Saturday, November 24, 2012

Discussion Page for Review: S05 Ep01 and VIDEO Trailer for 11/25/12 episode


Here are the pictures of the tub, before and after...


  1. Swimming with the Sharks - you asked in the previous thread about the Dargers new show, My 3 Wives. I also wondered what happened, it was scheduled to be on TLC immediately after Sister Wives either this week or the next, Dec 2. But now no word on TLC about the show. Although they are still showing the Browns and the Dargers together in the Dec 2 show called "More Sister Wives". Figure 8 films still says the show is premiering on TLC on Nov 25. So we shall see.

    Their tweets do nothing to support that they actually have the houses. Maybe they are 'forbidden' to talk about it but I still think something is rotten in Denmark (or, Las Vegas). I also noted that none of them said anything about Thanksgiving with the whole extended family. You would think they would tweet about their great family and post a picture of them all together. I just get the feeling they are all basically on their own. Robyn did tweet about missing her mother which usually reads to me that Kody is ignoring her for Meri. They really need to think about how they communicate via social media. The audience would feel more connected and better about 'supporting' the lifestyle if we actually saw that it worked (i.e. they had a big Thanksgiving celebration at Janelle's house or something like that). Kody did, however, tweet not that long ago about how "Aunt Taralyce" is so good with Super Sol. So....I think we have Wife #5 at least being considered by Kody. Someone pointed out that Robyn is actually mid 30s (not late 30s like I thought_ but still....I think Kody wants multiple kids with several wives all at once like he did with Janelle and Christine. Hence the large number of bedrooms for all the houses, other wives and their children are in his vision, Meri thinks its all about equality for her, but Kody is going to move another wife into her house at some point. Someone younger and continually pregnant.

    1. I believe one of the Kodettes tweeted a picture of the food that was being served, but I don't think there was a group picture.

      I totally agree with you about the houses and the number of bedrooms. You know, he could actually bring on wife #5 and #6 rather quickly, especially if one is Robyn's sister. Didn't the floorplans have one bedroom downstairs?

    2. Janelle had tweeted that they were making batches of peanut butter fritos since Logan was gonna be home for a few

    3. Oh yeah, Mykeltie had tweeted that she was out Thanksgiving shopping w/ her mom(Christine) & dad.
      Also, Robyn had tweeted something like, Black Friday shouldn't start on Thanksgiving, show some reverance, blah, blah...
      & then later on Christine tweeted that she was Black Friday shopping for her 1st time ever, w/ a few of her girls/friends...
      Maddie had tweeted that Christine was flirting w/ the Hollister models while standing in line. Of course, Christine responded saying, she was only trying to be nice.
      Hmmmm???Well she has admitted to being a big flirt. Besides it's not like she's really married & Kody has been pretty shitty to her lately. I say U go Christine :D More surprised that they were shopping at Hollister b/cuz that store is NOT cheap. So either they're using credit cards or the girls are using their own $$ from their own jobs, which then that's totally fine,since they did earn it themselves.

    4. I don't blame Christine for flirting either. She needs some positive male attention and to feel like she's still "got it" with six kids and that jerk of a husband of hers it's good to feel like you still got it. God knows Kody does nothing to make her feel desirable as a person let alone a woman.

    5. i'm extremely happily married and i'm a terrible flirt. i feel guilty about it sometimes and i always tell my husband. he says he loves it when i flirt, because it's never serious and i enjoy myself so much. i think innocent flirting can really add energy to a relationship, particularly if, like christine, you don't get paid that many compliments by your partner.
      i'm afraid that however much she flirts, christine would never consider leaving her setup unless there is another plyg marriage in the works for her. she knows no other life and her eternal salvation is at stake, to her, that might be worth an unhappy life on earth.

    6. It's listed in the new TV Guide as airing first time Sunday 12/2, 10-11pm Eastern time right after an hour of SW. I mentioned this about 800 posts ago and was told it had already been but we've had over 1200 posts for one episode and I really can't keep up!! LOVE the blog!

    7. "show some reverence" Robyn said? Gimme a break. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday but a national one, just like 4th of July and Labor Day - if folks wanna shop, or go to the movies, or go out to a restaurant rather than do the traditional thing - and other folks want to work on that day - then LET them and don't impose your personal values on others...such as they are in Robyn's case. Good Lord!

    8. Dakota, do you not remember their trip to MASSACHUSETTS!!!!!! 1 of those pilgrims who came over on the MAYFLOWER, was a great great grandmother of JOSEPH SMITH! (Koduche was posing with the fake whoever, like she was real?). Maybe, to this family, Thanksgiving is a holy holiday.

    9. Meri is so selfish and spoiled. When are the other wives gonna put their feet down with Kody and make him stand up to her. She used the fact that she could not get pregnant as the reason she did not have the kids needed to fill up the same size house as the other wives but then cries constantly that the decision to do invitro is such a huge decision!!! Meri is sneaky and using pity to get more for herself and it is disgusting.

    10. I am new to this board, but very glad I found it. This show is like a train wreck. I usually spend every week begging Christine and Janelle to walk away and sue the heck out of Kody for child support. But I am just talking to my TV and those women are so brain washed by that creepy balding, lazy man. I think Meri is manipulative and only reigned in Robyn because she knew it would devastate Christine. I think she is playing a game with the "it's not fair because I don't have as many kids, but I can't decide if I want more kids". Seriously, please do not have more kids, you have already created a selfish child, can the world really handle another?

      Okay, it seems I do not like the sister wives too much. But I do, I actually feel very very sorry for Christine, she doesn't have an education to do anything to support herself and she was such a fun-loving person.

      I do not like Robyn, I feel like all her "I love everybody" mushiness is a game, because she was absorbed by a family and now has her every need taken care of. And as I mentioned above, I think Meri had an ulterior motive by "picking" Robyn.

      Janelle is super smart and I honestly feel she is the responsible glue that holds everything together. I don't think she is attached to Kody or the other wives, and could take them or leave them, and I don't blame her, I think I would be the same way. She is also the most beautful of Kody's wives. She may be very overweight, but she has the prettiest face and her kids are the cutest too.

      Oh and finally, Meri, please say hello to suncreen, your face is one tan away from being a Brighten hand bag.

    11. I've always thought that Meri's ulterior motive was to hurt Christine and to a lesser extent Janelle.

    12. Bravo. I agree with EVERYTHING you said, FaithAlways.

      I love Christine and Janelle. Meri's manipulation has gotten really hard to stomach.

  2. The synopsis for tomorrow's show says "Logan graduates from college, a new baby." How does a kid graduate from college in less than a year? And whose new baby?

    1. That would be a nice kick in the ass for Meri. That I would pay to watch.

    2. I bet the new baby is in the Darger family or some friend of the Browns. The teasers for the show are so dramatic and then turn out to be nothing. They can only get away with this for so long. As for Logan it will be interesing to see the spin they put on that.

    3. OMG so true Anon 1:52. TLC fakes us out so much none of us trust their previews. I think the shows are getting REALLY boring and they know it. Its not good enough to have a REAL preview? No. And they know it. Sad.

      Pack up TLC. We want to see what this clan does when theyre left on their own to pay their bills, lol. Do that and then do a follow up show of how they've had to go back to Utah because they cant afford LV. That I know Id watch! lol

    4. I am sorry to say I watched this. I think it was more "Logan graduates at college", since the high school graduation was held at the local college. And there was no new baby, just the same old talk about will she or won't she. Geesh! Why do I keep watching this train wreck?

  3. I have a hard time believing that 45 year old Kody is going to marry a 19-20 year old less than 1/2 his age and expect public support!

