Thursday, January 3, 2013

Discussion Page 6 for Sister Wives: Hard to Say Goodbye and Secrets Revealed (S05, E08 and E09)

I've been slightly under the weather, but I am working furiously on completing the reviews this week!
Cynical Jinx

Ewwww! Did I pull that out of my eye?



  1. DakotaJustice wrote on the previous page: LOL I bought some PJ bottoms like that at Costco - $10.99 each.

    So THAT's Meri's job - making PJ's for resale at Costco!

  2. When Meri has her green goo meeting at her house I will attend... and oops, spill some on her precious carpet.

    1. Watch out or you might find yourself in the SUV going to Utah to be euthanized if you make a mess on Meri's carpet!

    2. Omg- I actually choked I laughed so hard!

  3. Peanut Butter FritosJanuary 3, 2013 at 11:49 AM

    The Browns have gotten one thing right. I am excited about their next season to watch the passive-agressive trainwreck chaos, and I would actually miss this show. Watching these idiots run in circles jabbing each other makes me feel like a mature, responsible adult who really has her life in order.

  4. NOW what are they crying about??!?

  5. Opps! I goofed! TLC SW reruns from 6-8p central time tonight. Sorry!

    1. Someone PLEASE download 'secrets revealed" to Pirate bay. I can't find it to watch anywhere.

    2. YES! Someone please start downloading the episodes like secrets revealed to pirate bay, I agree!

  6. A sigh of relief was heaved (?) when the news was reported of them "getting" the homes. Please, how can the indulgence of a fiscally irresponsible conglomerate possibly be considered worthy of relief, except for if you are a loan shark.

    Oh, you're American aren't you. Sorry, I understand now.

  7. Why is Meri so tan and the other 3 wives looks so pale? I am sure she has a lot of extra time on her hands so I guess she can get more outdoor time than the others.

    1. From personal experience (embarassing enough) looks too much like a Fake Bake to me. Either Mystic Tan, or using tanning beds with an accelerator lotion.

    2. With her extra time she should be exercising!

    3. I've long suspected that Meri has a tanning bed in her home that both her and Lover are allowed to use only. The others probably don't even know about its existence. Either that or they both have spent hours together hiding out lounging at her poolside - that no one else is ever invited over to enjoy. (nor wants to.)

      Kody really only divides his time up between Meri's and Robyn's now and just pops in occasionally to say hello at Janelle's and Christine's. Meri and Robyn are both high maintenance crisis people and always have some drama going on that Kody can excuse himself to go respond to.

  8. Okay, I'm asking this question in all seriousness....why does Truely have no hair?! Is this normal for a child her age?

    Gotta say I'm not impressed with the interior of the houses. The photo of Truely with the elf hat...look at that fireplace. Looks like the builder glued a few ceramic tiles to the wall, there's not even a mantle.

    1. My girls didn't have much hair at that age, and neither did I. Maybe not common, but not abnormal either. My grandma used to say a bald baby was a sign of "good breeding". Lol!

    2. She does now have hair. Very common for really blonde babies to have hair come in late- then often it is thick.

    3. I agree about the house interiors, they look so plain and cold. I know we don't see much in those pictures but I didn't like when they showed the models either. Usually models are fully furnished and staged. Those models were just huge empty boxes. Seems for houses of that size and price they should look a little more fancy. JMHO

    4. WORD on the less than impressive fireplace.

      For the price in LV, the houses are so totally cheap looking...I'm thinking of them as the Rent To Own houses. LOL

    5. My husband asked me this when he walked by while I was watching one of the episodes. And our boys are blond and didn't have hair for what seemed like forever and he still felt compelled to ask. He actually asked if she had leukemia or something. I figured if there was something wrong with her they would have addressed it but who knows anymore with them. I'm one that thinks they hid a pregnancy and miscarriage with Robyn.

    6. ALA

      I,too, had very little hair at age 2. My mother used to tape a bow to my head (60 yrs. ago!). By the time I had my very blond daughter (who also had no hair for a long time) at least they sold headbands for babies! My dark haired daughter was born with an amazing head of hair!

      I think Truely is awfully cute - I wish she got some more attention from everyone)

    7. Maybe the mantle was extra. They would have had to finance that as well.

    8. I know, right?? These houses are hideous! Beige boxes, rent to own. Don't mind telling anyone here how much our house cost. We live in the midwest. Our house is 3000 sq feet, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, we have a pretty big yard with privacy. OMG, I have FRENCH DOORS, know you're all impressed. It's OLD, as in about 30 yrs old, but well built and maintained. This area was never hit by the market, stayed stable. Houses similar to ours sell for around $160,000. Now THAT would've been smart for the Browns, but oh...nevermind....

    9. Peanut Butter FritosJanuary 3, 2013 at 2:46 PM

      It's those nasty vertical blinds. They're the first thing you'd trash if you were going to be on TV.

      And no curtains. For a family that has an unemployed mom of one who can allegedly sew in her hobby room, why doesn't anyone ever have curtains?

    10. yogagirl, I bet your home has much more character! yes, that would have made much more sense. So many for sale in LV, can't believe they picked those!

    11. Those cheesey blinds will never keep out the las Vegas heat.

    12. Thank you, Anony 2:46! Kind of you to say! I think it does, it's not a McMansion, but it's not a Beige Box and we will soon be 'Title Free' lol! Every house on the street looks different, no chance of getting lost :)

    13. the tile all looks very cheap for sure. and i'm not a fan of all that white grout with it either. it will be nasty stained looking in no time especially at Christine's house. i think these builders are shysters who hit the lottery w/the browns. also not sure about Mona and her credibility.

    14. About no hair and good breeding the blogger said a few paragraphs back.......I had to laugh, my mom use to say that big feet showed good breeding. LOL

    15. Do any of you people even know how much good curtains cost? And if you've just moved into a McMansion, you do need some time to decorate. I am not a fan of SW, but I have lived in these boxes and it's very expensive to do all the window treatments unless you want them to look as crappy as the cheap blinds.

    16. My question is how much did the builders pay the Browns for all the publicity they got on the TV show?? Didn't Kody sell advertising in Utah? The houses do look inexpensive! But if the Brown's were getting some sort of advertising fee, they might not mind being overcharged and underserved! LOL Of course, the advertising fee would have had to be a more than a million to make up for the big cracker box houses they got!

    17. I live in Nevada, and there is no way that anyone should have to pay those housing prices. They should be able to buy a vacant cul de sac with four foreclosures for a fraction of the total -- maybe $150,000 to $160,000 per house for some very nice homes. How many families with 6 kids think that each child needs their own bedroom?

    18. It may take some time to get curtains in there but the comments about the "cheap blinds" are somewhat warranted because they bought them from the builder, it was financed into their mortgage. They should look a lot nicer for price they probably paid for them. And vertical blinds are the worst, sorry if I offend anyone, I have a cheap Target curtain on my glass door and will take it over vertical blinds any day.

    19. finally seeing realityJanuary 3, 2013 at 8:23 PM

      I am not a SW fan, but have to give them a pass on the window treatments. These are pretty standard new home window treatments and to dress them up with personalized treatments can take time and money. My mom had plain wood blinds in their new house and over time sewed beautiful coverings for them and they were nicer than any store bought, but my mom was an excellent seamstress. They could use their hubby rooms and do the same, but I would guess they won't. If in a year they are still the same boring blinds then I say they are lazy, which we all know they are. As far a the pics of the inside of the house(s), before I even saw any posts I thought they were cheap looking, especially for what they paid for them. The cabinets are horrible looking, but then that would be important to me and I would have upgraded those before getting a wetbar. Eventhought my tastes are different those houses are just plain cheap looking. Looking at the picture of the whole family, I thought the living space was pretty small for that size of a house, I would have given up the office, hubby room, and bonus room for a large living space with a family as large as theirs. These are just my opinions of what is important to me, maybe they would rather have more rooms so they don't have to interact with each other.

