Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Season Sister Wives Nov 18 2012 - Discussion Page and Some Odds and Ends

Just three more days until the premiere of the new season of Sister Wives!

From the land of tweet, Meri sends out a message that she didn't travel alone to Chicago. Also she made sure to mention going to Los Angeles next, but neglected to inform on which TV talk show (if any) she and her traveling companions would be making their appearances. Par for the course...

Kody trying to decide if he needs to holler for more than a dollar
By the way, I ventured over to Honey Boo Boo's TLC facebook page as well as the HBB OFFICIAL fanpage that's run by her mother June (and a friend).

Now, I'm not saying that Kody needs to yell that a dollar makes him holler but...damn...June and HBB look like marketing geniuses in comparison to the Brown Klowns.

If Kody wants to be rich, maybe he should be yelling that a dollar makes him holler...just saying cuz those McMansions don't come cheap!

Now, they just need to get that online store stocked with those holiday ornaments they've been talking about for the past month.

Well,  surprise! surprise! Meri retweeted this to her adoring fans...

Only problem is...I don't get Access Hollywood Live, only Access Hollywood. It's probably the same show. Maybe Kody will scream how a dollar...oh nevermind!

Of course Meri had to thank the Dargers for appearing on Sister Wives this season...

Even Kody got into the tweeting - must have been a bored or something...

And of course, Meri's much too busy to tweet when the show will air. But there's always time to tweet a pic of Sol...

I'll keep checking the Access Hollywood Live website to see if they will have video of the Browns  interview today.

There's an interesting article on Titled Kody Brown Insists Any One Of His Sister Wives Is Free To Leave Polygamy Whenever They Want, Kody now claims he is committed to helping women leave the "bad" polygamy of the FLDS if they want. In fact, he claims when he married his wives, he told them they were free to leave him and get a divorce at any time. That must of gone over like a lead balloon. One question Kody, did you say that before or after the marriage was consummated?

Update 11/16/12

Even though the adults Browns have made a sort of media blitz trip to advertise the return of their show Sister Wives, I'm just not feeling the love. In fact, I'd bet that when you look up 'half-assed' in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of Kody and his Kodettes smiling at the camera.

It's obvious they are not trying to drum up new viewers. To tell you the truth, I don't even think they are trying to keep their loyal viewers.

It's like they just.don'

And this latest media blitz of sorts leaves more questions than answers. Just when will that interview on Steve Harvey Show appear?  Doesn't make sense to advertise the return of Sister Wives after the season premiere, does it? And this Access Hollywood Live interview they did. What stations carries this show, because it's not on my cable system.

Now, the Huffington Post has an article titled 'Sister Wives' Star Kody Brown Reveals Housing Difficulties that has a quote from Kody, and 2 quotes from Janelle that basically repeats what we already know from TLC's commercial. It was obviously phoned in. The quote from Christine was from a previous interview.  And that exclusive video? It's from the episode when Kody called Hunter a hormonal monster when they first moved to Vegas. It's on the TLC website, and not exclusive at all!

It looks like TLC doesn't want to spend a penny more than it has to on Sister Wives.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen...


  1. I've probably said it before...

    but Joe Darger creeps me the Eff out.

    ugh. couldn't imagine being married to him, even as a single wife. ugh ugh.

    1. Darger creeps me out even more than Ko-Douche. Admittedly, the Darger wives are more attractive than the Brown wives.

    2. Honestly, Kody creeps me out worse than Joe. At least the Darger family seems to be somewhat stable, unlike the circus that is the Brown Family

    3. Both Joe and Kody creep me out. Joe with that bald head and always super creepy pedo smile. Kody, always having that crazy look in his wrinkled eyes like he just strangled someone or he's about to strangle Kristine. They are both creepy as HELL.

    4. The reason why the Darger wives all look somewhat attractive is because THEY ARE ALL RELATED!! That creeps me out even more. Two of the wives are twin sisters and the other is a cousin! UGHHHHHHH!!! That is one family tree where the branches are heading out, but then make a B-line back to the trunk. I think I will pass on this famiily "show".

    5. I actually find it a little less creepy when these poly guys marry sisters. At least then the woman's husband's other kids are also her nieces and nephews, and his other wives are also her sisters. At least then the women have their own connections to each other, in addition to their connectedness through the man.

      Of course, polygyny is pretty creepy no matter how you slice it. I just find the Dargers' system a little less creepy than the Browns'.

    6. I feel like the Darger's are desperate for publicity and will do any interview or appearance or cameo in any show.

    7. I think the Darger children seem more into their relgiion than the Brown's children. They also seem to be more aware of the reality of being in this lifestyle and the risk that go with it. It seems like the parents are very upfront and honest with the kids.

      When the interviwer asked them about living this lifestyle some say I'm not ready to make that decision and the one who just married says she doesn't know because it would be hard but God can change your heart and if that happens she would. It seems like they don't put the pressure on the kids like Brown's do to follow the lifestyle but try to teach them to leave it in God's hands and if it's meant to be it will be. I can appreciate that more then Kody trying to force it down his kids throats. I can appreciate more than one teen saying they don't know yet. As teenagers they shouldn't be making life long decisions or be pressured into committing to a lifestyle they may or may not really want.

      I think the family as a whole seems more into their beliefs and is more sound than the Brown family. At least unlike the Brown's they seem to pratice what they are preaching. I say live and let live anyways, as long as everyone involved in the marriage is a consenting adult.

  2. Dang... Kody dude has the most beady dead eyes I've ever seen. Now that's creepy

    1. I am only watching tonight to see what happens. This dude is so way past creepy. Lazy f...ER alls he does is try and raise himself up OFF THE POOR WIVES. I did not see him write a check for thd earnest money. He needs and should be in jail. He makes my skin crawl. WAKE UP WOMEN .... RUN, YOU ARE DEALING WITH THE DEVIL. NO JOKE.

  3. Kody has manic eyes!! I just finished watching "The veil of polygamy" on youtube. very informative and sad. These women are living a facade of happiness.

  4. From the TLC Website:

    November 18
    Sister Wives (Season 3)
    Polygamist Debt Threat

    Desperate to get their family back together, the Browns put money down to hold land in order to build homes altogether on one cul de sac. But the shockingly bad credit of one wife could hold back the entire family.

    November 25
    Sister Wives (Season 3)
    Kody Begs For an Answer

    The teachers are in for a big surprise when Kody and the wives all attend Parent/Teacher conferences for their kids. Later, Logan graduates from college, but not without some family mayhem. And Kody demands an answer from Meri about having another baby.

    My thoughts:

    November 18: Why are they calling it Season 3? Why would Robyn’s credit be ‘shocking’, it certainly isn’t to any of us SWB members. TLC will probably spend ½ of the show getting the viewer ‘caught up’ then the stupid meeting with the credit counselor and then the tears from Robyn. Nothing new here.

    November 25: The teachers are in for a ‘surprise’ just like all the other times the Brown family ‘surprises’ people with their polygamy? Logan is clearly blowing UNLV away since he is graduating from ‘college’! And then revisiting the old stand-by topic of “Will Meri accept Robyn’s offer of surrogacy”.

    TLC can’t even bother to get the facts straight on their own summaries on their website! The audience knows that Logan just entered college and that the dead horse has been beaten over Meri and another baby.

    I hope Kody reads this blog. I will say it plain and clear. Meri does NOT plan on having more children. Not under any circumstnaces. TLC and Kody - move on!!

    1. Logan just started college, there is no way he is graduating already unless he was only getting a certificate!! That has to be a typo for high school.

    2. HAHAHA! Logan must have been on UNLV's top secret super-accelerated college program. that's pretty funny.

      and yup the kids have been at their respective schools for what - almost 2 years now and this will be the first time the teachers find out they are plyg kids? *shock and awe* I think what this episode will demonstrate is how good the teachers are at pretending to be amazed and surprised...

      "and Kody ***DEMANDS*** an answer..."

      ugh. spare me. why is it so important to him? He's already fathered what, 14 kids? Robyn could easily pop out another 2 or 3 more than likely. gimme a break Koyote! (*lol*)

    3. I think that TLC considers "seasons" as within a year. so all the 2010 eps are Season 1, all the 2011 eps are Season 2, and all the 2012 are S3, even with a 4 month break in between. CJ explained that at one point I believe?

    4. Can someone answer this??? Does Robyn's credit REALLY affect the other women's (or Kody for that matter) chances of getting a house?

      I'm confused...I would think that it is just not her. That is why they are a family...RIGHT!! So she can't get a house...SO SHE LIVES WITH ONE OF HER SISTER WIVES!!! RIGHT!! That is one of the benefits....RIGHT! Why are they making an issue and dragging her financial status out in the public for all to see. This is the same thing they did with their weight...WHY WHY WHY did we need to know HOW MUCH they weighed. We all could tell they needed to lose weight. C'mon writers!!! Figure out something else for this family or MOVE ON!!! Come to the realization that they are just a normal boring family....but if you are going to write and create story lines....DO IT AND FOLLOW THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Geeeesh....I feel so much better.

    5. CPA Carol asked: November 18: Why are they calling it Season 3?

      and DakotaJustice answered: I think that TLC considers "seasons" as within a year

      I don't know why TLC makes it so difficult, but they do ignore the hiatus just like DJ said - even if it's almost half a year. I number the seasons the way itunes and does to avoid any confusion.

      And I feel your pain, Just a Thought. Just move Robyn in with her best pal and sisterwife Meri and be done with it. Makes for better tv, and I'd love to see Meri and Robyn both trying to outdo each other to win Kody's 'favors'.