    1. That's why I think Kodmones will go for it. He's going to go for younger and younger women just like Bill did on Big Love. ANd don't forget the younger they are, the more babies they can have.That's typical behavior for a polygamist - Vernon LeBaron to name one as an example. A twenty something makes sense to a balding, paunchy, narcissistic almost 50 something guy who thinks the world revolves around his lazy you know what. Let's just hope he doesn't make the same mistake Bill did by marrying Margene.

      Kody has NEVER cared about what the public thinks of him - that's his main problem! He will simply say he's following his religion.

    2. But doesn't she have to agree as well? Hopefully she has better sense.

    3. Let's just hope she's smarter than her sister and aspires for a good, stable man with a decent job. If she thinks like her sister that Kody is the best thing out there, she's in trouble.

    4. I don't know the promise of having someone else take care of you and put you in a McMansion of your own someday may be enough to lure her in.

    5. i hope it's ok to reveal this information, but my researches have shown that robyn and taralyce are not blood relations. taralyce is the daughter of robyn's stepdad - him of the birthing episode, yuck - and a woman who is not robyn's mum. also, taralyce's mother is apparently separated from paul sullivan.

    6. That's interesting, since Mother has been with Paul Sullivan a long time. Doesn't he have 3 wives though? Maybe one of them.

    7. I can totally see Kodaly marrying Taralyce(I love her name btw). That's the natural progression in the FLDS communities. Marrying siblings is simply what they do.

      Good job on the research bored_now!

    8. Robyn and Taralyce have the same mother, but different fathers. Robyn's mother has a picture of herself and Taralyce on her facebook page.

    9. Well he told meri that "I will have more children" Even if Robin is early 30s that does not leave a lot of fertility room ...yep he needs a new younger wife..

    10. I personally think that Kody is going to eventually not want to have more kids as reality kicks in. Robyn is only 34 and has at least 6-10 years left of fertility.
      It makes me sick to think of Kody hooking up with Taralyce!

      IMO, Taralyce isn't at Robyn's beck and call 24/7. Maybe she works at a salon full or part time then helps Robyn out in her spare time? I hardly think Robyn is the plyg equivalent of "Mrs. X" from the Nanny Diaries. It only takes an hour or so to get nails done. And Taralyce got to travel in exchange for helping out

  4. Everyone is slamming Mariah for being a selfish cry baby but I have always felt she is a little off, like she may have Asperger's. She just seems very socially inept. It would explain her outbursts and her inability to communicate without missing every single social cue in the world.

    1. I'm married to an aspie and I can tell you Mariah is not. Don't lump her self righteous butt in with aspies, it is an insult to them!

    2. My son is an Aspie. Mariah does not exhibit A.S. characteristics. She is far too manipulative. Aspies are virtually incapable (in a good way) of manipulation due to their inability to read subtle social cues. It is actually one of the pros of Aspies- what you see is what you get and much of the neurotypical game playing is nonexistent.

    3. I don't know much about Asperger's but my nonprofessional opinion is that Mariah is a spoiled, self centered brat with an overblown sense of entitlement - in other words, just like her mom.

    4. My son, too, has something in the austism spectrum, more to the asperger line, or something close... Mariah DOES NOT HAVE ASPERGERS!!! Aspergers is now being THE CATCH ALL for anyone AND EVERYONE who is RUDE, MESSY, LATE, etc. etc. etc. ESPECIALLY MEN!!! This is the ADHD diagnosis of the 2010s! Sometimes, people are just rude, spoiled, self centered, etc. ESPECIALLY WHEN HER MOTHER BEHAVES THE SAME WAY!!!

    5. Doesn't Robyn's son David/Dayton have A.S.?

    6. Mariah is just a kid and she has grown up with Meri setting an example of entitlement and selfishness. It is just the two of them most of the times. Janelle's kids are more independant and have more chances to be exposed to different ideas. Kody is manipulating her about the baby just like he did with Christine's daughter. Their community is all about having more babies so Mariah is getting it from there too. Please think about that when slamming her. In addition to that I think all (most) of us that post on this board are adults. Adults shouldn't say mean things about kids. i.e. "Hunter's a monster" I know that most people here are nice IRL and want things to go well for the Brown kids...

    7. I agree that Mariah is a carbon copy of her mom. I am so sick of Meri and her only having one child. Do to medical complications after a stillbirth I was unable to conceive again. We adopted our son who is the greatest gift we could receive. I wanted more children but accepted that I couldn't. Meri uses it against Janelle at every turn. Kody is tiring of Meri and I believe he has more wives in mind. This show will not last long and then where will they be? The family will crumble!

  5. I can't get past that they PHOTOSHOPPED THE FILTH out of the bathtub picture but didnt do it for their book.

    1. I started to put up the screen caps I made, then I took them down as being too critical.

      I don't think the tub is dirty; it just needs caulking. But, I do think the one picture showing an almost perfect tub was can almost see the airbrush job.

      I've put the screen caps up again, because some people may not want to go to an unfamiliar website. (no offense but better safe than sorry).

    2. No worries (its a link to a book club on FB) I am critical because at the time there were THREE wives and there was mold and dirt on that tub. Hopefully they take better care of their new homes ;)

  6. My remarks from the last thread -
    Theory on why the Dargers show isn't on tlc's listings - perhaps they are pushing the date back to start at the end of the Browns' season - 9 eps usually right? F8F might have jumped the gun a bit.

    I believe that tlc is cutting the family one check, the way they did the Gosselinx. (Jon G stated the family was pad $22k per ep at the peak of the shows popularity on the Larry King show in Oct 2009). I don't know why Logan would rate a separate paycheck just because he turned 18 - I personally think he's been done with the invasion of privacy for awhile now. My guess is that we will see noticeably less of Logan this season as well as any further seasons. He's done. And that makes the theory of Robyn's sister as "Logan bait" a valid one. But I don't think it's going to work - I think Logan wants out of the whole plyg deal.

    On Janelles potential career as a real estate agent: I think that although Janelle is a hard worker - as in give her a desk, and a set task to do and she'll do it well - she doesn't really strike me as a self starter. We never found out anything about the pantry business that is presumably in her name - I think that while the name might have been registered (like Fundamental Fitness) nothing came of it. Janelle might be like the rest of the fam in that respect - they don't want to put in the hard work it takes to start a real business. MSWC really doesn't cost that much to run - the jeweler propbably makes a few pieces at a time and splits the "profit" with the Browns.

    1. Some quick math 15 episodes X 22,000= 330,000 divided by 4= 82,500 divided by 12 months= 6,875/ month/ house. Okay- maybe it is enough for them to live on. I'm thinking the two with all the kids, specifically. I always thought Las Vegas was an expensive place to live. How far would $5,000-6,000 go in a month when you have 6 kids?

      For me- I still don't see where they have enough to live on unless they just spend it when they've got it?

    2. And what's more I believe Jon G made it clear that was the most the fam got per ep. They were getting less at one point and I bet near the end Kate + 8 took a pay cut.

      It's really closer to 10-11 eps. Some are an hour long some just a half hour. I doubt they are paíd the same. However the half hour eps are generally shown in pairs one after the other. This past spring/summer there were 11 eps plus the Morales interview which doesn't appear to be part of the regular season. However there were only 7 hours (including commercials etc) in total. So I would say using $22k per HOUR = $154,000 for those eps.

      And remember they have to pay taxes on that $$.

    3. IMO,I think they divide it by 5, b/cuz Kody is definitely gonna get his 'fair" share of profit.His greedy ass wants his $$ too. Not to mention,the wives may had to give him more $$ so they could invest in the MLM scam & MSWC too.