    20. I lived in las Vegas for ten years. My blinds cost 10k on a 2600sf house. They were the top of the line but needed them to keep the sun out in the 120' summers.. my ac bill was still between 800-1000 mo during the 5 hot months.. Those blinds look silly on that house. No one had those! They got totally ripped iff too. They aren't even in Summerlin which is the nicest most affluent part of Vegas..

    21. I just wanted to comment on Truley: I think she is just adorable, she looks like a tiny pixie doll!! Not sure why her hair came in so late, but seems like others here have some ideas....

    22. I think so too, she is the cutest little thing. So sad that they don't pay much attention to her, poor little bug.

    23. i'm willing to bet that Truely gets plenty of attention from her momma and brothers and sisters. remember Hunter being very attached to her and he's not even her full bio brother? She seems happy and content and not emotionally neglected in the least. Christine is still seen holding her quite a bit even at her toddler age now. i fear it's all those gazillion middle children that get so lost in the chaotic mix. Robyn's kids all get the most attention from Kody it seems.

  9. Does anyone know when the Secrets Revealed episode was filmed?

    And did you guys see the pic one of the teens posted of Christine, taken on Dec 28th?? She looks AMAZING. Seriously. Amazing.

    1. Which teen? I want to go look.

    2. The interviewer made some reference to Christmas being a 'few weeks away' and don't they need a Plan B for the housing in the event the houses don't work out? But that could all be 'editing' for tv and it could have been filmed months ago. I did see the picture that Aspyn tweeted and Christine did look thinner. Didn't really notice anything on the Big Secrets Revealed show - which by the way they should rename since there was nothing really new revealed except for the 5 separate accounts thing.

    3. She does look great! you go Christine, loved she's rocking those great jeans!

  10. I hope you feel better soon,CJ!! I have been a longtime lurker here and I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE your scathing reviews. I would also like to add that I am very impressed with everyone's posts here on SWB. The comments that I have read here show the intellect and insightfulness that I have not seen on ANY other online forum or community!! This , of course, excludes the occasional Brown family member that makes themselves heard "anonymously" .
    Have a happy and blessed 2013, everyone!
    If not already taken, I would like to adopt the screen name of " Sister Whines" here on SWB!!

    1. Go right ahead Sister Whines, great name. I too want to wish Cynical Jinx my get well wishes! I thought it but didn't post it. Get well honey, from all your friends and fans on here! She will be happy to see your compliment later - I'm sure she can't stay away too long.

    2. CJ,

      Back here in the Northeast, the dreaded flu/ upper respiratory bug is really going around. Don't know if that is what is ailing you but beat wishes that you recover soon.

      Meanwhile, rest up. Your reviews are pure gold and definitely worth the wait !!!

    3. Welcome Sister Whines, and thank you very much!

      And thank yous (a new word) to MisterSister and Amused, and everyone at SWB! It only hurts when I laugh (OUCH!!)

  11. As of 12:36 CST 1/3/13, Wetworks (killer of souls) hasn't closed on her evil lair. FWIW. You know my thoughts on this, as far as future drama goes.

    1. When we purchased homes, once we signed we got to move in. The recording can take awhile. But, I agree, more tears/drama will be noted, pooorrr Meri was the last. And while on the subject, I've had 3 kiddos have a senior year and go to college, and if she's starting those #$%$^ tears now, will this be all we hear about next year? Can you imagine 1000 sniff sniff Mariah will be leaving.... over and over and over? I'd much rather see those cutie little ones that are growing up and not seen to the point you barely recognize them. We get it, there's MARIAH, LOGAN, MADDIE, even ASPYN...SOL, but was Savannah's name even mentioned this season? Good gosh, move to a new group of kids next year.

    2. I don't think it's that surprising Meri was last to move in. Wasn't she the last to move into her own rental? Robyn moved in almost immediately, so her lease would have ended sooner. This is a lot of houses to build for a single completion date. If they had to prioritize, it would have made some sense for those that moved into the rentals first to move into these first.

      Also, the french door and tennis court installation would have taken some time.

  12. Don't want to dump on Christine (she's my favorite) but she looks the same as ever to me in the big Christmas photo posted. I don't see where people think she's lost a ton of weight?

    1. Just like the Is Robyn Pregnant or Isn't She question, I think it's all about camera angle - someone commented that the photo of Christine with Kody, Robyn and one of her girls (Aspyn I think) she's standing next to and in between Aspyn and Kody with a side twist which made her look smaller. I think she HAS lost weight, but not as much as some people think (someone said 90 pounds - I don't think so...)

      In that same Christmas photo, Janelle's face looks thinner but that might be due to the fact that she is the only one who apparently bothered to fix her hair before the photo. Of course, she's not exactly wearing slimming clothes.

    2. I noticed that too, however, Christine usually dresses so frumpy, she looked good that night and will praise as well as criticize. I would LOVE to see Janelle and Christine get thin, for I think they would rock it. Watching Meri and Robyn(esp) squirm would be an added bonus for me.
      I agree however, how could the two pictures be so close? you never know with this group.

    3. I agree 'Lucid'...she looks the same in the Christmas photo. The other picture was a fluke, she was squished between and a bit hidden by Kodude and Apsen.

    4. I try to be sensitive on wt issues (okay, I said try...) but I'm just not seeing much wt loss with Christine. As you say, Mister Sister, depends on the photo, I suppose. Janelle, who supposedly is working out with trainer, I don't see any difference. They've got to change their eating habits. Agree Mister Sister, I would LOVE to see them both lose weight. No doubt it's got to be hard with all the chaos and kids, but if they change eating habits and take an hour a day, they can do it. Meri can babysit in that big house of hers while they go workout.
      P.S. CJinx, hope you feel better soon!

    5. Janelle would look 15-20 lbs thinner just by sitting up straight. I used to weigh almost as much as her (at 5'4") and I was always aware of my posture, still am (thanks MOM!). It drives me nuts to see her slumped on the couch, with a paper plate balanced on top of her belly (as shown a couple times this season alone). Supposedly she's doing yoga, that should be helping her with her posture IMO...

    6. I see some difference in Christine's face and she's dressing smarter and more stylish now. I think she's dropped at least 20 lbs and she seems to feel a lot better, too.

      And I see a lot of difference in Janelle and think she is not only exercising but also getting control of diet. If you look back at the episode where she was walking through the home with the realtor to discuss options to reduce her cost, her hips were much wider and her arms would actually have pointed out a bit if she rested them on them. But if you see pictures of her now, it's clear she's lost a lot of inches in her waist and hips. Also her face and neck look much smaller and her skin and eyes are clear and bright. She looks healthy and great!

      Janelle and Christine, you go girls!

    7. If they all lost weight (including Meri),they could make an absolute fortune. I am hoping Janelle or Christine workout, drop some weight and then get out of that mess! They biggest mistake they made was not losing weight when they had their trainers..

    8. When was the Jeff Probst thing taped? To me, in the clip that was posted on here, of them on that show, Christine and Janelle both looked like they had lost.

    9. I think they are all emotional eaters and will remain so unless their chaotic and pathetically crazy lifestyle changes. Where's their incentive to take it off and keep it off compared to the emotional comfort they get from their unhealthy food choices? Even Robyn has gained weight SINCE she gave birth to Solomon. Time will tell . . .

