Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Discussion: Review Ep 09 and Ep 10

Please continue your discussion of episodes 9 and 10 here!


  1. Reposted from the previous discussion page
    Anonymous 6/19/12 @ 6:46 PM

    I could be wrong, but I think Robyn's real Dad is Robert Marck and he is still a member of AUB and lives in Utah. As far as I know married to only one woman.

    1. What amazes me is the fact that this loser guy has managed to captivate four women who clearly could do a whole lot better then this weirdo. He really needs to lose that hair, its beyond ugly. Janelle, you are not only the most beautiful and intelligent of four but you also have the sweetest personality so I'll never understand what your doing with this loser, honestly I'm sure you can do a whole lot better. I mean really ladies, he's nothing more than a con artist IMHO.

    2. I totally agree with you about Janelle. She is by far the best asset for Kody World. I do not understand how someone that seems to be pretty intelligent and capable of doing whatever she puts her mind to, would allow herself to be used and manipulated by someone like Kody. Janelles kids also seem to be the most stable and normal in this craziness that they have been born into. IMHO it would be best for Janelle to take her kids and get out, start over. Not that it would be that much different then now as far as being a single parent, but you would be alot better off financially because she wouldnt be supporting all the other wives, kids and Kody. one mor thing off the subject, Janelle is the only one that seems to actually be looking healthier, she has lost weight and looks great!! while it seems the other 3 are all getting bigger.

  2. Reposted from the previous discussion page

    Anonymous 6/19/12 @ 6:39 PM

    Meri's sister's kids got passed on to their dad's "other woman." And surprise -Meri's sister didn't get on with this woman when she was alive. Ah, the joys of polygamy!

    1. No disrespect to you, Cynical Jinx, but how do you know that Meri's sister did not get along with the sister wife who took over raising her children for her after she passed away? Did they say that on the show? Just wondering if I missed that part, because, while I also don't agree with their lifestyle; that was one aspect that I thought was sort of nice....and Meri is obviously touched by what this woman is doing for Meri's nieces & nephews. It seems to me, that if Meri's sister, while still alive, had talked to Meri about how she disliked, or didn't get along with her sister wife, Meri may be less eager to share that story, and less emotional, and appreciative when she told it. I don't know......what do you think?

    2. Anonymous 6:43AM, no disrespect to you, but please reread the comment - please notice the sentence "Reposted from the previous discussion page"

      I did not write the comment, it was from someone who posted anonymously on 6/19/12 at 6:39PM and I just retyped it into this posting so it could be seen. So, your guess is as good as mine as to what this person was meaning. Perhaps this person will come forward and explain what their comment means?

  3. Apparently, MGM and Klody where in that same town in Mexico a few years before. Before the tlc gravy train, how was that even possible? Last time I checked foodstamps don't pay for Mexican all-inclusive resorts..

    Also, Klody is being such a dork. He obviously wanted to get it on again with Robsters, that's why he was pushing a not-interested-but-can't-say-no-for-fear-of-retributions-MGM to say yes or no...
    We all know that mexico trip was a few months ago, so it is very possible and likely he knocked up Robyn again.

    1. Do you really think he was abstaining from sex with Robyn while waiting for Meri's response? I don't. He never stopped having sex with her. When announcing her pregnancy she said he wanted to have a baby and she said she wanted to wait until everything settled down, so I'm sure she was on the pill.

    2. They're in Cancun right? Cheap enough. Kody stated that they usually stay at all-inclusive resorts...I read that to mean - timeshare. Not that they own one - maybe they agree to attend a presentation in exchange for a free stay, or they buy a week cheap from someone who owns one. Timeshares are horrid investments - using the word "investment" quite loosely.

    3. FYI Dakota Justice, the all inclusive resorts (Riu Palace Resorts) I have vacationed at in Playa del Carmen, Mexico and the Dominican Republic generally means that you are paying one price for your room/suite, your meals, drinks, some amenities like nightly entertainment and possibly one scuba diving lesson, etc...they are not timeshare condos, they are full service hotels that are very popular in Mexico, the Dominican Republic and other countries, too...I would guess a timeshare would be cheaper than an all inclusive because I don't believe most timeshares offer meals....

