the big question - does Kody cut his hair/get hair plugs?! LOL

    1. Just a southern girl...January 7, 2013 at 7:20 PM

      If you ever watched Jon & Kate plus 8, you would see that Kate got a tummy tuck and Jon got hair courtesy of a fan of the show.
      Here's to hoping that the same opportunity comes to this clan! :)

    2. Yeah, Maybe drilling some of those hair plugs into his his will knock some sense into good ol Krochie.

      But, I think he will be practicing new hair flipping techniques to attract the next sucker....I mean baby making wife.

    3. I don't understand how they could get mortgages for the homes...Wouldn't a reputable lender want to see that they can keep up with future payments, and for how many years? I'm guessing they are being funded by a 'sucker' who thinks they are a wonderful, hard working family and just deserve the homes.

  4. Just a southern girl...January 7, 2013 at 7:08 PM! What will we do with our time if we can't check this blog every now and then for some levity? I say we keep it going! :)
    Mostly because I think we are all waiting for the inevitable throw down"! :)

    1. SeasonFourLastSeasonJanuary 7, 2013 at 8:39 PM

      LOL! Hey, there will always be the next freak show we can talk about. This cant last forever!

    2. Hey as long as TLC is paying; us taxpayers aren't footing the bills and I'm good with that. Plus, I enjoy Kody and all the madness. As for next season, I think that Kody will miraculously have a head full of hair like a chia pet. Christine and Janelle will have lost so much weight and will start going out in Vegas having girl nights out so Kody has to set a curfew to keep them from breaking free. Kody will set up some sort of tourist excursion for their cuddlesac with little maps and souvenirs that will cost a pretty penny since they are iconic and gasp sterling silver! Heck maybe even a little train set up to take a tour around the houses. They are icons right?

  5. CJ, LOL....This is fun..... :))))

    Will their neighbors stage a revolt against TV crews in their gated world and demand a wall to be erected down the middle of the cuddle sac?

    Will the Brown babes all go on the family plan for anti-depressants?
    Except for Kody. Will he will get *free* Ritalin and hair plugs?

    Will Meri's wet bar *go dry* from lack of ooh's and ah's, since no one will show up to admire it ?

    Will Robin prepare her sister's sister-wife trousseau?

    Will the Dargers be the only company they have, and then only to film the Darger's opening episode for their own show ?

    Will Kody miss the daily drives to his booty calls?
    Or will he have a "new" offsite destination?

    Will Christine, now that she can see which house Kody is in at any given time, demand that he show up for her kids?

    Will Robin start complaining of nightly headaches?

    1. Just a southern girl...January 7, 2013 at 7:15 PM

      Poor Christine. I think she really does want to be happy and she seems to really try to make the best of the situation. I think she supresses a lot. I loved the look she gave Kody when he asked her not once, but TWICE to give some of her money to Meri. :)

      Really...who DOES Meri entertain???

      I think that each wife should stage a sex revolt. Really and truly. What would happen to Kody? :)

    2. Will the wives donate some of their hair to Kody?

    3. Meri, and her extended family are a many generational plygs. She sees her extended family and does entertain them and have them stay to see what they are missing living in Utah.

    4. "Will the wives donate some of their hair to Kody?"

      hahaha....Hair should be multiplied not divided!!! Extensions from the wives. hahaha.

    5. I think a sex revolt would only give Kody cause to seek out wives #5, #6, #7 and #8.

    6. Peanut Butter FritosJanuary 8, 2013 at 5:46 PM

      I really hope they show some conflict with the neighbors. Obviously, the rest of the cuddlesac is going to be PISSED they bought into this, I just hope some of it is on camera.

    7. I am curious what the neighbors will think of the film crews being around and the lack of parking.

  6. I'm glad it is renewed for the mere fact that I can continue to visit with you all every day :)

    1. Peanut Butter FritosJanuary 8, 2013 at 5:46 PM

      True, I would miss you, CJ! I'm so glad there's more!

  7. Just a southern girl...January 7, 2013 at 7:18 PM

    And, by the way...I'm all for big families, but I do hope that Meri does not try for another baby. Imagine the nightmare that would ensue if she had another one.
    New nursery decor = $$$
    New wardrobe = $$$
    I bet she would demand Kody be with her each night through the first year b/c she would be unable to handle an infant alone. I bet that would be the downfall of the family unit. I bet we would see Janelle walk away from the marriage...realizing that they aren't really married and that she can be her own woman...and still raise amazing kids...and I bet we would see Kody dishing out a ton in child support.

    Hey, Janelle could create her own show...I'd watch it. :)

    1. I would totally watch a Janelle show!! Her blogs on weight loss are great!

    2. Her blogs are fabulous! I would watch the Janelle show too. I'd love to see her get a paid writing gig after this. Shoot, she could make some money as a ghost writer too. Whatever else she has going on, she has brains and talent, so I'd follow her to her next entertainment gig.

    3. I agree that blogging seems to be a great fit for Janelle. I think she could be the one of the bunch that parlays the reality show fame into a real fortune. She seems to be letting all the others pursue their crazy antics, and just quietly going about her own business/blog in a level headed way.

      I can see her quickly building a blog-based fan base and refinancing her own home (in her name only). Then when the rest of the troupe moves back to Utah, she and her kids can finish out their school days where they are in their own home that is fully paid off. Robyn and her kids can move into Janelle's former apartment in the Lehi house. Meri can install a wet bar in Mariah's old room and take over several other bedrooms for herself.

      Kody really has no hold on Janelle, and I can just see her quietly saying "I think we'll just stay here" in response to all the drama and torrential tears about her selling her house to pay the way for the rest of them.

  8. oh, will Robyn and Meri go nuts having all the kids coming over their houses to visit with their dad?
    Will Janelle take all the free time and find a support group for over eaters anonymous?
    Will Christine take all her extra time (the kids all running over to Meris or Robyns) to take some college courses?

  9. I'm pretty sure all of us SWB followers knew there was already another season being filmed. If anyone follows any of the Browns on twitter, we already knew what the fair-weathered fans didn't.

    Also, Mariah tweeted that she couldn't wait for graduation and her trip to Europe??? The question is: will the trip be funded by TLC along with filming rights? This should give us something new to chew on.

