Monday, October 29, 2012

UPDATED!!: I Scour the Internet: The New Season of Sister Wives begins November 18th - Edition for 10/29/12

Well, thank goodness, finally, FINALLY, TLC provided an answer for all those comments on all those Facebook fanpages and twitter messages asking when...Sister Wives WILL BE BACK ON NOVEMBER running a couple of commercial teasers advertising the return of SW during the Breaking Amish show last night.

What I don't understand is why the Browns, particularly those actual sister wives the show's about, passed the buck (and STILL are passing the buck) on the announcement. It just doesn't make any sense. If anything, it shows how this Krew kould kare less about their fans. That they have better things to do, like attend a craft fair women's expo in St George. Or send children off to Disneyland for the upteenth time. The lamebrained, flat out ignoring of their fans was just distasteful. And then telling the fans to contact TLC direct, what is wrong with these people? Don't tell me they haven't figured out that it's those fans that pay money to buy that overpriced jewelry and fans that buy into that green koolaid MLM, and FANS that WATCH their show making it a success! Would it have hurt to say something like hey, we'll be back in November. Check your local listings for showtimes. OK, Robyn did have that one comment saying just that on the regular facebook fanpage, but it quickly got buried. After that one comment, this krew just ignored their fans, and when they could no longer ignore the hundreds of tweets and facebook comments, they had one wife send one tweet to her followers  to contact TLC for details about their show. WTH??? Like, at least ACT like you're halfway interested in your fans! Sheesh...

The cost to put up sticky messages on their fan pages of the approximate return date of the show? 10 minutes.

The cost of lost fans tired of being ignored ?: PRICELESS !

Now let's get to the tweets of the week, arrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!

Baby Sol celebrated his 1 year birthday so the Brown Krew wasted no time in tweeting about the  healthy looking fella. Robyn also tweeted about her mini me Breanna and even attended a school fundraiser. And  Truely got some quality tweet time! Everyone, including the teens, seemed to be working overtime showing their love for each other...hmmmm.....

Robyn apparently has gotten back into the sisterwife mood. For the second week in a row, she has not tweeted a 'woe is me' tweet. This week, she's extolling on the fabulousity of her life in a plural may want to take some insulin before you read her tweet...

Gosh! I gotta say you sound like you just learned that big TLC check is in the mail !!!'s not what I expected. I mean, when you said Christmas ornament I thought it was going to be a glass ornament globe with the sister wives logo and some snow and maybe a reindeer or two with a chubby Santa. You know, something warm and sweet and Christmassy...But that piece of stamped metal? I've seen that Christmas tree design before, and just how small is it? Something tells me this little trinket is going to cost somebody at least $75 for the honor of hanging it on their tree.

And ladies, please get this item in your online store BEFORE Christmas, OK???? (Geez...they are always a day late and a dollar short) ARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!

 So what has Meri tweeted about this week?

Yeah, Mariah! But it's the SATs that's a killer. Like Meri said, Rock it, Girl and just remember you can always take it over!

Obviously, one of the Brown wives is not burdened with a lot of debts.

What does Janelle have to say? What's been on her mind lately?

Oh, so sorry! Looks like you couldn't get out of appearing at the women's expo. Maybe next time, 'K???

Well, let's check out the definition of bigotry, shall we?

From Wikipedia:

Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot, defined by Merriam-Webster as "a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance".[1] Bigotry may be based on real or perceived characteristics, including age, disability, dissension from popular opinions, economic status, ethnicity, gender identity, language, nationality, political alignment, race, region, religious or spiritual belief, sex, or sexual orientation. Bigotry is sometimes developed into an ideology or world view.

I suppose you are speaking of people who are intolerant of your lifestyle. Couldn't your religion be considered a form of bigotry being that it believes African-Americans bear the "mark of Cain", and therefore are not allowed to practice your religion? Wouldn't that be an example of intolerance of a group of people because of their race? How about when Christine was talking about not wanting her children associating with "sharks" in that discussion with the Presbyterian minister?  Wouldn't that be an example of intolerance of a group because their religion is not hers? I don't expect an answer, but ponder on that for a while.

Well, I'm almost afraid to see what Kody's been tweeting this week. Normally he's quiet, but let's take a look...

Ok, ok, Kody's just showing how selective he is when it comes to wife material...

All right...I think we can all agree to each his own...

Sounds like Kody is on a roll...go Kody! Go Kody! Go Kody!

SCREEEEEEECCCCCHHHH!!!  Oops, I think Kody may have gone too far...

I think....what we have here.... a failure to communicate...

So what does Christine have to say about all this silliness?

Well, Christine is  keeping it "real" by retweeting Aspyn,  her bonus kid Mariah, and Nia Vardalos ??!!??.


And this just in...Kody tries to make a joke (not realizing he's already one) and offends. When I saw the picture I thought of  "Off with his head!" or a simple "Oopsy, my bad!" But it will be interesting to see how long the comment stays without being deleted. Bets anyone?

Kody tells his fans to chill's a joke, son!

Obviously, Kody has no idea what the slang meaning of Queen of Spades is...
But Robyn looks like she does!!!! You go, girl!

But where's Christine?

They're drinking green kool-aid! Hope no one swallows a bit of dry ice!

I guess there won't be a picture of Christine...oh well, 2 out of 4 wives is par for the Kody Kourse!

Oh wait! Kody did post a picture. Oh yeah, I can see the rainbows all right...NOT. But even with that paint on her face, you can tell she's got a beautiful face.

Here are the tweets showing Kody's new hairstyles...

and  here's the frontal view...careful, this picture may shock you...


That's all for now. Keep safe from Hurricane Sandy, Happy Halloween, get out and vote, and remember ....

I Scour the Internet, So You Don't Have to, OK?


  1. Hopefully Mariah did awesome! I may not like her parents but the girl needs to do well so she can get some great financial aid from schools and the heck out of materialistic Meri's house.

    Oh and I thought the ACT's were way worse than the SAT's, so good luck Mariah!

    1. You take the ACT when you are not considering an ivy league college as it is easier than the SATs

    2. Where I am from most everyone takes the ACTs and the SATs. A lot of people take both because the SAT doesn't have the science portion. (And the science portion was intimidating, at least when I was a junior anyways).

    3. It doesn't matter so much on the schools you are applying to. Most colleges still require SAT scores. I took both because the tests are very different. People who are better in math and science typically do better on the ACT because the SAT is very much focused on reading, writing and comprehension.

      The point was I hope she did well!

  2. Truely has hair finally! Hooray for her :-)

    It appears Logan has really been putting in some gym time at UNLV ~ nice work Logan.

    As for the Christmas ornament ~ it would be nice if the SW's logo/thingy wasn't at the top of the tree, but I'm sure even without that it would be waaaay overpriced.

    Thanks for the post LRC and for keeping us informed, as always.

    Sure hope Mister Sister is doing better and can return soon. *thinking of you Mister Sister and praying*

    1. LOL - I looked at the ornament again and it doesn't even mention Christmas - it's a generic, PC "Happy Holidays".

      $10.00 that Christine (or whomever) found that design somewhere in a generic site online or maybe in their jeweler's book of designs - then they just stuck the Paw Of Sisterly Love on top. voila! lol

    2. OMG DJ! The paw of sisterly love! I now have to get up and clean my laptop screen!

    3. If the star atop the Christmas tree is meant to symbolize the star of Bethlehem that led the wise men to the Nativity, I think an animal's foot is an apt symbol for what leads you to this Krowd.

      I am revising my impression of what the paw sits atop. I don't think it's actually a Dairy Queen cone. I think it is an extruded substance but one produced by the animal who left the paw print, as if signing its creation.

  3. I caught those teasers on TLC last night. It appears we are in for another season like season 1 and 2, with all sorts of manufactured drama and tears. Kind of hard to believe when you put that scenario next to all their tweets. Maybe it does explain some of Robin's 'I'm so lonely' tweets though.

  4. My thoughts (and opinion) are....maybe they were contractually obligated to do this season *** Is it the continuation of May or is this a new season??*** And everything was based on the outcome of their financial stability to get a mortgage loan and build those homes. Since it is looking rather grim, maybe these new episodes are not very flattering to them and they really don't care if you watch them or not and maybe TLC has not re-newed their contract to film any more for the future as of now. Just a thought.

  5. I saw the commercials about the upcoming episode on the 14th. I am not surprised about them not being able to get the huge homes. I hate it for the family that it looks like they are going to lose their earnest money. Of course, they should have acted a bit more responsible.

    Honestly, there is no reason the adults couldn't get a regular full or even part time job. For that matter, the teens that are older than 16 could learn the value of hard work.

