Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Update 10/5/12 !!! I Scour the Internet: The October 2, 2012 Edition

Oh my gosh, what is happening to the reality TV world? TLC is under fire for their newest reality show Breaking Amish that was suppose to show 5 Amish youths being thrown into the wilds of New York City from the safety of their Amish hometowns and family. Turns out, the 5 have been living in the 'English' world for a couple of years now, so they are just play acting about being all wild eyed and innocent about ATM machines and Chinese food. And Here Comes Honey Boo Boo welcomed the birth of another mouth to feed 'sketti, and found out  she has an extra thumb, which really isn't all that surprising. And then we have the dueling Real Housewives of New York and New Jersey shows proving to us that money can't buy you class, a good film editor, story writer, makeup artist, clothing stylist or anger management counseling.

It's been a rough couple of weeks, let me tell ya.

But we still have the Browns, right?

Well, I'm beginning to wonder if we do. Last month, for about 48 hours, the official TLC facebook fanpage for the Browns changed their banner to show the new season starts on November 11th. Then, it was inexplicably changed back to the original banner, with no date.

Hmmm....I wonder why? And the fans are left to wonder when Sister Wives will be returning to the airwaves. And the Browns are remaining absolutely mum about the return date on their own fanpages. Even Mama June of the Honey BooBoo franchise tells their facebook fans not only will there be 3 holiday specials, but they have signed up for season 2 and filming starts on the 17th. Can someone tell me why one TLC family is totally upfront and the other is so not giving up any information?

My thoughts? Maybe Sister Wives won't be back on November 11th. Maybe the announcement was premature. Maybe the Browns are holding out, for some reason.

Well, while we wait for the Browns to come back on the airwaves, let's check out what they have been tweeting about, shall we?

Thanks Meri. It's good to know that even though you have time to send out endless tweets  advertising this place and that, and soliciting for your MLM and jewelry businesses, you simply don't have the time to respond to those thousands and thousands of tweets you get asking WHEN IS YOUR SHOW COMING BACK.

Ha! Let's see if we get a response from lonely heart Robyn....

What a nice picture...Were you on your way to pick up another copy of Becoming Sister Wives, perhaps?

Hmm... is right. And Meri, you didn't open that umbrella INSIDE your house, did you?

Say WHUT??? What happened to Trainer Bill? Does this mean Trainer Bill, former business partner in the now defunct Fundamental Fitness business scheme venture has officially left the Brown's clubhouse for good? Hope he didn't lose too much in that partnership.

OK, so now we know that 1)Kody's brother Curtis and wife dropped into Vegas on or about September 29th, and 2)Janelle flew out for a family reunion on the same day. That leaves wives Christine and Robyn unaccounted for, tweet-wise.

Isn't it amazing how Janelle takes the time to actually tweet back to her fans, whereas, Meri just gives her fans the "so sorry but I'm too busy" routine. Tsk tsk, Meri. Maybe you can take a few lessons from your sister wife Janelle on fan management.

I hope it's Kody's favorite, too. But then again, you probably don't see him that much, so why should it matter, right?

Wow, can't wait to see the results of this collaboration. But tell us Robyn, will the final results be reasonably priced or just priced to gouge?
Robyn, Robyn, Robyn...why are you answering a fan's question with another question? Frankly, that makes me wonder if you have Mock Tapioca for brains, or what?  Do you understand how condescending it is to answer like that? As if you have another network that broadcasts your show. Why can't you folks just tell your fans when the show starts?

I included this tweet because you can see Janelle in the background. Is it me or does Janelle look rather pensive?

You know Robyn, I knew you just wouldn't be able to resist tweeting about how lonely you are whenever Meri tweets about being with Kody. Your behavior has become way too predictable.

I love the fall, too. Does Kody love the fall? How about Breanna, Dayton, Aurora and Mighty Sol? Do they love the fall?

So THAT'S why you're going bald! It's those damn NAYSAYERS in your head!

Somehow, I just don't see Kody reading to Gwen and Ysabel. Maybe Kody's practicing his public speaking. Makes you wonder when was the last time he actually interacted with Christine's girls, if he thinks he still needs to read to them. Talk about being a captive audience, but at least they got precious time with their father...I suppose.



