Monday, June 18, 2012

Review S04 Ep09 : Meri's Baby Decision

You know, after this episode, there are two things I never want to see again, ever. Can you guess which two things they are?


Once again, we see Kody running between his many homes, packing his clothes. This happens every time he goes on a trip and its getting really really old. It doesn't help to hear Kody say " closet is in every woman's wife's one of my wife's house...nevermind...My closet is in four homes..." Ya think? Who's fault is that, you nutcase? AND YOU LIKE IT!

Earth to Kody, we already have seen how you spread your clothes between your wive's abodes. It wasn't funny 2 years ago and it sure as hell isn't funny now. And would someone please tell whoever handles the background music enough already! It's bad enough we have to listen to a narcissistic man-child, but when that's coupled with cloyingly sweet background music, it's giving me a toothache !

Thank you. I feel better now...

Once more, we see Robyn's surrogacy offer to Meri. This is also getting old, too.  ENOUGH ALREADY! Meri, it's time for you to make up your mind about what you want to do! Next week is the finale, dammit!

And why is Meri literally hanging off of Kody during the couch interviews? Even Robyn doesn't hang off Kody like Meri does. Between Meri hanging off Kody on the show, and constantly calling him 'Lover' in her tweets, kind of reminds me of those desperate girls we use to know in high school, who, if they knew their boyfriend was about to break up with them, would cling so tight as to suffocate the guy. Not that he didn't deserve it, but it's not very pleasant to watch.

Damn, Meri. You're 41 years old. Act like an adult, not like some dang teenager! And would someone tell Kody to stop talking for Meri - she has a mouth and we have seen her use it. SHUT UP KODY, PLEASE!

FINALLY, Kody and Meri arrive in Cancun Mexico. Driving down the road in their red Mini Cooper with the top down, Meri has thoughts that maybe the other wives are feeling a little bit jealous. Unfortunately, this translates into Meri hoping the other wives are feeling a LOT JEALOUS. Leave it to Robyn to keep it real by saying "...You know I wasn't jealous that Meri was getting a trip to Mexico..." Yeah, SURE you weren't jealous.  NOT !!!

Meri and Kody  arrive at the condo they've 'rented' for their stay. Now, I'm not a great world traveller, but, what was the deal with the masking tape apparently holding the swing set together on their balcony, oops sorry, their 'private deck'? 

Don't they have Duct tape in Mexico? And do all the 'villas' come with their own house lizard? How...quaint...

Back in Las Vegas, we see Janelle and Christine getting ready to take their real estate license exam. Now, I don't want to give it away yet, but remember that look Janelle gave Christine a couple of episodes back? 'Nuff said.

Back in Mexico, we see Meri and Kody climbing an ancient Mayan pyramid. In what will be remembered as the most classless act on television, Kody shows his wet ass to the audience while exclaiming to Meri that he "sweat his pants".

Say whut???

I've never heard of sweaty pants, so of course, I googled it. Holy cow,  I could understand getting sweaty pants if one was sitting, for example, but Kody was CLIMBING, so how the hell did the sweat on his ass look like he sat in a puddle of water?


Kody, if you're reading this, I've found a remedy you might want to check into before you go on another hike. It's called Anti Monkey Butt, and it's a powder you can use to prevent...wetness. Hey, maybe you can become a distributor in Las Vegas????

And they even have a website!  Good Luck!

Of course, Kody has to mention to his tour guides that he's a polygamist with 4 wives. Enough already, Kody. What do you want, a medal? WE GET IT, OK? You have 4 wives and 17 kids and 3 confirmed bankruptcies who spends money like its going out of style and has yet to find a JOB. Did I miss something?

The tour guides take Meri and Kody to a deep hole in the ground that's filled with water. Actually, this was rather exciting, almost like the underground water caves in the movie 'Sanctum'. Anyway, Meri threw her modesty to the wind and let it all hang out, if you know what I mean. Remember how she chastised Mykelti and told her to change her blouse? Seems Meri's motto for this segment was Do as I say, Not as I do.

Back to Las Vegas, where we find Robyn, Janelle and Christine meeting up at a restaurant to eat lunch and call Meri and Kody with the results of the real estate test. How sad -  Christine failed the test. Congrats Janelle on passing the test, but how sad for you that your own 'husband' doesn't even recognize your voice on the phone. Thank goodness Robyn was there to translate English into Brownspeak so Kody could understand at last, who passed and who failed the test.

Back to Cancun now, because Meri and Kody  have a date to play with the dolphins! After some inane banter about the tour guide possibly being a 5th wife, Meri and Kody meet up with some dolphins and have a fun time.  Kody says it's way more fun to do it than to watch it on TV. Yep Kody, you are right on the money with that one. BORING! but kind of exciting when Kody almost got decapitated when he rode the dolphins a little too close to that foot bridge!

Of course, Kody has planned a special dinner with Meri after the dolphins. Ever so delicately (NOT), he demands to know what Meri's intentions are about the surrogacy thing with Robyn. Meri doesn't know.  Meri cries, and Kody tries to look thoughtful. The audience is left thinking, Jiminy Crickets Meri, make up your mind already and Kody next time maybe you should hug your wife when she's crying and maybe consider 17 kids might be enough. The whole Robyn, Christine and Janelle debate about Meri wanting to try in vitro for herself just gives more credence to the theory that Robyn is already pregnant and can't be Meri's surrogate. Let's hope in next week's finale, we will find out for sure what the hell is going on.

And is that a Rolex Kody is wearing?


  1. Is there any reason Grody can't have a room of his own -- just for clothes storage, I mean -- at Meri's? She no doubt has a spare room. Is this not done because the other wives would be jealous?

  2. The inability to communicate is beyond par with these people. It's not 1700. When your husband has sex with other women, it has to be a must! Plus, you're adults. Just say the word sex! Errrrrr. It's not normal or healthy not to be able to talk about it. Meri, you are 41. Open your mouth and just tell girly man you don't want Robin carrying your child because it creeps you out! Is it just me or do these adults resemble preteens in they're speech and mannerisms?

    1. They want to be cool and in their minds cool=immature.

  3. Great Review!!!!! This Episode was so horrifying. My husband, bless his soul, watches it with me. We just keeping looking at each other going, " Oh wow." I agree we saw way to much of MGM and Egofreaks breasts!!!! I know modest swimsuits exists because the Duggar girls wear them! I'm sure they make plus size too.

  4. Kody's sweaty ass pants...that was so gross. Why isn't the rest of him sweaty or have pit stains instead of just his ass...I think he just pissed himself and didn't want to admit it. I couldn't believe how low cut Meri's bathing suit was considering how modest they are supposed to be...I liked the next episode where they are doing the question/answer segment...of course they won't answer any sex

    1. A friend of mine has a sweat issue. A 10 minute walk makes his shirt look like he just took a shower with it. But just his shirt, not his pants! It's a medical condition. If that truely was sweat, his shirt would be wet too. But it's just his pants. So I'm pretty sure he did #1 in his pants. Gross!

    2. the wet butt is disgusting, it is the rear end man camel toe.
      Why is he wearing long pants ? His legs are too sexy?
      Nothing,nothing about the modesty clothing restrictions make a lick of sense. Bodies all covered up in stifling heat and then a scene is of his nasty ass where we can see his crack and Meri's boobs doubled up like watermelons.
      WTF is wrong with this thinking?

    3. I agree, totally gross! Who only sweats their pants?? The part with the Q&A was pointless especially when they asked the kids to leave during the sex question only to say that they wouldn't answer the question! Couldn't they have said that in front of the kids? And the kids looked so shocked - do they not understand that their father is having sex with 4 different women. I would find that grosser than knowing my mom and dad have sex. LOL. Also, what was up with Robin answering that one question and getting all giggly, flustered and hiding under her clothes? Was it in reference to being the "bedroom wife" or something?

    4. my opinion - kody sat in something wet and thought it would be funny to say his butt was sweating. i really don't see how he could have wet his pants...back there...i feel so bad for his kids. high school is hard enough without having your father on national television showing us his "butt sweat!"

    5. I'm thinking she got a glimpse of Robyn's bathing suit, & wanted to let it all hang out, just like Robyn did on her honeymoon.

  5. The storyline with Meri and the In-Vitro/Surrogacy needs to be removed from future shows. Meri clearly does not want to do either. If she was really interested in this, she would be a whole lot more open and happy than she is while discussing it with Kody. She wouldn’t have to be prodded for an answer. She would already be taking steps to make it happen. When Kody says ‘let’s not wait too long’ – well they already have waited too long….her viable eggs are dwindling as I type this…Meri is very direct and forthcoming with her feelings to her Sisterwives but clearly does not share that approach when talking with Kody. She is afraid of disappointing him and losing her soul mate status. It’s all she has in that relationship. I don’t know why Kody can’t see that she doesn’t want to do it and quit asking. We all think Robyn’s pregnant again anyhow so he will keep building his kingdom with Robyn and his future wives (and yes, there will be more) . Kody, just drop it..if she decides to do it, you will be the first to know. And all of us viewers know that it isn’t happening, so don’t insult our intelligence by bringing this up again. Kody and TLC – move on from this subject.
    Also, agree CJ that Meri’s hanging onto Kody looks so immature and clingy. She even tweeted him on Father’s Day calling him ‘lover’. Ok, we get it. You are having marital relations with your husband. Quit grossing us all out!

    1. Yes, very hypocritical that Meri (and Kody) refuse to discuss any of the "intimate" details of their physical relationship (not that I care), however, they refer to each other as LOVER. BTW you two, here's the definition of the word...take from it what you will ;)

      LOVER - 1. A person having a sexual or romantic relationship with someone, esp. outside marriage.

    2. Thought the same as you did, CPA Carol....they are dragging out this whole Meri/in vitro/surrogacy thing far too long, seems clear to me she does not want to do any of it, despite the fact that Robyn keeps throwing the 'offer' in her face (and ours, too) every chance she gets...and so right on about waiting too long, that ship has you said, Carol, they need to move on!!!
      And how sad was it when Kody tried to reassure Meri that she still has value to him even tho her baby-making days are over?? I do not like Meri, but I did feel sorry for her when he was stupid enough to say that to her, talk about a rubbing salt into a wound....what if his 'swimmers' stop swimming?? Will he still be 'valuable' to his 4 wives?? IMO, he doesn't seem to be of much value to his wives as it is!

    3. Peanut Butter FritosJune 18, 2012 at 5:56 PM

      Girl, there's no in vitro. It's just production tricks, so the next episode can be a cliffhanger for the next half-season about Robyn's pregnancy. Whose baby is it?

      Speaking of which, this editing and two completely mismash episode thing is not working. Clearly, TLC can do much better, as they have on every other show. Maybe the Browns are really that boring or that lazy that they can't fill an hour with some kind of entertaining, coherent content. It is their job and all.