    1. I don't think TLC would pay for it or film it. But I think that's why she's got a job.

    2. Watch out Europe, here come the Browns!

    3. I'm sure this trip is a reward for being a good little plyg and following in the sister wife footsteps. Where was Logan's trip? Or since Meri has an equal budget for all her imaginary kids, she can well afford to send the princess on a grand tour.

    4. I saw on a tweet months ago that Aspyn and Mariah on going on this Europe trip. I think it has something to do with college credits, but I could be wrong. I have a feeling that grants and students loans will be paying for their "educational" trip.

  10. I would watch "Breakaway Wives" starring Janelle and Christine.

    1. I've been thinking the same thing! I would totally watch that spin-off!!

    2. Love the title!!

  11. I have suspicions about Meri and Kodi's house. Is it possible that Meri will go back to Utah when Mariah goes to college there? So much has been said about entertaining, I can see them using Meri's new house for house parties to hawk whatever products they are promoting. Curious people would show up and possibly even buy something. Seems to me, there is a plan for profit for that house, in some manner.

    1. I don't understand all of these people who think Meri will move back to Utah now???? No way, over her dead body would she move back to Utah, IMO! And not enjoy the McMansion like the others? No way, Meri isn't going ANYWHERE!

    2. It would be a hard sell to have to sell JUST ONE house on that cult-de-sac now. think about it. who would want to be that close quarters neighbors in the middle of that 3 way family drama? and endless kids of theirs at your house all the time?? no way!

    3. Yeah, I doubt she'd want to be away from Kody that much.

  12. Now that the houses are all together...why can't all the kids spend the evening at whatever house Kody is at...more time with daddy, LOL. I bet this will never happen!

  13. I predict more chaos, shopping trips to the furniture store, and probably one "token dinner party" at Meri's house to rationalize the addition of the wet bar. Ha ha.

    Don't need to see the surrogate clip anymore tho. They turned a moment of raw emotion into an overplayed editing reflex.

  14. That would be great to see the kids ringing the doorbell at the house where Kody is so they can spend time with him. I wonder how Meri and Robin will like that. I can just see them disconnecting the doorbells.
    New season: Kody sells lockets of his hair on SW Closet and makes enough money for hairplugs.
    Meri gets a makeover and throws away all babydoll tops and orange makeup.
    Janelle decides to start pranking Meri on the sly because she can get away with it with her poker face.
    Christine keeps getting prettier and starts looking for a new man.
    And Robin, well I just don't care.

    1. "Janelle decides to start pranking Meri on the sly because she can get away with it with her poker face."

      hahahahaha that would be priceless!!! Do it Janelle, Do it Do it!!!

    2. I think the kids are so used to Kody not being around that they won't even attempt ringing his doorbell on the other nights. I think it is "known" not to do that and if they tried, Kody would be PISSY.

    3. I think the kids are so used to Kody not being around that they won't even attempt ringing his doorbell on the other nights. I think it is "known" not to do that and if they tried, Kody would be PISSY.

      You know, in the Brown's book Meri talks about Robyn and her kids dropping by for the evening (even when she knew it was Meri's night with Kody). Meri said it was perfectly OK with her. Sorry but even a saint would get tired of that BS, and we know Meri's no saint.

      Something tells me Meri no longer approves of the casual drop ins, and I wouldn't be surprised if Robyn, out of spite, would send her two girls over (I don't think Dayton/David would do it) knowing it was Kody's night at Meri's. Now that they are right next door to each other, Robyn could just open the door and tell them to go play at Mama Meri's Daddy Kody's house for a while.

    4. CJ, I can totally see Robyn doing that. It will be very interesting to see if that happens with them right next door now :-/

    5. and i could see Meri totally putting her foot down PRONTO if Robyn tried that now. Meri's gotten VERY territorial about Kody this past year. even with Sobbin' as she referred to her as "the person before me" at the picking options showdown as well as she clearly stated in front of Sobbin' on the couch session, "Kody and I have a different relationship w/each other than all the rest of these people have." not "sister wives" and not names spoke volumes. Robyn just knows she has to continually kiss Meri's ass to be allowed to get what she wants from Kody.

      Kody is MW'd. Meri Whooped.

  15. I predict that Christine will loose weight so that she is thinner than Robyn, and she and Janelle will get real estate licenses. She will have her "wrestling room" that she dreamed about in a prior eposide..a padded room where the kids can get their aggressions out safely, without damaging the house.

    I think Janelle will keep at her blog and realize what it is like to have people listen when she expresses herself. Her life will change as a result, and she will be one step closer to the tell all book.

    I think that Robyn will realize who really wears the pants in the family.

    Meri will name her wetbar and have glamor shots taken of her behind it, on top of it, and hugging it. She will hang the framed pictures on the walls of her many bedrooms.

    Kody will enjoy decorating his man-cave in Meri's house. There will be purple.

    1. Oh, yes! Kody will be able to have his very own room in Meri's (and his) house. I wonder if it will be off limits to the children? I forgot to predict that the Dargers will show up again, and quite possibly have their own show. I keep seeing ads on TLC for shows I don't watch, and it seems that when they get one hit, they add similar ones. I don't know how many housewives shows there are, but there seem to be at least several different shows involving gypsies, cakes, bling, child beauty pageants, cheer leading, weddings, and large families. The Duggars weren't replaced by the Bates family, and I don't see the Browns going anywhere as long as they keep cranking out the drama.

    2. they need to up their game as the same old same old repeated dramas w/constant flashbacks each episode has really gotten old and boring.

    3. Kody's man cave is the hubby room :)

    4. Christine lost all of her excess weight already! She is the smallest wife now. I am proud of her.

    5. Um..evidence please of this? If its the pic taken at the killers concert, she's standing behind Aspyn and Kcdy in the ten-pound twist pose. Are their other pics?

    6. Based on the Christmas pics from this year in the new houses, Christine is not the smallest wife. She may be losing, but she's not the smallest, for sure.

    7. yeah, i'm confused too about Christine and Janelle weight loss kudos mentioned by several here lately. I'll believe it when i can see it's actually VERY NOTICEABLE which would be around 30 lbs. for either of them. Not only Janelle, but even Christine would still need to go further than that to be at a truly healthy weight.

