Friday, June 15, 2012

Sister Wives Video: 5th Wife ?

Kody and Meri discuss the possibility of courting a fifth wife into the family.


  1. Wow, Christine is exasperated, haha! Perhaps they're not actually looking to reign in a 5th wife, but it seems to me Meri enjoys yanking the other wives' chains and getting a rise out of them.

    1. That was my reaction too except I think it was more along the lines of stabbing Robyn in the heart :) Her way of sayi'yun 'don't be too comfortable as the top brood mare of the moment young one, baaa haa' while she rubs her hands together evily ;)

      (And yes, I can spell just sai'yun sometimes Meri and Robyn talk a lil funny y'all!)

  2. Shut up about "open marriage" Kody. You don't even know what that means.

  3. "This is not an open marriage. I'm not open to bringing more wives into the family.

    Wait, I thought that it wasn't up to him. I thought God called him to marry more wives. He's closing himself off from the "blessing." Shame on you, Kody, for closing yourself off from God! If you're not careful, God might exact his revenge by taking your hair.

    1. You have an extremely good point Robot Monkey. I mean he shouldn't get to call the shots, doesn't he need a testimoney either way? He shouldn't be able to say there will be no more wives. It is supposed to be God's decision, not his.

      Does anyone else think that Christine will indeed have a cow if another wife is brought into this?

    2. I think Christine will likely have less of a cow than she did with Robyn--her initial usurper.

    3. i think christine might secretly be pleased if there was a 5th wife, bc it would piss robin off

    4. Everytime Kody hears Meri say someone is "Cute" he goes "God is that you?" He sure didn't hesitate clarifying what Meri said about good ol' NaTalie, lol. I'm pretty sure Natalie isn't into the Plyg thing so of course it's not an option..had she been then Kody would definitely be hearing "Gods Voice." Robyn better watch out, seems her Soulmate's getting restless!

    5. "God is that you?" ....only after he eats a bowl of ice cream & decides to

    6. LOL, CB about the ice cream/fasting.
      That shows how truly ignorant he is. He doesn't even know to try and appear self sacrificing, to his "readers" or to his God.
      'Yeah yeah heavenly father...uh uh i want some blessing on this new swpussy dealio..let me scarf down some rocky road and then i'll fast til breakfast, give me the heads up willya?'

    7. Lmao AJ...Yup! I couldn't have expressed it better myself :D

  4. That is just plain weird! I guess I don't have that sister wife mindset because I just can't even imagine picking another wife for my husband.

    1. No joke. Who goes around telling their husband that some girl you just met is "cute and sweet". I might mention to my husband that I thought something the girl said was funny or she seemed nice but that is about it.

      Meri needs some kind of help. She has the "Lost Pet Syndrome". She wants to bring things home all the time to love on and have as part of the family -which is okay if you are rescuing pets, but she collects wives! Plus, she quickly loses interest and moves on to the next to rescue.

  5. Run nathalie run ! Jeesh i watched it twice, but Janelle really just sits there. She didnt even said anything when Christine said to robyn 'Im glad she got you in and everything'. I found that so interesting. She didnt even looked at them. Just sitting there.

    1. Janelle just doesn't care anymore. She's just counting down the hours until enough of her kids leave for college so she can leave too.

    2. You may be very right SheliaAnn. If any of the wives were to jump ship, I think it would be Janelle - she's done it before, but I think this time, after the TV show it might be for good.

    3. I suspect Janelle is mentally calculating the cost of a fifth house and more mouths to feed. I still can't believe they are considering in vitro!! It's very expensive and can you imagine the medical costs of a pregnancy for a woman over 40? They could pay for a couple of years of college for Mariah or Logan.

      The financial situation is nuts and I can't believe that Janelle doesn't have non-stop stress about it.

    4. Personally I think janelle knew that Meri was just play acting, not serious, and refused to rise to the bait with a reaction.

  6. This is all TLC and Browns trying to increase ratings. If TLC threatens to cancel show, you bet your tooty Kody will court a 5th (maybe even a 5th who openly dislikes one of the other 4, for added drama).

    1. Totally agree! Honestly, I'd love for him to court and marry someone who acts like Amber from Teen Mom - wouldn't that be a hoot!

    2. Agree, and Kody might eat his words if they need ratings.

    3. Oh, anonymous, that would be awesome! I cracked up imagining a new wife beating on Kody like amber beat up Gary. Hahaha

  7. Kody may still be fully satisfied with Robyn, but there WILL be a new sisterwife in the not so far future, I think.

    1. I give it 3-5 years.

    2. Agreed. I wouldn't be surprised if he adds more than one, just to make his second set of wives even with the first set (Meri, Janelle, Christine) and Robyn is the beginning of the next set of younger baby makers.

  8. another boring and childish conversation. (giggle, giggle) and Christine's forced to lie to Robyn again on camera. (giggle, giggle)

  9. Of course they need another wife - preferably one with a job!!!

  10. UMMMM not a flattering shirt for you to be wearing, Kody!!

    1. Good grief, his entire outfit was so....unfortunate.

    2. In my world, we call that 'pudgy'.

    3. I was wondering... Does that thing come in his size too? Geez.

    4. Unfortunate, so he gets highlights and a blowout to try to feel better (I know because I do the same thing).

    5. I posted on their FB an idea about a weight loss program. It's sad how overweight they are. How in the world are they selling their health products?
      I hope TLC address the weight issue and helps them do something about.
      Why not join the YMCA and have a night where the WHOLE family goes to exercise? They could spend family time and do something for their health.

    6. One size DOES NOT FIT least in a flattering manner

  11. This is not about religion. This is not abiut reaching the celestial kingdom. This is not about anything but kody wanting a new piece of a@% and his sicj undercover lesbian wife trying to hrlp him find it. The only funny thing to come out of it would be to see robyns reaction. We think its funny and sad but what bothers me is thete are 17 kids growing up in this mess. TLC needs to stop the train wrecl. It is clear that kody will go to any length to stay on tv and these four very stupid women will follow him into hell no matter what effect it has on the kids. Its just so sad. I raised 4 kids as a single mom. I was so careful about dating or what kind of people i brought around my kids. It just makes me sick to what these kids are exposed to. TLC please think anout these kids. Kody and harem think about the kids!!!!!!

    1. Hi lizbethice, I agree with you completely. Though I am a big fan of this blog, I have stopped watching the show. I agree that TLC should pull the plug. I am not a psychologist yet one can see the negative effects of this 'lifestyle' just by observing how the sister wives act toward each other. The ones I really feel sorry for are the 17 (or is it 18 now?) innocent children who did not ask to be brought into their parents delusional 'lifestyle'.