    4. i think "lover" is an flds thing. i read a book called "shattered dreams" by another former plyg wife, and that's what she called her husband.

    5. Just to make sure I'm keeping up at home, here are a couple of observations that I've made...

      -They want 4 houses next to each other with no way of paying for them and double-digit credit scores
      -They want to start a gazillion businesses
      -They have 17 kids to feed with at least 6 graduating from high school in the next 5 years
      -They spend money like no one's business

      And now, they want to add baby number 18 and in vitro costs to all of that?! ARE YOU SERIOUS???

      I think that Kody wants Logan to stay close to home for college so that if he gets a job, he can start chipping in on the bills.

      And as soon as Kody started rattling off traits he wants in a son-in-law, my immediate reaction was "Oh, so everything you're not?"

      Love this site! CJ, you are the best!!

    6. Hey Mono4life, the term lover fits Kody very well, since technically he is having sexual relations outside of

      Here's a tweet from Meri, to Kody on Father's day:
      "Hey lover, what an appropriate day to spend w/ the entire family. Hope you enjoy it all! You are amazing-Love you 4ever!"

      Was it necessary to use the term lover, when ur tweeting ur hubby happy father's day?? I think not!!

  6. I feel glad to know I didn't miss a thing-besides the obvious revulsion and nausea. Thank you all for saving me the trouble.

  7. Whose idiotic idea was it to call Kody in Mexico and announce who passed the real estate exam? They are all yelling (in a restaurant) and Kody clearly can’t hear them well and then can’t even identify the voice of the wife who passed. Kudos to Christine for seeming to have a sense of humor about the whole thing by enunciating “I FAILED” several times. And his response: Great, Janelle, bummer Christine. Actually Christine was pretty funny this episode where she said Meri needed to be reigned in. That was pretty funny. Maybe Kody told her that the Christine Groveling and Apology tour was complete for 2012.

    1. I really like Christine...she is a funny person and has a good personality...

    2. Peanut Butter FritosJune 18, 2012 at 6:33 PM

      Christine has a lot going for her, with a special spark and energy. She deserves more. I hope someday she can find a mate who is faithful to her and loves her and will talk to her like an adult. And I hope she lets Monkey Butt keep the stupid watch bands.

    3. Did anyone seriously think that Christine was going to pass that exam? I mean seriously, would YOU want her trying to help you buy a house?

    4. Yes, Christine did seem much better this episode. Maybe she's reading SWB & its empowering her :D
      Anyways, I do like her energized personality & humor, so she would probably make a good hostess at a restaurant or a greeter at WalMart :D
      Hope she gets the courage to leave this circus act & find true love for herself.
      I don't think she would have to worry about Kody, taking the kids bcuz he doesn't do much, or even see them that much for that matter. I know Meri wouldn't want to keep them at her house.

  8. The ONLY good thing I can say about this episode is at least Kody had enough brains to recognize that MAYBE Meri was struggling with the "want another baby?" question because of concerns that her only value to him is a baby--I am glad he said she was valuable to him regardless of another baby--I didn't believe him, but glad he said it.

    I get really tired of seeing four women who are obviously feeling undervalued and neglected.

  9. Excellent ALWAYS !!

    CJ, you have quite an eye for those details that speak the taped up swing on their porch.
    I guess TLC must be getting a bit cheap with the trip vouchers.

    Loved the monkey butt powder too. Sweat, my ass !! He either pissed himself while sitting down or spilled something and sat in it and there was no time to get him new pants since the cameras were there rolling.
    It's not as if the pyramids there are located near stores.

    Also loved your adding in that picture of Janelle from when they "were studying" for the test.
    That picture said it all, didn't it??
    Problem with Janelle being the one who passed the test is that she has the least outgoing or enthusiastic style.

  10. I had been enjoying a nice snack of chips and ginger ale while watching the first episode. One shot of Kody's sweaty rear and I had to put them both down. WHY would they film that, and furthermore, WHY would the film editors leave it in?! Do the Browns have any say about what gets shown?! I mean, YUCK! Seriously!

    Second, I too was completely floored that there was so much footage of Meri's cleavage. Again, no editing from anyone?! I'm a bit older than Meri and no way anyone's showing my girls bouncing around in a bathing suit whilst I'm attempting to drag myself up out of a hole in the ground. That was just plain bizarre. I'm still wondering if I dreamt this whole episode.

    Third, I'm upset that Kody has bigger boobs than I do.

  11. I was thinking that it was pretty obvious that Meri wants nothing to do with having another baby (unless it happens "magically"), but then the 3 other wives said that THEY thought she was really interested. So, maybe I was projecting my wishes on Meri? I think she would be nuts to have a baby at her age and situation.

    I don't have a problem with Meri's bathing suit; I don't think any of us would look good in that situation. I thought they could have been a bit more discreet in filming her entering and exiting the pit. And I don't understand why she had to climb the rope ladder sideways! That was odd!

    I did think the dolphin adventure was pretty cool.

    1. Peanut Butter FritosJune 18, 2012 at 8:57 PM

      That was nowhere close to a modest suit, and it's not like the camera was a surprise. She was busting out on dry land. And Meri is a serious swimmer. She swims for hours, remember? She tweets about it! So, she's either busting out while doing some laps or she has a reasonable swimsuit somewhere.

    2. I agree Peanut Butter Fritos - there are suits that are more modest. Their whole thing they've told us is "modest is hottest", so what's up with allowing the filming of "the girls" hanging out?

  12. This whole storyline of Meri and a baby is OLD just like her eggs! Please stop, you can't afford to keep having these kids, what is wrong with you people?! Ugh...Isnt invitro A LOT of money? WHY is Meri wearing that bathing suit if they are "modest" type of dressers? When they were having the Couch session talking about which wife cleans toilets and is there a wife for shopping and who to sleep with that nigh, Robyn responded that she cleaned Christines house when she had Truly and her toilet then she started to giggle like my 5 year old and covered her face mumbling something, Kody even gave her a weird look but I didn't catch what she was saying, did any of you? Man she gets on my nerves, is it just me or does Robyn chime in like she's been in this family for 20 years like the others, she always seems like she knows it all..I am so angry that they never spend time with the kids, I'm so sick of Kody and Meri gallivanting off into Mexico acting like there are NO kids back home, didn't you catch Meri saying "I love to go away with Kody" Um, yes Meri we know and unfortunately so does Janelle when you would take off of work back in the day and janelle had to work and your ass would go on "jobs" with kody. Please, I think Meri pulls a lot of rank and she uses it to HER advantage and she's creepy if you ask me. I think there is something VERY odd with a wife who brings another woman to her husband! I think 2 of the wives need to share homes and they need to get them side by side or as close as they can, they can get townhouses. I wish someone would tell Meri off and tell her to quit being the mean girl and get a job!

  13. I have a different theory on why Meri hasn't said "no" yet. After seeing how Meri clung to Kody on the couch, it made me think that the whole ivf thing has put Meri in the spotlight. It has given her "attention" which she seems to be craving (which would be normal in that situation). Therefore, the longer she holds off on answering Kody, the more heart to hearts she gets to have with him, and it keeps everyone else on hold. She holds a little bit of power that she feels she has lost, and she also is getting attention that she so badly craves. To me, it's obvious Meri doesn't want anymore. I understand being torn at her age, but if you really badly wanted a baby, I think you would of at least already done some testing to see what problems and obstacles you might be facing.

    CJ, I think they would reprise Alec Baldwin's role on Saturday Night Live and instead of the Schweddy Balls, it could be the Schweddy Ass episode.

    1. BakergirlOK, I don't think these episodes are filmed in sequence. If the Mexico trip was about asking Meri about IVF, then the trip occurred quite some time ago because Robyn is pregnant. I'd bet money on that (is betting allowed when talking about show filmed in Vegas?). Meri is not holding off. She has already said yes or no. I've known women with fertility issues who WANTED more children (Meri wants more children) and they would have jumped at the surrogate offer. That it's another wife would be an issue, but supposedly not for AUB. One of two things has happened. Meri has said yes, and Robyn is pregnant and they will show her full-blown belly on the final episode to makes us all squishy and sympathetic toward Robyn and Meri, or Robyn can't be Meri's surrogate right now because while she was supposed to be abstaining from sex with Kody until the fertilized egg was implanted, she ... oops ... got pregnant Kody.

    2. completely agree with you on the meri/baby/attention theory!!!

    3. Hi Catriona Iams....
      I thought someone said that the trip to Mexico was in April, in another thread? I might be totally wrong, but I thought I read that. That's why I based my reasoning on that. I just saw the way Meri was clinging onto Kody, and it just seemed like she was hanging on for dear life. I don't think for a minute she has wanted to do ivf. After reading the threads for a while and after other people reading the book and stating that Meri has been mean to the other women behind closed doors, I meant it more as a subconscious way of her showing of getting a little of the spotlight back, etc..

    4. I saw Robyn and the family two weeks ago. She sure didn't look preggers to me.

    5. CJ....I was cracking up when I thought of good ol' Alec Baldwin doing a skit as Kody!

      Pen Elaine, I am one of the posters who has been on the fence about Robyn being pregnant. I do agree that her belly looked very large in the Missouri family photo that CJ posted the thread on. Did you see her in Vegas?

  14. He has swamp ass. Good for him. But WHY IS HE TOUCHING IT?!??? Eww, dude, there aren’t sinks around to wash your hands. Why would you touch your smelly anal juice infused ass sweat?

    1. Peanut Butter FritosJune 18, 2012 at 6:05 PM

      Bingo, that's it, and it smells worse than it looks. I didn't think he could be more of a pig.

    2. Omg...I had never heard of such a thing...but I googled it and I think you are right!! It's disgustingly hilarious!!!
      Swamp ass...everytime I read that I laugh!!!

    3. Swamp ass!...hahahahaha..thats a good one Allyn:D

      "But WHY IS HE TOUCHING IT?!???"
      Well, we are talking about a mancub who sleeps & possibly boning w/ 4 women on rotation. So, his ass sweat is nothing compared to all the saliva & sex juices being exchanged between the 5 of them O_o

  15. I know the Browns keep saying that they don't talk about sex because it is very sacred and very personal. I get that. I respect that. HOWEVER, they do talk all the time about getting pregnant. Isn't there a disconnect in that logic? One has to have sex in order to get pregnant. I am thinking they are all horribly awkward teenagers fumbling in a closet while playing Seven Minutes in Heaven and that is why the topic is off limits. I don't get the vibe that Kody is all that "active" with anyone but Robyn now, and maybe Christine because she once said that he'd better be sleeping with her sister wives. If they don't want to talk about sex, they sure have a bass-akwards approach.