  16. I predict that Meri will decline trying for another child, and that Robyn will get pregnant again. It seems that both Janelle & Christine have said no to any more children from their wombs. If Robyn's sister continues to live with her, she seems a good candidate for a 5th wife for Kody - but where will she live????

    I see hairplugs in Kody's future, and maybe lap band surgery for Janelle (though I would rather see her lose the weight on her own through exercise and diet). I would love to see more of the teenagers.

    1. ""If Robyn's sister continues to live with her, she seems a good candidate for a 5th wife for Kody - but where will she live????""

      She will live in Robyn's house of course because Robyn will have already moved in with Meri!!!

    2. I would love to be fly on the wall

  17. A thought!!! Will Meri need furniture for each of her bedrooms? How much ya wanna bet that she'll justify getting a nice bedroom set for each room??

    1. yes, and all done in a different child's theme w/their name on the door. to honor the ones she never had.

    2. I don't mean to sound hateful or anything because I've lost children, but I don't actually believe that Meri has any feelings for these "imaginary children" and was strictly using it to manipulate the others and gain sympathy. I don't think she ever thinks of them when she is walking room to room admiring her conquests....

  18. I think we'll see...
    - Kody travelling from house to house on a $10K Segway.
    - Kody be president of the Home Owners Association. Since the committee will mostly be Brown family members there will be a sign erected over the community gates that says "Welcome to PlygCity". There will also be a giant outdoor cinema screen erected so that the Browns can have 'family movie nights'. Community gardens may or may not be formed :S.
    - Kody will run guided tours of PlygCity. He will show his running shoes, his hair products, Meri's dry bar and describe in repetitive detail all of the things he envisions will happen any time soon. He will build a model museum and refuse people entry so that they can empathise with the persecution his family experiences everywhere they go :S.
    - Meri will go away to visit Mariah at college in Utah. Robyn will dance naked on Meri's wet bar while she's away. Janelle will rearrange all the glasses in Meri's bar the way she likes them.
    - Christine will spill nachos on Meri's carpet, and Meri will take her to Utah, along with a shovel and a map of the Lehi backyard.
    - Kleenex becomes a sponsor of Sister Wives.
    - Christine & Janelle will go Thelma & Louise and star in the spinoff "Sister Ex-Wives".
    - Janelle will lose more weight (woohoo, go girl!)
    - Meri will get a nose job.
    - Kody will get hair plugs.
    - The Dargers will get their own show and Kody will scout around for a 5th wife and a 5th season.

    1. Wife #5 for season 5! Now that would be awesome, it would be a total meltdown!! The only other thing I would like to see is Logan dates a girl of color and brings her home to meet the family. Wonder how that one would go?
      Wait, that or one of the wives gets a boyfriend on the side.

    2. Free Janelle you are hilarious! Every item made me laugh out loud. I want a tour of PlygCity.

    3. Segway? You are too funny! I could so see Grody tossing his hair in the wind as he rides the Segway up the drive. Maybe he would even get knee and elbow pads, too. No helmet, of course, that would rub his scalp causing further hair loss.

    4. Oh, Free Janelle, I'm almost crying, I'm laughing so hard. Thank you!

    5. Free Janelle and the other posters here have made me laugh so hard this morning! :D I'm loving it!!

      For the PlygCity Tour, instead of lemonade stands, Kodouche could sell the Green Goo, and for an extra 5 bucks, splat some Mock Tapioca into the styrofoam bowls that they've always have in stock. Kodouche could autograph the styrofoam. It would be iconic.

    6. The best ideas yet! Hilarious!

    7. Okay Free Janelle...this blog totally needs a 'like' button for awesome comments like yours!

    8. Can totally see Kody wanting a Segway now (anyone think he reads this blog?) also loved the idea of Janelle secretly rearranging the glasses in Meri's wet bar when she is away - funny post Free Janelle!

  19. Will Robyn give birth to Meri's baby on the wet bar?

    I can hear the mid-wife exclaiming now, "thank goodness for all that extra counter top space!"

    Will Meri give her new baby baths in the wet bar sink?

    1. Now there is an interesting use for a wet bar!

  20. I wish that TLC would do a Wife Swap with Kate Gosselin and Janelle.

    The twist is that the ladies take the children with them during the swap.

    That way - Janelle can experience how liberating it is to be a free woman and
    Kate can get a few more jabs in lashing out at the male in her life. Kody would have to
    check his balls at the door if Kate were one of his wives.

    Can you imagine Kate and Meri going toe to toe? LOL

  21. Will Robyn finally get pregnant with the triples she has always dreamed about having?

    Will Kody finally get to sleep in when he starts staying with Logan in his college dorm?

    Kody will have to "rotate" between the 4 wives and add a special night to "spend time"
    with his oldest son.

  22. The Meri baby drama will be over! She finally has her spacious pristine house, swinging french doors and sparkling wetbar all to babies or dogs need apply. Of course Kodouche will still be landing there every 4th night as he make his stink romp around the properties.

    1. Interesting, no dog in the new house. Makes you think about the "coping with loss" episode.

    2. I didn't even put 2 and 2 together Anon 3:16 pm OMG, did they kill the dog as part of planning to move into the new homes???? THAT'S SICK!

    3. I thought that was obvious that it would not be convenient to have Drake in the new house.

  23. I just found this blog. You posters are the funniest people I have "met" in a long time. I look forward to more postings. I also think Janelle and Christine will haul azz out of there in time. Meri, Robyn and Mariah can all live happily ever after with their tear fests. What ever will Kody do now that all the wives can see his every move. Will he change driveway parking spots so the kids will know where there dad is?

  24. Hunter and Colleen get together! And I think they would make a great couple! Whenever Kody or Robyn or Meri start spewing their polygamist propaganda, they counter and shut it down quick with common sense (eg. "I have a brain." "I think there are almost too many kids in our family.").

    1. You mean Logan, right? Hunter's underaged.

    2. yeah, definitely not Hunter (too young for her.) KoKo's 20 going on 30 and I think Logan's even too young and naive for her. But I love the thought of her coming into Kody's family giving him shit every chance she got! lol

    3. No I mean Hunter-i didnt know he was that young i was thinking he was 16 or 17-but once he turned 18 i think it would be a great match! -ViVaLaDiVa

  25. I'd sort of hoped that this last season was it because the storylines are getting silly. However, since we're getting another season, I think we'll see:

    - the recommitment ceremony with no one attending
    - Kody waving his hair here, there, and everywhere
    - opening ceremonies for the houses
    - the neighbours on the cuddlesac rebelling at the constant presence of the cameras and the TLC vehicles in their gated community and possibly taking them to court
    - many, many, many more tears

    1. Don't forget...we'll get to experience yet another "Christmas with the Browns". Everyone will open their "Meri's PJs" and have to fake-smile or fake-pee in their new PJs so they'll be allowed to change out of them.

