Saturday, August 25, 2012

UPDATE!! I Scour the Internet: The Road Trip to Disneyland Edition 8/25/12

Well, summer is almost over and still no word when Sister Wives will be returning to our TV sets. We do know that a lot of filming has been going on -- primarily in Illinois and California.

And this group apparently has taken yet another road trip to the happiest place on earth, outside of Las Vegas, of course. The Browns must own stock in Disneyland. If they don't, they should because it seems they drive down to Anaheim at least once a month to visit Mickey, Minnie,  Goofy and the assorted Disney Princesses.

But this last trip was totally different. Who would've thunk that Kody would actually bring along ALL his wives and families on this Disneyland trip.

Can you just imagine Kody checking into the hotel?

Front Desk: May I help you?
Kody Brown: Yes, I need rooms. (running hand through hair) Haha, I need a LOT of rooms!
Front Desk: Really, do you have a reservation?
Kody Brown: Look, I don't have time for small talk...don't you know who I am? (takes off sunglasses and strategically places them on top of his head to camouflage the ever growing bald spot in front)
Front Desk: Ah....actually no. What name is your reservation under?
Kody Brown: Look, I have a tv show...I have 4 wives and 17 children!
Front Desk: Oh yeah...hmmm...Sorry Mr Duggar. I don't have a reservation under your name.

Now for some reason, there's a gag order on fans reporting the Browns' whereabouts, especially if there are cameras in tow,  on their offical Facebook fanpages -- you know,  the one you have to be accepted as a friend in order to read. The funny thing is, if you follow the adult Browns and their female teens' twits on Twitter, you can pretty much figure out where in the world the Brown's are located, and with whom. Sometimes it seems like they make such a big deal over nothing. I mean, who do they think they are, Countess LuAnn?

And why has the wives' presence  all but disappeared from the Facebook fanpage for those "friends only"? The admins don't even mention the Sunday night chats with the Sister Wives anymore. Even the My Sister Wife's Closet Facebook page is like a ghost town. Those hardcore fans don't give up though - they still post wanting to know when the show's coming back, or if new merchandise will be stocked in the online store soon, but usually the response from the Browns is one of no response. The silence is deafening.

One sure way to get a Brown response is to tweet them that you want to join their "management" team or want to know where their green koolaid can be purchased. Well, the Browns' still need to make a buck in order to afford those McMansions.

So, in lieu of having an actual conversation with the Browns, I decided to conduct a virtual interview.

Let's see what the Browns' have been up to, shall we?

Aspyn, I've noticed that you are an extreme fan of Disneyland. What makes Disneyland different from, let's say, Universal Studios?

Really? But Universal Studios has fantastic attractions too, right?

I'm sure the execs at Universal Studios will be happy to hear that. Now, is this your first or second day here at Disneyland...

So sorry about your sunburn. Maybe Mariah can pick something up at Walmart to help you feel better...wait, Mariah's calling my cell right now!

Hey Mariah, what's happening? You've been gone for quite a while now and Aspyn's  in pain!

Wow, that's kind of harsh. You know, I just have to ask, would your mother approve of your calling an Anaheim Walmart  ghetto? This IS Orange County, after all, and I'm sure some people may perceive your statement as snobby. What would your mother say and did you find that special water you wanted...

But you just called a Walmart ghetto. Don't you think maybe your mother would be upset by your assessment?

Whatever, go back to shopping. Just hope the ghetto doesn't rub off on ya. Do you have anything else to add before you hangup?

Must not be in a ghetto. So back to you Aspyn, you seem to be overly excited. What's up?

Do you have any other plans for the day?

Well, good luck to you. Ah...I see your mother Christine has just stepped up. Christine, I know you and your sisterwife Robyn have had a rough time of it, but it seems everything is all right now. I've heard you dressed Truely up as Robyn this morning. Can you describe Truely's outfit to SWB readers and why Robyn inspired you?