    2. Actually, those thoughts are what started the blog, and learning the detrimental effects of Poligamy. Call it FLDS or AUB, it's still awful they believe their husband will get them to heaven, not God. Are all men Gods then? NO

  12. Aww, she was crushing on the girl and now her sister's've got their hair up scared that she's going to bring in wife #5. It would be so cute if it weren't so tragically sad.

  13. Even if TLC were to stop this show their lives would not change or rather their beliefs would not change. I think it's a good idea for Sister Wives to continue on TLC for a while as it can be a huge eye opener for those who are thinking about getting involved with this religion or mentality of polygamy. It might even help turn a light on to a sister wife or a child (not a Brown family member) of one by watching this show.

  14. I think Meri recruited to have Robyn because of her jealousy of Christine...Meri didnt expect the extreme jealousy she would feel over Robyn & Kody's relationship. Robyn now has the upper hand in the family being she is the favorite wife now and Meri is in a panic to gain she wants to add another wife to knock the power out of Robyn's hands...

    Christine and Janelle arent threatened by another wife but Robyn will fight tooth and nail to keep her position in the family and I bet she will protest the loudest and will refuse any other wives coming into the family....this will enrage Meri...because Meri wants her #1 position back...the power struggle in this family will be between Meri and Robyn.

    1. I totally agree with you

    2. Robyn started laughing when Christine started in about Meri needing to stop but it was obvious she didn't think it was funny at all, she was pissed. Let the games begin!

  15. This makes me think there will be a 5th wife. Maybe not this Natalie girl, but someone.

    Think about it. Meri says someone is cute and sweet. And Kody's mind immediately jumps to sex, er, I mean marriage. Kody was the one pushing it, not Meri. Kody was the one who asked Meri if she was thinking about another wife. Kody was the one who claimed that everyone was "smitten" with her.

    As soon as Robyn's "honeymoon" experience rubs off, or she gains weight, some 18 year old will come strolling by and Kody will get the "buzz" telling him he needs a new wife.

    1. I agree & Kody can spout off all he wants about he doesn't want another wife cuz we all know Kody says one thing & does whatever he damn well pleases. Wonder if Robyn will still think he's the "Man" when he starts courting #5?!?

    2. Looking past the 5th wife, Toasty, hell, I wonder if Robyn will still think he's the man @ age 50?? Which is only a few years Hmmmmmmmm???????
      It appears that father time will not be kind!

    3. Do you think meri picked robin bc she was divorced? She knew kody would have an ick factor so meri didn't think it was possible for robin to be the favorite.

  16. Kody looks like a pimp.

    1. And Meri acts like one.

    2. Meri looks like a pimp and Kody looks like her toy.

    3. I don't know if he even looks that good. In this clip, he looked like a walking hairball from the neck up with a sausage for a body. That shirt needs TO GO. This whole family talks about dressing modestly, but every adult (besides Janelle) SQUEEZES themselves into their clothes leaving little to the imagination. I'd rather see bare arms than every roll that Kody has gained or Meri's thighs dying for air in her jeans. GOOD GRIEF!

    4. OMG, anon 2:27!! I am lmao!!

    5. American Assoc. of Walking Hairballs with Sausage BodiesJune 16, 2012 at 1:18 AM

      Total coincidence that he looked like us. He is not a paying member.

      I actually laughed out loud @anon2:27.

    6. OMG 1st we have Anon2:27 making me LMAO THEN we have the American Assoc. of Walking Hairballs with Sausage Bodies making me LMAOPMP!

      No wonder I come here ~ it's for a positive mental health top up!

  17. In an earlier blog entry, someone mentioned Robyn's cold sores and the risk that they could be transmitted sexually to the other wives.

    Herpes Simplex 1 on the mouth can be spread through skin to skin contact. It can be spread mouth to mouth through kissing. It can also be spread to the genital area through oral sex.

    That means that Robyn can give it to Kody in the place where the sun doesn't shine if she "accomodates" him below the belt. Not sure if that is allowed by the AUB, but I can totally see Kody leaning back to enjoy the "honeymoon experience" without having to do any work himself.

    If he catches it in the genital area, he risks transmitting it genitally to the other wives through standard sexual contact. Talk about "ick factor."

    My bff caught herpes simplex 1 through oral sex and it was painful, recurring and made her sick. If I were one of the other wives, I would cut Kody off. But, then, if I were one of Kody's wives, I would be looking for ANY excuse to cut him off. Yuck.

    1. yep! i'm the ANoNY that was bringing that ugly reality up originally in the former thread. It would be MOST troubling to me to see Robyn's constant breakouts of those cold sores and i would have the Kody "ICK" factor to the max to the point of holding back gags every time he showed up at my house for is nightly sleepover. It's seriously disgusting to me and I DON"T BELIEVE THIS IS GOD'S WISH NOR REQUIREMENT FOR ANYONE TO GO THROUGH THIS SELF-INFLICTED EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL CRAPOLA FOR YOUR ETERNAL REWARD. PERIOD.

    2. I just re-watched the season opener about Christmas and Janelle has cold sores all over her mouth and's a family affair. hey seem to trade it around, but I see Robchin with it the more than others.

    3. The whole cold sore thing reminds me of the scene in Spinal Tap where David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel both have identical cold sores. I have a feeling that every wife in turn will be wearing exhibit A of the "romance" between Kody and RNC.
      Strangely, this entire show reminds me of Spinal Tap. Just not as funny. I keep waiting for Janelle to say "I'm the luke warm water of the band."

    4. I bet going down 'below the belt' is completely acceptable in their faith if they are like the LDS Mormons. I have read that sex is considered something wonderful and to be enjoyed by married couples. Encouraged.

      How sad is it that the other wives are subjected to getting Herpes and after all these years may have to whip out the old condom not to prevent pregnancy but to sleep with their husband to be SAFE from disease!

    5. This might explain Janelle having any disregard for Robyn...

    6. Well, Robyn does like to tell everyone how much they all like to share! GAG!!

    7. Meri has has "cold sores" on the face to. They ALL have.

    8. OK, I'm officially grossed out now. That's plain nasty.
      Thanks Amy, Golden T, Toasty and Pili...

    9. Hold the phone! I missed a few of my sisterposters in the thank eww about the STD (siterwives transmitted disease)
      Make that thank you Amy,GT,Toasty, Pili and Anon, RobotM and lisasumms....gross, caca, ick, Again...that's nasty!