    4. There are timeshares which have "all-inclusive" packages. Also, they frequently offer drastically reduced prices on vacations - usually via spam fax or mail - for $199/$299 per person for 4 nights, something like that - the catch is (and not indicated on the fax usually) that in exchange for these low-low rates, you must attend a presentation for a timeshare or "vacation club". Here's an example:

      " In appreciation of your acceptance to attend a 90 minute promotional tour of the resort sometime during your stay, the Krystal Resort has extended this special ONE TIME ONLY promotional vacation package to you allowing you to save up to 75% off the retail price! Your All Inclusive vacation package allows you take advantage of UNLIMITED meals, room service, beverages including alcohol, and usage of all the resort amenities! Other than the 90-minute resort preview, there is absolutely no other Obligation."

      (usually the presentations are more like several hours...)

    5. Thank you Dakota Justice, I wasn't aware of timeshares that offered all inclusive packages...

    6. No worries, I handle disputes involving (among other things) timeshares, so I have seen more than my share of them, and it's enough to make me not want to have ANYTHING to do with them, even for a free or cheap-cheap vacation!

    7. Could not agree with you more, Dakota Justice!!

  4. Reposted from the previous discussion page

    ViVaLaDiVa 6/19/12 @ 6:24

    "YA'LL ARE SUCH CYNICS" --spoken like a true Brown sister wife! :)

  5. Reposted from the previous discussion page

    Anonymous 6/19/12 5:38 PM

    Curious: did anyone else notice that kody not only had butt sweat but...SMACKED IT AND SAID LOOK AT THAT !!! To me touching it and sticking your butt to the camera was the worst part.

  6. Reposted from the previous discussion page

    Chantelle 6/19/12 5:32 PM

    I think the editor's decision to leave the shots of his sweaty butt and her ample cleavage in the final edit was made very deliberately. I suspect these editors are having "fun" with the viewers - where "fun" means to gross us out and/or give us a chance to laugh at how ridiculous the people in this family really are. Speaking of sweating, I've got a medical problem (among many) where I sweat way more than everyone else. My pants never look like his did, however, because if I'm sweating on the back I also sweat on the fron, and up top, and on my face, and on my arms, and in my hair...clearly he sat in something. It kind of annoyed me that Kody had to know right the f*ck now what Meri was going to do. I think Meri knows what she wants but she's afraid of what that answer means or afraid of failing...

    1. Kodys lack of compassion infuriates me. Look at his face. At least hold her hand when you are pretending to care. It had to be scripted; no way a REAL man can act so insensitive. What a loser.

    2. You're right. MGM knows exactly what she's going to do, she's dragging it out because she's an attention whore, not because she's afraid of anything.

    3. OMG. Are you SERIOUS? Clearly you've never dealt with infertility or know of anyone who has. Part of her wants a baby but the other part feels like she's past the point in her life where she can do it all over again. It's very common for women to face the dilemma that Mary is facing.

  7. Reposted from the previous discussion page

    Anonymous 6/19/12 @ 4:14 PM

    I haven't seen anyone post this yet but may have missed it so forgive me if it has already been discussed. Why was it so important to call Mexico with the real estate test news? Couldn't that have waited until they got home from the trip? Could it be that the three left behind just wanted to butt in on the vaction because of jealousy...

    1. If it was my husband, he would have wanted me to call him and let him know. Of course, he wouldn't be on vacation with another wife, but if he was out-of-town working or something, he would have wanted the call. I would have wanted him to call me too.

    2. Yes, Christina in a monogamous relationship, a call would be appropriate. But I agree with Anon 4:14. This was not urgent news to warrant an international call $$$. Kody didn't even seem excited. I don't remember his exact words but it was something like Great for Janelle, Bummer for Christine. It's not as if Janelle was waiting to pass the test so she could start working immediately. As someone pointed out in an earlier post, she hasn't done anything more with real estate. I think it was just a way to interrupt Meri's trip and remind Kody they were all there waiting his return.

  8. Reposted from the previous discussion page

    Anonymous 6/19/12 @ 3:25 PM

    I agree, Anon. I have several friends in their 40's who have had, or just had, a baby. The babies were all healthy, the families were happy, the pregnancies were fine. While it is less likely to get pregnant in your 40's and the complications are statistically higher, it certainly not as freakish and life-ending as some posters here seem to think. Not everyone has to do it, but for goodness' sake - it can happen!