And how thoughtful that you remembered to include Sol! Speak of the devil, here's  Meri and Robyn now! Robyn, can you tell me what Meri has around her neck, please.

How nice for sales. Great to see the pendant and the charm holder together so one can tell just how tiny that Sisterwife's Closet Pendant really is...kind of small for $55, wouldn't you say?

Actually, I was hoping for a response from one of the sisterwives. Meri what are thoughts today?

That's nice. Well,  I can't wait to meet up with you all at dinner tonight!

I'm with the Sisterwives at dinner. It's a new restaurant for Meri, so what are you thinking? I hear the shrimp is excellent here!

Well, I think you will make do...say, you've got a really deep tan there, Meri. You are making Robyn look extremely pale in comparison! I know the sun's gone down but...damn!

Whatever you say. Hey Robyn, do you have any last words? How's Sol doing?

Nicely said, Robyn.  Do you have anything else to say? I know how you like to have the last words...

Now was that just your biologicals or your bonus kids, too?

Hey, we haven't heard from Janelle. Janelle do you have any final words to say to SWB readers?

Gee, I can't answer that, but I bet it may have been around the same time Kody decided to tell everyone how disgusting it was watching Christine eating chile cheese nachos.

So on that note, remember, I scour the internet so you don't have to!

Extra !! Extra!!

Here are Mock Stalker's photos from Disneyland!! Many thanks to Mock Stalker!





  1. Great post, funny how I miss (making fun) of this crazy family!

  2. Hilarious!!!

    You know I've never figured out why anyone over the age of, oh, 7 years of age, would get excited about "meeting" a Disney employee dressed as a Disney character. I mean I guess it's fun but...jeez.

    Course that's just me, never been big on amusement parks...

    1. I agree! Are they really that immature?

    2. I totally agree with you! I can't believe how immature they are.

    3. I thought it was hilarious too, very witty post!

    4. I have a friend who originated a character at Disney World AND was the voice of the character on the ride AND in all merchandising/public relations/marketing by the company, and I always avoided him and other characters in the park! I never understood adults would run after the characters...and what's up with the autograph books????? Why would an adult want an autograph from Mickey Mouse?

    5. I don't think it's immaturity. I think it's just liking what they like. And so what if they stalk Disney characters through the park. Are they any different than people who stalk celebrities through Hollywood (or at conventions like Comic Con), I say no.

    6. Too true! It's all part of the Disney magic :)

    7. Well no KB, that's actually quite different. The Disney employees aren't actually the characters. Unless they provide the voice or the character design, they are just impersonators. At least with celebrities they actually are the quarterback who won the superbowl, the award winning actress... A better comparison would be running after celebrity lookalikes or impersonators for autographs.

    8. Exactly Nayru - I'm sure it is fun having one's picture (or your kids' pix) taken with Disney impersonators. Its not like going to ComicCon and seeing Robert Downey Jr or Chris Evans. It's more upscale version of going to the mall to see Santa during the holidays.

  3. Thanks for the laughs & smiles :D...I really want to know why all 4 wives didn't take a group pic?...esp if they were all wearing junk jewelry from
    Robyn seems to be all smiles, maybe it's b/c she was the "bedroom wife" on this family vacation(eyes rolling)
    Speaking of vacations, how many did the Brown's actually take this summer? Together & Separately?? Seriously, before TLC, they were lucky if they even got to go visit family once a year, so it seems. I can only imagine how much they spent of food & drinks for everyone @Disneyland O_o But hey, I betcha with Janelle's "creative" accounting mooching skills, she's racking up lots of tax exempts & claims.
    I've never heard of a Hotel 6, so I'm guessing she meant Motel
    Mariah's seems to be taken on a ghetto fabulous attitude, now since they've been able to live a semi lavish lifestyle, well a step up from Lehi anyways. Careful honey, bcuz in a blink of an eye, ya'll could end up back there real soon, unless ur dad & 2 or 3 of ur moms actually want to get out & get real J.O.B.S, bcuz the TLC $$ train, seems to have slowed down & may soon be coming to a complete halt! I'm not putting much stock into the SWC, so that would leave ya'll w/ the LIV funds, & that's not very secure income either...
    Seriously, a gag order on the KB FB fan page?? Hello Brown's, ya'll are not A-list celebrities,ya'll are definitely at the other end of the alphabet I really don't know too much about gag orders, or how they're issued. So, is it a "court official" gag order or is it a KB issued G.O??