      (not to say that it might also be weight gain from anxiety/depression meds they all could be on as well. lordy - what's it gonna be like w/this group when they all go through menopause, too?? lol)

    10. Well I certainly hope you are all RIGHT!!! I would absoultely LOVE it if they lost weight. Esp Christine since she's had probs with depression. She'll feel so much better when she gets the extra wt off (and maybe this explains her better mood and speaking up more?) I really would love for them to lose weight, get healthy and be feeling better. Dealing with all those kids and the biggest one, Kody, had gotta be exhausting as hell.
      DJ, great point on the posture, omg, that bugs me!! haha

    11. Their motivation should be $$$. They would get another book deal about how they lost weight.. recipe books, workout videos, they could make another kind of green goo and say that is what they used.. the sky is the limit! I would love for either Janelle or Christine to lose weight, leave and write a "tell all" book about why they emotionally ate and all the REAL drama that goes on that we don't see/ hear.. maybe the real reason for all that crying! I would love to see one of them leave Clown Cult and have a reality show about making it on their own!

    12. my prediction is Janelle and Christine will never leave this family. they are too invested kid-wise and religious belief-wise. I see them "enduring to the end."

  13. This one looks photoshopped. The purple background is streaking down in front of Christine's chest. And their coloring does not match their background. It does look like somebody tried to color some purple in the center over half of Christine's and Kody's faces. The lines around their hair is especially harsh.

    1. That's not the original photo. It looks like Aspyn changed the background to show that they were at the Killers concert. The original photo that was posted, didn't have that background.

    2. Oh that's odd. Wish I had seen the original! Hard to judge any weight loss on Christine when it looks like part of her neck has been chopped off. Thanks!

    3. I'd love to see the original too because she looks AWESOME here!!

    4. I don't think it's photoshopped, the purple lights add a weird touch and add the camera phone flash and it looks like it could have been. I don't think aspyn would bother to try to make her mom look better on instagram

    5. It is absolutely photoshopped. At least the background is. The original photo was posted a few days ago, but it looks like Aspyn took it down and decided to replace it with her attempt at showing the concert in the background. The lighting is totally different from the background - concert venues are very dark and even with a flash the browns would have been at least partially in the dark.

      That said I am giving Aspyn the benefit of the doubt - I think she just wanted to make sure everyone knew that the photo was taken at the concert.

  14. I normally don't like to rag on anyone's appearance but Meri looks awful of late. In a sick or something is really wrong kind of way. Someone mentioned menopause, others mentioned overeating and bad skin, but these pictures are shocking to me. I don't watch the show because we got rid of cable a year ago and the difference between Meri now and Meri even just a year ago is SHOCKING! Maybe that's what happens when your soul is rotten...

    1. Hanging out with the devil has turned her orange.

    2. Really? I think she looks a little slimmer in the face and body these days. And I like her hair longer and a little darker, like it was in the Secrets Revealed show. I thought it looked a lot better than back when it was shorter/more layered and had really blonde highlights. The darker color suits her.

      I think Janelle would also be able to rock some darker shades in her hair, not drastic but just enough to add some more depth.

    3. "Devil has turned her orange" hahahahahahahha

  15. There is a picture posted on aspyn's Instagram that shows her with Christine kody and robyn, I think she has lost weight BUT the way she is standing against other people may just be why she looks so thin.
    Maddie posted a picture of the teens with kody in the interview outfits and that was 4 weeks ago.
    Their whole "faux mas" was probably because the film crew wanted Christmas Day off, I wonder if they will fake it and not even acknowledge that it wasn't even christmas.

  16. So Meri and Mariah moved in to their house even though they didn't close on it yet? How is that possible? I don't know anything about real estate or buying houses.

  17. They AreNotGoodRelatorsJanuary 3, 2013 at 2:30 PM

    I went and looked around on Trulia. Many GREAT houses with personality, NEW, and 5 or more bdrms. These guys did not do their homework. BROWN HOMES ARE BORING. For Janelle having her license, that doesn't say much. There are also MANY MANY MANY homes with the bdrms, in the same sub. many right next to each other for sale, for 1/2 the price and much nicer. I'd say it was all in the financing.
    What bugs me is the Kitchen Cabinets are not even stacked. How lame.

    1. I thought the kitchen was awful - you're right, cabinets not stacked, the whole effect is very dark...Maybe it's just me, I like light and bright kitchens...the blinds look like rental blinds. I would have so gone with drapes or Roman shades instead.

      If they're buying the homes as investments (and the RE bubble pretty much showed what a crappy idea THAT is for most people) then when the time comes, IMO they are going to have a VERY difficult time getting them sold. They are plain as plain can be. the carpet looks like it's dark brown - why carpet? does that mean that even at that VERY high price for LV, they couldn't even get hardwood floors - I'm betting that carpet is laid right on top of a concrete pad. Especially for families with lots of children and foot traffic - the carpet will probably need replacing within a few years.

      Personally even laminate would have been a wiser choice. I'm a wood floor junkie - my thought is that in LV with its long hot summers a wood floor would be cooler under foot. Some colorful rugs would lend accents - has great selection at awesome prices (no i don't work for them, I'm just a big fan!). and of course let's not forget that the carpets will look like crap in a few years, but they'll be paying for them (plus interest) for the next 30 years (at least that's the plan).

      oh and Janelle (as well as Christine) has passed a test and is working part time as an admin at the real estate office - she is NOT licensed as yet. Just because she passed a test doesn't make her a realtor - far from it.

    2. Peanut Butter FritosJanuary 3, 2013 at 2:52 PM

      They never said Janelle had her license, they said she passed the test. The Browns are not great on following through, or working. Gotta give it to Mona and hip credit guy for helping these quasi-employed sacks of bankrupcies pull this off.

    3. I said the same thing to Cynical about the cabinets being straight across, not stacked. I hadn't thought of the hardwood floors, although that's what I had for years-why on earth not put tile or hardwood throughout? Even the laminate would have been better, good call.

    4. MS I noticed that in the Christmas group photo. and went...DANG...DARK brown carpets? that are going to show every single speck of lint?? of course white aren't much better.

      Not a big fan of wall to wall carpet. I think even the best WTWC is going to get worn down fairly quickly...especially with all the kids. I am very fortunate to have hardwood floors (they aren't in the greatest condition, but still) throughout my pad (except for the bathroom and the garage of course!). In 15 years I must have switched my rugs out 3-4 times...I just get 'em at Ikea or Overstock, or sometimes they are gifted to me :)

      However that said, I'm with the majority of the folks here who believe that the Browns already know that they aren't going to be in these homes all that long. The evil side of me is looking forward to seeing the hurricane that Christine's house is going to look like in the end. If she can't take care of her rental house, then I don't expect her to take care of her Rent to Own House.

    5. I raised my children with carpet and now that I have grandkids, we now have hardwood floors and honestly, I wouldn't go back to carpet. I cannot imagine why any of those three wives with multiple children would want carpet. Really...none of them seem to energetic to keep things clean so hardwood floors would eliminate the stains and smells from dirty feet and spilled drinks.

    6. Anon 4:40 PM - remember these are Rent to Own crapperboxes. I'm sure that Kody nixed any option involving hardwood floors - carpet was probably cheaper and he wanted the wives to spend their option money on GOOD stuff like washer/dryers and window treatments, not on something that God forbid might actually pay off in the future when they attempt to sell the Ugliest Houses in Vegas.

