Sunday, June 24, 2012

1. Comment area for Leaving the Nest

As high school graduation nears, Logan finally decides on which college he will attend. Meanwhile, Kody and the wives are on the verge of fulfilling their dream of bringing the family back together. Will they finally make their dream come true?

 My favorite line from the show this year was Logan saying he could be good and bad! Yes, Logan, you are right, it's a time to find yourself, and you don't have to play their game of perfect life anymore!


  1. I liked when Logan said that too. Oh, the hell that boy's gonna raise...

  2. Dear Logan,
    I really hope you move as far away from your parents as you possibly can. I also hope that having lived every single day of your life watching you mother struggle with the pain of being the second wife and the struggle that she has had to deal with as she learned that her relationship with your dad is one love based not on physical or emotional attraction but of her having a strong work ethic resulting in financial security for the "family" and the consequences for both your mother and your siblings of her less-than-desirable position in the family...that you realize how these relationships destroy, so you decide to honor only one partner to your fullest capabilities.
    I also hope that you go to college and find a profession that you can passionately profess.
    I hope that you provide a good role model for your younger siblings and you show them the way out of this terrible life style choice.
    When your dad says that he was called by god to have multiple wives, I hope you realize that a calling by god would not require descriptions like life style choice. And I hope if you do choose to practice this socially and emotionally archaic way that you do so only if you can stretch yourself so thin and that you work hard to provide financial security and emotional support to all of those in your family .
    And, I hope when you are packing for college you do like Christ did when he enetered a city in which he found himself useless to the crowds and you dust it all off and don't look back.
    When you are old and are reconciling your choices in life and your actions, I hope you are able to determine that you lived a happy life and provided your significant other with a real bond that will exist until the end.
    And now, little Logan, my eyes are blurry, my tongue is thick, and I am feeling the effects of my sleeping pill. Tomorrow begins another day and tonight the curtain is falling and act I scene three ends.

  3. I think good ole Logan will be just fine. Probably ready to RACE to college. That is what perplexes me. Why larger houses now? In a matter of what,3-4 years they will be losing 5 kids!

    1. Unless Kody plans on bringing on more wives...

      Let's look at this situation: When they first moved to Vegas, Robyn got a 5 bedroom house - even though she only had 3 kids, and Janelle and Christine each had 6 kids, total of 12. Kody was planning for her "expansion". I think Kody promised her a McMansion for having more babies - that's why she was so sad when the loans supposedly fell through. I wouldn't be surprised if as the years go by and kids grow up and leave, that eventually the original 3 will be forced to live together - no matter how badly they don't get along with each other. And as they vacate a house, a new wife will take it over. Kody will not stop having kids until he tops the Duggers, the Dargers and his older brother (if the brother decides to add another fertile wife or two)

      That's assuming they stick with the 4 single homes and the show stays on the air for the next 3 or 4 years.

    2. I also wish Logan well. He has the ability to be a fine man.
      Mister Sister, just next year they will graduate at least 2 more kids, possibly 3. I didn't look it up. They have a bunch who will be gone soon. Robyn is doing her best to add, but Meri will have none, and Janelle and Christine will both have fewer kids. Robyn can't take up all the slack.
      It's not ever going to be the same.

    3. Interesting tidbit from vegasmommie on the I Scour the Internet posting: "They are building 2 houses and buying 2 more in the some area. I know this as fact because the houses are about 1/2 mile from me and some of the younger kids go to school with my kids and told them all about it."

      Guess the kids are like Robyn, Loose lips sink ships!

    4. So, if the kiddie grapevine has it right, staying together still means 4 separate homes. As much as I diss them I do marvel at their ability to be able to get money for these houses. From welfare to wealthy in just a couple of years, now THAT's "amazing".

    5. And Robyn will get the house she wants. So much energy in these houses. Not so much energy in how the kids will get to college.
      I am SICK of hearing about houses. They CHOSE to not be too close. 4 houses might as well be miles away, those women will stay in their own.

      Too bad they don't have the cahoonas to buy 4 apt/condo together. Those kids will be leaving fast. Why do Robyn's all get their own room, when Janelle's are squished together?

    6. I'm confused with all the focus on Meri having one child but she is married to Kody so she has as many children as he does. And can the children not stay the night with their dad if he is at Meri's? And the comment about if Christine wants to go on vacation to save grocery money? So how will Kody contribute?

    7. I feel for Meri and the fact that she only has one (biological) child. However, she may need to consider other women who are unable to have ANY children (such as myself) and cherish the fact she was blessed with at least one biological child. She should be celebrating the fact that she has more than just one child - she has a family full!

    8. I don't know if I put too much stock into what the little ones are telling their school friends, sounds to me like the old news of the Brown's getting the 2 big houses & building 2 more beside it until one sold when really it was the Financial situation. Th younger kids probably just repeat everything the Adults feed them believing it because they haven't learned what the older ones have about thier parents yet...that they are full of shit!

      What I understood from the Finale was they just put down a huge hunk of cash to hold the Lots for 30 days until the Brown's could get Traditional Financing & w/thier credit I don't see that happening in 30 days! So, it doesn't sound like the same story of what the kiddos are telling BUT then again, the Brown's change thier story with the wind! I'm not saying it's not true BUT I'll just stick w/believing it when I see it!!