    4. I've gotten lost. How do we know that is what they make? After taxes it would probably be about 4 a month also, IMO

    5. Anon 1:02 - all we can do is guesstimate based on what little info we have. I'm convinced that its a standard part of tlc's contracts that payment amounts remain secret/undisclosed.
      (Oh and btw - I was incorrect on that Breaking Amish statement allegedly made by one of the participants during the interview special - she actually stated that was what people THOUGHT they got paid and it wasn't nearly that much.)

    6. Nevada has no income tax.. and the large families would have little fed income tax...

    7. However minimal the amount there would regardless still be taxes.
      Hopefully Carol CPA will chime in with some educated estimates - based on $400k a year made payable to Brown Famiky Entertainment. How would they divvy that up and what would be the taxes?

  7. Now that I look closer at the picture I am not so sure its at the same time (probably stiff photoshopped) The kids look different and there is more in the dirty one.

    1. But the tub toys are the same...if the picture isn't photoshopped, someone must have taken a can of white paint and sprayed over the nasty bits of the tub.

      I agree with what you said above...let's hope if they do get the McMansions that they take better care of them. Maybe they can have the Darger Stepford Wives come in once a week and clean for them.

    2. There is also one less child in the second picture. Still, I think the tub was likely photoshopped.

  8. The video: Christine, what's up? She looks so tired or something. And why does Kody talk about how Meri, Christine, and Robyn grew up? It was their experience, not his. I forgot, it's The Kody Show.

    I didn't realize the Dargers and the Browns had a relationship until I recently found out it was the Darger boy's band playing at Robyn and Kody's wedding reception. I don't think Taralyce is for Kody, but why not one of the Darger boys? Again, that would be just like the Duggars and Bates because TLC has to use the same format, but that would make a good tie in to the new show and explain the guest appearance.

    1. I totally agree about Christine. It looks as though she's been crying and is about to start again. She can only take so much of Kody's cruelty before it defeats her. I'll bet she's back on the meds she took when Kody married Robyn. She is the opposite of the bubbly Christine we saw when the show began. I wish she would read the blog and find out how much we are worried about her. Sending hugs and positive energy to Christine!

  9. So aside from Sister Wives the television show and green goo, are the Browns working?

    I don't include MSWC because I highly doubt they have even a single sale once a week.

    *They quit the jobs in Utah-just Janelle & Christine worked?? Anyone know??

    *They quit real estate after one day.

    *The registered a web site but also quit

    *Fundamental Fitness before it started.

    *Their MSWC has a few products but its so bad they'll likely lose money after fees.

    I wonder what these people will do when TLC ends their show? We all know its probably going to end soon. There is literally nothing left to cover. And the show is about 7 months behind or so? This is 2012. You can not have a reality show that is super behind real time. Its a bad business decision. Imagine how much money the Browns would've saved if they didn't flee Utah b/c Kody likes Vegas. He is so dumb, I think he was just attracted to the lights. LOL If they were wise with money, they would have seen TLC as a once in a lifetime opportunity to pay off the Utah mortgage. They would've improved their quality of life. Imagine being in your late 40s or 50s and starting a 30 years mortgage. Having to pay FOUR mortgages every four weeks. Instead of having all of that money to pocket, invest, spend or save. Quitting their jobs and moving under the guise of religous persecution was shameful. That's like crying rape. Its a serious issue. You do not pretend something is happeneing to you if it is not. It makes you look like a jacka**. Kodys selfish wish fulfillment of living in Vegas ruined the quality of life for his entire family. Any advantage of having multiple wives is eliminated with four houses. When TLC leaves, do you think they'll go back to Utah? They can only afford four large rentals if TLC is footing the bill. I doubt Kody makes much selling green goo. You could sell $25K worth of product and 100% goes into expenses. Anyone know how much he sells?

  10. Sidebar. :D I just wanted to say that I really enjoy this blog. Its great! I worked in my craft room all day and I read the site on and off. Its entertaining, candid and interesting. Good job, ladies!! <3

  11. Mariah makes me ill, she said "@tkalldayyy hahahaha sorry bout that! I'm just living the famous life💁" and then got into an argument with someone about how Mariah has to live with a house of infertility issues everyday. BRAT.

    1. She lost me when she called that Wal-Mart in Anaheim 'ghetto'. Not very nice. I try not to read her tweets because she comes across as very mean girlish with a BIG ole chip on her shoulder. Like I said before, she's going to have a big awakening when she goes away to college and discovers she's no longer a big fish in a little pond. I wonder which sorority will accept her?

    2. I bet she wouldn't have found that Walmart ghetto when they were living on their old Lehi income.

    3. Sorority? HOW could she afford to be in one? I paid for college for my daughter and son, but could have not afforded sorority or fraternity dues on top of tuition and housing. Mariah as sorority material seems as likely as Marah the doctor. I can't imagine one that would admit a kid from a polygamous family, much less one as awkward, immature and unattractive as Meri Jr.

  12. The Kodester's hair looks teased and sprayed pretty good in that trailer. Trying to make it look full and thick eh Kodeman! Let it go!

    1. He's the plyg Donald Trump when it comes to hair. Pathetic

  13. Well tomorrows SW episode looks like a total snoozefest(YAWN!!!!!!!) On the other thread, someone had mentioned that Christine wanted a craft room. I think she said that she wanted a wrestling room aka 'the anger room' ....smh

    1. Ha ha! I just had a picture of Christine pile driving Kody in my head.

  14. Kody must seriously think he's something since he had the nerve to refer to himself as a boy toy.... Ummm, HELL NO, I don't think so!!BLAH!! More like a cracker jack toy reject....Lol

    1. Only Meri would require more bags, if you get my drift.

  15. You know, I don't even watch this show anymore because it's become sooooo BORING! However, I love this blog because most of the posters are witty, snarky, and smart. And CJ, what can I say? You just rock!
    That said, cleaning supplies and caulk cost money that MUST be spent on ill-fitting ruffle shirts, tanks, and wet bars. Obviously, you guys just don't appreciate the necessities of life. Doesn't everybody know that a wet bar is a MUST in ANY LDS home, fundamentalist or otherwise? Joseph Smith himself pontificated at length on the joys of polygamy and wet bars. Look it up! It's in the Doctrine and Covenants. I quote: " And verily I say unto my brethren, go out into the desert and find your way to me, your Lord, and take unto yourselves the blessing of many wives and wet bars." Malachi 2:23.

    1. And thy fourth wife will cry on cue and look at thee adoringly even as she has the knowledge that thy first wife will always have dominion over you. And yeah my servant Kody thy will multiply and enjoy the fruit of your loins and all people will look unto you and say "really"?
      Many will observe your hair and great laughter will fill the land.

    2. When we visited Nauvoo, we were told by the guides that JS DID put in a bar in the small mansion he built but Emma made him take it out! (the mansion is owned by the RLDS (Community of Christ) and not the LDS. )

    3. Oh my gracious, this made me laugh.

    4. it is a known fact that smith himself drank and smoked a pipe. i think that qualifies as a literal case of preaching water and drinking wine.

  16. I have been thinking about posting this since I rewatched the episode over the holiday weekend. CJ/MS - I will understand if you don't post it because it is about one of the kids.

    There is a scene where Christine's kids are greeting Mariah at the NHS program and I had to stop and pause at one of the girls. I believe that Aspyn may be pregnant. Her belly was out so far you could see the belly button (like you see with a pregnant woman). I HOPE it was a very unfortunate choice of shirts and it was just way too tight but it really made me stop and wonder if we have an unplanned teenage pregnancy going on and they are trying to keep it out of the spotlight.