    1. Actually I believe a few of the older kids do work. I've seen tweets from Mariah and I think it was Aspyn or Maddie about work.

    2. ... not to be rude, Curious mum, but you honestly can't believe that they will loose/lost earnest money. That was just another manufactured scene (a very lame one at that). I doubt they even had enough money in their checking accounts to cover the cheques!!!

      Long time lurker.... (read-addicted to this blog, lol)

    3. If memory serves, the explanation was that if they weren't able to obtain financing that they would get their money back. however, IMO, it was all a setup for the show anyway. I doubt those checks were ever cashed.

      Kody's a dimwit, but even he must have known they didn't have a shot in hell in getting approved.

    4. Now you know that's a doggone shame when the kids work, but the able-bodied parents don't. Pitiful.

    5. As a former realtor, I can tell you that the earnest money they gave Mona for the houses was put into escrow. Most contracts specify that the deal is contingent on the buyer obtaining financing. Because they were unable to get the financing they needed, their obligation was done and they get their earnest money back.

  6. Those ornaments are like the kind given out by gas stations free with a fill-up or at work as a token holiday "gift," I think they cost about twenty cents each when bought in bulk. And the "paw" at the top, why, why, WHY!!?! Their "design" sense is just weird. But yeah, they'll probably charge $75 each + $20 shipping and handling.

  7. Did anyone see Kody photobombing the sweet Logan/Mariah picture like a spazz? They should Photoshop him out.

    1. LOL, if the person taking the picture clicked a second or 2 later, Kody would have been right behind Maddie and Logan. That just man can't stand not to be the center of attention!

    2. The real question is why is her brother in a place that her dad should be in? I find their bond incredibly touching, but it makes me wonder about "dad". If I were her dad and read these sentiments, while it would be great and all, I'd hope those thoughts would also be toward me.

    3. From the very first episodes it was Logan who took over the roll of daddy of the family. Back in Lehi Janelle left early in the morning to go to work. Logan was shown getting his siblings up and even cooking breakfast while Kody ran from room to room kissing wives good morning. No wonder Madison says she doesn't want to share her husband in the promo for the new season. She's seen first hand how her mother got the shaft. Now just like Robyn she's tweting how much she loves her family. It's so obvious that Kody is behind that tweeting because he wants to keep the image that he's some kind of superdad. He isn't.

  8. Whoops I meant Maddie, not Mariah.

  9. Ok, I'm asking for spoiler, what did the preview show? Are they crying about not getting the houses?

    1. Robyn said something about being financial ruined by her first marriage and how it is affecting her current marriage...

  10. I don't get it. If the shows teasers are correct there will be all this strife and continuation of the house story, yet we know that they were just at unlv preaching the same mantra of the beautiful plyg life. The teasers maake it look like a couple of the mistresses are realizing that they are just single moms. So are they lying then or now? They need some real psycho therapy

    1. So are they lying then or now?

      I think the teasers are the issue. Perhaps it's because the Browns are so boring, but the teasers are always over the top and usually not what they seem when the show finally airs. Sometimes (as in the case of I think Robyn yelling "That's Bull" at Janelle) the scene isn't shown at all! The dramatic scenes are taken out of context so I don't consider them at all anymore.

      I just look at the scenery. From what I can tell, most of the scenery was from outside of Las Vegas. The scene with Maddie crying may have been leftover from the teen's trip to Utah last season - that looks like their grandmother's house (Meri's mother). The scene with Kody going out the door appears to be a motorhome - and we know from a newspaper article they drove motorhomes on the trip to Nauvoo. So maybe we will see the Nauvoo trip.

      The wives aren't going anywhere.

    2. CJ is right, the teasers are never as they appear per scene on the show.

      A few observations

      Most shots taken on vacation in the motor home.

      Christine whinning that she feels like a single parent, duh! That's how you qualified for welfare all those years!

      Robchin and Kody meeting with CRN, Credit Restoration of Nevada, an agency that helps clean up your credit, dude there isn't an industrial strenghth power washer strong enough to clean up that mess!

      Logan, Aspen and Madison crying appear to be during a paint party? Aspen has white paint all over her elbow and spot on forehead. But in past shows Meri's mom's house doesn't appear to have any brick on it, but it is white.

      I think the statement that Janelle makes about ..." I have wonder sometimes what would happen if I just said I was done?" That does sound like a lead into the book explanation of when Janelle left (Kody and Meri). We all know she is not going anywhere since this is the first time outside of her own employment that there has been any flow of cash.

      Classic Robchin crying...get your witch hat and fly away!

      But where are some wise words from Tough Love, Mean-Meri, she is missing from the continued season teaser???

      I don't know how these people can make sex between 5 adults so boring, but they do!

      As for Kody and that dutch boy haircut, wow it gets worse and worse...hard to tell if he is AUB or Amish?

    3. hahaha! so they aren't going to bother just trying to clean up their own credit. How many shows and articles have I seen/read talking about how those credit restoration businesses are just scams? Even the FTC has an article on them including how to do it all yourself. Of course, the Browns aren't exactly hands-on, although I wonder why Janelle isn't following up on the cleaning up, since she's supposed to be a financial wizard and all. this actually proves she's not such a smart person, of course the fact that she is with Kody should pretty much prove that IMO.

      I would be willing to bet that when Kody and Robyn walked into the office, or as they were filling out the forms they made darn sure to let whoever was at the front desk or within earshot know that "We're polygamists!!!" gimme a break. and it's not Kody's Kredit being Kleaned (lol so Kardashian) since Robyn is technically a single adult.

    4. Dear DakotaJustice: As you may have noticed, I am perusing old posts, for fun, since, clearly, this was originally posted in October. I have a really dumb question for you. Maybe I missed something, in terms of making fun of the Browns for the way they say certain words, etc. So, I was wondering if the reason you use the letter K, ("Kody's Kredit), for instance, instead of a "C," for several words, has something to do with a joke I missed, or some other circumstance, pertaining to the good old Browns. As I said, I don't know if I overlooked some inside joke, or what, and that is the reason for this goofy question. I love your posts but am just confused, which is nothing new, with the K situation, LOL. Thanks.

    5. Hi Lisa,

      It's doubtful that DJ will see your question so I'll answer instead.

      It's a joke. Kody's name begins with a 'K' so what we do is use a 'K' instead of a 'C'. For example, kody-pendent instead of co-dependent, kredit instead of credit or krew instead of crew.

      I guess you kould say its in homage to all things Kody!

    6. LOL! Thanks Hon. Now maybe I kan be in on the joke, in the future. I appreciate that you got back with me. I really like this blog. There are some things about the Browns that I actually dig--I should say, there are some Browns I dig, like Janelle, the teens, etc. I did like Meri, when this first began but, I'm not so sure now. I don't think it should take forever and a day to decide if one wants another kid. That storyline has gone on long enough. My soaps wrap up story lines quicker, if that tells you anything. Well, I'm now totally off topic, I think, so I shall sign off. Again, I appreciate your reply KONCERNING the K scenario. How was that?


  11. Here's hoping TLC have the previews online soon and/or this site does.

  12. I never thought they would come back on TV and I never thought I would see the day when it made me HAPPY. Why happy? Because then we can continue to discuss them here :)

    1. Amen to that! I won't even probably watch the show as much as SKIM through it. I'm all about CJ's reviews. KC

  13. I forgot how truly odd these folks were during the off season- Robyn saying Sol is a "little stud" at 1 year old? Oh my......

    Funniest part of the preview was some guy (loan officer?) telling Kodouche he has alot of debt & him reacting with this fake horrified/shocked look! I guess that green goo they sell wiped his memory clean of the 5 bankruptcy filings they collectively have.

    1. I saw the teasers as well. I just rolled my eyes when he slammed the door of the motorhome. Get upset and slam your way out - that is a clever way to end an argument.

      As for the loan officer's comments, I reacted more to Robyn's crying of how she hates to be the wife that keeps the family from their dreams or some such drither....or drather....or druther. As if she were the only one with debt and bankruptcy problems. But in reality, they aren't really married so she wouldn't keep the other wives from their dreams - she would just be in the tent outside while the others lived in their homes....or maybe Janelle would let her borrow her teepee?

      And why was Kody at that meeting anyway? It isn't as if he would have been on the application.

      My other thought on their silence on the upcoming shows is that maybe they don't know anything about the show, or maybe they are contractually obligated to NOT talk about the shows on twitter or facebook because they say just idiotic things when they do speak out loud. Maybe TLC doesn't want their help with making the show look bad - well, anymore than actually watching it, that is.