    9. not posted to this Blog before so let me introduce myself. I watched the Finale last evening as well as the ' Tell All' Show.
      I have sat and shaken my head at other shows but the comments by Mr Big Shot last nite were absolutely sickening.
      watching that bag of audacity sprinting around the perimeter of those building lots? I thought I would seriously throw up....... my other thought was ' what's he going to do next! mark his Territory by peeing on them?'
      I have had increasing thoughts of what an egotistical man he is but last nite tipped the scales.
      his comments to Christine were outright cruel .... what makes this man think he is such a red hot Catch anyway? he is sickening...
      when they were in Mexico and Christine said to him ' how would you react if I said *I* thought i would like to take a couple more husbands! I thought YES! BINGO!perfect...
      he recoiled in horror and made some stupid remark about how vile and revolting that was to him.
      not sure why i watch this thing really? kind of like watching a train wreck ....
      I will continue to read your Blog ' with great interest' ...

    10. That was Meri not Christine

    11. yes my apologies, it certainly was. If you all check out on Youtube Season 1 Episode 5? the 1st wife 20th Anniversary... my jaw absolutely drops listening to the words coming out of that man's mouth..
      When Meri is trying to explain to him that she is struggling with feelings of jealousy towards Robyn? she says ' how would you feel if i was interested in another man ' or 2'??? he was Floored.... and spoke of that being hypocrisy !!! huh??? and how Vulgar that would be.
      Sorry folks but I don't get it......... why would it be anything different that what HE is doing? or the way this group is living? He absolutely sickens me......

      it was also mentioned in this episode that Christine had ' just given birth to Truely' and Kody got engaged to Robyn..

      how charming is that....... to go thru a pregnancy and birth and cope with all the hormonal issues involved with this? while your Donkey of a husband is off ' courting' some young skinny woman....

      where is that brick wall so I can go bang my head now.

    12. Truely is so cute! glad they are showing her more. Kody even said he wanted to put his scent on the houses how creepy. He is a Neanderthal, thats why he needs to eat off his kids plates before they can.

  4. Since Logan is going to the U of Nevada in Vegas, he probably won't even leave home He has such a highly developed sense of responsibility (look how he acts as surrogate Dad to the kids when Kody does nothing) he will probably stick with the lifestyle unfortunately. When you have spent your entire life being conditioned for polygamy it's hard to make other choices.

    1. unfortunately, my bet's with yours on Logan's future choice. too bad he can't go stay at his uncle's house (Grody's brother that doesn't believe in polygamy) while he goes to college. that influence would be great but i'm sure Janelle nor Grody wouldn't even allow it let alone bless it. even Logan being 18, he will still be their obedient son.

    2. Didn't Logan say in the Harvard episode that he thought he'd do his GDR's at UNLV and then transfer out when he chooses a major? That would be a financially conservative way to go. Plus, Nevada has other colleges than UNLV, so he could still live away from home and get in state tuition.

    3. The fact the Logan is going off to college is great. He will meet all kinds of new people, new ideas, and develop the life he wants. Many of us didn't go to the college of our dreams - it is not necessary - but going is the important thing. Good luck and have a great time Logan.

    4. Hunter and Mykelti seem to be staying out of the show which is good. They are entitled to privacy and I'm glad that is being respected.

  5. goes LIVe in 41 minutes!!!

    1. Just checked it out - nothing special, some of it is downright ugly, and VERY expensive.

    2. finally seeing realityJune 24, 2012 at 3:25 PM

      The jewelry is way to expensive for costume jewelry and is ugly on top of that. Don't know who designed it, but it is not at all attractive.

    3. i agree.....UGLY and VERY expensive!

    4. Totally over priced and ugly.

  6. they're officially opening their new business on the SABBATH??? lol

    1. Oh, that antiquated pesky command to keep the Sabbath holy? Kody and family are way over those things I guess. I can see him giving his Sunday sermon at his living room church service, slugging down some green goop for energy, grabbing one of those visors that movie money counter ppl. wear, giving all the ladies a hug...and off to be a mogul.

  7. I have been out of town so frantically trying to catch up on reading SWBlog before tonights episodes! I just checked out the Sisterwives closet store... They have ten products. Ten. That's it. And the products are not cheap! The whole set that Robyn gave them for Christmas is close to $300! So they have had at least 6 months to put this together and this is all they can do? Other items coming soon? If people look the first time and see expensive and limited choices, they won't come back at all. I don't know, even I was expecting more, even from them. It's ironic that they themselves wouldn't be able to afford this jewelry! They may get a few 'fans' to buy some stuff but then that's about it. This will not be a steady source of income for them.

    So now they have this disappointing new business venture and we hear that Janelle still does not have a real estate license 4 months after passing the test. Do none of them know how to follow through? I thought Janelle had a little more work ethic than that? I am just getting a grifter vibe from them now.

  8. O.M.G. ... that stupid necklace Robyn gave them at Christmas is $300!! LOL

  9. I just checked out MySisterWivesCloset. All they offer is about 10 pieces of jewelry right now. A number of them steal the Clauddaugh (sp?) ring design. Isn't that some kind of trademark violation? And the hands just look creepy to me.

    The "SW" necklace would be kind of cute if it stood for Super Woman, but it will always be associated with Sister Wives since they are the ones who market it.

    In my opinion, the "sister wives" branding makes all of the jewelry pieces less marketable. I wouldn't want to wear anything that could cause my peers to think I was a polygamist for fear that they might not want their children to play with my children. I would be afraid that someone might recognize the jewelry from the sister wives website and jump to the conclusion that I am engaged in (or support) polygamy without asking me about it.

    1. I totally agree with you about the sister wives branding makes all this jewellery less marketable. I found your post by Googling "Sister Wife's Closet Hands Creepy." more creepy can you get? It's sort of like those hands are going to come after you and choke you to death. I design (and hand make) my own silver jewellery and I'm shocked by the crap they churned out when all they have to do is draw a picture of it and have a jeweler actually make it. There is nothing there I could comfortably wear...and I'm open and (usually) supportive of anyone's new business venture.