    7. Too funny, we ALL noticed the kitchen cabinets not stacked 'correctly' in our opinion (well really they are just wrong!) Looking at them bug the hell out of me. That dark brown carpet is awful, very 1975. Not a big carpet fan myself. My parents live in New Mexico and have tile and hardwood throughout, much cooler in the summer and easy to clean when sand is tracked in.
      Think we are all on the same page with these houses. No wonder we all get along so well on this blog.
      Thinking I want to hire DJ to come over and redeco my house, sounds like she's good at this sorta thing! lol

    8. Those are track houses... you hardly ever see hardwood floors in Vegas. I had travertine which is a kind of marble. Carpet is wayyyyy less expensive. They will never make their money back, especially in Henderson. Do any of the homes have plans for pools? Those cost at MINIMUM 50k to put in and are a must

    9. Agree with the pro-hardwood/laminate floor peeps here....when the hubs and I paid cash for a brand new condo in 04, we got the cheap carpet, as we had a budget and could not afford to upgrade to hardwood/laminate at that point in time....a couple years later, we had laminate (pergo) installed and I love it....the carpet served its purpose, but I would never get carpet for Kody and the Kodettes, I guess they didn't choose to upgrade their carpet to wood/laminate, and it would have cost another small fortune to do so in those huge McMansions anyway....and interesting comment from 'I want Brotherhusbands' that hardwood is rarely in LV homes...wonder why that is??

  18. Traci went to post this where you can watch "Secrets Revealed."
    There was a period making the acct off, so I fixed it. Here it is:

    Thanks Traci!

  19. Happily Addicted to SWBJanuary 3, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    So I finally watched SW (I prefer to read lots of comments before, so there is the SWB humor added)...

    I really wished they showed more breakfast times at Janelle's house, where the family was together. Logan seems to have a good head on his shoulders and I am glad he is off. Janelle seemed happy that he was continuing his life journey. My mom didn't cry when she dropped me off, she was so excited and couldn't wait for me to start making it on my own. I would see that in Janelle and Logan's relationship. She trusts that Logan will do what is right for him. Kody doesn't know Logan enough to do that, hence why he was hyper focused on (ironically) sex when you aren't married to someone.

    I basically ignored the house part because I started yelling at the tv (Meri really about taking money for the younger children). Rant: Really Meri, watch your show and see how bad your behavior is. Don't say, oh it's creative editing... because you are saying those things and doing those actions. I say this lovingly, you need to go talk to a professional.

    One more... Did anyone else ever get told: Just because you qualify for something, doesn't mean you should be getting it.

    1. I thought the same thing, i would loved to see more time at Janelle's over Logan leaving.

    2. Janelle gave Logan wings to fly on his own. She is confident. Daddy should be too.

  20. Thank you Mister Sister! : )

    Watch it while you can...this account seems to be monitored by TLC and the videos come back down pretty fast.

  21. Where are all the pictures of the new homes?

    1. Posts on homes:

      Some new pictures are on the past few posts, and if you are clever, you can find pictures of the "Condor" home online. (Sorry, we don't post their addresses)

  22. I've seen a lot of posts about faux christmas. I really don't see a problem with opening gifts or anything on a day other than Christmas. Half the people do it Christmas Eve. If there is a reason to celebrate early or late, I see no problem at all. It's for illness, happiness, visitation, moving, whatever. No problem. Just my opinion. Of all the things they do, this seems like a non-event.

  23. I have to laugh every time Kody tries to pull the dress pants/vest look. He looks like he should be on Being Amish... which reminds me of the old parody Amish Paradise...which makes me wish someone would do a REALLY great parody of them. hmmm....Anyone up for it, send it to us!

  24. Here's another pic from Aspyn's instragram. Any thoughts? Even though it's a funny angle, it seems like Christine has both lost some weight and purchased some new, less dumpy clothes, in her new size. (Or perhaps borrowed from her sisterwives closet? ; P) On the photoshopping in the other looks like they made Christine's neck slimmer and Kody's arm slimmer as well. But her jeans looked untouched, and I think she must of lost a good amount to fit into belted jeans like that. She looks healthy! : )

    1. That looks like the same top and necklace Christine wore on the Secrets Revealed interview show. I would bet that was when the photo was taken.

      There are really great clothes made in larger sizes these days, including designer jeans...

    2. Peanut Butter FritosJanuary 3, 2013 at 3:45 PM

      Christine is a beautiful woman with a wonderful energy for life and her kids; she deserves better than this. I'd love to see her looking confident, whatever that takes for her.

    3. I went back and checked and you are so right. I'm thinking it's a good stylist and good angle.

      And you are right, there totally are cute plus size clothes, I just thought her torso looked nice and trim in the low waisted, belted jeans. : ) Baggy clothes do add bulk, so I bet she has the same slimmer waist in the Christmas morning pics, under her baggy jammies. : )

    4. I <3 Spanx. Now that's something they could get sales on in their "Closet."

    5. Just took a look at the pic on twitter. Can't tell how much weight she lost, but Christine looks beautiful and much younger! I think she is the trophy wife now!!!

    6. finally seeing realityJanuary 3, 2013 at 9:06 PM

      I bought a Spanx for my daughter's wedding and it was very expensive. Unless they could manufacture a cheaper version, they could never charge enough to make a profit and actually sell any. It was worth the money and I still use it but would not have bought it if not for the special occasion. As far as their jewelry goes, my husband told me he would kill me if I ever bought a piece. He feels it totally associates with polygmy and their reference to strong women is a farce.

    7. Yes! They should sell their own line of spanks like stuff! Hahaha!

    8. there are already plenty of knock-off versions of Spanx and the SW's brand would not be hugely marketable imo.

      I'm also in the camp of not seeing the huge noticeable weight loss in Christine. or Janelle. I think they both have at least 30 lbs. to lose to make a noticeable difference - and they would be crowing and tweeting to the max about that kind of weight loss. just sayin'.

  25. "I can't have organization unless I have obedience" -- WOW ---
    Kody, are you saying you don't have your wives in order as the church would want you to?
    What planet are you on that you would have organization anyway?

    1. I agree, my household (which is moderately Christian) is organized just fine and not because I "obey" my husband's every command. It's because we're two sane and fair-minded individuals, not 5 selfish bitter maniacs.

  26. I live in Alabama, Central time zone. Comcast cable. SISTER WIVES: SECRETS REVEALED will be REBROADCAST TONIGHT on tlC at 7PM. Hope this helps some people who haven't been able to catch the show...

  27. I mentioned this on the other thread but I was wondering this.....If your belief is that the only way to get into the hightest kingdom of heaven is to live 'celestial' (plural) marriage....don't you think that the requirement is not only to practice celestial marriage but to be in a GOOD celestial marriage? Where love and kindness and taking care and nurturing all of the children in the family are expected? The reason I am asking is that it seems very hypocritical to say "we believe in this lifestyle" (which is code for we believe this is how we get into the highest kingdom of heaven)....and then do such a horrible job at it that 1/2 of the women are crying at all times and all they seem to care about is living apart because they can't stand each other. It just seems like if you are going with this belief, then you should really be a whole lot nicer to your sisterwives and your wives. Otherwise, when God is playing the box series of the show when you reach His throne, you are going to be feel very ashamed and unworthy...

    1. CPA Carol, that's such a rational thought but sadly, no. And the Browns are actually doing really well compared to the stories of how women are treated in most other polygamist groups. Women and girls are nothing more than property to be traded and used. Read up on the real history of Joseph Smith (his personal character and behavior is very parallel to Warren Jeffs) and the history of these "churches" he spawned. They really have nothing to do with God. And he was a terrible man.