    2. "OR MAYBE JANELLE WOULD LET HER BORROW HER TEEPEE?" .....Hahahhahahahahaa....Now that's hilarious!! :D

      I was wondering the same thing why Robyn would feel responsible for them not getting their dream homes, when in reality it's all of their debt combined & no one really having a real J.O.B

    3. I'm guessing Kody is on Meri's application since they are LEGALLY married. the other four...probably not.

    4. Don't forget she named her little "stud" Solomon, who in the Bible had a kazillion wives and concubines. Geez ...

  14. Not impressed w/ their christmas ornament...the tree part looks like ribbon candy...Besides, I wouldn't pay for an overpriced ugly ornament, when I can easily get an ornament stencil kit at Michael's or Hobby Lobby for $14.99, actually cheaper than that b/c I would use a 40% off coupon they always offer...Lol

    1. Just went to their online store and the Christmas ornament isn't even on there. Also not on there is the clothing and accessories which still say "coming soon".

      Why am I not surprised! It's almost Halloween and they don't have the Christmas ornament for sale yet....*smh*

    2. Dang, now that really doesn't surprise me a bit either. Just from their track record, it appears that they love to start new things, but never actually follow through completely. They're probably waiting to see what kind of response they get from their die hard fans...I think waiting til after their premiere date would be ridiculous bcuz that's only about 1 1/2 wks away from Thanksgiving & most folks like to start decorating & getting ready for Christmas the day or week after Thanksgiving,etc..

    3. Dang, now that really doesn't surprise me at all. The Browns seem to love to start things/ventures but never really finish or follow through completely. Maybe they're waiting to see what kind of response they get from their die hard fans. I think if they overcharge for the ornament & S&H, then they probably shouldn't expect to profit from their ornament or jewelry for that matter O_o

    4. Like I've noted previously - Kody (and the wives I guess) enjoys beginnings, dislikes middles, and doesn't stick around for endings.

      My guess is that this was the way he/they were even before the show was on the horizon. Janelle had that pantry business but just how well did it do, did it ever get off the ground or like Fundamental Fitness, did they just register the name and talk about it a bit?

      Had to ROFL about Kody's little quip regarding dogmas. Does he even know what a dogma is???? That without a dogma, he would have no religious excuse for doing the plyg thing IMO? he was just trying to be Clever Boy On Twitter. zzzz.

  15. Their planning is rather pathetic. I started my Christmas gifts in May and only have three left to go now. I always make them myself and I know how much time it takes. If I were selling Christmas things, I would make sure my stock was fully done by about August. That's sound business sense, I should think. Surely even these morons should be able to work out that between design, manufacture, advertising and distribution, you need to be faster than this. Unveiling the thing in October is fine, provided it goes up on the website at the same time. I seriously wonder how long they can keep this 'business' going. So far, they haven't done a single thing right, it seems to me.

    1. Bored - my sister has been running her own seasonal-type business (dried floral designs) for about 25 years now, and let's just say I'm used to visiting her in her workshop and seeing her working on Christmas in June. Especially when she's doing wholesale orders etc.

  16. If the Brown Klowns were smart...but then again that thought in itself is an oxymoron...They would have marketed Halloween costumes like the HBB crew is doing.

    Starting with Kody....
    A surfer-dude or the more current "dutch boy" wig, a purple wrinkled shirt and jeans, and a poster saying, "I have four women willing to play musical bed with me" what would his harem's costumes be ???

    1. I think the HBB fam, being so OUT THERE, is far more "marketable" as a Halloween costume concept - June (the mom) reminds me of Divine (some of you older folks on this board might remember him/her). They are just SO out there AND instantly recognizable - not to mention there's been quite a bit of "cross over" referencing to the show/family which has NEVER happened with SW as far as I know.

      Example - I was watching The Voice last night on NBC and a promo for an NBC sitcom aired (don't know which one) and the characters referenced HBB - I think it was a Halloween special - the girl was planning on dressing up as HBB and said "You better RedNeckognize..." which is a HBB saying...
      So not only are we seeing cross over - it's not just a side reference, it's being used as an AD SPOT to attract viewers to an unrelated sitcom on a completely different, much larger network.

      not to mention seeing REAL Tshirts and posters featuring HBB in one form or another. (I don't see why anyone would need to BUY a costume to play HBB and the fam - just go to any Goodwill!)

      never seen that with the SW. And being on the Today show, Anderson show etc etc doesn't count. They are just show filler, not crossing over into the public vernacular. In the 1970's, the same thing happened with JJ on Good Times (Dyn-O-Myte!!!), Fonzie's "ayyyyy" on Happy Days, Vinnie (John Travolta) and the other Sweathogs on Welcome Back Kotter...and so on.

    2. I agree. If HBB is good enough for Christopher Walken, Sam Rockwell and Colin Farell, well they are good enough for me!

  17. WELLL....on the "official" TLC FB of 9:09 AM PST...nary a mention by the page admins about the new date of 18 November. however page fans have mentioned in their posts. TLC hasn't updated its official page either. And not a peep on the TWOP forum. yup givin' the show a big promotional push! Kody being more involved in promoting his LIV MLM "business" than the show speaks volumes, IMO.

    1. I'm thinking Kody isn't all that involved in promoting his LIV business either. He is such a lazy a$$, if anything his idea of promoting is to retweet pictures of him with whichever LIV exec is in town, or retweeting a meeting invitation. Meri seems to be the main involved person. Now I see why his gun business failed back in Wyoming. He is lazy and makes horrible decisions. He is a joke.

  18. According to my research, the dates for official “Sweeps Month” are Oct 25 – Nov 21. This is generally when all networks show their best shows, specials, guest stars, etc. all in the name of getting ratings up and thus their commercial rates up. The fact that the SW premiere now starts Nov 18 (right at the end of sweeps) and the fact that TLC is not promoting it much (i.e nothing on the TLC website) and the SisterWives themselves aren’t promoting the show leads me to believe that the producers are just going to piece together whatever they have filmed and this will be the end of the show. I know none of us will find it surprising that Kody probably ticked off the producers by either demanding too much money or too many perks or has annoyed them with the MLM thing. Kody, for a supposed advertising and marketing guy, sure has no sense of promoting himself and the show. He does NOTHING to reach out to fans…in fact is rather rude when someone tweets him and sends tweets that sound “Warren Jeffs-ish”….like we all want to be lectured via tweets? And this makes us like him how? Kody has NO sense of humor about himself at all. He seems to be incapable of being self- deprecating and likable. And I agree with someone that posted above that we really don’t know if Janelle’s ‘pantry business’ was successful or really even a true business. Look at how she threw together the ‘business plans’ for the Fundamental Fitness by doing some googling about an hour before the meeting. We all think Janelle is smart but I think she just managed to get a government job and managed to keep it all those years, not that she is some business wunderkid. Let’s face it, they are in financial ruins because they are not working. I have read so many tweets about Disneyland that the teenage girls must have some unlimited pass to get in; however…what about the cost of food, gas, etc for the trips? They say that want to build a foundation for their ‘plymouth rock’ family but all they seem to want to do is travel and hope that adoring fans will show up and give them money. Jewelry and ornaments are not going to sell well enough to even recoup the money they spent. They keep throwing good money after bad (earnest money, rent on 4 houses). They need to go back to Lehi and Janelle needs to grovel and beg to get that job back and everyone needs to cut WAY back and start living within their means.

  19. I find this really frustrating actually. The Natalie Morales(second)interview has been scrubbed from the internet, the teasers mentioned in this post are nowhere to be found and it is pretty obvious that TLC is not bothering to promote this anymore. There's literally nothing on their Sister Wives site about a return. This blog is doing the work the Browns and TLC should be doing but aren't.

    I'd actually like to see what happens to everyone, I'd like to see how things pan out in Vegas over the next few years. I'd like to see some real, honest interviews with the wives (alone) and with Kody (alone). It would be nice to see what they have to say when the others aren't there to police them.

    It's annoying as hell, because MLM schemes and ridiculous housing plans aside, this is still a fascinating family. I just wish that they weren't trying to turn themselves into a product and instead - as others have said, get real jobs and live real lives.

    1. Who allowed Kody to always be the center of attention? The show's Sister Wives but it has always been the Kody Brown show. He has just about destroyed this show.

      TLC remade Jon and Kate plus 8 into just Kate plus 8. Can't they do the same thing with Sister Wives. The wives don't have to divorce Kody but they can say Kody found work on the Alaska pipeline and the show will now center on the 4 wives taking care of their family with additional scenes of the wives working together to keep their family strong. They could call it Sister Wives: The New Beginning. Kody can make guest appearances once in a while.