    1. The truth comes out when you can read between the dichotomies. They think that sex is very sacred and personal and won't talk about it, get giggly and embarrassed, even in a clinical setting, but have no problem at all showing RNC giving birth. They talk about how they dress modestly because of their religion, but then have no issue at all when a film crew shows cleavage heaving in an incredibly ill-conceived bathing suit, while previously, modesty forced them to swim in their backyard pool fully clothed. They call themselves "polygamists", not roommates or even life mates. They are a having a romantic, and sexual relationship, all 4, with one man. And they are embarrassed to talk about sex? I find them to be absolutely disingenuous. They want to be accepted for who they are, and free to live how they choose, and then proceed to go up to anybody they meet, regardless of setting, and tell people they are polygamists. That is the textbook definition of attention-seeking behavior, and just plain childish.
      I think that Grody (I love that, by the way. Kudos to the person who thought that one up!) has one hell of a narcissistic personality disorder working and is in need of serious psychiatric help. I think that his behavior shows his basic lack of concern for anybody but himself. And I also think that the wives are equally as culpable given that they do nothing to stop him, they stay with him, and continue the neglect of their children. I don't believe for a moment that any of them actually believe any of the religious drivel that underlies their "life choices"; I think it's handy and they use it for the attention that it's getting them. I think that they are, at the very least, leaches on the American tax payer, and possibly full-blown con artists. These people shouldn't feel shame for being polygamists; they should feel shame for opening their children up to ridicule on a national stage!
      I wish that had been funny! But really, this episode just pissed me off.

    2. Robotmonkey- I love that you brought up the "we're polygamists" reference. I was so furious after this episode as well; not just because of Grody, but because these women do not, and probably will not ever know what it is to be REALLY loved and respected by a REAL MAN. I see qualities in each of these women (robyn not so much), that if freed from the reigns of the big ugly lie- are capable of amazing transformations.

      I would like to see this "superstar" answer a series of questions from SWBloggers next.

  16. I didn't watch it either. But let me make a prediction. Meri will want Robyn to be her surrogate. The baby Robyn IS carrying is Kody's and an egg donor's. Meri's eggs cannot be too viable. Let's face it, none of these women have been on birth control pills (which can, if I am correct, preserve eggs), so Meri's are all at the expiration date. The show will be over at the end of this season if they baby Robyn is carrying is not Meri's. I mean really, who will tune in next season to watch Robyn have another baby with Kody? You heard it here first.

    1. I'm not sure what you mean about birth control pills preserving eggs. A woman is born with all the eggs she will have. So the age of the eggs is basically the age of the woman.

    2. You are incorrect. Birth Control does not stop eggs from maturing each month (just the ovulation). Neither does BCP stop eggs from aging. I had the same misconception, but my RE set me straight

      Not long enough time frame for surrogacy with Meri's eggs let alone with donor eggs. Unless you call Robyn the donor and surrogate. Now that is a truely self-less move. Don't think we will see that happen.

    3. Meri & Kody, didn't even leave for Mexico, til April 27th,,,bcuz she tweeted about boarding the plane w/ Kody to Mexico....

    4. Good lordy and Robchin's offer was clear back in October? I'm so sure Meri's still pondering it 6 months later while her eggs are getting older by the minute. Oh yeah - and hasn't even bothered to do step 1 and even check them. she's not interested and never was. it's all scripted.

    5. I don't think Meri wants IVF or surrogacy, but what if Meri started taking the drugs and had eggs harvested while RNC was preggers with King Sol? Would that makes sense and work for the timeline? I don't know enough to know.

      Conversely, how could RNC be accepted as a surrogate if she was breastfeeding King Sol? Breastfeeding hormones help prevent pregnancy, so how does that affect hormone levels required to sustain a pregnancy? Would an IVF and surrogacy dr. risk his reputation and legal status to implant embryos into a breastfeeding surrogate?

  17. Haven't there been two half hour question answering sessions now? Just goes to show how badly the show has jumped the shark. They can't even put together enough narrative for a season.

    I've been watching the American Gypsy Wedding show and that crazy show has a lot more bang for the buck!

  18. This is one of your best reviews so. I was sitting in applebees laughing my ass off. People were looking at me like I'm crazy. Did we need to be told who passed the test. Why does koxy need more kids to not support & to ignore

  19. No way that is sweat. If it is....gross! Won't get any new wives showing that on camera!

    Meri's ladder climb was just so...undignified. I was yearning for some modest Duggar swimwear after the first 5 minutes of that seemingly hour long breathless, jiggly climb...

    And then Meri confirms my suspicion that she is actually a lesbian. She is the one who pushes for new "wives" and notices how "attractive" other women are. Kody said that "they" courted another woman..I believe it. The new wives are always Meri's idea. I believe that she and Robin are both bi..I do not think Robin would be anything but happy over a 5th wife. She divorced her husband because he wouldn't take another wife. She likes girls.

    1. I don't think either one is really a lesbian, but polygamist women are raised to believe that a man cannot fulfill them emotionally. I believe that's from a Joseph smith quote. They think that the friendship with the sw is where emotional connections come from.

    2. Ashley,

      now I understand why this cult is so popular: it feeds a man's ego and libido, but doesn't expect or even encourage emotional growth.

    3. I really wish they would give us more of a backstory on that other woman they supposedly courted for a long time but ultimately rejected (or she rejected them). What went wrong? Was there anything in the book about this?

    4. lynne down under - i've never heard Robyn say she divorced her husband cause he would take another wife. only that he was abusive. she doesn't strike me as being anywhere whatsoever on the lesbian radar.

    5. ^^ oops, sorry. meant to say "cause he WOULDN'T take another wife."

    6. @lynne down under yup, i had the same idea too, as to a potentially bisexual meri. do you remember back when idk it was season one or two, during a q&a session for the show, she went and said "but we don't do anything weird" even tho no one had insinuated that the wives get sexual. I don't know if anyone else remembers that, but her tones of voice there, plus this week's footage suggest at the very least, maybe Meri thinks about kissing another woman in her naughtiest fantasies.

      Also, would someone please ask them what they would if any of their kids ended up on 16 and pregnant? cause really, i think that's coming. . . lots of little girls, with daddy issues.

    7. i don't think meri is lez, i think she is so desperate to be number 1 with kody, and maybe feels like that makes him value her. and she thinks that makes her and also retain some control over who he decides to "court." so maybe we could say meri is kody's pimp?

  20. Omg, sweaty butt was so disgusting! I agree with the PP who said he just pissed himself. Disgusting. It actually looks like a camel toe in the picture you posted, CJ.

    Is it just me or does Robyn seem a bit off balance lately? I don't feel the lovey dovey gushiness that was exuding from her and Kody before. I wonder if they've cut back on the lovin' since King Sol was born so Kody has stopped lavishing as much attention on her. Or, maybe she has realized he will be bringing a new "soul mate" into the group.

    Also, as someone who has dealt with infertility, it is insulting when someone offers to carry your child--especially if yoiu don't know if your body has a problem carrying a child. Meri has had one child. She has only had one miscarriage. There is no indication she can't carry a baby. She can't GET pregnant. I think Robyn offered because she knew Kody would think it was so sweet and selfless AND so she could kind of rub it in to Meri that HER body works and Meri's doesn't.

    Christine looks like she's getting bigger. I want her to lose a bunch of weight and start humping the physical trainer. That would be awesome.

    1. I've noticed the lack of Robyn/Kody lovey dovey gushiness too? Looks like, despite her best efforts, the honeymoon is over.

  21. Why are they doing these stupid couch sessions? All they do is regurgitate the same crap we've heard a million times. Although it is funny when they contradict something they wrote in book... I swear I don't think they read the darn thing!

    P.S. Hope Kodouche will invest in some "anti-monkey butt" before he decides to flash us his ass again-

  22. I love reading your reviews! I was surprised that the parents were unsure whether or not their teenagers were dating. Don't they ask them where they are going and who they are going with? I also thought it was strange that they have to let Kody know if they are kissing. The teenagers are very lucky to have such good friendships with each other because I doubt they are very popular in school being new to the school etc. It's great that Hunter plays football and is able to fit in at his school and make some friends that aren't related to him.

  23. I could empathize with Meri's fertility situation particularly when she mentioned she wished it could just happen naturally. Right before my last IVF, I had the same exact feeling. As others have said, I think Meri has made her decision- she doesn't want to pursue any extraordinary measures-- she's actually stated this pretty clearly at various times. The issue is that Kody (and Robyn and TLC) have their own agenda and keep pushing it. If Meri was interested in pursuing this, she would be doing it in more of a driven fashion. It took 4 months from the time I finally decided I wanted to try 1 more time to an IVF attempt. Meri said no to IVF 2 years ago. How many times does she have to say no???

    I agree the call to Mexico was ludicrous. I also think the whole trip to Mexico was ludicrous. I have little interest in seeing my friends' vacation videos why would I want to see a couple of PLYGS vacation video?!?! BTW, I would totally be jealous if I was any of the other sisterwives or at least I'd have Christine's attitude: "Sure, enjoy your trip. But where/when is mine occurring?"

    It just feels as if they are all playing at being in relationships and no one is really doing any of the hard work required to really be in one. Kody's convinced himself that his job is to run from closet to closet and then from vacation to vacation. There is no sense of community or camaraderie at all.

    1. ITA. I also think she doesn't want to have to make a decision. She doesn't want to get her hopes up and have them destroyed again. I think if it was guaranteed she could have a healthy pregnancy herself she would probably do it but she knows there are no guarantees. I think this storyline is cruel. Meri is no saint but I don't think she deserves this. The Kodester is being especially douchie about this.

    2. Meri is too old for more babies people will think shes the grandmother. A good scheme for next season would Meri & Kody trying for adoption of a few children

    3. Peanut Butter FritosJune 18, 2012 at 7:22 PM

      Ooh that's a good one! You earned your name, 5th Wife! And then the adoption worker can be horrified that he has 4 wives, 17 kids, no job, and is trying to adopt more. Meri can cry more. It wil be great. They are always playing victims.

    4. Yes this 5th wife and peanut butter fritos (love youre names).
      They can do a new season about adoption.. but of course they wont get to do that. Crappy finances, to much children as it is and bad bad father, buuuutttt they can then say/cry the whole season that it is about their religion. They can then fled las vegas and go to california! Where kody will be an dude who is lying on the beach all day / Robyn an designer of crappy whatever/ Meri a whatever/ Janelle real estate en Christine at home with the children.

  24. There are two things I never want to hear about again after this episode - in vitro and surrogacy. This is all so old now. Here we are again with Kody and Meri and a romantic dinner - and here is the exact same issue brought up. Meri obviously does not want to do this Kody and TLC, so give it up. It's all so boring and trying to generate some kind of cliff hanger - it's not working!

  25. I just snorted out loud at work.. it was almost as embarrassing as sweating my pants would have been...

    GREAT review. Possibly the most humorously true one too!

    The image of Kody riding the dolphins like some sort of mer-man god gives made me gag a little bit!

    The above comments are all so true, it's just SO REPUGNANTLY SAD NOW!