  10. OMG! I couldn't resist going to look at My Sister Wives closet.

    They couldn't even write unique descriptions for each of the pieces of jewelery!

    And one more time about the wonderful relationships the wives have with each other...The horse is dead. Quit beating it.

    I think I'll go watch reruns of Big Love.

  11. Just their crappy Jewelry. No clothes.

  12. I am curious to see how well the business does. There are only 9 pieces of jewelry available and the prices range from the mid 50s to 300 dollar mark. The deaths on the pieces themselves are not very crisp, clean or clear and the descriptions of each piece is poorly written. I myself would feel embarrassed sending someone who might inquire where I purchased an item (if I were to do so) to this site. The selection is so small and the prices are too high. Besides, it is possible to find similar pieces at reasonable prices. I am curious, the subscriptions don't sat the materials used our the craftsmanship (usually 2 things mentioned to justify high prices). I was disappointed. I am not against this family, I don't actually want to see them fail mostly because they do have so many kids to support. ~ Recent reader of the entire blog and I love it and first time poster.

    1. Under each description, it says they are made with sterling silver and handcrafted in the USA.

    2. so they've put Truely to work now?

    3. LOL anonymous, I wouldn't be surprised

  13. S W = Spell Wyoming

  14. You know, cameltoeboy is so arrogant and so full of himself, I can really see him thinking that this gig with TLC is a stepping stone. I really believe he thinks they are bigger than TLC and when it ends, he and his "happy" family will move on to bigger and better things. The sisterscloset thing is one of those bigger things. I can seem them banking on the money before it gets into the bank. I believe that is one of the reasons Janelle is so upset and keeps discussing their finite resources. However, every interview and every event that they go to, cameltoeboy sees his public as never leaving him and someday he will have a real kardishian existence.
    I really feel so sorry for those children.

    I cannot find the sistercloset place. Where is the link.. I must go make fun of the doodlejewlery. Really. Poor Janelle. Although, I am getting to the point where I want to say, girl you deserve this mess.

  15. the jewelry descriptions are funny knowing the real history no love lost between these women. obviously a hired PR wrote them. well, their adoring kool-aid drinking fan base will eat it all up. just not sure they can afford the joke prices tho.

  16. Wow! No way sisterwives can afford to shop on that website!

    1. Tacky, cheap looking, poor choices. Descriptions written by a 10 year old.

  17. my grandkids have gotten better jewelry from those toy crane machines! lol

  18. I guess Christine didn't pay any attention to Janelle when she told her that her SW (superman/superwoman) necklace says, "oh, look at me. i'm 5! like she told Robyn about that triple heart one of hers.

    good lord - this honestly looks like dollar store crap. and that first one w/the 4 stubby fingers and their 4 vagina holes is uber ridiculous.

  19. and why does meri need the same size house, once again, as the other 3,,,oh fairness and she is the only realy mrs. brown.

  20. How much longer to us viewers must endure the Brown Family House Drama? they own a perfectly good one, they are renting 4 they chose, and still WHINE? This so much more important to them than the education of their children. I am sick sick sick of this storyline.
    I do think it will be a mush-fest over Logan's graduation. Janelle is going to miss that boy. However, Kody and Robyn are trying to fill up the houses again.

    The only thing that will save this train wreck is if they gain another wife. I would love to see a show in 10 years where the children could actually speak their mind.

  21. My sisters wives closet will not support them. And my hunch is tonight, that Meri will show her jealousy over the new homes. As my hubby says, the MAN must be nuts to want 4 wives.

    Go Janelle, Go Christine.

  22. Why even beat this "Logan Goes To College" drum any further ??
    The kid is going to a local needed fireworks or tearful goodbye contrived clips. Enough already !!!!
    Geez, how STUPID do they think the viewers are???

    The Quest for the DREAM homes......equally over-done and now just plain BORING!!!
    They are waiting for the money to come rolling from the CLOSET ??
    Hmmm......hope they all are prepared for a major *fail*...again !~~!

    They would have to make "a number" to justify web, manufacturer, licensing, etc, costs before they see a dime. Who wants to bet this venture goes the way of the all the other ones ?
    Whatever inventory actually exists at this point will probably end up in some dollar bin at a flea market.

    These people are just sooooooo predictable !!!!

    1. I hope Logan is just saying this in order to get everyone off his back, he's a smart guy. Run Logan! we are all behind you

  23. My guess is that the kids will go to college in Utah, and stay with relatives.

  24. Watching this episode NOW. LOGAN says he's 18, it's his life!!! He also says the religion is totally up in the air! And wants to get away from them. I love it!

  25. Yea all the wives except janelle want the houses they don't work and make the money

  26. I think many young adults push back on their parents' religion as older teenagers/early twenties. I imagine Mariah is the exception, not the rule. Logan is probably like the majority, plus having such a logical, practical mom like Janelle, he is waiting to see where his life heads before committing to anything.

  27. A wet bar??????

    1. Right!! What for?!

    2. Maybe she will have a stash of lovers hiding out in all the rooms. They will need the services of a wet bar, for sure.

      Sheesh. Party party party....

    3. When Kody was not even comfortable being in a bar and drinking water, why would Meri want a bar in her house? Hmmmmmmmm......on second thought, maybe she's not as out of it as I assumed.

      That was such a weird thing to say she wanted.

    4. I guess she wants the wet bar to serve Kool-aid. The special Kody Brown flavor. Then the deck to drink it on...

    5. OMG, a wet bar ??? How could Kody be so mean to Christine !! And the " SO in love" with the 18. Love to know what really happened there. Any-one notice that Mariah is getting mean her-self. I think the only one Kody loves is Meri, and Janelle and Christine were the baby making machines. Meri runs the show being the only legal wife. Robin is on the down slide already, see the look Kody gave her. OHHH

    6. All her life Mariah has gotten the message that she is not enough. Her parents say they have "just Mariah" and don't appreciate her as an individual. I understand her acting out. The older kids really seem to function as a team and I think they bring reality to eachother. Hang in there Mariah! you are unique and special.