      I do wonder if a seed was planted in Janelle's mind when they visited Nauvoo. Her comments acknowledging that he was "just a guy" were interesting, coming from a former mainstream LDS and AUB convert. AUB gets converts by saying that they actually follow Joseph Smith's teaching much closely than mainstream LDS - so if she's starting to question him, that's a good sign. Acknowledging he "just a guy" is significant.

      And really, he wasn't "just a guy"; he was a really, really bad guy.

    2. I agree, when Janelle said that I was pretty stunned. Joseph Smith is their PROPHET, the man who got the golden plates from God and translated them for HIS followers. I think even the mainstream LDS do not believe JS was 'just a man', let alone the members of the fundamentalist sects that not only believe in what he 'translated' but also follow the D&C 132 that he wrote regarding plural marriage. Just a man sounded like maybe, just maybe, she is starting to wonder just what belief system she is following and if it's really necessary.

    3. I agree with you, CPA Carol...if they're going to be together for eternity, isn't this life supposed to be preparing for that? If I can't get along with someone long enough to film a show about how happy we are together, there's no way - in Heaven, Hell, or on this Earth - that I'd want to be attached to them until the end of time and beyond!!

      Annon 4:56, I respectfully disagree. My interpretation of her saying that Joseph Smith was 'just a guy' meant that she knows he wasn't perfect and that she doesn't hold his human frailties against him. He really was just a man, no matter who thinks he was super good or super evil. Just my opinion, though...

    4. That is usually what LDS/FLDS say when confronted with some of the unsavory truth of actual Mormon history, and in particular, with polygamy in particular. 'He was just a man with human frailties. He wasn't perfect, but the doctrine is true and inspired by God." um, yeah, ok, sure....

    5. they're also notorious for "it will all make sense on the other side" and "we must endure to the end."

  28. Maybe the girls were inspired by the Darger group to shape up,
    buy some clothes and makeup - they had looked so dowdy in comparison
    Seeing Christine's jaw line indicates she has lost some weight and by the
    looks of some of the kids they definitely need to research nutrition.
    Wondering how much house looking or shopping was really done, they don't
    appear too savvy, spending 1/2m when they could've bought for a fraction.
    Living in that climate where cool products would dictate at least nine months a yr. rather than heavy carpet etc.
    Look what they are saving in winter clothes, boots etc but would like to see Janelle and Christine shop for everyday commodities like school clothes. groceries, run errands - daily routines.

    1. I'm not a fan of those heavy false eyelashes w/ all their puffy eyelids. just an age thing that happens and the falsies actually emphasizes the puffiness and gives them a harsh/tired look. They all would have looked much better sans those.

    2. What they are saving in winter clothes is more than made up by their utility bills I'd bet.

    3. But Meri's make-up did look it's best.....just sayin

    4. I agree that the fact that Meri didn't have her orange face was definitely an improvement. robyn's eye makeup was done the best.

  29. CPA Carol, I totally agree with you that on the one hand, the Browns are trying to demonstrate to us their total belief system; however, they are failing miserably. It's the same as a mainstream christian telling others that he or she believes that in order for one to enter the kingdom of heaven, one must love his neighbor. But, that person who is saying love your neighbor is spewing hate when it comes to people who are different from him or her. Which what he or she is meaning is love your neighbor if your neighbor is like you. The Browns are saying we believe in plural marriage because it will make us better people thus insuring our entrance into the kingdom of freaky planet places, but really, it isn't making us better; in fact, we are miserable and cannot get passed our jealousy.

  30. Well folks, I'm going to Vegas for a conference in March and you better believe I will be trying to do a little touristy visit to the brown clown compound. Oh yes.

  31. So, according to the Dargers, they've only known the Brown Clowns for about 3 years and said it's been just a few brief encounters with them even at that. (prior to their plygcation w/them.) BUT according to Christine, she again states on the "secrets revealed" that they've known the Dargers "for several SEVERAL years" (yes, two severals is exactly what she emphatically stated) and that "they're VERY good friends of ours."

    doesn't several SEVERAL years equal at the bare minimum NINE years?? lol geez - embellish much, Christine?

    and it's obvious why the Dargers want to allude to the fact that they're really more acquaintances than "VERY good friends." Browns are so delusional re:their "fame, popularity and likeability" factor - even w/other plygs.

    1. Right. Two are a couple, three are a few, and five to seven are several. I am surprised so many people are ignorant of this. I recently read a blog review of an "off-grid" farm where the author stated that the people had lived off-grid for "several" years. In reality, it was three years. That is a "few"!

    2. Christine and one of the Darger ladies were on the Safety Net Committee video together I watched on here, that was in what, 2007? I think that Dargers are, as usual more precise. They know of each other, but never spent any real time together as a family, as friends would.
      Of course Christine is going to act like they are good friends. She trusts no one, remember. That's what her loving AUB home life taught her, sadly. She realizes that they are close to getting the boot and the Darger family will replace them, and it will be a better show. Bet you won't see them saying lifestyle. I have heard many radio interviews with the family, and they always proudly refer to their religion and what it stands for. Don't agree with them, but like them for it, and they seem much more mature.
      If the D family were smart, they would distance themselves from this family.

    3. and you can hear Sobbin' validating Christine's Darger statement w/a resounding, "yeah." Know-it-All Sobbin' of course has been w/the Browns since Day One in her own delusional mind. lol

    4. I think the Dargers...well actually the ultimate "voice of the Dargers", Big Joe....needs to decide if they really want to throw in their support and affiliation with the myth that they are long-term bosom buddies with the KodyWorld crew.
      That may be a disadvantage if they are wanting to cash in on the TLC Plyg gravy train.

    5. I think the Dargers went to Robyn and Kody's "sealment ceremony"...My personal opinion is that the Dargers made an appearance and had their own 1 hour special to show people the other side of plural marriage, where they live under one roof.

    6. Anony 5:35 - well, i was just going by the dictionary definition of "SEVERAL" is "more than two, but not many" and was thus basing my calculation of a minimum of 9 years at the minimum of 3 for her first "several" TIMES 3 for her second "several." :)

    7. finally seeing realityJanuary 3, 2013 at 8:43 PM

      I watched the Darger's one hour special and enjoyed it. I think they are ordinary people trying to live their beliefs and I respect that. I can see them doing some specials like the one they did, but they do not have the drama (like the Browns) that would sustain a weekly show. I think the Browns could learn some valuable lessons from the Darger's, but we all know they won't. The Darger's all work together to financially support their family and they all seem to work at their relationships, taking seriously the fact they will be together for eternity. I am sure their lives are not perfect and they have problems like the rest of us, but although it is not a life for me, I do respect them alot more than I do the Browns so called family.

  32. Come on i cant be the only one who thinks there is something wrong with getting a 5 bedroom house when you have only one child and that child will be moving out in a year!!!!! CRY ME A RIVER she sounded like a spoiled 4 year old

    1. Mariah and Aspyn graduate this May!! Not even a year.

    2. No, WE ALL AGREE!

  33. Is it possible....mean Meri did not get her house at all?

    1. I don't know why she wouldn't using her AND kody's income and credit. It is probably some sort of long drawn out thing for ratings!