    6. "The teachers are in for a big surprise when Kody and the wives all attend Parent/Teacher conferences for their kids. Later, Logan graduates from college, but not without some family mayhem."

      I think we all know what this means.

      The parent/teacher conference will be just like the scene in Mexico only without the exotic scenery. Kody will enter the classroom wearing a dorky smile and say, "These are my wives. I have four wives." As usual, he will follow it up with Beavis and Butthead giggle and a Fabio-imitation hair flip.

      The family will have a graduation party for Logan. Ignoring Logan completely, Kody will take the opportunity to talk about himself and what he wants. The monologue will no doubt include a statement that he deserves more than just a dirt farm and will culminate in a tearful lament that the family will be emotionally divided unless and until they buy their four mcmansions.


  5. Tired of the Brown #%&!November 15, 2012 at 1:14 PM

    The Dargers are really nice people. While I would never live their chosen lifestyle, I admire their commitment to their family. They respond kindly to "fans.". They have "regular" jobs. They are genuinely happy. The Brown's are entirely different. They are mobile home sort of people. Their emotional baggage is like having 6 broken down cars buried in the backyard. Every time they try to un-bury one they end up filling it with even more trash and throwing another car in the yard for good measure. They should've quit when they were ahead. Here's what they should do going forward.. Move on. Leave the trailer and all the junk behind. Move back to Utah. Live in that giant "home." They could always add a garage with an apartment on top for Robyn. Get "real" jobs. Target is hiring. And last but not least, accept their kids wanting to "leave" their religion. If they do leave, it will prove that they really did raise smart kids.

    1. I don't know the Dargers personally. I do admit that they know more about PR - being positive and nice to "fans" - and have jobs and appear to be more stable and so on, and of course the wives are in way better shape than the Browns. However, if memory serves the Dargers have been trying to get their piece of the Public Polygamist Pie.

      and Joe still creeps me out.

  6. As with many other people I too have been following this site for quite some time and I love it! I’ve yet to comment because I tend to catch the conversations late and don’t always have something as witty to add. I really enjoy reading all your amusing comments!

    OK, so last night I had the craziest dream about Kody!!! I dreamt he and I were hanging out (heaven help me) and were just running around to different stores. We were in a store (Hallmark or something of the sort) and he was frantic to find Happy Halloween cards for all the wives but all the cards we were looking at had already been used, like other people had written their messages in the cards and signed them. He was all upset tearing through the cards desperate to find a non-used one and I said, “Well what do you expect waiting ‘til after Halloween to find cards?!?” Then I woke up, lol.

    It was one of those dreams that made sense at the time but it sure as hell doesn’t now. Keep up the great work ladies; you have a lot of undisclosed fans!

    1. Congrats on posting your first comment! And thank you very much!

      Yep, the Kodster and his krew seem to be that way in real life - always a day late and $1.5 million dollars short!

    2. I have dreamed about Kody too, it was horrible as I was wife # 5! He is just so gross, slimy and I think evil.

    3. Hahaha Cynical Jinx you got that right!

      Fan From Australia: Dang, talk about a Nightmare (hence my screen name, heehee)and I agree, he creeps me to NO extent! Them damn beedy eyes look like they could steal your soul!!

    4. i had a dream about the whole krew last week, but was too embarrassed to cop to it on here. in my dream, i tried to explain to them what was wrong with their religion and was subsequently hit by christine. there was other stuff going on too, but that's the bit that i remember.

  7. I've just watched them on Access Hollywood Live. Same old, same old. What I wouldn't give to have someone ask them why they continued the cycle of breeding and claiming bankruptcy so many times. Why they felt entitled to the state paying for their irresponsibility? This interview was just the normal fluff stuff.

    By the way, someone uploaded the nacho cheese diss to youtube, Kody you are such a jerk!! Christine, you deserve so much better!!!

  8. Isn't he the one who is married to twin sisters and cousins or something really creepy like that?

  9. Oh and Robyn's o so busy with her sisterwivescloset...right. She doodles. She spend hours on end,locked up in her room, her children left to the supervision of her sister, she sits at the desk, looking deeply into the mirror (of course there would be a mirror at her desk) and she doodles. Hoping that just one of those doodles will make the cut like the doodles she diddled before. Her dream is to become the LouisVuiton of doodles. She counts her money even before it is made and her borrowed husband sits and admires her doodles and thinks how rich they will all be once she makes enough doodles. Then, he blinks hard when he realizes that he has three other wives that he must trot off to so he has to leave his doodler and asks her to diddle only with him in her thoughts, so suddenly her doodles become smaller and she smiles as he walks down the stairs and out of the house. Oh doodle gods, please, she prays, bring back my muse so that I can doodle bigger and better diddles. And so she sits until her next claw...I mean nail...appointment.

    1. I likeit but don't be anonymous

    2. I haven't posted here in a while, had to take a break from the Klown Family but I just couldn't stay away & came back just in time for the new season to make me crazy all over again, lol.

      Anonymous, you are hilarious...that post is priceless! The only thing missing is how Kody loves diddling the doodler!! lmao...ok, just thinking about these people are making me crazy again, sorry!

  10. This is from the previous discussion, but I would just like to say that Dakota really tickles me when she goes on her "why does everyone think Janelle is smart?" rant. It is always so funny to me and likely very true! All things are relative ... I used to consider Janelle my favorite, but her shine is fading with me for many of the reasons given. I just want her to know her worth and, for once, I wish her other sister wives would be "jealous" of her and not just for her birthing skills. Everybody was jealous of Robyn but why? She was skinny (and new), but what else did she have going for herself? It would be kinda cool to see them feel that way about Janelle. Even if she doesn't lose another pound, CONFIDENCE is beautiful and others would see her as beautiful if she felt that way and carried herself that way.

    1. Mock, I totally agree. That cracked me up too, and I don't understand why people think she is so smart. Because she passed the real estate exam? Because she was able to hold a job? Not that I think she is stupid, I just haven't ever gotten the impression like, whoa stand back, she is SMART!

    2. Thank uuuuu thank uuuu!

      Janelle might appear to be a flippin' Einstein compared to the rest of the adults (not counting the kids here because I think several of them are smarter than any of the adults) - at least she has proven to be a bit more stable, keeping what appears to have been a good job and so on. I would LOVE to know what her job entailed, and if she was promoted or just content to stay at whatever position she started out with. If she WAS "smart" she would have had a complete prospectus mapped out for the gym idea instead of quickly going online and looking up lease rates and what have you. She just doesn't strike me as the type of person, career wise, who would be able to make her own decisions and call the shots the way you would expect a Realtor to do. I'm sure she was very content at her desk job, just working on assignments given to her. nothing wrong with that.

      I noted another comment regarding Janelle's motivation to get up early to go to the gym. I don't follow Twitter except for what is posted here, so I didn't see the pic - but I recall from the 1st ep of the 1st season that Janelle was accustomed to, and actually enjoyed, getting up before the crack of dawn to get her butt to the office to spend some quiet time doing work while Logan and Christine took care of getting her kids ready for their day. So IMO, waking up early and getting the Eff out of the house and away from the stress is old hat for her. She doesn't have an office to run to, so she goes to the gym instead. IMO.

    3. Totally agree that Janelle appears to be 'smart' but why do we think that? Because she managed to hold down a governmental job? And we don't even know how long she had that job. Not really that groundbreaking, she is no wunderkid. Is she really a degreed accountant? Or did she just take some classes? And no way she is a CPA (she never claimed that)...just sayin. They make up so much of their story I am now wondering if she really went to college and got a degree when she left for awhile or if she merely took a few classes and likes to say she has a degree.. If she was so brilliant and the "Pantry" business she had in Utah was so successful, why couldn't she run it from NV? Her pitiful presentation on the Fitness facility sealed it for me. Self-made, successful entrepreneurs do not goggle their business idea 1 hour before a meeting with the 'investors'. Janelle just seems more reflective and tentative before speaking and as such to the viewers, we all think she is the 'smart one'.

    4. One word describes Janelle for me - disingenuous. The disingenuous way she explained the Lexus ( "We got it cheap"), or that she once was married to Meri's brother ("I don't understand what the big deal is"). Her most gag worthy moment was when she explained how her mother met and married Kody's father, without mentioning how that makes her mother her mother - in - law, and Kody her step-brother...spiritually, of course.

      When she starts to explain something...I tune her OUT.

    5. Wasn't Janelle married to Meri's brother AND being step sister to Kody??? So Janelle was a sister in law to Meri and step brother to Kody...Today, Janelle is sister wife with Meri and wife to Kody....WOW

  11. I bet Robchin is... drum roll... going to launch a lingerie line and that is why they are pulling back on the jewelry!!!!!!!!

    What the odds with so many people in their family that they don't have overlapping birthdays? In real life, they probably lump 3 birthdays EVERY weekend of the year!!

  12. Janelle seems as bright as... a can of coffee sitting in the sun. They pretty much have the same demeanor!

    1. I think we can all agree that Janelle lacks self confidence, but I cringe when we appear to criticize her for having "merely" a government job. Moreover, the drive from Lehi to SLC would have been at least an hour, depending on weather and traffic. She was bringing hard cash into the family and probably getting insurance for her children. And how would she know how to start a business, unless she'd had a mentor? She may not be a rocket scientist, but I don't think she's dumb...just no self confidence.

    2. I'm not criticizing her at all for having an office job. Shoot *I* have an office job and I have no desire to become a manager or supervisor. However, the show made it sound like she was the polygamist Suze Orman or something like that.