      (Oooo! Maybe THAT's what Meri's been 'working' so hard on - her Christmas gift list! Yeah, unless she's cranking them out to sell at Sam's Club (like some other poster suggested), she's still not 'working'.

      Maybe we'll see some of the adults become Blackjack dealers - it's actually 'work', and it's at least honest - plus, Kody would have LOTS of opportunities to say to a bunch of rotating strangers:

      "Hi, I'm Kody Brown! You may remember me from a TV show called Sisterwives, and that's because I have 4 wives...aaaaall at the same time. And they give me SEX...because I'm 4 women...and I could easily get me another woman...because I'm irresitible to women. I have 4 wives... Ok, place your bets!"

      What a clunk!!

    2. The only thing Kodouche will recommit to next season is his HAIR~

  26. In Season 5, I'd like too see more of Truely and less of Kody. I find her more interesting!

    1. Yes! so sick of seeing Kody and King Sol all the time.
      My dinner is more interesting then Kody

  27. I think season 4 will contain:

    1. Meri will spend all of her time and money decorating her new home while reminding her sisterwives that she has expensive taste and keeps her "things" nice. She will then wonder why everyone shuns her house, including her own daughter.

    2. Janelle keep her blinds drawn to block the view of Meri's house while she continues to work on her exit plan. She will eventually tell Kody "I will mail you check, there is no need for you to come in.....visit with the kids in the yard and leave me alone".

    3. Christine will end up slapping Meri for yelling at one of her kids for running in her yard or moving something in her "nice" house. She will then threaten to give Robin "something to really cry about" when she comes to Meri's defense. When Cody tries to reign her in she will tell him to "sit your balding butt down and shut up". Kody will cry.

    4. Robin will have a mini breakdown once she realizes that home mortgages have to be paid EVERY month. She wont understand why none of her sisterwives are eager
    to take care of kids while she rehabs from her breakdown. The honeymoon will be over and she will let Baby Sol sleep in her bed while she is potty training him and hopes he pees on Kody during their night together.

    5. Kody will continue to flit from house to house flipping his failing head of hair. Once the ladies figure out his presence is overrated, he will spend his time in his private quarters at Meri's house thinking about adding wife number 5 to show them who is in charge. Instead of "rotating" he will expect visitors to come to him while praying Meri doesnt put him out.

    6. We the viewers will continue to watch the train wreck while secretly feeling guilty and wondering if we are sane because we enjoy it so. : ). We will also continue to try to understand how love is being multplied in this family. Most importantly, we will continue to congregate here to play Psychologists and applaud ourselves for being "normal".


    1. Very funny, Missy! I'm going to bed laughing at your post. It will be amusing to see how Meri rationalizes keeping her things "nice" by never letting the kids near them. Living in such close proximity to each other may force the sister wives to actually interact with each other. I imagine it was much easier to avoid each other when they were more separated in the rental houses. Any avoidance will now seem like a real slap in the face. It was obvious that none of them were interacting with Christine on a regular basis, or they would have seen that she needed some help while she was trying to study. I don't buy Robyn's excuse that she just didn't know, because Christine didn't ask for help.

    2. #3 made me laugh and I choked a little on my lunch. Thanks, needed that 2day, my two two-year-olds have run me ragged;-).

    3. Oh my god, I'm sitting here at work reading Missy's post and it is all I can do to stop myself from laughing out loud. I can just see Christine smacking Meri, can you imagin the cat fight. All the pent up frusteration. Janelle will be the cheerleader on the sidelines and Robchin will be in a corner hugging her knees rocking back and forth. I see an Emmy in the near future if TLC takes the storylines that Missy has layed out.

  28. I think good old Krochie will marry sobbin Robyn's sister once the hair plug scars have healed. Since Joe has married two sister's and a cousin, Old Krochie is not going to be outdone by that big balled plyg Joe. Once married, his sister wives (the real thing), will share sobbin Robyn's house, kitchen and sneakerfilled closets, hair flipping, but sweating, Toddie Krody..... Oh what fun we will all have.....

  29. I live in Alabama. I've got to say it: ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!

  30. Someone said that Mariah was getting to go to Europe for being a good little plyg princess as a reward for doing as she is told, but didn't Aspyn tweet about wanting to go or getting to go to Europe too?
    Don't both Mariah and Aspyn have their own jobs?
    So isn't it more likely that those 2, being about the same age and having had jobs (which I don't know if Logan did during his last year of h.s) are paying the majority of the trip themselves from their jobs (probably also what paid for some of those disneyland trips?). Since Logan didn't have as much time to be in school in Las vegas and have a job before college maybe it just wasn't an opportunity that presented itself.
    I'm sure Meri and Christine would help pay for the trip as a graduation gift but it's seems more reasonable that the girls have been saving up most of their money for the trip.
    Plus it seems safer for them to go together and maybe for Meri to go along too since she doesn't have any young kids and seems to be the one who goes along to disneyland the most.

    1. Don't know about aspyn tweeting about Europe, but I am sure she is going bc Meri is sending her. If Meri gets an equal "cut" of the family's income, then it is obvious that she would have the money to spare for Mariah to go on this trip-she is the only child in that household. And most teenage jobs dont exactly pay the big bucks for Mariah to send herself. She is not the type to ball on a budget-i really dont see her backpacking through europe and staying in hostels. And do you really think christine could afford to send her daughter to another country? She cant even afford to go visit her father in a different state. The only thing mariah has probably worked to save money for the trip would be spending money. like i said before, Mariah has been raised a true princess and you cant really fault her for feeling the way she does. That is the mindset she has and honestly it is no surprise she does. not only is she her mothers only child, she is the only legitimate brown child.

    2. Oh, and aspyn is also aboard the sister wife train, so yes it could be a reward for her also.

    3. I could see them paying for their own trips - IF they hadn't been making constant trips to Disneyland and blowing whatever wages they make on thoses trips.

