Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Discussion S04, Ep07: Brown Boys Do Vegas

Please continue your discussion here!


  1. So....
    In the last couple of weeks we've learned that RNC is a good liar and that Christine cheats.
    As these people get more comfortable with the cameras being around, they seem to be exposing themselves more and more.
    I found Mariah's reaction to the Hunter/alcohol joke to be over the top, much like Christine's reaction to Logan's use of the "f-bomb". I find the dichotomy of their lifestyle to be bizarre; they're a bunch of goody-two shoe con artists.

    1. I found Mariah's reaction to the Hunter/alcohol joke to be over the top

      Hi robotmonkey!

      So did I! The only thing I got out of that whole situation was that I would never want to be a sister wife with HER! Girlfriend's got some serious anger issues! But I'll just chalk her behaviour up to her being a teenager.

    2. Hello Cynical Jinx!

      I don't know about you, but I never threw a temper tantrum because of something idiotic my brother did. I might have been scared that I would get in trouble, but the only thing that would make me that angry is if he did something to me. Her tantrum was more like a parent that couldn't control their child, which tells me that a lot of the parenting responsibilities around all of these kids are shunted off on the oldest.
      Just more evidence of neglect, and probably a really unhealthy level of co-dependency.
      Be a sister wife with her? I wouldn't want to be in the same ice cream parlor as any of these clowns.

    3. Was it just *me* or did one of the jewelry "designs" (I think they meant it to be a stylized "W") look like...boobies? (as a kid would say), I had to laugh when I saw it...I really didn't watch the ep very closely, I'm waiting for the review.
      And I think Robyn's daughter is definitely boy-crazy, and nope...not too young to feel that way, but it's inappropriate. I could see her getting "in trouble" once she's junior high/high school age. Especially since Robyn does not discipline her kids, apparently.

      I was boy-crazy too...the difference is that my mom put a stop to it whenever I behaved that way.

    4. I think that all of the teenagers (and probably the younger ones if we saw them more) have anger issues. And who could blame them? They are told to drink the Kool Aid on polygamy, but they can see for themselves the harm it causes their mothers, the neglect they are suffering, and who knows that happens to them at school. Probably the worst thing is how their feelings are minimized and dismissed. Even if they don't get what they want, having someone say "that's a valid point and I'm sorry that we can't do something else" would be so much better than "stop whining. We're a family so we do what's best for the family"...when what's best for the family really means what Kody wants. Kids aren't stupid. They can see what's happening.

      I do think it's nice, however, that the older kids seem to have each other for support. Imagine if they bickered and back stabbed like their mothers.

    5. DakotaJustice. My first thought was it looked like a butt! haha

    6. I thought the designs looked like the open hearts by Jane Seymore.

    7. My son attended high school with one of Christine's daughters and found her to be very nice, helpful and honest. She showed no signs of low self-esteem and plans to get a jump start on college with her good grades. She was much nicer than some of the other kids at his school.

  2. Yikes..this train wreck is headed for that light really really fast. I have to agree they are exposing themselves..and Mariah? Well is anyone surprised, seeing as how she was raised by Meri?
    Someone commented in another post that TLC should realize that we don't want to see Kody playing with his brothers...and I have to second that. BORING...We all know he is a boy, RNC nicely pointed that out with her poignant poem.
    I'm tiring of this show fast, really, really fast

  3. I guess they have their own set of rules. I have been around many conservative teens and would never see that reaction, more.. hahah now they are in trouble... would be more appropriate. She's acting like a raging mother! eeek, watch out boys!

    1. so, her perfect little brother is only "perfect" if he never does anything wrong? why i can't stand religions of any kind for the most part. It creates too many sanctimonious sinners that sit in judgment of each other. they don't practice the meaning of unconditional love and recognize everyone's human and can only learn and grow from making their own mistakes. including perfect Mariah!

      at least she laughed when she realized she'd been punked but i loved Maddie saying she's not worried about Mariah's payback comment. ;') I imagine those kids probably see Mariah as somewhat entitled which is understandable given all the peace and quiet and privacy Mariah's always had at her home as an only child vs. their neverending chaotic one.

      With Sister Wife in her future, Mariah will be a tough one emotionally I think. She will probably always be on the phone to Mother Meri or running home to her when it gets to be too much. Kinda like Robyn does now.

    2. Mariah seems to have a very "holier than thou" attitude. Seems like the teens that went on the trip are the ones who can't wait to go back to Utah. Aspyn has tweeted alot about how much she loves Vegas, so I guess she wasn't interested in going back for a visit. I have to say that Janelle's teens are my favs. Logan, Madison, and Hunter are such typical teens. Logan dropping the F word, it's what they do. Mariah probably say's some ugly words too, but like her mother, she would never let the camera see her "REAL" self. Janelle's teens are real to me, especially Maddie and Hunter. I love that they are outspoken and have a unique personality.

    3. I'd really like to see the show continue long enough to get the "five in diapers" into college. Mariah talks about always wanting to be a doctor but yet went to a church run school until the family got to LV. Bet the church school was long on moral teaching and short on math/science. It would be fascinating to see if living on pipe dreams is as genetic as histrionic temper displays seem to be.

    4. Speaking of the doctor thing, did anybody else catch how Mariah said "When I'm older I plan on being in a plural marriage...but that doesn't mean I'm not going to do anything with myself..I've mean I've wanted to be a doctor since i was 7...it doesn't mean i'm not going to do anything with myself (repeated)".

      Did this strike anybody else as an allusion to her own mothers?