    So...anyhow something to ponder and comments from anyone? For what its worth she looked pretty normal on the couch scene but its easier to hide sitting. The NHS thing would have been in May/June so a baby might not yet be born. I hope it's not the case, I would hate for Apsyn to have this happen but I just wanted to see if anyone else noticed anything.

    1. So...anyhow something to ponder and comments from anyone?

      I think she's 'inherited' her mother's build.I've posted some comparison photos from the Lehi group photo and the episode 1. Really no difference in the two pictures. (ps, when I first saw the group photo I thought the same thing).

    2. Pear-shaped build + too-tight tops = pregnant look.
      The whole fam needs a makeover, badly. I always thought they kept covered up for religious reasons but I see not only do the Dargers wear short sleeves etc but so was Taralyce in last week's ep. Btw since she just graduated from "hair school" this year, perhaps Taralyce moved to LV because the employment prospects were better than in St George Utah?

    3. The whole fam needs a makeover

      Oh my gosh, I shudder to think what their clothing line will look like when (and if) it appears on MSWC. But on a positive note, I bet they will do good business around Halloween time.

      Dress like a Kody Brown Sister Wife for Halloween. Bwahahahahaha!

    4. CPA Carol,

      I too did a double take at the picture !!
      And CJ, thanks for the comparison pics. It must be just the body type.
      My thought was "if" it was so, than how horrible it would be for that poor girl to be dealing with that amidst all the public scrutiny.

      Yeah, really...just can't imagine what in God's name would ANY of the Brown babes deem "closet-worthy?"
      Maybe they should consult with the Darger femmes. Their style IS a bit Stepford, but at least it isn't tacky, fluffy pre-teen.

    5. If Taralyce is Robyn's live-in nanny, when does she even get to go work in a salon? or go and meet people her own age to socialize with? When you're 19 and FINALLY FREE from your parent's home, you're ready to spread your wings and FLYYYYY!! that's only normal. Sad that she must be caught up in the religion tho to just go be at Sobbin's beck and call for babysitting, cooking, cleaning and who knows what else?? Is that her life until she gets to marry a plyg now, too? blech.

  17. "It's there, sitting in front of you. Why not take it. You guys know I love all my siblings. I somehow feel this would be a different, a better baby." Mariah urging her mother to accept an infant.

    Listening once more to this, I took it at face value. To fundamentalist Mormons (and I think LDS) life does not begin at conception but the spirit child's life begins in heaven where it waits for a body to then be concieved on the earth.

    Mariah may be crying because she feels, in her own spirit, she knows the waiting infant-- that "different and better" sibling.

    Perhaps because they may, by the "spirit child" belief, have waited decades or even eons together in heaven for the conception of an earth body?

    1. Even if this is true, there's no reason to expect that such a spirit would have to be born into Meri's baby. I didn't think they believed that it worked that way - AFAIK, they believe that the spirit babies are waiting to be born and so the women just have to give birth; there's nothing about babies having to be born to specific women.

    2. Actually, there is. There are celestial families, of which you are a part. You're supposed to give birth to as many babies as you can because you don't know how many members of your celestial family you promised, before birth, to bring to Earth and all must have a physical body and traverse this realm to get to the next. Of course, even if Sobbin' did give birth to Meri's fertilized egg, the ensuing child would be part of Sobbin's celestial brood, not Meri's.

  18. I can't help it...dirty or not, that tub full of babies is precious!!!

  19. Check out Taralyce Sullivan's FB page before she changes the settings to private. Lot's of sisters, brothers, cousins, all with familiar plyg names!

    1. I looked at it - appears she's already had at least one boyfriend. And the typical teen issues - which tells me it would be a huge mistake for her to become wife #5. No way could Kody relate - he can't even relate to his own children in her age range!

      She has a beautician's license too so she's already doing better than 3 of the 4 wives. Seems like a really sweet nice girl and I see she has male admirers who are close to her age - I wonder if she's working in her chosen profession?

    2. You guys - is there a possibility Mona the Realtor is so good to the family because (apart from the free advertising), she is actually related to the Browns? Look at her full name on her FB page -

    3. Also, does anyone think the girl to the left of Taralyce's profile picture looks very like Christine?

      Where is the Allred connection with this family, again? There was a 'Sharon Allred Brown' who is friends with Robyn, but I thought the Allreds were Christine's relations? Are some of her relations married to her in-laws, so?

    4. She looks EXACTLY like a younger Christine!

    5. She is pretty..interesting that Taralyce lists Robyn as a friend not family

  20. Kody refering to himself as a "boy toy" tells me he is in this fake poly marriage for the sex.

    Wake up ladies.

  21. This is so engrossing like watching a train wreck. With respect to the houses, more likely than not purchased by their "shell" corporation with a Federal Tax ID wherein the houses would be deeded back to them as individuals. There is no way with that much debt and bankruptcies that ANY BANK even with a high rate interest would loan these knuckleheads money (or unless they were paying straight up cash for all the properties). Looking at those bankruptcy papers from Wyoming, I would not be the least surprised if the Feds look a little closer at those records. Also the State might be owed a little cash refund from the Brown cow family scams for all of those children apparently paid for by the taxpayers. It is just astonishing how little responsibility these people take for themselves.

  22. When they left Utah did they HAVE jobs? I thought Janelle was the only one who was still employed and that Meri and Kody had been fired?

    Everyone says - GET JOBS - and I agree, but realistically, what could they actually DO at this point? Who in their right mind would hire anyone from this gong show? And what are they actually *qualified* to do?

    Of course, I think they should have thought about all that 15 years ago, but that is an aside.

    The little kids all look SO happy, but no one seems very happy now. :-/ And Christine just looks exhausted! They couldn't have fixed that with lighting and makeup or something. Was it intentional to put her in a shadow so the bags would show more? :-/

    1. Why Kody is the expert in sales, remember the beginning? LOL!

    2. Good point, Kim. I have often thought: why don't these women just go get jobs instead of continually trying to come up with some crazy scheme on their own? But you're right - perhaps no one would hire them once they found out they were part of the Brown Family Circus.

      I couldn't help myself and peeked at their jewelry line from MSWC. I can't believe there's a bracelet for $299. All they have to do is sell 10,000 of those and they've got their mansions paid for, with money left over for a wicked awesome wet-bar for Meri! Problem solved.

    3. Now that you mention it, getting a job probably would be really difficult for any of them. The freak-show aspect would be hard to take on for any business owner or manager. Janelle is the only one I'd consider. I don't understand why she doesn't try to do whatever she did in Utah. And didn't she and Christine have some sort of food storage business before? The idiot man-child is too egomaniacal to actually work for someone else, and the notion of Meri working with at-risk youth is laughable. I'm guessing that when the TLC folks dump them, the taxpayer will be footing the bill for this train wreck.

    4. Well, if they can't work, at least they could be frugal. Stop the trips to Disney,the manicures, etc..
      My son is disabled and easily qualifies to sit home and have all of you foot the bill for him. (we know, we've been told). Instead, he works two jobs, 6 days a week. He earns minimum wage working fast food. He's done this for 10 years. Bought his own car, pays for his own medical insurance, and pays a small amount of room/board to us. He hasn't been on vacation in 12 years.
      Kody and Krew disgust me.