      ....So is Kody boning 4 different women( well, the jury is still out on But, anyhow...) & have the nerve to justify it all in the name of religion! aka Higher Calling O_o
      But yet, here we all are (well the majority of us here), united by SWB, just watching, waiting, speculating, & even anticipating for the shizznit to finally hit the fan & have this train wreck finally come to a complete halt!

  18. Gosh, what woman could possibly resist Kody and his group?

    Oh, wait, I know, any woman with at least two functioning brain cells.

    I feel sorry for two of them and I hope they have the strength and courage to GET OUT of that hopeless train wreck they call 'their lifestyle'

  19. Peanut Butter FritosJune 15, 2012 at 12:06 PM

    Wow, this is cruel. I think this a joke, you know one of those uncomfortable jokes you laugh at without smiling? Meri clearly enjoys messing with the other wives, who need Kody's scraps and thought they were "special" at some point.

    Then again, if they brought on #5, maybe #2 and #3 would finally get it and leave, taking it back down to three wives and less kids, which sounds like Meri's ideal. These ladies are pretty much single moms anyway, and with family like Meri, why not just leave?

  20. OMG!!!! I cannot stand Mean Girl Meri!!!!!! She makes me sick!!! Everyone of them pisses me off, except for Janelle. (oh, and I like the kids, well most of them anyway) They're just so two faced. Listen to Christine, " I'm glad she got you and everything" yeah right, who does she think she's kidding! These people are constantly contradicting themselves. I hate myself for it but I just can't stop watching these idiots.

  21. I don't understand the tightrope flash. Was that actually Robyn? Because her chin looked pretty big.

  22. When I meet someone that I'd like to get to know, I invite them to go out for coffee or lunch. Apparently I am going about this all wrong since Meri's method is to suggest they join the family and share her husband.

    Which brings up another any of these women have friends? I suppose the theory is that they'd be friends with each other, but that's not happening. Are friendships outside the family encouraged? I'm going to guess that they aren't. But, does anyone know for sure?

    1. I've been wondering the same thing. Do they not have just casual friends or even close friends who they don't make into sister wives? Meri was hugging that girl like she was her long lost mother instead of just a friendly side hug that you give to someone you just met or to a friend.

      Plus why hug her at all? I don't hug people that I just met, especially if they are working and I'm just tourist at their workplace. Just smile and say, "Thank You" and move on. Meri has "girly" issues I think.

    2. I can feel some sympathy for them. They must feel so isolated, particularly within their own family. If they had friends or support it was most likely back in Utah. If the only people they interact with are each other, it's no wonder they are getting nuttier and nuttier as time goes on.

    3. Make It Stop - when they lived in UT they had casual friendships, even some people from outside the plyg world that they invited over. So I'm thinking, sure it's okay, but a) who has time with that many kids (Janelle, Robyn, Christine) and b) who has time with being busy traveling and looking for new sister wives (Mary)?

      Also, another thought that occured is that would I want to be one of their friends and possibly have what we do be on this train wreck of a show? Ummmm, I'm thinking not.

    4. Maybe some folks are kind of leary of getting "too close" bcuz they don't want it to seem or give a wrong impression that they're interested in joining this cult, I mean "family"
      But also, at the same time, maybe the wives are careful & leary about bringing "close friends" around Kody, bcuz they fear he may get a "message' or "sign" from God aka horny hot buzz. O_o

  23. I think it is Meri that gets the "buzz". She is such as closet lesbian. She is the one on the prowl. She is the predator! And then she offers up her new sweet crush on the plig alter to doofy Kody. Not buying anything but keeping TLC paying their hustle. Wow when Meri hugs that little cutie she looks like a linebacker.

    1. I actually seriously am thinking along the same lines. They all talk about how Meri is the "bait". She forms emotional attachments to women, and then presents them to Kody. Sexuality can be complicated and I think that Meri has some issues with being "close" to women. I'm not saying that she wants to have sex with them, but she needs some type of closeness from them that I don't understand.

      Of course Kody is a goof and sees "a girl to have sex with that Meri approves of, this must be a sign from God."

      There's more than meets the eye with Meri. She brings women into the family to have a "sisterwife" relationship which is downright unnatural. Women are not naturally drawn to be friends with other women who sleep with their husbands. Yet Meri time and time again finds these women and goes through this process. Noone of the other sisterwives do this.

      I will say though that I'd love to see Kody take on another wife just to see how Robyn would respond! Can you say CRAZY PSYCHO WIFE? LOL

    2. Maybe Meri would rather have another sisterwife than go through invitro???

  24. I agree. This blog is the only reason to watch the show. By the way, good job Jinx and company!!!

  25. What makes either Mary or Kody think this girl would even have him? He's no prize. He must think his "celebrity status" adds to his looks or something but it doesn't. Sure, I'm sure there are desperate women out there but come on, the pool has to be limited.

  26. Not drinking the kool aidJune 15, 2012 at 12:59 PM

    Oh please. Kody is such a douche. He would gladly take on a 5th wife no matter what anyone says. Robyn and Christine may not be happy with it but they'll have to get over it. We now know that TLC is really trying to make Meri look like the bad one by having the other 3 talk without her around. Please TLC, make this train wreck go away!!!! At least most of the teens seem to have a good head on their shoulders unlike the Duggar kids.

    1. What's wrong with the Duggar kids? I respect them way more lol

    2. The Duggarkids have more of a "Robot Cult Haze" about them. They are too well behaved, too well mannered, too perfect. They are completely isolated from anyone who does not adhere strictly to their belief system. They adhere to their parents misogynistic cult beliefs much tighter than these kids (I assume averyone is referring to janelle's teenagers). And hardly any of these kids will stay with the cult once they leave home. All of the Duggars probably will.

    3. Yes, linnet, this exactly.

    4. Not drinking the kool aidJune 15, 2012 at 10:46 PM

      Thank you linnet. That's exactly what I was thinking when I wrote that post. The Brown kids have choices. The Duggar kids DO NOT. That is the difference. The older teen Duggar girls have drunk the kool aid. You can tell with their holier than thou attitudes now. Except for Jana. Mariah is the only Brown teen that wants to be in polygamy and the rest are smart to not want to do it.

    5. LOL about the "Robot Cult Haze." Speaking of the Duggars....does anyone know if there is a blog similar to this one that covers the Duggars? The only ones I have found are more like fan pages. Now, don't get me wrong - I love this blog - but I would love to read what people think about the Duggars, too.