    5. You know Anony11:14, I'm with you ... for the kids's sakes, I'd like to see this work out for them.

      The Brown kids went to an AUB church run school in Lehi? If so, that explains a lot. I find them all interesting enough, but have at times wondered about their education. They are not as well spoken as they could be for their age. Such schools are, sadly, long on their morals and short on EVERYTHING else. Glad they are in LV, then. -- Cat

  4. Anybody see the great King Sol in the newest episodes? Was that reslly Cody holding Truly?

    1. King Sol was definitely MIA...wonder if filming took place when he was still sick from that 3 month bout with the flu and his pediatrician told Robyn to keep the baby away from crowds! Seems Aspyn was missing, too...

    2. @CJ I saw something on Facebook today about one of Aspyn's friends saying how she was disgusted about the show holding sacred tenets of their faith up for public ridicule; she and mykeltie are both increasingly unhappy about being onscreen. Apparently it was something she said to one of her friends, who passed it along pubicly (not such a good friend, if you ask me). I don't know if that's true or not--but wouldn't surprise me.

    3. uhmm... these girls are too young to realize their disgust needs to be towards their parents for going public w/their sacred tenets. as well as watching how their parents (especially Daddy) admit that it's a constant joke within their own religious community to make fun of their "sacred" tenet of polygamy. They're young. They'll learn.

  5. Ok, I am CPA Carol, after all, so I decided to run some numbers on the new great financing the Browns are going to get once they get those credit records cleaned up (I hope they realize this will take a lot of time, bankruptcies hang around for a long long time).

    Making some assumptions based on what we know, trying to be ‘general’. The houses in that community are $450,000. 10% down would be $45,000. Total Downpayments for the Browns $180,000. Mortgage term: 30 years, assume property taxes of $3,000 a year and Homeowners insurance of $1,500 a year (they will have to escrow with the mortgage company since they put less than 20% down) and they also will be responsible for PMI insurance (which they would not need if they paid down 20%). So running these numbers through an online mortgage calculator, using 4.5% comes up with a house payment of $2,600 per month. I would doubt they would qualify for such a low interest rate, so I also plugged in 6.5% and that ups their payments to $3,100 per month. I don’t know what they are paying in rent, seems like we have heard in the $1,500 -1,800 range?

    Ok so these are the numbers. I think Mona is giving them false hope because today’s mortgage market is much different than 5-10 years ago. Why was Janelle saying WOW WOW WOW….like this was so awesome….all Mona said was that if you clean up your credit (not done magically) you MIGHT be able to get traditional financing. MIGHT. If they come up with approvals, I am going to assume that TLC did some co-signing or something fishy. There is no way that 5 adults with 4 bankruptcies and unstable income (TLC can cancel them in a flash, look at Kate G) would really qualify for a traditional mortgage.
    So that is my financing lesson for the day! 

    1. CPA Carol, I was smh when Mona was saying that it will give them time to clean up their credit. There is no way that they would have their credit cleaned up before someone snatches up that land. It takes years to do that...or so I thought.

    2. Excellent work crunching those numbers, CPA Carol!

      When Mona said they need to bring their CBR scores up, I cracked up. I agree with you, no way can these folks qualify for a traditional loan. And it takes YEARS to clean up personal credit.

      Maybe they will apply for a mortgage under a corporate name?

    3. Also, reading anectodally about the LV housing market and how some really great deals are out there due to foreclosures and the economy, there are NO other opportunities for the Browns other than the now empty street soon to be filled with $450,000 houses? I find that hard to believe. Perhaps Mona feels that they have given her enough hard work and hassle to warrant the commission on $1.8M of houses but there have got to be other options in less expensive neighborhoods. I know they don't want to move the kids out of their schools again...but are we hearing correctly that there are no other options other than this very expensive neighborhood? And who exactly will be working on getting their credit scores 'cleaned up' - does that fall to each individual wife? I hope they are doing some serious googling to get a realistic picture of how long that process takes. WOW WOW WOW.

    4. finally seeing realityJune 11, 2012 at 12:34 PM

      Thanks Carol CPA for the numbers. The reality is as these people live they will never clean up their credit. They spend money faster than they make it. I had to almost laugh as they cannot afford these homes and I wonder if Mona the real estate lady is being paid by TLC, as I know that real estate sales in LV are not real good at this moment. It is as the Browns only hear what they want, as "We can qualify you" and not realize they cannot afford 4 $450,000 houses. These people have their head up in the clouds, hearing only what they want. As for Mariah's reaction to Hunter, lots of teens are prone to histronics so I can give her a break on that one. I have a daughter who is 27 and very successful and she was such a drama queen as a teen!

    5. Even if the credit scores were good, how could Christine, Janelle and Robyn qualify for any mortgage. Technically, their only income is from what Brown Family Entertainment pays them, and they all have bankruptcies. I'm still thinking that they are going to maybe go back to Lehi.

    6. Houses in Vegas are way down, Those homes USED to be that much but are probably only around 150 K these days

  6. Love this blog and read it all the time. Anyway is it just me or does Mariah look really OLD for her age?? She looks like her mother's younger sister. It REALLY annoyed me how she flipped out about the alcohol..who the hell would want to live with a b*** like her?? Can't stand the holier-than-thou attitudes of these people. Oh, and seems like Maddie is working out and getting in shape. Good for her!

    1. Maddie does look great and I heard her say to the others, "I have to work out every day." It sure has paid off and hope she keeps it up not only for looking better but for her physical and emotional health. She's setting a very good example for the other heavy bonus sisters to follow - as well as her own mom!