    5. Wal-Mart, Target, Gas stations, etc....simple non glorious jobs are always hiring. Like others suggested, they could start their own cleaning service,or for that matter mow lawns. Since Meri says she like to be clean, neat & organized, there are people out there who would pay professional organizers to clean out cluttered rooms & closets. She may have to get insured/bonded but if you get a good clientele built up, it would definitely pay for itself overtime. Hell if they didn't feel so entitled or Kody wasn't afraid of hard work, he could probably even get a construction job.
      Back in the summer 2007, when I couldn't work anymore b/cuz I had to have multiple back surgeries. I made fliers to put up around the neighborhood for my son & husband for lawn ,landscaping & handyman services, called Mow Control, to make extra $$ to help w/ extra medical & Rx co-pays,basically to help make ends meet. They ended up making lots of extra $$ & repeat customers too that summer. Yes, at the time my husband was working his 40+ hrs/wk job too. He's now been at the same company now for 13 yrs,making good $$ so it's really up to the individual & how bad do you want to care for your family. Instead of sitting around whining about homes U know ur ass can't afford.

    6. Maybe I don't have an accurate perception of how much it costs to live in LV. Here a husband and wife both working full time at a minimum wage job wouldn't be enough to pay basic expenses on a living cheap kind of lifestyle, honestly.

      I see where you are coming from, though, Caramel Brownie- any money they make would be more than nothing, right?

  23. Apparently we are milking the TLC income for what its worth, why not use this
    same timeframe to further education and/or training to be prepared when or if
    the bankroll ceases. The teenagers should be taking any and all business/accounting/shorthand - yes there is still a mkt for it-as part of secondary school curriculum instead of waiting and have to pay tuition at a comm or business college.
    About fifteen years ago at age 60, I relocated from a resort area to a city to
    pay more into secial security. As a degreed person, I worked motel night audit until other areas opened up. Local newspapers are always advertising usually for
    customer service. Teenagers can work fast food - anything to bring in a dollar
    to ease another's burden. This pity party must end.

    1. LOL - like Dr. Phil asks, "how's that working for ya?" Their pity party continues to work just fine for them. They believe their lifestyle is required by their god for their exaltation, so it's just always about the individual wife that needs to "shape up or ship out" when in doubt.

      Kody only has to change something if directed so by Meri. If Mother Meri ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Shipping out is not an option for any of the wives (in their own minds anyway). This circus will never stop nor change. THE SHOW MUST GO ON!! (even after their tv show is canceled.)

    2. Meri needs to shut up already about the kid thing. No one cares anymore! The constant crying is really annoying and really reveals her selfishness. In vitro, really? Thats $15000 more to add to the debt and another kid. These people are nuts! The debt must be crippling and if they think TLC is not close to dropping this boring show, they are delusional.

  24. Can you please tell us again how to change our moniker from anonymous.

    1. Click on Name/Url and enter a name on the drop down menu on the right where it says "reply as."

  25. The religion that they are is Fundamentalist Mormon this is different from Mormonism IE The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Please clarify this in your heading. I am Mormon (LDS) and know many Fundamentalist Mormon there is a huge difference between the two.

    1. A Mormon is "someone who believes that Joseph Smith was the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, and who also believes that the Book of Mormon is the word of God"

      FLDS & LDS both = Mormon

    2. Yep . . . FLDS, LDS, AUB, RLDS (Community of Christ), and the other 200+ splinter groups of JS's original church all consider themselves to be MORMON because their shared foundation is the founder and prophet Joseph Smith and they all have the BoM as part of their doctrine. In fact, the mainstream LDS church is actually known as the Brighamite Mormons amongst the plyg splinter sects. Those sects who practice polygamy consider so-called "mainstream Mormonism" or "the LDS church" to actually be in apostasy for doing away w/their God commanded polygamy - regardless of the law of the land.

    3. Anonymous 5:29 -- Even though I'm a heathen, I agree with Anon 3:11. There is the mainstream LDS church and then there are those who do not agree with the mainstream. It's a very significant difference.

    4. Former Mainstream LDS here. The community of LDS church with the temples and tablernacle in SLC consider themselves to be the only "Mormons". Although that really is a slang term. They may all believe in some aspect of the Book of Mormon, some of their teachings are drastically different.

    5. Although i understand "mainstream" mormons not wanting to align themselves closely with other groups of mormons, in the end you all are mormons. It's like comparing granny smith apples to golden delicious apples. Yes, in ways they are different, but they are BOTH apples!

  26. Please review the entire blog. There are posts on many different branches of the Mormon religion. The heading is very appropriate.

    1. What are you responding to? Curious here..

    2. anonymous/Andi right above my post.

    3. Thanks!

      I read the heading, it's accurate. They are Mormon. I would actually argue that they are REAL Mormons. As they are following the teachings of the church. The mainstream LDS Mormon church only stopped practicing polygamy so Utah could gain statehood. A REAL true Mormon would follow the teachings of the church, no the law of the land. Right?!

    4. OhMuhAnim -- The present LDS church does not support polygamy, any more than Christian churches do: see Abraham, for example.

  27. Okay, something has been bothering me. Has Janelle actually stated that she has lost any weight? Hasnt it been like a year(right?) since she said she was going to lose weight. I know at one time she claimed she lost ten pounds, but since then....anything? To me, she looks bigger than ever. And its been a loooong time. She could have lost a good fifty pounds by now.

    Also, Meri looks really big! She has totally gained weight. And her daughter is way too big for a teenager. You get a fat pass when youve had kids and youre older, lol. You know, like her mom.

    The reason I am asking is because I *thought* someone said here recently that Janelle said she lost weight. I dont see it. I'd say she AND Meri both gained a good, solid thirty pounds? What do you guys think? Is it just me?? And Sobbin Robyn has either gained or is pregnant. She looks pregnant to me and its about time. Since Sol is about thirteen months now. I predict she will have at least four of Kodys kids. She has got to have more than she had with her ex. lol

    I see Christine as being totally ignored. Its like she has middle child syndrome in Kodys eyes. You know what I mean? She gets ignored. She is SO depressed! I really like her. I feel pretty sorry for her.

    1. the way i understand this weight-losing lark is that the fatter you are, the faster you can and should lose weight when you start trying. (i might be over-simplifying things a little here, but hey, i'm a historian, what do i know about this sciency stuff?)
      i was apparently quite overweight (it didn't bother me that much) and my doctor got all strict with me and told me to lose weight. i officially started trying in mid-march. we're now at the end of november and i lost 40 lbs. i didn't join a gym, i didn't do that much exercise, i didn't go on a diet. as i'm still looking to lose about another 40 lbs, i might start doing all those things at some point. here's what i did: i started eating more vegetables, reducing portion sizes by just a tiny little bit and learned the difference between enjoying my food and snarfing it down. i also started taking metformin for my insulin (i'm not diabetic, but as of march, i was well on the way) and when i felt the emotional need for junk food, i had some.
      yes, janelle is over 40; yes, she had six kids; but seriously, 10 lbs is pathetic. if she really tried and this is all she lost, she needs to see a doctor, because this is not normal. personally, i think that her real problem is the inability to resist peanut butter fritos (i still don't get the concept, mostly because we don't have fritos where i live) and similar junk.
      she can't deal with all the crap in her life, so she eats it up, as it were. i'm amazed she has developed an ulcer, let alone diabetes.
      please janelle, try harder! you don't have to diet yourself to death, but you do have to be more sensible about food.
      btw, you know what's an awesome snack instead of a bag of crisps? a bag of iceberg lettuce. it's crunchy, sweet and healthy and it comes in a handy plastic bag. what's not to love?

    2. Janelle is OBESE. I would be surprised if she doesnt have diabetes. I agree, it looks like she gained weight but I think more like 50 lbs. She goes 300# easy. And Robin has a little belly which she should have lost by now. Maybe pregnant again and maybe getting fat like her sister wives. Meri and Christine are cows too. And the way they dress!!! It's like they TRY to look bad. Fashion police, please arrest them all! Their makeup is always nice, though.