      *omg I just read that and literally laughed out loud*

    3. DakotaJustice,


  13. I see the Dargers' strategy here. They are not hanging with the Browns because they are super cool and great models.They are promoting themselves to get their own show. Honestly, I would like to see a reality show about polygamy showing the Dargers than the Browns. They seem more genuine and seem to work together better.

    Isn't crazy how much smarter June and her crew are compared to the Browns? Didn't she get a T-shirt line going? Those shirts are selling like hot cakes compared to the crappy jewelry the Browns are selling. Who is going to buy expensive pieces of junk that promote polygamy? I bet not even polygamists are buying it.
    It's irritating seeing them waste the money they are currently making thanks to TLC. This is their chance to invest in something that will pay off and they are wasting that money in business that are going to fail. They seem to forget that they are not going to have a show for a long time. They are lucky they made it another season.

    1. [The Dargers]...are promoting themselves to get their own show.

      One thing that differentiates the Dargers from the Browns is that they are extremely media savvy. Joe (and his Stepford Wives) do not shy away from difficult questions. In particular Joe, who will not only answer the question, but do it in a way that says "We value your opinion. Thank you for sharing it with us!" They obviously have been watching Kody and Krew - and learned from the mistakes the Browns made. The wives, while not dressed expensively like the Real Housewives franchise, do wear stylish clothes that helps them blend in with society, not stick out like the Kody's wives do with their way too small baby dolls over their way too small long sleeve polyester t-shirts. Unlike the Brown wives, the Darger wives look modest without having to show off every bump and bulge on their bodies (listening Meri, Christine and Robyn?). Janelle dresses a lot like the Darger wives.

      Joe Darger owns his business, and 2 of his wives have a cleaning business. The third wife is the stay at home mom. They all live in one home. Joe holds regular religion service with his family in their home each week (like a "good" priesthood holder). If they do get their own reality show, I think it will be similar in format to the Duggars. And I wouldn't be surprised if they become the new "Faces of Polygamy" for TLC.

      But Joe still creeps me out for some reason. I think it's his eyes. And that he married twins and their cousin.

      Isn't crazy how much smarter June and her crew are compared to the Browns?

      You know, I'm no great fan of HBB but they certainly have the marketing savvy down, don't they? Their anti bullying stance apparently is touching a lot of people. And their "You better redneck o'size" saying was a stroke of marketing genius. What did the Browns bring to their fans and the public at large? Overpriced, scary looking jewelry and expensive green koolaid. Nice legacy, Browns...

  14. Ko-douche's eyes creep me the f*ck out. So cold, like shark eyes. And the expression doesn't help. What is interesting is that TLC is promoting this season as a "family divided", with some wives obviously not happy... I mean we've all known this as viewers so yeah same old, same old, but the Browns ALWAYS contradict this view. I wonder how they feel about being put in that light "officially". Did they agree, do they even have a choice or input into how the network portrays them? It seems like such a million miles from the original premise or the show, so I wonder whether it had to be skewed like that because the viewers are on to them, or because like all reality shows nowadays, you MUST have drama and it has to exponentially increase each season to keep the viewers tuned in. Have they become so jaded that they gave up the pretense of the whole lovey dovey plyg family to stay on TV? And yet on they tweet like it's all hunky dory...

  15. I think what upset me so much about the Dargers is that Joe married two wives on the same day. At least Kody may be a jerk but at least gave each wife her own day and night.

    1. Yeah when I read somewhere that he went and 'serviced' one wife and then the other on the wedding night I was slightly nauseous! Can you imagine?? These women no doubt virgins too. Bleh!

      That said I would watch if they got a show (online and at my leisure) out of curiosity.

    2. oh my goodness, that is so disgusting, one for the Koster I guess.

    3. From the link posted above it sounded like he was with one of them the wedding night and the other had to wait. It seemed to be an issue of strife in the family and they don't really like to go there. They wouldn't say which wife he spent that first night with.

    4. I think I heard him explain it as marrying them on the same day means neither is "the first wife", but the wedding night kind of blows away the fairness. And adds to the ick factor.

      I can't imagine what I would be thinking while my husband goes on a wedding night with another woman with my full knowledge. I am not cut out for "the principle".


  16. Ah, the age-old question:
    Is Janelle the brightest bulb in the Brown box or not !!??

    There was a time in the early days when she was the only sista going out every day to a "job."
    Can't count Meri's alleged part-time job, since it is still not clear whether it was a paid or a volunteer position.
    And the details of KingKody's alleged job (s) are still vague and unreliable.

    Also, has been mentioned, we don't know how simplistic/elementary Janelle's "job" actually was.

    Anyway, Janelle had lots of airtime during the early seasons as the family's accountant and bean-counter.
    She is credited on camera with coining the Brown phrase "Finite Resources"..
    which implied that she had some smarts and fiscal savvy.

    So, did she maintain her status as the "smart one?" Is she really??
    Well, considering the frantic exodus from Lehi to LV which required Janelle (a single mother of SIX children) to just "leave" her *maybe, bennie-loaded* County/State does wonder just how sharp she really is.

    And as time went on, and as the Browns reveled in the LV scene, the SW couch chats showed more and more of Janelle to be a non-contributor. If anything, she seemed fogged out and willing to just go along with *whatever.*

    Her lame attempt at a SW gym was ridiculous. It was the usual Brown BS.
    So she passed the RE test.....okay, but did she do "anything* with that?
    Her laid-back, non-enthusiastic MO just would not make for a successful RE agent.

    Personally, I think she IS probably the most intelligent of them all ...
    BUT, considering the field she is playing on....
    That fact, unfortunately, really is not saying much.
    Not much at all.

    1. AMEN.

      *looks for Like Button*

    2. i agree. She could be the smartest of the bunch, and still be as dumb as a box of rocks!Sort of like Kody seems to see Robin as a trophy wife.Hubby says if she's a trophy, he doesn't want to participate in that

    3. welllll actually, in Season 1, when Robyn was first introduced (I think the second ep?) Meri said something to the effect that "we felt Kody deserved a trophy wife..."

      Your husband is hilarious BTW! I just flashed on those little plastic "trophies" that used to come in a box of Cracker Jack. :)

    4. You know to me it almost appears like Janelle has checked out mentally since moving to LV. Maybe it's because she had to leave the security of her job and whatever benefits she got. She always said she preferred to work so maybe it hit her hard. Then even though she didn't know the first thing about starting a business she wanted to open the gym and was more or less told not gonna happen so they could follow Robin's crappy idea of the jewerly line (sorry that crap is way to expensive, and not appealling at all)

      Then with her trying to figure out how to get everyone homes and nobody willing to give to make it happen had to have really gotten to her. She had every right to question why Meri needed such a large expensive house. She had every right to feel like Meri taking more than she needed took away from the family. And what happened, Meri cried oh whoa is me I'm being punished and she gets the house anyways without any regard to anyone but herself. Janelle too bad, stop trying to be reasonable and just figure out how to pay for it. I mean sure I could demand the world if I didn't have to figure out how to pay for it either.

      On top of that she is suppose to be some kind of miracle worker and handle all the finances while no one else seems to give a crap that their is limited money. I would be highly annoyed if I'm trying to figure out how to pay everyone's bills and they are out running around shopping for new crap they don't need and getting manicures weekly. Almost like well if no one else seems to give a crap why should I mentality especially since it appears no one takes her opinions or feelings seriously anyways. It's like she has no voice cause everything she brings up gets Veto'd. So she probably just gave up and is now the complacent Janelle we see today with her "yeah whatever" attitude.

    5. Victoria - Janelle might prefer to work, but she's not cut out to be an independent businessperson - just the fact that the business she wanted to start was a gym/fitness center made that crystal-clear to me. The family has absolutely NO experience whatsoever in the business, and they would have been competing directly with other companies with decades of experience in the industry.

      I for one would not join a gym just because such and such a celebrity owns it. There are elements I would look for such as equipment, classes available, staff knowledge, convenience, hours, etc.

      Curves has had its day - they are closing left and right as the franchisees have gone under as their income is not meeting expenses. Not saying Curves will vanish altogether, but it peaked years ago and folks leave once they get bored with the workout.

      anyway...Janelle IMO is much more comfy working under someone else, preferably a big business with job security - she's a follower, not a leader.

    6. Victoria, I think your comments are spot on. I think that's exactly why Janelle seems checked out. In the book (which like someone said, I read in a moment of weakness), Janelle talked about how she would go to work and Meri and Kody would just take off on a trip, with no regard to work.

      Meri needs a real job with benefits or at least be doing something like going to school or volunteering to help others. Kody has almost 20 kids! He needs 4 or 5 jobs, at least and don't complain about how that's too much work. He should've thought about that before he had a family that large. And why do they have so many convertibles? With all those kids, he pretty much unofficially gave up the right to a convertible. That just seems selfish. Ok, rant over ...

    7. Dakota- I'm not saying Janelle is cut out to run a business at all. I said she doesn't know the first thing about running one. Neither does Robyn or any of them apparently. Just look at how bad MSC is. I understand the start up cost were cheaper and such it just seems like Kody pushed Robyn's idea which may have been an okay idea but has been horribly executed.
      I think Janelle should go looking for a job working for someone else. It would make her much happier.

      Mock Jobs- Today's show cleared up exactly how Janelle felt and fit in with the finances. Though when they were talking about her credit I was thinking that's odd for a minute then I realized being that she worked while Meri & Christine didn't she probably took out a lot of the family debt in her name since Christine may not have qualified with zero income.

      I also agree that Meri needs a real job. She has no little one's in the house so why should she be home all day? Oh I know asking her to work to help support herself and the family would be punishing because Christine gets to stay home and raise kids. Even in today's show while talking about the decision for Meri to get a larger house she seemed checked out of it. I think the woman really does not have any fight left in her.