    1. thebargainbabe--not logged inAugust 28, 2012 at 12:12 PM

      I'm sure it is a KB gag order, for the court to issue it, they would have to notify every single person/member of the fb page with the documents and details. It's just KB trying to micromanage his "fame."

  4. I'm wondering if Chistine was treated to this holiday by Kody or if she had to use her grocery money to take her family away? That will set her back a bit on trying to save up to visit her family.

    1. That's got to sting. Meri and Kodi jetting off to Mexico/taking the kids to Disney world every chance they get and then Christine having to scrimp grocery money to visit her family!

      It's one of the things I find disturbing about Kody-when one of his wives has connections outside of his family, he does something to sabotage that. I remember in the book Janelle left, had a successful job and was able to take care of five kids. Kody decides to move the family to UT, so Janelle moves to keep the kids from being separated from their siblings. In UT Janelle seems to have established a career again and from the dinner in the first (?) season, seems to have developed friends at work, then she has to uproot for Vegas and spend her savings on 17 kids and four non-working adults who don't seems to be all that interested in finding gainful employment.

      Kody married Christine to gain status in the AUB community, which has impacted Christine negatively, IMO. As Kody separates himself from the AUB (they did not approve of the show), he separates Christine from her family/community and belittles her beliefs (remember Kody subbing Hannukah for Joseph Smith's birthday)?

      The only people that seem to be benefiting are Meri (since she's the legal wife, gets vacations, and can take Kody to the cleaner's if she chooses to divorce) and Robin, who was living in a trailer, in debt.

  5. My, must be good in KodyWorld !!!!
    Looks like the days of *finite resources* are gone.....!
    And agree with you, Caramel Brownie...*For now*, that is.

    Any opportunity to bask en masse in the public eye is not to be missed by these attention addicts. Unfortunately I doubt that wearing the SWC cheap, tinny-looking bling is going to help sales, once people actually get to see it up close.

    Hotel *six minutes* away from all the Disney action for TWENTY-TWO people is hardly bargain basement digs. Apparently, Mariah has developed lofty tastes.
    If they are being filmed on all these excursions, wonder where the film crew stays? Near Mariah's ghetto Walmart??? Or top drawer with the KodyKlan ???

  6. Nothing like theme parks for EVERY vacation!! If I had their money I'd be going to Disneyland in France, then I'd hit the riviera...I'm sure they think I'm talking about the vages strip!lol

    1. I wonder if they will ever go on a Disney cruise. Can you imagine being on vacation and finding out that Kody Brown and all those kids are cruising with you?

    2. hahahha!! I suppose the secret to avoiding Kody and crew is to avoid anything remotley associated with Disney!lol I'm sure the Disney vacays are fun to a point but (to be snobbish just like Ms. Mariah whom apparently is a connoiser of Walmarts) I like something a bit more authentic in my pauper vacations:)I actually think it would be awesome if they did go on one of those cruises, I can only imagine all the juicey gossip PLUS they'd all have to hang together for more than one day!

    3. CJ, that could actually be a buzz kill for some folks, but for the opportunists, could be a TMZ $$ moment. I'm sure all of them being together on a ship for a week, could juvenate some good juicy gossip moments...Lol

  7. I wonder where Mariah developed this attitude. Methinks Meri's sense of entitlement with regards to her future house has rubbed off quite a bit. If Mariah plans on becoming a sister wife she had better get used to toning down her expectations and *gasp* even occasionally shopping at Walmart or not buying expensive bottled water! But then again, who cares about the entire family's budget or that another sister wife has to cut down on her grocery budget to visit her father, right? Meri and Mariah's household attitude reeks of "F*** you, got mine."