    2. You make an excellent point. The problem is we never see anything 'real' happen when Kody is around. The wives are much more honest with one another than they are with him. In fact, they're scared to be real with him I think, because if they annoy him he can run off to another wife, which means everything is always sickly sweet.

      Also, nobody wants to see them on holiday. For example, the scenes where Meri and Christine and Janelle talked about Kody and Robin being away on their honeymoon were interesting. There were real feelings and real emotions, unlike the grinfest with Kody and Robin on holiday.

      I read things on this blog that sound fascinating, and yet aren't available to see. It's maddening really. I love Christine with her toaster phobia and Meri with her stupid wetbar fantasies and Robin with her offers of uterine rent and Janelle with her attempts to get the financial clownshow on some form of track.

    3. Ah but Kate + 8 didn't last long did it - 2 seasons after Jon exited the scene? Not exactly a "remake". and I think TLC/F8Fs learned from their experience with the Gosselins and did things (and spent $$) that they won't do again. Live and learn.

      Also, not that "reality TV" is all that real, but making up a story about Kody being on the Alaska pipeline would kind of quash the "reality" and make it into out-and-out fiction. it's one thing to allude to the MLM deal as "a marketing job" but lying about Kody working elsewhere?

      As far as the wives working together - I have a feeling that they would all eventually go their separate ways. Yup, even Meri and Robyn. Janelle doesn't need a babysitter anymore - her teens are old enough to watch the younger ones and they're growing up fast. Christine needs Janelle more than Janelle needs her IMO.

      Bottom line, everything interesting about this family has been played out. The first two seasons were fairly interesting, now the most interesting thing is watching the trainwreck play itself out. Kody started showing his true SELFISH colors when he announced to his kids that they were moving to LV and not only that, managing to scare the crap out of the little ones by LYING to them and saying he was at risk of being thrown in jail and their family separated if they didn't move out of Utah.

      The only real worker/doer of the five "spouses" is Janelle. Kody, Robyn, Meri, and Christine are all bent on getting as much as they possibly can with as little effort as possible, with no thought for the future - probably because Kody's "dogma" is that God Will Provide. IMO.

    4. Please no, don't suggest sending Kody to AK or to work on the pipeline. The people who work the pipeline/slope actually work. I don't know what exactly you think he could do up there ? Roustabout- nope physical labor. Pigger? nope still labor. Laborer? Not gonna happen. Operator? Need a CDL, that's commercial drivers license, not constant downtop lexus. On behalf of all hardworking slopers/pipeline/oilfield workers, gonna have to take this idea off the table.Those workers are there to make money, not play work on tv.

      As far as a show about Kody's wives dealing with him gone most of the time? Isn't that what it already is ?

      I am a "sloper" wife. My husband is gone half the year, every year. There's a whole bunch of families like this in AK. When we go to the airport to pick up my husband, my youngest son takes his binoculars to look for "slopers"
      Anyway I started watching this show because I was curious to see if their family was similiar in dealing with a parent gone part of the time, and I can promise you, there is no sloper family like that.

    5. Well anony 1:18, since you shot down anony 6:12's idea of sending Kody to Alaska, how about setting him up as a hotdog vendor in Las Vegas? He can call his cart/company 5 Little Plyggies and serve up his green koolaid and peanut butter fritos to go with his hotdogs. For dessert, he can offer Christine's Mock Tapioca!

    6. My issue wasn't with Kody going to Alaska - it was making up a story that Kody was going to Alaska. then the show really does become straight out-and-out fiction.

      I don't think Kody feels he NEEDS to work. God will provide and all that good stuff. Of course he IS God on his own little planet...whatevs.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thanks hon! Very interesting indeed :)

      I wonder if the Browns, just on the basis of their alleged earnest money payment (and IMO I still think it was all an act - well maybe Robyn believed they would be getting the homes, but the other adults, at least Janelle, certainly couldn't have believed it) had that much input at that stage in the game as to what floor plans would be used in the homes? interesting.

      I still have to smile at "TMI" Realty...Too Much Info. and the Browns being affiliated with them! hahaha!

    2. That would be Cul-de-sac not cuddle sac my friend.

    3. @SullnSarcasm LOL! I just assumed that lisasumms was making a joke about "cuddle sac" but maybe I was wrong ;)

    4. That's only for us regular folks. If you're talking about the Browns it's definitely a cuddle sac. Bring on wives 6 & 7 and 12 more babies you can't afford Kody!!!

    5. I loved Cuddle Sac, and I thought it was intentional :)

    6. I'll make sure to put "quotes" or (parentheses) around my sarcastic snarks on the "Brown family- traveling circus" from now on.
      Thanks for the correction...but after 25+ years in Real Estate, I've typed Cul-de-sac a million times.

      I'm just glad my post brought out a troll lurking or caused a possibly a Brown to comment. It's been great fodder for the blog.

    7. Lisa I'm calling it Cuddle Sac henceforth. My town is loaded with 'em! :)

  21. I find it hard to believe that the audience of a show that explores an alternative lifestyle, are so arrogant and judgemental. I didnt expect this bog to be all sunshine and roses, but I didnt expect to see the watchers of this show acting like school yard bullies.
    It seems to me that you dont actually know if they have finance or not yet. So perhaps you should reserve your judgement. Teasers are always dramatised. Not just on this show on all of them. I cant believe that some of you are bitter about them treating their kids to a trip to disneyland? Really? If they were keeping their children locked in the house I'm guessing you would be up in arms about that too.
    As for the endless ranting about Kody being a bad Dad. I'm sure their are many who are far worse. They have chosen a lifestyle that doesnt align with most peoples expectations of a father. I'm wondering if you all feel the same about a Dad who has more than 10 kids with one wife? Would he too be neglecting his children because of the vast number?
    In life not a single one of us can say that we are perfect parents, partners, workers, successes, credit clear or generally morally sound. We all make mistakes.
    I think we should be more respectful of peoples intentions rather than their worldly possessions, credit history or personal beliefs. I think they are very brave to expose themselves to all of you, and I think that it is crystal clear that their is alot of love in their family.
    I wonder who you all are as individuals, and if you were put on trial by your peers here how they would judge you.
    I really wanted to believe that people who watch this show would be more likely to accept that everyone is entilted to live their life to their own truth. It seems to me that the Browns a well ahead of you in the game of acceptance and intelligence.
    I stumbled across this site while trying to see when the new season might start. I cant believe you think that its within the wives obligation to announce the new season. Perhaps they were advised not to? Or is that beyond your wildest imaginations?
    I am not a polygamist, I am not religious. I am Australian, 26, married, I own a business with my husband, we are tattooists, artists, shar pei owners, and expecting our first child. I thought before you judge me you should have some petty info to work with, you can make your assumptions from here on I'm sure.
    I love the show, but I am not consumed by casting my superior opinions about people I have never met. However attitudes like the ones advertised here speak for themselves. I figure if you can dish it out you best be prepared to take it. Enjoy hating your way through season 4.

    1. I didnt expect to see the watchers of this show acting like school yard bullies.

      Just because you're not likely to find a comment from someone wanting to be Kody's 5th wife here on SWB, it doesn't give you have the right to bully us around! So there!

      I wonder who you all are as individuals

      No, you don't.

      if you were put on trial by your peers here how they would judge you

      Isn't it amazing how quick you are to use the word 'judge' when that is exactly what you're doing to SWB...there's got to be a connection...Oh yeah, you're just VOICING YOUR OPINION! Please continue...

      It seems to me that the Browns a[re] well ahead of you in the game of acceptance and intelligence.

      I'm insulted by that statement...for the record, I have never commited a 3rd class felony, paraded my family on TV, cooked up a scenario where Law Enforcement was out to get me and then ran like a thief in the night to the safety of all places, Las Vegas Nevada. Where I live in 4 rental homes, with new cars, frequent trips to Disneyland, all with no real J.O.B. Did I leave something out?

      I stumbled across this site while trying to see when the new season might start

      Sunday, November 18th...glad we could help you 'cuz you will NOT find this information on the official SW TLC fanpage or the fanpages run by friends on Facebook. (as of my writing this response)

      I thought before you judge me you should have some petty info to work with, you can make your assumptions from here on I'm sure

      Why would you think we would make assumptions about you when we're here to discuss Sister Wives? Look, if SWB is not your cup of tea, we understand. Really we do.

      I love the show, but I am not consumed by casting my superior opinions about people I have never met.

      Oh, come on Ally. Don't you want to snark about Kody just a little bit? Just take a little bite from this apple, you'll see things so much differently if you do...just one little bite...

      Well, I tried.

      Thanks for dropping by, Ally!

    2. Ally, read more on this blog, so much informations to really understand what Sister Wives is all about.... Then, maybe, you will see the light......

