Sunday, June 24, 2012

2. Comment area for Sister Wives Tell All

Kody and the Wives speak to NBC News' Natalie Morales about polygamy, life in Las Vegas, and their new book detailing life in the Brown family before the cameras started rolling. In addition, Natalie also sits down with five of the Brown's oldest kids.
Seriously? Does this guy looks like he "tells all" - has he ever answered a REAL question? 

If you could ask them a serious question and they HAD to answer honestly, what would you ask? 

** Don't forget you may post on the first episode of tonight's show below on "Leaving The Nest" a couple of posts down to keep conversations flowing well!


  1. I have always wondered about the bonus non-legal wives. What is their legal last name!? They're tech. single moms! This interview is a joke...they're all fluffy answers and no substance questions.

  2. I would also like to ask Kodouche why buy 4 huge new homes..when half that amount would buy a new addition to their Utah house. Less trauma to the kids. they're all so entitled for people who consume from "the man" and never give in to it.

    1. I love that...Kodouche!

    2. I am confused as well, if Meri is so close to Robyn why not just buy one house for the two of them to share. They all minus Robyn lived under the same roof before, why the need for these HUGE homes when Janelle/Christine seem to be the ONLY 2 who are thinking finances.

    3. If most of the kids are getting older and leaving home, why does everyone need their own home and big ones at that?

      Another questions if all the kids can run back and forth between homes and mothers and Meri is scared to death about her nice things getting messed up, why is she worried about having another child? When the other kids run into her home does she freak out if something is spilled on the floor or a smudge is on the wall? Why have a lot of bedrooms if you don't want kids to mess things up? They can't stay if there is no room

    4. Kody stated tonight that Utah is basically all hick area!!
      Why oh why would you dis a state that you all willingly bled dry of govt resources for many years? God forbid, things don't work out in LV, & they have to go back to Utah, w/ their tails tucked!!

    5. Hmmm. I gotta wonder that if everything goes kaput in Vegas that they'll bring the fam to Wyoming instead of Utah?

  3. I was just wondering, instead of building 4 homes why can't you build a home in Vegas the way you had your home in Utah of course w/some extra rooms for the newest additions? It just seems simpler. Thank u, Renae M.

  4. I am thinking the same thing. Why not one huge house or two duplex houses built to suit the family's needs?

    1. My relative that lives fairly near to the Kody Klown gang and sees them often purchased a home about 18 mos. ago. It was maybe 5 years old? I'm guessing - I know they told me it was still fairly new. They got it for about 55-60% of its value. Yes, it was a foreclosure, but there wasn't a lot of stuff to do, mostly cosmetic stuff that hadn't been taken care of, small holes in walls and stuff.

      So obviously buying an existing home with the real estate market the way it is in Vegas makes much more sense. As Anon 10:06PM says, why not a huge house (I think there probably aren't any that large) or 2 large duplexes? Or even a large home where they can add on as money becomes available? Am I missing something?

    2. Also, a quick PS: Where will they get financing in 30 days?

  5. Petty. I know! But does anyone else think his hair needs a good washing?

  6. Yep, one big house like in Utah, or a duplex. Thay ar like 5 yr olds. I want mine, too. Dissapointing to see. No common sense

  7. KodysUglyKonvertible JanellesNewMinivanJune 24, 2012 at 10:14 PM

    I would ask, "Robyn, why are you wearing lavender socks with open toe shoes? Will you selling those out of the 'Closet' website?"

    1. Lavender socks and those lashes in Christine! Oh my!

    2. got to agree, this isn't the first time she's worn sucks with open toe shoes, look at previous episodes. I mean, is it not hot ("modest is hottest") to show your toes, is that too risque???!!?? Another thing that I often think about are those long shirts they wear in dessert heat. In Utah it made sense with the bitter cold winters but here, not at all. This show is a great example of why I hate religion, I just do.. Most religions, Muslim, Mormon, Christian all try to make women submissive and 100% covered and conservative. When I went to church I was chastised as a teenager for wearing pants and not dresses, these mormons and their strict conservative, even in dessert heat my arms must be covered dress and the muslims with their burqua. I don't care what representatives from these religions say this is sexist, period! This is wrong and they better not try to cover up my arms, toes or head, dammit I'm on a role!

  8. Kody is contradicting himself on "falling in love serendipitously" - now he was just friendly with Janelle. Why on earth did she marry him?

  9. OMG - I had missed that KuKjNm- lavender socks with sandals! What the fashion icon -

    1. When in the world is Robin going to stop crying???? I think she is an emotional wreck!!... Does she ever smile... except if it is about her? She is as ego centric as Koduche

  10. Why does kody have to speak for the women when they are the one who wrote there part in the book. Seems like he tries to over power the conversation so the sister wives don't say anything bad. It like ladies you wrote it now own up to it.

    1. I agree, their all hiding ALOT of bad stuff, it's obvious.

    2. ,but...... Arent most families?

    3. no, b/c most families don't go on national tv to "tell all".

  11. How awful, he wasn't attracted to Christine. What a load. Where is the "Buzz" and the Love?
    Courtship has nothing to do with love.

    1. Who could be ATTRACTED to him?

    2. Oh, that was so sad, what he said about not being attracted to Christine. I feel so bad for her right now.

    3. I was so sad for Christine. How humiliating!

    4. I think his comment was absolutely disgusting/degrading/disrespectful to Christine and her feelings. It just shows that he is very selfish and it is about him and his needs - is he narcistic ?

    5. Yes he is and Christine has wasted her life with this dirty old man.

    6. I didnt get to watch the show, did he really say that, was christine here did she hear that. ooh thats terrible. I think she is the prettiest one out of all of them. Ahh man i just want to give her a hug. And kick kodi in his pee pants. Lol and hes still stitting in his pee pants, hes been sitting in his pee pants all day :)

    7. yep he said that and more, sad.