    Did anyone believe Kody when he told Meri her worth to him has nothing to do with how many kids she has? I know I didn't... why else would he push and push the issue?! If they were a monogamous couple who had just one kid I could MAYBE see why Kody would bring up fertility options... but seriously Kody, you have 17 kids and 3 other wives.... leave Meri alone!!

    1. That's hilarious-Kody a mer-man!

  26. Nearly fell out of my chair laughing at the "Anti-Monkey Butt" suggestion by C.J.
    I didn't think I could be any more revolted by the Kodstool than I already had been, but the "sweaty ass" scene sent it over the top.
    It's getting entertaining, just watching the facial expressions of the wives while they listen to the others speak. A lot is given away, unintentionally.
    Christine seems to be gaining chutzpah..noticed when she was denying her jealousy of the Kody/Meri Mexican vacation, she also came back with, "NEXT time he'll be taking ME" , or something to that effect. Good for her.

  27. I missed this episode! Thank heavens for this delicious, snarky, insightful blog! You ladies never fail to crack me up.

  28. It seems that these "wives" often do feel undervalued and neglected yet they persist in assuring the world that they're so happy and fulfilled.
    I would rather hear the truth...that it is impossible for one man to give 4 women and 17 children adequate time,support and partnership but that they're okay with that because it's their God's will.
    The ideals that most monogamous couples value are literally unattainable in a plural marriage. Discussing important family issues in real time (not having to wait your turn), asking and getting a hug for whatever reason (not waiting til it's your day),making love spontaneously because you want to right then..not when the other "wife" is done with the husband, being there in person when the baby takes the first step or laughs unless he gets lucky and it happens while he's at that house, laughing together as a family about something one of the kids did..that day..not yesterday when it wasn't that family's day....these and a hundred other examples.

    They need to own the fact that their set up is never equal to a monogamous unit, I'm not saying it's better or worse, just that I'm sick of them presenting their life as the same as any other marriage. Sure it is..on their each individual day..every 4th day, that I understand.
    If "their" husband added several more wives and "divided the love" surely even these dolts could figure out that no man, even him, could be a hands on husband and father to all.
    I'm probably preaching to the choir....I need to shut up and get back to the easily understood junk like kody's gargantuan ego and the fact that I would have loved it if that swing with the masking tape would have splatted apart with those two orcas on it!

  29. My thoughts on Janelle from this episode: Despite fretting about their finances (God knows I would be, too!), she then is the Kody apologist saying that she thought it was good that Kody and Meri went to Mexico. Hopefully for their finances, it was mostly comped. But I see a little glimmer back in Janelle. She really seems more checked out than normal during couch time, maybe she is thinking about how she has passed her real estate exam and now she can start making enough money to at least take care of herself and her kids (because they all claim to handle finances separately). She might not ever leave Kody but I think she feels very uncomfortable not being financially independent of the family. Kody pretty much shot down the Fundamental Fitness idea so she is back to chocolate and who can blame her? I think the real story with polygamy is that the women usually do end up mostly being single moms, supporting their kids financially and emotionally. So from that perspective, there is strength behind these women because they are doing much of the heavy lifting on their own. When you get down to the math, Kody spends about as much time with his kids as the typical divorced parent who has his/her kids every other weekend. And given the number of kids, it’s actually much less. I think Kody’s plan has back fired on him because the wives are getting more comfortable on their own and seem to depend on him less. I think Janelle is just tolerating him at this point and will likely just continue moving towards self -sufficiency. She has already said she entered the marriage for other reasons than romance so from her perspective, she has her kids, she has her entrance into the celestial kingdom, she has her independence….she is much better off than the rest of them. This is why I say she will stay in the marriage, maybe not be ‘close’ to the other wives or even to Kody, but stay in the marriage.

  30. Just wondering if anyone else noticed the front door when Jenelle and Christine where talking about taking their tests. Parts of the door frame are missing. The chain lock on the door is also broken. The part on the actual door is still there but the rest of it is missing. Looks like someonea front for was kicked in. Just saying.

    1. Whose house was this at? Good catch, Dani! Yes, we need to know more!!

    2. I noticed that too and was wondering, whose house is falling apart like that!

    3. I noticed that too Dani - it was at Christine's house, and to me it looked like a lot of chipped paint. Prolly there's not money in the budget for minor house repairs. And given the energy level of all 5 adults (they all seem so mellow during couch time, as in "far out, man"), I doubt they even bother with home maintenance.
      OT - has anyone noticed that Gwendolyn is ALWAYS carrying a sketch book with her?

    4. yes, i noticed and frame-froze it and asked my hubby what was up. he said it looks like someone has beat the hell out of it by either kicking it or slamming the door hard and busting up the door frame. or a kid was thrown up against it by another one in a brotherly love fight. I'm sure their property mgmt. co. watching the show noticed it, too. ;')

    5. In the questions and answer episode, were they at Janelle's house? It looked like it by the ugly cowboy boot light. Behind Grody's(love it) head, the wall paint was chipped off in a scrape pattern. I didn't notice Christine's door, but wow, what kind of renters are they? And then throw in the teens' comment about their old house, something like, "They fixed up and decorated the house better than we did."

    6. Yes yes Dani! I noticed it too. I'm wondering however...they have neighbors right? Somebody somewhere must see the day to day goings on around there. I'm very curious.

    7. does anyone remember when they moved to Vegas Kody told some newspapers that there was a neighborhood petition going around to have a wife removed from her rental? I always thought it was Christine! I wouldn't be surprised if she locked Kody out and he's the one who busted down the door! I bet money the Browns have been given notice their leases will not be renewed!

  31. I think Meri is delaying saying no because she thinks it is a way to conntrol kody and robyn's sex life

    I think they will move back to lehi next season. They will be shown having an inspiration to do this after the rv trip to navoo.

    1. The RV trip probably won't be part of the finale. I think they are about 3 months behind real time. But if they do move back to Lehi, we can guarantee they will claim it has been "revealed" to them. That's the only way Kody can save face.

    2. Yep. That's about right. The rv trip footage is definitely foreshadowing of the journey home to lehi, imo.

      They will need to sell off all the nick nacks they bought to fill the huge rentals. Meri will end up in her "own house" in lehi…single wide trailer…and robyn will get meri's old quarters

    3. I think no matter how practical it would be Meri wouldn't give up that apartment. It's in the middle. From that spot Kody has to pass through her house (or go outside) to get to either Cristine's or Janelle's I think given the choice of more completely private alone time with Kody and keeping tabs on everyone Meri would choose to keep tabs and to keep that center apartment.


  32. Do you think the reason why Maddie is having a struggle with family over church/religion is because of what her family practices or if she has her own beliefs or is athiest?

    1. I don't know if she'd be finding atheism as of yet, only being high school age. She does seem anti-polygamy, though. Also, wasn't she against the filming of Kody's living room "church service" in a previous episode?

    2. I think she has her own beliefs. She has said she doesn't want to practice polygamy. Even if she was atheist I doubt she would ever say it while in their house. I think Janelle talks to her kids so she probably knows maddies true stance on this issue.

    3. i thought that was one of Christine's daughters that was against it being filmed. not maddie.

    4. At least Maddie lucked out to have Janelle for her mom. She would be totally head-butting w/any of the other moms.

    5. @SheRah, high schoolers can't be atheist? I think a majority of them are! These kids may belong to a polygamist family but they do attend public school and they are old enough to decide for themselves if they believe in God or not.

    6. Good point, Anony 3:04. I was reflecting my own experience with my beliefs (or lack thereof) in my earlier post. It took me untill my mid 20s to figure out what my "label" should be.

      Plus, Janelle's kids do seem to be the most well rounded of the bunch. Credit to their mother, of course!

  33. Really sick the way Meri said while looking at the ocean view "I'm really tired, let's go to bed". Way to rub it in Meri. Gross, she is sick. Who would want to jump into bed anyways, when you're on vacation you don't get "tired". Classy Meri and the boobs hanging out when "Modest is Hotest".

    1. Exactly richsmom about the "I'm really tired, lets go to bed"...I think their body language of just standing there next to each other spoke volumes too! I'm thinking if you're in a condo overlooking the ocean, that's an automatic, husband or wife being in each other arms/kissing moment taking it all in & enjoying the view....JS
      They acted sorta distant, IMO

  34. Meri is only 41...she's not THAT old yet...some people are making her sound like she has one foot in the grave for Robin, I totally believe she came to the family long before they aired it...because judging by the sequence of events of the episodes it was a FAST relationship...because this is reality TV I believe lots of things are staged and for added's hard to really judge these people when all we have to go on is a heavily edited less than 30 min episode...

    1. According to the fertility doctor, 41 yrs old IS past the prime age for egg harvesting.

    2. i thought meri was 42 already?? nonetheless, who wants to be 60+ when their kid graduates high school? it's incredible the energy factor difference when you have babies in your 20's, early 30's vs. 40's let alone dealing w/the teen years during your menopausal ones. i realize physically it can be done... but no thanks!

      She has absolutely no intention of letting Robyn carry her baby for her. They're not that closely bonded anymore. Especially off camera.

    3. As someone who went through the whole fertility process, 41 is not out of the question but your chances of success are greatly reduced because the eggs aren't as viable. My ex and I considered a surrogate when I was 40 and my doctor advised using donor eggs because of my age.

    4. Randi, she does not have one foot in the grave. And she's not old. But her eggs are getting old. Depending on when her mother went through menopause, when she reached the age of menstruation, and how long she's been ovulating, she may or may not have viable eggs. Anony6:50 is right, many fertility doctors would not take her on. However, it's possible.

      I agree that Robyn was around longer. Mary's hair is long in some of the pictures with them in it and I've never seen her hair that long.

    5. I remember Meri having LONG Hair. It was in one episode. "Sister wives onthe move" They hold a birthday party for Robin and the teenagers talk about meeting her for the first time. Its pretty standard tlc stuff. Filmed out of order. IT was definitely before the first episode "Tour the brown house and the big Robin announcement" episode. I even wondered if it might have been test film to see if they'd pick up the show. I personally feel like TLC was probably aware that 3 women who were fairly used to being sister wives wasn't going to have enough turmoil. My personal biased guess was that they needed Robin to make that step to tv. So I don't think that Robin joined the family before the show started. I do think they hung out before the show started because whether or not the tv show influenced her coming in I do think that these women would have to convince themselves it was for the right reasons as well. I do think they're a family..even if it is a disjointed one and they had to hang out enough to see if they could tolerate having weird valentines dinner with her..and decide if they wanted to share her herpes or not.

      Anyway aside from my big judgemental guessing game blah blah blah I think that Meri's long hair was during the courting days, both of Robin and TLC.


    6. When I was 41 I was already 2yrs into menopause so it sounds to old to me. As I said before atchool age people will mistake her for the granny. When they were wedding dress shopping for Robin the sales lady asked if they were the mothers, they responded advisors.