    3. Bwhahahahaha!! Well said & well played Cynical Jinx ;) ...U were way more gracious than what I wanted to type, so thank you!!:D

    4. yikes Ally...even the Browns' come here lurking so it can't be that traumatic for them.

    5. I actually do have clear credit. Am I perfect? Of course not. But as a result of hard work, maturity, and financial responsibility, I have excellent credit.

      I can see how watching bits and pieces of this show would be confusing. It might even seem like a loving family. I do believe the children are genuine. But I recommend you pay close attention to the abuse that goes on with the adults on this show. If they're willing to show that much on TV, I'm afraid of what might be happening behind closed doors.

    6. Well, Ally, hoping you feel better now?!

      And for the record, if I chose to put myself *and my underage children* out for there for public consumption, I would expect to take the good with the bad opinions.

      .."I think they are very brave to expose themselves to all of you..."

      Brave ??? Seriously ?
      How about greedy and/or fame-seeking?? And let's throw in looking for an easy way to avoid actually working for a living to support their chosen family of 22.

      "Brave" would be owning and living their lifestyle with integrity and responsibility.
      It would be taking care of their children without having them have to perform for cameras and the public.
      It would be living their lifestyle as *adults* without choosing to participate in silly, vapid and dishonest scripts that do little to validate their *stated beliefs.*

      But good to hear your thoughts.

    7. I agree with 99% of what you said CJ but why did you have to word escaping to Las Vegas in such a negative way. We are a real city with real people living here and handful of weirdos, i.e. The Browns.

    8. How I interpreted "escaping to Las Vegas", was b/c the Brown's claim they're religious, godly, having a direct line to heaven, etc....of all the place to "escape" to is Vegas aka Sin City. According to them, there is no other polygamist groups or communities in Vegas, so why would they choose to flee there? You would think they would want to keep themselves & children for that matter in a Plyg friendly community where they have the support of their church, family, friends,community & teachings in general.

    9. "I'm sure there are worse fathers out there" paraphrasing...

      This isn't the first time I have heard this about a bunch of situations. And it saddens me that we as a society set the bar at the lowest common denominator. I don't think Kody abuses his kids, but he can not possibly be involved with 17 children.

      It's also sad that polygamists are quick to make these type of statements. how often do we here from the Kody krew "it's better than a "monogamous" man having affairs" or "at least kody is there for all his kids [rather than leaving the mom's high and dry]" -- I don't like the "at least we aren't as bad as xyz" defense. Although it is sad if they think all men have to have more than one lover at once or would abandon their children.

      I think I judge Kody and krew harsher than I judge various polygamist societies because they put themselves out there as "polygamy done right" which is appalling; if this is the best polygamous situation I fear for those in "bad" situations.

    10. That's funny...I too ran across this blog while looking for info on SW's. All I can say is THANK GOODNESS!! For a little while there I thought I was the only one that saw this "Train wreck" happening. Seriously!!! It seemed like everyone was writing "Oh...such a loving, supportive family" "They get along so do they do it?"....THEY DON'T. They have no respect for each other, they don't trust each other, they ARE NOT HAPPY! I guess what was really bothering me was the sad, upset faces on the kids and the constant crying of the wives. You ask "Why do I continue to watch it then?" I actually liked the first few episodes and really liked the family...then something happened and now I feel I need to see it to the end (which I realize will be soon). It doesn't bother me because I know that the kids will grow and choose there own path as their parents have chosen there own (which I believe to be non-plyg).

    11. "As for the endless ranting about Kody being a bad Dad. I'm sure their are many who are far worse."


      as for the ranting about serial killers, I'm sure there are many far worse than Ted Bundy?

      as for the ranting about criminals, I'm sure there are many far worse than Bernie Madoff?

      as for the ranting about adulterers, I'm sure there are many far worse than Gary Hart?

      Like, wow....It's almost as if just because there is someone who is worse it doesn't mean that the guy in question is good....

      Who would have thought?

    12. As others have said, it's been multiple trips to Disneyland, Mexico, etc, etc. This family has 17 children and 5 adults to support, the oldest son is now in college. They are supposedly attempting to buy/build 4 homes after having declared multiple bankruptcies. When they escaped to Las Vegas, they had to make multiple stops and turn a six hour drive into a 24 hr marathon due to the poor condition of their vehicles. People with any type of common sense pay their bills rather than take vacations in that scenario.

    13. "if you were put on trial by your peers here how they would judge you

      Isn't it amazing how quick you are to use the word 'judge' when that is exactly what you're doing to SWB...there's got to be a connection...Oh yeah, you're just VOICING YOUR OPINION! Please continue..."

      I love this Cynical Jynx. People who say they don't judge are always the first to judge other people and claim they're not!

      Love this blog! I mean the show's a train wreck and I can't stop watching and I so want to discuss it with other people and here you are! If you go to the Official TLC forum for the show, yeah, not too many people there or lots of "I love yous" from their fans.

      Hey if they're going to have a tv show, they should expect to have it judged lol. Seriously, Kody is an A-hole!

    14. Cynical Jynx, calling out the judge judging is just too good! Good for you! Good responses from all to this Ally. Is it Ally, as in short for Allison or Alexis, or an "ally" to the Browns, hmm. Well, I'll add my two cents - Kody is an a$$ Ally and if you can't see it now, you're not watching the same program as the rest of us. Seriously, saying Christine disgusted him when he first saw her, on national TV, was the lowest of the low, and before he said that he was pretty slimy already. He is the biggest ego maniac, narcissist, a**hole I have ever had the chance to witness.

    15. Opps, seems like someone got lost on the way to the Sister wives fan's Facebook page! And if MY life was put on national TV for the world to see I am sure people would pick out my faults, but they would see that my pirority is my son and not a fleeting 15 minutes of fame!

    16. People are judging them because they were on food stamps and medical up to a year ago. They are supported by the government, except Mary because she was covered under Kody's insurance when he worked and Jannel and her kids were covered under hers. Kody said they were not on any substance and he lied to his fans/audience. I did not read anything about his choice on how to live with many lives. Kody is a child and a mess. the family is putting their lives out there and are so unorganized it seems like a joke at times. Here is America we are accepting of their choice to be polygamist if they choose, we only question their choices, especially financial ones. They claim to be broke and have no money, but they spend it like it will never run out. They intrroduced to one type of family, but in reality they are a train wreck and that is why we have a right to vent....

  22. Before this show started they lived in 1 house and worked or collected welfare. Now it's all about trips, 4 rental houses with pools, new furniture, cars, expensive gifts for Kody, McMansion dreams, etc. These folks are going to implode when TLC pulls the plug!

    I can't figure out if it's stupidity or inflated egos that keeps them from promoting the new season? They seem bored by the whole thing.

    1. It's so apparent that history is repeating itself with these people. Only difference is, in the old days before the show, they could just declare bankruptcy. Now with the changes in the bankruptcy laws created to stop repeat offenders, they are in a mess. They are overextended and the only wife left that hasn't declared bankruptcy is Robyn. So the producers decide to use this in the show by showing a visit to a debt counselor. I think they sense the end is near, so that's why all the trips to disneyland (obviously not going to be shown on the show) so the kids can be happy when the plug is pulled. Which is not very smart, they should be saving every penny by cutting down all those trips, getting out of the MLM fulltime with Kody and his 4 wives finding legitimate jobs! If they each got minimum wage jobs they could bring home over $50K a year. But they are just too lazy to do it.

    2. They need more than minimum wage jobs. I don't know what kind of skills they may have but with 17 kids to feed and many of them teens I know 50k wouldn't be enough to feed kids, utilities especially if they have multiple homes, monthly bills from debt, etc. They need some serious income. If only they had saved and invested some of their earnings on businesses that were worth while.

    3. I thought Robyn did have a bankruptcy after her divorce? Otherwise why would her Victorias Secret purchases be public record?

    4. I remember reading that the Victoria Secret debt was part of her divorce settlement that she was responsible for. She also got the trailer in Pinesdale. I've heard rumors that she filed bankruptcy but no one has been able to produce proof she did.

    5. DakotaJustice,
      I think you are right !! Pretty sure Robyn had a BK filed when she opted to become #4 mistress.

      As far as what amount of $$$ it would take to feed and house all of them, either in one dwelling or four...
      I just find it bizarre and quite telling that viewers/bloggers focus and speculate on that cold, hard reality....
      When apparently ** THEY DON'T. **

      Religious beliefs or not, how can five adults continue "the lifestyle," as in producing that many children, with no ethical or concrete plans for *paying their way* and feeding their children other than with scammy type businesses, a 3rd rate and increasingly *finite* reality show and/or welfare or bankruptcies ???