  28. This show is actually more interesting than some of the previous ones.

    1. agree Mister Sister, they actually said some new things

  29. Watching show concerning need for homes together. Jealousy really rearing its ugly head - WHY shouldn't Meri have as much as the others? Also have been watching hit and miss - me thinks Robin is angling to become #1 in Kody's life..
    Anyone else get that vibe?

    1. I understand that Meri doesn't need as many bedrooms, but she should be able to get features and upgrades she wants, just as the others should be able to get the number of bedrooms they need. I don't see how they all wouldn't be angling to be #1--I don't get this "lifestyle" or whatever they want to call it. How could jealousy not come into play EVERY day?

    2. Yeah, that's what makes their 'closet' idea so stupid. They don't live it, but they're trying to sell it. Blech.

  30. I didn't see Kody sign anything....guess he doesn't have any financial responsibility in it. And Meri doesn't need a big house. Selfish and stupid...again putting herself before the needs of her "bonus" children. I can't believe that most viewers will still watch after seeing Meri's behavior tonight. And how would you like to be the poor people buying the other lots then finding out you have to live next to these people...ugh!!

    1. well, as the old saying goes, "there goes the neighborhood!"

    2. I admit, my opinion of Meri has slipped a few notches. She does seem to be a little wrappedup in her? Wet bar?
      Two of those houses should be enough, but it looks like no one wants to live with Meri. Wow. Very eye opening..
      Still, my 4 kids had to share rooms, we sacrificed a thing or two. I guess no one in that family want to give up anyhing for the good of the family. Again, wow.

    3. I think Kody forced the house on Meri. She said she didn't want or need it, and Kodouche threw a hissy!!!

    4. If I found out I had to live in the same neighborhood, I would just not. do. it. Buh bye Browns!

    5. there is such a thing as Villas or 4-plexes etc where all 4 Units would be together, rather than each ' wife' requiring some big sprawling house? I guess they would leave the back yard ' open'/ i.e. no fences? so Mr. Studly could do his galloping lope unimpeded all around the complex area and make his Entrance thru each woman's back door....... Sorry! no pun intended... gross..

      he certainly has an over-inflated opinion of himself , doesn't he/ ??

    6. Very nicely said mirandaB2008. He is totally gross and for the most part those poor women need a huge wake up call. Very sad that they chose Kody as a viable husband.

    7. So true. Meri has her bonus children, why doesn't she spend more time with them? They could certainly use the attention. The little girls staying with Meri didn't last, if it happened at all.

  31. Logan should RUN to Utah! He will never get his own life if he stays in Vegas.

  32. Just to let you all know. I know the properties that they are "buying". Hell, I could post the addresses if I felt like it. I live in las Vegas and have a very keen eye for locating places. According to the Clark County Assessor's Page, those 4 lots that they put money on and are trying to get financing on... are still owned by the development company. Something tells me that they couldn't get the financing.

    1. Oh yeah... each lot back in 2010 was going for $625k.

    2. Big Surprise...NOT!! I saw this coming, they are gonna drag this house drama out FOREVER! And, Kody running around the property like he owned he'd wait til he actually got the financing...what a dumbass!

    3. AND! the kids are let down yet again, like they knew they would be. I don't know about anyone else, but I can't tell my kids anything unless I'm positive it's going to happen. They'll worry me to death, and I don't want to let them down. Kody saying he was 95% sure was a desire, not a true figure. How could he say 95% sure when their financing was so iffy????

      What a man-child. Playing at being a grown-up.

  33. Big MikeLV - I missed a part in the beginning, and haven't downloaded yet. What the deal, are they all going to be huge houses? What was the 7 bdrm issue? We don't post addresses, (for the safety of the children) but Please give us any scoop you have!

  34. Well, you all have said it, and now it's a fact--Kody did not and does not love Janelle and Christine as a husband loves his wife. He's disgusting.

  35. **Moved to the appropriate post.
    Anonymous said.... Why don't they just build on big house?

    1. Thats what my wife keeps saying...

    2. Didn't they say, in an episode shortly after the move, that they couldn't build a home like the Utah place because of zoning issues in Nevada. Something about having multiple kitchens, number of bathrooms, something like that??

  36. All I can tell is that they are picking 4 lots in a small subdivision (9 lots total). those lots are huge and judging from the size of the lots, those will be big houses.

    Hunter plays football for the high school my son is zoned for. In fact when we had our youth camp that the high school put on, he was there. No parents though.

  37. My husband would have been right there!

  38. I thought the season finale was a good offering considering what came before. The inteview episode is airing now, and it's pretty much a re-tread of their book, which I dug into and read over the span of a few days.

    I am a fan of this family, as I've said before, and I do hope that they really will achieve the four homes. Can't blame the kids for their lack of excitement, though. They were just being realistic!

    I thought that Meri's emotions about the home building were geniune, and I did feel for her in that regard.

    I do hope that the show will continue, and we will have at least another season to follow the Brown's on their journey!

  39. Big Mike - you may email us info if you like! address is on the right. We'd love to hear from you!

    1. Anything I come up with you are welcome to have. I've driven by the houses they currently live in and they really arent to far a part. I know some High School kids and will ask them a few questions about the family.

  40. OMG!!! Christine states that "money is only part of it" when purchasing a home and that family is the other part. I would love to know where they would even be considered for financing, as I can't qualify for a mortgage. These people are delusional.