    7. ELM-

      Thanks for the clarification here and on another one of my posts on a different thread about when Robyn entered the show. I guess I don't think of her much in season one because she's not on the opening credits and I thought it was 2 or 3 episodes into season 1 where they finally got around to introducing her. I'm not about to go back and rewatch, so I'll take your word for it.

      Totally don't remember Meri with the long hair and I still am partial to thinking Robyn was around much, much longer than what TLC has edited for us to believe. I can't help but think that picture of the 4 of them (Meri with long hair), was an engagement picture based on how they are "professionally" posed, background, cropping, etc and how color coordinated they are. To me, that says Robyn was on board waaaay before TLC showed up.

      But on the other hand, I do agree with you that TLC needed more drama than just the 3 wives, so maybe the filming contract elevated Robyn from friend status to official fiance. I'm not sure though that the other wives really thought over all the drama and change she would bring into their family. I can hear Christine voicing second thoughts, but everyone else pulling rank to bring money/fame into the family. Wonder what they all secretly think of that decision now.

      Hey CJ, would it be a huge imposition to ask if you could find and post that weird picture of all four women? Something just seems so off about it.

      Pretty, pretty please with peanut butter fritos on top?

  35. Isn't the AUB temple in Mexico? Is that the real reason behind these trips?

    1. One in Mexico, one in Bluffdale, Utah

  36. So Kody mentioned in the Q & A that he had been "courting" GAG another woman and WE decided she didn't fit in with our family. I wonder what the real deal was.

  37. So forgive me please if this is a dumb question but....what exactly do these folks do every day? None of them seem to have any jobs in the traditional sense. Yet,they brag about all the trips kody takes his wives on? Call me silly but I thought these reality shoes were supposed to give us glimpses into there day to day lives? t just seems so beyond phoney? And yet im totally sucked in,go figure!

  38. Good for Janelle for passing the licensing test. Sell a couple of houses, grab that commission and run girl run!

    Did anyone else notice Robyn's poker face when Meri was crying about her real sister's sister wife moving in and caring for the children after her sister died? I'm not the most demonstrative person in the world but I would have reached over to comfort her. I think the Robyn Meri lovefest may be coming to an end.

    1. I can see your point Sammymom but Meri has told this story before (during the first or second season when she was about to get a colonoscopy). She also has told her story before about the miscarriage. She cries each time she tells these stories. I think the sister wives are tired of hearing the same story over and over again. Also, it takes attention away from Robyn. Robyn has it hard too you know. The sister wives didn't accept her at first...her first marriage...her chin...

  39. The "big reveal" that there had been earlier additional-wife conquest further back in their history courtesy of Meri (and as usual, the specific timeline is not given but suggested it was a while ago)...
    And that Meri had fostered that 'lengthy' relationship and that she and that woman had become close friends but as Meri said, "It wasn't right for the family."
    Hmmm....Perhaps that woman decided she wanted no parts of Meri if it included being in KodyWorld as a wife to Kody.

    And since Christine and Janelle and Kody confirmed on camera that Meri was largely instrumental in that project, and also they all have said that it was Meri who *picked out Robchin,* it is becoming an easy jump to wonder if Meri really is of a different sexual persuasion.
    Nothing wrong with that at all if that is her thing and everyone else is okay with that....but why attempt to color it with plyg paint and motivation???
    Why pretend that it is all about the plyg family and adding more wives to ensure the heavenly promise, if it really is something else?

    How many more times are we to hear in couch chats, always with the fleeting and now predictable early Meri and Kody pics, that Meri and Kody wanted to explore Kody having a harem from Day One? And that Meri would be the offical casting agent for that goal? Do they protest too much on this ????

  40. anonymous in canadaJune 18, 2012 at 7:41 PM

    I know you hear this ALL the time, but I seriously look forward to your reviews! So much more entertaining than the actual episodes! I too, was sitting with my husband (poor guy) and we both laughed our asses off when Kody almost became one with the dock at the dolphin excursion. Priceless. Even more priceless was reading your review when you brilliantly picked up on it! Thank you so much CJ and keep up the good work. This blog makes my day:-)

  41. I was kind of surprised that in the teaser for next week, it's Janelle saying "Why does Mary need such a big house?" and she says it quite aggressively. This just seemed out of character for her, since she usually seems so mellow. Do you think her issue with this is financial rather than some sort of jealousy thing? I'm still of the opinion that she's the only one with a modicum of money management smarts.

  42. I wonder why Christine is next for a vacation? Why not Janelle? I haven't seen every show, but I've only seen a real vacation with Meri (twice I think) and Robyn.

    1. Kody DOES NOT want to be alone w/Christine on a couples vacation. She will want to talk about their problem relationship and he'd rather have his moobs stapled than be held hostage like that. He's only taken her on one with her and her kids. At least when he's at her house, it's very short and i'm sure lots of chaotic distraction w/out of control kids.

  43. I am excited for your revies, that was something wasn't it?? And didn't they just do a question and answers? And why did the kids have to leave? The rest of the questions were pretty pg 13 and he didn't answer the sex one even. And yes, what was with the Robyn giggle fest? I didn't catch the joke, I even rewind to see if she said that she was the bedroom wife!

  44. Kody really knows how to be a buzzkill on an outdoor romantic beachside dinner. So nice to upset your wife over her personal hot button STILL (which is ridics in itself but nonetheless...) and make her cry. "Bring on the appetizers... I'm so in the mood to eat now!" and just to sit and stare at her with those beady little eyes w/out any compassion. just awkward staring silence. I'd have to skip dinner now.

    I thought Meri was a mother to all the kids so why is she an empty nester when Mariah leaves? Remember how she jumped Janelle for lamenting that Logan was going to be leaving and she said, "hey, we're losing him, too. not just you. he's all our kid and we all raised him." pretty cold-hearted non-compassionate response to Janelle. The emotional deadness of everyone has spread through this family like a cancer. Ain't Polygamy LOVE grand!!! lol

  45. If they can't say the word sex in front of thier teenagers, how would they explain Robyn carring a baby for Meri to the little ones. If they read thier Bible like they claim sex is talked about often and it is not a bad word. They need to grow up!

  46. These women ALL crave attention and they're all emotionally needy and unfulfilled. That's why Meri still carries on the drama of not having had a second baby all these years. By the time she hit 40 (i think she's actually 42 now) she should have accepted that and realized that part of her life is over. It is what it is. She doesn't need any more kids and probably doesn't really want any more. It's just the pity party attention she still gets out of it that's fulfilling for her. Once that goes away, what will she have for the attention factor?

    She's not a warm, connecting person and therefore has no reciprocal bond w/her sister wives let alone all her bonus children. She likes to boss and be in charge and demand respect. Mariah is looking like a clone of her. Maybe Mariah will marry soon and be able to mass reproduce and Meri will end up winning the prize in the arena of most grandkids and be validated in her own eyes again.

  47. Yay to Janelle for passing the test, and not that surprising that Christine did not.

    Bummer that it is the season finale already, but did I hear it correctly that it's a 2 hour episode? That's a fair consolation prize for such a skimpy season, I suppose.

    Will there be another season or are we thinking cancellation after this limp offering? I'm not sure...

    1. I think that Christine has very poor math skills and this may explain why she failed the real estate test and "cheats" at games. I was surprised how anxious Janelle was about taking the test, and since she was successful, I'm not surprised, that she rewarded herself with some chocolate. I think all of us that have dieted treat ourselves after we accomplish something we'd been worried about doing. I wonder if Janelle will be the one selling the homes to the family instead of the other agent. That way they could keep the commission on the sale inside the family. Financially TWO homes would work better (plus two less places for Kody to have to hunt for his clothes and more opportunity for his children to be with him), but the women have all been given a taste of what it is like to have a single home to themselves, and will they really want to live together again?

      I can see returning to Lehi when TLC cancels the show and they are in foreclosure on any homes they buy in Las Vegas. It's sad that they talk about other business ventures and have only gotten involved with the Liv International. I wonder how successful they still are with it. They have definitely missed the opportunity to cash in on the publicity about Sister Wife's Closet. I do believe that the Fitness Center wouldn't have been successful, so that probably was a wise decision to drop. They seem to live with "pipe dreams", and some of their children have commented it.

      I only see the finale listed as one hour on my guides and not the two hour that it was announced. I agree that they quickly ran out of different ideas this season, so will the show continue?

      Meri is delaying her decision to keep attention on her and to prevent Kody from having another child with Robin. She really doesn't want to have Robin carry her baby. Perhaps this is why she wore the bathing suit she did, although I think the attention it attracted was not what she desired. Meri thinks that she is above any criticism. I also agree that the sister wives are not that fond of each other, and how do they afford the trips? I think Janelle only gets to go camping, so that's fairly cheap. I don't remember ever seeing Christine on a trip. Did I miss it?

      Meri is being unrealistic wanting a very large home. I know she feels entitled because of her first wife status, but she DOES NOT need as large of a home as Janelle does. It's math again, more children, more rooms needed. She is so jealous of her sister wives. I know that she would never live in a teepee like Janelle did in the past. Meri is just very selfish. It is interesting that if you only watch the show, and not read the book, that you get a very different opinion of Meri. Is she bipolar?

    2. Kody took Christine and their children to Lake Las Vegas when they were still living in Utah for a vacation. They did take a boat ride, but other than that I don't think TLC showed them doing much else.

  48. Numerous people have commented about their own fertility issues, so in light of that can we please stop with the "too old" remarks? I for one am 41 and am still trying to become a "Mum" after 4 miscarriages and I think many of these commenters are insensitive. How many times does one have to kindly ask for it to stop?!

    On a side note, there have been a few comments about scenes being staged because the people would have to sign a release form prior to filming. In actuality, when filming "reality shows" the release forms are signed AFTER filming segments. If they cannot get a release form signed then they edit out that particular scene.

    1. Thanks for the clarification on that.

      We had been approached during a sidewalk filming for a show (not a reality show) and were asked to sign a release first before being filmed. (we declined)

    2. obviously not always. otherwise that wouldn't make sense to spend alot of time like they did w/the couple that took them to the underground pool just to have them blurred out the whole time. of course, those people knew who Grody and Mother Meri were and the whole "we're plygs" and their feigned surprise was completely scripted.

      as far as your own fertility issues, i don't think you should take personal offense when people are specifically directing their remarks about Mother Meri and her particular extenuating circumstances surrounding it all - including her prolonged and repeated voiced hesitancy to even do it. People don't know you nor your story so I don't see why you would think anything's directed at you personally. Sorry for your pain and frustration you're going through but please don't think anyone's purposely being insensitive to you.

    3. 41 is too old. It's a medical fact and the chances of having a Down's syndrome baby go up by about 40% and you would be 61 when your kid is 20 and at the height of expense because of college. Who wants to be dealing with a 17 ear old when you're almost 60. Sorry it is not wise.