    3. Monogamous and ChildlessNovember 26, 2012 at 12:09 AM

      Anon 10:51, Inasmuch as the American Diabetes Association states that "Most overweight people never develop type 2 diabetes, and many people with type 2 diabetes are at a normal weight or only moderately overweight", I would be surprised if Janelle DID have diabetes.

      Found under title: "Myth: If you are overweight or OBESE, you will eventually develop type 2 diabetes" (emphasis on Obese mine.)

    4. Janelle's photo on Twitter (I saw it through a link from here last week, I don't use Twitter) shows her to be considerably thinner than she is on the show. Is the show that far behind, is she using an old photo, or has her picture been PhotoShopped?

  28. Did anyone notice during the loan approval scene that Kody & Meri were considered TOGETHER. Of course it's because they are the only legal marriage but anyone can apply for a mortgage together so why didn't Kody put himself in with Robyn? Whose credit is actually worse? Meri is certainly NOT thinking about the good of the entire family by insisting she get a massive house. But then again, none of them are thinking at this point.

    I so agree with others here that Robyn flaunted the fact that she was able to write a $5000 check for the house knowing full well she had *at least* $4000 owed in debt. And she didn't selflessly "take on the debt from her marriage" - it was hers to pay!!!! Take some personal responsibility for once Robyn!

    I was steamed when Kody used his not-so-passive agressive comment to Meri - "I'm going to have more kids." Using that statement knowing that a woman's worth to him is in the number of children they can produce is emotional abuse. W.A.K.E. U.P. sisterwives! Stop using this "religion" to hide behind all the manipulation & abuse you are enduring.

    Oh Christine, Christine, Christine - you are the most abused of all and you don't even realize it. You are better than this and deserve more than this.

    1. "And she didn't selflessly "take on the debt from her marriage" - it was hers to pay!!!! Take some personal responsibility for once Robyn!"

      *Exactly!* She "took it on" by filing bankruptcy. And they NEVER said she paid ANY of the $4,000. They said it was simply "deleted" from her credit file. I love how Sobbin Robbin had a whole entire segment dedicated to her pity party of one. Poor Robbin had to pay her own bills for a short stint in her life. AND she had to take care of her own children. Why, I have never heard of such a thing! LOL

    2. He couldn't get approval with Robyn as husband and wife, because he and Meri are the only ones that are actually (legally) married.

  29. I have read tweets about Janelle losing weight but if I remember correctly from reading on here the show is 6 or 7 months behind. Would like to see them in the present not the past.

  30. Excellent Review!!! The whole reason to watch the show!!

  31. I can't remember where I say the comment....I think it was on the show....or maybe an interview......they were discussing the fact that Meri is the only legal wife to Kody.....and the comment was that with a gay couple the partner doesn't have the authority to pull the plug.....Meri stated that she was the only one who had that right.....BUT SHE WOULD CONSIDER The other wives opinion before doing me this sounds like she considers herself the only true wife of Kody....and the rest of the wives are just breeding stock.....IMHO.....

    1. I'm trying to think exactly where that was (I know we discussed it on SWB). Meri is not a very nice person - if you want to know what Meri is like behind her loving sisterwife facade, take a look at the antics of her offspring. And she will never let any one of her sisterwives forget that SHE is the legal wife.

      I've always wondered, if Kody is trying to play by the Big Love script, why not do what Bill did in the last season. Divorce Meri, and marry Robyn or Janelle? Actually, to be more true to the script Kody would have to marry Robyn because she has 3 kids from a previous marriage.

      Can you imagine the rampage Meri would go on?

    2. LOL...she would NEVER allow that to happen......I just wish that Janelle and Christine would just leave this mess.....I really feel bad for them. And on a side Meri completing her degree any more? You don't hear about her going to college...I bet it was too much trouble and she just gave up.

    3. She said that during the UNLV interview right?

    4. Yeah, I distinctly remember reading that in the write-up of the UNLV interview

    5. That was were I saw it....

  32. Along with the delicious blogging about KodyWorld, SWB has been an education for me about the mindset and MO of Plyg practices.

    People here who are *in the know* have shared about just how and why Plygs operate and fund their families. It certainly has been an eye-opener.
    What has been shared by far more knowledgeable people is that Plygs do not hold "regular jobs" if they can help it. They start and maintain sham businesses that qualify for a host of deductions and bennies which offset taxes.

    They also studiously know how to use the welfare system by making sure they qualify for benefits. They make sure that no wife or mistress (single mother) has any money consistently in her name/accounts. Money is likely moved around from account to account to keep the $$ chess game going and keep the women eligible for welfare.
    So all the "maybe" and the "not the right time yet" business plans SW has presented....the pretend gym, the pretend food pantry, the realtor license that went nowhere, the Green Goo, the shoddily-run Kloset...are very consistent with their usual pattern.

    And just think about the deductions they can claim for "expenses" (deductions) as they go or have gone about these scams. Most likely the jewelry Kloset scam will be reported as "a loss" due to *expenses.*...including Robin's *salary* as the SW Kloset manager.

    These plaural marriage folks are VERY good at what they do....!!

    1. The welfare abuse and shams that you described are most commonly practiced by polygamists who were raised in the FLDS, AUB and other break away sects of Mormonism that still allow polygamy. But the majority of non religion based polygamits do have "regular" jobs or own a legitimate business and pay taxes accordingly. As a polygamist I find it offensive that people could assume that I'm committing welfare fraud or "bleeding the beast" because I don't want to work and expect everyone else to take care of my family for me. The Browns and other polygamists who abused welfare, or continued to procreate without a care for their finances, do a diservice to the polygamists who like myself, actually have a job and work to support their families. But just so you are aware, being a polygamist does not necessarily mean trying to get everything you can from the government. It's the people who were raised in the culture of bleeding the beast and continue to do it as adults who are shameless and disgusting.

    2. Bellarina you make a great point, but I'm not sure that many people realized there were very many non-religious polygamists.

      Until you said that you were I had never thought of it. So thank you for reminding all of us about that :-)

    3. Bellarina, may I ask what your situation is? Is it religious based, or more of an alternative lifestyle/polyamory thing? Are there only multiple wives, or multiple husbands too?

      My curiosity stems from wondering when this sort of living arrangement can actually work, without women and kids getting the shaft.

    4. We are not religion based polygamists. Meaning that we are not polygamists because our relgion advocates polygamy or promotes polygamy in any way. We live this way because it's the lifetsyle we chose. It is polyamory because it is consenting, ethical non-monogamy. Not all polygamy is polyamory. The adults in my family consists of my husband, his first wife and myself. We don't have other wives because we feel that would be emotionally too much for any of us to handle/ we feel like two wives is where we are happiest and it's our limit. We don't have other husbands simply because it's not what we desire. If that's what I wanted then I wouldn't have married my husband because I know that is not something he or my sister wife would be comfortable with. My husband works full time. My sister wife and I together own a catering business and we both work part time, switching off as much as possible so that one of us can usually be home with our youngest kids. We have six children total and we have no plans to have more children because financially it would put too much of a strain on our family. We don't expect the government or anyone else to support us. We chose this lifestyle and our family and so we work together to support our family. We are one family, all living together and working together. I dislike the Browns being the media face of polygamy because it does do a disservice to other polygamists who do not practice polygamy for the same reasons or in the same way as the Browns do. They do not show a happy or healthy family or a good side of polygamy.

  33. Concerning Robin's debt. Was it a credit card in collections or a maxed out card? A maxed out card would definitely lower her score, and if she was able to pay it off, her score should get higher. Very doable in 30 days.