  7. I think Mariah is a total drama queen. A bunch of phonies, cheats and liars. Meri and Christine are a hot mess...they drown their jealous sorrows in a bag of chips and cheese dip, getting fatter each season.

    Drama Queen Mariah stated last night she knew she wanted to be a doctor since she was a little girl...funny that just a season or two ago she had a whole scene around telling Meri and Kody she wanted to be a doctor and how surprised Kody was to hear this news...either Mariah is full of s*** or this family has very poor communication skills....Mariah is many things but studious does not seem to be one of them...I do wish her well though in her pipe dreams.

    Logan, Hunter and Maddie seem the most grounded and real and it's because of Janelle's parenting.

    Meri is a bully and control freak...I also think shes a sneak eater.

    1. did you notice when she threw her fit and tossed her stuff down it included an IPhone. Very nice for a kid in a family of what is it now 17 kids?

    2. Just because Mariah wants to be a doctor, doesn't mean she is academically qualified to be one...she can want all she wants.

      iPhones (the older generation ones) are cheap now. My bestie got her kids iPhones - bestie upgraded her old 3G for a 4S ($199), her daughter got a 4 ($99) and her son a 3GS (free). I didn't see which type Mariah had, but i wasn't watching really carefully.

    3. I felt like the scene (season 1, right guys?) where Mariah "surprised" her dad about wanting to be a doctor (didn't he say something like "you've wanted to be a doctor since you were a little kid"? wow. some surprise) was set-up in an effort to attract some college scholarships for the poor girl...

    4. With regard to the phones, it's not necessarily the cost of the phone, but rather the monthly plan(s). I have a family of four, and we only have one smart phone among us (mine :) ). My plan costs more than I'd like, but I can't imagine what the Browns' cell phone plan(s) must cost for all of those wives and teenagers. Yikes!

    5. I was a little taken back at how bratty Mariah acted and it occurred to me that she must be like this a lot because they knew they would get a rise out of her, I think she's taking lessons from her control freak mama....

  8. I was wondering why Aspyn and Mykeltie weren't on this trip. They are in the same age range. I wonder if since their Mom is in the doghouse with Kody, in turn, the kids are in the dog house with him, too? Or did Christine not want them to go? And why was she all worked up about Logan's language, her kids weren't even there. Or maybe Aspyn and Mykeltie aren't comfortable with the cameras, I know they tend not to be featured all that much, although Apsyn used to be on couch time.

    I really enjoy watching these kids, especially Janelle's teenagers. They clearly have close bonds and act like normal sisters/brothers. And yes, shout out to Maddie who is looking so cute with the new hair and fit body!

    1. I guessed that Mykelti didn't want anything to do with a road trip intended for the show. I get a feeling that she hates the cameras and wants nothing to do with the show. Look at how glum she was in the background when baby bro Michael showed up.

  9. Anyone here want to buy Robuns 'Strong Women' designs?? WTH?! Yes, I yelled that at the tv when she & Meri high fived over that brilliant idea. OMG, you have got to be kidding me. UGLY crap & bad karma behind it. Who is this idiot guy that showed up at their house?
    Janelle's fitness idea was a bad one, but interesting how Kody is all over Robuns business idea, which really doesn't have a business plan in place at all, as we know.

    Mariah...okay, I usually keep my comments re kids off limits, however Mariah acts/looks like she is 35 yrs old. And not in a good way at all. What's happened since she's been living alone with Meri??
    Maddie DOES look great! She looks in great shape and seems well balanced and well...normal.
    Christine's reaction to Logan dropping the f-bomb-oh, it's because of the exposure to these LV public school kids! Really Christine? I seem to recall flatscreen tvs in every single one of those houses and computers in every kids bedrooms, but blame it on the schools. I think Janelles reaction of not making a big deal out of it is the best way to deal with it.

    Kody and his brothers...why TLC, WHY??? Please do NOT do this to us again. DO NOT WASTE 30 MIN OF our time with this crap.

    CPA CAROL, thank you for your post! I had to laugh at Mona getting out of her 'sick bed' this week to deliver the news to them to 'clean up their credit scores'. They all acted like that was just great news and they could go off and do that in a week or two! hahaha. Ummmm...correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that take years in the real world??

    1. yes, it does take years but Mona knows Browns don't live in the real world, so she knew she could throw them this badly needed crumb of hope and they'd eat it right up! which they did. except surprisingly Christine didn't. Because the miracle didn't happen instantaneously w/the mortgage broker then the dream is over for her cause it's going to require the miracle of work on their part.

    2. finally seeing realityJune 11, 2012 at 12:43 PM

      I think it is great that Logan is acting like a normal teenager. If this is the extent of his experimenting as a teenager they are sure lucky. I hope he does go away to school and not have to be responsible for anyone but himself, but I sure hope he does'nt think his family is going to pay for it or he will end up at communtity college just like dear old Mom and Dad want. I can't believe these people would rather their Son stay home and go to community college? It was my goal to raise children to go out and be successful, not to stay home for ever.

    3. I agree. Going AWAY to college will give him a chance to find out who he is. This is an opportunity that he won't get again. I hope he doesn't give in to his parent s

    4. I attended CC (community college) before finishing up my BS in EE at a four year school. I did rather well for having to live at hope in an uber disfunctional home. If Hunter can financially swing going away for school, he should, but he has a good head on his shoulders. He can make it even f he has to start out at CC.