    1. I agree as well. An ex classmate of mine just gave birth to a baby boy six months ago and we are in our early 40's. No was actually an oops baby. She is not in the best of health either, so we were all surprised. The baby is very healthy, with no problems. It's actually becoming much more normal for women who have careers to have babies later in life. My ex sister in law is a big wig for a company in MN and she waited until she had been with her career for 20 years to marry and to have babies. All born naturally. Also, my sister in law now just gave birth to twin girls last August, at age 41 and these were her first babies. She was married before and her ex didn't want children. Now, she did do ivf, but it was the first shot and she had zero complications. I think it is definitely a case by case basis.

    2. But the problem lies in that an ‘oops’ pregnancy hasn’t happened nor has she delayed having babies.

      She has been trying for 20 years to get pregnant and only has had two pregnancies – only one of which ended with a viable human. She’s done the fertility thing before from what I’ve gathered from their conversations and still no other viable humans, not even other pregnancies.

      It’s unlikely that the problem is in her uterus (which would be the reason to use Robyn’s) since there hasn’t been a string of failed pregnancies, but a stark lack of them. Kody’s had other kids with other women so we can assume his sperm is healthy enough to fertilize eggs. But for some reason her eggs weren’t getting fertilized or weren’t implanting. She has said that she doesn’t want to use another woman’s eggs, so she’s limited in options. And if the problem lies with her eggs, she’s abolished her options. What a waste of time, money, and health to go through IFV for her particular situation.

      This is why, I think, some of us here are saying she’s beyond childbearing and should look elsewhere for her fulfillment. Not because 40 is too old to have babies, but that *she’s* too old; the boat has sailed, she’s not going to have more babies.

      My heart breaks for her. She’s obviously put so much stock in birthing babies for her king and can’t. I’m sure she’s delighted with Mariah; I just wish she’d find peace about this. But she won’t find that peace in her religion, since her whole value is based on her ability to produce heirs.

    3. I agree with you Allyn....that's why I have pointed out in other posts that Meri obviously has other problems with her reproduction. I was just meaning in general terms, a case by case with each individual. I agree with you 100% that her hurt and anger has stemmed from this. After I watched the show where she talked about losing the last baby, I hadn't realized it was so close to when Christine conceived (about a year before) and I am sure after waiting for years to have another baby, that had to have been so hard for her. I also think her stress level doesn't help the situation either. It's very sad.

    4. BakergirlOK,

      That surprised and enlightened me, too - the revelation that her lost pregnancy was so recent. I think I had assumed it was a decade or more ago. ITA that that may make it that much more devastating.

      For example: I had a failed pregnancy when my eldest was almost two. I was sad, but was in a place where I could tell myself that there could be more, and I have a baby to take care of right now. But I suppose I would have felt differently had I already been waiting ten years.

      Also: I don’t feel that my only value and purpose in life is to birth babies, so there’s that.

    5. Maybe she has some sort of condition in which she hardly ovulates? And then, when she does, there is only a small chance Klody is able to fertilize that egg, since she doesn't get to be with him often and I am very sure (especially since Christine and later Robyn came into the picture) Klody is not having sex with Meri on all of "her" nights. He needs to regain his energy, plus he doesn't have any solo nights. Heck, my husband (I am his only wife) and I aren't even having sex every night!

    6. Lobotomized,
      You're right and I agree that, lacking medical knowledge, it could be a number of things that's prevented her from conceiving.

    7. I think it's a lot of things. I feel like a broken record here, so forgive me if you have read this from me before, but my parents tried for 9 years to conceive. They adopted my older sister, then adopted my brother a year later. 3 years later, Mom was sick and thought she had the flu...and it was me. Then four years later, she got pregnant with my younger sister. She said it was so hard to see everyone around her have babies and go to showers at the church and such, and here she couldn't have one. Now, imagine being married and your husband is having multiple babies with his other wives. I can't even fathom how crazy I would go. My husband is not only my best friend, but my true partner in life. I can not fathom "sharing" him. Then what that would do to me, to have the pressure of having babies (with their beliefs, there is pressure) and it not happening. I think it was probably the focus of Meri's life for quite awhile, and that stress probably didn't help her with conceiving.

