Thursday, September 13, 2012

UPDATE 9/15/12!! More Odds and Ends

Will she or will she?
Season restarts November 11, 2012!

What are your thoughts on what we will have to suffer through see in November?

Will the Browns move into the McMansions and Meri gets her wetbar? Will Kody get a real job and Robyn take her jewelry to QVC?

Will Janelle actually put that peanut butter frito into her mouth and eat it? And what about Christine?

Tune in to find out!!

Random Tweets

Robyn after finding out Taye Diggs may be coming to dinner

Oh dear, looks like Robyn is upset. But I applaud her passive aggressive style. You go, girl!

And a bucketlist entry for Mariah:

I just love Idina Menzel's yummy husband, Taye Diggs! I was sooo disappointed to find out not only was he married, but married to Idina Menzel!! For like 9 years already! Major bummage.

But wouldn't it be interesting (hint hint) if Idina Menzel and Taye Diggs (if they haven't gone the way of Heidi Klum and Seal) would make a surprise visit to the Brown's houses?

Hey, the Browns could have a housewarming party when they move into their McMansions, and they could invite Mrs Diggs to sing Mariah's favorite song!(hint hint hint)

Kody modelling his 'ghetto' biker jacket
Now that would make for some interesting TV, especially if someone says the "G" word --  accidentally, of course.

Oh yeah, looks like the Brown family website is up and running again in case anyone cares to know.

UPDATE 9/15/12

Interesting bit of news from Lindsay Whitehurst's Polygamy Blog (

Seems the 5k run in Draper UT that Meri Brown has been tweeting about is actually part of a fundraiser to benefit Holding Out Help. Now, before you get all riled up, Holding Out Help is a group that assists people who have left any polygamous group (including of course the "bad" FLDS and Warren Jeffs groups). Anyway, it seems at least Meri is taking baby steps towards giving back to society by helping out their own first.

You can read the entire article here:

That's all for now, folks!


  1. Predictions for November 11, 2012

    1) Kids are just fine except...

    2) Mariah runs away with a Lost Boy from the strip, being cast out of Colorado City he made his way to Las Vegas to meet the infamous FLDS family that were shilling their way to "D-list".

    3) Janelle runs away (slowly hikes away) with Trainer Bill, her slow motion exercise moves, he no longer can resist.

    4) Meri runs away with female jogger she meets at her upcoming 5K race.

    5) Christine leaves Kody and finds her voice after publishing a "MOCK" cookbook and becomes a spokesperson for Cream of Wheat. Even with all the money coming in from book sales she still refuses to by a toaster.

    6) Robin gets a job as a chin double for Jay Leno.

    7) And last because he is least, Kody we find running from lot to lot in an undeveloped
    Cul-de-sac, pushing a Wal-Mart shopping cart in which he lives, full of purple shirts, green drink, and Rogaine hair products.

    1. LOVE 6 & 7--Thanks so much for a good laugh!

    2. Only thing I would add to #7 would be Kody forever flying and chasing balloons in the Cul-de-sac.

    3. My favorites are #3 and #5-but those are my favorite wives. Can't wait for the new season-thanks for the funny predictions!

  2. More of manly man Kody doing manly man things!!!

  3. Ahhh hahaha. Love that lisasumms!

  4. Hysterical !!!!
    They are all top drawer, but I agree......#6 & #7 are too, too funny.
    (love the visuals)

    Which does strongly suggest that the real justification for yet another season of SW is to provide fodder on SWB !!!

    Great Job, lisasumms !!!

  5. Robyn changes Sol's name to Sal like she did with David/Dayton.

  6. I think Janelle is the love of kodys life but I don't think she did him since she had moved out. On her nites with him kids are always with them. Date nite never anything romantic, thats her choice. Maybe when kids are grown she will move on, maybe they will get close.

    1. She is not. At all.

    2. Wait, what? Janelle the love of Kody's life? Even in the little blurb of the book I read it sounds more like Kody married her because they were anxious to have a second wife so they could truly be livin the "plyg" lifestyle. She always seems so fed up with it all. She left him once, maybe she will again?