      The parents have no sense of work ethic or fairness or even the value of a dollar. How are these two children supposed to get any insight into these things?

  31. I love reading everyone's ideas about what may happen on Season 4,
    great job everyone!!!
    Personally, I hope Season 4 will show that:
    1. Kody will have less hair than Season 3 (that's a no-brainer!)
    2. Meri will have a hissy fit/nervous breakdown when she cannot
    find a platter that fits perfectly on her 'wet bar' to showcase
    her pastries
    3. Robyn will design jeweled headphones for babies, and has Sol model
    4. Christine will refuse to have a toaster in her new McMansion
    5. Meri will have another hissy fit/nervous breakdown and cry when a bird
    craps on her French doors and Robyn will cry, too, in moral support of Meri
    6. In the re-commitment ceremony vows, the wives will cross out the word
    'obey', much to Kody's distress
    7. Papa Joe will challenge Kody to a throwdown!

    1. In reply to #7 - winner of said throwdown wins all the wives. I'm thinking the Brown women would secretly kinda dig that.:)

  32. I predict, the sisterwives will be on next season's "Dancing with the stars".

    1. That would require a lot of work and I really don't see Kody or any of them really committing to something that would take any effort.

    2. Will Koduche have to rotate partners? LOL!

    3. I don't think the Browns are big enough celebs to be on any network competitive reality show.

      I'm staying at a women's health spa this week (it was on my bucket list, and it's a budget spa) and there are oh maybe about 20 other ladies here. We were all having dinner last night and yakking it up...the talk turned to favorite TV shows (mostly Biggest Loser) and just to see the reaction I said "anyone here watch SW??"
      About 4 ladies had heard of the show - 2 had watched a couple of eps when it first aired. One of those 2 was amazed it was still on the air. The 2 who knew of the show ("oh yeah the polygamy show) one was LDS, the other had seen the promos on TLC while watching real estate/flipping shows.

      Most of them HAD heard of Honey Boo Boo, and everyone had heard of Kate Gosselin.

      Btw most of the gals here are between 40-65 years old...and watch lots of TV.

      So much for celebrity.

    4. I don't think the Browns are big enough celebs to be on any network competitive reality show

      Bristol Palin was on DWTS not once, but TWICE! And she's got about the same star power as Kody - maybe more - but only because of her mother.

    5. Bristol was a featured part of the 2008 Republican campaign - I'd bet if I asked my gals here who Bristol Palin is, they'd know immediately. If I said Kody Brown...blank stares all 'round.

    6. I could see Kody on Hollywood Squares - is that show even still on??? ;-)

  33. Will we ever find out if Meri got a nose job?!?!

    We need some invesigative reporting here... with pictures please ;-)

    Who's up for it?

  34. So are they talking a "Whole Season"? or are we getting a month of 2 shows every Sunday night? Then see if the public is going to want more.

    Should be interesting

    I for one, did not watch the last show before the "Supposed Tell All" show this time around (screwed up the DVR setting). I must say, I really didn't need to watch it. Came on here and got completely informed!! Thank you! And I didn't have to roll my eyes or scream at my TV!!!!

    By the way, this HAS GOT TO BE THEIR LAST SEASON then!

    1. I think things are just getting interesting. The McMansions will change the dynamics, be it good or bad. TLC has been interviewing the teenagers more - which I find pretty interesting. I think there might be a 5th wife in the picture (Robyn's sister) to keep up with the sister situation of the Dargers. With his first 3 wives done having children, Kody is bound to want a new brood mare. I want to see more of Janelle and Christine coming into their own, and see what the fledgling teenagers do when they fly from the nest. I say, "keep the episodes coming!"

  35. Mariah and Aspyn will move to Utah and start dating the same guy a la the Dargers. Robyn will try to get pregnant with her own baby but will start struggling with fertility issues, causing all sorts of drama with Kody and Meri, and Kody will threaten to take wife #5 to get all those kids he just knows he's going to have.

  36. 1. Mariah will get married right after high school, to a plyg fan, 1st wife of course
    2. Janelle asked to be on Dancing with the Stars but Kody nixed it and cuts a deal for himself to be on DWTS
    3. Meri will change Mariah's baby diapers on her wet bar
    4. Robyn will keep crying
    5. Christine wil get more disgusted with Kody

    Love the blog! First time poster

    1. Would LOVE to see Kody on DWS, it was be a hoot, I think we need to blast the DWC website with request lol

    2. I predict we will have more drama regarding landscaping the new homes, the DIY projects and of course, a Brown Community pool.

      the Browns will find out the McMansions did not solve all their problems and we will see one hysterically funny huge cat fight on the 'sac.

      One of the teens get a tattoo.

      Multiple wives pregnant at one time...maybe even a preggo #5 wife?

      Kody joins DWS and makes tabloid headlines that he's going to marry his dance partner as wife #?

      Kody is interview by himself and names his 2 favorite movies as Clueless and Dumb and Dumber, his favorite song as You're so Vain aand his favorite TV show as the Bachelor, but makes waves when he says the rose ceremonies should end at the top 3.

    3. I could see Kody doing Dancing with the Stars.

  37. The only true entertainment I get from the Brown drama is this many of the funny one liners I've either said (aloud) or thought to myself and then I come here and someone has posted them....This is an awesome blog. Thanks ladies for the laughs.

  38. I have often wondered if the Brown women realize how this "lifestyle" shows on their faces...they look as though they have aged 20 years since it started.

  39. If Kody takes wife number 5, where will he put her mansion???

    1. Nope it will be Sobbin Robyn's sister, and being true sister wives they will share Robyn's house, kitchen and all, while dusting Krochie's assault weapon, lining up his sneakers in the closet, sitting patiently through the "hair flipping" floor show after dinner each evening at 7PM. Oh will be the good life!

    2. Frankly, from what I've seen only Robyn and Meri want to "dust Kody's assault weapon" so to speak.

    3. "dusting Krochie's assault weapon" LMAO!!!

    4. Totally agree. Taralyce keeps visiting the family, but they do not give her any air time. I think this will be such a long courting process it will put the wet bar and the baby issues to shame. This will probably last three seasons(meeting, courting, wedding) maybe one more to deal with Robin's jealousy issues.