    1. This, this THIIIIIIS!!! They are the dumbest people I've ever seen! They admitted to being house poor in Utah, and did you notice Christine say she couldn't even go see her dying father?!!!!! Then Christine says she didnt want to be house poor, she wants to be able to go on vacation. Kody told her she can save her grocery money then.......what an ASSHOLE!! I tolerated Kody before, no more what a selfish prick! Guess what Christine and especially Kody? Money is THE ONLY important factor, and you don't have any!!!

    2. Well, that's why Meri goes on all the trips, isn't it? She has the most grocery money...

    3. Yep, we can always count on Kody to be a real dick! Christine is suppose to save her grocery money meaning...who gives a shit if the kids eat less as long as Kody doesn't have to contribute a damn thing. Guess he thinks he's contributed enuff by empregnating her over & over when he really found her fat & disgusting! Why can't these women see what this man is?!? Damn, the are brainwashed, loving Father MY ASS!!

    4. I agree, Toasty :D
      ...and we all know kids eat less when Kody's fat ass is around, bcuz he eats from their bowls before they have a chance to sit down & enjoy it themselves o_O

    5. That was crazy about Christine's father! People who are destitute manage to go say goodbye to dying relatives. Kody wants her to be dependant on him.

  41. Dear CPA Carol,

    Please do your magic and tell us what $5,000 earnest money each tells you...

    They must be doing well on the money front between the green stuff, the TV show and the book. The fallacy of course, is that this could all wash away in a heartbeat.

    And another comment on the size of Meri's house...why on earth would she WANT that big of a house? It would just mean more cleaning and upkeep.

    I'm glad the season is over, at least for a while. My husband thinks I'm nuts to watch a TV program to yell and make rude comments. I also think I'm nuts and am ready for a break from this sick addiction.

    1. First off, I think earnest money is basically nonrefundable. That is why Kody told the kids (why tell them, why?) that this was a gamble.

      So say the $5,000 could be 'part of the downpayment". Say the houses are $500,000 and they put 10% down ($50,000) because Mona was sure once they got those credit reports magically cleaned up, they would qualify for a 10% down mortgage. So, if they put 10% down on a $500,000 house and then had $4,000 in property tax per year + $2,000 in insurance (which I think is low) and managed to get a 6.25% interest rate (which is low given their horrible credit), their monthly mortgage payment would be $3,466. Or if they had to pay 7.0% interest, the payment would be $3,841. PER MONTH for 30 years. Plus, being in Houston, land of heat and humidity, I can tell you it will cost a FORTUNE to aircondition these monster houses. I would seriously guess the monthly a/c bill in the summer will top $1,000. Mine goes as high as $300 and I have 2200 sq ft.

      This is incredibly unrealistic for this family (and for most families). I highly doubt that anyone will loan them the money and those pesky bankruptcies are going to bite them as far as interest rates if they even do get financing. Unless some mystery investor or benefactor comes up behind the scenes, I predict that Maddie is right, this is NOT going to happen.

    2. I have said before and still think they are dragging this house issue out hoping to troll in someone/investor/benefactor/idiot who will feel sorry for this 'poor family' and buy them 4 homes....I seriously, truly hope this does not happen as these people have scammed the system enough by getting taxpayers to put food on their table while the head of 4 households does nothing but whip his decreasing hair around and goes house to house to use his women....disgusting....

  42. Each check looked to be written for about 5k from each wife's account..i would imagine it is refundable or partially refundable if they did not get the properties...from above post sounds like they did not..kody is going to get a dose of reality when the cameras go away and he cant parlay himself into a continuing public celebrity..he has no skills that we have seen other than being great at passive aggression. Logan should have left town...I dont know if it was for the show or maybe deep down he is as insecure as his father....and cant live on his own...

    1. Someone in realty probably knows better than I, but everytime we've bought a house, it is made clear that earnest money (checks they wrote in last pm's episode) is NOT refundable. That's why Kody was calling it gambling on the houses, or whatever he said (kept falling asleep...) It's money to say you are serious about buying the house, but if your financing or whatever else falls through, the seller gets to keep your money. At least that's the way it has gone in the three diff states we have purchased homes in. Regarding the amount they put down, again, may differ, but with us, one time it was a certain %, our current house, we just tossed a number out there, and it was accepted by the seller.
      I think that episode was either fake/TLC manufactured. Why do they suddenly think they have financing now??
      WHY would Kody run around the properties when they hadn't even gotten financing?? That is unbelievably stupid. I never 'celebrated' getting a house until after signing final stacks of papers, getting the key, walking in the front door...and even then, I always knew it was owned by the bank until the mortagage was paid off! lol.

    2. I think you are right about earnest money, they act like little kids. You don't get things in life because you want them badly, especially mortgages!

    3. I've written earnest money checks twice in my life. The first time, it was refundable because my financing didn't go through (I was a 23 years old, first year teacher with no credit history). The second time I was established and ready to buy my house. I had 20% down and my credit was excellent! I was told back then that my earnest check was NON-refundable, but the builder did apply it toward my closing costs. It is really up to the builder/seller if they want to keep the money or apply it towards upgrades, closing costs, etc.

  43. RUN KODY, RUNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!

    1. What is up with the creepy music and singing that is playing while Kodster is running around the Kodster Kompound lots?!

    2. That was dumb. I understand wanting to let off steam, but setting his jogging to music? Really, really stupid.

  44. Well I'll be able to keep track of the family once school starts. That Mexican restaurant that they always eat at 1. isnt very cheap and 2. is right behind my house.

    Just so you all know. They run all over the valley during the show. One episode is a store in Henderson then the next is on the other side of town.

    There are TONS of houses in this town that are close together and also in foreclosure. I would think that buying 1 or 2 BIG houses wouldn't be that hard.