    8. It was horrible that he didn't even try to make Christine feel better after he visibly caused her so much pain. I don't know how to Tweet but I'm tempted to learn so that I can help flood him with feedback on what an absolute arse he is. SICKO!

  12. gosh, Grody's King of Foreplay, isn't he? "yeah, i wasn't attracted to wife #3. and knowing that, i've still gotten 6 kids out of the heifer. who knew?" he's truly a tool.

    1. seriously?? I don't have cable and can't watch the stupid episodes on youtube (why? is that due to Kody?). Did he really say that?
      Christine is the type of woman that gets really hurt and takes awhile to recover (whole ordeal with the dress and the kiss) I bet her family will tell her to get out and they will help her. Being embarrassed on national TV, Christine GET OUT!!! You're relatively young and YES you're pretty. GET OUT!!!

    2. Yes! Get out. All of you women, run!

    3. Christine should consider leaving him after his abusive, degrading remarks about her. Awful. She's beautiful and smart and deserves better!!

    4. "out of that heifer"

      - is that description of Christine really necessary? I understand being able to be opinionated on this blog, but I don't think that means we have to be mean about weight and physical appearances. It seems so hypocritical when most people post on here about wanting the wives to be independent and realize they deserve better etc.

    5. IF anyone really watched the episode, they saw that Christine was the aggressor in the whole situation and pretty much strong armed Koduch into marrying her.

      Something has got to give, but they should have ONE house, ,not 4 separate... that is just silly... the kids will be moving on... and there is no sense to have 4 separate houses, if he is a polygamist.. they should be living together.

  13. I feel so bad for Christine, for your husband to call you Chubby and to say he was not attracted to her, something must be going on with them.

    1. ouch, that's uncalled for. This crass fool bends the truth on a daily basis yet he can't find it in his heart to simply omit his inner bullshit repulsion?
      No, not this winner, he's told it in the book and repeats in for the nation to hear.
      Why, why would any woman subject themselves to this flogging? How can she or Jannelle ever look at him with tenderness? I do not understand these people.

    2. He's clearly still angry at her. I mean, how DARE she have feelings and allow them to be hurt. (Roll eyes) My husband is watching with me and he was like what?!? when Kodouche insulted her like that. I had to explain she's not keeping sweet. He's now playing a game on hid phone. Lol. He's already checked out on our favorite 5 kooks!

    3. Yes, I agree. Kody is punishing Christine, and I think it is about more than they were showing on TV. I felt horrible for her, but happy she did NOT cry! My husband was watching with me and couldn't believe what a jerk he was.

    4. It was a personal attack to Christine, his other wifes are chubby as well. I would pack up and leave now she deserves so much better than him. That was a slap in the face to Christine.

  14. Christine, my husband admitted after we had been dating for 3 years that he thought that I was "a little groody and possibly trailer trash." Yes I lived In a trailer and my clothing was not bought from the mall, but 14 years later we are still together, love each other and laugh about it. We have grown up together and see things very differently now then we did then.

    1. But was your husband out hunting down other women to bed? Face it. That is what this bag of mess is doing.

  15. How horrible of Kody to diss Christine... I mean she isn't the best looking but she is the mother of his kids.

    1. Guess she's merely a step stool in his climb up the celestial ladder.
      The women and children in this religion are clearly pawns in a man's delusion. And to really let it sink in that their reward for this is to be pump out babies in heaven is unfreakinbelievable.

  16. Oh wow. I will have to watch that episode.

  17. If I was Christine I would have felt that cost just looked at me and went "Mooooooo" on national tv .. I feel bad for her ...

  18. All I have to say is, Go Logan, Maddie and Hunter!

    1. Amen to did good Janelle.

  19. I'm still on the fence about whether Janelle is intelligent or not but her kids are my absolute favorites! She says she's lenient, but she has the best, well adjusted, well spoken children of the bunch!!!

  20. Interesting that Janelle's kids don't want plural marriage. Do they see that their smart, can-think-for-herself mother is held back and not happy?

  21. Grodster mentioned he knew Christina "for years" before he married her, and the nacho cheese incident that he found so off-putting.

    Meri, kept blathering on and on about how "they were so in love with the 18 yr old (prior to Janelle). Also, how she herself "was so in love with this girl". Who talks like this?!

    Anyone else think that Natalie Morales scoured this sight for questions to ask the family?

    1. LOL, I think when Kody creates his one off sect possibly Meri will do "weird" if it's in the prophetic bylaws (according to King Kody)
      In his new offshoot maybe he'll decree that wives and husband can, no, should, sleep together. Meri can express her love with her SWs mo betta.

    2. They probably have a bunch of buddies from Manti who would love to move to Vegas and swing with them.

    3. I agree. The way she talked about how in love she was with this girl and I mean girl she was just 18. Meri did not talk about the other wives like that. I think she is still in love with the first chick and has never gotten over it.

      Poor Christine, I am speechless. Why marry her if she was that bad. I don't understand?

    4. We're joking about it (kinda sorta) but the reality is that once these odd zealots begin to slide down the slippery slope of bending the rules of their religion anything is possible because what mortal man can deny what the prophets want? Prophets schomphets! A narcissist who wants it all.
      Time will tell how the master kody will make all of his fantasies happen.

  22. Are the ladies all jealous of each other.Seems like they cant help the way they feel but they are taught to live the life and get over it. Meri seems upset because she see the other wives with all there kids. Janelle seems like she is the smartes and is irritated with the other wives stupidity. Christine seems like she is the middle child and doesnt get enough attention from kody. Robyn is just go with the flow because she is the new wife. Doesnt wanna step on anyones toes. Robyn seems like she was brought into the picture because kody got bored with the other wives. Kody needs more family time to be spent with each individual family when they are not all together. Also if they did eat as a whole family why didnt they show alot of it in the show. The show seems to be centered around how cody manages and juggles all his wives and kids.That is just my perception of the show. i have watched since the first season.