    5. Yeah there is nothing wrong with a community college. At this point parents should be glad their kids want to go to any college. (And honestly with the cost of school CC is the best idea to start off and that associates can be really helpful in finding a job while you finish up.)

    6. watching crack potsJune 17, 2012 at 12:47 PM

      I think Mary only kisses Robins ass so she can stay in her position. It just looks so fake to me, Like how she was so excited for Sol to be born. I don't buy their close relationship one bit.

  10. Lilly Pad - I'm not sure when, but I do know a few seasons ago Mariah was saying she wanted to get into the Air Force Academy, but she didn't think she could get in due to home schooling and having parents that practice polygamy.

    Not sure if the AF Academy was just a fleeting dream and it went away when she quickly realized it wouldn't happen or if this was a way she wanted to facilitate her dream of being a doctor. I do know you need a recommend from a Senator/Congressman and I know there are other people that can do recommends, but which Senator is going to recommend a child of a polygamous marriage?

    Not sure when it was, as I said, but I'm sure someone here will remember!

    1. Mariah expressed interest in The Naval Academy as a means for becoming a doctor. My cousin graduated The Naval Academy and went to medical school afterwards, and even then it was competitive. I remember visiting my cousin as a pleeb, and they were tough on them. They would have eaten Mariah alive.

  11. I posted this in the other thread - does K have to wear long sleeve prayer garments too? Somehow I can't picture that.

  12. Some questions from the last thread.
    Does AUB reassign wives? - No. They just hand out enough divorces that sometimes it seems like musical beds.
    Is alcohol OK? Officially absolutely not - but there are some who do dabble in the booze (even some leaders who openly condemn it) Didn't see the episode, but if Kody is drinking it will make the powers that be, mad.
    Garments - all adults, men and women who have had "temple" marriages wear them. They are almost unbearable in the heat unless you stay inside in the AC all the time.
    "Independents" like the Dargers don't do temple garments, or worry about alcohol. They say they stick to their traditional religious beliefs, but they drop out all the things they find inconvenient, which leaves them with polygamy. Wonder why that always survives?!

    1. finally seeing realityJune 11, 2012 at 12:55 PM

      Thanks ex AUB for your comments. I thought I heard in the beginning season that they don't wear garments, but I could be wrong. It explains why they always wear long sleeves even in the LV heat. It does make me wonder if Robin always wears hers as she had the VS bill. There really would be no need for sexy underthings if you were wearing a garment. I can bet that she would want to be sexy for her man. That would make her more apealing than the other wives, and we know she would do what ever it takes to do that!

    2. Hi Ex AUB, thanks for all of ur great insight into the real world of the AUB.
      In ur opinion, do U think the Browns are still affiliated w/ an AUB church in Utah, or do U think they're independents or going off on their own? I'm not exactly sure what "Independents" means or intels either. Maybe U can enlighten me please :D

    3. Are the AUB garments long sleeved? In the LDS church they are short sleeved.

  13. guys I agree with most of you and most of the opinions on here! I however am having a hard time Dishing out and critizing the kids! I have read in the past that Mariah has posted on this blog, so all these comments will effect her and I don't feel right about it! Please lay off the kids and stick to douch and his wives!

    1. since the episode was mostly about the teens, it would be hard not to say something about them, and if their behavior was lacking, well, sometimes the truth hurts. We discuss what we see, what's wrong with that?

    2. for that matter, Mariah probably doesn't like all the snarks we say about her Mom and Dad either! so, if Mariah's smart enough to be a Dr., I'm sure she's smart enough to not be here reading an obvious snark blog about her whole family. I'm here for freedom of venting/opinion speech that's allowed and welcomed here. It's not my worry whether Mariah's here reading or not. I'll leave that to her mom.

      Besides, I keep reading that everyone sees the kids as victims and feels badly for them. Myself and others have even voiced several times against differing opinions that we also see the women and even Kody as all victims of this ridiculous trainwreck of a religious lifestyle.

      Anyway, I'll leave the moderating up to CJ and MS as far as what's appropriate and what crosses the line here. But if we have to post based on the Brown kids might be here reading, then this blog will become worthless for what it was originally set up for imo.

    3. I wonder if something else is going on with Mariah? Maybe she is going through a bout of depression? I was shocked she allowed the camera to get close ups of her uncombed her and no make up face. She had just woken up it seemed and didn't mind the camera was there. She has obviously gained a lot of weight and her face is really breaking out. We have never seen her act that way either.
      Not trying to be mean, just wondering if something else is going on.

    4. finally seeing realityJune 11, 2012 at 1:23 PM

      She always looks like this. I am suprised that mom Meri who always wears makeup has not taught her better than this. Maybe Mom and Dad think she is to young to wear makeup. Makes her less appealing to the boys Maddie does'nt have this problem. Mariah needs to start working out with her.

  14. It appears that Mariah may take after her mother in more ways than just the chin... as Meri's daughter I think she's inherited the bossy temper as well (based on what we know about Meri from the book)

    I really enjoyed Kody's one brother who rejected the Principle and Mormon book and chooses to live in monogamy. I hope the Brown children can see more of that uncle as a positive example.

    I thought Kody's oldest brother seemed to take the Principle much more seriously than Kody. He has just two wives and although I believe the Principle is false, I can at least appreciate that the older brother tries to do the best with what religion he is part of.

    The youngest brother seemed to take after Kody in all the goofiness.... joking about hunting for a wife just isn't funny to me. I guess the polygamists need to make jokes about that kind of thing though, to normalize it.