  45. Meri's cry-fest was as self-absorbent as Brawny paper towels. But unfortunately is more manipulation tactics, and passive/aggressive behavior

  46. First time poster long time lurker. Sorry Christine, if YOU want a vacation, YOU have to cut back on groceries. Seriously? I really almost threw something at the T.V. Christine says "it wasn't you Robin, it was Kody I had a hard time with" then admits she thought of Robin as the enemy. So which was it?

  47. watched Morales interview again..if you go into slow motion when you want to really see a facial expression it is fascinating like Kody after Meri states they were not at a all time high ..they were low..and Kody looks dazed..slo mo that if you have it on dvr....once again it would be great to have an "actuality report" once the cameras are gone and unless a fifth wife comes into play I think this show is almost over...the older teens need to go away to college...too bad for Mariah..she wants the life style and she is the only one without blood siblings...curios..

  48. There'll be another season all right. They have already filmed the road trip to Nauvoo. More detail please on this pm's show!

    1. Natalie Morales said that Part of Season 3 has wrapped up & the other Part is being filmed right now, the Nauvoo trip so they'll be back! I have a feeling they will announce that The Witchy Twit is Preggers then, I noticed a bump in their interview w/Morales. The Pregnancy & of course the Housing Bull Shit will be the drama for the 2nd half.

  49. kody running, running, running around the empty lots, much as if one were to run the bases on a baseball field..."did i look stupid?" asked kody? yes, yes you did!!!

    1. IKR? & the dumbass, said,now the properties all has his stink on it!!....LOL Well, Kody, I couldn't agree more!! :D

    2. Has his "STINK " on it ??? Is the man totally insane ? Yes, yes he is. What in the name of h*ll did he think that would sound like. Does he think he is a STAR. Yes my friends, he thinks he is the next male version of Kim Kardashian LOL Where oh where is this going to end ? If not for the kids, who would really care. Truely is a doll, just love her.

  50. I missed the first showing of this episode; had to be sure all the kiddos were in bed. It's not even over yet, and all I can say is

    I'm Done. Done Done Done. I just cannot watch this show anymore.

    The whole driveling, sniveling house thing is the final straw. I still don't understand why they can't invest all their moolah into a home like they had in Utah. Why 4 separate super expensive houses? If Kody is supposedly pulling his hair out over not seeing his children (yeah right), four separate lots is still not one single home.

    Watching Meri's conniving "I wanna but I don't wanna" drama fest was nauseating. it ain't punishment, it's just The Way Things Are. I'm all like, What The Hell Are You Going To Do with Seven Bedrooms? I empathize that she did not have as many children as she wanted, but it's like Janelle said, she wants to have her big house while her 'beloved' sister wives' children suffer?

    Isn't being a sisterwife all about love and loyalty, and friendship? Then Why can't she share a house with another wife, and help raise children. Oh no, not Number One Wife, no, she has to have all of her nice things. I have family like that...can't stay at their house because my rambunctious children will ruin all the nice things. Granted, I don't have chipped paint on my walls or kicked in doors, but I have kids, and yeah, you can tell by my not so perfect house. These crazy witches don't sound like the ideal sisterwife idea they're trying to peddle. They sound like a bunch of middle school idiots.

    These people are all crazy and delusional. This show is depressing, because even though I really hoped these were just actors (lol) it turns out they're real, and I just can't watch this crap anymore.

    How much you want to bet Logan reads this site (LOL) the part that I did see, he was talking about getting away, I was practically jumping up and down going Yes! Get the F*** out of that place! He loves his mom, you can tell, but I think he also resents his 'father' for not being a good father. He practically said, I can't be there for all of my siblings, because I'd be middle-aged if I did, and you know inside he's going, and that's a Dad's job,anyway...

    Thank goodness for this site; thanks for letting me vent! I will keep coming by, because it's easier to read about this circus act than watch it. this blog is waaay better than the show, and much less stressful. Instead of pitching in to buy the authors tin jewelry, we should all be chipping in to buy them anti-nausea meds.

    And FWIW, I love Janelle. I would totally be her BFF and be a true, loyal friend. But alas, she's got this testimony/brainwash thing that keeps sucking her back in the Void that is The Brown Family. May she find peace someday, and the True, Loyal, Love of Christ...

    /rant off whew!

  51. Why can't they live in one big house or 4 plex? - because they have now had the tiniest taste of what it might be like to be monogamous and spend some uninterrupted time with their guy, even if it's less than twice a week - and they're liking it. Can't believe there is no plan to return to Utah though - after all the boo hooing about being separated from their church and not being able to be a full part of worshipping with their community. What a pack of lies - the bright lights and the promise of dollars overcomes all!

    1. I wonder if Christine and Janelle will live together later on.

  52. also, if others are commenting as much as me, well, many many thanks to the awesome crew running this blog...great job keeping up with it all! :)

  53. I haven't read all of the posts on here, but I do have some questions, however they may or may not be addressed:

    Does Kody take care of any finances? The wives all wrote their own checks for the homes and Janelle was talking about being worried about how she was going to feed her kids at one point. Does Kody take no responsibility for that?

    In a polygamist community what if a wife wants a divorce?

  54. Sunday nights episode clearly was... Robyn's cold sore turn. Can't you buy stuff in a tube or take something for it? (unless you're pregnant?!) how long do they film one episode over? Half of the show half of her lip was infected. The other half, it was healed up. I think Janelle had it at the corners of her mouth by the end of the show!

  55. sk - in AUB divorce is really discouraged, but if there are enough serious problems, and the woman is persistent enough, she can usually get a fake "divorce" from her fake "marriage"

    1. I figured it was discouraged and since only one wife is legally married I didn't know how it worked. These set of women pretty much take care of themselves so they would be fine completely on their own.