      And I've said it before on here, this is where her anger and bitterness came in towards the other women. Which is why there was no relationship with them (as Meri has stated herself when Robyn came along). For Kody just now to be saying (after 20 years) that her value does is not tied in with her reproducing...that is hog wash.

      I don't think Meri EVER considered having Robyn carry her baby. It makes me angry that they have drug this story line through the mud, when it was never an option to begin with.

    8. Meri's fine w/the story and pity party dragout. She's laughing all the way to the bank. Honey Badger don't care.

    9. Kody should have been taking care of his first three wives needs before running off to be with another woman. Can you imagin triing to conceive and your so called POS is out getting another one pregnant. Id be pissed. I bet meri has alot of anger towrds them and its no wonder she and robyn are not talking. It must have hit her hard whenrobyn had a baby. Have you seen meri iteract with the little ones. I have not. And you cant blame her. I think the wives are rubbing her noise in it. Makes me mad

    10. Kody should have been taking care of his first three wives needs before running off to be with another woman. Can you imagin triing to conceive and your so called POS is out getting another one pregnant. Id be pissed. I bet meri has alot of anger towrds them and its no wonder she and robyn are not talking. It must have hit her hard whenrobyn had a baby. Have you seen meri iteract with the little ones. I have not. And you cant blame her. I think the wives are rubbing her noise in it. Makes me mad

  9. Reposted from the previous discussion page

    zelda1 6/19/12 @ 3:24 PM

    5th wife, I, too had started menopause in my early 40s. I think it is really common. And, to be frank, Meri isn't in the best of health, so I doubt she has increased estrogen. Also, I doubt she has ever taken birthcontrol pills, so her eggs were shot out every month. She doesn't want to start a family now. I can see that in her face. If she wanted a baby, she would have already had one of the other wives run oven time for her...

    1. I'm in complete agreement that Meri doesn't want another baby now. That ship has sailed for her. I think she just can't figure out how to tell Kody what she really, truly wants.

    2. Meri seems to be healthier and more athletic that most of the other wives. She was the one doing the heavy work of loading the truck when they moved and she was able to climb the ladder from the underground swimming place. This decision should be hers alone and Kody should stay out of it.

  10. Reposted from the previous discussion page

    Funky Town 6/19/12 @ 3:03 PM

    Ozumba, Mexico is where the temple is and that's approximately 18 hours' drive from Cancun, which is where I think Meri and Kody were on vacation. Not sure they'd fly from Cancun, but thought I'd supply the info...

  11. That temple was actually Coba - it's like 2 hours from Cancun I was there in April

    1. Anonymous 10:06 pm, there seems to be 2 conversations going on about 'temples' in Mexico...there is an AUB temple in Ozumba, Mexico...and you are right about the Mayan temple at Coba where Meri and Kody toured....

    2. SandY thanks for making my post more clear. I should have clarified that I meant the AUB temple was in Ozumba.

      I was pointing out that had they wanted to go to Mexico because the AUB temple was there, they should have vacationed somewhere more near to it than an 18 hour drive.