    Kody came across as self-centered and attention-seeking as ever. He needs to take a hint from his other brothers with receding hairlines and just cut it already!

    1. LOL - My hubby even said that the only reason they were having "church" was because the older brother was there. He does seem to take his religion seriously, and I too can appreciate that.

      I really liked the brother who only has one wife. I liked that he could stand firm in what he believed, even when it seems like he's the only one. Heck, his wife seemed like she would try plural marriage before he would!

      And Mariah ... probably just bossy and used to having her own way all the time.

      Christine tripping on the f-bomb ... oh pleez, have you seen your kids' Twitter accts and what their friends tweet??? (I know, I'm nosey as heck) ...

    2. I was thinking the same thing too Anony 2:02pm...I'm just as nosey...lol

  15. Did anyone else pick up on Logan's response to Hunter regarding his F-bomb??

    Logan: "Well Dad would hear a lot of things if he was here."

    Hmmmm.... Johnny Appleseed may be getting a little dis-enfranchised with his father's flighty ways. Kody has definitely added a lot of responsibility and burden to Logan as the older child/son by being absent - Logan has had to step up and grow up very fast, not entirely fair to the guy.

    As an oldest child myself, I found my parents expected a little more of me - I was babysitting and cooking the odd meals for my three siblings by age 11/12. At times I felt a little overwhelmed or a little upset that I was expected to act better and more mature and set an example... it must be 100x worse for Logan.

  16. I caught that ModernWife, but wasn't sure of exactly what he said. Yeah, the F bomb is a big deal, sleeping with 4 women isn't. The 4 conniving and whining all the time isn't.

  17. I suspect Mariah's "hissy fit" is something she learned from her mother. Meri and Mariah share the "mean girl" trait I suspect. The other kids KNEW she would get mad...and where did she learn that?

    Anyone catch the witchy Meri scolding Christine about her "cheating"? Everyone appeared not to care EXCEPT for Meri. I think Christine was being goofy rather than cheating.

    Robyn's daughter is in need of attention but Robyn gets it all.

    Those "jewelry designs" can be found in clip art, LOL. UGLY.

    1. After watching Christine and Robyn's math skills last week w/r/t Truely vs. Sol's weight, Christine may not have been cheating, but just trying to add two single digit numbers together. Personally, I would rather play minature golf with a cheater than a nazi. JMHO.

  18. When you decide to put your lives on display along with your kids, you leave yourselves open to all sorts of comments and opinions good and bad.

  19. What monogamous woman is going to buy a "mysisterwives'closet" piece of jewelry? I wouldn't buy it. I would be afraid others would think I was in a plural marriage. Are there that many polygamous women out there for there to be a market for this stuff?

    Janelle, the key to having your business plan approved by Kodouche is not to make a business plan with financial estimates. It is to have $1,000 worth of Victoria Secret panties like Robyn does.

    1. I believe you've discovered the real business edge amongst the clan....fancy thongs and pushup bras! A fitness club or other business would be so hard..work and all. Having a doodle pad and some jeweler to do the work is a lot easier.

      They seem to delude themselves that their "celebrity" is a brand that women will flock to buy their junk. They live in a rose colored Bazooka bubble.
      At the "first SW Closet" meeting they acted like preteens in their secret clubhouse, giddy with excitement over opening a lemonade stand.

    2. You are so wrong for that last sentence ... toooooooo funny!!!

    3. I doubt that 99.8% of the people of the US even know who the Browns are, so no worries. The jewelry...meh. They'd probably do better selling T-Shirts saying "Prospective Brown Wife #5" or something like that. lol

    4. I agree that the Sister Wives brand is not marketable. I don't know about the rest of you, but I watch partly out of cultural curiosity ... like how do they make that work on any level? And partly because I started to like them, or at least some of them, and you find yourself rooting for them ... I do. But their brand isn't like Extreme Home Makeover, or even Jersey Shore, or some such. If you live the Mid-Atlantic, tri-State area (NY, PA, NJ), then you'd have experienced a little bit of the Jersey Shore culture, which is just overdramatized on the show, and you might wear a t-shirt to show you "get it." But even for those of us who are willing to tolerate and/or accept the Brown's lifestyle (for them!), it's not likely ... not at all, that we'd endorse the lifestyle. And get a clue, Robyn is the least sympathetic personality. Now, if Christine designed a t-shirt that read: "Free Clara Harris," I'd be all over that.

    5. "You are so wrong for that last sentence ... toooooooo funny!!!"

      I know. So wrong. I tried to stop myself, but it was so easy. :-)

    6. LOL "Free Clara Harris" I would wear that too!!

  20. One issue not mentioned is Scott only having two wives. It is a requirement to have 3 in order to reach the celestial phase (not good terming, but..) was what we all learned in earlier discussions. So why only 2? AND, isn't Kody ASSUMING that it is ok for Christians to drink? Many don't. They assume as do we. Don't be a hypocrite Kody.

    Really, Going to a bar to drink water. How Dumb. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Kody and Meri have awfully suspicious looking drinks during the trip to Mexico where he brought up trying for a baby again?
    He may not drink, but that's because the legal age is 18 or 21. His mental age is 14.

    1. yeah, i remember mentions of Meri and Kody's wine glasses w/wine in them on their mexico anniversary trip first season. how come they didn't feel the need to not even give the appearance they're drinking if they don't believe it and don't partake but knowing that sure looked like wine drinking going on to us.