    3. I think of Kody and Janelle's relationship similarly to Will & Grace. At least one is batting for a different team. I don't care who or which....but I'm not a fan of sham marriages.

    4. No, I don't think that Janelle is the love of Kody's life.
      No, I don't think she's "batting for the other team".

      I DO believe she's asexual - it's not a big deal for her. Actually I don't think it's a big deal for Christine either. Her weight combined with having to deal with what was discussed in the book - having to sit in a separate chair while Kody and Meri snuggled together holding hands while watching TV - I think she felt that she had to shut off her emotions and sexuality, otherwise be slaughtered, absolutely slaughtered, inside. Kody was a rebound for her - she had just split with her first husband and was drifting with no purpose. I don't think she ever really loved Kody, and had she thought things through (and maybe waited a bit) she wouldn't have got herself into the situation she is in now.

      I would have been at my wit's end years ago. Remember the first couple episodes - where she talked about how much she loved her job, how she came to work early and stayed late...part of that had to be not just the $, but to stay away from the trauma at home. IMO.

  7. As of today, they don't own houses in Vegas.

  8. This the best idea!!!!
    I would love to see that!

    My wish for this season is for Janelle and christine to pool their grocery money and move out, gaining their own show as independant women, showcasing their new lease on life after leaving the circus. Of course they would take the best of Sister Wives with them, including the most interesting children, and every once in awhile Kody would be allowed to make an appearance when he visited the children. But no pontificating by Kody from the lounge. That is my wish for this season.

    1. Good plan. Does anyone besides me think that Meri wanted to bring Robyn into the fold to give herself a BFF, since Janelle and Christine were becoming closer? I don't know about that Meri. I used to really like her, but I see her as somewhat of a bully (especially after reading how she treated Janelle early on) and I still think she lords it over the others that she's Kody's one, true wife. If she didn't think that, why would she feel she deserves a McMansion like the others when she'll be an empty-nester in less than two years. (And her comment about keeping her things nicer. Puhlease! She has one stuffy kid, of course her things are going to be kept nicer than the women with six apiece.

  9. I like # 5. My bet is that they never get the new homes, but just move back into their old house. This time though Robin would get Meri's part and Meri would get her own home apart from the others.

  10. First time here! Anyway I think that the Browns will get their homes. Here are my predictions: Mariah might marry one of the Darger boys. Janelle and Christine leave Kody for good. Logan stays a monogamist and joins the LDS Church. Kody and Meri adopt a child.

    1. Welcome Duchess!

      Kody and Meri adopt a child

      Only if the birth mother is Robyn, Kody is the father and the egg is Meri's.

  11. I would like to see a financial expert work with them to figure out what they can afford for housing and to make sure that their children have the opportunity to go to college when the time comes. Then if their budget allows, they can take trips to Disney and other family outings. I'd like the adults to focus more on their children's needs and less on their own.

    1. The problem is that Kody's definition of "afford" is different than financial planners. Kody's includes public assistance, foodstamps, WIC, and repeated bankrupcies. Its part of the plan in KodyLand

    2. I would be AMAZED if Kody could EVER stay on a budget. He is very much into instant gratification, I think he was before (witness his shiny motorcycle he was riding while his wives and kids were driving in old vehicles with bald tires etc - it's all about what HE wants you know) but even more so now with the TLC windfall. He doesn't think about the future one iota.

    3. Truthfully, they can't afford NOTHING. They owe way more on their house in Lehi than it is worth. They have a whole bunch of bankruptcies & welfare fraud between them all. Their way of living used to be max max max out those cards / get high medical bills (no insurance!) and if no way out: declare bankruptcy. They know all about foodstamps, WIC and other welfare programs.
      NONE of them have real jobs. They have NO savings. They only have the meager TLC check coming in, for as long as it lasts...
      Kody loves to spend and receive (gun, mac book, super fugly car) all the time, whatever he wants he wants and he wants it NOW. Otherwise he probably throws a tantrum (I guess it comes from his wives grocery money)...
      I don't think he even has a clear oversight of what a balance sheet is, let alone stick to a budget...