  8. Replies
    1. I thought the exact same thing, she looks genuinely happy in the pic of her wearing the 2 necklaces, which is something we haven't seen for a while.

  9. I think Robin looks right at home in the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.! Actually really reminds me of Bubba

    1. BGSC has more than just shrimp and seafood. Don't know why Meri was semi-complaining.

  10. I'm guessing they probably have annual passes to Disneyland with how many times they've been. The prices were recently changed, but when the Kody clan started going it was $500 per pass and you can get in every day of the year, plus get a discount on food and merchandise. It would work out to be WAY cheaper than buying tickets every time they go. (I have an annual pass and go all the time.)

    Also, a hotel 6 minutes away is nothing at all to brag about. There are literally dozens of hotels within two blocks of the place, you can literally walk straight across the street from the main entrance and there are 10 hotels. If they have to drive 6 minutes to get to Disneyland, then they're out in the boondocks, so to speak. (That is, unless she meant walking 6 minutes - but I doubt it.)

    1. Wasn't a superfan from their FB page buying them Fast Passes or something? I really wonder if some nut with more money than sense bought passes for the entire family.

      I hate how this family operates like a charity! I wish people would stop wasting their money on these clowns and donate to genuinely needy people who don't have the luxury of appearing on TV to flout their lifestyles.

      At the end of the day, it's not up to me to dictate how people spend their money, but I've spent large portions of my career working with disadvantaged children, and it makes me sick to see this family using the system, taking handouts, and living this relatively luxurious lifestyle when there are so many in genuine need of assistance. Why don't we ever see the Browns do community service or volunteer work? It's about the least they could do in light of the considerable amount of resources they have taken for the glorification and support of Kody.

    2. My guess is that if a fan is involved, it was one from SoCal who got them a deal on the season tickets. SoCal residents get a killer deal on season passes. From what I've read, the Fast Pass costs nothing.

    3. Dakota, you're right. The fastpasses are totally free. Anyone in the park can get them, all you have to do is put your ticket into a machine and you get one. Fastpasses are just passes that get you into a shorter line for a ride, you return at a designated time and you skip much of the line. Annual passes are actual admission into the parks.

      Honestly I don't care about their trips, but it does bother me that instead of using their "fame" for good, they flaunt stuff that isn't really all that impressive. A lot more people would fall for their junk if they appeared humble and caring.

  11. I really dislike this family. I don't care what they do or their beliefs. I just think they show a totally different thing than what they are preaching.
    Kody is not the godly man and husband he wanted people to believe he was. He is selfish and very egocentric. They only show how dysfunctional their family is. They show the rivalry between siblings and wives, the unfair treatments, and more.

    I hope their show gets replaced with one about the Duggers. I think their family is sweeter, more united, godly, and honest.

    What is Mariah thinking? she has issues. Perhaps she was only given tap water growing up and now she demands to drink only bling h2O??

    I really hope they go away and beg to work at Walmart when they can't find any other jobs in the real world.

    1. The Duggars already have a show. I know I don't share popular opinion, but the Duggars can go kick rocks right along with the Browns. There are just as many things wrong with the Duggar cult as with the Kody clan... just different issues. Quiverfull (the religion the Duggars claim to follow) is just as harmful and opressive to women as polygamy and the AUB.

    2. I meant the Dargers, the other polygamy family.
      I don't like to be rude and say that what they practice is wrong. I don't practice polygamy but respect those that want to do so. I just don't think that they are portraying all the wonderful blessings they say polygamy has to offer.

      I don't want to birth 20 children but I find the family who does to show patience, help to the community, and they really live what they preach. Although I can't agree on their beliefs I respect them.
      However, the Browns at the beginning of their show tried to sell it in a totally different way that they ended up doing. They could had used this show to bless others and all they have done is to show how selfish they are. They want more, bigger, fame. Just sad...