    1. i agree with you and janelle even mentioned how she had made efforts to save money and then the other wives just squandered it. Sad that she has such low self esteem. I think the main reason that the last 3 wives married kody was because of obvious insecurities and Robyn's financial neediness, being a baby machine, sadly, is all she knows. That's also why she eagerly loaned out her body to meri for more baby machine use.

  23. I would like to know what Meri's feelings on adoption are! I think this would be a beautiful way to add members to the family is she wants to.

    1. I would not think they would ever qualify for adoption. They already have 17 children to provide for, and they just admitted on national t.v. to a boatload of disfunction. Not to mention their repetitive bankruptcies, welfare fraud, etc. etc. etc.

    2. sorry but only a complete moron would vote for them to adopt, don't traumatize anymore kids. Also, I used to think they were great but since the last 2 season aired I've come to realize what complete and utter idiots/screw ups they all are! I hope this show stops airing.

    3. They wouldn't be able to pass a credit check & they would have to provide a steady income verification as well. Since, Kody or Meri, really doesn't have a J.O.B, that wouldn't be in their favor, IMO.

  24. 1 question huh? Tough to limit. But I wiuld ask kody: if u could only keep just one wive out of your harem, who would it be?

    1. I would say Meri...he protects her, even when she's clearly wrong.

    2. He's quite obvious about it, isn't he!

  25. I'm sad this ended like it did. It felt chopped. I would have LOVED to see one on ones with all of them - free to be honest without Kodouche making that fake perplexed look that really means you're in deep dookie when the camera stops rolling....

  26. I have a question about your decisions to buy four homes? Why four homes? You lived together in Utah (minus Robyn). Has Vegas changed you, exposed you to the world of four different "homes." The division of homes is a consistent theme that is communicated, one which that creates conflict. Why not get back to basics, get fiscally responsible, and prepare for your children to grow older and prepare for college. Are you worried about taking on a large amount of personal debt would strain success as entrepreneurs?

    1. Well (in Klody's mind) - he is famous now, people love him, he is made for greatness and is able to choose the homes he wants for the lifestyle he thinks he deserves. Before, he just had to deal with what he had, now he deserves the bestestest. TLC is only a stepping stone, great things are to come!

    2. If people loved him before, after seeing this show their eyes opened up to his real personality. All the negative drama, Meri needs to move on and put a closure to this baby stuff- stop her crying, Robyn well she too is a winer, Christine took such a negative hit from Kody she should just pack up and move away she can do a lot better, Janelle she is very business minded and she could do without Kody as well.

  27. A question to answer honestly? Why did you marry Robynn? Did Meri do it to tick off Christine? Since Meri and Kody were having marital issues, was marrying Robynn the equivalent of having a baby to save the marriage? Was the main reason for the marriage the TV show?

  28. I think my head is spinning. #1....WHEN is Meri finally going to answer the baby question? The whole season was about this. I know they are splitting the season, but they barely addressed it tonight.

    I felt so sorry for Christine. How HUMILIATING for her. I bet Meri loved that. To be told on national television how he wasn't attracted to her, and was basically repelled by her being chubby and eating Nachos. What about your ANAL LEAKAGE on national television? O M G. I am going to bust a blood vessel over here. Did he really have to go there?

    I was so put off by Meri's attitude on the houses. Also, I never ever bought into the bi-sexual theory until tonight. But that was just weird with the love she felt for the 18 year old. That was very bizarre.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. yep, they're hiding something BIG with that. Something BIG happened and that's why they refused to answer the question and kept dancing around it until finally the interviewer moved on. Also, what a big fat lie, "we spiritually felt that she wasn't the right fit for our family", yeah right, just a week prior to the wedding.

    3. Yes! Why on earth would meri require a 7, 6 5, 4 or even a 3 bEdroom house?! Punishment?!
      Is a big house with a deck and a "wet bar" ( don't even drink) a way of making up for the lack of a large brood?

  29. OMG-could this pig be anymore mean and cruel to Christine?

    KODY-what is the story about polygamy? You get a buzz, a spiritual awakening, a deep connection? Serendipity?

    Or was it that your wife is not conceiving after 3 years of marriage so you need a breeder?

    We hear...just pals with Janelle, no romance, we talked about business allot. I thought that was bad enough but the jabs you just took at Christine were the topper.

    Anyone else feel Kody just took advantage of this interview to hurt Christine for the less than welcome reception she has given his 4th bedroom wife? I think Kody's very cold and insensitive way he said that he was grossed out by Christine and that he was NOT in love with her before they married just confirmed that with his 3rd wife; he was just social climbing in the AUB.

    I love the way Natalie is going after Meri....Meri is seething...she doesn't have a poker face...every emotion is showing on that mean face. I feel compassion for Meri. I feel sorry she never had the large family she wanted. But is this really an excuse for all the anger, aggression and pettiness. She is just mean and making excuses for her bad behavior.

    Kody looks so bald and mean. Meri looks so angry. Janelle looks beautiful and empowered. This is the most emotion we have ever seen from her. Christine looks bad with all that make-up. And Robchin looks pregnant.

  30. Seriously, Christine needs to never allow this disgusting pig of a human being into her bed again. What a complete ass!!!! I was so offended for her. She deserves so much better in life.

  31. I love Christine's positive personality and honesty!
    Kody's comments were disgusting and he should be thankful. Plus, Christine has GREAT hair. She's adorable and such a loving mother!

  32. This family doesnt seem to be any different than other families. They have the same problems as a normal couple; jealousy, finances, etc..... just multiplied. All of the children seem to be well adjusted. Why are people so scared of things that are different?

    1. Anon @ 11:25PM

      We are NOT scared of things that are different! This "family" is raising their children on OUR dime and by OUR I mean all those people that work and pay taxes! They receive every form of welfare, WIC, food stamps etc. that they can and they have filed bankruptcy numerous times!

      That is NOT like other families. Most families may struggle somewhat but they don't repeatedly file for bankruptcy and have more children when they can't afford the children they already have!