      Talk about "Reality"...or lack of.

    6. Anon 2:16 - why would a divorce settlement, especially one involving children, be public record? I thought those were all sealed...i think somewhere here last year we discussed the BKs...?

    7. Hi DakotaJustice!

      Here's a link to a video from Rebecca Kimbell(former AUB) that was discussed on SWB a year ago. According to Ms Kimbell, there's no record of Robyn filing for bankruptcy. She also discusses the VS debt.

    8. Thanks CJ! (sorry - for some reason I can't post comments from my iPad and I am not on my Mac very often :( )

  23. Asking their fans to contact TLC is just a ploy to get more viewers to contact TLC so it will look like they are popular. That's it.

  24. When people put themselves out there that what happens. Yes we all make mistakes but do it on tv it people will talk about it. Kody is rude to his wives, he doesn't bother with his children & he ignores his fans. He doesn't support his family.

  25. I forgot something all that money going to disney would be better spent going towards the children's education. Just my opinion.

    1. Yeah, it's not like it was just one trip to Disney either, its MULTIPLE trips. I'm all for family bonding & vacation time, but not if you can't really afford it. Esp, if you're having to use ur grocery & bill $$ to foot the bill. That's just plain irresponsible!!

    2. The Browns don't worry about educating their children; they know they can depend on grants.

  26. Who cares if they aren't telling there fans when the show is back on? First of all it's likely they are under contract with TLC and can't talk about it. Second, there kids are more important to them. I think it shows where their priorities are and I respect that. I think it's funny when people criticize them because they aren't getting "attention" the reality stars but if the wives did give them that attention they would be criticized for that too. Sheesh people give these wives and mothers a break. They update there twitters continuously, isn't that enough?

    1. Who cares if they aren't telling fans when the show is back on? Why the fans care! Have you taken a look at the Sister Wives 3 major facebook fanpages? At least 90% of the comments are asking "when is the show coming back". Guess what? If fans don't know when a show they watch is coming back, they go on to the next show. The Browns can't afford to lose any fans right now. And you're right about their twitter accounts...the Browns are continuously asking for that dollar. They update about their overpriced green drink and that overpriced jewelry, but the show that put them in the public eye? Forgetaboutit. That show provides the majority of their income, they should show their fans more respect. Do you really think TLC would tell the Brown not to say when their show is coming back? Seriously????

    2. If you notice..... DC CUPCAKES has more Facebook "likes" then Sister Wives,
      Just a thought.

    3. If the kids really came first they wouldn't be on the show...

      I feel so bad for them having every personal detail thrown out there for all to see- very tough when you're a kid. It also must be upsetting for them to see their moms crying and upset all the time. The parents created this mess for a paycheck so who's gonna pick up the tab for these single moms when the show ends and they've blown the money????? I doubt the jewelry and green drink sales can support their new lifestyle. Poor kids-

    4. VA you got it backwards. Contracts usually require the 'talent' to promote their show. Even if the Browns were told not to say anything until the official announcement from TLC, the Browns are still keeping quiet about the start date. surely TLC told them what date that announcement would take place. It's a good thing I'm not head of programming at TLC. I would call these jokers and tell them their services were no longer required. Which I suspect has happened and that's why they refuse to advertise the show on their fanpages and twitter.

    5. Anon @ 2:37 pm:

      I tend to agree with you as to why they aren't promoting the show in any way.

      They seem to love Twitter while all but abandoning their Facebook fans. I wonder if they're not hoping someone else picks up their show which is they they don't want to help advertise this show.

      Who knows? But I think you're right.

    6. I suspect Sister Wives did not have a contract and directing fans to ask TLC was a ploy. I stopped watching last season, but I get a kick out of this blog. Find another TLC show. This story was over the day the family moved from the polygamous home.

  27. VA,
    First and foremost, do you really believe that the Brown adults put their children first? If they did put their children first, that entire move to Las Vegas,which we all know was a hoax, put the kids in a terrible state of uncertaintity. Second, they have built their kids up for various great things like really cool houses ects, just to turn around on the show and disappoint them. Third, if they put their kids first, they would not comodify their children by putting them on a show where their privacy is disrupted and their lives are made to look stupid…where we know the kids are getting teased. and finally, they would all get jobs and those kids would never have been a part of the welfare system.

    As far as using social networking for their kids…ha! You are kidding me, right? Meri and Robin use it to make the others feel sorry for them; they use it to make Kody feel guilty for not taking them on those fabulous vacations, and they use it to sell their horrible business ventures. Their children are after thoughts. Look at the cars Kody drives…I guess he could tie one or two on the hood of his car and take one or two inside the car and leave the rest behind. Yeah, that's his mode of taking care of the family…it's your turn, now it's your turn, and if I am not mad at your mama, it's your turn.

    1. uprooting the kids with three days' notice (I think) from their friends, their congregation (so much for Kody being so into his religion - oh yes wait a second he doesn't follow "dogmas" does he? I wonder if he's looked the definition up YET???) their school, all that is familiar to them...somewhere they were the middle of a school year yet. Because Kody wanted to move to Vegas. The truth, IMO, came out during at least ONE interview where the wives admitted that the REAL reason they moved to LV was...because Kody wanted to. Of course, the fans would rather believe that Kody was getting ready to have his butt thrown in jail whilst law enforcement in Lehi ignored the rest of the polygamists in town...after all there were enough to have an AUB congregation right??

    2. Remember during the move to Vegas when Kody chose to ignore Christine's pleas to stop somewhere so the children could eat something? Only a non-caring father would refuse to allow his children to eat, especially since it was all for show.

  28. I have a vague recollection of Christine saying, sometime back, that they would be in the rental houses for 18 months. Maybe that 18 months is about up. Can anyone clarify?

    1. They moved in around Jan/Feb of 2011, so they've been up for some time. More than likely they either renewed the lease, or went to a month-to-month.

  29. It is interesting that on the eve of the 4th season debut, SWB is hearing from and being chastised by self-proclaimed SW advocates.

    Could it be that the Browns are appealing to diehard, stars-in-their-eyes fans to stump for them on SWB???
    Or is it the Browns themselves incognito?

    If so, it only shows how really pathetic and bottomed out the whole SW show premise has become.
    Can't imagine how TLC can rescue this from the shark's jaws.

    1. Since Robyn tweeted about SWB just last week, I'm sure someone from Kody Krew been lurking. Too bad they don't pop over to their fan pages and say hi...those folks seem neglected.

  30. So surprised we haven't seen a billion and one pictures of Sol all dressed up.

  31. that christmas ornament doesn't look like any tree decoration ever saw or would use. maybe its for a Hanukkah tree.


  32. I am very thankful I found this blog because I too, had thought I was one of the few people that really saw through the crap.

    Just a few quick comments:

    To Ally: You say, "I think we should be more respectful of peoples intentions rather than their worldly possessions, credit history or personal beliefs. I think they are very brave to expose themselves to all of you, and I think that it is crystal clear that their is alot of love in their family.
    I wonder who you all are as individuals, and if you were put on trial by your peers here how they would judge you."

    When there is a SisterWivesBlog TV show, Yes, we'll fully expect to be judged upon whatever we put out there for public consumption. You can say for others to be respectful of "intentions" rather than judging for what they do or have but that makes no sense...They should be judged on their actions. Judged for what they do and say....Everyone has good intentions, heck, I intended to clean my house today but let's face it, all the good intentions in the world didn't get my house was ACTION....People will walk in a judge the home to be clean or dirty by my actions..not my INTENTION TO CLEAN IT.....I would also love to know how these folks are considered "brave"...Brave would have been staying in Utah, facing the consequences of their chosen lifestyle and fought for the right to practice it..but instead they run. How does that help the plight of legalizing polygamy (as I've said before, I don't think they truly want it legal"...Brave would be for all adults to WORK real jobs and support this family and forego a few dozen or more trips/parties, money blowing fiascos.......BRAVE would be for Kody to step up, be an example to his family and take the first REAL job instead of taking on ventures that are sketchy, to say the least. It would have taken some BRAVE people to go on panels and discussion groups and let ALL questions be fielded..yes, even the tough ones!!

    As for the show and what will happen? I think these folks were hoping to ride this gravy train a bit longer to make it to the top of their pyramid scheme but the jig is up a tad sooner than expected. They were probably hoping to at least get some homes out of the deal...What I honestly don't understand is even if they were approved for those homes how they ever planned to support themselves in those houses? How were they going to pay the taxes and those huge mortgages? None of that house stuff made sense to me...Instead of being a show on what is good about polygamy, it did the opposite..