      Side note, how much does TLC pay them?

  56. I think Kody & others had selfish intentions of wanting Logan to stay close to home! I mean what parent in their right mind, wouldn't want their kid to go off on their own & spread their wings??
    I just hope he plans on living on campus!
    Also, all the UNLV shirts, hats, etc.. they bought for the adults & kids, cost some $$ & I just wonder who's grocery bill, that came from??
    My husband, son, & I just got back from Ohio, from attending Freshmen Orientation last week, & we bought me a University mom T-shirt,a univ. tote bag, & a few car window decals; my son a football univ. T-shirt;& my husband a football univ. hat & we spent about $80 at the university bookstore just for these items o_O

    1. Exactly! I love your comment about who's grocery money did that come out of. I was floored when I heard Koty tell Christine if she wanted to go see her father, then take it out of her grocery money!!!!

  57. First time posting. I love this site. Thank you to all those behind the scenes doing all they do and to each poster; thank you for the insight, humor and sarcasm. Being late to the game, I have a question that may have already been answered.

    Who owns the Lehi house? Who's living in it now? If an aunt had keys, does that mean the family is still involved with that house?

    1. Welcome!

      The Browns still own the Lehi house. Apparently Meri's sister and brother in law (Aunt Rebekah and Uncle Nathan) are the caretakers/ possibly living there. You're right, it was Aunt Rebekah that had the "keys" when the teen went back to their old home.

    2. Thank you. Do they own it straight out or still have a mortgage on it?

    3. The house is mortgaged. Janelle first purchased the house in 2006-07, then added Kody to the deed. In 2009, Meri was added.

  58. Did anyone else catch Logan saying to his sisters that if he went to college in Utah, he'd attend the Institute of Religion there to make his mother happy? For those who don't know, the Institute of Religion is the LDS student center. Most large public Universities have them, generally near campus.

    Two questions:

    1) Why would Logan be attending an LDS institution to make his mother happy, since, as the viewers are constantly told by the family, they're not LDS? Sounds like the family has a lot more ties to the LDS than the Browns (and the LDS) want the viewer to believe.

    2) It was strange that he only mentioned that he'd attend the Institute of Religion if he attended school in Utah. UNLV has one as well. Would he not attend it there, and if not, why not? Maybe his mother assumes that if he stays in Las Vegas, he will be close enough to the family to attend their home religious services that Kody conducts.

    1. I heard it, but didn't know what to make of it.

    2. I think its because Janelle wants Logan to have a faith support system. If not AUB, at least LDS. I know there's this argument going on that fundamentalists like the AUB are not Mormon like LDS, but in reality (at least to me) both religions are the same except...fundamentalists follows pre 1978 doctrine including polygamy.

  59. 1st time posting, love the site.

    My question/comment is about Janelle's previous marriage. Reading this site has given a lot of background information on the family so if this has been covered I apologize and if someone could just direct me to the post that would be great. Anyway, why did Kody have an issue with Robyn being divorced but nothing has ever been said about Janelle's first marriage (other than she was married to one of Meri's brothers). Why did her first marriage fail? And why was Kody ok with marrying THAT divorced woman? And are Janelle's 6 kids all fathered by Kody?

    (Just to be clear, I like Janelle a whole lot better than Robyn, I'm just sick of hearing how Kody was hesitant to get involved with Robyn because she was divorced)

    Also, my eyes permanently rolled watching Robyn dab at her tears on her eyelashes.

  60. Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I really don't understand Meri wanting a big house. My only child will be leaving for college next year and I am counting the days until I can sell our 3 bedroom house and get a nice condo - no more yard work, no more home repairs and much less to clean. Why would anyone want all of the work of a big house?

  61. Reality check here. Meri is the only "legal" wife. Also the only one who can "divorce" him and take half. That's why she has more control than the other wives. She is as guilty as Koty...they both live off of these other wives welfare children.
    Let's face it people...Welfare is paying for all those kids because they are all "single" mothers by law. All except Meri.....who has only one child. Is it possible they never really pushed her getting pregnant because welfare would not pay for HER kids? Koty would be legally obligated to support her children through the marriage. No financial benefit there for her to have more kids.
    Robyn is probably getting child support for her three children from previous marriage...and now welfare for Solomon. Then she plays the pity card. Everyone has to tiptoe around her kids because they could one day choose to go live with daddy if they don't like it there....??? Yeah and they'll lose that income.

    Trust the living large right now is only due to the TLC show. We've all seen this before with John and Kate Plus 8, Octomom, Jersey Shore, etc, etc, etc. When the show ends, they will go back to living hand to mouth off ONLY the welfare system.

  62. Mrs Marcos:

    To my knowledge, all of Janelle's six kids were had with Kody. She and Kody were married in 1993, and Logan was their first child, born in 1994. I do not believe she had any children with her previous husband, whom she divorced in 1990.

    1. According to their book, the marriage lasted a year and a half, no children, and it was LDS faith and not AUB faith.

    2. What's the deal with Robyn and her alter ego She Ra? Seriously? She needs therapy.

  63. Logan has learned from Daddy. He'll go to the university there...still live at home (free housing and food thanks to the welfare of the smaller children)..and play college boy. It made me sick when he told the other kids that they have to treat him like he's in college. Barf Just like Daddy.....

  64. I wonder if it is a coincidence that the only Brown child that desires plural marriage is the child of the "1st Wife." All the other kids know what it is like to have a mother trapped in this misogynistic life style.

  65. Did anyone else hear kody say he goes five days without seeing some of his kids? They live in the same neighborhood and don't work. How hard would it be to see them more often?