Looks like Kody and Robyn will be in Mesa AZ tonight (Thursday 10/4/12) for a LIV business meeting thingy. I bet she'll bring samples of her My Sister Wife's Closet jewelry to show her business partners during the break...Guess she won't be tweeting for a while. Can't wait for those Kody and Robyn sightings to begin!

And then on 10/15/12 Kody and Krew will be at UNLV for a panel discussion!

Hmmm....I wonder if they will be taping this discussion, and if Logan will be participating, too.


This just in...Over on the Facebook Like fanpage, there's a well-hidden posting from Robyn (under the Recent Posts by Others section See All)....here's a screencap:

( Kody-Brown-Family Facebook Like fanpage )

So Robyn says she knows that the season starts in November, but is not allowed to say anything until it's made public by TLC. This wasn't tweeted, and does not appear on the friend-only Facebook page, just the Like one. Perhaps Robyn was trying to post this message on the friend-only page and got confused? TLC still hasn't put the banner back up on their TLC Sister Wives Facebook fanpage...but if you scroll down down down...

And now someone's posting on the TLC Sister Wives Facebook fanpage that Sister Wives has been cancelled with HBB taking over their time-slot on Sundays! Perhaps some housecleaning is needed so  fans will know there will be another season ???

( TLC Sister Wives Facebook fanpage )

Mon Dieu, what a mess! It's all HBB's fault!

Thoughts, anyone????

Well that's all for now. And remember that I Scour the Internet so YOU don't have to, ya'll !!


  1. Curiouser and curiouser... They were the #1 show on TLC, and they filmed all that roadtrip nonsense. The Browns have to be coming back?! Right?

    Their lawsuit is heating up. Maybe they want to wait until the Browns make the news?

    1. You know, I would lmao if there was not one piece of usable footage from the Let's Take a Big Love Road Trip to Nauvoo filming expedition.

    2. LOL CJ - I'm guessing we will never know. I wonder if the Powers that Be at TLC review the episodes prior to airing and give either a thumbs up or thumbs down? Could the BLRT possibly have been as boring as the S1 episode where the family went to the pumpkin patch followed by Domino's Pizza? zzzzz. of course that was pre-Honey Boo Boo, so the Browns need to step it up a bit in the shock and awe department now I suppose to keep their precious prime time Sunday night spot. should be interesting, in an incredibly boring kind of way.

  2. Is it just me or does Kody look thinner in that picture with Sol?

    1. It's his hair that is a lot thinner.

  3. Yes anony--i thought he looked a lot thinner too, but also older.

    And the tweet from robyn about when they start? I think she actually wasn't being a snot, but DOES NOT KNOW. And was kind of like "Well TLC when DO we start airing?".

    Goji is correct--curiouser and curiouser.

  4. Hmmm....despite keeping his signature highlights (wonder who does his foils), Kody looks like he has abandoned the tousled, flipped up and out, surfer dude "do" and now is sporting a shorter, turned under, page-boy look.
    All he needs now is an Amish hat to complete the new look or perhaps a bunch of tulips and wooden shoes. Where would he be without his curling iron and/or hot brush ?

    Kody tweets: "Living by others opinions is just another form of slavery." Right! So get the "nay sayers" out of your head."

    Oh, Kody, you are soooo deep.

    1. I think they just cut off the dead ends, and he will let it grow until it's long again. He probably uses blonde spray and blow dryer/sun to get blonder.
      He does look really really old - is it the green shit he drinks?

    2. I think he's looking old because Robyn's sucking the life out of the poor guy. Pretty soon he'll be nothing but a dried up husk who needs a haircut.

    3. "All he needs now is an Amish hat to complete the new look or perhaps a bunch of tulips and wooden shoes. " THAT was exactly my thought Amused! That he looked like the Dutch Boy (cleanser?) all grown up and balding :)


  5. I live in the UK but looking on the TLC schedule I see you can't see a month in advance like you can here (although the channel is called Discovery Real Time now). So I would have thought in about three weeks the schedule should be showing for 11th November. BTW the last season still hasn't shown here yet! They're currently re-showing the move to Vegas for the second time but I'm too tight to pay for itunes ;)

  6. LOL "Page-boy look"

    Nice one Amused....

  7. Hmmmm. Since the Honey Boo Boo family got a raise, do you think Kody has started demanding more money? For their sakes, I hope not. They need to learn a lesson from what happened to Kate Gosselin. Sister Wives will get dropped at some point and they'll have to live without the TLC paycheck.