    6. Oh, thank you all for Validatin' me on this topic. LOL.

      Usually, everyone loves the Duggars so that they fail to realize the misogyny involved in their cult.

      Just to be fair, I will say that they are nice cult people. I had a friend who had a premature baby a couple years ago, and had lactation issues. Michelle Duggar gave them frozen breast milk for several months (or so I heard, from a mutual friend); I think they even drove it to North Texas, packed in a cooler for them. So, I will give them points for that one thing. :D

    7. Not drinking the kool aidJune 16, 2012 at 1:36 PM

      PuckGirl....The only blog I've seen come close to this about the Duggars is Duggars without Pity but I wish there was one like this about them. You still have to watch what you say on the other blog.

    8. NDtKA: Thanks a lot!! Now I'm compelled to go check that out, and I know I will be fascinated by it. Probably not as amused as I am by Cynical Jinx and Caramel Brownie, mind you. I will NOT be able to make nasty comments there, though--the spies are probably my own friends and will recognize my snark to quickly :D. The Arkie-Texan Baptist/Quiverful Mafia can be pretty heinous to those who oppose them. LOL.

    9. Awww, thanks for the "shout out" Linnet! But you also have contributed lots of witty insight & snark too, which I also enjoy! :D That's what is so great about SWB, all of the variety & levels of perspectives & insights! Plus we're allowed to offer a difference of opinion!! :D

    10. Update: Caramel Brownie, I checked it out and was thoroughly bored. You know all the W/o pity blogs are so heavily moderated that all the posts are identical. I'll be able to reserve my disgust for the Browns for now :D.

  27. Guess I'm in the minority, but I soo want for Kody to take a 5th wife. Especially if/when Robyn is pregnant. I soo want to see Robyn freaking out or least know that she is. Robyn just needs to learn that she is not special.

    1. I'm with you. I want a 5th wife too and I want it to be someone just like Robyn - imagine how frustrated Robyn would be with herself. They would be in competion for Kody's time, Meri's attention, who could cry the most, who could wear the tightest jeans, who had the sharpest chin, who got to carry Meri & Kody's baby and who got to play the "poor little girl" role. THAT would be a show!

    2. Can you imagine the smile that would be on Christine's face if Kody did take a 5th wife and was with her when Robyn gave birth and treated her the way he did Christine when she was having Truely? I do think that Christine and Janelle need something that is theirs alone like a job where they interact with people outside of this family. Healthcare is the way to go. It doesn't take long to become a pharmacy tech, a home health aide, phlebotomist, or ultrasound tech. If they read this, I hope they consider studying for a career like one of these.

    3. Oh I am right there with you. EXCEPT this time a wife that's HOT and only 25, so she can have MORE KIDS. Robyn is what? 34-35? She is nearing a time where more risks are involved with the baby's development. Although my mom had me at 40 and I was fine, that doesn't always happen.

    4. MS--my thoughts exactly. His future wiveS will be increasingly closer to his children in age.

    5. Ha Ha, "who has the sharpest chin!" Laughed so hard soda came out of my nose! :) Good one!

    6. I just had a scary thought. Let's hope Meri doesn't start checking out the girls friends as they enter college. YIKES!

  28. I have loved the show and secretly wish I had all of you for MY sister wives, even though I am not of your faith. I do want to comment on your weight. First off, I am 73 and have been overweight for 50 years so I know how hard it can be. BUT, I watch you girls get bigger and bigger and worse yet, your daughters being overweight. I was happy to see Janelle out on a hike and hearing her talk about her core strength and how she had lost so many inches. Good for you! I agree, the numbers on the scale don't necessarily dictate how healthy we are. Being strong is the key. And, by the way, Kody, you're getting a little "thick" yourself. What do you people eat? Don't waste your lives being fat like I have. If you are truly buying that health gym then get yourselves over there and let us all be inspired by you gaining health and dropping some weight. You would be doing a great service. And, no, you don't need another wife. As my mother used to tell me, "God doesn't like a fool."

  29. Kodouche told Anderson Cooper that adding a 5th wife is not up to's would be a "religious calling" from God. Oh please, the only calling required is for Meri to get a "buzz" on for another chick.

    Wish they would stop saying this creepy and twisted behavior is religion.

    1. I think that 'buzz' is coming from Kody's loins....

    2. I'm starting to think it comes from Meri's loins. That girl is downright crazy about bringing other women into the family. I've never seen anything like it. She trolls for chicks. She could stand on the balcony with the Jersey Shore guys and "fish".

    3. Speaking as someone who is a part of the GLBTQ community, I don't think Meri is gay. According to the AUB/fundamentalist Mormon beliefs, the first wife gets heavenly brownie points for actively recruiting other women into the family. It's considered building her husband's [heavenly] kingdom.

      What I took away from the book is this: Meri was never popular or pretty. She never had boys interested in her. I get the feeling she didn't have too many friends. Kody was the first man that paid attention to her. Her taking an active role in adding wives is her trying to control the chaos that has become her life (17 kids, absentee husband, women who hate her guts, who happen to be sleeping with her husband). Her actions are increasingly desperate attempts to convince her husband she is a relevant part of his life and to keep his attention.

      In a way, although she is mean, passive agressive, and controlling (she caused Janelle to leave, temporarily), she is as miserable in the relationship as the other women. Her selection of wives is both desperate and malicious. When she has problems with her sisterwives-they don't rise to her expectations as best friends who cater to her-she finds a way to make them pay for it (bringing in other wives). It's a desperate maneuver because she is miserable sharing her husband (in the first season she said she only stuck around b/c she didn't want to separate Mariah from her siblings) and wants the other women to share that pain.

      Meri's problem is that she seeks happiness with others, without working out her existing relationships-just like Kody. To make Kody happy, she allows other women into their marriage, to make the other women miserable, she holds the threat of other wives over their heads. She meets a nice lady and thinks that will be the solution to her problems-that she'll finally get the upper hand among the sisterwives because she's added people to her team (before I thought it was Janelle/Christine on one side, Meri on the other).

      I wonder if this is a warning shot across Robyn's bow. Either she "keeps sweet" or she gets a taste of what Christine is getting (abandonment and sadness).

      Also: I don't think Kody is gay either. He's a self-absorbed narcissistic douchebag, but that transcends any particular sexual orientation.