    3. No worries, Funky Town! :D

  12. My Confession:
    Any time that my husband or I are away from home, upon returning, we both are just so nice to each other and we spend a great deal of time talking about what we did in each other's absence, and discussing current events, and all sorts of things. I'm sure you all are the same way. So, the way I see the dynamic of polyg is that when the husband finally makes his fourth night to the house of the wife whose time it is, they catch up about the kids, the news, and she probably spends most of that time not rocking the boat with can you do this, or why didn't you call. I'm sure if she rocks the boat, he might say, you know, forget this crap, I need peace and quiet, I'm going to such and such's house….see you when you can calm down. That comment that RNC made about we don't talk about the bad things, we focus on the good is probably a survival mechanism for the wives to make sure he stays his full twenty-four hours at her house, with her kids. One of the polyg books that I've read discusses how the husband gets all of the good things…especially the physical good things like food and clothes. But, implicitly she implied that the good mom too, meaning the emotionally stable mom or the mom who doesn't fret or cry or yell. The kids see the dad's visit as Prozac for the mom because she probably quits all of that bizarre behavior that they are use too. If you have ever been a single parent (I have), you know that the stress of working a full time job and trying to balance being a full time mom can be maddening. So, there are days when a calgon take me away moment would be nice, so the kids do see mom in that fretful stressed out state.
    Cameltoeboy bounces from one house to another never seeing the normal day to day drama that is just life for single parents but also life as a couple. He gets the happy wife who doesn't fuss who doesn't stress who doesn't have stained sweat pants. The day he visits, she probably rushes around like I think Jessop said about her mom, cleaning the house, cleaning the kids, making the good meat for dinner. I cannot imagine having to always be the good wife and never feel free to tell my husband, excuse the hell out of me but that trash has been piled high for two days and you may be blind, but get your ass in the kitchen and take that shit out. I do all the work around here and all I ask is that you get the trash out every two days. Blah, blah, blah. Polyg wives cannot do that. Plus, they cannot say, not tonight, because it may be eight days before she does have the little cameltoewillie movement…now can we all say, YUCK!
    Anyway, we couples who are man and wife, wife and wife, man and man can express ourselves without fear of losing our turn or making our significant other run to one of the other significant others.
    Now here comes the advice to the two unloved cameltoeboy's girls: Dear Christine and Janelle, it is so nice in my home. I can tell my husband I love him and he is the light of my life but when he pisses me off I can say you are about as thoughtful as cameltoeboy in a room full of his sisterwives. Marriage is not supposed to hurt. Love isn't supposed to hurt. The man who I said I do to isn't supposed to leave me for nights at a time. You two would absolutely love have only one husband. When you say that you wouldn't want a man around the house all the time, your face betrays your words. We saw the way your eyes looked down, and how your smile that you were trying so hard to keep on slipped for a minute. We know that when you say those things, you are trying to convince yourself twice as hard as you are trying to convince us

    1. U should find their real e-mail address, beautiful letter send that to each of them.

    2. Zelda1 you are absolutely right! My husband and I have a great relationship but we definitely have our moments like all couples do but I can talk to him about anything and vice versa. I can't imagine him with another woman nor could I imagine not being able to speak my mind to him (good or bad). Also, one of his best qualities is how amazing he his with our 2 daughters. Our girls dote on him and I would be depressed too if they only got to see him on a rotational basis while he visited 15 other children! Or should I say "visited" them because we know Kody does not spend much quality time with his kids. I worry most about the Brown girls because girls need their fathers - we all know what happens when you look for love in all the wrong places because your father was absent in your life.

      My husband stopped watching this show with me because he can't stand any of the Browns so I once asked him how he would feel if I got myself some Brother Husbands and he answered that was fine as long as they were allowed to play hockey with him since his team was down a few players this season LOL.

    3. Well said. I've been married almost 30 years and my husband is my best friend. They deserve so much better!!!

    4. Agreed. Well said. I loved, "I can tell my husband I love him and he is the light of my life but when he pisses me off I can say you are about as thoughtful as cameltoeboy in a room full of his sisterwives." Hilarious!!!! I almost spit out my peanut butter fritos.

  13. I have never commented on this blog because I usually find the comments too nasty (I actually like the Browns), but I have to say, for Meri and Kody to go the in-vitro route would be a ridiculous decision. In-vitro extremely expensive. Not only that, it's basically impossible to fertilize only one egg at once--you usually end up with, like, 6 embryos. I suspect that the Browns probably believe that life begins at conception, meaning that they would probably be against destroying unused embryos. What would they do then? Ask Robyn to carry 5 more kids? It just seems absurd.

    1. I've asked the same question before about multiple embryos.
      They don't address the issue which is their right however to continually use this as a dominant part of the show it seems really ignorant. They portray the whole thing as a noble gesture,simplistic in it's outcome (a singular baby) with no more impact on finances or ethical dilemma than adding a puppy.

      It's a little insulting to an average minimally educated viewer. They shouldn't go all in using a highly charged plot line when they are so "modest" that they send out teenagers when the subject of sex comes up or a grown adult feels the need to hide under a sweater when answering a question than she, herself, ends with an implied sexual overtone.
      It's all for ratings. It's all for continued drama....and if it's not these are the most immature ppl I've ever seen.