    1. HBB's ratings are WAY higher (and they're getting MUCH more press/notoriety and more people buying the iTunes vids) than SW EVER has. How would Kody justify getting "a raise"? The only way he could try and do that is to have another network wanting them, and I don't see that happening. TLC is a land unto itself for trashy reality TV.

    2. You're right DJ, TLC has cornered the market on trashy TV.
      They continue to up even their own bar on *trash.*

      The reality is that SW is just 3 day-old bread now...
      Okay to maybe nibble on, but only if there is nothing else to eat.

      KodyWorld is going to have to promise to match the trash if they want TLC to keep funding them.

  8. Yes nothing like those old fashioned values...of having 4 wives...Kody the hypocrister!!

    I've said it before and I'll say it again sister wives is not coming back.
    Still love Honey Boo Boo and all the real housewives franchises EXCEPT Miami.

    1. I've said it before and I'll say it again sister wives is not coming back

      I have a feeling TLC wants to fill their timespot with a more popular, advertiser friendly reality show. Seeing how they announce a start date of 11/11 then quietly remove the announcement with no explanation given, is weird, very weird. I think the show will be back, but on a different day and time.

      And I predict this will be the last season. The only times I have seen a series take a midseason hiatus, when the show returned it was cancelled at the end of the season. This is the second hiatus for SW - and only after 7 weeks worth of shows were shown? Oh yeah, the handwriting is on the wall. I think the only reason it wasn't cancelled outright was because of public interest in the pending lawsuit. I'm just getting the feeling TLC doesn't want to be around when the final judgement eventually comes in on the Browns' lawsuit (whenever that will be).

  9. OH MY GOD how can anyone in his family stand to look at that horrible haircut? It's like a "combover" for doofuses. I wish he would take some of the MLM/TLC money and get hair plugs or a toupee or a decent haircut.

    Also, @ Amused, LOL about the page boy haircut. I was thinking (not to offend anyone) it makes his head look like a penis. He is literally becoming a "dickhead."

  10. Nothing to do with this, but I was wondering: when the wives, Kody and the big kids go somewhere (it has been shown previously), who is watching the kids???

    1. I know Robyn has tweeted in the past that she was paying her sister to help her when she had the baby. If you scan crowd scenes you can see this girl standing in the background sometimes. I don't understand why she needs someone to help her out because isn't that what her sisterwives are for? Anyway, I remember one of the wives saying her mother took care of the younger kids, I think it was the when they went to Boston.

  11. I bet Kody is holding out in hopes that someone will offer him hair plugs. Or a weave.

  12. I think Robyn's tweet was asking TLC, "hey when are we coming back"? Now that Honey Boo Boo is the talk of television, it seems more evident that the Sister Wives are just not taking the country by storm...they seem to be fading out. It's pretty obvious to me that the gig is pretty much up...I don't know anyone who really talks about Sister Wives anymore (other than this great page!). Their tweets do not promote their show, they are so bland and predictable. It's pretty evident what has happened now that Sol has been born. Meri and Kody travel extensively "for their businesses" (the same thing Janelle talked about in the book, she was home working, they were traveling, oblivious to the need to make money or an appearance at their own families) and the other wives are stuck behind taking care of their own kids. Meri then tweets about her wonderful experiences and brags about running a 5k and then Robyn tweets about being lonely and missing her mom. Janelle tweets the occasional blurb and Christine is just totally checked out. Now that they have done the 4th wife thing, Meri clearly isn't at all interested in the surrogacy and they have publicly humiliated Christine with the apology tour and nachos incident, what left is there? All we see is an egomaniac man and his first wife ruling the roost. What fun is that?

    1. And I would bet that on 11/11/12 if the Sister Wives show does NOT premiere that night, that there will be a Honey Boo Boo 'holiday special' instead. Or maybe a June and Sugar Bear go Voting show, or a marathon of season 1.

      Actually, I'm thinking 12/12/12 would be a much better date to premiere - it only comes around once every 100 years.

      I agree with you CPA Carol, Honey BooBoo is the new flavor of year on TLC and Meri and Kody have definitely reverted back to old behaviors. Looks like the Browns are at minute 12 of their 15 minutes of fame.

      And while I'm here, here's a BIG THANKS to you and everyone who read and comment on SWB!!! Thank you very much!