    4. I agree with SheilaAnn. Finding another wife is the only thing that Meri can control in her life, her daughter is grown, she has no career, no real friends, her family isn't easily accessible, Kody is rarely there physically and incapable of being there emotionally, she doesn't control any finances, "businesses", and she's having difficulty even controlling her own body weight. She's acting out, it's all she has. Kody also fits the DSM's definition of narcissistic personality disorder to a T. He should be their poster child.

    5. I wish there was a like button for both of the previous comments. I think people who are not from VERY conservative communities don't always appreciate how "girl power" is distributed in such a manipulative fashion. I don't think there's any actual attraction by Meri--other than she finds targets that seem non-threatening to her "hold on power". By encouraging horn-dog Kody to be a perv, she thinks he will associate his arousal with her power to control his wiener. LOL. Then, when he is aroused, it is indirectly linked to her powers of psychological manipulation; plyg version of feminine wiles. Yes, it is crazy. . . but I think it is part of what motivates her.It is also a test on how likely he is to have his head turned by another, without her "permission".

    6. @ Anonymous, I think the businesses are another poorly thought out scam. I think they open up businesses and use whatever business loans they get for personal items and trips.

    7. Sheila, Although not part of the LGBT community, I've never thought either of them was gay. Like you've said, insecure, self-absorbed, narcissistic.

  30. OK, so kinda off topic, but took another little looksy at their (already defunct IMO) Sister Wife's Closet website and, although it is still not yet up and running, if you scroll all the way down, you can make out the text of their home page and this is what it says, in part:

    "We wanted to honor those relationships with these rings. The two S's coming together to make a W is a symbol of sisterhood, friendship and strength. It stands for Sister Wife, Strong Woman, Super Woman and Super Wife. There are many ways to wear these special rings..."

    Ughhhh...well now we know what Robyn's butt/boobs doodle is now being pawned off as...some sort of ring I guess! IMO, thing ring may also stand for So Wrong!!!

    1. SW= "So Wrong"....I love it!!!!!!

    2. LOL "So Wrong!" So True. How do two s's make a w? That's messed up. I guess it works in Brownland.

      This is the kind of thing the elementary and junior high girls want. Even high school girls are usually past having matching and symbolizing jewelry like that. I don't see any of the teen girls excited about this but I bet that Savannah might like it since she is what, about 7 now?

    3. look at the FB page all the yahoos about to break down the cyber door to get at that jewelry--which of course they have never actually seen even a sample (aside from the monopoly piece charms of a ridiculous jester's hat, skeleton hand, and heart. Meine Güte!!

    4. @linnet - you're right!! I was trying to figure out why that jewelry looked so familiar! LMAO

    5. but isn't it a Y for Wives just like it's a Y for Wyoming? i don't get it.

    6. Anon 3:00 That was very good :D made

    7. anony 3:00 p.m. here giving a ^5 to linnet. ;')

    8. Hahahahaha...."So Wrong" is awesome & so true! I lost some of my Raspberry Smirnoff ice, when I read this...

  31. Why so hard to get on here and publish? I love this blog and the entertainment it has brought me. I guess to me it seems like TLC enjoys bringing out the religious agenda of small sects. Maybe the next big hit for them will be a plyg colony in southern Texas who also handle snakes and own a candle store with dead snakes molded into religious candles... This show hasn't proved that because of this lifestyle they are are happier then anyone else. It's sadly turned into a portrait of family dysfunction on a grand scale. Unfortunately they all have characteristics that people identify with and probably why they have 2 more seasons. Did the douche bag formally known as "kody" really say it isn't an "open marriage"? Isn't that technically what they have going? I legal wife and 3 other side pieces that he goes between? It has been proven a million times in western culture that "open marriages" don't work. These people are ridiculous and again its the religious and political agendas that will keep this show going.

  32. @Baylor - me too!

  33. Now I get it. Meri has the hots for women and unsuspectingly lures them into the family. They are distracted by Kody's hair and Robyn's Chin then Meri pounces on them (which they have no chance of getting away, she's gained weight I don't care what she says.) What a weirdo!

  34. I would love to see Kodouche take another wife, especially if Robchin is preggers. Let her feel the way Christine felt when she was giving birth to Truly and Kodouche was spending all his time "courtn'" her. I think Mean Girl Meri is a piece of work. I agree, I think she's a closet lesbo, an extremely unattractive lesbo. Anybody else think she's got a pig face (beedy eyes, pig nose)? Don't get me wrong, I think pigs are adorable, I just don't think people with pig faces are very attractive. Maybe I wouldn't find her so physically repulsive if she wasn't so rotten to Janelle and Christine. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before Robchin suffers the wrath of MGM. Should be quite the showdown.

  35. i still want to know why they never wear their Sisterhood Love claddagh rings? Did Robyn "lose" hers in the ocean on her honeymoon? Did Janelle hock hers to pay a bill? Did Meri give hers away to a cute girl? Did Christine shove hers up Kody's butt?

    We know right off the bat Kody hated his and had no intention of EVER wearing it. I imagine he returned it to the jeweler the next day and took the money and put it as a down payment for his future hair plugs.

    1. Maybe they have all gained so much weight that the rings do not fit?

  36. What is with Mean Girl Meri? Who goes out and scopes out other women for their husband? She defiantely has some issues. She just so "Large & in Charge". Between her and Robchin, I just don't know who's the biggest know it all. Who in their right mind would want to get on Kodouche anyway?

  37. There are so many great comments that I could post a reply 64 times but I don't want to be a post hog!
    So this little interlude between Michelin Man AKA Poppin Fresh Aka Kodouche and Super Witch is interesting? The secure wives yucking it up on the couch is time filler, the whole segment is a yawn inspiring hook to keep the faithful giddy with anticipation about the future.

    1. The instant comments were changed to clear through the moderators so that no other silly comments would be on here- for example, among other things, ones that just are rude teenage "sex" comments, among other things. Also, I was out for awhile, and we've grown so much, hard to handle! I'll discuss with CJ and see if we can work on that.
      We love that we've grown, though!

    2. It's instant online comments now? I've been out of the loop the last few days.
      Love the blog MisterS, CJ et al and it's worth a little wait time for moderation,imo. In the BrownClown lingo...".awesome,so awesome..gigglegiggle"

  38. Is that grey shirt he's wearing the polyg equivalent of the redneck wife beater tee shirt?

  39. No,it hasn't changed. I was answering the reason for the moderation. Thanks!

  40. I have a very vague understanding of plural marriage and the levels of heaven you get to, in relation to how many wives you have. Aren’t the magic numbers 3 7 and 12 wives? Maybe someone can confirm this. What’s the point of Kody have 4 wives if he’s not going to try to get to 7. They were already guaranteed their spot in plig heaven with the 3 wives. Bringing Robyn in does nothing unless they plan on getting to 7

    1. The fifth wife is Kody's Lexus, the sixth is his hair. He only needs one more!

    2. There's added "priesthood" status with 5 ,7 and 12 women attached to a man. 7 women "in harmony" evidently qualify a man to be President of the Priesthood (like prophet). No one in AUB really knows what 12 are all about. Better get going Kody! Wish these people could make up their minds about the "sacred" process of getting new women. It's a "buzz"- . no it's a calling from "god" - no it's my wife telling me a woman is "cute - no, it's Kody making up his mind it's "time." Please!!