  66. I feel badly for Logan. I think the family relentessly guilted him into UNLV. The whole 'we will get you a bedroom and an office" thing was so manipulative. As if they will ever get those houses. And Logan is trying to make a run for it and he can't. He feels trapped to stay in NV. Since they no longer live in Utah, the out of state tuition, etc was probably part of the factor. I really hope that Logan can at least live on campus at UNLV and just have a normal college experience. I somehow think that's not going to happen. He will end up at home, doing his best to balance his college demands with part-time work and also help be a father figure to that huge group of kids. Logan just seemed so resigned when he made his choice. I don't really think it was a choice at all. I really like Logan, I think he is a young man with character. I hope he can break free of this circus but I have the feeling he will have to stick around to placate his parents.

  67. I had similar thoughts when Meri's daughter was talking about wanting a polygamist lifestyle when she was married....
    from the interview last nite's episode? it appears that Meri is more in charge ( where the women are concerned) than what any of us realized before....... I would guess she calls a lot of the Shots and in her mind anyway/ she has ' rank' and uses that to her advantage...

    Robyn reminds me of a Stepford wife..... a real mamby-pamby ' yes Kody, whatever you say Kody' type of woman....... no mind of her own...

    if i had to choose 2 i would like to see be happy? it would be Janelle and Christine..

  68. Big Mike LV, where are the new ones?

  69. Hello,
    did any happen to dvr this???? please? i live outside the US and can't get my sister wives fix.
    please help!

  70. I just have to comment on this. Should be sleeping but pregnancy has me up all hours which makes me bring in my first point...

    1. What's the big deal about Meri's not having any other kids? Isn't she the "mother" of like 17 kids? Isnt that what the lifestyle, religion, cult, circus is about.

    2. Meri's "I have expensive tastes BUT I take care of my things..." wtf? i dont care if you take care of your things, boo boo, you can't afford them and shouldn't be worried about getting yours when yall have all these kids to feed. team janelle.

    3. Meri can share her husband, but she can't share a house with superwoman sister wife bff robyn? so that tells you right were her mindset is. things are more important than this "lifestyle"

    4. I want a wetbar, but I don't drink. I want a pool, but I don't swim because i prefer to eat peanut butter fritos and can't bear to peel off these spaghetti strapped one hit wonders over my adult onesies. I want a deck, but I don't want your brats messing it up. Totally rational, there, tight shirt. completely rational.

    5. kody's telling christine to save her grocery money wasn't a vacation fund. it's because she is fat in his eyes and he wants her to lose weight. three fat wives just ain't jivving in las vegas, baby.

    6. is everything about attraction to the opposite sex? jesus, john smith, ali babi, kody's hair, or whoever their sect prays to. commenting on the attractiveness of tour guides in mexico and college. all of these folks need to tone down their hot cha cha. it isn't sweet.

  71. Anonymous; i noticed that as well.......... the comments about the Guide during the trip to Mexico and College tour comments........ if it was all for ' the camera' ... i thought it was in very poor taste.... if 'they' don't want Society thinking all they do is troll for potential new wives for Mr Barfbucket? then why do they keep mentioning it all the time.

    Now that i have discovered this lovely Blog? I don't believe i will watch any future episodes...... the thought of ' himself' doing that ' strut' around and the way he shakes his greasy stringy hair around all the time? just plain Gross...

    when they show pictures of him when he and Meri were first wed, and him and Janelle as well? he ' appears' to be normal , clean cut young man.... but now? ick! no thanks........ arrogant egotistical Prig is all that comes to mind..

    in doing a Google on Wikipedia? i've discovered that Meri, Robyn and Christine were all raised in polygamist families, but Janelle was not. After the marriage of Christine and Kody, Janelle's mother married Kody's father. I didn't realize that before.!!!

    also it states that the Lawsuit against them ' was dropped' June 1st 2012... so why can't they now move back to Utah to the old house??

    I would think their financial contract with TLC is a pretty good one.... perhaps a good chunk is going to lawyers for now? who knows....... judging by the Lifestyle that Madam Gosselin from Jon/Kate+8 was able to glom onto?? they should be having a pretty attractive income from ' airing their dirty laundry' for all us goppers to see.. EEEEEEEEK..

  72. I watch every Sister Wives episode...purely for socio anthropological reasons, of course.

    My husband only allows me to watch the show when he is being particularly loving (thank God for PVR)...but he hates every second of it. Yeah, do I but it's like a train wreck for me...I need to see what is coming next and I don't need the man I married to judge me for it.


    1) Robyn has turned out to be a bitch. Man, girl, you've got to stop trying to suck up to Kody in front of the other wives. Also, don't try to make it look like you've been there forever when you are just the hot wife. The hot wive has to shut up the most. Even I know that and I'm monogamous (and coincidentally the hot wife.)

    2) Meri...used to love the frugal (first generation German-Canadian) part of me hates her. A seven bedroom house (or six, whatever)? I have a three bedroom house with a full time husband who has runs his business at home, and, I run my side silver jewellery making business out of it AND we have two children, and I still feel like my home is too large...and that we should down size...because why spend so much money on so much space? (My 8th generation Canadian husband won that war.)

    3) Christine...Suck up...or leave. I will respect you either way. Just do it for crying out loud.

    4) Janelle...I love Janelle...I feel she's like me... She loves her husband but she loves being alone and she's the logical one....well, except for being stuck in a "marriage" with Kody...but I actually think it works for her.

    5) Kody...OMG...what a doofus (dufuss?) There is no man in the world who could give 4 women what they need (except for Janelle, who really doesn't give a shit.)

    I will continue to watch the show but all I want to do is just shake these people....really, really, really hard.

  73. Its December now does anyone know if they moved yet?