    2. "Or maybe a June and Sugar Bear go Voting show,..."

      Now THIS is funny !!!!

    3. I checked the TWOP forums (under Candid Reality Shows) and the thread for SW is nowhere near the front page, not even to mention the initially announced premiere date of 11 Nov. Even though the forum mods don't allow non-show topics to be discussed on the thread, that is still saying something. At least one would think someone would have posted about the announced date for the new shows.

    4. Not talking about SW - most of my friends/coworkers don't even know what the show IS or have heard of it! (they do know what "The Voice" is - since they are all aware of my passion for Adam Levine...lol) While everyone seems to have heard of HBB and even remember the Gosselins! so much for that ***Celebrity*** aura.

  13. I read somewhere that HBB was making $5-7k per episode and because they are such a ratings bonanza, they got a raise to $20k per episode. This made the news and people are talking about it. Clearly the Sisterwives are not the great rating draw that they had hoped because no one hears anything about them getting raises or anything. Say, at the most generous, they make $10k TOTAL per episode. Kody and Meri take all the money and then dole it out as they see fit (Brown Family Entertainment). Say they have done 20 episodes in total (don’t know, I haven’t counted) that’s $200k in total. That is not that much money for all those people, all those houses, all the cars, etc for two years. I have to think the wives (maybe with the exception of Meri) look back and think they have made a big mistake. They were living relatively well in Utah in their plyg house, collecting benefits and Janelle working. Now, they have an extra five mouths to feed and no real jobs and they are probably all in enormous debt. I think Kody and Meri are grifters….and are taking advantage of the other wives, yes even Robyn. It’s not even fun to think about….three basically single mothers trying to raise their kids? It’s really kind of sad if you think about it.
    Another way to see if reality show personalities are ‘hot’ or not is look at the tabloid covers when you are at the grocery store. I would guess that over 50% of the magazines out there have HBB on their covers. When is the last press anyone saw about the Sisterwives?

    1. CPA Carol,
      Agree !!!! Given their life styles in the last 2 years, they have to have incurred serious debt. Either that or the comp fairies have been EXTREMELY generous to them all.

      This whole TLC SW project was precariously hinged on the Kody Show having media staying power.
      But then, in the last half of this year, TLC ramps up their stable of "odd and bizarre" offerings, relegating SW to being a ho-hum stale show that is boring and predictable.

      And yes, giving honor and focus to the original mission of SWB....how sad it will be for the three Brown plyg wives who came after Meri and who do still have to raise their collective *16 children* with or without TLC monies and any accompanying perks tied to it.

      Doubtful that any of them considered this inevitable scenario.

    2. Those "$20k" figures on HBB are just guesses. I believe that TLC has it written in their reality show participants' contracts that renumeration figures will not be disclosed, in order to keep the pseudo-reality going. The articles where June (HBB mom) discusses how much they get, she never actually says WHAT the figures are. When/if the HBB family moves into ritzier digs, the show will go downhill just like all of them do eventually. I personally have never been able to watch that show, because as much as the reviews I've read call them a loving family with values, I know that the little girl is being terribly exploited, being allowed to have terrible manners and be in the worst shape possible, setting up for all kinds of diseases such as Type II Diabetes and heart disease at an early age. Her mom might love her but she really wants to cash in big time! I can't support that by watching, and I dread seeing that little girl (not so little) in 5-10 years. she will be a mess.

  14. I totally agree that HBB is the hot item in reality TV. SW is slowly falling into the last good night and I agree with the assessment that Kody and Meri are nothing more than grifter, preying on insecure women. Janelle is probably the saddest of all of the wives because she has left her job that was probably a job she grew into and her skills for that job were mostly picked up without any real education: I know she claims to have a college degree; however, I am skeptical. Now that she is in LV, her ability to get a job of the caliber of the previous job is slim. An entry position for even an MBA is competitive to say the least. So, here she is having spent a great deal of time working to provide for her and the other's needs, and now she is not very marketable. I doubt any of them are eligible for social service programs because, frankly, the government is on to them. So, while romeo and black widow, whoops, are out running around and doing all those really cool things cause they ain't got no little younguns, the rest are tied to the kitchen.
    Because Kody is so damn narcisstic, he is probably trying to get more money and that is going to take the bread and the butter off of the wives plate.
    Plus, now not only is Christine disillusioned, so is Robyn. She wanted an import ant position in that family and now that the newness is off, she is nothing more than another christine or janelle. Meri, and I don't know why, is the only import ant one. The house of Brown is starting to peel.