  12. Oh pleeeease let Kody have laryngitis for the entire season.

    In fact, please replace Kody with a (particularly interesting) rock! At least a rock doesn't take resources, or eat out of a child's bowl, or take the nicest car for itself, or show an astonishing lack of gratitude for a laptop. And a rock would offer approximately the same parenting level to the children that Kody provides anyway. Maybe the rock might even contain trace amounts of gold or silver and provide the family with significantly more income than lazy-ass Kody!

    Also, I predict that Christine develops a gambling addiction and spends days in the casinos with Janelle, who hits up the buffets. Meri starts practicing flashy drink mixing moves on her new wet bar and gets a job slinging fancy drinks at Harrah's. Robyn visits a bead shop and buys a bunch of pre-made charms to pawn off as her own designs on their website.

    And for an actual serious prediction: (I said it before but I'll say it again) I almost GUARANTEE some phony-ass scripted scene where Kody and Christine eat nachos together.

    1. Don't blame Kody for a lack of excitement for the (expensive) laptop: a laptop reminds him of WORK!! Y'know... w-o-r-k... (has Krody ever worked with a computer anyway), so that is not something positive

    2. Funny! Love the idea of a rock being more valuble than the Kodster.

  13. I agree, I think the nacho thing will come up. My prediction is that this season will be damage control. Kody made himself look like a douchbag w/thw nacho thing so he needs to recover his likeability. Ppl feel bad for Christine so I foresee a special date or time w/her. The behind the scenes stuff w/my sister wives closet will be showed. Meri needs to be shown in a better light. But most of all ut will be the same TLC bullcrap. More free whqt they did w/the Gosselins. I watched Kate and the kids because I wanted to see HOW they accomplished everyday tasks...NOT cuz I wanted to see a family on a free trip to Disneyworld, ya know?

    1. The best episodes of any family reality show, be it "Little People,Big World" "Jon & Kate," or "Sister Wives" is always the first year's shows. That year gives us a true picture of how these families really live: what their everyday lives are like and how they manage with dwarfism, multiples, sister wives, or whatever. We don't want to see them after the TLC money comes rolling in and they either a) add on to their home to make it enormous (LPBW); b) buy an enormous farmhouse on many, many acres to try to hide from the paparazzi (J&K); or c) buy four separate enormous McMansions, as will happen with SW. We don't want to see the ridiculously expensive trips to fancy places either. You're right.

  14. I love the idea of Robin as a leno chin double. It would be an honest way to get money. I was thinking about how the kids are talking about moving to utah for school. If you are a resident of utah there is a significant discount for most schools. They may live in vegas, but they have a house still owned in utah.
    Its also possible if they list their moms as single they qualify for financial aid. If they do list kody as the father, they could also qualify for financial aid because of the number of dependents. But, we will just have to wait.
    In another post someone was talking about why kody married janelle. My memory is bad, but, didn't janelle divorce meri's brother? I think kody did it out of pity, or even cause meri felt guilty.
    I think the new season will at least end with robin pregnant, don't know if it will be hers or meri's.
    My 14 yr old said maybe they will tell meri her house is too big for 2 people so Robin and meri share.
    Does anyone else think that the jewelry business will fail. The prices are really high. I don't know if they thought of their target demographic. Plygs always talk about how little money they have. Do they really think $70 for charms is too much? I'm just sayin'

  15. meri via twitter is going to a fundraiser for a group that support people leaving polygamy. what the heck?

  16. By the way, why o why does Kody cruise around in a teeny weeny tacky convertible? With the amount of kids he has, he should driving a plyg rig!

    1. Because Kody is an idiot? :)

    2. If you watched the show you would know the car came as a bonus incentive of sorts from his job. He did not purchase it himself.

    3. Because Kody has NEVER been expected to drive children around. He assumes that car is for pickin' up new wives rather then shuttling his litter of children.