    I do feel bad for the kids though for the reasons others have mentioned..

    Christmas Ornament..FUNNY ...As soon as I saw it, it reminded me of one I got with my Holiday Lifesavers Book a few years back....

    1. Agreed times a zillion! You nailed it WPF, especially the part about being brave!

  33. Someone above mentioned that Robyn tweeted about this blog last week... What did she say? I am so curious as i love this blog!

    1. Hi Yorkie!

      Actually, Robyn responded to a tweet from someone who mentioned SWB. Here's a link to the posting:

      Thanks for reading SWB!

  34. Well, still no mention of the upcoming season on the TLC website (that I saw anyway). I think that's just another sign that this is the last season of Sister Wives. I love reading this blog and will miss reading the synopsis and the comments after each episodes, however I can't help but think that the blog posts will become even juicier after the show ends because CJ will find all the good fall out details. More bankruptcies? More woe is me tweets? And possibly seeing what other shady businesses Kody comes up with to fail at? Will they continue to push the green slime drink on people (which by the way, does anyone know if they've even made any money from selling that stuff?)?

    1. Now this is kind of interesting. Yesterday Aspyn tweeted (and Robyn retweeted) a picture of herself, Mariah and Mykelti standing in front of a rake of fresh bread saying at their family's bakery. So was this another failed Brown venture because I don't recall any of the Browns ever talking about a bakery business!

    2. I saw that too and I've never heard them talk about a bakery before either. Maybe it was early business venture that they never mention or maybe it belonged to an extended family member like their grandparents or aunts or uncles?

  35. Just a few thoughts on costumes. Funny Kody calls (only) Robyn’s obvious witch costume the Queen of Spades matching his own King of Hearts from a deck of cards. Janelle’s costume is unpictured-- was he even present to snap a photo of her or the children?-- and Meri’s undefined.

    I like Meri’s look with her eyes defined and rosy cheeks. With the Duchess of Cambridge (keeping the royalty theme) bringing back hats, Meri might think of exploring the style. Having a taste for fine things does not necessarily make one extravagant. I have a friend who dresses like a million dollars, and tells me the gals she works with think she spends all her money on clothes while in fact she combines accessories found on sale in the fine shops with classic pieces purchased at the goodwill. Meri might take this photo to a makeup shop for an appropriate daily version.

    I agree with the writer who commented on Christine’s attractive face. She looks like a celtic maiden in blue wode. (Is blue-wode redundant?) Also like a butterfly (singular). No rainbows. Guess the glitter does not photograph, but what IS she looking at. The photographer did not aim to present Christine at her best, eh?

    All in all it looks like a good time was had by all. Missed shots of the children. Was this an adult party? Sometimes the brown family show seems a bit like that doll house Robyn has for the children, filled with one Ken and four Barbie dolls.

    But we only see the show and not the lives, so the rest we imagine. Any resemblance of the show to reality depends on the skill and attitudes of the film crew as well as the family.


  36. Oh oh. Christine twitted she's with Kody on the way to St. George. That means Robyn should be twitting a I'm so lonely twit soon.

    1. Robyn's tweeted a picture of Sol riding in Daddy's convertible with the top down and she's gushing about how much he loves it. Haven't seen a woe is me tweet yet.

    2. Well, isn't that special? I saw Robyn's tweet earlier about Sol riding in the convertible. I did notice a few comments questioning Robyn for having Sol riding forward facing in his car-seat, and she tweeted back it was OK because he was big enough.

      I just went to look at the tweet again and it's GONE! POOF! PFFFT!!


    3. I wish I had seen the tweet of him forward facing because I definitely would have posted about how dangerous it is!

  37. How did I know

    How did I know King Kody would wear a crown? I bet he wears it every day. Probably makes all of them bow to him too!

    1. Isn't it interesting how there are 4 queens in a deck of cards and Kody could only name one of his four wives a queen, and I wouldn't call the Queen of Spades that complimentary either. He is so thick in the head.

  38. As I was falling asleep last night, these words popped into my head:


    Oddly, I wasn't really thinking of SW, the thought was just there.
    Wouldn't that make a great tagline for the new season and the show in general?

  39. Just saw a new this one, Kody's telling the kids they didn't get the houses. One of the older kids, Mykelti, maybe?, says something to the effect of, "You never do what you say you're going to do." Cut to Kody and Robyn at a debt counselor, then cut to Robyn crying about not wanting her past marriage to affect the family....

  40. Kody looks like the creepy Burger King character on the commercials!

  41. Oh it's been so long since I posted here last, but I have been faithfully following! Love your blog and the comments. :)

    So much to say. First off, seriously Robyn? We know, thanks to the bankruptcy filings of the other adult Brown's, you are not the only declined client from the lender. However, to bring up your previous marriage once again shows you use any shortcoming of the kodster to blame on your ex. Don't blame your previous marriage financial problems affecting your dream palace with KING charming, blame them on yourself. The judge dumped the debt on you for a reason, not for me to judge, but the outcome is obviously crystal clear, it's your debt. I'm sorry, but that is the most ridiculous thing I have heard when its common knowledge you did not have a job but rather had several credit cards throughout the course of your first marriage and used them religiously with no self control. Put some blame on your kody for once for your new problem. You've been divorced for what, 4 years now?

    I agree with Anon 11-2 (11:03)pm, he has 4 wives and perfect to do a group thing and be EQUAL. Rather, kodster and Robyn play cute couple once again, Christine is lost in the mix, Janelle bails on the act, and Meri eagerly tries to vie for royalty.

    The show is pretty much the same. Robyn is still getting far more attention and privilege than the other wives, Meri is still fighting Robyn for the time, Janelle is alone with her children, and has to share their accomplishments with the other wives who have done nothing to help her in the past couple years. Christine is always lost, unless she's with Kody or in Disneyland, then she tweets and appears normal. But it is definitely not a functional home. This end result of four separate homes, four separate life's, everything, is exactly what Meri wanted. She enjoyed her time apart when Janelle and Christine did not live with her. And they all agreed there was no fighting. It wasn't until they moved to Utah and got into one home they were starting to function normally by adjusting and accepting. They knew bringing Robyn in would mess everything up, but they had to appease Kody. Hence the move, (I do not believe the whole legal persecution bit) and the four homes. Yes, the children are now functioning as cousins. The wives are acting as neighbors for babysitting and food. That's it. They all admit they can not stand the sight of Kody showing love on the other wife. None of them have mastered the green monster, so they hide in their own homes and as Robyn says, pretend it doesn't happen, unless Robyn is pregnant, than it's "in your face, we have an intimate relationship". gag.

    Rambling a bit. But that's pretty much it. Almost two years after their move to Las Vegas and it is now very plain. They are no longer one family, but rather four different families. The children act as cousins, the wives have their own friends, etc. They only get together for holidays and birthdays really. Even then it's iffy. What with all the LIV marketing meetings.

    Thank you so much for this blog! I'm so happy I am not the only one who finds this show contradicting and crazy.

    1. Dragonfly, you bring up some good points.

      I too, have thought for some time that it's very obvious these folks are not ONE family, nor do they intend to be. Why work so darn hard for 4 separate residences..Especially Meri. Meri should be happy just slipping into another one of the homes...Why all these need for huge amounts of space just for yourself and a grown daughter (that will be going off soon to college??)... Why does she need a residence all to herself? Why haven't they spent all of that time and energy trying to modify a home or structure to bring them in as ONE..???

      On the Robyn front, more good points. I think Robyn needs to take responsibility for her own debt, quit crying about it and get it paid off..What have they been doing with all of this money? I hope to goodness it's paid off by now...If it's not, then why? If Kody was really a MAN, he would have stepped up and made sure it got paid if he expected Robyn not to be employed at this time..Speaking of Kody..Why oh why would he visit this debt upon his other family members? Why would he even want to consider marrying again and burden their family more financially. I think that is so very selfish!! Maybe Robybn brings all kinds of warm and fuzzies to this group..I don't know but I do know that warm and fuzzies don't pay the bills or buy the kids shoes.. Have any of these women stopped to think that if Kody truly is getting some divine calling to polygamy and breed like a rabbit that he'd also get a divine calling to a JOB to take care of this family?

    2. My bad..I just remembered after rambling about the debt..She filed a bankruptcy on that debt right? It still doesn't bode well to bring someone in to an already financially strapped family. If person cannot pull their weight financially, then who does the burden fall to?

    3. If you think about it, it doesn't appear that the core family (pre-Robyn) really lived together in the same dwelling all that long. I think they acquired the Lehi house in what, 2005? before that Janelle was separated from the rest of the family (good move!), and didn't I read somewhere that they had some mobile homes too? So they lived in the Lehi compound for what, 5 years? not all that long. IMO the wives are more accustomed to each having their own homes than not.