  34. Looking at that pic of them crying together AGAIN - w/the right hats on them as well as a mustache on Meri, they would look like Laurel and Hardy together. maybe that's a good Halloween idea for them this year. ;)


    This is the best picture I could find of janelle off her twitter from October. She looks thinner here than she did on the secrets revealed special

    1. Um that is her daughter

    2. The photo with the blond wearing jeans and a purple sweater linked to above is Janelle as Anon @ 5 PM stated. It was posted back on Oct. 22's "I Scour the Internet" update here:

    3. Click back a couple of pictures.

  36. As awful as Kodster is, he could be worse IMO. At least the wives are exploring their own selves instead of being under his thumb like Jeffs and company. He doesn't dictate like their men, or Darger. I like that. It kind of hurts me to say it, but there it is. :}.

    They have their own opinions. I like that.

    1. I agree with you. I don't really have any issues with Kody outside of thinking he's a bit of a doofus :) I like Christine and Janelle. I kind of resent Robyn a little. I am sickened with Meri, though.

      I really like all the kids, and they all seem happy. Regardless of what they're doing with their money and choices, I think they have done well with their children. The kids all seem to enjoy having each other. I have to say, though, that Mariah is definitely her mother's daughter.

      I'll be sad when the show ends. I have zero interest in the Dargers. Boring.

  37. What happened with Jeff's end of the world? I must have missed it. Anybody?

  38. I'm loving the fact that Meri didn't close on her house- I bet she's an absolute joy to live with right now. I bet Kody never hears the end of it in private.

    Either Meri and Kody were denied the loan outright (not likely since all the other spouses are in the bad credit, unemployed boat too) or Kody isn't entirely lying when he says there were "resale" problems. He could mean that the final appraisal of the home wasn't anywhere near the amount the loan amount required for the purchase price- which is entirely possible. You agree to pay for a crap ton of upgrades -cough- wetbar -cough- and they don't add any much value to the home and the bank is going to walk.

    1. Maybe they are finishing up all of those extra options? Taking a little longer than the rest of the houses.

  39. The caption for the picture of just Robyn should be: "Oh you now have herpes too..."


    "me and each of my wives picked each other to marry. and so did the Dargers. THAT'S the beauty of plural marriage!"

    Well, DUH!! that's ALSO the beauty of monogamous marriage, ya big dodo!!

    1. LOL.......Love it !!!

      SO trueeeeeeeeee !!!

    2. OMG! I read that as "ya big dildo!!" and could not stop laughing. Thanks for the laugh!!

  41. Is Kody a short guy?

    1. JUST A THOUGHT - "Is Kody a short guy?"

      yes, on brains for sure. probably also in height, too. :)

    2. Oh, THAT'S how it works!!!


      This may be the most profound thing I've read all night! Hilarious!!

  42. fyi: the editing that people are referring to are from an app called instagram. the teen girls put a lot of pictures on there. from maddies post about 7 weeks ago, Christine did lose weight but isnt nearly as small as Aspyn's killer concert pictures portray...

  43. Just watched the secrets revealed (thanks for posting the link).

    Maddie and Janelle look so much alike when Janelle has make up on.

    I noticed that Janelle would answer and keep looking at Meri, almost for validation or to make sure she said the right think and didn't tick Meri off.

    Maddie gave Mariah the same "stare" when Mariah said something about more kids, that Janelle always give Meri. I thought that was very interesting.

    I think Hunter is repeating (to a point) what he hears at home aka Janelle when he says that we almost have more than enough kids right now. (Yes Sobyn, we are looking at you).

    Logan didn't say a word when the group was asked if they drank.

    When asked if she would leave, Janelle's response was that she didn't want to pull the kids away from the family fiber (something along those lines). My follow up question would have been - what about when the kids are out of the house? That answer was very interesting and purposeful IMO.

  44. man, that "secrets revealed" was an utter snorefest. I loved how Robyn kept trying to butt in and constantly dominate the conversation as usual but Tamron wasn't having it. Sadly, it was mostly all about Mean Girl Meri tho.

    I thought it was telling that Aspyn wants to practice polygamy BUT doesn't want to move back to Utah to her own church community and she said there's not one in Vegas and she doesn't want to wait around for the "perfect plural family" to get into. Sounds like she's kinda appeasing Mom and Dad w/"yeah, i really want to BUT too bad I can't since it's not possible for it to happen for me here." HAH!

    1. I was thinking the same thing. She really doesn't want to and it's a convenient excuse that keeps her from making Christine feel like a failure (Christine has said as much in interviews). Once Aspyn falls in love, I don't think she will consider polygamy.

  45. Doesn't Meri have a pool at her rental house? That could explain the tan. What else does she have to do? Will her new house have a pool? That seems like something she would insist on in hot, sunny Las Vegas.

  46. What are 'stacked' kitchen cabinets?


      Here's a link that will show you quite a few. I don't think we can put photos on here so I just supplied the link.

  47. Hopefully 1 out of MeanMeri's 5 bedrooms can provide Mariah with her request for "no direct sunlight". Doesn't look like those financed blinds will block out the rays very well! Meri also made a mistake getting all those bedrooms because if she & Kodouche ever get the buzz for another wife I bet she'll get put there-

  48. Oh man, I just wanted to make Robbin stop talking. She's rarely on topic and doesn't seem to really know how to get a coherent thought out and she REALLY shouldn't have been trying to answer questions about the other wives lives. Obviously since she's never lived with them she doesn't "know how it is".

  49. Just enjoy the show wish I was in a loving home like your family. Janelle I am struggling with my weight i was larger then you were and have lost over a 100 lbs its hard but you can do it.

    1. I think it's the "loving home" dynamics that are causing Janelle's weight problems!

  50. Respectfully, by that logic, unless someone was totally pure, nothing they do is good.

    um, yeah, ok, sure....

  51. finally seeing realityJanuary 3, 2013 at 8:59 PM

    They keep showing the clip were Kody talks about his decision to marry Robin. He talks about thinking about marrying a divorced woman with kids (which is smart in my opinion to few people in second marriages do consider this), but then opens his mouth and says he did'nt want it to be to hard, and want to scream everytime. What a stupid thing to say, I want to yell at him, YES KODY MARRIAGE IS HARD! What a dufus, if I were him I would at least try to keep TLC from repeating it over and over. I'm sure they do it because it sounds so stupid. He marries one woman and when it gets hard he just gets another one instead of working on the hard one like most people do. I personally would rather work hard at my monagamous marriage and have it be good, than having the disaster he calls polygamy. I can't for the life of me understand why any of them would want the hot mess they call a family for eternity. No thank you.

  52. S/Robyn is definitely pregnant in the one scene
    showing her expanded middle - like six or seven months.

    1. I'll never believe for one minute that Robyn had a miscarriage and didn't dramatize it to the max on camera. Not based on the "scare" of her "spotting" w/Sol that was overdramatized to the max.

    2. I agree...Robyn WAS pregnant. I stopped the program and took a picture of it. So why have they hidden this information from us? Surely it would be great drama for them? The only other thing I can think of is that the timeline was all taken out of order but then again Robyn had Solomon while still in Utah so I just don't get it. Do you think they will make it a storyline for next year's season?

    3. I also completely agree Robyn was pregnant.

      The RV trip was taped in June? July? They never ever showed her stomach exposed (or just a very quick glimpse). One time someone's head was covering it with just the right camera angle. That was no accident.

      Then at Logan's going away to college in August? She is thin and they are freely showing her whole body.

      I think she miscarried over the summer, not in November when she had that suspicious tweet. She would have been recognized out and about and "outted" by then because she would have been showing big time - and that could have easily been her due date time.

      I think it was a secret for a dramatic ending this year and her having a miscarriage changed the season's cliff hanger ending.

      Didn't one year end with her announcing to everybody she was pregnant?