    3. EXAUB - where do those escalating plural wife tiers from doctrinally? It's not designaged in any of their scriptures (book of mormon, doctrine and coventants, pearl of great price) and Joseph Smith nor any of the other plyg Prophets/Presidents ever give plural guidelines like that.

      The only place that plural marriage is even talked about at all is in Joseph Smith's D & C 132 and it doesn't give any number.

    4. good lordy - my typos!! o/0

      *come FROM doctrinally


      *doctrine and COVENANTS

      *GAVE plural guidelines

      (think that's all of them but i won't bet my life.)

    5. With the 12th wife, Kody will get a black AmEx on God's corporate account, free access to the Hair Club for Men, a secret decoder ring, and a set of gold plates with ancient American hieroglyphics that finally will reveal God's secret recipe for peanut butter fritos.

    6. LMAO ^^^^^
      that's funny I don't care who ya are!

    7. You're right anonymous - there's no source for this numbers of wives hierarchy - probably a fundie leader like Joseph Musser made it up. I like robotmonkey's take on twelve wives : )

  41. its sacred, the marriage bed. If they believe this is a calling of God why trivialize it with the joking around. talk about mixed messages. Yuck Yuck Im gonna git me another wife.... but in all seriousness its a spiritually called calling from God ... but I am no long open to that calling, but in all seriousness she was cute,?? right? there is nothing sacred or spiritual about these people. although I dont agree with poly- lifestyle or mormonism I cant help but feel these are the worst people to represent either thing.
    I think I imagined more of a duggar type family, buy used saved the rest, mindset. Even when they buy used they go to the most expensive place, not a thrift store but collens. I live in vegas, there are tons of thrift stores, yard sales ect.... even houses for cheep. Dam it, these people are stupid, crude and selfish. my sisters closet, yeah right like they would share anything, with the acception of Kody of course, the one thing God would never ask them to share.

    1. I find it hard to use the words sacred & marriage in the same sentence when discussing the Browns, or any polygamists for that matter. But this is just my opinion!

  42. I love this blog so much! When the show first came on I was so excited but now I'm appalled by every one of the adults. None of them seem happy and just about every aspect of their lives is a mess. I am a polygamist. I have no type of mormon connection and i never meet people like my family. My husband and I are college educated and have three children. After ten years of marriage we met a woman we both wanted in our family. Neither one of us has extended family and we really wanted a larger family (of adults). We had never explored this before and we all in this relationship happily. We are peaceful homebodies and live as a FAMILY. the part that strikes me as most sad is that there is no family unit. The Browns are a bunch of disgruntled and jealous single moms that are in debt and an assinine husband that thinks he looks like surfer but hes just a pudgy balding poor father that's pushing 50.

  43. Would love to see Robyn deal with Kody getting another woman -she would be furious! It would also give her a taste of what Christine went through. As for Kody not being "open" to it - why not? His religion teaches that the more women a man can grab for himself, the better. Surely he's not going to make up his mind that "god" can't tell him to take more onboard. And who is Natalie - some kind of entertainer they met at the beach????

  44. Let's get real here...what if your husband or boyfriend always pointed out how cute and handsome guys are everytime you meet a new man. So you are on vacation to Mexico and he points out how cute the waiter is..."What do you think of that guy?" "Isn't he cute, so good looking huh?"

    1. That he is gay. Exactly Meri is sick. How can she say that "She's so cute" I would never say that about another woman. Sick, Sick Sick.

    2. Meri's not sick. She's acting according to her faith. Not that I agree with it, but then again I'm an atheist.

  45. Christine's grandparents/AUB royalty: When Rulon married Myrtle, she was his first plural marriage wife. His real wife left do to the whole plig thing. Upon marriage Myrtle was charged with "See to it that Rulon gets all the wives he has coming to him" And she did just that. Just like Meri is doing. Im guessing Meri sees it as her responsibility as first wife. Its like she's going to get some extra credits in plig heaven for doing so. Something else, Myrtle didnt get pregnant for 11 years after she married Rulon. 5 other wives had kids before her. also, kinda like Meri.

  46. Mother of the Year RobynJune 15, 2012 at 8:25 PM

    This clip just blows my mind! Meri you are a cougar on the prowl, and Kody I didn't know you needed to wear under armor in order to drink your green drink of the month! But really what I want to address.... Why is it that this family feels the need to wear multiple layers of clothing for modesty because "modest is hottest" (Thanks Christine) and even go so far to be completely dressed on pool floats while in their own back yard, but put them on a honeymoon, vacation, or giving birth to a baby, and the clothes just fall off. We all know you people have plenty of clothes, put some on please!!!

    1. That's just encouraging them to wear layered

    2. It's like those Saudis who can't even show their wrists on the runway in Saudi Arabia, so they cover their miniskirts and bustier-tank tops with abaya and hijab 5 minutes before landing. LOL.

    3. But those saudisdont believe it. They just dress like that bc they have to in Saudi. SW claim they believe in modesty.

  47. I keep saying it: I think Meri struggles with her own sexuality. She becomes friends with women or finds women she wants to be friends with, and she cannot become one with those women because she cannot be gay…that would be too hard for her to deal with. So, she finds wives for Kody with the idea that once they are her sister wives, she has this sexual connection with them albeit vicariously through Kodsturd. I am convinced that she is gratified knowing that they are connected to her but, over time, I think she becomes jealous because Kodsturd is the one who is really becoming one with them…she then turns her irrational hate against the object of her desire, the sister wives. I'm telling you, watch how she talks about finding attractive women, getting a buz thing going on, and sending Kodsturd in for the kill.

    1. It truly is sick. I agree with you about Meri getting the buzz going. Absolutely sick. "She's cute" What an ass. How would she like it some perv was scouting out her precious Mariah and saying "She's cute, maybe she can become my next wife as soon as she turns 18." Like 18 is the magical number and they are soooo mature at 18. Yeah right my daughter was so young at 18 and still is at 20. THere is no way I would want my daughter married.