      My husband works and until recently, when I was laid off, I worked also. That is what "other" families do. This family does not! Do you see Krody working? Do you see him do anything but drive from house to house and do "fun" man-type things?

      Cynical Jinx and Mister Sister, if I've spoken out of turn, feel free to delete this post. If so I am very sorry.

    2. They do "fun" things for the show im sure. Lots of families file for bankruptsy. They have no need to work, they are getting paid by tlc to entertain you, as well as profits from their book.

    3. Totally absolutely agree funky T.
      There's a huge difference between honesty and being scared.
      I'm not agreeable with parasites in our society no matter who the bed down with.

    4. Anon @12:14 a.m. Yes, lots of families file for bankruptcy, but do they do so time after time? Do they purposely not claim their "husband" on the birth certificate so they can get extra benefits as a "single mother"?

      Do you file bankruptcy and then have more children and add a wife with children? No. This family is not the same as other families.

      If Kody could support his family I'd have no problems, but every single taxpayer is helping to support them and that is wrong! There is nothing wrong with any of them (well physically) and they could get out and get a job like the rest of the world.

      Anon@12:28 am - thanks for the agreement. I have a s-i-l with 13, yes count 'em, 13 children of her own. I feel the same way about them because they get all the free before and after school meals and lunches, free college tuition because of all the dependents and lots of WIC because there's a new child every 18 - 24 months. I hate that they have all these children and cannot afford to support them!

    5. They are getting paid!!!!!! 75,000 per episode for every adult (5). Not to mention (again) their book. If you hate these parasites so much: stop supporting them by watching their show.

    6. @ funkytown, why do you assume they are on walfare, etc? My point exactly, they can't claim their husband because people are scared of others that are different. Cody is supporting his family all the while giving you something to watch.

    7. Anonymous - both at 1:06 am and 12:54 am: They believe in "bleeding the beast". That is their term for taking as much as they can from the government. That is why Kody is not on the birth certificates. That way the mothers can get aid as single parents.

  33. I have been lurking here for about a year. I was just sickened by the two hours of t.v. that I witnessed tonight. I just wonder about these "4" homes, if he were to take a "5th" wife where would he put her or would he just replace Christine. I am not sure how I feel about any of them after tonight. The teenagers seem to know what they want out of life more than the adults, as for Logan's school choice his heart did not seem to be in it at all. I guess time will tell.

    1. My name is Jen by the way.

    2. yes, you're right and he mentioned something very telling, money for college, opportunities he stated. I'm thinking that he got bribed some how, some way and was basically told he'd be stuck with student loans if he didn't take their option, sad. He's really a nice guy too. I hope his family doesn't ruin his life.

    3. Hi Jen! I agree he wasn't thrilled. He had to give up big dreams (maybe even secretly wanting to go to Boston were they visited) because he knew he was on his own financially for college. After grants and a few small scholarships (there's obviously no athletic scholarship) he's going to have to take student loans - yes, even coming from a "single parent" household. So staying in state makes the most financial sense for him.

  34. OMG! Why do these people make me sooooo freaking mad! Do they not realize that a TON of working everyday people are struggling just to survive?! But these freaking fools think they "deserve" mcmansions? Really?!
    My daughter,home from college,is watching this show with me for the 1st time and she too is puzzled. She doesnt understand the insanity of four homes. She cant wrap her head around it. Oh, and she is over Meri. She also thinks im nuts for even watching. I guess I would have to agree at this point.

    1. Kody said tonight, that he deserves a lot more than a dirt farm! Well, maybe that would be true, if he & at least 2 of his wives had real J.O.B's!!

    2. Yes. Meri! You should have adequate housing appropriate for your needs! What more could you ask for. Stop acting like a spoiled child -- if I can't have more kids I'm gonna have "nice things". I have higher taste=I'm as good as you even if I can't have kids.

  35. And one last thing and I promise to put my phone For the love of all, could they PLEASE STOP WITH THE FAKE UGLY CRY SHAKEY VOICE CRAP!!fake much? Im just so over it! Ok. Rant over

    1. My thoughts exactly!!!!!!

    2. I was thinking the same thing! Esp when Meri & Robyn started in...(eyes rolling)

  36. I used to feel sorry for Meri because I truly believed that she was abused by the other wives. However, after watching this interview I now realize that Meri is not a victim she is actually the one victimizing the rest. Her face showed so much, she holds a lot of anger and resentment towards Janelle. I even believe she hates her. Janelle's face reflected a lot of pain when she spoke about Meri or whenever Meri was talking. I think she was really abused and bullied by Meri.

    1. And I think this goes back to why Janelle's kids seem to be so bright and articulate... Kids are smart and they understand a heck of a lot more than we give them credit for; thus, I think this is why most of Janelle's kids don't want plural marriage.

  37. Why does Meri need a 'wet bar'...who does that? Isn't a wet bar for alcohol? Thought they only drank green koolaide. This whole bunch is trying to live way beyond their means!

    1. Shes no different than any other wife when it comes to shopping for a home. We all have our wants/must (his/her sinks, walk-in closets, etc.)

    2. Not any different than any other wife whose wants aren't impacting the wants and needs of 3 other families.
      For a group who has TLC and MLM schemes as their income, hell yeah it's different. She's got one child almost out the door. The others in their "family" are still raising kids. She comes off as greedy and entitled, much like Kody. Family is supposed to be about compromise and sacrifice if need be.

    3. Lets not forget the profits from their book that mari co- wrote. Mari is entitled to a home of her choice as well.

    4. She needs a wet bar to dispense that green goo drink and a deck to relax on after dispensing a few squirts of the calming spray they sell.

    5. I think why the wife"s get upset, is because it some how comes out from the family budget. If Meri would use her own money then i don't think the other wife's would care. She just sounded very selfish, and with a ME,ME,ME attitude. I think she should share a home with Robyn and be thankful.

    6. Maybe so, Anony 11:42pm...but I know I was saying A WETBAR? only bcuz, the Browns have claimed they don't drink alcohol or caffeine for that matter. So, the posing question, is what is the purpose of wanting a wetbar??