      Oh I plan on reading the book, I won't buy it so I had to put myself on a waiting list at the library. Apparently a lot of people want to read it lol.

  17. The Dargers have a new show premiering on TLC one week after the Browns return...

    1. BWAHAHAHAHA! From the same production company as the Browns!

      And it's called My 3 Wives! So Sister Wives has spawned its own SPIN OFF...Now the question, can TLC have two shows about polygamy or will one be cancelled. Thoughts anyone???

    2. Just like the Duggars and the

    3. My thoughts...

      of course - a certain percentage of viewers will be tuning in for the Ick Factor.
      Ick - all the wives are blood-related.
      Ick - Joe is creepy
      Ick - they all live together in one house.

      I think that F8F is very smart - they see that the Brown Choo-Choo Train is running off the rails, and people are now tuning in largely to see how it implodes.
      Can't show anything about the Brown MLM - whereas I'm sure that the Dargers will allow filming of them running their prospective businesses.

      As creepy as the Dargers are (IMO), they are way more stable than the Browns. or at least, they appear to be so.
      We've all seen how the truth tends to coagulate/ooze out as time goes on. I haven't seen the pilot ep of SW in eons, but I remember it was all happy happy joy, we get up, we make breakfast for kiddies, Christine doesn't like toasters, Janelle and Kody go to their office jobs and Kody is wearing a nice suit...Meri does her job thing and Christine takes care of the kids, and they are all cozy together in their plyg house in Lehi, surrounded by other plyg families. WOW things have changed since then...

      So we will see what happens with the Dargers. I think there is also a little attempt at damage control here on the part of the plyg community. The Browns aren't showing the "lifestyle" or "religion" (whatever you want to call it) in the best light, so let's bring in our next wave of troops - the good ol' Dargers, who already have exposure in the media, put on a nice neat tidy affluent appearance, and might make people think HEY this plyg thing ain't so bad.

      Choo choo...another one pulls out of the station...and the SWB goes on...LOL

    4. And I keep thinking of things to add...based on the chummy-chum tweets from the Browns posted here saying howdy ho to the good ol' Dargers, it doesn't look like they know that the writing is on the wall for their show. I think it is...but we'll see.

    5. I think those overly chummy tweets from Meri and Kody (but not from Robyn, Christine or Janelle) were too forced - definitely feigning delight at the Dargers muscling into their reality territory. I'm pretty sure they realize that their journey may be coming to an end (bets on how fast Robyn files bankruptcy)

      It's all beginning to make sense now...The Browns ignoring their fans questions when the show was coming back. TLC's lackluster advertising of the return of Sister Wives. The abbreviated (with almost no lead time so people could actually be able to tune in) SW media tour. I don't think it's hit the Browns facebook fanpages that the Dargers will have their own show other than an admin posting that the Dargers will make an appearance on Sister Wives rah rah rah.

      I wonder if the Dargers will have a 2 tier facebook fanpage system(actually 4 tier if you include TLC's and Robyn's My Sister Wife's Closet) like the Browns do. I don't think it worked so well for the Browns, so here's to keeping it simple if the Dargers are reading.

    6. Hot damn CJ! you're right. it all ties together.

      and I'm not sure if it's a TLC formula, or a F8F formula. F8F also produces the Duggars/Bates shows. I think TLC is getting ready to JUST WALK AWAY or let the show die a death, and then "those crazy Dargers" move into their slot, after some loose ends are tied up.

      Even the ad spot for the upcoming season - "A family divided" - Kody slamming out the

    7. Strange that My 3 Wives has not been advertised on TLC so far when it's debut is only two weeks away...

    8. I just went to the F8F website and there is more info about the upcoming SW season than TLC is giving...

      "We begin the new season as the Browns work desperately to find a way to qualify for 4 brand new neighboring homes. For the first time in the show, we'll introduce another polygamist family, the Dargers. We'll also explore the darker side of polygamy and meet young men and women from the FLDS group and other polygamist sects known for their dysfunction and rampant abuse. Will the Browns be able to defend their way of life? Also this season we dig deeper into the world of polygamy with a family road trip to the Mecca of Mormonism, Nauvoo, IL. "

  18. Bring on the Dargers !!

    Since SWB is equally dedicated to exploring Pylg life as it is/was to KodyWorld...the good news is that if the dedicated, self-less SWB administrators choose to continue even if the Brown train is derailed to the TLC round house with all other defunct shows, then SWB will still go on.
    I sure hope so !! !!!!

    For me, Joe Darger has a bit of a Charles Manson vibe going on. Maybe the producers are actively doing some facial rehab on him. It *would* help if he could scale back on the intense glares and stares.!!
    His look just screams "don't F with me..or you will pay!"

    Although the Darger sistas are attractive, well-groomed and fit, there is a Stepford wife vibe to them. And I still haven't gotten over the one sister gifting her twin with a stuffed "husband" pillow for her off-nights.
    That was.. uhh, just so weird !!!
    *Here, sister, cling to this on the nights while I am doing him...or..our cousin is doing him.* Sorry, that's just freaky.
    Their kids seem normal, did the Browns at first glance.

    So to answer your question, CJ.....
    I think the production company is hoping for a smooth transition from one Plypen to the next.
    Probably will let SW run its inevitable course while simultaneously debuting Dargerville.

    1. I agree!! Ready for a new "happy" polygamist family. I'm sure the Browns really aren't that excited for them either, as they portray to be on Twitter. I think they're only trying to be courteous w/ lil effort tho...Lol
      Also, not sure if this has been mentioned sometime ago, but when I was researching Figure 8 films, I see that Sister Wives wasn't their first show to attempt polygamy. Back in 2006, TLC had a show called My Husband's Three Wives. Brian Wachtendorf family & wives....

      Just find it interesting since the Dargers show is called My Three Wives...I'm curious as to why, it wasn't called Love Times 3?? Oh well, it'll be something different than the stale leftovers we keep getting fed by the Browns...just a lil creepier version tho...Lol :D

    2. OMG CB! Please don't get me started on Brian Wachtendorf who was even worse (if you can believe this) than Kody! I wish they would bring that show back just so you guys could see how similar Brian and Kody are. BTW, after the show aired, Wactendorf's 1st wife divorced him, his 2nd wife left him. The woman who was slated to be the 3rd wife (but was blackballed by wives 1 & 2) refuses to discuss Wactendorf, AND Wactendorf remarried and considers himself a confirmed monogamist. And yes, their children DID suffer from that train wreck!

      Sorry, but I just get so mad whenever I read that name.

    3. Yeah that guy was a real piece of work....I believe I saw that show. If I recall, he wasn't even pretending to belong to any polyg group...he just wanted have a stable of women....I thought he was married to the first wife, then had an affair, and the mistress became his second "wife." I forget how he got wife #1 to agree to it...maybe the mistress was pregnant already and he guilted first wife into it.....yeah, he was another real jerk though.

    4. Lmao!! Sorry to ruffle ur feathers CJ...jk :D Now ya'll really got me curious about this other good for nothing guy...

    5. I, for one, do not want to see another Plyg reality show. The Dargers seem smug to me. I think they are just as creepy as the Browns, if not more so (actually more due to the "twin" thing. That is just foul!).

  19. So I started thinking...WHAT could the Browns have done to keep the show more interesting, more involved, more positive?

    well...we all know they're grifters. At least, Kody is and the four "wives" follow his lead.

    What were the most interesting shows to me? the ones in the first couple seasons...seeing what appeared to be their "regular" life...going up to visit Kody's parents up at the riding horses...sliding on ice blocks in their big yard at the Lehi house...and so on.

    What would I have liked to have seen?

    Kody and Janelle at their jobs. We had a glimpse of Kody in his office wearing his suit and tie. just a glimpse.
    (oh and BTW - I don't buy his story for a MINUTE that he was s**tcanned because of "coming out" on the show...first off, I'm sure YESCO was well aware of Kody's lifestyle, and for another thing, I would think that if they fired him for being a polygamist - Kody could sue them in a NY minute for discrimination.

    I personally believe that he sucked at his job - he's SO FREAKIN LAZY! - and he used the show as an excuse to bail from his job.

    Janelle has all the assertiveness of a worn out sponge. I don't know about the REST of you, but if MY husband told me I had to quit my good job to move away with no job prospects, no housing arrangements made, on bald tires...I'd say - have a great time. I'm staying here!

    Of course, F8F/TLC isn't gonna tell the fam what to do. I don't think it was THEIR idea to move to LV. Kody had a bug up his butt to live in LV, and used the show and either losing his job or voluntarily bailing to move the whole family out of their comfortable home away from their friends and congregation.

    I doubt the Dargers are going to do anything like that. Joe is totally creepy, but he does seem to have a modicum of intelligence.

    so in retrospect, what should the Browns have done?
    for one thing - stay put in Lehi.
    Robyn was the reason they got the show to begin with - I'm certain of that. My guess is that the Dargers and the Browns were on the "short list" of families for the SW show - and Kody upped the ante by saying "I'm courting this woman, if you sign us up I'll marry her on the show". Game over.
    So season 1 remains unchanged, ending with the wedding. Kody would have still behaved like a dick, because he IS a dick. so he still would have kissed Robyn and discussed Meri getting IVF while Christine was in labor. that's the way he is.
    Season 2 - Robyn and her kids are now "part of the family". so while she is living in the rental house down the street, it's time to remodel the Lehi house to accommodate her family. They could have spent an entire season (maybe 2 seasons) planning and remodeling - of course getting plenty of comps in. so the Browns would have saved money by having the remodel part of the show. and while we're at it, fix up the other living quarters - at least repaint the interiors - have the entire family pitch in.

    and of course Robyn was bound to get preggers, which is the supposed entire reason for Kody to have so many wives right? So why not get pregnant during the remodel...?
    and so on.