    3. Lisa,
      I agree that the quiverfull doctrine seems to want to keep the women pregnant and at home; however, with the Duggars, anyway, they support their own children and do a significant amount of chairty in the area that they live. I know, because I am near them and know what they do. They own a heavy machinery rental place and the last three ice storms that passed through, there were people who could not get out of their driveways, let alone down their roads, and the duggars cleared half the county of all the fallen trees, which saved the power men tons of time and allowed folks to come out of their homes to get back and forth to work and to the store. Here, when one tree falls, there's usually a chain reaction because we live in the Ozarks and it is heavy with large and small trees. Plus, they have helped at soup kitchens and other places as well. I don't know them personally, but I know people who know them and I have seen them out and about and they are as down to earth and kind in person as on TV. I've not met one person who knows them that doesn't speak highly of them; even those who don't particularly like them.

    4. I would positively faint if I ever saw the Browns do anything charitable such as volunteering at a soup kitchen etc.
      Of course their excuse would be that the soup kitchens etc are run by the "sharks" - ie regular churches.
      There you have it - their ready made excuse!!

    5. Or Mariah's excuse? Soup kitchens are in the ghetto, serving ghetto lazy people.

  12. These many, many vacations.....
    These crew is damn lucky to be able to take off on their many, many excursions.
    Housing and feeding costs(and entrance fees and travel) for 22 people, even WITH coupons, vouchers and freebies still has to add up. Especially when they are crying poor mouth about four impending mortgages.

    Imagine how difficult to impossible it would be to pull off all these many trips, all the planned AND the impromptu ones......
    ** If any of them actually "WORKED* for a living !!! **

    If any of them actually had to put in the time and accountability to earn an legitimate living??
    Instead, they live in a constant, communal 'play-date.'

    1. Well said. The Browns are doing just fine exploiting themselves. Know a trip to DL with my family of 5 cost us a pretty penny coming from Canada (cheap flights to boot!) But no worries for us, we WORK hard and save for our vacations.

      Hope they are enjoying the freebies as we all know they will NOT last much longer..

  13. I want to go to Disney too.. but sigh.. I have to work....and save money so I can go.

    I also doubt that Disney would allow them to film in there, the whole image thing. I have to agree, once their ride is over, it's going to be back to the double wides for them so they figure they'd better enjoy it now.

    1. I so want TLC to send them back to Utah to their hillbilly town where they belong.

  14. Peanut Butter FritosAugust 27, 2012 at 11:00 AM

    Whew. Poor things. All this "working" must be really hard, these people vacation more than the royal family.

    When TLC leaves, and they have to go back to the trailer park, then they'll remember what ghetto is, and it's not Anaheim.

  15. This post was super clever. Great job! I read their tweets too, and I was also thinking how nice it must be to have extra (TLC) money to go on such fabulous trips. Only problem is, as has been stated time and time again, this is a family with 17 kids and a bunch of adults who don't work, at least not consistently and I presume not for enough money to support the entire family. Going on so many lavish escapades seems wasteful and irresponsible. Granted, they should all do something really nice that they wouldn't have been able to do, reasonably speaking. But dang, how many trips did they take?

    I'm under the impression that if TLC filmed, then TLC paid for it.

    Also, Meri does look nice in these pics. That's what not working, swimming all day and being a "tv star" will do for you (just kidding, but not really).

    1. My thoughts exactly, Mock Jobs, anybody would look great that vacations for a living. The lack of stress alone would take ten years off ya.
      Clearly Meri got the big house, wet bar AND deck with this bright smile!

  16. I went to Disneyland at the beginning of the month for a week with my family of 5, and I thought that was expensive. Everything there costs so much, I can't imagine how a family of 22 can do it.
    Have there been any updates on the housing situation? Are they actually getting the 4 houses in Vegas or is it all for show?