    7. Is meri "entitled to the home of her choice"? If one of my children requires braces on his teeth and the other doesn't is the one with no braces entitled to equal expenditure to the braces or will he be "punished" for having straight teeth?! Come on! Meri got to have a child; many have not had any! Are they to be entitled to something tomake up for that?

    8. I am simply stressing the point that mari deserves her choice of a home. Maybe she went about It the wrong way, but who am i to judge

    9. So, just because Mari was unable to have less children she should have less of a home? Even though she is a big part of the show ( a reason for you to tune in and have something to blog about), and co- wrote the book? Hummm, if you say so.

    10. the reason we want Meri to have a small house, is so she wont get lost...

  38. Okay people, I've never "twittered" before, but I am sending that ass a note of what a pig he is tonight for saying those things about Christine and I'm also sending a note to Christine. I think we should all flood their twitter accounts. That was so mean of Kody.

    1. I think thats a great idea , tell him how unattractive He is.

    2. I agree that Kody was a total jerk ass tonight, but just like tonight, Christine & Janelle, would come running in his defense of his sorry ass!!...smh
      After tonights, "tell all", I'm so done w/ Janelle & Christine! They're still making excuses for Kody & Meri from past behavior to present! They should be held accountable for something!! Ughhhhh, they all get on my nerves!!

    3. It's a great idea, but they just block people that don't agree with them, both on Twitter and Facebook.

      Gotta keep sweet you know!

    4. Lol, agreed Funky Town! The Browns do love to block/delete folks who don't "keep sweet" w/ them.

    5. I agree and that's why I don't feel sorry for them like so many do. They made their beds, so now they have to lie in them! They have not helped anybody get a good view of polygamy.

  39. I just think this whole poligamy thing is sickening. He's just a dog. What kind of faith is that?

  40. Why does the girl leading Logan around the campus need to know that he's part of a polygamist family? I'm sure Kody took care of that notification right away! Jerk!

    If you notice, she directed her comments to Logan and Kody didn't like that he was left out. Major jerk.

    1. I think Kodouche is freaking out because his 2 eldest sons won't follow in his slimy polygamist footsteps. Hunter gives an emphatic NO and Logan states he doesn't see the logic in it.

  41. They are different from "normal" families--their husband/lover sleeps with a different woman four times a week. The wives have jealousy, and hard feelings, towards each other daily. Their dysfunction is hourly, while most "normal" families have the occasional dysfunction.

    1. Not true. Many husbands cheat constantly. This family knew where they were getting into, therefore they had a choice. Husbands that lie dont give their wives much of a choice

    2. Are the BROWNS out posting comments???

    3. Well, we aren't talking about cheating, are we.

    4. So, you mean to tell me " normal" women don't get jealous? Cheating or not?

    5. There's always a mischievous little monkey in every circus Anon@12:24

  42. In sympathy for their situation trying to get their family back in unity, I just want to tell Meri that: 1) So she gets a big house simply because this is the only way they can find houses in close proximity, any family should understand this; 2) She should have a big house, too for when their families get together, babysitting, etc. 3) Since she didn't get the kids she'd like, I would say she DESERVES the house! Further, one day the other sister-wives will be empty-nesters too! On the other hand, as much as I understand wanting your own space to your liking, they all signed up for polygamy lifestyle, therefore they should be rooming (maybe Meri & Robyn living in the same house!) I know it doesn't seem like "them", but they are REALLY having their cake and eating it too! Traditionally, do polygamists live under the same roof?

    1. Really no one really deserves anything! How you figure that the one with the fewest kids deserves the most I will never understand.

    2. Meri isn't asking for the most, just the same amount that the other wives are getting. Four marriages = one fourth of the "assets".

      That said, I think they should all go for much more modest houses so they might possibly be able to afford them when the show ends. Assuming they get actual jobs of course.

  43. I was disgusted by tonight's episode. We saw Kodouche, a name I now openly embrace, verbally abuse Christine by telling her if you can't afford to go visit your father than use your grocery money. WTF!!! That made me so mad. Higher quality food tends to cost more, which clearly they are eating straight processed garbage. It's horrible that such cruel and ignorant people exist that would tell here to starve her kids or buy them low quality food in order to visit with her father, so incredibly sad. I think she stays because she feels stuck with all those kids as she said, I never got to visit my father for years because we were always so broke in Utah and the bankruptcies prove that.

    Also, Meri has become a real selfish prima dona, demanding that she get a 7 bedroom house and that she deserves, what a you know what. If she really loved this lifestyle and if all of them loved being sisterwives the way that they claim, they would have had 1 house built for all of them with 1 kitchen period, just like the duggers.

    Another thing I noticed was in the tell all interview where Kodouche openly lied and his wives (Meri) corrected him and he kept trying to override all of his wives and answer for them instead, pathetic. I've been watching this implosion and I really hope that they do NOT renew them for yet another season.

    1. Love your comment. The grocery money thing blew me away--so, spend less on groceries that Meri can have 3 unused bedrooms?! Right.

    2. make that 6 unused bedrooms b/c mariah will be back in utah by then.

  44. Ok...I get they did this foolish "tell-all" for damage control after realizing the book and the fake life on tv are celestial worlds apart. What I don't get is why they continue to lie? They outed themselves as dysfunctional yahoos with that stupid book. Sorry Kodouche but the game was up the minute the book deal was signed!

    1. i love that you're telling it like it is, so darn true!

  45. Has anyone read if they have indeed gotten the houses?

    1. On the "Leaving the Nest" post below, a fellow Poster said teh properties had NOT been Bought yet!

    2. i don't know. i just googled it and it didn't come up. I'd love to know and if they do, I wonder how long that will last.

    3. On the "I scour the internet" post, someone named vegasmomma (I think that was the name) posted that her child goes to school with one of the brown's younger children and that they bought 2 houses and were building 2 more, which would mean that tonight's show doesn't fit her info. What do you want to bet finacing did not go thru in 30 days.