    Okay, I've had my evening cocktail now, so I probably should stop here. LOL

    1. I agree with many of your points. One thing I harp on a lot is why the need for the separate residences. If they are ONE big happy family, why not live as one? I get why people need a bit of their own space to breathe, but 4 large homes? So unrealistic and doesn't really go along with the Plyg Philosophy that we are ONE unit...Your thoughts on doing the remodel altogether would have made for interesting TV and also very plausible to their lifestyle..Moving to Vegas (of all places) away from their support system, church family etc makes no sense. It really doesn't fit with the family we first met.

      In order to show a more positive and involved family maybe show Kody more involved with his kids? Answer some really tough questions regarding the lifestyle and maybe how he has laid out plans to protect and provide for his family in the future...

      More thoughts but it's getting late...I shall return..LOL

    2. Great idea! As a self-admitted middle-aged woman realestatepornography addict (that means I look at real estate or watch real estate shows on my way to bed, fantasize about real estate, and spend all my extra money on it), I would love to see the Lehi House Remodel Season. I think it would be interesting to see how you remodel a house with multiple kitchens, and I'd like to see them making the decisions together, and who doesn't love a remodeling show!? And it would be fun to see them working together laying flooring or painting or mudding drywall. I think that might bring out the best in them, and as was previously mentioned they could get some of it paid for in comps.

      Well, of course I would have wanted to have seen more of the wives and the kids. We are mostly women watching - obviously aren't the women's lives and the kids what we are interested in? Were any of us that interested to see Hubby go to motorcycle bar with his brothers? Big yawn. Duh.

      I would have liked to see the kids playing together in groups, especially outdoors. That would have put a positive spin on the family. I'd like to see the younger ones play fantasy games, and I would have liked to see how on a given day some go play outdoors, and others play indoors, the chaos when they all have lunchtime. I'd like to see the older ones helping the younger ones learn things. It would be fun if the kids played music together, or juggled or played tennis or wrote plays or if the older ones build a clubhouse for the younger ones.

      Move back and remodel - that's my vote.

    3. DJ, your observations are always right on!! Love your posts! :D

    4. Awwww <3 thanks Sandy!! :-)

    5. GordonSetter - my all-time favorite TLC series ever was "Property Ladder". still watch/DVR it whenever it's in reruns. they show it fairly frequently thank goodness!

      I'd love to see Kirsten Kemp give advice to the Browns and the Browns promptly ignore it as usual. LOL

    6. The Brown's should have hired you as their publicist/director DJ! That WOULD have been an interesting angle. Actually seeing the family interact as a FAMILY together. And hey, I love me a home reno show!

    7. HAHA! omg i'm just extremely wordy and opinionated! and no WAY could i work for the Kodemeister. ew.

      better yet they stay in Lehi and while remodeling the house to fit Robyn and kiddies - instead of having her rent a house a mile up the road or wherever it was in Lehi - SAVE some money by getting a secondhand mobile home/trailer for Robyn to live in, she's used to it so shouldn't be too big a deal. In fact that would be a big chunk of an interesting show right there - see how she organizes her temporary housing to make it liveable for her and her 3 kids. Of course I expect that at least 1 or 2 of her kids would end up sleeping in the Lehi house, I would bet Meri had a spare room in her part...

      Remember the party Janelle had at the Lehi house in either S1 or S2? Get some of those friends to come help out at a "house raising" party, where they BBQ, paint or do other little things to help get the addition completed. I'm sure the family had lots of friends just within walking distance - it would make for a very old-fashioned, neighborly feel. and the final episode in the season could feature the house renovated, and go through each wife's section to show the improvements with Robyn's section the finale. :)

      but of course, we'll never see that. ugh stupid Kody anyway. :(

    8. Amy I know what the director does. they might suggest something, but Kody is gonna do what he wants to do so they just tilm the carnage...Heck they might have even suggested that the family stay in Lehi and do a home remodel. but noooooo Kody had an itchy foot to go to Vegas for some reason or other. ugh

  20. The Dargers are comparison the Browns are easy to stomach!

  21. I admit that the Dargers are kind of creepy, with the whole sister/cousin thing. But, for some unknown reason, the Browns just make me furious. The whole Meri/Robin/Surrogate thing was the last straw for me. I have been through infertility myself, and if my sister (or in their case sisterwife) had offered to br a surrogate I think I would have been offended. I don't know why, it just affected me that way. For Robin to flaunt herself that way, like she can have as many babies as she wants but Meri can't just makes my blood boil.

    That being said, I will watch this Sunday just so I can read this blog everyday :)

  22. So over on Radaronline, there's an interview with the sisterwives/babydaddy. anyway, they are on a new mission of sorts or at least support Meri who is on a mission to help people who are forced into polyg a way out. So, of course Robyn gives her two cents and says, yeah we want them to get out if they want to get out and that's women, children, and men. Hmmmmm, so if their children want to stop being polyg kids, they can get Meri's help out....hmmmm.

    1. Yup - I quoted the F8F description above which does touch on the "new plot line" of the Browns all of a sudden becoming activists for the oppressed. IMO - my guess is it's just lip service, how hypocritical is it to say being polygamist is awesome while having to "help people get out"? "Get out"? What a disparity but of course the Browns can use all the plot twists they can get. I wonder how this is going to affect their big case against Utah, since part of it hinges on how polygamy doesn't hurt anyone as long as everyone is of age...?

      This really sheds light on WHY Meri chose to run that 5k. I know the article said that no cameras were around to film, but somehow I think we are going to see some footage of Meri doing the 5k this season. IMO, the Browns are always going to be looking out for #1, and that would be Kody. They don't strike me as being very charitable/giving, even amongst themselves.

    2. Robyn needs to STFU...she's so annoying and seems to want to be 'the spokesperson', or something...what an idiot! Go back to your doodles, Robyn...

    3. My question then is....why are they making such a big deal about Maddie leaving the "plyg life"? If she wants nothing to do with it...then leave her be.

    4. Maybe Meri will take them in her big home & teach them the right way plig is supose to work

    5. I think Robin's input is probably based on her fantasy that Kody will leave the rest of the wives and just be with her. She was probably just hinting to Kody that it would be o.k. if he did, and at the same time, putting fear in the other wives that he just might!

    6. Yuck! I just realized how gross it is to have the words "fantasy" & "Kody" in the same sentence.

    7. You know I could reasonably understand the adults being upset by Maddie wanting to leave the lifestyle especially Christine who believes in it with her whole heart. I understood when Janelle questioned if she didn't instill her values enough into her children. But to make it a huge blown out ordeal is stupid. They always said the children could chose. So why try to cram it down her throat now? Wasn't she the one back in Season 1 who said she didn't want to share a husband? This is sudden news that shocked the family. No this is about Kody having to have all the control. Just like he crawled up Logan's butt and basically guilted him into attending school in LV. Like that kid had a choice. If he chose to go back to Utah he knew Kody would probably disown him. Logan may have been okay with losing dear old dad but he seems to geniunely care for his siblings and since dad rules the roost so to speak he probably didn't want to jeapordize his relationships with the little ones.

  23. Took a break from doing the Pre-Holiday Big Clean (you know what I mean) to grab a sandwich and chips, and I turned on the TV to Netflix (we have Roku for streaming TV instead of cable) and there was a New Release of Sister Wives.

    Don't know if this is being done as a promo for the show on the 18th or not. Nothing mentioned on Netflix about the new episodes beginning.

    Anyway, I watched the very first episode. Season 1, episode 1. WOW.

    Had to stop and write this comment before getting back to my chores because it was just amazing and I thought some of you all would find it as interesting as I did just now.

    And sad, too.

    There's a big tour of the Utah home and you see how the 3 wives appeared to be happy with their three connected places and how all the kids could run around thru the house and see each other all the time.

    There's Kody in a Suit and Tie (I kid you not), driving his white Lexus and telling the camera that he's excited to introduce his family. Later, he talks about he's in "advertising sales" and that it gives him lots of freedom; one week he will put in 60 hours and then the next he can take a long weekend.

    Christine looks thinner and happy and pretty and she's very pregnant with Truely. Janelle weighs more but looks happy and they show her going to work and outside her workplace (some big building).
    Meri is Meri.

    You don't see Robin or even hear about her until the last 5 minutes of the show, when Kodi gives the big "family announcement" that he's courting Robin to the kids.

    From what I saw, they gave up structure and safety and a nice home once Kody got approached to be on television and it's amazing and for me very sad to see where they were then and where they were as of the last episode (with the Nacho Interview).

    Think it will be even more interesting to compare the new episode on the 18th with this old one.

    It's like taking a college class in dysfunctional families, or narcissism, or something. Very educational.

    Would love to read your take on this very first episode.

    Assume it is available for free at the TLC site since it's on Netflix.

    1. I remember Meri was a LOT thinner that first season, and semi-bragged that she "eats healthier" than the rest of the family so she didn't join Christine for their meal of fishstick tacos and corn (no green veggies on that table whatsoever as I recall).

      I keep seeing an image from a season or 2 ago of Janelle sitting...listlessly picking at a cookie sheet of PB Fritos (that photo is shown quite a bit here on SWB) and it makes me sad and mad at the same time. It's almost akin to an alcoholic with a 32-ounce malt liquor...she looks depressed, and defeated - ready to just go with the flow.