  48. Hey nice shirt Kody! Does it come in men's?

    1. Why don't these people wear clothes that fit?

    2. Maybe the last episode of this season reveals HE'S pregnant!

    3. Hahaha....if he could swing it I'm sure he would gladly carry the next Brown baby. Win/win, he wouldn't have to rely on a wife to give him a reason to chime in on every show.

  49. Hopefully, the do get a new wife soon. That's one reason I would go back to watching them, just to see how Robyn and Christine react. The only one I like from them is Janelle, she seems to be the only one who might escape Kody. That man grosses me out so much...

  50. Love love this blog, better entertainment then the show. Of course there will be a fifth wife, how would they afford to live if the story line doesn't continue. Can't WAIT to see how Robyn deals with a new hot sister. AND love to know what the BIG fight was in the past between Meri and Janelle. Please get out Janelle before you totally blank out.

    1. Meri and Janelle-don't know what or if there was a single big fight? I do recall Janelle commenting that both Meri(love MGM!) and Christine made comments about Janelle's weight in the past. And now Janelle isn't the only one with weight issues but is the only one still(albeit unsuccessfully) continuing her exercise regimen.

  51. Kofy and Meri are going to make a deal: he'll go for another wife if she does in vitro.

  52. Honestly, I think this is a total power play by Meri. As wife #1 she has the role / authority of seeking and approving additional wives and she's just sending a message that she can and will play that card whenever she sees fit. While Kody doth protest a bit too much, I would love to see Robyn get relegated to the "not newest" slot.

    Meri's just flexing her muscles and reminding everyone of what she CAN do if she chooses.

    1. Personally I think that entire scene was contrived for TV/ratings purposes. If Meri was SOOO active in recruiting new wives, then why the big gap between Christine and Robyn? Also in the book, we see that Meri DID NOT recruit Janelle or Christine...and I have my doubts on whether the story that she was the instigator for Robyn's inclusion into the family is really true. If she was so gung-ho, why would she require counseling? I call BS on this, totally. Meri and Kody made this scene up because one of the BIG questions of viewers is about a possible 5th wife. Totally about ratings.

    2. I totally agree DJ, this is all for ratings. It's the perpetual cliffhanger that TLC uses and that the sell out Browns play along with to be "sweet".
      At this point I really doubt that the celestial planet or Heaven or God is even factored in on any decision they make. Money is the "buzz" and they'll say and do whatever it takes to keep the show on the air.

  53. Can I enter my dissenting vote as one who hopes there ISN'T a Wife 5? the reason for that...I would feel sorry for the kids, since the entire reason that another wife would be added (supposedly) would be to make more kids to populate Planet Kody. I would hate to see that happen. clearly, the kids to him are fungible and that angers me...having children for SELFISH reasons.

  54. This show needs a double whammy now to save it. Kody needs to "marry" twin sisters at the same ceremony for Wife #5 and #6. They need to be in their early 20's too and get along really well w/each other and the teens but not any of the other wives other than silly Christine. Which makes Christine get her 24/7 "happy place" mojo back. Then it would be 3(Christine and twins) against 2 (Meri and Robyn) and Janelle would just quietly slip away unnoticed w/all the new and over the top chaos and be the ultimate free bird. She's eventually purported to have been spotted living at a lesbian nudist colony. OH YEAH!!

  55. In the book, there are several references to "Kody and Meri" courting....Meri is somehow (don't know if it's the first wife obligation or what?) always involved in the courting. Weird and creep really. I think Meri really wants that quorum you get once you get the 7th wife, might as well get the best celestial situation if your situation on earth is going to be so awful...there is no way Kody is done getting married. I agree we will see another wife or two in a few years. And they will be younger so he can have more children. Meri likes to "joke around" as a passive aggressive tactic. She is 'testing' Kody to see if he wants another wife "isn't she cute?" and then knows it will torture the sister wives who are not living up to her expectations. So much for the sanctity of marriage line they always put out!

    I will point out that this is part of the " Meri goes to Mexico and gets pressured again about reproducing" trip. She is probably just trying to change the subject from that to 'hey, look a cute girl". Squirrel!!

  56. I see Kody is carrying his green drink but man oh man is he FAT! What does that green stuff do? Makes you fat if you drink it?

    1. I think it's more likely the fish stick tacos, peanut butter fritos, one-pot spaghetti or mock tapioca pudding (which the family size batch recipe they make for 20 or so people actually makes closer to 80 servings. The "Mock Tapioca" recipe is a very common breakfast in syria; When my in-laws all get together we are approximately 50-60 people, and we do not make near as much as that recipe calls for). Pleas, Lord, do not let these lard-asses (OK, I am one, too) make a cook book, for which TLC is clearly whetting the appetites of their rabid, obese fan-club!!!

  57. Where is all this talk about 7th and 12th wives requirement coming from now? I thought Troy Bowles (former AUB) told us it was only 3 minimum required per AUB's beliefs. I also thought that's why Christine always wanted to be 3rd wife cause that's where for the most part, they all stop at. What did i miss?

    1. From what I understand, 2 wives are the minimum to get to celestial heaven. With 3 wives, a man may qualify for his own planet (if he is righteous) but with 7 wives (called a quorum) a man is guaranteed his own planet. So the more wives the better. I'm still reading Susan Ray Schmidt's book and she thought she was going to be the final wife at #6. Her husband didn't stop until #10 and probably would have had more if he hadn't been killed in an auto accident.

    2. Each community seems to tailor their requirements (which does makes sense, like congregations of Christian denominations.)Maybe ex-AUB can fill us in on the particular rules of this crowd. She obviously knows better than any of us.

    3. oops! i started reading at the bottom and didnt know she had already weighted in.

    4. ....and if U acquire a dozen or more wives, U are awarded a one night stand of ur choice, bi-monthly!

  58. I'm so confused on the amount of wives requirements. 3 gets you your own planet? 7 gets you an upgraded planet? More gets you what? Amount of kids get you what? And if 3 is the magic number, why does his oldest brother - whom they all said was the most religious of all of them - only have 2?

    1. Never mind to my previous question - others were posted and answered but mine still hadn't posted yet. Always seems like a longer delay on my posts for some reason. Anyhow - I got my answer from another post. Thanks!! :) Still trying to learn and make sense of their religion.