  42. I just saw the Twitter pic of Kody's little pigtail. Words fail me.

    I also saw the tweet about a Europe trip? Where's that money coming from? Anyone heard info about that trip?

    1. You mean the picture with Mariah? For once, I'm longing for his everyday surfer dude hairdo becuz seeing him with his hair pulled back, the resultant huge expanse of forehead (and sidewalls for that matter) and that tuft of hair on looks almost like he's got a mohawk except you can see it's only a tuft of hair and his hairline has receded way way back...I'm rambling becuz it looks soooo bad!

      He needs to talk to Hulk Hogan or Bret Michaels on how to wear those bandannas. Hey, they could sell them as an accessory in Robyn's My Sister Wife's Closer store.

      I thought the european trip was a school trip - Mariah or Aspyn. At least it's not Disneyland!

    2. "He needs to talk to Hulk Hogan or Bret Michaels on how to wear those bandannas. Hey, they could sell them as an accessory in Robyn's My Sister Wife's Closer store."


    3. Oh Noes Sadly Addicted!

      I found the picture you were talking about!

      He looks like a first class ass! Yeah, he's trying to look so kewl driving around vegas with his shades and a plyg tail (that's what I'm calling it). I'll try and post both pictures so all of you can see for yourselves.

    4. "first class ass" ....Hahahahahaha....& don't forget the pink shirt...Lol Regardless he still looks like a trailer turd. I got that word from RHONY :)

  43. The previews being shown are soooo lame! More crying wives, more crazy Kody eyes...same old stuff.

    I'm all for watching a good train wreck but seriously how much longer can this show keep going?

  44. I can't believe Robyn first tweeted a picture of Sol sitting in Kodouche's convertible, then she suddenly deletes the tweet when her fans made remarks that Sol's carseat should be rear-facing not forward-facing. She said it's OK because Sol weighs more than 20 lbs, but she deleted the tweet anyway. I have to say I don't think she's a bad mama. She's just not aware of the safety issues of forward-facing car seats. If you scan her tweet pictures, you can see that Sol has been riding in that forward-facing seat since at least July! She got flack for that picture too because it showed Sol wearing kid's headphones. She just can't win. Looks to me like she tweeted the picture to make the other wives jealous because she had Kodouche's car keys but it backfired on her.

  45. I don't understand why all the tears flow in the previews/show and on social networking these guys are all smiles and the life of the party. I think they all conspire on what will bring more ratings...and they are laughing all the way to the bank (for now). I don't see them splitting up - if anything, they will move back to Utah if times get too tough. They are as about as real as the Breaking Amish people!!!

  46. Just noticed that manchild Kody is wearing a backpack as he slams his way out of the door. Reminds me of when my kids were in college and backpacks were like a part of their bodies, one entity. Who does he think he is...Logan perhaps? What grown adult man runs around wearing a backpack antway. He looks rediculous!

  47. The Browns are the perfect example of why polygamy does NOT work for families. I have read many different books on polygamy. It’s actually kind of sad because they believe that they have to live this way in order to get into the highest kingdom of Heaven. That is why they are always saying things like ‘all the sacrifice will be worth it’ and that kind of thing. The man (Kody in this family) get an itch usually during his late teens/early 20s. He is usually not born into the faith (usually is LDS) and then gets shown ‘the truth about celestial marriage’ by a friend or family member. He is usually relatively uneducated and has not yet thought about a career or higher education. Caught up in the excitement of living the principle, the man then meets a woman (usually herself in her late teens) who agrees with him about the revelation regarding plural marriage. In fact, they may not even initially want to add another wife but feel ‘led’ to practice polygamy in this life on Earth. And probably the man (who is usually still pretty young) thinks having another wife or two might be ‘fun’ (come on, guys this age have some raging hormones) and when you add in ‘duty’, then you have the formula for marrying a few more wives. In the midst of this, there are babies out there waiting to be born into their special family. So they start reproducing, fast and furious. At first it’s somewhat fun, having all the babies and toddlers around each other. The dreams of an education are pretty dim at this point (although Go Janelle for getting that degree!)…The man starts thinking he is spreading his seed to grow the spiritual kingdom and starts to get a big ego. Before you know it, 5 years have gone by and there are 10 children, 3 wives and the expenses are starting to add up. He is a “God” and doesn’t feel ‘led’ to work in a normal job….he is way too special for that. He needs to keep spreading the word. ..this is the point where the women realizing their kids need diapers , formula, medicine, food, shelter…realize that they need to get jobs since the spiritual head of the family isn’t going to do it. So…..they either start working and/or they get on government assistance for the kids. ( Note: I would get on assistance if that is what I needed to do to take care of my kids….I can understand the immense struggle that must be)….then it’s at the 10 year mark, the kids are getting older, thus more expensive (and less compliant – ever had a teenager?)…..and the man then starts ‘hearing a calling’ to add another wife or two or three…..and then the cycle starts over with a new set of wives who are bearing children and being led down the path of poverty. And the ‘older’ women who have bore his children are thrown to the side in order to make room for the newer, younger, and more fertile wives. The kingdom keeps growing but there are a whole bunch of women and children who are not getting what they need emotionally, physically and spiritually.
    I guess I am off topic here….but the Browns are showing us how polygamy hurts women and children. Do I think they are going on way too many trips to Disney when they should be saving for their futures when the TLC train ends (soon!)? Yes. But I do understand that they have very little in the way of hope for their lives here on Earth so maybe they just want to have a little fun before it all goes away. Because it will go away and in another ten years, I would be shocked if this family actually stays together.

    1. What about non religion based plural families? Families where the adults hold degrees and jobs? And have a reasonable amount of children. All polygamists don't pratice polygamy for the same reasons or in the same way. We are not all uneducated, immature and unaware of the reality of lifetsyle we choose. Your post and the Browns and the Dargers, are good examples of why religion based polygamy is undesireable and irresponsible. But when educated and repsponsible adults choose polygamy for themselves and make their lifetsyle entirely about raising thir kids together as a family, than it's really not a bad thing.

    2. There's a polygamist in Centennial Park who's a financier and has a huge mansion (based on a Ramada Inn hotel) to house his many children and at least 40 wives. He apparently is well educated, and can afford his huge family so that they live confortably, but I've read that some of his wives are not happy with the arrangement. it just seems to me that polygamy - whether religious or non religious is not a 'good' thing regardless of wealth or education or sense of responsibility.

  48. @Cynical Jinx - it is both Mariah and Aspyn going to Europe for school. And the ponytail pic gets worse! Janelle tweeted a pic of his profile showing the little ponytail.

    1. Ummmm, & that's no damn ponytail, its more like a pigtail stump....Lol

    2. Thanks Anony 3:49! I've posted the tweets up above so everyone can "enjoy".

      Can you imagine the combover techniques he will need to apply when that front tuft of hair starts to receed? I have a feeling it will rival even 'The Donald' Trump's massive combover.

  49. It sickens me to see a balding man with a pony tail and even worse one with a ponytail and wearing a back pack.

    His altr ego, surfer-dude, is starting to peek out a little more every day. Soon, we may see him driving around in a little pick up with a surf board thrown in the back and some really cool ice chests and other chests.

    I feel so sorry for his children and especially his daughters. How sad.

  50. Instead of people buying that green skinny water crap, I got this super cheap recipe for Skinny Water from a FB friend & she got it from Pinterest:

    Skinny Water that detoxifies: 2 qt water/3 lemons(sliced)/1/2 cucumber(sliced)/small handful of mint leaves. CHILL overnight.Drink & Enjoy!! :D

    1. hey, I have all that stuff right here at home!

      anybody wanna be my downline?? :-P

  51. Wow...
    Honestly always figured the Kodman would just HAVE to eventually go to the "balding at the front/ ponytail at the back" look. But really thought he had a few more years to go before it became necessary.
    But I guess that's what the stress of having 17 children and 4 wives will do to an aging wannabee surfer dude who has no job, and obviously has no intention of securing one.

    This season sure looks like it will be a redundant replay and collection of "poor me, poor us."

    1. Yes its very strange how the first season was informative and now the seasons are all about poor us. He used the investigation to garner sympathy!

  52. Don't shoot me for saying this, but I prefer Kody's "bun look" to the old messy look. He's still a doofus, but it does look tidier. and we all knew he has Male Pattern Front Baldness BIG TIME. As George Costanza (Seinfeld) would say - time to EMBRACE it! LOL

  53. Kody needs to get a hair cut and a job :)