  40. I am so excited to be posting for the first time. You guys are all so funny it really makes my day. Season four should be more interesting with the new houses and Meri's wet bar ( LOL). Hopefully less crying from meri and Robyn and more backbone from Christine and Janelle. We need to see more of the kids too and I hate those couch sessions....BORING. I will be interesting to see if any of the new neighbors are filmed complaining or interacting with the family. Should be interesting , can't wait for all the post. You guys are the best entertainment, better than any T.V. show could ever be THANK YOU ALL.....keep the posts coming.

  41. Hmmm. Huge Christmas episode.
    Christine going in with Janelle to open a fitness center and sell their green stuff.
    Sister wives FINALLY has some other options.
    The other sister wives start a blog to compete with Janelle.

  42. They will try to go more "Big Love" on us--big family dinners (not at Meri's because all that mess would make her go apeshit), talking about how great it is to be "together", blowing sunshine up each other's asses, the wives "working", etc. Boring, except for the when we tear them to shreds on this blog.

  43. I think this could go two ways:

    #1: Logan has done very well in college and met a lovely young lady so they want to make a big storyline about being 'accepted' as plygs by this new outsider who loves Logan... OR
    #2: Logan has done very well in college and as such, jealous Krody make sures he gets ZERO air time as a now 'outsider'.


    #3: I have a feeling Robyn will be pregnant again soon.

    #4: Hopefully Meri's wet bar drama is done and over and we never have to hear it again.

    #5: The producers will 'tease' us with the idea of a 5th wife, like the "will they get the houses or won't they?"

    #6: Sol will be walking and talking. Where's Truely?

    #7: Their SWC website will be discontinued and a new business will begin.

    1. Let's hope Logan breaks the cycle of marrying too young in this family (and starting a family immediate after) and sows his oats and has a good time for at least 10 years or so now finding out who he really is and what he really wants before he settles down in a marriage. He deserves a looooong break after being replacement Daddy for Kody for years now.

    2. Keepsweet, what will their new business be?

  44. I predict that in the name of family unity (and to keep them from bolting with any assets of their own) Janelle, Christine, and Robyn will add Kody & Meri to the deeds on each of their houses. Meri will then be entitled to tell each of her sisterwives how they must maintain each house "now that it's partly mine anyway".

  45. My predictions are:
    Mariah graduates from HS and marries Pappa Joe with Kody and Meri's blessing. She gets pregnant immediately to make up for her lack of "real siblings"
    -Robyn and Kody have the Brown Family Face quilts mass produced and try to sell them on MSWC.
    -Meri's wetbar and sliding glass doors don't make her happy and she has a nervous breakdown.
    -Kody applies for a job as a male prostitute to help pay the bills.
    -Christine looking hotter than ever gets picked up by a Las Vegas Billionaire and leaves them all in the dust (including her kids).
    -Janelle stays the same.

    1. I love the idea that Kody would "apply" for a job as a prostitute. Meri could be the pimp (she has experience).

    2. Not sliding glass doors. French doors!

    3. Hi LizE - Old "Krochie" would apply for a job as a prostiTOAD.....Meri Meri quite contrary as his pimp......quite right! They are living in the right city for it.

    4. Yes! right city for sure. That probably secretly why they moved to LV.

  46. In the Shadow of the TempleJanuary 8, 2013 at 11:59 AM

    I was going to say the show would be better if we saw less of Kody-- but let's face it, he's the comic relief. Otherwise it is Desperate Sister Wives.

    1. Kody is definitely the comic relief needed in this show. I imagine that's why he's the center of it; otherwise, it's a snorefest just listening to the oh, so small and suffocating world of these sister wives. and the teens have all been exploited enough as it is for their parent's benefit.

  47. Lets see......

    Meri will bawl
    Robyn will bawl
    Kody will talk non stop about his hair
    Janelle will keep doing her own thing
    Christine will start doing her own thing

    King Sol will start to talk, and his first words will be "Would you people put me the hell down??"

    1. Oops! I just spewed a mouthful of coffee on my keyboard with the King Sol comment. Thanks for the laugh!

    2. I should NOT be laughing this hard at work!!!

      King Sol's first words........LOL!!

  48. What I'd like to see: less repeats of conversations we've seen over and over. I swear, sometimes we see the same scene three times during the show.

    1. ITA. 1/3 of the show is a recap or repeat of what we just saw. New material demanded!

    2. I agree sometimes they seem to go on and on about the same thing and it gets boring. I would like to see Kody and one wife interacting as a family unit once in awhile. The shows seem so jumbled together sometimes.

  49. They will probably start the season with the annual Christmas celebration. I wonder if they will ‘pretend’ it was filmed on the actual Christmas day since Apsyn tweeted about it in January? I hope they have more episodes this ‘season’ and show us Christine and Janelle working in Mona’s office. Hopefully they can get the ‘will she or won’t she want a baby’ fake dilemma over with in the first few episodes. We all know the answer but I wonder how Meri will spin it. She will say something that sounds noble like she really wants to work with ‘at risk’ kids and feels that all of her energy should go towards that. Most of us have some pretty strong opinions of just how much time that we would recommend that at-risk kids spend with Meri – but that is my guess as to how that will be handled. That may have been the reason for the episode about the abused kids. I think Robyn will get pregnant again. That kind of is the purpose of marriage for living this lifestyle, they believe in bringing as many children into the world as possible. Therefore, barring any issues, I see Robyn getting pregnant again. I do not think they will bring a new wife in for at least a few more seasons….they can get a whole season out of ‘Meri gets a buzz in the Target check-out line and brings Kody to meet her’…etc….so although I do think he will eventually have another wife or two, I don’t see this happening in 2013. We will see more of the older kids. We will see the Weepfest of the Century when Mariah graduates. Get those Kleenex (oops, I mean your fingers) ready for the couch sobbing. And since it’s already been brought up front and center that Kody, his kids and his “stylist” have all noticed his hair is thinning, look for discussions on hair plugs. With the passing of the fiscal cliff package, I believe there was a provision called “plugs for plygs” like I mentioned before. I certainly see them exploiting whichever hair clinic will comp Kody the free plugs…just like Jon G. Should be plenty to entertain us, I hope TLC does not disappoint.