    2. Not that ignorance is an excuse - but I doubt the Browns understand the excess embryo/moral implications of IVF. remember when Christine and Robyn tried to do math in their heads? Me thinks their home/religious/cult schooling was a little short on the math and science portion.

  14. I wonder about the children that Kody sired, do all of them have his last name?

    1. I'd imagine they would...

    2. I think they do. I think Christine and Janelle changed their legal last names so all their kids would be "Browns". But from their bankruptcy claims it seems that Klody is NOT on their certificates and they scam the system as "single moms".

    3. the legal documentation on the State of Utah pages shows Janelle listed as Janelle Brown, so my guess is that she changed her name legally.

    4. thanks for the vefification, DJ

  15. The question about paying for college really got me. Kodouche says "How are we any different from any other American family?"

    How are you different? Let's see

    1. You have SEVENTEEN children

    2. None of the adults have jobs

    3. All credit ratings are scarred from bankruptcies.

    4. You would rather pay $20,000 or more for in vitro to have your EIGHTEENTH child than pay for educational expenses for the children you have.

    5. You drive a Lexus convertible, take eight vacations a year with your wives, and rent four different homes.

    7. You refuse to save money even though TLC is giving you an ideal opportunity to do so. You can get a job to pay you a salary while TLC pays you at the same time. Not many Americans get the opportunity to "double dip" and draw two salaries for doing the same thing. That would be very helpful in paying for college.

    You are not like other American families, no matter how hard you try to convince us otherwise.

    It is true that many American families struggle to fund their children's education, particularly in this economy. But we try. Or at least we don't neglect our children to pay for luxury items, such as frequent vacations, sportscars, rolexes, and 1.8 million dollar housing costs (ie, four $450,000 homes on a cul-de-sac).

    Even if American families cannot pay for their children's college, they generally try to help out, perhaps by buying them a laptop and an old car to drive to class.

    With 17 children, it would cost the Browns $42,500 to buy each kid a clunker car and a basic model laptop. My bet is that King Kody will continue taking vacations and leave the children stranded to figure out transportation and computer resources on their own.

    Why does Kody keep fathering children when his actions show that he clearly doesn't care to invest in them emotionally or financially? Why can't the Browns see how special their kids are and start treating them that way?

    My husband and I do EVERYTHING for our children. Every penny goes to their care and education. We take one vacation a year and we bring them with us. We don't jet off to eight vacations each year and leave them at home.

    In most American families, the PARENTS make sacrifices for the children. Not the other way around. In most American families, children are not treated as secondary to the adults' whims. I wish I could tell the Brown children that.

    1. Last number was supposed to be "6" not "7"

    2. Brittany~ that is a great post!

    3. I'm pretty sure that Rolex was a fake/knockoff. They ARE in Mexico, after all...

    4. I should add that they often use(d) the phrase "why marry another woman when a whore is cheaper" (I have heard other polygamists say the same)... But IS IT?

      A whore would charge Klody for his sexual perversions: when he marries a new wife he only really has one cost: the wedding. Though I have a feeling it often was paid for by parents or by the girl. Klody doesn't work. Klody doesn't support the women and the children, doesn't pay for education. Doesn't pay for housing. Doesn't pay for food. Doesn't help out with child rearing, doesn't change diapers, doesn't watch his kids, doesn't care. He just comes to hang out and relax, eat food prepared for him, makes booty calls and comes over for his bang-nite (the wives have said they don't decide the rotational schedule - Klody does, so he gets ass a la carte).

      Short booty calls and (full) bang nights, even with sleazy hookers, cost money. His wives don't cost him money. His wives provide him.

      So, they're lying.

    5. GREAT are 100% right Brittany!!!!

    6. "I should add that they often use(d) the phrase "why marry another woman when a whore is cheaper" (I have heard other polygamists say the same)... But IS IT?"

      Given that welfare and food stamps are a major contributor to the family's income and that the non-legal wives are eligible for welfare and food stamps, I would guess that a wife is a REVENUE-GENERATOR, not a cost.

      A whore costs money. An additional wife brings in more money in government aid.

      Essentially, a wife is more than just added sexual variety, it is a financial plan. Gag.