    1. And remember Janelle's job was with some sort of Utah state/government entity. There's no way they weren't aware of her "martial" status if she'd been with them for awhile. I'm sure they treated it as "don't ask, don't tell". IMO that could be brought up in court, and would be a major factor of dismissing the case entirely.

  15. I am sad to see this show go, ONLY because of the trainwreck factor. I started watching because I really wanted to see how polygamy worked, and if a family could actually live that lifestyle and make it work. What wasn't evident right away, but became painfully clear after a few episodes, is that they were all hiding their unhappiness in those first few episodes and on appearances, etc. It makes me sad, sad, sad for all of the women, even Meri, because for the most part (excluding Janelle) they were raised to believe that lifestyle was the only way they were getting into heaven. What a bunch of crap!

    Honey Boo Boo makes me sad too, she's already a chubby, outspoken little girl with very little in the way of manners (did you see her meeting with Miss whoever?) I predict that by 12 or 13 she's just another overweight picked on kid...

    1. Isn't HBB selling t-shirts that are anti-bullying?

      That was Miss Georgia she met in the last show. I was so embarrassed for the both of them. What upsets me is when she is just being a little kid, she can be sort of funny, but get her around her sisters and especially her mother, it's a whole different ballgame. Even when Sugar Bear took her rollerskating, it was kind of fun seeing the two interact with each other and just have fun. That's what is missing from the Sister Wives show - Kody rarely (if at all) interacts with his youngsters the way that Sugar Bear did with Alana. We only see Kody riding his motorcycle, or driving the MLMobile, or the Lexus from house to house. Or kissing and holding Sol, or going crazy watching the children he sired for a few hours, or running around vacant lots, or telling a wife her family tradition is no longer good enough for him...well, you get the picture.

    2. I too started watching to see if this idea of 1 husband and 4 wives could actually work. I didn't expect to fall in love with the series, really take a strong dislike to Kody and feel so sad that the wives had such little self esteem that they would stay in such an abusive and neglectful relationship. If TLC were clever they would offer Christine, Janelle and maybe even Robyn their own show. I for one have always wanted to see more of the childrens relationships with each good and bad, the wives daily working relationships and a whole lot less of Kody.

    3. I feel the same way. I would love to see Christine or Janelle leave him and do a series on her own. I'd watch that.

    4. Pardon me for being the apparent lone dissenter when I say I doubt that a "Spin off" show of any of the Brown wives breaking away from Kody would make for compelling viewing. Maybe a one-hour special...maybe. but an entire series would put ME to sleep. It would just be a single mom raising her kids like millions of other single moms. which is basically where they are now anyway, except they see their baby daddy regularly (we guess).

    5. I'd love to see the drama of some real fights with Kody getting his a$$ handed to him by one of the women. And some real counseling sessions. Actually have some "real" drama in this show instead of the fake trying to get along with each other. The show would be a counselor talking to all of them. Just to get some honest truth from this family and these wives on how they really feel would be a good watch.

  16. I wonder what family reunion Janelle was going to in Iowa. I thought her family(other than her Mom) sort of disowned her when she married into polygamy? Time heals a lot of disagreements, so maybe she is back in their good graces?

    TLC may have so many trashy reality shows that TLC thinks it is time to 'delete' one. Maybe TLC refused to buy them houses.

    Why would Robin be lonely? Her family is in Vegas. Seems to me it would be Christine or Janelle who would be lonely. Meri drives herself back to Utah whenever she feels like, but you rarely hear of Janelle or Christine traveling anywhere other than where Kody drags them for appearances.

    1. TLC has never bought houses for any of the reality show families/participants. ever. TLC is a low-budget network that loves reality shows like SW, HBB, T&Ts, etc because they are cheap to produce.

    2. yes, I am aware of that. But maybe the Brown family was not bright enough to realize that and got miffed at TLC.

  17. Any chance of you guys starting a Honey Boo Boo blog? I get that this is not the forum for that discussion, but wow! This group would have interesting and insightful comments about the Georgia train wreck.

    Just a thought because I am sad that I might not have this blog to read.