  49. In the Q & A segment, did you notice the question about what hair products Kody used? He mentioned 3 - something like a cleanser, a follicle stimulater, & some other overpriced sounding product. Doesn't a man with 17 kids and 4 wives have better uses for his money? (like IVF, ha ha). Guess what, Kody they aren't working - you're still going bald. Then they showed the clips of him styling his hair & Robin said 'it's really quite a production', I thought Kody looked a little perturbed with her comment. I think the infatuation with Robin has faded & Kody is already looking for a newer, younger, less pregnant model - maybe he's even realized the hassle with the 'wives' thing & is just taking advantage of some of the crazy women who supposedly are throwing themselves at him to be the next wife. He probably could justify it as needing to 'screen' them privately before he asks permission to 'court' them. Remember when they made up the story about needing to borrow his car (to decorate it for V-day) and he looked all panicky & said he needed it back soon, like he was late for a date or something (heaven knows it wasn't a business meeting)

    1. In my observations, when a man has a fit about his wife using his car/computer/phone/whatever, he's hiding something. I wondered what he didn't want RNC to see in his car? That's what ran through my head during that episode. Not that Grody was having an affair with anyone other than the women we know about(the "wives"), but maybe he had something in the car he didn't want RNC to know.

    2. As a wife I have rights to drive all the cars in our household. WTH with asking permission to use kody's car and him hassling her with lame "cuz I have to leave pretty soon myself" when he was there to be with the whole family for valentines party that evening. Where the hell was he going when the whole crew was there?

  50. There is a temple in Ozumba, Mexico.
    I'm glad to see Christine get her fiesty demeanor back. Aside from that the episode really wasn't interesting. I hated that they tried to make such a big deal out of Meri climbing that ladder. I mean, she had to climb it to get out...right? So what's the big deal? She's not a quitter? Did someone question that? Unless this is in indirect comment at the viewers regarding her marriage.
    Kody getting ready for the trip was like reliving one of the episodes from a season past. I don't care to see it. I also don't care to hear/watch anything regarding the IVF ordeal. I think it is insensitive toward Meri to keep bringing it up over and over.
    I think this episode did move the focus more to the wives, but it is still too much faux macho Kody. I don't care about your closet situation, your hair, your alleged "butt sweat" or any other of your antics.
    I would love to see an episode where we see the dynamic between the women and their children or them on a missions trip (day dreaming here, thinking Duggars style----omg...can you imagine the "butt sweat" we would be exposed to *gag*!
    Anyway, I'm hoping that the season finale will be better than the rest of the season but I doubt it. There are always CJ's recaps to look forward to though :)

  51. Ugh...there is no sweat pants, only a "peed in his pants." That is SO disgusting!!! Seared into my mind's eye forever. UGH.

    CPA Carol -- you are correct, Janine is a "jody apologist".

    Agree with others, sorry that Christine did not pass her exam; she does deserve much more. Hope that she continues to pursue whatever makes sense in order to help become confident and productive.

    Re the bathing suit...Meri is always about the power because "she can" however in this case, it makes no sense at all. Do they not wear temple undies???? Euuw!

  52. The best finale ever would be Kody getting a haircut.

    Or one of the wives having weight loss surgery. That would change everything- if Christine or Janelle got super skinny I would keep watching.

    1. Great idea Anon 10:26 PM

      Bring on the buzz cut!!!!

      And yes, I would love to see these women empowered and strutting out the broken door.

    2. Toupee shopping.....

  53. Anti-Butt Monkey pic was a classic ROFLMAO!! Funny review CJ, & I agree that most of this shit is OLD NEWS & its getting waaaaayyyyy boring! Guess TLC, was trying to spice up the episodes w/ some tits & ass footage! EPIC FAIL!!...well, it did give us some great snark material! HA! Same w/ their Browns confessions/ask&sometimes answer segments...smh!
    Your review on Kody's clothes being spread out everywhere is spot on.
    "Who's fault is that, you nutcase? AND YOU LIKE IT!"

    Hell yeah he does, besides it gives him an excuse to go by Robyns for a quickie, esp if its not her night before they

    Also, I agree w/ you about Meri's clinging to Kody! Just like the eyes tell stories, so does body language. I Googled Couples body language clinging to arm interpretations, & lots of great stuff popped up. I decided to go with COUPLES COUNSELING BODY LANGUAGE INTERPRETATIONS. Here some interesting interpretations I would like to share w/ ya'll:

    "Body language doesn't lie and its a direct mirror to see what a person is feeling inside. A couples body language can contradict each other.
    *If the womans body, is turned toward the man, but he is turned away from her, she is into him more than he is into her.
    Wow! Seems like Meri has been neglected lately & slowly losing her #1 status w/ Kody. Here's more:

    "Notice how they look at each other"
    *Raised chins indicate animosity of some sort.
    *If they can't look at each other in the eye w/o some sort of scowl or serious mean look, they could have some type of tension between them.

    So, I believe, that even though Janelle, didn't say much. Her raised chin did, IMO!! Also, there has been lots of scowl & serious mean looks exchanged among all of the adults lately too!

  54. I recorded it and went back to look and the door does look kicked in, the frame is broke off at the top all the way down and the chain lock of completely off.

    1. Thats nuts! Guess we're just left basically to speculate & wonder what happened, bcuz we'll never know the true reason...
      Guess they won't be getting all of their deposit back on that house, after they move out. If anything, Meri's house would be the only house getting 100% security deposit back, only bcuz she doesn't have small kids running thru the house on a constant basis.

    2. I noticed this in the Valentine Day party-not hard to believe they don't do home repairs since they don't do any other work. It is damage that appears to be done with force, wonder if the owner of this rental house watches the show? Time to deduct from that security deposit.

    3. I know, It does look like it was kicked! Meri won't let her house be "lived" in, groucho.

    4. Maybe it was Klody in a rage?

  55. I noticed once again Robyn had no problem lying by omission when she went on about how her mom had the perfect relationship secrets but failed to add in the fact that despite that, her parent's lifelong honeymoon that she's talked about growing up with before still ended up in divorce.

    1. I may be confused about this and I'm sure someone here knows alot better but, I thought it was something like..her parents were married, got divorced..then her mother joined a different marriage and her step dad became her "Dad" that had the forever honeymoon.

      But I may be totally wrong here.

    2. I have never heard Robyn clarify any of that. She always said her Dad lives in Vegas only for us to find out that's her step-Dad. She's only said her mom and dad have always had a perfect honeymoon marriage only to find out her mom was divorced and Robyn lived with her for awhile w/her 3 kids in her trailer. She has never said how long her mom was married before vs. now nor where her real dad is in her life. Who knows? I'm certainly not willing to take Robyn's word at face value on anything. She definitely has told her fair share of lies on this show.

  56. Where's the Lexus says:
    AntiMonkeyButt is available at Walmart. Also, don't forget Lady AntiMonkey and a line of baby products.
    These people can be the spokesfamily for this product line, they have an age range of 8 months to 45 years, all the products apply to this group. This idea could save the finances, the 4 houses dream is alive! Russle me up some peanut butter fritos and let's celebrate.
    Kody is the biggest monkey of them all.

  57. i've said before that these adults have proven over and over their sense of humor is so undeveloped. Meri literally laughs at everything she says. It's never anything remotely funny. Grody doing the sweat butt thing was right up their line of jr. high level of humor. Christine is known as the family comedian. Her humor is boring as hell and just silly. janelle just takes her meds so she can serenely smile at the flying unicorns she sees in the room when the rest of them are all cackling on their group couch session. They're all ridics and bless their plyg hearts cause they really try to be so funny and honestly think they are. I know funny and love a good belly laugh like nobody's business but I'm NEVER gonna get one from them! dammit.

  58. So comcast usually has the episodes up the next day on demand. His time epi 9 featuring the infamous monkey butt/booby shot is missing...hmm.makes me wonder if the browns realized how over the top "immodest" they came acrosd and were able to veto the on demand feature? Or maybe im just reading too much into it? Consspiracy theory? Lol...

    I totally agree with some of the posts upthread. These rentals are getting trashed! But then again 16 plus kids running amok and I guess its a wonder those houses dont look worse! But come on folks, u kno u are doin an interview so why did u pick to sit in front of the wall with the raggedy looking paint job? I would be soooo embarressed. But then again,when u are sharing your man with 3 othr women,chipped paint would be very low on my list of priorities. Now the landlord? He/she must be watching and thanking thier lucky stars tlc co signed the lease!

    1. Maybe Comcast is just trying to spare the masses from seeing something all will immediately wish they could unsee!! I finally finished up the eye/brain bleaching I needed to do after witnessing the King Sol birthing episode and now this...

  59. I need to add that CJ knows funny, too. The best we can do is laugh at them because it's impossible to do so with them. They just aren't capable of giving us the opportunity. Hunter did make me laugh when he called Logan Johnny Appleseed. Maddie can make me laugh with just her looks she gives.. Her and Logan did good on their Mariah punk. I hope those 3 kids take their normalcy and sense of humor and let it carry them far far away from the soul-killing land of plygdom. Mariah is cursed w/the adults humor and Mother Meri's bossiness and officiousness. She will do well as a first wife but there will be hell to pay if she's not in charge like her Momma is. Actually, there will be hell to pay because she is in charge. ;')

  60. damn, so sorry - not to diss others here. I've lol'd at a lot of your posts here. a lot of you women know true funny imho. thanks for all your laughs!! xox

  61. Does Meri have any more living sisters that could furnish an egg to be sperminated by King Kody and implanted in the Magical Uterus? It would be mostly a Meri/Kody baby (~75%). otherwise Meri's brother/Jenelle's ex-husband Adam could knock up- I mean - artificially inseminate robchin for another Frankenstein entry on the Brown Family Wreath. Why is everyone so intent on this baby? Is it prophesied in the Book of Mormon? "And the One of Pointy Chins will bear the fruit of the Mean One and the Douchy One. Not by natural means but by the test tube. And the child will be the called The Mean Douche and will guarantee a spinoff on TLC. Yea and a five-year reality contract to be visited upon to the third and fourth generations. And they will dwell in the gated cul-de-sac in the City of Sin, each with wife with their own mansion until they reach the celestial planet for all eternity"

    1. I seriously LOL'ed at The Mean Douche child!!

    2. Here's the deal about Meri's sisters: one of my sisters had a cancer scare and she had a little girl and she came to me and said, if anything happens to me, please, please, please bring Ash into your home. The thought of a evil stepmother drove her insane. Why is Meri not involved in her dead sister's kids. Maybe her dying sister didn't want her involved in her children's lives.

  62. Thanks CJ for the great lead on a new Brown business...Anti-Monkey Butt sounds like a great Multi-level marketing pyramid scheme, which Kody can testify to its use while actually climbing a pyramid. Genius!