  46. I love Janelle!!! She seem very smart and independent. She is actually my favorite sister wive. Meri ( Fiona from Shrek) seemed so bitter and angry. From watching the interview it seemed as if she was the bully. I feel bad for Christine although I didn't agree with her jealous ways because she signed on to this lifestyle. Robyn strong chin and those sandals with socks left me with no comment. Kody needs to let his wives speak for themselves. They have their own mind well atleast my fav Janelle do.

  47. My thoughts.
    JANELLE - Do not feel bad if they don't pick your faith. You didn't choose your father's family faith. Your kids seem GREAT! I mean, really cool and smart, and the BEST GROUNDED. GOOD JOB! Christine- I hope you let yours choose, i know it would be hard. MERI- tell Mariah to RUN! My gosh, why would you want her in this mess?
    Tonight and more and more - passive aggressive behavior is seen. Kody is showing more anger. Kids say slamming doors and yelling? My house is not perfect, but adults don't do either.

  48. Who thinks this is normal or good for anybody. Wait till all the wifes are old and he needs lot of viagra.

  49. What a controlling asshole Kody is. What do the wifes other relatives think about all the whole situation. How dare they play " come thy fount of every blessing".

  50. How much does Tlc pay them! I wonder if the kids get government aid like medicaid for thier health insurance. Probally!!

  51. So Christine has to save grocery money for a vacation or to visit family. But Meri is gone all the time to Utah, Wyoming, Disneyland, whatever. And her trips to Mexico with her hubby, of course.
    If I was Christine or Janelle I obviously would not be there. But I'd like to be just so he and Meri can see what somebody telling you off loudly and forthrightly looks and sounds like. I'd throw a fit the likes of which the Kodster and the real Mrs. would never forget. I wanna do it. Any other takers? We could take turns, and then come in for a second chance based on if we heard anything we forgot the first time around.

    1. I'm in B.C :D

      Speaking of about Janelle, Kody, & Meri, conveniently "forgetting" what the big fight was over back then, among other things? I think they're all full of B.S, bcuz if they truly forgot, esp Janelle, then she wouldn't have even bothered writing & publishing it in their book!

  52. "come thy fount of every blessing" What a joke.7!

  53. My question would deal with race -- why don't we ever see other races (i.e. Latino, African American...) in these fundamentalist LDS religions? Would Kody ever consider a wife of another race?

    1. Just doing s little logical thinking here based on previous posts about this religion and other faiths... The browns all are caucasian and the "family wreath" is proving more and more that they are all related... Sooooo, unless there are some genes going way back in the roots of the tree? ;-) ~ From an African American watcher who was kinda thinking the same thing... ( maybe we are too smart?)

    2. previous reply was a bit tongue in cheek... On a serious note I do know other religions have polygamy and are practiced by other races. It just seems that at the base of them there is generally a Practical reason the practice was started (Islam I believe it was originally started for scenarios like if a husband died then a brother would marry the widow even if already married since women were not allowed to work to "protect" her)...

    3. Sorry, I am on my phone and swyping. I meant to say in my first reply... Doing a little logical thinking based on what I have read in this blog about the religion and about how everyone in the family appears to be related our closely connected before they married.... Plus how do I change from being anonymous?

    4. Hi Anony! To use a name, you can do it easily.
      Here is says reply as, Pick NAME/URL. You don't need a URL. Then simply make up your name. We appreciate that. It's hard to know which Anonymous says what! THANKS!

    5. They will do like most --- give a Politically Correct answer, knowing they are from a belief system that essentially teaches that "white is right". When I see Kody and his wives with all those blonde, pale kids, it just has an "Aryan" vibe to me.

    6. The Mormon church didn't allow blacks into its priesthood until 1978. The AUB and most fundamentalist mormons opposed this (and still do, to this day), and most discourage interracial marriages and/or members. (page 41)

      I would just like to see somebody hit them hard with questions such as this.

    7. When I see Kody and all his sycophant wives and pod of kids I only see con artisst, grifters who happen to be white.
      I think all of them would deny their faith's discriminatory beliefs in a New York minute to grease the palm of their "fans" or their business customers.
      It seems that their reincarnation as all race loving, all lifestyle accepting, laid back folk is all for their new life as tv "stars" with an audience of many cultures.

  54. don't give these guys ratings!!!

  55. Someone should go on twitter and ask Kody IF GOD CALLS HIM TO MARRY a 5th WIFE will he have to build a fifth house or WHeRe WOUlD He put her and her family???

  56. I'd love to be a spy in the Welfare office. I believe that in NV since Dayton is special needs, I am pretty sure Robyn is getting Medicaid and food stamps. Because of the SN- the family is all inclusive.
    Robyn and Janelle could if Kody is the only one paid.
    I haven't seen it yet, so they are all getting 7 bdrm houses? If they are all building, why not build a smaller one. I won't see it till much later. Can someone catch me up?

  57. meri is an absolute bully to these other women...robin has no clue that she is being used as a pawn in meris revenge. she is not critical of the other womens appearance, other wives children and their behavior, etc....she is all out jealous, bitter and bully.

    janelle became the strong woman she is because of the abuse she endured at the hands of this woman. this family would crumble without her budgeting skills.

    christine i believe was probably molested as a young girl....she is so insecure, needy, i know i know those things are not signs but i just have a gut feeling.

    robin is still in the newlywed stage, she was so glad to get out of her abusive marriage that even kody looked promising. p.s. robin...he only tied his kid shoes caused one of his wives told him to. soon enough she will fall victim to meri bullying...just have another kid and you will see.

    we all cry out to these women to pack up and get out....but we have to remember that 'legally' kody is only married to meri. these women have no place to go unless they leave the mormon faith.

    1. I think you're right about Christine. I'm so sad for her. She is pretty, and funny, and can do better! My wish for her is to get away, find her independance, learn to love herself and see her beauty, and then she can think about finding her soul mate.