  59. Speaking of Christine's "Mock Tapioca Pudding" here we go again w/a simple but incomplete recipe. I posted another one here once before PLUS all the comments lambasting it on TLC's site for the disjointedness/incorrectness of it. Now here's a repeat. THE COMMENTS ARE A MUST READ! Enjoy! (the comments - not the recipe. ick)

  60. Haven't had a chance to read new posts, but you guys know my theory on Meri bringing Robyn in to punish Christine for getting pregnant again right after her miscarriage. I think this scene was Meri's passive aggressive way of letting Robyn now know that she can knock her off her high horse any time she wants.

    Did anyone else notice Robyn painting what appeared to be matching goblets at the pottery place. I am sure that was so she and Kody could have romantic candlelight meals together sipping their green juice. So, with Robyn knowing she is the one in favor now....I KNOW Meri is going to encourage another wife. I think Meri is so miserable that this would give her great satisfaction.

    I wouldn't be surprised if she picked someone very young and actually attractive this time. I am sure there are a few wackadoos out there that fit the bill that would actually join this family thinking they will reap from the benefits of the show.

    1. I didn't see it but gotta give ole Robchin an 'A' for keeping the others off kilter by lovingly making speshful goblets for her and her lapdog.
      Until she came along with her particular style of passive aggressive antics the others probably were feeling alright about their staid marital status. Hearts,glittery initials on the wall,googoo eyes,a stash of lingerie, King Sol..she's got all the bases covered for now.

    2. yep, i noticed right off Robchin making those matching lover goblets, too. Then i paid close attention to what the others were making and it looked like she was the only one making something ooey gooey special for her bumpkin lover. Once again, making those "i love you most, Kody" brownie points. again, i almost felt sorry for her. but then she started talking.... aargh!!

    3. LOL, for anyone old enough to remember..Robyn's like the Eddie Haskell (Leave It To Beaver) of the group. All niceynice on the outside but more conniving than all the rest.

  61. I found this blog a short time ago and really enjoy reading. I burn out the battery on my smartphone, lol. Part of the reason why I follow you guys is that I appreciate the respect you show to posters who have different opinions. You dont attack each other personally, just the Browns who at times deserve it.

    That said, I do enjoy the show and happily bought and read their book; couldn't put it down. After reading it (I also have the Darger book but haven't read it yet) I'd say that Janelle is the most respectable of the bunch, and my "favorite" of sorts.

    I call myself agnostic, though I feel more atheist but could never admit that to close family/friends. They would be aghast, and I'd probably be lectured beyond belief. Therefore, religion as a whole is a pretty much neutral topic for me, and learning about other beliefs is out of intellectual interest and doesn't cause me any real emotional controversy, for lack of a better phrase.

    That said, I really enjoy reading everyones views and commentary. I think this is a really cool forum and I enjoy reading even though I am not often able to contribute as a poster.

    Thanks again!

    1. I was wondering when Robyn's alter ego was gonna make an JK
      Great username, SheRah :D

    2. I couldn't resist it! Shouldn't we all have an alternate identity??

      Yeah, maybe not. Yikes.

  62. Meri had mentioned before that sometimes fans come up and say "I will be your fifth wife." I don't know what those women are smoking, but I cannot imagine that any of those offers are sincere. Where is the AUB recruiting all these willing women, there have to be 4 to 5 times as many women as men for the system to work. I know one thing, I would not sign up to marry Kody Brown, and I would shoot him in the butt with rocksalt if he tried to marry my daughter.

  63. Hey Shelia Ann, I think your insight regarding Mean Girl Meri is brilliant. I'm one of the posters who was convinced Meri is a closet lesbo. However, after reading your post you have totally changed my opinion. I almost feel sorry for her.

  64. MGM and IVF, is never going to happen. IVF is not only expensive it also very intrusive. MGM and Kodouche couldn't even answer the fertility Doc's questions with any kind of intelligence or maturity, let alone actually going through the process. So if Robchin is preggers???? It's got nothin' to do with being a surrogate for MGM.

  65. They just want viewers....He can't handle the 4 wives he's got...

  66. I'm too lazy to go back and find the posts now talking about Kody and Meri aren't gay. Taking both the Kinsey scale as well as their religious anti-gay upbringing into account, i think the final verdict will be forever elusive one way or the other. even for themselves. They were virgins for each other as well as if they had any gay or bi-sexual thoughts, they would have considered those a temptation of the devil that they had to overcome. Happens all the time in strict religious belief upbringings re:the evils of homosexuality.

  67. This season has been foolish...Christine's forced apology to Robin drama, in vitro Meri drama, housing they can't afford drama. The train wreck has come to the end of the line... but since the Brown's can't afford to have TLC dump them, a miraculous call from god to add a 5th wife may be in the future.

    If Robin is pregnant again I'm all done- my brain still hasn't recovered from the King Sol birthing bonanza!

    1. I love this site! I have been reading these posts for some time now and couldn't agree more with the majority of posters. I am addicted to this show (my sister and I watch it while on the phone every Sunday night) and find it so addicted (kind of like another TLC show - My Strange Addiction). Anyway, these people would be crazy to add another wife - what about the kids?? My husband and I work full time and have two children. What time we have after work is all about them and we're busy! How can you possibly spend quality time with 16/17 kids?? I would love to read the book they wrote - what is everyone's opinion on their book??

    2. Sorry, I also forgot, would this woman that Meri and Kody thought was "cute" even give these two a second look? Seriously! Kody is not attractive at all even if she was on board with polygamy. Also, I watched one of the older clips where Kody and Robyn were discussing when Meri scouted her out and he said "I'm an old guy. Who wants an old guy?" and he said Robyn stuck her hip out and put her hand up and said "I want an old guy". UGHHHHHH!

    3. You mean you don't want to hear Robin moaning while Kody strokes her leg again?

    4. Damn it Piliocolobus, it took me a while to get that haunting episode/scene out of my mind last season. I thought I was gonna be scarred for
      When, I read ur post, I mentally closed my eyes, put my fingers in my ears, & started blabbering lalalalalalalalalalala O_o

  68. Kody has no interest in businesses that are on the up & up example realestate license, gym. He wants his pyramid scheme, mail order whic probably won't be received. The junk is so cheep they love him so much his fans won't worry about the money. He makes me sick. His wives or children mean nothing to him. I would like him to get another wife she cheat on him & bring vd into home.


    1. LOL CB & Anon, That was the combo manbra/Spanx. He forgot his outer layer of modesty. What a rebel he is!

    2. an ill fitting baby doll tanktop over that shirt should be sufficient

  70. love this blog! Keep up the good work!