  50. Kody and krew develop hair plugs, and sell them as seen on tv calling them plyg plugs.

  51. I predict.......Janelle and Christine move to Beverly Hills(swimming pools,movie stars)and become top real estate agents!

  52. Episode 1: Rehash of footage from last season. Family describes life without Logan. Family designs the "iconic" ornament for my sisterwives closet. Kody describes his marketing ignorance by explaining that they are limiting the quantity to make them more valuable (not realizing that he doesn't benefit from the secondary market value) Kody reiterates that MSWC is essential to the family's financial future. Meri, Robyn, and Kody cry.

    Episode 2: Thanksgiving with the Browns. They drive by the homes. Meri, Robyn, and Kody cry.

    Episode 3: Janelle discusses new fitness regimen. Mariah and Aspyn receive their SAT scores. That is quickly overshadowed by Mona's call that the builders need to meet with the Browns about the timeline for the homes. The Browns speculate on what will be said at the meeting and cry.

    Episode 4: The builder tells the Browns that the timeline on the completion of the homes might be pushed back. Rehash of old footage where the family talks about the importance of the homes and the previous erosion of the family culture. Meri reiterates that Mariah wants to be in the homes as soon as possible. Rehash footage of Robyn saying that 2012 will be Mariah's last Christmas at home. Meri, Robyn, and Kody cry. Rehash of the "suragit" offer. Meri explains that the delay in the completion of the homes will push back her decision. She cries again.

    Episode 5: All homes are finished, but Meri is unhappy with hers and demands that the builder re-do some things because "this is where [she] will live for the rest of [her] life." Then she cries that her home is not finished. Janelle, Robyn, and Christine rent U-hauls and move (while Kody sleeps and Meri cries.) Rehash of footage of Robyn saying that it is Mariah's last Christmas at home. Meri cries at the couch session.

    Episode 6: Christmas with the Browns. Kody tells them how God gave them the homes so that their family can start rebuilding itself. Meri, Robyn, and Kody cry.

    Episode 7: Meri's home is finished. She moves. Each wife talks about her hopes for 2013. More about Janelle's fitness resolution. Kody points out that Meri will need to make a decision about the baby soon. He plans a trip to New Orleans with Meri to ask for her decision. Meri cries. Cliffhanger: Will Meri decide to do IVF?

    In other words, YAWN . . . and crying, of course.

    1. OMG!!! This is the best post EVER!!! All they do is cry and recycle the same clips over and over again! It is so annoying!!!

  53. I am so releived that the show continues; otherwise, I was worried about this little community of ours. I think there will be another Robyn baby, hints of a new wife, hair plugs, more weight issues, and maybe we will actually hear Truley. She is the cutest little thing. I think I could watch an entire show of just her.
    I would love to see less of Meri and Kody and Robyn...more of Janelle and Christine and the kids.

  54. We will see lots of the "wet bar". Partly because I think the video shots will indirectly (and somewhat quietly) be used to poke to fun at Meri.

  55. I predict that the wives will sue eachother over housing issues and appear on the judge Judy show.

  56. Predictions:

    1. No "wife" No. 5
    2. Robyn - preggers
    3. Lots 'O Tears
    4. No new items in MSWC
    5. Patio Poured at Janelle's house
    6. No pastries make an appearance
    7. Christine makes her first house sale

    1. Christine makes her first house sale......Robyn's house! lol

    2. what moron would buy Robyn's house while still surrounded by the other 3 plyg wives? oh wait - yeah 5th wife will! lol

  57. One thing I'm CERTAIN will happen...the episode where they actually move in will be the finale. With a lot of suspense as to whether Meri/Kody get final approval.

    Nothin' like having a Christmas themed episode in June - just gives me the holiday glow to think about it.

    Oh and before the finale, since the wet bar was decided upon, the drama will switch back to the whole surrogate/IVF tired storyline. I predict a minimum of 3 repeat viewings of Robyn making The Big Offer to Meri. And the audience goes zzzzzz!!!

    1. If we are luck we will get half a dozen shows from this next "season." They also need to space out the half hour shows. It would give more time to talk about it on this blog!

  58. Meri will NOT have a sliding door in season 4 because these are NOT discount McMansions!

  59. Next season on As The Stomach Turns....

    Will the source of Meri's fertility problem be linked to her descended testicles?

    Will the wives finally discover that the cruisers they spied outside their Utah homes were actually the Fashion Police? And now that their heinous babydoll ensembles have crossed state lines, will the feds get involved?

    Will Kody finally deal with his latent homosexual tendencies after Meri reveals that the teen they fell in love with before Janelle had an Adam's Apple?

    Will the Brown wives assist the Dargers in collecting their eyeballs when they roll them right out of their freak'n sockets after beholding Meri's wet bar?

    Will Utah law enforcement discover the hillsides of Lehi are littered with the bodies of anything/anyone who may have soiled Meri's carpets?

    Will Logan's dorm mates take every opportunity to defile the quilt?

    Will Meri continue to morph into Darth Vadar? Will she insist on hosting all family gatherings on the Death Star?

    Will Blake return to Vegas & seek his revenge during the zombie apocalypse?

    1. PorkyPlyg, I actually laughed out loud at a lot of those.....

    2. Blake = Drake.

    3. omg, Porky Plyg - FTW!! hilarious. thanks!

  60. I really hope this is the final season. I can't wait to see what these people do when they lose their homes. Viewers have figured out their lies. Their constant accusation of being sidelined because their pligs. NOBODY cares. Nobody. Its disgusting to cry wolf like that. Its a complete insult to those who are truly suffering from religous persecution. They should be ashamed of themselves.

    Each episode gets increasingly boring and offensive. I couldn't stomach the dog episode. And there nothing more to cover. Their desperate for topics and it really shows. TLC should get a new show to replace them. There are better topics to cover.

  61. My predictions:

    1. Krody will organize games in the cult a sac for the kids but gosh darn if the balls always end up breaking Meri's windows.

    2. Janelle and Christine will collect the hair that Krody is losing and fashion voo doo dolls. Before they can get the pins out, Sobbin finds them and puts them up for sale on MSWC. And the site instantly crashes.

    3. Speaking of crashes, Meri is found unconscious on the floor after rolling around nakkid on her precious wet bar.

    4. Also at Meri's house, she develops a mysterious illness which turns her more orange. It is finally traced to the plastic slipcovers she has made for all of her furniture in her house.