    2. I've watched season 1 episode 1 quite recently and knowing the series as well as I do now, it made me quite uncomfortable. Was the happiness a show for the camera? What I thought was an endering trait of Kody (the bouncing around, the enthuasium) has turned out to be a really annoying fulltime occupation for him. Yes they all seemed happier but the kids haven't formed opinions of "I dont want to share my husband" in the space of a few short tv seasons. There has been trouble brewing in the Brown family for quite some time before the cameras arrived, and sadly it will be there long after they so. Which I think we all agree will be very soon!

    3. I've wondered the same thing myself. I haven't been on a reality show (and really, you couldn't PAY me enough to be on one!) but my guess is that initially, they are QUITE aware of the cameras and will put on their best face/appearance...but once they get accustomed to the cameras always being there...along with the stress of the crap that is their daily life...they probably ceased caring about what is filmed - maybe thinking that they will be given veto privleges later and keep it from being aired?

      the outtakes would be interesting to see...

  24. I really believe that all of the wives believe that they are happy. They have been handed a script that it is better to have one husband with many wives so that he doesn't cheat, than a man who cheats on his wife. However, the flaw in that logic is that not all men cheat; in fact, the statistics are probably lower than one may think. Also, Meri, Christine, and Robyn are, if I am not mistake, from polyg families, so they are accoustomed to the emotional dispair of one woman sharing her husband with other them it is a normal way of life.
    So, over the last few seasons, they, I'm sure, are confused why the critics are so harsh; they think they have a normal and healthy relationship with their husband and each other. But, they have nothing to compare a healthy relationship to because they always have lived in this high emotional impact life.
    To them, it's us against the world. To them, it's persecution. I really do feel so sorry for their children and when the wives say they have bonus kids and their kids have bonus siblings and mothers, they really believe in their hearts that it is a bonus. They don't see the confusion that is created by that life style. But, Kody was not raised a polyg nor was Janelle, so those two are the ones that befuddle me.

    1. He. Kody. Only thinks of Kody. Period. End of story. What a bunch of undeserving jerks. The kids parentheses ones who pay. He would not want his daughter's treated the way he treats these women.... however..these women have to be more sick and depressed than me.

    2. No relationship is perfect. You have to work and grow together.

  25. Where to start, hmm. Well, I feel that Janelle is the smartest of the wives, but she should be because she is the only one who was not raised in the plyg lifestyle and was educated to be mainstream. The other wives have not had that background and were raised to expect this lifestyle. I do question why Janelle chose to join this lifestyle because she seems so incredibly unhappy, and appears to have been unhappy for years. Maybe it is because she has felt the brunt of Meri's anger for years? I also think she was crazy about Kody at one point, but she is so used to hiding if from Meri to not make her even angrier that by now that we will never see her feelings for the Kodester. It is very telling that her daughter Maddie is so vocal about leaving the lifestyle. I give her major props for being the working wife for years, I wouldn't be surprised if she made more than Kody.
    Christine is the wife that I am rooting for to get out. She was the new, sweet wife for years that Kody adored, remember the first episode? Then, Robyn came and usurped her role. I don't think Christine was ever expecting another wife, and this has torn her life apart. Of all the wives I feel the worst for her because she seems to have the least options. Her family is plyg, I doubt her educational background was adequate, she has too many kids to easily get away, a toddler that makes it even harder, no job skills, low self-esteem, and does not have the status of a first wife like Meri. I believe her mom left the lifestyle so I hope for her sake she can too. It is obvious that Kody has thrown her aside for the newer, younger model,and she just seems so stuck. It is amazing how much thinner, happier, and prettier she was in the first season as compared to now.
    Robyn is a headcase for anyone, she definitely does not belong in this lifestyle. I can't stand her, but I feel badly for her as well because she acts like every single person I have ever met who has been sexually abused (I am a teacher). Her relationship with her dad also set off my creeper vibe, it would explain a lot. She is so needy, insecure, and manipulative it makes me sad for the other wives and especially the other kids. She is doing her darndest to set Solomon apart as the chosen Brown son. She is going to be devastated in a few years when she is no longer Kody's favorite toy to play with. If the show goes on for a few more seasons, I predict Kody getting a fifth wife, and that too would kill Robyn. In fact, another wife is the only way I see this show continuing at this point. If the show is cancelled, which is the more likely scenario, I see Robyn leaving. They Brown family will struggle financially, Janelle and Christine will blame Robyn for their family falling apart, and Meri will eventually turn on Robyn as well. Combine this with having to share Kody and Robyn will leave because this is not what she signed up for. She already left one husband, leaving a second husband that she is not legally married to will be easy. The most interesting thing to me about Robyn, is what happened between her and her ex-husband? What does she have on him that he allows their kids to be filmed on the show and call Kody dad? Was he abusive? Was he gay and she caught him with another man and that's why he never wanted more wives? Or did the Brown family just pay him off? So many questions about him with no answers, all we hear is her side which is questionable at best.
    Along with most of the rest of the posters, I feel this will be the last season for this show. Unless one of the wives leave or Kody gets a new wife, the show is done. We have seen everything they have to offer. Next it will be the Darger family which is a prettier package and a creepier background!
    Thanks for letting me talk, Freya Richardson

    1. And don't forget - even if Robyn up and bails, she will always be tied to Kody because he is the bio father of Sol.

      I don't give a rip what the AUB says about if the wife gets assigned to another husband her kids with her previous belong to him, not the real dad. Legally, Kody is 50% responsible for Sol no matter what happens.

      but you all remember what I call him...Kody/Koyote/Kodester/Kodouche is the *proverbial turnip*. and YUP - I always thought that Janelle probably in the long run made more than Kody when he was working for YESCO. Remember he said he could work a 60 hour week and then the next week hardly at all? I bet that was the way his paychecks were - not the same amount each week but sporadic especially if his job was even partially commission-based. Whereas Janelle had a steady income with (I'm sure) regular raises for both cost of living as well as merit. I think she at LEAST made as much as he did in the long run.

      I don't think Janelle is a supervisor, but I'm betting that in her job, she was a very detail oriented worker who did what was asked of her well. She seems that sort of person to me. I am CONSTANTLY amazed that she apparently hasn't tried to find an office job in Vegas - or maybe she has, but not getting any nibbles. *pictures Janelle sitting at the table with the PB Fritos again* that picture makes me so sad. Even if she CAN'T find an office job, she should be volunteering somewhere - or maybe taking a class or two at UNLV or a community college...that poor woman needs to be DOING something! At least she's going to the gym, but she needs a job - not the MLM thing either!!

  26. Did anyone else notice that in the photo of Sol, he's not in a baby seat, but belted into a regular seatbelt?

    1. Did anyone else notice that in the photo of Sol, he's not in a baby seat, but belted into a regular seatbelt?

      Funny that Robyn got so much flack from that picture of Sol riding in Kody's MLM convertible in a forward facing car seat that she deleted the picture and now this picture. I guess she thinks its ok because bonus mommy Meri tweeted.

      The more I look at that picture- hmmm..., why is the extra length of seatbelting bunched up by his leg? I think this is the reason the Browns usually drive - I don't think they've taken the time to actually research all the info concerning infant safety on airlines that's available from the airlines and internet. I wouldn't be surprised if his carseat is FAA approved, but they put it in the overhead rather than using it.

      Oh wait, I just thought of something...TLC probably paid for the adult tickets, but not for Sol. Looks like they would have to pay for Sol's seat (and he can not be seated in an aisle seat) to use an FAA approved car seat. I bet someone held him and they strapped him into that seat for the picture.


    2. Children fly for free uder a certain age. I think it is under the age of 3 or 4. Sol would have been flying for free.

    3. I agree with you CJ that his car seat most likely is FAA approved but they either checked it in as baggage or put it in the overhead compartment to avoid having to pay for a ticket. So instead of paying the infant rate for a seat in order to use his much safer car seat or a more appropriate Child Restraint System or device, he gets to be held by someone on their lap instead. Brilliant......

    4. AH so that explains the lap belt instead of the lap and shoulder belt, because I don't think they've made lap belts only in cars for at least a couple decades now except maybe the middle seat which isn't really a seat? Sol's in an airplane.

      To get a free fare, he would have to be sitting in someone's lap. if he's belted in, they had to pay for the seat. LV to Vegas is a short flight, so the lap sit would have worked but if they were going to say, NYC I would have paid for a seat - babies are bound to squirm a bit.

      I've never had children but I have three sisters who have kids and flying to SFO/LAX or whatever - less than 2 hours - they would hold their baby but any longer than that they would pay for an extra seat.

    5. Anon 12:38 - it's typically children under the age of 2, after 2 they have to have their own seat.

  27. I haven't switched on my TV yet today, but as of last night Comcast/Xfinity OnDemand did not have ANY of the SisterWives eps available. I seem to recall last season (or the first part of this season in TLC-think) the previous season was available for viewing on OnDemand. not this time and tomorrow is the premiere...? WTF?

    1. I'm thinking that OnDemand requires a minimum number of episodes to be available. I've noticed that Cox OnDemand has half the content it had when it first became available 4 years ago. I just looked at TLC OnDemand and they only have Say Yes to the Dress, Long Island Medium, Extreme Cheapskates and 19 Kids and counting. Breaking Amish is gone.

      I just saw a 10 second commercial for Sister Wives...

    2. I dunno, one of the series available on COD is Seinfeld, and there's only two eps on there right now. I know they rotate the series available, however one would think they would make past eps available the day before the show airs!

    3. 10 seconds??? Blink and you could miss it! lol

  28. well ladies and gents - I"m watching TLC right now (they're re-airing the best reality TV series of ALL TIME - "Property Ladder" - SQUEE!) and so far not a whisper of an advert for the new SW season - instead they're promoting "Breaking Amish The Shunning Truth Pt 2" which airs tomorrow at 10 PM (right after or before SW I think?)