    1. Some of them seem to have annual passports, I imagine the cheapest ones. The others had to buy ticket methinks. Jules, they are just blowing through their money as fast as they can. They have no money managing skills whatsoever.

  17. That was hilarious. I also wonder if they are coming back. When was the last episode. Meri looks like she has lost weight. She looks great. King Sol annoys me.

    1. I have a soft spot for baby Truely, but I had to laugh at the thought of her being dressed up as Robin.

      King Sol is cute, but his (2) parents really annoy me!!

  18. Not to change the subject, but since you all compare SW to Big Love I went and bought it! Iam only on Season 1 ep 2, but I already notice so many similarities! But 1 question....what was that about Barb giving Bill a check? How much was it? What was it for and who'd she get it from?

    1. Hi BedroomWife

      what was that about Barb giving Bill a check? How much was it? What was it for and who'd she get it from?

      I believe that was Barb's paycheck for her substitute teaching job. She had to give her check to Bill so that he could apply it to the communal family pot. As you get into the later seasons, 4th wife Ana and Bill argue about her money earned as a waitress, and there is a very interesting exchange between Bill and Margene when he discovers just how much money she was making selling jewelry on a QVC/HSN type TV station.

  19. I don't understand how Mariah gets the attitude that something is ghetto? Her dads baby-mamma's have been collecting welfare and food stamps for years prior to the show. I think Mariah was raised on allot of food stamp meals since she ate at Christine's with the other kids often.
    No offense to anyone on assistance or low income since that is who the programs are intended to benefit, not grifters lying about their eligibility.
    Can you buy designer water with food stamps?
    Since dad and all his celestial wives refuse to work and the TLC dole is just about spent, Mariah mght have to go back to tap.

    1. Ha! You nailed it Lisa ... 17 kids by 4 different women ... Nobody working, per se ... Now that is ghetto. (can you guys tell how much their non-working status annoys me? :)

    2. Lisa, in at least the state I live in, food stamps are accepted virtually everywhere. I have been at the local, ~*very swanky*~ health food store (the only place I can buy my cat's brand of food) and been in line behind someone who used their EBT for over $100 of high-end groceries including fancy bottled water.
      However, that person is not on Tv publicly breaking the law so no one cares what she buys with her benefits :)

    3. Bingo, mock jobs. Four baby mamas, years of food stamps and bankruptcies, and no job is ghetto, no matter what you call it.

      Now, flaunting the law on TV as an admitted felon and then suing the sheriff to change the law is straight baller, assuming he wins, of course. If he loses, should be a quick trial and I'm sure he'll get lots of fanmail in prison.

  20. I was in line with them at the entrance Disneyland, then kept snapping stealth pics of them like the crazy mock stalker I am ;). Meri and Robyn seemed to hang together most of the day, and saw the older boys off by themselves, and Christine with Truely by herself too... only saw Kodester and Janelle when they were all first going in together... my husband was laughing at my stalking. Robyn was sporting her trademark white headband and bun. A good look!

    1. Mock Stalker - will you share your photos with us? Send them to MisterSister or Jinx and maybe they'll post them!

      I thought I saw on TV the other day that an all day Park Hopper ticket was something like $125 now. Can you imagine even if they had a few season passes what it would cost? Many of their kids are teenagers and they are full price I believe. Then you have food and drinks - yikes!

    2. well they were in the ticket line when I first saw them, so they definitely don't all have season passes. I got the pics on my camera phone so they aren't awesome quality, but I can send a few. They're not exciting ;) just snapshots of them standing around... my hubs took one of my laughing like an idiot with them behind me a few feet. That went up on my FB immediately ;). What email address do I send them to?

    3. The food and drinks at DL are OUTRAGEOUS. When we went we ate a total of ONE meal on site, cannot imagine the $ they must have spent!!

  21. I would like to see the pics too! If they exist ;) jk jk

  22. I would love to see the pics as well!! Poor Christine, the one that wanted to be a sister wive most is the one most alienated. I actually think Kody enjoys Janelle's company most. He probably finds it really easy to hang out with her, like a good buddy...