  53. Meri's behavior makes Kody look mature by comparison.

    Watching Sunday's episodes on the dvr earlier, it was fun to see the clip where they were loading the coolers in the car, and Kody started to try to take charge, and Meri "corrected him" with something like "I need you to just be calm and speak in a normal voice".

    Cut to the scene where she says she could be happily married to Joe Darger where he just says "I want this and this and this."

    Just seems so inconsistent....

    oh wait, it's the Browns...

    Never mind.

    1. yeah, i never got Mother Meri's bitchy response to Kody just trying to organize the coolers where it made more sense. Man, is she ever thin-skinned. She can dish it out plenty good but heaven forbid she should receive back even 1/100th of her own bitchiness back! It explains why Janelle shut down around her decades ago. Why waste the energy towards her?

      She wouldn't last a whole day "married" to Joe Darger calling all the shots and not her. That was just her passive/aggressive pissed off payback to Kody she knew she could say on camera and get away with. she's a queen b all right.

    2. I like how when Meri yells at Kody , he runs off sulking like a little kid.

  54. Regarding Meri's house - I don't think it is completed yet, hence no deed recordal. I did a search by parcel number, and all of the other parcels have a completion notice from Pinnacle, but there isn't one on what I believe to be Meri's parcel. I guess the wet bar and fifth bedroom took extra time to complete.

  55. I am commenting on the twitter thing on last page sent in a reply then but didnt post. My sister was on a reality show last year and now she gets paid by twitter to tweet. She gets $1500 for 12 tweets per week from her. So I wonder how many of the Browns are getting paid to tweet as well? This would also explain the teens not making their twitter account private.

    1. I have seen robyn retweet some Las Vegas credit repair company, they must be the company that fixed her credit

    2. I don't think it's an industry policy to pay reality show participants to tweet - I especially don't see it with Figure 8 or TLC. They may be paid for tweeting other things like for LIV, but I doubt they're paid for their show. Individual companies do pay celebs to tweet (and there can be BIG money in it for the BIG celebs like the Kim Kardashians).

    3. Anon 4:42 - My sister is paid by Twitter not the show. I really dont want to say what show it was as she was not well liked BUT she caused enough of a stir that Twitter pays her to have an account and to put so many tweets per week up. And she was on about a year ago - yea so they still pay her and approached her after she was done with the show. I am not sure that they are getting the same amount as her but I am sure they are getting something for their tweets too.

  56. Whoa. That makes sense. These people are whoring their children out for $$$$. Sad. It is fine for the adults to do it but the children should not be put under a magnifying glass.

    1. On the other hand it's a great after school job...if I were a teen and was offered money to tweet about my life, about Disneyland, my siblings, movies and concerts, you wouldn't have to beg me to do it. : ) Shoot, I'd let them pay me to tweet now, and I'm old enough to know better! I'm thinking the pay-to-tweet scheme would be preferable to the parents to. If they were working at the mall there would be all of that car sharing and driving around to organize.

      Now, if they aren't being paid, and if they are reading this blog (poor things! I honestly hope they aren't) they should hold out on any more tweets until some money is offered!

    2. I got paid to tweet when I had a very active "mommy blog" and I had less than 1k followers. Granted, I wasn't getting paid much, but it was enough to pay for gifts and little things. I do think it's important to have a separate
      "professional" twitter account though just so you don't give out more information than you should about your personal life...obviously they aren't concerned about that though...

  57. According to real estate records for las vegas Meri's expected close date is Jan 5. She must be bunking with Robyn.

  58. I think Kodoush doesn't love any of his wives. He loves Polygamy; the wives are necessary for the attention. He, they, talk of their "commitment" to the "principle" (of polygamy). I've never felt moved that they truly love each other.
    This Vegas thing?? Utah dropped the legal pursuit against the Brown's. They should return to their home and reconnect to their families, community and church. Stop the drama!

  59. I'm not heavily emotionally invested in SW, but just when I thought I couldnt dislike Meri much more, I watched 'secrets revealed' :S. (wont go into a MeanMeri b*fest because I'm just too incredulous at her behaviour and the things that come out of her mouth).

    Biggest head-shaking moment of the show was when Kody laughed "ha ha ha...Christine and I were arguing about the equity on children & pay...ha ha". Yeah. Its REALLY funny when someone with 7 mouths to feed/clothe/educate/entertain gets the same money as someone with 2. Cannot believe Janelle's stoicism, she has the patience of a saint. When she said "as long as my needs were met" and omitted "even though every whim and unnecessary extravagance of Meri is indulged" I thought that was admirable- since basically her and her kids get the bare essentials. Meri's every want/desire is fulfilled. I wanna go Mexico! I wanna go again! I wanna go Utah! I wanna wet bar! I wanna hubby room!

    Gah. Boring end to the season. Hate that misery faced Meri dominated the conversation. I'd rather listen to Kody!

    1. Yes, I remember from season 1 Janelle saying how hard it was for her to have to raise her kids with reasonable expectations as to what they could have (cell phones, clothes) because Mariah got everything she wanted. And Meri chiming in that she only has the one child she has more resources for that child.

      This is when Meri was working part time when she felt like it, and had one teenaged child, and Janelle was working full time, getting up early, driving an hour to work, and coming home (after another long drive) to six kids that needed her attention and care.

      Even though Christine babysat the younger ones during the day, they would still esp want their mother, given they had very little attention from their dad, split among all those kids, and of course, they only got a fraction because he worried more about splitting his attention among the wives. And we know he was courting Robin, placating Mean Meri, and having to give some attention to Christine, pregnant again after a dangerous miscarriage. I'm sure there wasn't much for Janelle, or her kids.

      How it must have galled Janelle, that she provided the lion's share of the finances and was the only one with working credit at the time of the move, and worked the hardest, longest days, AND had, at that time, the most kids, and she had to count pennies to provide for her kids while Mariah got cell phones and whatever she wanted.

      Given how passive aggressive Meri is, I always thought her indulging herself and her one child at the expense of everyone else in the family was a way of her getting back at her more fertile sister wives. There certainly is no "mothering" going on with her toward those other kids. If she was a mother to them all, a good mother, she would be concerned with them all, and see them treated equally/fairly. Meri's very obviously not, and her and her child's spoiled nature is not only unfair, it risked tearing the family apart (Janelle talking about leaving when she was the main breadwinner and roof provider).

      Mariah's rah rahing on the subject of their having more children is really inappropriate and immature. Notice that the kids whose mothers had no funds/were on public assistance, or had to severely economise were saying the family had no more resources for more children, and rah-rah Mariah who has had every wish indulged, thinks there is no problem adding more kids. It's easy to understand how immature she is (she acts about 12), but someone -- her father, her mother, the other kids in the family, whatever, -- need to explain that while she lives in a single room by herself with tons of extras, her half siblings can be bunked 3 to a room and don't have those extras.

    2. You both are so right! If this truly was such a wonderful lifestyle then Meri wouldn't be pulling resources away from the larger families. The reason she is/was able to eat so much more healthy is because she only has 2 mouths to feed vs. 6 or 7. A budget of let's say $100 for groceries each week is stretched pretty thin on 7 people so you aren't able to afford the fresh produce and have to get the cheaper priced "processed"foods. So when she was throwing that dig out to Christine and Janelle, it comes back to her for being so selfish. It seems all mean Meri is concerned with is herself and Mariah.

  60. I am wondering about Meri looking so different on the Secrets Revealed show- is it possible that she is looking thinner and her skin and hair sooo much healthier from taking some fertility drugs ? I think the change in her is far more than make up and a possible nose job- so unless she has found a fountain of youth - I was thinking maybe hormonal hence the fertility drug came to mind.