      P.S. They're not Mormon.

    2. This has been debated over and over on here. They call themselves Fundamentalist Mormon. So that should be respected. I know that LDS has a real problem with this, and I am sure was all understand, but it is still the name of their religion.

  58. According to TLC pays 75,000 per episode to those appearing as regulars on one of their "Reality" shows. So why are the Browns always stressed over money and talking about how strapped they are? I mean do the math... $75,000 x 5 = ???

    1. Wow, if that's the case, there's NO EXCUSE for them not to pay ALL of their past bankruptcies/debt!

  59. Sorry, I'd like to add something.
    I love this blog. I love looking through the old posts. This blog isn't nearly as hard on the family as the comments are, which is a big indication how repulsed we are all from learning about the religion and their fake sad way of life. I read a few posts back that the kids shouldn't be commented on badly here-off limits. Something to that effect. You show them respect.
    But seriously, allowing their kids to be asked if they are having sex? And if they will be poligs? I could have 100 questions to get to really know them, I feel Natalie blew it there. What teen is going to say yes? PLEASE! Did Aspyn get to say if she was going into polygamy or not?

    What those unfamiliar with the AUB church should know is one must go into polygamy to get into the celestial kingdom, and all others (us) are considered unworthy and less of a person than they are. Don't let them fool you otherwise. I pray these kids get out. I just found some great links in early 2001 about the church on here.

  60. I assume you all watch this on TV, in the USA, but I am not in the USA and I needs me my sister wives fix. Do any of you know of any putlocker et al. links for the streaming? Please?

  61. Can you download it from youtube or Amazon?

  62. About the whole "we put down earnest money" mantra.. Its a long long road to actually closing escrow....lots of pitfalls along the way. Especially with people that have recent bk"s and questionable future/continuimg employment possibilities. I am a loan processer for one of THE big banks..oh what I wouldnt give to have thier loan apps land on my desk...hehehe...

    1. We had a home built, but it was in a subdivision that was going up so you got your financing and then they built your home.

      Isn't it different if you are doing it yourself? I don't mean building it with the 5 adults, I mean if they get a contractor? Isn't there a construction loan and then the actual home mortgage Michelle?

      Thanks for the info!

  63. Why on earth would ANYONE in their right mind want to be associated with this so called family??!!
    I don't think I can look at Kody's dirty hair, beady eyes, or listen to his idiotic voice again. How could any of these women actually be attracted to him?
    He doesn't give the family a second thought unless they are being critical of him, and he has to immediately defend himself. I never knew that anyone could be that selfish and narcissistic. Wait....I do.....another whole story.

  64. I have grown to really love this family. I would like to ask, "Does Kody have a job?" I am just curious.

    1. I don't believe any of them have since the move.

  65. How do you find the documents showing they have filed bankruptcy?

    1. Please look at this post, in the comments, 3 of the bankruptcies are listed where to look at them, Robyn may have completed hers in Mexico. However, her large debt at the time of her divorce is on the blog also. Hope this helps!

  66. Would you hire Kody for a real job?

  67. I'm SERIOUSLY over Meri's constant manipulative pity party. GROW UP ALREADY!!! what a passive/aggressive bitch how she basically got to say her eff u to the other wives sitting there while she had her little poor picked on me cryfest about them IN FRONT OF THEM while under the guise of having her private talk w/her and Kody. ugh, Ugh and UGH!!

    and wth was w/the 180 of Christine? She's all "come on, Janelle. you NEED a house this big. The financing is just a SMALL part of it. Just look at the BIG part which is our WHOLE REST OF OUR LIVES NEEDS THESE BIG HOMES!!" BUT then at the lunch, she's like, "i want the house but I don't want ANY part of the FINANCIAL burden of it." hell, these people are all freakin' NUTS to have a coherent conversation with.

    i can't stand ANY OF THEM ANY MORE now!! Polygamy has proven itself to be a great mindf**K of the worst kind. It creates the nutty of the nuttiest. These women and so-called man all have the emotional reasoning and maturity of a whiny, moody, hormonally imbalanced, low self-esteem 14 year old jr. high school kid. CRAY-CRAY they all are. and it's painful to watch anymore for their poor kids' sakes. My heart goes out to Logan right now. I'm thinking he's doomed to never feel completely free from all these nut job adults forever in his life.

    1. couldn't have said it better myself.

  68. I thought it was very symbolic that everyone wrote a check but Kody...he's only out for what he can get. He is in extreme denial if he thinks he's doing any of these women any favors, he's abusing all of them.

    It seems Christine is always the one Kody insists "makes sacrifices". She doesn't get to go see family because of money, she has to give up her favorite holiday, and I just couldn't believe the level of disrespect he showed to her with the chubby comment. That's a bell that can't be unrung, Christine will never be able to forget it.

    One thing I've never seen mentioned, I bet Kody would take a 5th wife if one came along with a large bank account!

  69. I loved how Maddie had to inform Mariah why she would miss Logan if he went to Utah for school. Maddie said Logan was her best friend and that her life would end if he left. Mariah then asks, "why would your life end?" and Maddie repeated, "CAUSE he's my BEST FRIEND!!" this seemed to be news to Mariah. It's clear there's no real bonding from these kids to Mother Meri nor bonus sister Mariah. They all seem to just tolerate those two and everybody is sick of Meri's FIRST WIFE bitch status and Mariah's equally trained ego and position due to Momma's. It's SO POLITICAL!

  70. Can anyone tell me where Robyn got that cute black purse with the large red flower????

    1. not on their website. when i saw that purse, i thought why didn't they sell that on their website!?!?

    2. U can actually get those at flea markets right now for about $45! I'm being totally serious too!

  71. Robchin's cold sores are alive and well! ICK!!

  72. Mary plays the "victim" to extreme. If your faith in God is so strong then why not realize one child is what you were meant to have. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and Cody, wake up, she plays you with that poor me attitude.