    1. Janelle is the opposite of Meri.

      Janelle thinks of others before herself.
      Janelle has a sense of self that does not depend on Kody.
      Janelle doesn't need to manipulate others to feel alive.
      Janelle strives for a drama-free existence.

      No wonder Kody likes Janelle best.

  23. I have to say, I never thought it would be Robyn who would be the only one working, and she is hustling to peddle her overpriced jewelry to her fanbase. At least she is trying, which is more than the rest of these yokels. Please, Utah, just arrest him on the way back and give King Kody the attention he wants.

  24. Hi Mock Stalker

    What email address do I send them to?

    Please use (the email address for the blog listed to the right)


  25. Excited to see the pics!! When will they be up!?

    1. I will post the pictures here no later than tomorrow!!

  26. Interesting pix. I'm not an expert in pregnancy by ANY means, but Robyn doesn't look preggers to me based on how she looked when she was carrying Sol - she looks like she's definitely chunked up. See her arms and thighs and butt...? And who's the chick in the hot pink over long sleeve turquoise top and straw hat? that isn't Janelle? maybe Mariah?

    1. That is Christine in the hat, Mariah is on the left in the plaid. Christine also had a big knee brace on. Interesting. And no way is Robs preggo. She has gained some weight but her tummy was almost flat... I checked ;). I had a pic of the whole group together (including Kodes and Janelle) but my two year old deleted it off my phone :/. They had SO MANY CLOTHES on, despite the insane heat. Modest is most def freaking hottest. I was in a tank and shorts and sweating like a maniac.

    2. Haha! that would be hot! I couldn't imagine going to D-land wearing all that. whew!

  27. Kody's hair is really like that of a scarecrow.

    1. That man seems to have really over processed hair! Perhaps he should go with a hot oil treatment...or maybe just shave it all off already and put it out of it's misery:)

  28. Is it just me....
    Or is Sobbing Robbin looking a lot like Wilma Flintstone in that updo and hair band ?? Wilma had one just like it.

    Come to think of it, Kody does look a bit Neanderthal at times.

  29. Meri doesn't look so great from behind (that's her in green, right?) I agree she looked nice in the twitter pics but my God she almost looks bigger than Christine from that angle. Maybe Robyn can take her to Victoria's Secret for a bra fitting because lord knows she needs one. Having a bra band dig into her so deeply must be uncomfortable.

    1. Sorry - VS does a terrible job at bra fitting. I'd recommend a department store like Macy's or Nordstrom. she would pay more for a bra, but it will fit GREAT!

  30. Wow, it must have felt like Fashion Week there at Disney that day. The couture on display in just these photos! The elegant accessories. Totally chic!

    How I wish I could have stuff like they wear.

    1. Ohh so THAT'S why everyone has gained weight . . . They really are sharing clothes from each others closets! An odd way to promote the business but hey, I bet it cuts down on bills so Oozy ( lol that was how my kindle autocorrected "Kody" hahaha) can take Meri on another trip to Mexico!

  31. Love the photos, but I'll say it now, Kody will mention that fact that "Crazy stalkers take photos of us when we are out as a family." and then he'll try and make out that its all part of the non existant persecution.

    1. I doubt he'll ever say that. Kody loves the limelight and the admirers too much. He'd prefer to leave the persecution blame on local Utah government and law enforcement.

      At least he hasn't started to demand payment for taking his picture. Oops, I probably just gave him a business idea!

    2. Hey CJ, I'd give Kody a dollar, if he promised to clean my windshield too. LOL

  32. I was at Disneyland THAT day, too! We saw the whole gang!

    1. My family was at Disneyland that day also. As we exited the Haunted House, the whole Brown gang was there. Cody came running to catch up to them. He had Samuel in a carrier and looked like he came from a bathroom break. All of the little kids were so well behaved in line. They weren't fideting or aggravating each other. I really wanted to go up to the adults and say how much I liked the show and that they were great parents.(I raised Southern Bapatist,in no way FLDS.) I didn't because I thought even they deserved a "day off" from the cameras, etc. and spend the tie as a family. The topper came when I got to the exit gate. I'm in a wheelchair and maneuevering gates is not easy. Without a word, Paedon stepped out of line and held the gate for me. Regardless of what else is said here, fact and fiction, they are good people!