  34. I just get tickled every time I hear Kody & Robin refer to their living arrangement as "the life-style". It makes me think of swingers every

  35. Wake up girls - how do you plan on retiring in twenty yrs. No work, no social security - not even minimum to pay for your basic medicare. The years go by fast.
    You 're scraping the bottom of the barrel is on welfare. Let's do some analyzing!!

  36. LOL!

    Remember when all the wives went shopping for a piece of furniture. Mary liked the "old fashioned" couch but went along with Kody's more modern "LA" choice?

    Just watching last Sundays show on Amazon (sure hope they are faster with the release of today's show) and what should appear but ... Meri's "old fashioned" couch. Although we saw delivery of only Kody's favorite.

    Oh, Meri. And I thought you were practicing your own "Keep Sweet" advice.

  37. I Love Poppies-Her card was in collections. They never mentioned her paying off one red cent. Just that the credit fairy had it deleted from her file.

  38. If someone could just explain how Christine qualified for a mortgage without ever having a job. Let alone 6 kids.

  39. I think they were "pre-approved" for construction loans only.... I am highly doubtful that they will get four new homes... The Brown family is so misguided and I feel very sorry for the children.

  40. Five min into the east coast feed of the new epi...i ALREADY want to freaking scream!!!!!could they b any more freaking obnoxious?!....ok, rhetorical, dont answer

    1. Same here. Stupid, stupid people.

  41. I just saw a glimpse of Truely last week, she is so cute! It didn't look like she'd grown any hair...where did you guys see that. Free Truely Brown!

  42. SPOILER. Dropping the f bomb seems to be a big thing in larger schools esp. Shush us about it, time it will pass.

  43. This show is soooo boring!!! Watching it right now. ZZZ..

  44. Hahaha! Kody's words of wisdom: Polygamy can sometimes have social, financial, and legal repercussions.

    Any time you can use "polygamy" and "crack" interchangeably in a sentence...might be time to reexamine your choices!

    1. @Shumberski - that is the funniest thing I have read in a while! :)

  45. I was just thinking of this and wondering what in the WORLD are the mom's and Kody going to do when their kids grow up and have all moved out?? Seriously. Think about it. what will they do? All move in together? Can you imagine the tensions that will rise on a daily basis?

    I bet this is something that they all refuse to think about or even acknowledge because it absolutely terrifies them.

    1. LOL, all the old wivews will get to live in one house together while he and his younger child bearing wives get their houses.

  46. And good to see the family values are alive and well in Aspyn. They don't feel like paying their bills; file bankruptcy. She doesn't feel like going to school; don't go.

    I blame her parents more for that one. It really sucks that her primary example on morals, character, and values have been her polygamy Barbie dad and his 3-4 Ken dolls.

  47. Mary is selfish ..a wet bar ??/ Is that the value of her life??

  48. Kody's ignorant comment about the teachers liking their kids... How stupid. Most educators are professionals who do not let the child know if they are "liked" or not. So typical of Kody, wanting to be liked. He was so arrogant with those teachers. ugh

  49. Watching tonight's show and very frustrated. Lots of reruns, not much new. More of Meri wanting a huge house and crying. Turning off. More fun reading SWB!!!

  50. Sister Wives would mean all for one and one for all, so that means equitable, not equal. HOWEVER, I've made peace in my opinion with that equal portions to each wife seems fair enough. But Meri wanted this lifestyle, advocates for it, even actively seeks other wives for Kody ... but wants a bigger portion than the other wives (wet bar with five bedrooms). Really, Meri? And why wouldn't Kody advocate for her ... it's the only house he co-owns.

    A4Eliz above ... Christine could qualify for a mortgage with her current income on TLC, as long as she has an acceptable median credit score. I don't know how much these houses cost, but if $400k a piece, with $40k down, that's $360k. Over 30 years, depending on taxes, this is not a monstrous mortgage payment. They should be able to find employment enough to pay the mortgage. It would be easy without TLC, but not impossible. Don't forget, Kody does not financially support all these women.

    1. How long will it last though with the money from TLC? When they lose the gig, they lose their houses. His multil level pyramid marketing, MSWC, and the real estate license isn't enough to support them!

    2. The houses are closer to $450k from what I have read and with their credit history I'm pretty sure their loan terms are going to be pretty terrible. So you have to figure they will be paying close to $3k per month PER HOUSE! That's a total of $12k each month. That may not be a monstrous mortgage payment to you, but to my family, that is WAY more than we bring home a month.

    3. The cash flow just doesnt add up with this family.

    4. Janelle doesn't have a RE license - she just passed a test. Period.

  51. I am stunned that Kody wasn't at Janelle's house on the morning his son graduated. :-/

  52. Why did we have to watch some of last week's episode in this week's episode? The one where they talk with the builders? Everywhere they go, they make it all about them! no one cares that you are polygamists...believe it or not people have problems of their own and don't have time to focus completely on you. Selfish.

    1. I thought the same thing. I was thinking that the teachers probably couldnt care less that they have multiple wives.

  53. From what I can see from the teacher conferences is that it's a joke. They attend centennial high school but the school pics are from las Vegas day school. That school is Pre k through 8 th grade only. I think the school district didnt want them in their school. Ive seen the kids at the high school football games. Hell christine was working the concessions stand. She sold me water. Hunter worked with me at the football camp in the spring.

    1. So was the entire parent teacher thing staged? or completely fake?

  54. Watching and thinking how wretched Meri, Kody and Robyn are.
    Janelle and Christine are trapped.
    Sad how the older kids have no confidence in the parents.

  55. Choo Chooooo I hear that train a comin...........

  56. From what I have read and seen on the previews the Darger family lives a closer principled life and closer to the faith base of living together. The confusion on their faces while trying to understand why the Browns dont want to share a kitchen.. LOL I hope the Dargers call the Browns out on their BS! Just IMO I may be all wrong. Also the Darger Wives are very attractive and stylish in comparison to the Browns.

  57. OMG this episode was ridiculous. The drama about the houses is annoying me to no end. Not only does Meri need a McMansion, she needs a 5-bedroom one with a wet bar and a craft room. It's not like the kids are rushing to stay with her so why does she need this big of a house? Most people at that point would compromise somehow. Maybe take out the wet bar she doesn't need?

    The Meri baby drama is also annoying. Hilariously, she says she'll have a decision when they get into the houses. Which will be never, if they didn't actually get them.... meaning that she never needs to make a decision and we all have to sit there while she draws out the drama. It's obvious that she doesn't want the child, not really (when she asked "how weird would it be if it worked" when talking with her sister about in-vitro made that clear).

    Sigh. After the Breaking Amish fakery debacle, I'm starting to question whether their drama is true.

    1. Meri wants a craft room?? The one who last season while at the Paint Your Own Pottery store, said she WASN'T crafty? "Not my thing..."
      I thought Robyn was the one with the craft room yen...

  58. I just wanted to throw this out there....the whole Robin not making it to Logan's graduation made NO sense. I live in Vegas and when you drive past UNLV the BIGGEST thing that stands out is the Thomas Mack Center!!! You can see it from both Tropicana and Paradise!! I have been there before to see a concert and it is the only place ive been on campus because it literally takes 30 seconds to get there from the main highway!! When they were showing pictures of dorms suggesting Robin was seaching the campus for it I wanted to scream at the tv. The entire story was complete BullSh*t. Robin was late and they tried to create some kind of storyline around it. But that is extremely insulting to people who know the area. Come on Sister Wives. Come on. Why do I keep watching this garbage.