    I guess that shows TLC's

    1. I've been watching TLC tonight(48 Hours:Hard Evidence) the beginning of each episode, in the bottom right hand corner, a super quick flash of Sister Wives(in small font) season premiere appears & then it quickly shifts to Breaking Amish The Shunning Truth Pt 2 (in much bigger font)& it stays on the screen the whole time.
      All I can say is OUCH!! SW is definitely no longer a priority for TLC!! Pride comes before a fall and the higher ur up the harder the fall!
      I betcha this season is really bittersweet for the Browns bcuz in all reality it's the end of the TLC gravy train for them. I just wonder if any of them regret not doing anything different like staying in Lehi to remodel their home like many on SWB have suggested? Or perhaps regretting not paying off old debts & putting some in $avings instead of blowing it on 4 rental homes, very unwise investments, & unnecessary MULTIPLE trips to Disneyland & other vacations that came out of the family $$?

  29. FYI - Janelle's job title and salary information are searchable online. As a state worker, it was a matter of public record. Search the 'Utah's Right To Know' website and you can locate the information.

    1. I couldn't find it - is it under a maiden name?

    2. She's been gone from that job for almost 2 years, so why would that information still be available? It's out of date! Can you provide a link to the info if its still online?

    3. The blog for the site states that it is only current (for the most part) to FY10, so Janelle should still be listed; that said, she's not coming up in a search, even under just "Janelle" or "Brown" or "Schriver". which i believe is her maiden name. any nibbles on how to find it??

    4. In the FAQ section, item #7 it says that if there is a compelling reason, a name may be deleted in situations "...where the person is confirmed to no longer work for the agency in question".

      That's probably the reason why you can't find Janelle listed anymore.

    5. I saw that too, but I got the impression from the wording of her post that archergirl78 had found the info just recently so I kept looking.

      I wouldn't be surprised if Janelle had the info deleted, even though it says that the database is only current (for the most part) through FY10.

    6. Just tell us how much already...I'd say $40,000

    7. Sorry, everyone! I came across the info a month or so ago. I didn't realize it was gone now.

      Janelle worked for the Department of Workforce Services as a Workforce Services Specialist II, making $16.50 per hour, or $34,320.00 annually. In addition, she had full benefits and a 401k. According to the records, it looks like worked at least part of January 2011, which coincides with the move to Las Vegas.

    8. HOLY CRAP! less than $35k a year (BEFORE taxes - but of course she had 6 dependents to claim)? in the bay area, even living alone that would be close to poverty wages. Is it possible to raise a family on that little in Utah???? wow.

      *actually, I just checked the Federal 2012 Poverty Guidelines for the 48 States and a family of 7 - the poverty line is $34,930.00 - in 2010, it was $33,270.00. so in 2010, she was just above the poverty line...yikes*

      depending on how their 401k worked, she probably didn't have that much sunk in, since I don't see how she could contribute more than 5% pretax at MOST. and then of course when she cleaned it out to live on during the Vegas move, at LEAST 40% if not more would have gone to the feds for taxes and early withdrawal penalties.

      Too bad we don't know what Kody's average income was. I'd guess maybe $50k?

      Compared to what they were making, whatever F8F/TLC was/is paying them must seem like a fortune. Of course, we will never know.

      Thanks archergirl78!!! very interesting indeed, since the show made it sound like Janelle was some sort of accounting/financial genius.

      Interestingly, I just looked up her job title and department and - she was making near the bottom of the salary levels. the greater majority of her peers are making at least $50k if not more, the highest paid at $128k. even given the 2 year difference, that's still pretty major. wow,

    9. From what I understand, benefits and anything the state pays into a 401K are also included in the salaries shown online. Her actual wages would have shown as higher on the website when those were factored in, somewhere in the 50k range, as well.

    10. Hmmm but still....holy crap.

      Even with bennies and 401(k)...bottom line before taxes she's earning $660 a week! BEFORE taxes!! good Lord! and not just supporting her OWN children but also helping to support all the other kids! OMG.

      and as far as her 401(k) - she pissed away most of what the state contributed to it by withdrawing early. I don't know how long she actually held the job with the state - maybe 8 years? - and how long she has been participating - some employers allow employees to start participating right away, others might make you wait 6-12 months - but as soon as she took out an early withdrawal...she lost a big chunk - taxes along with a 10% early withdrawal penalty. ouch! and not very smart - of course I'm sure that Kody pressured her to withdraw that money. Probably that was all the money the family had saved, just based on what I see about Kody and the family in general...and she pissed it away (not just the money that was there, but the potential growth of her 401!) all because of Kody's whim to move to Vegas. ugh.

  30. So even after the Briwns' show is cancelled, do you suppose we will see them as guests on the Dargers' show?

    On the Lehi house remodel suggestion: didn't the Duggars show exactly that? I'm so surprised the producers didn't follow with the Browns doing that since there are do many similar ideas in all of these shows. I do remember reading in their book that I bought in a moment of weakness that the Browns state they didn't even tell the producers they were moving to LV until right before. Who knows what story lines were planned then trashed because of Kody's spur of the moment move. Can you imagine what kind of scrambling it took to keep filming? Was this the first straw for the production company in the decision to maybe cancel?

    The producers also had to deal with Robyn's demands to be shown in a favorable light. She states in their book that she was seen by some as a home wrecker and since the intent of the show was to show polygamy in a good light, she talked to the producers about being careful to show her in a positive way after that.

    Then there's Mary who wouldn't appear without being in full makeup. Did that cause any filming delays or obstacles?

    The clan also tries to slip in the green goo concoction drinks into scenes, too. I can picture dozens of ways they could potentially hindering filming and production. Is this a significant reason the show really hasn't been promoted this season?

    Gordon Setter brings up Robyn's father: Did anyone else have the impression he was in the room when she delivered The Chosen Son Sol? Maybe it was just editing. It's just weird that after denying her as his child while she was growing up(in their book she says as the child of the second wife, he couldn't acknowledge her in public) that he appears on several episodes now that they are infamous. I guess I doubt any of their motivations.

    All of these tears over Maddie voicing her refusal to be in a plural marriage for HERSELF are just dumb. First of all, it's about MADDIE and not them. She doesn't want it for herself but the Brown adults are turning the attention back to themselves. Second, they state repeatedly in their book how their children are free to choose. Free I guess until they choose monogamy.

    Finally, this show that was to show their religion in a positive light of course has failed for many reasons, one of course that they don't seem to show their religion. It doesn't bother me if adults live together. It DOES bother me that a religion they want to show in a positive light calls the rest of us "swine.". They state that they sect members believe their religion is sacred and to show it to non-believers is like "casting pearls before swine."

    Browns, you sunk your own ship in so many ways.

    1. I think as soon as the Kody Brown ship sinks slowly in the sunset, Joe Darger will be heard saying 'Kody who?'.

      Don't forget that Christine also called other religions 'sharks', right in the face of a Presbyterian minister.

      I believe the producers knew Kody was hightailing it out of Lehi...And perhaps, even suggested it (or agreed when Kody and Robyn brought it up). Kody and Christine took the family on a trip to Vegas with Kody declaring Vegas to be his favorite vacation spot in the previous season before the mad exodus out Utah. so it wasn't too surprising when Kody made his...announcement.

      I think the last straw happened when the producers realized Kody's bad case of narcissism could make Las Vegas look as dull and uninviting as Lehi.

    2. **It's just weird that after denying her as his child while she was growing up(in their book she says as the child of the second wife, he couldn't acknowledge her in public) that he appears on several episodes now that they are infamous. I guess I doubt any of their motivations.**
      --Sadly Addicted

      Are you considering the fact this man is her step-father. I did not read the book so cannot say which events occured under each parent.

      I am reviewing some past episodes. This is the home-town of Robyn's family. Has Robyn influenced the choice of moving to Vegas?

      I so agree that the Brown's treat the "fans" (including us) as persons unworthy of considering the facts of their religion. But, Kody often says his choice of a polygamous life is motivated by religion ... then becomes hush-hush, ending that subject.

      So of course we google (duh!:) ... and right here on Sister Wives Blog
      Go To

      The comment "casting pearls before swine" is biblical. It is meant to keep those who would not understand from mocking the gospel of Christ.
      The Browns use it, out of context, referencing AUB polygamy doctrine.

      If Kody chose to present polygamy to the nation, and to center his faith as the reason, he needs to present that element of his faith-- straight out opening a conversation with us.

      Otherwise this seems a little like Billy Graham taking the pulpit then saying, "I was called to follow this higher path. That's all folks."

      But he preaches without fail that Jesus took the punishment of our sin when he was crucified, dead and buried. Heaven is His love gift to us.


      I do not doubt the faith the Brown adults place in their religion. I suppose they are hoping, as Kody said in an ealier episode, that their light will shine in their televised lives.

  31. So I went over to Twitter just to see the latest buzz w/ the Browns & U know it's been 5 days since Robyn has tweeted a "Thankful" tweet...Hmmmm?? I wonder why? I guess she got a reality check dose of SWB...Lmao! Oh, a couple of days ago, a fan tweeted "The previews are such a tease!! Can't wait for the new season of Sister Wives"
    & Robyn's response:"The season is better than the promos!"

    Umm, alrighty then, whatever that's suppose to mean or maybe she's trying to do some early damage control?
    Also 2 days ago, Christine tweeted a pic of her & Kody on the Santa Monica pier...all I can say is she may be smiling but it's forced & U can see a lot of pain & sadness in her eyes...still!!
    Here's a very recent(about 45 mins. ago) SMH tweet response from Kody to one of Maddie's random tweets.