    2. Mister Sister, yes Meri and Kody appeared to be partaking in alcoholic beverages in Mexico when Kody was pressuring her about in-vitro. I suppose they could have had nonalcoholic versions of these drinks...but didn't they have wine that time they had all of Janelle's work friends over?

      And when they were in the cool, biker bar ordering water (sheesh!), no one else was around. Kind of like the school dance. Kody can sure clear a place!

    3. I just watched that episode and they were at a beach bar drinking iced water from tall glasses... not wine

  21. The SW families really have sold out. For all their pious talk about the "lifestyle", they chose to put Kody's desire of fame & fortune over their kids spiritual future.
    I don't agree with plyg but they do so by indulging Kody's whim of moving to LV they essentially took the kids away from the community that shores up their alternative lifestyle. They moved the kids away from close family that models the life. They thrust them into the very world that they claim to distrust.
    They give them little opportunity to associate with other plyg kids facing choices.

    It's no wonder that the adults have all taken the stance that "it's their choice" because immersing them into a world of non plygs it becomes very hard for the kids to stay chaste and innocent by their standards. All the things that are talking points from a pulpit to keep the young ones "safe" from are the very things that the Browns have given the kids over to struggle with on their own.

    What a burden to foist on 17 kids, do as we say not as we do. At this rate the only facet of AUB that they really appear to adhere to is plural marriage.
    The parents are so self consumed with their own visions of wealth and notoriety that they've left the older kids especially to flounder among "sharks" and the younger ones will soon not even be able to really identify with other kids actually living in a committed AUB community.
    That's how I see it anyway FWIW !

    1. I totally agree! You really put into perspective what these kids are going through.

  22. Forgive my ignorance but I just found this site and I love it but am confused. Is there a summary of the episode or just the video? I've missed a couple of Sister Wives episodes so I was looking for the summary before moving on to the comments.

  23. How desperate aand determined are Browns to have to blatantly try to recruit others to their wacky lifestyle than to spend that much airtime on how Chris the brother is "24" and needs to get that second wife.
    There's old mouthy Meri slapping her knee, proclaiming "we're burning daylight on this" !! Whose daylight, Meri? Mind your own business !!
    Wonder how Chris's existing wife will feel about that segment???

    Kody's ADHD tendencies were in full bloom at the firing range. What an idiot !!!
    He acts like a 10 year old hopped up on pixie sticks.
    I still say this bit was all about making Kody look more masculine.

    And the jewelry..Pulleze !!! Despite Robchin's very official looking sketching book, what the camera showed was akin to a 2nd grader's art project.

    SW jewelry aka strong women....sure, right !!!
    How about SW aka Swindler Ware.

    Absolutely right !!! WHO IS GOING TO BUY THIS JUNK !!!????
    Other plygs??....very doubtful.
    Fans??...doubtful even the hard-core fans will be impressed.
    Anyone else??......not a chance !!

  24. hello! Iam new here, I came across this blog while researching SW message boards, as I wanted more insider/behind the BS info. Let me say Iam so excited. This is very similar to the GWOP blog I was part of. I have been reading for the past few days trying to catch up. I think Kodouche and RobCHIN (halarious names btw!) are to crazy pees in a pod. Everyone mentions her obsession w/ VS but I cant find the actual story about it...she wrack up mass credit at VS? Where can us newbies find all this info? Who was or is on food stamps!? I need to start from the beginning and catch up with u guys. Can anyone paraphrase or point me the blog section? Love you all! Keep it going CJ!

    1. Hi Anony 1:25pm...
      Yes, Robyn filed bankruptcy & racked up & acquired a $1000 VS debt when she got a divorce from David Jessop.
      When the show, first aired in 2010, Christine was on foodstamps & when Robyn came on the show, she was also on FS.
      There's also a story out there, just Google "From Foodstamps to Fame".
      Since SWB(sister wives blog), has been around for over a year now, you can always go to the very beginning of the blog & start reading from there! Lot's of great information & insight! :D

  25. Does Robyn think she's Jane Seymour now? That "design" was not only ugly, but could be similar to the stuff that Jane Seymour is peddling. It was hideous, but that's ok because I'm sure it will never see it...
    Maybe she should design a necklace that looks like plumbing pipes...she can call it SW Pipe Dreams.

  26. Breaking....new tweet from Robyn:

    We will be making an announcement about our grand opening for My Sisterwife's Closet on twitter! Coming very soon! #sisterwives

    I honestly believe our comments here on SWB have reached their intended audience. Now let's think.....do we believe this will truly be a functioning site that has more than just a few heart necklaces? They certainly had to have someone design the website and get it up and running. I can't see Robyn being able to pull this off on her own and neither Christine nor Janelle look very interested in the business.

    1. Maybe Christine and Janelle were thinking "you need a whole sketch book to draw hearts?"

      I wonder if the rest of the book was filled with hearts with arrows through them and K.B. + R.B. on them.

    2. LOL MIS. It took me almost a year to develop my business model and then finally execute my plans when I opened my business. Not to mention the blood sweat and tears. Robyn needs a reality check; doodles in a notebook? that's it? They are not sketches... sit back and watch the money roll in...omfg. These women seem to have a mind of 10 year olds.

      By the way, did anyone noticed Meri was wearing Christines yellow baby doll tee?

    3. YES!! i stated that last time Christine had it on that her and Meri trade off with it. I thought Christine looked like a giant bumble bee in it last time she wore it with a black shirt and pants.