    4. I watch the show (just like Lobotomized has) and Kody has always tooled around town in a convertible. In Lehi, it was his Lexus convertible. In Vegas, it is the "company" car from LIV. There is also a Mitsubishi black top convertible which we saw Christine driving. It seems each wife has a vehicle big enough for her family, but we have never seen a vehicle big enough to transport more than 7 or 8 passengers - less if they are hauling luggage etc. Now I wonder what happened to the Suburbans they used to owned (including the one that Robyn was driving when the engine blew up).

    5. Thanks to this wonderful blog. I don't have to watch the show. Thank you Sistewives blog.

  17. "Will the jewelry business fail"..??

    Once they hit their *rabid fans* with their bling website....really, "who" would want or wear this junk with its expressed *symbolism* except for other Plygs ??

    Beyond the junk being ugly and cheap looking, and beyond the fans who are over the top nutzo in their devotion....what non-plyg would be interested ?

    1. I don't even see why other plygs would even be interested. Unless they get a discount. A deep one...

  18. Meri's run for the anti-plig group is a good PR move, a way to distinguish them from the FLDS.

    1. That group helps people leaving polygamy. It's not anti-polig.

    2. Perhaps Meri is preparing to defect.

    3. I'm wondering if it is a reaction to some of the criticisms here where many have pointed out that the Browns do little to no charity work despite being on the receiving end of MANY "charitable" services/gifts (rabid fans or not). While I applaud the sentiment, I really want to see the man-child Kody set an example by doing charity work. Surely he has time!

      Sadly, this will probably get turned into some token "date" for Janelle or Christine so he can feel TWICE as good about himself and kill two birds with one stone. *le sigh*

    4. Woo Meri paid $20 to do a fun run/walk. Not exactly the same thing as, say, Habitat for Humanity or working at a food kitchen. but i guess it's SOMETHING. I wouldn't call it "charity work" though. she wanted to do the run and find one run/walk or other similar event that ISN'T sponsored by some sort of social organization.

    5. GetaKrewCutKody,
      That occurred to me too. Not wanting to be cynical about any charitable effort, but it is not much of a stretch to wonder if the observations here on SWB about their lack of any community-giving did hit home.

      Is this Meri Walk a true act of charity...or is it more for image control and of course, as yet another PR/photo-op?
      With this group, you just never know.

    6. Here's my take on it. If Meri (or any of the Browns) really wanted to be charitable - they'd be doing good works. IMO, Meri decided she wanted to do a 5k (perhaps more for purposes of signing up more suckers under their LIV downline - after all they are selling some sort of weight-loss/health drink, one of them has to be showing some sort of result from it right?), of which there are MANY taking place all around the US every weekend. And 99 percent of them are sponsored by a charitable organization of one sort or another. I think the producers intentionally selected THIS organization to kind of pique interest a bit. Most of the $20.00 fee goes towards the costs of the event (food, promotion, insurance, T-shirts, etc etc) that aren't already being donated or paid for by other sponsors (yup since the organization doesn't appear to be anti-plyg - pro-plyg but helping people leave the lifestyle...a fine line I think - who would actually sponsor them?). so maybe the org, after all is said and done will net $5-10 of Meri's donation. Only by the narrowest margin would I call this a charity event. If it was like the 3 day breast cancer walk or the Leukemia event or the AIDS ride - where participants don't just pony up $20-40 for entry fees, but have to pledge to raise a large amount - THEN I would consider that a charitable move on Meri's part. Not this though. I said...find ONE 5k, marathon, organized bike ride, etc that ISN'T on behalf of some charitable organization. I do a couple bike rides (metric centuries usually) a summer if I have time, but I don't call it charity work, I call it riding because I wanna ride and it sounds like a fun event. period.

    7. no. way.

      So Meri, a polygamist, is doing a charity run to benefit a group that helps people wanting to LEAVE POLYGAMY? Isn't that a bit like a pro choice person going out and doing a pro-life walk??

      At the very least it is saying "hey I recognize that a lot of people are stuck in a hellish plyg life and need help getting out so I'm willing to help them. But of course MY plyg life is so super special and perfect *I* don't need to escape."