    5. Krody insists on a re-commitment ceremony, complete with selecting wedding dresses for all of his "brides." And just like in Jon & Kate plus 8, after vowing that nothing will tear them apart, Christine and Janelle announce 2 weeks later that they are outta there.

    6. Sobbin's house is the first to go into foreclosure. She insists that she thought Janelle was making the payments. Janelle responds with a blank stare. Cut to Meri and Krody getting their final foreclosure notice. Tears fall. Janelle wisely says nothing.

    7. Christine sells Janelle the perfect spot for "Fundamental Fitness," thus earning her first (of many - who can resist a cute giggly Realtor) commission check. Janelle secretly funded this by not making payments on Sobbin's or Krody's homes. As Krody, Meri and Sobbin wildly load up their U-Hauls because they have "just 3 days to move," Janelle lifts weights over her head in her gym to the chant of "Payback's a b*tch. I supported you loads all those years and now you're supporting me!"

  62. I'm in the middle of my annual "I don't EVER want to be on Hoarders" clean-up. Reading this blog today has given me MANY memorable laughs and broken up the monotony of cleaning. You folks are ALL awesome!

    1. AZ Christian - please feel free to clean my garage. My bestie gets back from her Christmas vaca next week and vowed before she left that if the garage was still a wreck she would call Hoarders. And I don't think she was joking...the rest of my pad looks great, but all the et cetera has migrated to the garage...

  63. meggiedarlin your predictions are great! The one thing I think we'll see (if they let their weaknesses show like they have) is the jealousy that is going to be felt now that they can see where Kody will be every evening......Janelle won't care......but Meri, Christine and Robyn will be looking out the windows!! I cannot imagine sitting in my house looking at my husband's car parked across the street...watching the lights go out at bedtime....and say that it's's just not okay girls!!!

    1. That's so true & ur absolutely right Crimson, IT'S JUST NOT OKAY GIRLS!! I surely wouldn't be able to handle that either!! Esp, if I was pregnant or just had a newborn....

    2. Don't forget the "babymoon"!!!

  64. Y'all are hilarious! Between the fashion police on the babydoll ensembles and Robyn losing her house because she thought Janelle was paying all the bills, I am amused all day long at work!

    Although I would like for the season opener to be about the house, I am sure that Ewwww's description of the season is more likely. The 'did they or didn't they' get the houses in time for Christmas will be the big finale. I sure hope those tweeting teenagers don't get the big Kody evil stink eye (and Janelle's blank stare) for spilling the beans on the houses.

  65. I want to see Dr.Drew get in the couch sessions.

    1. Or Dr. Phil, as he focuses in on Grody and asks, "Did you fall out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down?"

  66. Okay SW blogers, I have a question that is a little off topic. What if Janelle would have permanently left Kody the first time. Would he have been allowed to marry Robin? Can a divorced plyg man take another wife? If so, did Kody get Janelle back for: #1-the money and #2-being able to take more wives? Just wondering how all that works in the plyg world.

    1. Can a divorced plyg man take another wife?

      You mean a sealed polygamist? Yes he can. He is unsealed from the wife who left him. And yes, he can be sealed to another woman (as a plural wife) Remember, a man can be sealed to many women, but a woman can only be sealed to one man at a time.

      did Kody get Janelle back for: #1-the money and #2-being able to take more wives?

      Janelle never left Kody. She just left the house she shared with Kody, Meri and Christine because she got tired of Meri treating her like crap and Kody doing nothing to help her. Janelle went back to living under one roof with Kody and sisterwives when they left Wyoming for Utah and a bigger house. Which Janelle apparently made possible through her work ethic. As far as being allowed to take more wives, Kody's supposed to get permission from the AUB, but we all know that Kody does whatever he wants.

    2. Thanks for the answers. It is much appreciated.

  67. All I can say is "Yeah"! It will be fun to still have the Browns around to spark interesting conversation on this blog!


  68. I'm thinking Meri will turn one of her spare bedrooms into huge walk-in/Dressing Room for herself & just use the closet in her master bedroom for Kody's stuff...Lol!! Heck that's what I did, when we re-did our house...

  69. I know I always read about people laughing out loud, but just didn't appreciate all the weird looks you get when you actually do it. well, one time my 2 year old daughter got tickled at me and started laughing too and I was just gone at that point and probably sounded daft. PorkyPlyg and Maggiedarlin, yall are just too funny.

  70. I was thinking, if at anytime, Kody had lied to his wives #1-3, saying he had "appointments" & "meetings" to attend to during the day, but in actuality he was really spending his afternoons w/ Robyn(esp, if it was another wife's day/night)....that definitely won't be happening anymore...Unless they decide to spend their afternoons at a cheap motel...Lol

  71. I really want Janelle and Christine to leave Kody but don't see how they could stand living in Plygville if they did that. Unless all the wives kick Kody out, nobody is going anywhere.

  72. I foresee a new addition to the SWC line - a silver iconic codpiece - designed by the Krodster and aptly named Kody's Kodpiece. And in remembrance of Drake, a silver paw print will be front and center. Oh wait, they already do the paw print...

  73. I predict next season begins with Kody crying, face in his hands, having just received the news that he's not an eligible hair transplant recipient due to a rare medical condition know as "crap for brains." Robyn will immediately shave her head in solidarity. Because, lets face it, she is the Squeaky Fromme of the group.

  74. The guys from Ghost Adventures live in Vegas...I think they should do an episode investigating Meri's new McMansion. I bet they'll find a dog entity has moved in to drink from the wetbar & pee in the hubby room. That would be an episode worth watching..."Karma for Kody" (hate to wish a ghost dog on them but that Drake episode was just sick).

  75. Mabye we could have Meri decide to do the surragacy thing and the they find out Robyn is already pregnant with her own baby.

  76. Love, Love the "Kody codpiece" !!!

    And the Robin "Squeaky Fromme" reference !!

    And Caramel Brownie,
    About your walkin closet for Meri...picturing hanger after hanger of ugly, ruffled pre-teen spaghetti strap tops alongside shelves of size ex/small lg-sleeved t-shirts.
    What Meri *really needs* in that closet is a "full-length, wrap-around mirror." !!!