    Attention TLC
    Show less....
    1. Fake "businesses" to shelter their TLC money, they clearly do not earn
    2. "FINITE" resources buying cars, a steady stream of expensive gifts and travel
    3. "Macho Kody" activities portraying the she-boy as a he-man.
    4. Constantly "Shocking" strangers about their piggy lifestyle, my bad-I meant "pliggy"
    5. Meri, Kody and Robchin's sick schemes to populate the world in any combination

    Please, please, please Show....
    1. Anyone employed, adults or teenagers
    2. Photos and family wreath of AUB members
    3. A quiz to adults based on "their" book (which seems none have read completely)
    4. Move back to Lehi house and remodel adding double wide for Robyn and her chin
    5. Kody finds Meri and Robchin making out

    NEVER EVER show...Meri's boobs, Kody's boobs or ass sweat again!

    1. I love Janelle's comment about how she worked her way through college and she does not see any reason that her children cannot do the same. But, they have at least four or five teens who are old enough to work part time, but none of them leave the house as far as I can tell. My son got his first job when he was 14. He worked after school and on weekends. I do not remember a time that I didn't have some type of work to help my mother either picking berries, digging potatoes, baby sitting, cleaning houses, or whatever work she could drum up. My first real job was in a nursing home and I washed the clothes--I was 13.

      They are not teaching those kids a thing about sensible spending or the responsibility of work, save, etc. Geeze!!! they are so not like my family.

  63. RE: the teaser that has Janelle asking why Meri needs such a big house...wasn't that what was said when they moved in these rental homes? I could swear I've seen & heard that before. With the way the clips are played over and over I think it might be from way back but who knows?

    1. Yes yes. That is what I picked up from that teaser. She is like mocking kody's voice and mimics what he said back when renting the Vegas houses. He wanted meri to take a one bedroom and also said something like "are you taking this personal? They are so wasteful with whatever money they get. Lazy no ambition pipe dreams and cons.

  64. Was anyone else confused by the adults making the kids leave the room before they addressed the sex question....and then NOT addressing it?

    1. YES!! Wasn't that idiotic?!? Making the kids leave the room AFTER the question but before saying noneofyourbusiness will make the kids think there's something more there.

      I want to know why the producer would put that question in there. Sure, the kids are all older, 16-18, but that was an asshole move to play that question for the teens. I think that’s a valid question for the adults, but show a little respect for the kids’ right not to have to think about their parents’ sex lives.

  65. I noticed Kody telling Meri something like, "Don't keep everyone waiting for an answer for too much longer"....IMO, what he is really telling Meri is, that he & Robyn are tired of waiting & are gonna get busy w/their relationship & having their own babies. Several people have pointed out that it's a win/win for Robyn & Meri is damned if she does/damned if she doesn't w/this surrogacy offer. I beleive that Robyn is using this to her advantage already & this is causing problems between Meri & Kody so we see Meri hanging on to Kody for dear life.

    I've also noticed something weird going on w/Robyn. In the past couple of episodes she's sitting there w/a blank stare on her face (more than usual) like she's a million miles away. Maybe she's figuring out, like Christine did, that Kody isn't that amazing, goofy, fun loving guy he presented himself to be, maybe she's seen his dark side?!? Or maybe Kody is getting annoyed w/her neediness all the time & pulling away from her so she's just trying to decide which color panties she should wear to lure him back in, lol.

    About Kody's ass....EWWW!! All I could think about is if his ass sweats like that just from hiking then what the hell happens when he's having sex?!? That would be enuff right there for me to run screaming to a Divorce Lawyer! I'm more grossed out by him & these women more now than ever! They are all plain NASTY!!

    1. Hey Toasty, I just about choked on a grape when I was reading ur last paragraph....LMAO!! & yes, it's definitely EWWWWW & PLAIN NASTY!!

  66. The whole "modesty" thing is still bizarre to me. I came from a "modest" family and I swam in clothes in mixed company and wore pants all summer long so I KNOW about modesty. There were no shortcuts like the swimsuit cut to the waist with kneelength shorts! Either you are or you aren't.

    I noticed how Robyn was completely in charge of the phone call to Kody at the restaurant. So sad how he doesn't even recognize his own "wives" voices after 16 and 17 years. Are you kidding me? And, then, of course, as always Robyn must translate for Christine and Janelle.

    Robyn commented on almost EVERY single question. Why does she feel she is suddenly the spokesperson? And when they were discussing whether or not Logan was kissing she asked him, "Are you being safe?" HUH? Oh, yeah, forgot she's the herpes queen....NOW it makes sense!

    1. Whoa...I missed the EarthMotherMagicVajayjay asking Logan "Are you being safe".
      What does THAT mean? Isn't that question usually only asked when a kid is sexually active?
      So, did I miss the memo that premarital sex is okay in this AUB group?
      Is he swimming with the sharkettes?

    2. yeah, when she asked Logan if he was being "careful?" and he was like WTF do you even mean?? he knows that means wearing a condom in the real world and is wondering if that's really what Robyn's asking him. She's ridics trying to be a mother to those teens. She's so outta their league.

      maybe Hunter has been adopted by a normal family and that's why he wasn't there nor his absence explained. FREE HUNTER!!

    3. OMG!! I can totally see T-shirts for "Free Hunter"!!! That would be awesome!

      I loved how Robyn always had something to say about raising the teenagers in season 2 and 3. Trust me, until you have had a couple you have no clue what having a teen means. And, in terms of What the hell does that mean? Are there mouth condoms I don't know about?

    4. careful kissing? well- asked question from a lady who's sporting constant cold sore breakouts.

  67. Amen to everything said so far and thank you CJ! Last night I couldn't wait to read your review.

    Why were the last 3 wives so in support of IVF when they were on the confession couch? Do you think they all believe they have to say they support it to get Grody approval? It seemed like they were all drinking the green kool-aid to so positively endorse IVF for Meri. Of course RNC has to throw in her offer AGAIN.

    Regarding the teasers for next week's show and Meri's house: I remember how some were upset that Meri had a huge 3 bedroom house when she only had 1 child and Meri had to justify why she deserved it. Her answer was because she deserved it and that she wanted the room for family gatherings. So apparently it has become an issue again based on the teasers. I think Janelle was in support of her last time but not sure? Help my memory please. If she was, then why would she complain now? Maybe it was just how they edited it and really Janelle was repeating what the argument was about.

    OMG, I almost sweat my butt watching the show because I was laughing so hard and trying not to vomit. Luckily, I was not eating my chips and ginger ale, lol. Sweaty butt, Grody talking over Meri when the met the tour guides, confession couch wives, Grody ruining Meri's romantic dinner. But I was so disturbed at Grody riding the dolphins and flexing his muscles when they had him in the air. It was the ultimate pic of Grody showing his power trip. Even my 7 year old daughter refuses to swim with the dolphins because she feels it is cruel. But Grody rides them and drips sweaty butt juice on them while acting like a conquering conquistador.

    During the question show when the sex question was asked, Grody grossed me out when he asked the kids something like, "Does it make you feel gross?" I felt like he asked it weird, like he was a 15 year old, it just sounded wrong, not like a dad to his kids. He loves to flex his power and state how he will step in for discipline but where the hell was he during the xmas tree trip where the boys were fighting? Nope, that was real work so Janelle had to do it.

    1. hey, SA - so glad you love my Grody nickname. I thought it was perfect myself and was surprised it took me so long to come up with it a few weeks ago. lol ...(way before his recent Grody butt sweat beavis/butthead joke) I used to go by different names here just for the fun of making new ones up but then i grew brain-dead on that and just stick with anony now. That way i can remain closeted for how many frickin' posts i do here and looking like a posting hog some days! lol

      I enjoyed your remarks and ^5 you about our shared love of GRODY!! ;'p

    2. I thought Grody was flexing his moobs to make them perkier than Mother Meri's! ;'p

  68. New here. I thought the look on Christines face was pretty funny when he was saying how he has to stay in harmony with his wives.
    She is mad at him still. She gave the "Well then what about us" look. I agree it does need to move on and show us how to raise such a big family. I want them to all go grocery shopping or the moms taking their kids somewhere fun. Don't they ever do anything the kids love to do? TLC should ask the viewers what they want to learn from this family. We know where this show is going...with Kate plus 8 went.

  69. I would love to see and read Kody's resume!

  70. Please ....for the love of god..take the picture of kodouches ass off the site. I throw up in my mouth a little every time I log on. What is more disgusting kods ass or the thought of him an robchin having more kids. I don't think I can stand another episode of her giving birth.or him "helping".

  71. Resume?....don't you have to have a job to have a resume?

  72. I think everyone is being entirely too hard on the Browns. Y'all are such cynics! Maybe they are a little in over their heads financially and maybe Kody is a bit full of himself. But it's really not our place to judge, especially when the family faces so much of it already. They are all grown people who have chosen to live the way they do. I think the show is informative as far as sister wives' relationships go. And overall the family seems very normal. I wish them nothing but happiness.

    1. Anonymous 2:52 AM
      Respectfully, I have to disagree with us being too hard on the Browns. First and foremost, they have put themselves smack dab in our living rooms every Sunday night as a means to convince us that their lifestyle choice doesn't hurt anyone. As you can see, it does hurt everyone from the smallest baby to the very last wife. The women are in constant emotional pain trying to juxstoposition their obedience to this lifestyle based on religion to thier own inability to not feel jealousy. In this life style that they are trying to shove down our throats as being just like my marriage, we see children being so emotionally abused that they are lashing out either at each other or over eating to the point of being obese. And, truthfully, there are some people in our society who will try what the Brown's are doing based on the lies they are hearing and sadly there will be pain. The family does not seem normal. My children did not have three other women mothering them and while it does take a village, their has to be a set of full time parents who are their for their children 24/7. Kodsturd is not their and when he is not their, the wives are emotionally absent. If you have ever read any books by women who left polygamy, they say it so well: all of the love, the best food, the best clothes, the best of everything went to the men…the children were clearly second to that man who came once a week or sometimes less. The children were often abused emotionally or physically or both and many sexually. The wives lived with the threat of a new wife being added and each new wife that came in caused new and more searing pain. So, we are hard on them, yes because they do the show as a persuassive tool: look at us. We are just like you. NO YOU ARE NOT JUST LIKE ME. MY CHILDREN ARE NEVER PUT SECOND TO ANY MAN. MY CHILDREN DO NOT HAVE TO KNOW THAT I SHARE MY BED WITH A MAN WHO IS MARRIED TO THREE OTHER WOMEN. MY CHILDREN DO NOT HAVE TO SEE ME IN EMOTIONAL ANGUISH BECAUSE MY HUSBAND IS ON VACATION, HONEYMOON, SHORT TRIP, FILL IN THE BLANK WITH ANOTHER WOMAN. They could never be like me or my family. So yes, we do critique them and bust the fallacies in their lame argument that live and let live. Our government is based on religious freedom, but thankfully, the constitution is coming around to acknowledging that women are more than cattle. It is our job to make sure that misogyny is moved out of the USA. Having Kodsturd shoving his maltreatment of his wives and children in our faces is not helping end the patriaric (mispelled I know) society that the USA has been, is, and unfortuantly will remain.