  59. Meri is SOOOO selfish...does she really need a large house? NOOOOOOO

    1. I agree, completely self absorbed. She must think that constantly turning on the tears makes us feel sorry for her. All it is is annoying. Shut up already, Meri.

  60. I am not sure if this has been discussed/updates. The Dargers arent going to have a show on TLC, according to Joe Darger.

    Joe says:
    November 26, 2012 at 1:07 am

    We don’t have our own show but do have more coming out in media and on TLC. Follow us here and on Twitter and as we find out details we will share.

  61. I started watching the show because I wanted to see/learn about the Polygamist Belief System and how they practice their "Lifestyle". I find it offensive that they profess that this is based on religion but are so giddy when they're meeting the teachers (Kody) "How many times have they had a Polygamist Family show up at their school?", (Robyn) "I would love to be a fly on the wall when they go home to their husband or wife". They really enjoy the sensationalism more than they enjoy the "lifestyle". This show has nothing to do with Religious beliefs... at least that's not what I am seeing.

    1. It appears Robyn just wants to be involved in every marriage, lol. A fly on the wall indeed.

    2. Haven't the Browns kids been attending LV schools for nearly 2 years now?? Not to mention 97% of the LV population must be aware of them by now. I call BS!

  62. I would like to know how many of these children have health insurance since the parents do not work/work part-time/or off and on through the years. Do the tax payers pay for them to have these children then take them to the doctor throughout their childhoods?

  63. If we divide the housing the way Meri wants. Meaning, she gets the FIVE bedrooms that she wants for her TWO family members and everything is "equal" it would look like this. Based upon Meris view that "equal" means she and her one child get a five bedroom home. Based on Meris "fair" ratio of two and a half bedrooms/family member...

    Meri & her one child: FIVE bedrooms is equal to....
    Christine & her six children: SEVENTEEN bedrooms
    Janelle & her six children: SEVENTEEN bedrooms
    Robyn & her four children: TWELVE bedrooms

  64. I will never Never understand how it can be remotely rational to divide the budget across the board and give each wife the same amount of money. Grow up Meri, you don't need as much room or money as Janelle and Christine do. You are being ridiculous. I would have walked out a long time ago; I can't understand why Janelle ever came back. If I were Janelle and worked for the last 20 years to support everyone in the family, you can bet that I wouldn't be awarding myself and Meri the same amount of money. What is Meri doing with a budget that could feed and suport 6 kids?? Planning parties to entertain people in her huge house with a wet bar..for a woman who doesn't drink?

  65. Wow!! Wow!! Wow!! This family get so many digs at each other and the camera records it and then they put it on the show. So I am thinking it is all staged...or they have absolutely no say in what gets put on this show.

    They are blaming VEGAS for their kids filthy mouths??? Really!! Maybe try a little discipline folks! My impression of the kids tonight...they look like they seem to be running the show at home.

    AND MERI: YES OR NO??? Cuz Kody is having more weather you do or don't! WHAT A PIG you are Kody Brown! Meri is so brainwashed that she is hanging on to what little worth she thinks she has with Kody if she doesn't have any more children. She is going to need meds.

  66. To Anon at 10:37, well-said.

  67. I'm done with this show...this episode tonight was pathetic and ridiculous. Now they are just insulting us.

  68. I bet she wants the wet bar to display and promote the Liv product for their business........hmmmm free advertising.

  69. Did you all notice that Meri's precious wet-bar would be just a FEW FEET from her kitchen sink? Wow. Can't imagine how much of a strain it would put on Meri to use her kitchen sink instead of a wet bar with all her entertaining! Wow. Or...use a pretty pitcher with ice bucket on her island? wow.

    1. I certainly did. Can you believe that all these people have to worry about is what will be in their huge homes and wet bars?? This isn't even close to "reality". And if they are Fundamentalist Mormon, wouldn't most of their friends also be in the faith and not drink? What hypocrites. I honestly believe they may be lying about even being fundamentalist Mormons, what a joke!! Greed is on of the seven deadly sins.

  70. Did you all notice that Meri's precious wet-bar is only a few feet away from her kitchen sink? Wow. With all of Meri's lavish entertaining, I totally understand (sarcasm) of how she'd be so embarrassed to use her kitchen rather than the wet-bar. about a beautiful pitcher with an ice bucket on her kitchen island? wow.

  71. I'm a 53 year old woman and I don't mince words. Get a clue Kody, a woman doesn't necessarily want to be a mother all over again when her only child is about ready to go to college, women do enjoy other things in life....things that do not have to do with spitting out yet another child for you to count and visit on occasion.
    Kody, Do you ever wonder why your wives are always in tears?

    As far as Christine goes, you bark at her and look at her as if you have nothing but contempt for the woman, what's that all about?

    Janelle is clearly "the work horse" (and she's getting tired of this role!) By the way, she is the smartest, you NEED her, you had better kiss up to that meal ticket quickly, the TLC show cannot last forever!

    Robyn is the new more youthful body on the block but I have a feeling that's not going to last for long. Plus I think she has a few "mental" issues that just haven't been identified yet, something's not quite right with that one~just wait and see.

    Meri is so emotionally ill that she cannot hold a conversation without falling apart. Plus, I think she sort of gets "into" her man being with other women sexually (hense the "she's cute" comments) but she's very proud of the power trip of being the ONLY legal wife, this role is what Meri gets off on. You can bet her house is going to be as big as anyone else's... if not bigger! Count on it.

    You once said to think of your wives with other men is vulgar and disgusting. This comment makes me realize the level of denial that you nurture. Kody, I'm going to tell you a secret, these women need more than one quarter of a man's romantic and sexual attentions. Women are far more capable of taking care of more than one man's intimate needs than any one man is capable of taking care of more than one woman's intimate needs. You're fooling yourself to think otherwise. You cannot possibly be sexually satisfying all of these women, no way! Perhaps that's why your wives are always sooo stressed out, so completely overwhelmed, and their tears are so close to the surface.

  72. I just found this blog and LOVE it. I live here in Vegas and some ladies and I have been discussing the Browns and his mistresses (for the record neither Utah nor Nevada acknowledge common law marriage). Someone made a comment about Nevada and no taxes, there is no state income tax but there is an 8.10% sales here in this lovely city. The area they are building in (according to gossip I heard) is a nicer area and houses are not cheap. I saw some around 4-9 hundred thousand but those are houses already built. I have been saying since this show started Christine is not happy and she needs to get out. And Robyn's ex....I don't know how he allows Robyn to put his children in this lifestyle (TV life more so than plural marriage).

    1. You been around in their neighborhood by any chance? Are they still there?

  73. I live in Canada and we cannot secure a mortgage without having held a job for at least a year. As far as I can tell Christine has not held a job ever and Robyn hasn't had a job since she has been on the show.The only way to get these homes would be to pay cash and I'm pretty sure they don't have that kind of cash.I also think Robyn looks pregnant and the teen girls with the exception of Maddie all seem to suffer from weight issues.

  74. Did anyone else notice how Kody kept making it sound as if he was closing a business deal while insisting Meri give him a Yes or No answer on trying to have another baby. Wow really Kody, its a baby not another notch on your belt.
    But most Plyg Husbands believe that once the wife stops producing he no longer has to have intimate relations with them and is free to take more wives. He still has to provide but he no longer has to do his "nightly duty" to them. Robin would be thrilled that all three women are done "producing". She can then have him for herself. That is until he takes #5.

  75. I am intriged by this show. I find it very amazing to live this way. I actually find it a wonderful way to have a large anount of love through having such a large family. I have a very small family and this is just neat. God Bless you all really. I think its awesome that you all can concur this arrangement and make it duable. Good luck and keep the show rolling :)