    1. Meri is not really that into the religion, no matter what she says. She's into Kody.

  73. I have grown up a protestant and have never actually seen a polygamist family out in the open, to my knowledge. This show has completely opened my eyes to the polygamy lifestyle. Before I saw polygamists as people that lived on compounds and married underaged women or followed extremist leaders like David Koresh. I try to have an open mind when it comes to other peoples beliefs and I semi understand where they could interpret the old testament of the bible to justify polygamy. However, I have watched every episode and have not seen once how polygamy has benefited them as individuals and as a family. Many of the teenagers in this family seem to have picked up on the disfunction and seem to strongly be against the idea of joining a polygamist union. I truly feel sorry for the women on this show. They have bought into an idea that have caused them to be miserable. I dont think any religion or belief system should cause you misery. In fact, I think religious beliefs should bring you peace and hope. The season finale proves that they are unhappy. Oh and what happened to the idea of girls just being friends? Is Kody really worth all this stress and strain? If I was Janelle and Christine I would have left a long time ago. They seem to be the most normal of the wives. Janelle needs and deserves a vacay. Goodness. She always looks exhausted. I feel for her. It is pretty obvious that Meri would be happier in a monogamous relationship with Kody. Her jealousy, insecurity, and resentment towards the other wives, proves that her personality is not cut out for a polygamous relationship. If you have these strong feelings, why torcher yourself by being in this marriage? Religion or not. Robyn drives me nuts. She needs to let lose. Shes way too sensitive especially for being in a plural marriage.

    1. Very well said ... ITA with every point you made?

  74. I would love to know who the mystery woman was that Kody and Meri "courted" that didn't work out was. I have a feeling that relationship has very much to do with the dynamics of what is going on now with the Browns.I just got a strange vibe when they were discussing it. I doubt we will ever know who she was or why it didn't work out.

    1. They were not allowed to marry one lady because the church deemed them too poor, basically. I wonder if that was her.

  75. Dear Mister Sister, or CJ....whoever writes the review for tonight's 2 show's, please give due diligence to the BITCH that MERI BROWN is showing herself to be. I think that Natalie really picked up on her venom. She could not force herself to say one nice thing about Janelle. I think she hates Janelle. Someone should tell her Karma is a Bitch, maybe she wasn't "blessed" with a big family because she obviously doesn't have the maturity or ability to open her heart. I loved that Janelle sounded off about the wives and Kody wasting money. And for Meri to say that she has more expensive taste than the other's--hello they were ALL shopping at a consignment shop. I think it is very telling that Janelle's oldest kids say no to polygamy..probably because they have seen the way their Mother was treated. I can't even begin to talk about the hurt I know Christine must have felt. Christine, take your share of the TV money and take your kids back to your blue blood family. We are all going to read about their foreclosures after this show is over.

  76. Oh yeah, it really does a disservice to the Browns when they try to compare their polygamy relationships to monogamous marriages. Like they always try to do, but I guess this makes them all sleep better at night!

  77. Kody was so full of crap tonight, saying that if they have to do away w/ vacations to make this happen, then so be it, blah,blah, blah.
    Well, today on twitter, he was tweeting away about him & Meri will definitely be going on a ski trip this winter. I know I posted this earlier, but after hearing his bullying dumbass, trying to hardsell this pipedream to his "wives" & basically in a sense forcing them to put down earnest $$, was just one of many WTF? moments for me tonight!...smh
    Even, when it was all said & done, they weren't really all that excited or really too sure of themselves for that matter!

  78. Tsk, tsk, tsk…where do I begin?
    So, let me try and sort through the lies. So, the interviewer keeps going back to Meri’s being so damn mean to Janelle and Janelle tries very hard to say that they were at a place…they were young…but, she finally let go and told some of the truth. The makeup thing…you know damn good and well that Meri used anything she could to try and destroy Janelle’s self esteem.

    Here’s the way I see the entire book thing. They wrote their little bits and pieces of let’s tell the truth and let America decide; however, Cameltoeboy, Meri, and RNC had no idea that they would come across so douchey. And, to be honest, I do believe that cameltoeboy had an axe to grind with Christine. He really wants to rub her nose in the fact that she is and never was special. He wants to make himself look good by saying, but you see I love her and we have this special…blah. Well, he may have this special thing but he was grossed out by her and she was chubby, and Janelle is obese so he had trouble with chubby so he must have trouble with obese. The thing is, those women had this ideology that he loved fat women. Now, the truth is that he doesn’t like fat women, and doesn’t like chubby women, and cannot stand women who eat a little.

    Janelle and Christine were nothing more than breeder women. Meri couldn’t produce kids, so he brought two other women in to fill his horn of plenty. The idiot could not stop defending Meri. Meri loved the other woman…Meri was not mean to Janelle. OMG, Janelle was going to do the smack down and he says, Meri is not the villain here. Yeah fucking right. Oh, and Meri’s passive aggressive and evilness and Janelle’s sadness is not bad times but growing…great. OMG, Janelle cannot get any validation and they will not put any blame on Meri..
    Okay, why will cameltoeboy not give Janelle that one bit of support? Just one piece of support that will validate that yes, Meri was mean to you and yes, Meri and I were insensitive to your needs. Nope. He keeps saying, we were growing. We were young and learning.

    And RNC cries and Meri is like omg, not again, but Meri explains the RNC thing.

    Oh, and when Meri is critical of cameltoeboy, she is a problem. But, when she does it to the other wives, she isn’t being mean. OMG, he lies…we have all been to councelling together. He is such a fucktard.

    And, RNC just pretty much said, it takes two so that it is Janelle and Christine’s problem that they do not get along with Meri. This entire session was damage control over the book to try and make Meri and RNC look better but it so fucking backfired. Way to go interviewer. And the kids so know the drama. Yeah.

  79. I just certainly hope Christine and Janelle are smart enough to have an account in only their name and are stashing some of this TLC money away that Kody can't get to, then when they're ready they can split!