    2. I concur Zelda! You go girl!

    3. One man's cynic is another man's realist. ;')

      But yeah, I admit I, too, am soooo surprised to find a bunch of smart-ass cynics (tho clever and humorous ones at that) on a snark blog about the Browns. Who knew?

      This show HAS been informative about polygamy to me all right! Just probably not in the way the Browns were hoping it would be. No, anony - 2:52 a.m. - this family so DOES NOT seem fairly normal overall. Unless chaotic and emotional dysfunction to the extreme defines your definition of normal. AND if you notice, most of the posts here are CONSTANTLY feeling bad for the neverending chain of kids being born into and raised in this hellacious and oh so confusing lifestyle. The adults are so needy and effed up - the kids are on their own as we've witnessed time and time again.

    4. I didn't choose to put them on national TV. I didn't choose for them to sue to legalize polygamy. I didn't choose for them to go on every major news channel as the happy, smiling faces of polygamy as part of their political agenda.

      When I started watching, I was pretty neutral for consenting adults, and so on. When I saw these people are grifters and scam artists, I understood who is getting played.

      If you think this family is normal, than I wish the best for you and your family as well. Hopefully, that involves actual adult relationships, no serial government benefits and bankruptcies for four able-bodied adults, joint parenting, and someone with an actual job.

    5. Well said, Zelda1.

    6. In my hurry to post a reply before my hubby finished his shower, I made a lot of errors. For instance, their for there. But, I was in a hurry: forget that I am almost finished with a PhD in English. Geeze.

  73. Did anyone notice in the Q&A show, that Meri and Robyn were wearing the exact same jeans with the heavy stitching? Oh yeah, and the chipped paint behind Kody's shoulder drove me nuts.

  74. The real estate exam-Kudos to Janelle for passing the test and Christine for trying. The other three lazy a-holes didn't even try. I felt kind of bad for Christine when she had to keep repeating that she didn't pass. It wasn't a surprise, but why keep clobbering her over the head with it? Meri was babbling about how she wanted some "alone time" with Kodouche to reconnect on their trip. THAT'S WHAT WE ALL GET WHEN WE ARE THE ONLY WIFE!! What an idiot. Poor Mariah needs to live at Janelle's house for a while to get away from Meri's influence. Janelle has checked out. She's planning on taking care of herself and her kids and Kodouche and RNC can go make their crummy jewelry together.

  75. Anonymous j...Robyn did ask Logan, "Are you being safe?" when he said he had been kissing. And I thought the same thing. Safe kissing? But when I realized she always has those giant sores on her mouth I understood why "safe" kissing might be required! lol

    1. Why would you ask a question like that in that kind of setting? On Tv, to boot. Sheesh.

  76. I actually don't blame the others for not even trying. If you don't have a passion to sell real estate to begin with, you're not going to last very long in it. Passing the test is the easy part. IF Christine ever even passes it, I don't see her willing nor able to put the long and inconvenient hours required to make any real money at it. Janelle has a pretty low -key not so outgoing/extroverted demeanor but her willingness to put in long hours away from home can offset that. Real Estate takes quite a few years to build up as a true career and most people don't ever make it that far.

    At least Meri was upfront from the beginning and didn't even show for the initial visit w/the rest at Mona's office. Kody and Robyn quickly dropped their slight interest in it. I think both Janelle and Christine decided they were out of options and so decided to go for it. This current down market in Vegas is the absolute WORST time for a newbie that quickly needs some income to come into. Not going to happen. Investors are scooping up the deals right now w/cash and that's where most of the sales are coming from. Investors that use real estate agents to find their hot property buys in a down market are savvy enough to use well-seasoned and experienced agents in the loop.

    I'm thinking Janelle just wants something away from her house that requires a lot of hours to be gone and have her mind occupied. The gym enterprise fell through for her so, I think she feels stuck w/trying the real estate gamble. I still don't understand why Meri isn't working a full-time job. Christine and Robyn probably aren't that employable for any kind of money that makes it worthwhile for babysitting. Christine will probably go back to watching Janelle's youngest ones but not Robyn's. Forget Grody. He's a flitter and when LIV dries up, he'll be on to his next non-money making self-employment venture.

    It doesn't seem like any of the teens are working anywhere either. If so, I've missed any mention of it on the show.

    1. Totally agree, Anonymous. Before CJ posted this review, I had asked in the previous thread why in the world would Janelle be pursuing real estate when it is soooo difficult at this time. Plus, I know most sellers and buyers want to go with someone "seasoned". I pointed out that I didn't understand why she didn't try to get on at a bank. Unless there is something criminal in her background where she can't be bonded, she could work in the accounting department. I worked in banking for many years before finally following my passion, and for the accounting department, they work 9-5 M-F. All holidays off, and weekends. At least that's how the hours were at the two banks I worked at. She has such a low key personality, that it would be a great match for her, and benefits to boot. Plus a lot of the banks will help pay for education. It could be a win win for her. I do think Janelle is intelligent, I just think she has no self confidence and it would be great to see her set a wonderful example for herself and her children.

    2. Hey now, Grody didn't lose interest in real estate, he just likes the part where you blow up balloons for the open house. Maybe he'll fall off the ladder this time if he helps Janelle.

    3. wasn't Christine his ladder to hang the flags? and Meri was his ladder for the Christmas tree! LOL

  77. First time posting here... the whole thing about the Brown's that bothers me is how Kody is KING! I just wish they wouldn't clamour for his attention, and hang on to his every word and decision. I'm a conservative, Christian woman, and I adore my husband. But we are partners, in our relationship and with raising our 3 children. We respect each other opinions, and defer issues to each other's strong points(I do better handling money and keeping the schedules going, he is better communicating with our children and brings fun). These 4 women really have sold themselves short in their marital relationships. I literally scream at the tv, "Your lives could be so much better!!!" All I see, is kids with a part-time father who deserve better, women who are clearly starving for attention and need it, and an ego-maniac who puts his own needs before other's.

    I clearly prefer Janelle to the other 3, I wish her practical sense would shine through, and start over fresh!

    1. I'm new to posting here too Disgirl05 and I agree with you about Janelle. I've always liked her best too. She's always seemed to have a strong identity of her own. The fact that she acknowledged that she preferred and loved working outside her home is admirable; especially in the plyg environment. She also recognized that Christine made it easier for her because she knew Christine was home with the rest of the kids. Her teenagers seem more well-rounded to me. I admired the fact that Hunter was furious they moved to LV and didn't hide it from his family or the camera. When they have the teenage "couch" talking heads, he doesn't just spout the family line. He speaks his mind. It's frustrating to have a teenager who behaves that was sometimes but it will make him a stronger adult in the future. He seems to be the only kids who's actively making friends outside of their circle. Just my observations...

  78. The love fest between Robyn and Meri is gone. Robyn was sold a big bag of lies by Meri. She thought she would have this wonderful sister wife who would be her bff and help her with her kids, especially Super Sol…but Meri has shown her true colors. Just like she did with Janelle and Christine. Janelle said it best – when Meri meets someone she wants to get to know better, she automatically jumps to “sisterwife” – does it ever occur to Meri to just make a friend? Instead she drags this entire family through this circus because she thought she found a friend and then decided she didn’t really like her all that much. Someone else said earlier that Robyn looked emotionally dead – I agree. She is no longer enchanted with Kody or the family. And she is probably pregnant to boot.

  79. Oh my gosh I love this blog! My husband and I both agree that kody is a moron.(yes I ask my husband to watch it with me poor man) Where did you see they had bankruptcies, on food stamps, $1000 in VS bIlls, etc? I also think the show is getting incredibly boring-- really 2 Q&A sessions ? Plus the questions were almost exactly the same totally watered down. Why doesn't someone ask about the fact kody ignores his kids or that Christine was on food stamps at the beginning of season 1?

  80. I would like to see the ladies go on a trip together. Its pretty obvious theses women have no relationship with each other. They bearly talk to each other unless directed to by tlc. Maybe they could become friendlier with each other & Kody could maybe bond with his children for the first time.

  81. CJ,thanks for your review! Was on vacation, no time for online. Got home this a.m. & thought "gotta read SW blog!" (even before work email!) LOL. Love your blog!
    Sorry so many are offended by 'too old' comments re: Meri. I will just say this...I'm 49 yo, just spent week taking care of my two grandchildren, ages 8 yrs and 3 WEEKS old. Am totally exhausted. OMG, I forgot how exhausting that was. Super fun, but honestly, I could not do that at this age. (and I work full time in the fitness business). JMO, everyone is different I guess.

    I FFd thru these two epis this a.m., how stupid & boring. Everyone has already said it all here, nothing to add. I didn't catch previews for the grand finale next week. Seems like they trouble coming up with footage for this season, I really can't imagine they will be back with another ??

  82. Now on to what's important: The man camel toe. Please...he already has saggy ball syndrome. And wet butt. Give me a break. Poor Meri is so out of shape. I am 56 years old and recently took my blind hubby hiking and pulled him up and down hills and at one point, I climbed up a knotted rope to get to a look out place only to climb down and move on. She was climbing up a ladder and was having this horrible difficulty. Yikes! That isn't going to be good for her in a few years.

    And the picture of him on the horse pointing at the little girl and the little girl looking so vulnerable. Shame on him. You know he was being a jerk.

    I am so bored with the chasing his tools and clothes down in all of his wives houses; you never see him chasing his children down in all of his wives' houses. I am also way over him announcing to people he is a polyg...for Christ's sakes, he was in an area of Mexico known for the large polygamy compounds. So, he has to say, my other wife and then on the couch say, I was like saying my other wife and the guy goes you're the man. I'm thinking, no, Kodsturd, you are not the man. You are the welfare dependent, child neglecting, wife abusing azzhat that the world sees every single week.

    I am also bored with the crappy baby mama drama. Will she, won't she? Who the hell cares. For sure, Robyn is only playing oven for one reason only.

    What I want to see more of is Janelle and Christine's together time and how they are really feeling.
    And, finally: Dear Janelle,
    congratulations for passing your lecense thing. I know you will sell a lot of houses or find a good job working in business. I am so looking forward to you and your kids moving on and up.

    And finally, no Kodsturd, we do not care how you manage to boink four obese women. We could care less. In fact, we know that you are at that age where it would be unlikely for you to get it up more than twice a week without a little help from the little blue pill. We also know that your big belly indicates that you have some physical issues that indicate too much food, too little exercise and that translates in the bed to I'm too tired or Little Willie doesn't want to play today.
    So, don't offer that stern look as if you are with holding information the world wants to know. We know. Aight!

  83. "Usually when we go to Mexico, we go to an all inclusive resort..."

    Spoken from someone without a job, with a bankruptcy, from a family with 17 kids...