  27. Hey Everyone!...I just found this blog a couple weekends ago and I've been reading from the beginning...All I can say is WOW!...Like so many, I was really intrigued with the show for the first couple seasons...Now, after learning more about the religion the Brown's believe in and the TRUTH about the 'investigation,' I have little to no sympathy for them...

    I do feel bad for their children though...ESPECIALLY if the outward attitude of 'they can choose any lifestyle' is just for show...I have a hard time believing they would be so open-minded regarding that choice since it is very cut and dry that living 'the principle' is the only way to get to heaven according to their faith...

    I agree with the comments above about how rules and standards expressed by the Mormon religion that are inconvenient are discarded...I guess that would be true for any religion though...I also found it very telling for Kody to say how his brother Scott follows every rule and he tends to bend them all...You would think Principle Voices would have wanted a more responsible face for the AUB and Independent Fundamentalists...

    @Mister Sister...I thought about the exact same scene of Kody & Meri when they were talking about alcohol...Maybe that rule is null & void in another country?

    Such a great blog!...So glad I found it!

  28. Mariah is gaining weight. They are too young to be so heavy, some of the teenage girls look pregnant. And LOL at her dramatic freak-out, what a nut. She will never make it to medical school... just another Brown family pipe dream. And if they go to Utah for college they will be paying out of state tuition!! That tuition is outrageous and they will be stupid to do it. You know their idiot father will not pay for it, they will have to take out loans to do so and this is very sad because of the money they are pulling in from exploiting their kids could cover in-state tuition.

    I'm not sure what her name is, but Janelle's daughter with the now-blonde hair (it was black at one time) seems to have lost some weight, and looks very good and her eyes are gorgeous. But someone needs to be a role model for a healthy lifestyle for this family. I also agree with what another poster said, this show is getting very boring and I feel like my IQ is losing points everytime time I watch....I don't think I will be seeing next week's episode, another yawn factor!

    1. Remember these are the browns. They are good at swindling. They are going to put their address at Meri's moms house or their old lehi home so they don't have to pay out of state tuition.

    2. but their high school transcripts are from Las Vegas. Can't see how they can avoid out of state tuition fees if they go to college in Utah.

    3. They own a home in Utah so I don't know how that will work. Unless they sold it.

    4. Actually,if he wants to attend a college in Utah, he could get creative & write a letter to the University & ask to be considered for In-State Tuition, since he was born & raised in Utah most of his life.
      I did this my Sr. yr in hs & I was granted In-State tuition at a major university. I was born & raised in Oklahoma most of my life, except my Jr. & Sr. yr, I moved to Arizona to live w/ my dad. Since, I was going to be attending the University of Oklahoma(OU Sooners), I took a chance & wrote a persuasive letter explaining my family situation, etc...& surprise, surprise, I was granted In-State Tuition.
      Logan has only been away 1 1/2 yrs,so he would have a good possibility of being granted In-State tuition.

  29. Lots of kids want to be doctors in high school. Time will tell. Don't you all want her to have goals. Maybe she will do something else in health care field.

    Kody was on his mission when his parents decided to do this. Mission is 18-20 or 19-21. It is unlikely that the baby in the family is Janelle's bio sibling. LDS families of the time were large too. What I don't get is his older brother doing it. He would have done a mission like regular LDS years before.the only people who care about this are LDS cause they are mistaken for being the same religion. Kody made it seem like no big deal to switch.

    When you have 4 wives and a family yourself you are going to have a relation that overlaps. That is no ones fault.

    1. I would not be surprised if Mariah becomes an AUB midwife.

  30. I have idea for Robins hearts. One big heart surrounded by 4 little broken hearts. O thats right Meri & Robin don't have hearts

    1. you mean 17 broken hearts.

    2. Ooooooh - good one Anony3:40!

    3. Lmao...thats funny & a good one to both of the Anonys. U should sketch that up & tweet it to Robyn via instagram...lol Sure wish ya'll would pick a username, b/c I never know if all the Anony's are the same or what...lol

  31. In this episode, the parents decided to pull out broken record #47, entitled: "Our Kids Can Choose Whichever Lifestyle They Want to Live!". Followed immediately by Kody, then Janelle, saying that it would "break their hearts" if their children did not choose their faith

    I put myself in their kids' positions. I imagined how I would feel if my parents told me I had the freedom live the life I want, however it would break their heart if I did not live their lifestyle. JayeffinC. That's messed up.

    1. Add to that all the teachings from their scriptures and leaders, that if they don't choose polygamy they choose not to live with God in heaven. And if they read their scriptures they will also find that women who reject polygamy will be "destroyed"

    2. Ex AUB, that is scary. How do you think they explain the brother and sister in law that are not AUB? That would be very sad if their kids thought that Uncle and Aunt would not be able to go to heaven because of their non denominational beliefs. Yikes!

    3. Thx for your response Ex AUB. Destroyed? Like POOF! and you're gone? Or some terrible journey through intergalactic planets of hell? And no kidding, Bakergirl. F'd up brainwashing indoctrination at it's finest. Poor kids. Oh, religion.

  32. I don't like Robyn and I thought her jewellery sketches were simplistic. To be fair, though, I design jewellery and my initial sketches look way worse that Robyn's did. Mine look more like doodles than sketches while I'm trying to work out the design. As I get closer to the final design, my sketches get better until I end up with basically a life-size technical sketch.

    Of course not everyone works that way but if those were her final ideas, I pity the jeweler who has to work from those sketches.