    8. I think it is a plot stunt. To make us go down that rabbit hole again, is Meri going to leave Kody? Remember the first season as she is crying, Meri's says that if it weren't for Mariah and her siblings she would have left. Well I think that is where this 5k story line is pulling us again. But for hard core fans(like us) we know that it is Kody and Meri's world and her only satisfaction and claim is that she is first wife and "believes" she is the puppet master. I think her little pimping new wives to Kody has back fired with the addition of "bedroom wife". Robchin and her magical uterus has more power than Meri ever bargained on.

  19. Ok. Off the subject you guys have been talking about. If Robin was a AUB Mormon before she married Kody, isn't her first husband her celestial husband. What are the guys gonna do? Share?

    1. The way I understand it, a woman can only be sealed to one man, but a man can be sealed to many women. I would suspect that when she was divorced, she also was unsealed to the first husband in order to be sealed to Kody.

      Can any experts out there clarify this for us?

    2. CJ--from what I have read and the comments on here from ex-AUB, you are right. I remember them saying that the leaders of the group (be it AUB, FLDS, etc) grant and revoke those sealings pretty easily. Robyn is likely no longer sealed to David Jessop and is now sealed to Kody (who is also sealed to Meri, Janelle, and Christine).

    3. Robyn was not married to DPJ in the temple. I remeber that from back in the summer--I believe it was someone who was a fellow Ex-Piney shared that fact.

  20. Whenever the term "sealed" comes up, I have a mental image of the Browns joined together by suction cups. Weird.

    1. that thought is giving me quite the visual!!!

    2. Funny...I always picture globs of red sealing wax stamped with SW.

    3. For me it's the animal. Being "sealed" being beaten over the head with a club like they used to do to baby seals.

  21. Great .. And now because Kody Brown is a "die hard fan of the Killers" I feel like I have to not like them .. Can't he love Brittney or Kanye West? Serves me right following them all on twitter ..

    1. Kody is the epitome of "uncool middle-aged white guy/dad," despite his best efforts to appear otherwise. There was some story last year about some brand of clothing (Abercrombie?) which offered to pay cast members of Jersey Shore to STOP wearing their clothing . . . hmm, maybe THAT is how the Browns are paying for their houses! Millions and millions of dollars in anti-endorsement deals. :)

    2. He's just aging wannabe hipster. I doubt he's heard more than their hits. Of course the Killers hail from Vegas, so maybe Kody feels an (ugh) kinship with Brandon Flowers and crew. who knows.

  22. Sisterwives blog,
    I have been reading this blog for several months now and I guess its time for me to comment. By the way I love this BLOG! These people are the biggest bunch of frauds ever...I love how Robin the saint has such a self-rightous attitude. RE: (her tweets) Ok hun.. we all need to just quit picking on you. Poor baby. These people put their lives on TV for monetary gain and now they want to whine..while they dine on TLC's dime.I just do not get it, but I would love to know about Robins Ex and his take on the whole poor Robin thing.
    And Kody.. well words can not describe....

  23. CJ you are correct on the sealing and unsealing. I will go into details when I get to my computer

  24. The secret ceremony they do not want us all to the sealing of the marriage and family.
    Robyn and/or her x husbnad, had to go the higher ups of their church to get unsealed. There are many steps to be taken.. she has to be unsealed and the children. Robyn could not have married Kody in the secret ceremony IF she had not been unsealed from her first husband. Sooooooooooooo that being said...when her first husband dies.. he will not have his children or his legal wife up in heaven.
    Kody... who the church now recognizes as Robyns husband and her children's Kody's now.. when Kody dies will be sealed in heaven to him... their children will be sealed to Kodys family. also. UNLESS they marry...then the whole marriage of the children will be sealed to Kodys heaven.. whew i hope this made sense. NOW of course this could all change if any of them become divorced from Kody....

  25. I met Taye once (he was a friend of someone I dated) well before he got famous. He's not that handsome in person and he's short. He's very nice; a LOT nicer than the guy I was with that's for sure. I dumped the guy that night for being a complete turd.

  26. I think Idina and Taye should drop in for a "Channukah/Kwanzaa Holiday Extravaganza". They could sing highlights from "Book of Mormon" for the awesome big number!