    1. Don't worry, MotherFartyPants. As long as there are sisterwives, including Kody and his Krew (and don't forget Joe and his real sisters and their cousin wives) there will be a Sister Wives Blog to comment about it.

      And in small doses, HBB is an interesting diversion.

    2. The only reason I hope there is another season of SW is so I can watch and then participate in this blog :) Just such a great trainwreck situation..


  18. I have a vision of a spin off show with the sister wives. I can see an episode where Janelle & Christine have finally left Kody and found a decent house to share. As part of their new beginning, Janelle and Savanna explore the pageant world, where they meet June & Alana aka HBB! Janelle & June hit it off, as Janelle is strongly influenced by June's simpler ways. Savanna & HBB tie for Grand Supreme and at that moment, Janelle invites June & HBB over for lunch, where Christine has secretly asked Jamie Oliver to transform their new, single lifestyle with his Food Revolution. HBB is officially adopted as a Pixie and Uncle Poodle falls head over heals for Janelle - who has finally decided that "passive aggressive" Mary will no longer talk for her during the couch sessions and that she wants the world to know that yes, she really does do weird!

    1. Unless Janelle turned into a man and I missed it, I doubt Uncle Poodle would fall head over heels for her.. even in reality tv land.

  19. How can they really do much more than one more ‘mini season’? TLC gave them a platform and a couple of seasons to convince us all that polygamy is a viable lifestyle choice. What we saw (and read about in their book in their own words) was how it emotionally devastates the women and children. We see how the wives compete constantly for Kody’s time, attention and limited funds. We saw the ‘excitement’ of the new wife and the aftermath of just how much pain that caused for everyone, including Robyn and her kids. We have seen the reality – and it isn’t pretty. We see that Kody, the ‘spiritual leader’ of this group is unwilling to actually work hard to provide for his large family. We see the wives struggling to find something, anything, to get paychecks in for their families. Do they really have marketable skills? Has any one of them other than Janelle actually worked? I get it, having 6 kids is a lot to handle….but then Kody should be providing for them. It’s as if he just has thrown them out in the world with a van-load full of young kids and says ‘you figure out your finances and oh by the way, I am not going to be emotionally available to you either’. I feel sorry for all of the women, Meri the least because I think she is mean and manipulative, but they are all in a very sad state of affairs. What in the world do they have to look forward to? Their 15 minutes are about to expire and they have a lot of responsibilities to take care of, each of them totally on their own.

    1. Well, if it were up to Kody, his show would turn into a real life Big Love and everyone would love him and his family like they did that show. It's NOT the same Kody! You are not Bill.

  20. I read that TLC offered the "Boo-Boos" new digs but they declined. June likes her house and the way they live. It wouldn't surprise me if the Kody Krew is trying to get more from TLC after reading what they have offered HBB's family. They want those huge homes and so they may be holding out until TLC gives them what they want. At this point, HBB's family is much more interesting than Kody's IMO.

    1. where did you read that, exactly? I would be amazed if TLC actually offered to buy any of their reality families a new home. Don't believe everything you read. besides, TLC doesn't produce the shows, they are produced by independent companies (in HBB's case, Authentic Entertainment which also produces T&Ts, Flipping Out, Ace of Cakes and so on). TLC just buys the shows from them.

    2. I also read that June (HBB's mother) turned down an offer to move to another city. I can't remember exactly where I saw it (TMZ?? Huffington Post?? ) but it was because their house recently was broken into, and the show wanted the family to move to a safer neighborhood in a different city for security reasons. June turned down the offer because she loves living in McIntyre. I can't vouch for the validity, but I did read it. AND when the family goes to cities to meet and greet their public, they have Kate Gosselin's old security team protecting them. (see their facebook page)

      If you look closely at the HBB house, it appears to be renovated - new paint inside and out, a little landscaping, appliances etc...why the left side double sink in the kitchen drains into a bucket, I do not know. But I think that just shows what a mess of a house it was before it was renovated. Take a look inside that garage and I believe you can imagine what the main house looked like before the renovations. And yes, I think the show paid for it. After all, TLC can't have its hot new star living in a hovel!