  33. First post here, woo. I saw the Browns when I was with my husband and baby at Disneyland (we go often as we live nearby). I was so tempted to go chat with them but my husband questioned my sanity and said no way. I just thought it would be hilarious.

  34. OMG.. Ok so I get they want to "keep covered" but on a hot day, why, why, why double layer? Surely they could find some nice lightweight long sleeved tops out there that don't consist of fabric that clings and sticks to you.

    And one more question...why are they waiting with the masses? Shouldn't there be a special VIP line or entrance-oh how the stars have fallen huh?

    Thanks Stalker-you do great work!

    1. Apparently 'not' waiting with the masses wouldn't be any fun at all for people who *lovvvvvve* attention.

      I guess when you don't work, don't contribute to society in any way, showing off for the public (and pretending to be oppressed) fills the days.

      And Meri really does look as chubby as Christine. Those Twitter pics of her are deceiving, or else were just a very fortunate camera angle and lighting.

    2. In Meri's case I think it's triple-layering - one pic has her wearing "just" a tank top over a long sleeve white shirt - next pic holding Sol, she's put a green sweater/shirt over that. Dang - it was hot HERE on the San Francisco Peninsula this week - must've been blazing in Anaheim! On the comparison to the twitter pix vs MS' candid shots - both of those photos were posed - it looks like Meri dolled up for the SWC jewelry pic w/Sol, and the Bubba Gump pic both Robyn and Meri are "hiding" behind the signs etc. they don't have chubby faces - they carry a lot of their weight in their bottoms and upper arms - yup that includes Robyn now. She needs to burn that plaid shirt - it looks awful from the back!!!

    3. Back to Robyn's shirt - notice the pattern on the back doesn't line up correctly. I don't think it's a matter of the shirt being awful as much as it is - she's out-grown, or out-eaten it. You can see in front - if she had buttoned it all the way, it would be gapping and pulling big time - and it's super tight around her butt. Also I can see she's not preggers, but has a good start on a muffin top. IMO...

    4. DakotaJustice, these pics were taken on consecutive days... I know it's confusing, with Robyn's superfab hair being styled the same twice in a row, but that's why Meri is wearing two different shirts. :)

    5. AHHHH MS - Thx for the clarification :)

  35. Can we all nominate Meri and Christine for What Not to Wear? I live in San Diego, and if Anaheim was as hot as it was here whyyyy are they dressing in so many layers? And Meri is turning Mariah into an emotional eater...cuz she isnt looking so hot from the back view :( see king sol is getting passed around...suprise.

  36. That was me, Border Collie, and I could only post as anonymous. Don't know why. At least I could post this time.

  37. Imagine if Kodie's crew got a load of Snow White and her 7 dudes--the vulgarity!

  38. I just looked at their tweets again and I imagine the reason they are so excited to see Disney princesses is because they are immature and probably haven't really gone that many places before they went on TLC. The costumed princesses are girls not much older than they are or possibly the same age. So yes, I do think it's really really immature no matter what anyone else says. I cannot even imagine how hot they must be in their double shirts and jeans. I just hope the reason they dress that way is because they want to and not because he thinks they should.

  39. If I was trying to be "Modest" I would just wear 1 long sleeved shirt. that was loose fitting. to me wearing 2 tight fitting shirts is not modest b/c you can see a women's figure.

    1. I think one of the RHONJ (Caroline Manzo maybe?) calls it "stuffing 8 pounds of sausage into a 5 pound bag."

      I totally agree with you...nothing is left to the imagination when a woman layers on clothing that is obviously too small.