    There's something about Mariah (Meri's daughter) that's rubbing me the wrong way. It might be that she looks like someone I know who's a rigid, self-righteous, judgmental, prat. Or maybe it's that she herself is giving off those vibes right now. That's sad because I don't think she always used to behave that way; I think that the move to Vegas has changed her from a reasonably happy teenager into a bitter woman who is becoming old before her time.

    I don't think she truly understands what it means to be a plural wife. I just don't see a medical doctor taking time off to have baby after baby after baby after baby. Not to mention the cost of going to medical school which there's no way her family could cover.

    1. Chantelle....I have to agree about the sketches. I design wedding cakes, and I do it in my head. Always have. A few times a year I have to submit sketches to bridal magazines to show them what I am going to be creating for the mags. I always cringe when I look at them because I can't sketch them to save my life. I'm just not good at that aspect. I was more concerned with their business model (or lack thereof) and wondering how much time they have put into designing a full line, pricing it correctly, finding the right manufacturer to create the jewelry, etc. etc. etc. and etc.!

  33. A couple more things:

    I really liked what Janelle had to say about Logan's fbomb. It was something like, "Ya he uses swear words sometimes, but I don't freak out about it because I don't think it's really part of his character." I'm no mother, but I found that to be a really reasonable, thoughtful, appropriate response. However, then she went on to say that she thinks he only uses swear words when frustrated with Hunter...Honey, I think he's frustrated with a lot more than Hunter.

    Forgive me if you all have already done this, but can I just get a raise of hands here by anybody who has a "My _____ closet" store in, or near, the town they live? Hmm I have an idea Robin, you should straw loopy X's on sneakers and call them SHMIKE or Abidas.

    Uhhh Robin's "designs"? I'm one of those people you meet who says "all I can draw are stick figures"..I take that back now. Why? Because I can also draw freaking hearts. Thank you, Robin and your "designs", for reminding me of this. I was watching this episode on my computer, and I paused it when they showed Rob's page of "designs". I couldn't believe how much they resembled the doodles I make in my margin notes while in class when I was in middle school. Ok, who am I kidding. I am a post-bacc. university student and I STILL make heartydoodle things when I'm bored in class, but I digress...

    1. Does anyone have a link to where you can watch the show online (without paying for it)?

    2. Oh my. Shmike and Abidas made me laugh!

    3. @ Anonymous 5:24 PM episodes are posted on http://watchseries.eu/serie/sister_wives pretty quickly after airing. obviously you need to watch out for sketchy links, but I haven't had any issues with this website. Hope this helps. :)

  34. Haven't been able to read all the comments yet, but did anyone catch a glimpse of Janelle's ex husband, Adam (Meri's brother) in the back to Utah episode?


  35. I've been reading here for a while but never posted before.

    It's interesting to me that they claim to have loved being all under one roof in Utah but now when they talk about getting the family back 'together' they are talking about 4 individual homes that are just located closer to each other. Now, I knew that if each wife ever got her own place there would be no going back (because come on, we women like to do our own thing with our own nest thank very much!) but I'm wondering if the separate homes may have resulted from one or more of the wives bucking the system (or just Robyn's addition to the group) even before the exodus from Utah. I'm thinking if I'm in Christine or Janelle's place, I might say, "Ok, if you want me to stay in this and accept your new favorite wifey, you better get me my own space because I'm not dealing with her all up in my area."

    1. I have been pondering on this too, I think you are right, and I also thought that maybe they want separate houses in case they are ever under investigation again.

  36. A couple of things...missed the jacket so loved the picture of the dragon - did he have that jacket hanging in his closet from his younger years when dragons on your clothing was still cool?

    Did anyone else catch the Meri/Kody conversation when he said that my brothers and I are going out to "drive motorcycles" and Meri corrected him and said the term is "ride" not "drive" and he looked at her with confusion until she explained what she said? I thought he said in the show that he and his brothers have been "riding" bikes since they were younger. I bet it was Kody who was on the back of the bike - don't you need a special license to ride a motorcycle?

    1. No special license is required to ride a motorcycle, only a DL. My husband used to ride, a few years ago, before we traded it in as a down payment.

  37. Hey, I'm new to this blog but have been creeping it for months. LOVE LOVE LOVE It! It's kinda' my addiction. Anyway, in the state that I reside (Oklahoma) you DO have to have a special license/permit to operate a motorcycle. It's actually called a motorcycle endorsement which goes on your regular license in a similar way a CDL would for someone who is licensed to drive 18 wheelers or semi's. Not sure what the NV laws are on motorcycles but in most states you do have to take a seperate driving test to have a motorcycle endorsement on your drivers license to legally drive *oops Meri I mean RIDE, a motorcycle. So yeah, I'm seriously wondering if that was in fact Kodouche riding b!tch seat on their super stud he-man guys night out.

  38. Just found this blog, been reading for hours, and agree with every thing that has been posted. Kody and entourage have beat the "4 homes" needed horse to death. The jewelry is fugly and I wouldn't have it if they gave it to me.Sure wouldn't pay my hard earned money to line their pockets. But actually I wanted to comment about the fact that out of 17 children, at ALL the meetings they attend, the only child ever seen is Solomon,(In Kody's arms usually)Why is he to special to not have a sitter like Truly has. Oh well, not the baby's fault, but there is definitely a difference made.I feel so sorry for all of those kids. And finally, maybe someone can help me understand "The Browns" The only one that is legally a Brown is Meri, the other three "wives" are just shack jobs. They are not legally married. The bible tells us to obey the law of the land, and being plig is not legal. Or do they not use the bible???