    1. If that's the case, we have not yet begun to see crying - those hormones wreak havoc on normal people Can barely imagine what they're going to do to MEri.

    2. I doubt it. She just looks that awful on the show tht when she has her make up and wardrobe professionally done she looks like a completely different person.

  61. It's not letting me reply to the specific thread but wanted to say how flattered I am by Yogagirl's compliment! I am definitely a Johnny-come-lately as far as decor goes - I caught the bug last year when I decided to re-do my little pad - check out my kitchen work area on my profile pic :)

    Also wondered about the comment regarding the seeming lack of hardwood floors in LV homes? At more than 2x the average median price of homes in the area, I would definitely not consider these homes as "tract homes". although there is most definitely nothing special about them.

    (I just did a search on in Las Vegas NV and selected "hardwood floors" as a feature and got 929 single family dwellings for sale with hardwood out of 9,920 current listings. so they are out there, I guess would be that new houses were/are being built so quickly and its cheaper and faster to just lay carpet as opposed to putting down hardwood floors which requires more of a time investment - not just in the installation, but the flooring needs to have a few days "rest" time in the home before installation in order to adjust to the humidity/temperature of the house - at least that's what I heard on Property Ladder and Flip That House - and I know that these types of developments the builders want to get the houses done and on the market ASAP.)

  62. Free Janelle - what you view as "stoicism" and "patience" I consider to be low self-esteem, overly passive, and being afraid to rock the boat. also playing the victim and knowing that on the show, she will get more sympathy than if she fought back. It frustrates and kind of pisses me off not just at Meri and Kody, but Janelle for allowing them to treat her and her children the way they do. She's the one who has been making the sacrifice play and they just continue to treat her like shit. again IMO.

  63. Madd Honest - I looked into that "paid to tweet" online. (btw is she getting $1500 a week? a month? annually? just curious.)

    apparently it looks as though it's contingent on how many followers one has.

    Checking Twitter, I note the following:
    KodyBrownFamily - 19.7K followers
    MeriBrown - 38.3k followers
    Robyn - 36.5K followers
    Kody - 27.8K followers
    Christine - 33.3K followers

    In comparision:
    Honey Boo Boo - 390k+ followers
    Kim Kardashian - 17 MILLION + followers

    so there ya go. FWIW. MaddHonest I bet your sis has at least a million followers on Twitter which is why they are willing to pay for her tweets.

  64. Another article regarding Pay to Tweet. Doesn't sound like it's twitter that actually pays. and if the Browns ARE getting money, based on their relatively small following (which IMO indicates how low on the totem pole they REALLY are as far as being celebrities - even reality show celebrities) they probably don't get all that much.

    However this might be the reason why we see the Browns tweeting so much and apparently neglecting their FB page.

    1. this might be the reason why we see the Browns tweeting so much and apparently neglecting their FB page

      I remember seeing a twit from LIV talking about using social media like twitter. Then their publishing company and TLC announced the Browns would be "live-tweeting" during the show. This was back in May, and that I think spelled the end of the 'exclusive' wives chat on their "friend only" facebook page. Well, that and the fact those facebook chats were 99% of fans commenting how wonderful the wives were and almost impossible to follow. Twitter apparently is more efficient.

      The Brown's personal friend run fanpages are almost completely dead now...there hasn't been a wife posting on them in over 6 months.

  65. AAARUUUUUGGGHHH, I can't stand that Meri.. She's acts 10x worse than a child throwing a temper tantrum in the Grocery Store, all because the she can't have the box of cereal with the toy inside! She is a RUDE, GREEDY, WHINNY, SPOILED ROTTEN, BEEEAATCH! "And Robin is always right there just feeding into her stupidity". Of course, Meri brought Robin in to defend her while she picked out the most expensive "EVERYTHING" for her McMansion, WHILE OVER BUDGET. She knows Robin's "NOT" gonna go against her on anything! ..After all, "Robin wouldn't even be there if it wasn't for Meeeeerrrri!" I truly believe Meri thinks Robin owes her. And Robin probably thinks (if she doesn't kiss ass) Meri will have her sent back to the trailer park she came from!

    Speaking of Robin, would somebody "please" buy that "CRY ASS" (and Meri) a bucket to catch those FAKE tears. Boooohoooo Boooohoooo.."It's ok Meri, your gonna be in your new 5bdrm McMansion by Christmas, and your only child can enjoy ALL these rooms before she leaves for college in a few months. ..UUUUGGGH! Honestly, I don't know why Robin's even building a house to begin with, she seems very content just living up Meri's ASS! Hell, Kody could've just took Robin's money instead of trying to guilt Christine out of hers. Oh yeah, I forgot..Kody
    was just making a joke, HaaaaHaaaaHaaa..JACKASS! .."Maybe" he was joking a little bit the first time, but he was dead serious the second time!

    As far as Kody's hair (wasted 5mins of my life) get rid of the Dirty Mop look already! You "DO NOT" look anything like a Surfer DUDE! "DORK" YEEEESSSS.. "DUDE" NOOOOOOOOO! Not only does it look stringy & just blaaauuhh, it also looks like a little girls cut. Kody really needs a more MANLY cut, especially because he seems to be a little too in touch with his female side!

    As far as Janelle and Christine, both of you ladies need to "WAKE UP" grab your kids and get the Hell out of there! Just GO ..RUN AWAY, RUN FAST, RUN FAR, but by all means..RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! Don't look back! You can't save the others..they're way too far gone! "BOTH OF YOU LOOK AND SOUND MISERABLE EVERY SINGLE WEEK!" And from what I remember..Your totally different people than when the show first started! "It's quite sad really!"

    I'm very happy for Logan! He's a very smart well rounded young man..Janelle did a great job with him! I gotta say I found it kinda funny with the whole going away quilt & video, ect.. I think a nice dinner & a few things for his dorm room would have been nice. ..But they acted like he was going to college on the moon, for many years!

    Guess they had to make it look "extra special" for TV!

  66. "Anonymous January 4, 2013 9:59 AM
    I agree...Robyn WAS pregnant. I stopped the program and took a picture of it. So why have they hidden this information from us? Surely it would be great drama for them? The only other thing I can think of is that the timeline was all taken out of order but then again Robyn had Solomon while still in Utah so I just don't get it. Do you think they will make it a storyline for next year's season?"

    The Browns moved to LV in January 2011. Sol was born in October 2011, 10 months later. not in Utah.

    And everyone probably knows by now that I am in the "Robyn was carrying post-pregnancy fat" camp. I feel that if she HAD miscarried, since both Meri and Christine have been so open about theirs, and Robyn being (like the rest of the wives) such a sympathy/attention ho, we would have heard about it. And as stated they made a big fat hairy deal about the spotting...

  67. Hi CJ, I hope ur feeling better! Sending prayers & positive healing energy ur way!! :)

  68. I still feel that Robyn and Kody would be too "proud" to speak out about a miscarriage right now. If Robyn had a miscarriage, she is now the third wife of his to have a miscarriage and his idiot brain probably feels that his manhood would be questioned. I can see Robyn keeping mum because the pros of whining and milking it is not worth the cons of being seen as a "failure". She is supposed to be the fresh young thing pumping out kids with no issue. I can see her being embarrassed about a miscarriage and possibly afraid Kody will move on to number 5 sooner rather than later if she starts having problem pregnancies. AND, if TLC said to wait to announce, they WILL BECAUSE THEIR LOVE OF MONEY TRUMPS ALL.