    Maddie:"I'm in the mood to have a deep conversation about life with someone"

    Kody:"Sorry, I'm not home. Soon my dear. Love you"

    Ummm, that's just a bit awkward to me. It just seems that Kody is again trying too hard to show the world what an involved dad he is, when in reality we all know he isn't. Hey Kody, why don't U try calling or even texting Maddie to have that deep conversation or just to let her know U care. But I'm thinking she was probably missing her big brother Logan, since he has always been there for her.

    1. Hey CB, I was watching the 48 hours shows too! I saw what you saw, I had to rewind a bit to see what it was.

  32. I am going to watch the show tomorrow. My post here is not really in response to anything particular just my feelings on the show and the family in general.

    First, I think Christine is far more attractive than Robyn. I really don't see what the big fuss abut Robyn is. I also think Christine is an awesome mother even if she is doing it on her own, she seems to really enjoy being with her children. I think she was born to be a wife and mother and the fact that Cody doesn't appreciate her really makes me sad for her. Out of all the wives she is the one I would most likely befriend.

    Janelle to me is just a broken down woman who has been in a bad situation for way to long. I didn't read the book but from what I've heard it appears her value to Kody has always been in her willingness to bring money into the family. From the get go it seems nobody cared about how Janelle felt. Even now it seems like her concerns and feelings are pushed to the side. I don't know why she stays.

    I liked Meri initially. However; I started to see her becomming more and more shallow. I think the finally straw for me with Meri was the housing issue. I think she is selfish to take more than she needs. I agree with Janelle, she is taking from the family and doesn't need a huge house. Oh and I'm certain she will not have another baby. I think she likes the play with them and give them back thing she has going on with her "bonus" kids. I think they are dragging out the story line to have a reason to put Meri on screen otherwise what would be left besides her shopping?

    Robyn is so fake it's not even funny. I mean really, crying over every little last thing? She tries so hard to come of as genuine that it becomes obviously fake. She does it to draw the attention to herself and get confirmation from Kody that she is good and doing the right thing blah blah blah. It's manipulation plain and simple.

    You ever notice in pictures Robyn tends to always have to be next to Kody, even on the couch? Maybe not always but a lot. And yes he favors her. Look at the family photos on the site. How come he is not holding Trully in their photo? He's got his back to Christine who is holding oto him while Mykeltie holds Trully. Yet there he is holding Sol with Robyn clung to him in their photo. His photo with Meri same thing, Meri holds on to Kody, Kody seems to be pulled away from her and Mariah has her back to them both. Janelle's photo again Kody is facing away from her and she is behind him probably holding his shoulder but it's hard to tell in that photo. Hmmm....wonder who he favors?

    You know Kody is nothing but hot air. I agree with the kids, he comes up with these "plans" yet nothing ever comes of them. No wonder the kids don't jump up and down for joy anymore when Kody says something. He is a fly by the seat of the pants kind of person and sorry buddy you are a middle aged man with over a dozen kids to support. Grow up and man up. He needs to think things through and come up with realistic solutions. No wonder this family has had so many finanical issues, wife infighting issues and the like, because look at the man who is suppose to be the glue holding it together. He is a mess, and not even a hot mess at that.

    1. I agree with your post 100%. When this mess is over and the Browns have slipped back into obscurity I fear that Christine and janelle will take the brunt of Kody's anger. I only wish that there was some way for these women to get out of this crazy situation. Would TLC take a chance on basing a show about the escape from pologamy? I think alot of the posters on this blog would watch.

    2. IMO - Kody doesn't seem to be someone prone to physical violence. I think the way he will take out his anger will be simply to shut the wives (and perhaps their kids) who don't meet with his favor out as much as he can. Meaning - he either won't spend the night at their house, or if he does, he won't sleep with that wife. or he'll spend all his time on his phone while ignoring the wife in question. we saw him do that this past spring, with Christine. He will withdraw and shut them out. IMO

    3. Victoria - as someone who grew up/spent more than half her life fat/chubby/obese - I can tell you that it doesn't matter to many people how pretty or not the face is - the sad truth much of the time is that "the thinner is the winner".

      Robyn kept saying "Kody likes curvy girls". But I think that Robyn is VERY AWARE of the advantage she has over the other three wives - not that she's younger, but that she's thinner.

      Kody is such a superficial person, I'd be surprised if this WASN'T true for him. and to be truthful, my idea of "curvy" isn't Janelle or Christine at this time. Or Meri for that matter.

    4. Dakota, I too am a bit heavier. I was curvy in my youth lol. Not I'm just heavy with some curves. I still think even being heavier Christine is still way more attractive than Robyn. But that is my opinon. Maybe because I like Christine as a person better also influences my decision heavily. Though Cody is a superficial jerk who probably doesn't think that way either.

      Also I agree that Kody isn't the type to physically harm his wives but would instead withhold affections and attention to get even with them. To be honest I doubt Janelle gets a lot of affection anyways so it probably won't hurt her too bad. It will kill Christine. She is having a hard enough time already. To be shut out completely would probably ruin her. I do think he singles them out (look at Mariah and Logan & how Kody reacted to the thought of one going back to Utah over the other)

      Fan From Australia- I wonder if all the work they are doing to help women leave the lifestyle is preperation for their own escape. Wouldn't that be something if they were using it to help themselves get away from Kody. Probably wouldn't happen but hey a girl could hope right?

  33. Kody aint nothing but a pimp they need to wake up they kids are twisted & confused these women are being brain washed.

  34. They have all gained so much weight since Lehi.

    1. Yes, even Robyn! She is no longer thin.

  35. I watched the D R A M A tonight - I won't spoil anything - but I totally can see Robyn's predicament when it came to being a single mom and not being able to pay bills when you are struggling to survive. I can relate. Can't relate to marrying a polygamist, but being a single mom and taking care of your kids and putting off creditors, definitely.

    1. well without having yet seen the new ep (1 hour left!) I would say that there isn't a whole lot of difference between being a single mom and polygamy.

  36. At the end Robyn says she'll do "anything" to get these houses. So what's she gonna do? I heard their online sister wives jewelry isn't doing well. Another thing I noticed is all the homes in the plat they chose are beautiful. Even IF Meri wanted a one bedroom smaller house let's say, it wouldn't fit in with the other houses in the plat.

  37. Another thought is after this show goes away, how much jewelry do you think their website will sell after this is long off the air? If the website is popular now, it's only because the show is on tv now.

  38. Wondering if there will ever be a mole out there who can find out how much these grifters are actually being paid to be on this show. I want to know where the money is coming from.

    Anyone want to estimate what the monthly income would need to be to support 4 new homes, utilities, cars, insurance, food, clothes, etc, for this crew? What about if they were also funding savings, retirement? And what about college? Even with scholarships/aid, parents generally have to chip in something

    I can't fathom how they are pulling this off....and when its all going to come crashing down.

    1. Do only the adults get paid or are each of the children also paid?

  39. I walked in the middle of the episode last night when they were doing Q&A from viewers. What was the question that they wouldn't answer because they wouldn't even talk about that amongst themselves?

  40. I don't understand why people are calling Meri selfish. She was so hesitant to say yes to the house BECAUSE she didn't feel she deserved the 7 bdrm house. Also, in that neighborhood I don't think a 3 bdrm house would fit if all the rest were 7 bdrooms.

  41. Forget about what you think you deserve or "fits" in. Hell, I "think" I deserve the Rockefeller mansion. I was a single mother for 12 years - struggled, but paid all my bills, student loans and debt left over from the marriage. I had two jobs at one point with a third during the holidays to make extra. I never whined, cried or tried to pass off my responsibilities.

    I am sure a nice 4 BR would fit in just fine...I have one child (who just went off to college) and my new husband and I are shopping for homes and don't want (OR NEED) more than a 3-4 bedroom, and I have a step-daughter who visits occasionally, as well as I work from home a few days a month. This is all ridiculous.

    Some of it is scripting, but most of it is stupidity. They have control over how they are portrayed. Plygs or not, I don't think they have Christian values. They like to try to act or say they do, and try to dress modestly, but where is the doing for each other, sharing and providing for the family? The kids that are leaving for college are lucky to get out. The fact that they would even consider those four big homes is nauseating. Nothing that hasn't been said already...I'm just venting.

  42. Maybe it's a requirement to be creepy if your a polygamist. Joe Darger, Kody Brown and the creepiest of all Warren jeffs! I think Kody is a jerk he makes a big deal about how his children can choose their own way of life and then he objects when Maddie doesn't want to marry an anus like him! He is such a fine specimen.

  43. This is my first time skimming thru some of this blog and I want to know..Why are people on here such jealous haters of this family? I know this family and I can tell you their children are polite and well mannered and very sweet. The parents are good people who don't have any addictions and pray together regularly. They are putting their kids first and I respect that. I think they deserve those "Mcmansions" and have worked very hard for them. God bless the Sisterwives and all their children! Cheers to many good things ahead!!

    1. Sarina,

      I hope while you were "skimming thru" you noticed something: We do not criticize each other on this blog. The Browns have made themselves a public entity, and unfortunately, that means not all people will put them on a pedestal like you have. And on a personal note, I find it so interesting how people can label others as being jealous haters when they are demonstrating some of the very same behaviors...why are YOU being such a jealous hater of the people who are expressing their opinion on SWB?

      Mister Sister and I think of this blog as our living room, where adults can express their opinions and hold adult conversations. So thank you for your visit today. I'm sure you must be on your way. Please, allow me to show you to the door...