    3. Renovations - yeah probably. TLC paid either way, whether they actually paid for the renovations out of pocket, or the family used the TLC $ to do them. But if they move into a nicer house, then that will take away some of the *ahem!* charm of the show and one of the reasons that people tune in. Moving to a better/nicer house will do the same thing as when the Browns moved to LV - take away part of the gimmick - because without question the family will conform to the ways of whatever neighborhood they end up residing in. And Alana won't be considered "cute" with her mannerisms and sayings forever - as she gets older it will cross the line into total obnoxiousness.

      I'm trying to figure out exactly when the Browns "jumped the shark" in their show. This past season, the producers really seemed to be reaching for situations etc. Contrived dates, lots of flashbacks to when they were married, kids were younger whatever. I think also that none of the family - including Janelle - were really serious about the Fundamental Fitness "project". it was just Kody talking out of his ass again. Janelle didn't do anything until Kody wanted to have a (contrived) family meeting and then she went online for a little bit and researched locations and leasing costs. whoo hoo. it was just a plot line, just like the houses which even Kody MUST realize they don't have a hope in hell of being approved for. He's dim, but not that dim, one would hope.

  21. I'm thinking that the upcoming election has been a factor in the SW recent lack of publicity.

    1. I think tlc has handed the Browns some bad news. Their facebook fanpage is bleeding friends and they haven't made an appearance there since a month ago. The other fanpage is just rotting away from neglect. Fans only see the Browns on twitter, and only if they need some bodies to fill up seats at their business meetings or they need more orders on their online jewlery store.

    2. True. Kody has NO idea how to manage a public relationship with his fans and to maintain their interest. He thinks JUST BECAUSE some cheesy shows were taped with his "happy" family, money will be rolling in forever and fame will always last, and sheeple will always want to be their MLM downline and buy terribly ugly overpriced crappy "jewelry".

    3. I don't think the election has a darn thing to do with it. I think the lemon has been squeezed dry. how many times will they show old films of Kody in his white tux getting married to Meri, and drag out the old pix? I checked out the TLC SW page a couple minutes ago, they seem to be keeping it (barely) alive by dragging out old pix on Thursdays. of course the comments are when is the show coming back and how they can't wait to see the family move into their new houses. wow. delusional much???

    4. I can't see an election connection either...????

      If they have been permanently bumped, TLC may offer an after-the-fact contract for "update specials" like the Roloffs seem to have done.

    5. I think that is actually sweet. Imagine if they already know they will NEVER be moving into those 4 houses and/or coming back on air, how people asking them when are they moving/coming back are rubbing Kody the wrong way. Sweet.

  22. I am in the camp that says the Brown's show is over for good. I think that the first half of the SW season was compressed...two half hour shows per night...to get it over as soon as possible so TLC caould bring in the new line up. I think that the Browns may have negotiated a minimum number of shows and that is why TLC did short shows. They basically dialed it in, considering how much old footage was aired during the brief season.

    I am guessing that they made the phantom 11/1 announcement because they had not yet firmed up the deal with HBB. I do find HBB repulsive, but they have redeemed themselves if their show's success results in sparing the world the mess that is SW.

    I miss the Gypsies though.

  23. I read that TLC wanted to rent a better house for the HBB bunch, not buy one for them.

    I think there will be one more lackluster season of SW because the filming is already in the can and why waste it? But the show is dull and that another six to eight shows and that will be the end of it. They will probably use their last footage as filler, maybe when HBB is on hiatus.

    1. it might be more thrifty of TLC to NOT show the episodes in the can, and have something more popular (with more potential advertising revenue) instead. They can always either do a one-hour wrap-up to conclude, or just make the shows available on iTunes or On Demand.

  24. Ok. I don't understand if the Brown's wanted to keep their family as a viable way to earn a living you would think they would be all over their fans. You'd think they would be updating their Facebook and web sites on at least a weekly. Do you think that there is an agreement between them and TLC keeps them that doesn't allow a lot of updates?

  25. Something to ponder: Is it possible that TLC learned something about the Browns that is making them want to distance themselves from the family? Maybe they have discovered physical abuse (Kody hitting one of the wives? Remember the broken front door on Christine’s house)? Maybe TLC stumbled across some welfare fraud or underage courting or something that would lead TLC to back away….or tell the Browns to clean up their act and the show (and the $$) is on hold for now. I find it weird that we don’t know when the show is starting, the wives themselves don’t seem to know and three of them are tweeting about missing/visiting relatives. Except for Christine, we don’t really hear much from her (who admitted she isn’t much of a tweeter)…..does anyone think something bad happened to Christine? Maybe she tried to harm herself after the last season where she was publically humiliated by Kody? Remember we all snarked that we would soon see pictures of Kody and Christine eating nachos and ‘joking’ about the whole incident. Haven’t seen that happening…..maybe something darker has happened and TLC is backing away for legal reasons. Just a thought. I feel that something is up. Even the Duggars keep getting renewed and get promos and they are exceptionally boring these days.

    1. Lobotomized (Shake Twice for Texas)October 5, 2012 at 3:44 PM

      Something definately IS going on. Maybe it's the lawsuit, maybe it's their (past) welfare fraud, maybe TLC doesn't like them being way up into that pyramid scheme green drink company. Or maybe it is domestic violence after all.

    2. that might be overthinking it a bit. I really don't see Kody as being the violent type...he's an idiot, but violent, no. I

      i think the real reason is...they're just boring. At least the Duggars have SOMETHING going on. they're industrious if nothing else. The Browns as a family and as a show would have been much better off staying put in Lehi. They could have done an entire season or maybe even two of remodeling/redecorating the house to fit Robyn and her brood, while going on family trips. in Vegas, I get the idea that they don't do a hell of a lot. The wives and kids each have their separate houses, separate lives. Kody commutes between the four of them. They've already done the obligatory show on the LV Strip (not really the strip but the old part of Vegas). They've looked into business ventures. Of course the show is going to keep the LIV/MLM stuff on the down-low, to avoid offending possible advertising sponsors and just because MLMs are so sleazy in general.

      I think Christine is already bored with the whole thing, and was hoping it would be a soap box for her little mission (if she still has it) to legalize polygamy. Or maybe she's looking at it without rose colored glasses and thinking it's not the bed of roses she pretended it was...

      anyway...the show has gotten boring and stale. and I'm guessing Kody isn't exactly a joy for F8F or TLC or whomever to work with. I think the interview at the end of the last season was pretty much it. so much for the facade of a happy polygamist family because that along with the book made it clear that the Browns were lying to the public, to the government, and most of all to themselves and their children.

    3. I see Kody as being a narcissistic and possibly bipolar man. I really think he is controlling and yes, I do think he can be violent. Just look at the glares he will give the women (well except Robyn, when he just looks hurt) if any of them say anything bad about him. He looks so angry. He's scary to me.

  26. I wonder if the Browns (or any reality tv families) are paid when the episodes are filmed or only if they are shown on tv? Anyone know?

  27. Robyn and Kody have been in Ariz. for a long time. Has anyone noticed how she hasn't tweeted once how lonely she is or how much she misses her children? It's also funny how the other wives seem to be ignoring her being with Kody. Guess she's enjoying the sisterwives taking care of her kids while she's away.

  28. I went and read Christine's BK.... I now have had a change of heart on some of my thinking.

    She filed December 2010, I believe.....When did The show start? She says she is "single" all over the papers.... she OWNS no property. She pays rent of 1,000.00 to Kody Brown.

    I am stunned

    1. I could be wrong but I thought she filed for bankruptcy just before or doing the early months of the filming of season 1. She was still on foodstamps during the filming.

    2. I've been beyond stunned for a while now when it comes to the Browns. They definitely know how to bleed the beast per se & don't lack any creativity in the accounting area...smh
      How can U pay someone $1000 for rent, when U don't even have a real J.O.B? Christine's job/role in the family is caretaker/babysitter for the others....lol

  29. Guess yesterday was Robyn's birthday. She was thanking her twitter friends for all the birthday wishes. But specifically thanked Kody & her sis Tara for making it awesome.
    Maybe that's why she got to go w/ him to Arizona for the LIV "biz trip". Ya'll already know that they will use her bday gift/trip/dinner/night/ out as a tax right off as well...smh

  30. Well the Sister Wives are on the NBC News in Las Vegas right now giving an interview.. looks to me they are living in HOMES not apartments .. doing very well.. I will update later

    1. Who said the Browns live in apartments? We all know they live in 4 houses. That's all Kody talked about since the move to Vegas, how they went from living in one big house into 4 houses!

  31. I get it! Kody is a dickhead who talks out of his ass. The women are so brainwashed they don't get it. I feel very sorry for the children. And Robyn is such a fake. The show has run its course and now we all know that polygamy marriages do not work.