    7. finally seeing realityJune 24, 2012 at 7:45 PM

      I was a single parent for 10 years and we had some kind of vacation every year even if it was camping. The purpose of vacations was to spend time together as a family. I felt it was very important for my children to be number one in my life and that they knew and unstood that a family spends quality time together.

  16. Going back to the supposed passing of the Real Estate test - there's no way of telling if she took a REAL test, or just a "test test" to see how she would do. At any rate, on the previous discussion board, a comment was made on the Browns' lack of follow-through. They have lots of ideas (not what i would consider good ones, mostly) but they never seem to really pursue them. Kody in particular - he seems to really enjoy beginnings, but he hates middles and doesn't stick around for endings.

    Now Janelle - she might be smarter than the others (book-smart that is), but based on the realtors I know - she doesn't have the outgoing personality and drive it takes to actually be a realtor and make a living. Janelle is WAY too introverted. Not sure why she doesn't just get a real 9-to-5 job - she does have accounting experience after all - and get benefits for her kids and so on. I guess Kody says no, that would be too "ordinary". She seemed happy working full time in S1...?

    1. Agree with you, Dakota Justice, about Janelle and real estate....the way she spoke about being in real estate was somewhat naive, I thought, seemed like she thought money would be rolling in instantly, etc.....I'm no expert on real estate, but common sense tells me you have to establish yourself in that field, it's not like a 9 to 5 job with a regular paycheck, you might go for months working in real estate without making a dime....I do think Janelle, unlike the the other 'wives,' misses going to work, I think work helped give her an identity and purpose, she seems floundering now, wanting to do something, but nothing is happening, and she is getting frustrated....and you are so right about these idiots coming up with a million dumb ideas, but they fizzle right out...they are either very naive or gut instinct tells me they are both, their kids seem to have way more sense the adults do...

    2. ....And so I circle back to what is real about this reality show? In the big pic, passing THE test or passing a test-test is not earth shattering but when they gather together and present it as the culmination to a previous story line it chaps my hide. Is it real or isn't it? In the wider world, the next step in the progression of fulfilling this goal is to get the license & use it.
      Why do they want the viewers to invest emotionally in these women if half of it might be contrived scripted episodes? To me it's cheating on a grand scale. No wonder the mock tapioca is their favorite, all the blood is diverted to try and dislodge the logjam and their brains can rest from scheming and lying.

    3. It's very expensive to be a realtor because you have so many dues to pay like MLS and for lock box codes. I bet realtor dues are at least $3,000 a year. Not only that, when you do sell a house, the commission is split up so many different ways that you don't earn nearly as much as people think you do. There is also continuing education. The person that posted that Janelle should work in a bank gave her great advice because she would get a salary and health benefits.

    4. And I, too, agree about the realestate not being where Janelle fits. Real estate folks are high energy and are all over the place and they have an image that sets the stage for their sales and Janelle doesn't have that image. She should either work in a bank or in a casino. My friend worked her way through college working in a casino and she made a ton of money. She wasn't a dealer, but she did do the bookeeping. I'm sure with all the gaming industry opportunitities and entertainment opportunities, there is a huge demand for accountants and marketing folks.

    5. At least she's trying to work. I'll give her that. I'm betting we'll see her work at something more stable and traditional at some point. She is trying to do something to bring in some money, and that is more than we see some of the others doing.

    6. can't Janelle already have been working as an accountant now after being there in vegas for over a year already? and how is she trying to work if it doesn't show she's licensed yet after passing her test?

    7. In regards to "passing her exam" possibly Janelle and Christine took a course completion exam through a real estate school and not the state licensing board exam. That is the only plausible test I can think she passed if she is not pending or fully licened through the state. Many of these online courses have "final" exams to get a complete certificate to submit to the state at the time of actual licensed exam. Just a thought. They never said she got her license, did they?
      Well this plot line still feels like yet another "little Brown lie"

    8. Zelda1, I had mentioned the bank in previous posts as well, but had never thought about the Casino. That would be an excellent job for her in the bookeeping department. I got to thinking about it after I had posted about the bank previously, and when I left, the last bank I worked for had just started doing credit checks on the future employees. I don't know if that was just the bank I was currently employed at, or if that was something banks had started doing because of bonding, etc.. So that might be the only issue for her. She definitely does NOT have the right personality for real estate, but does have it for the bookeeping department.

  17. I was thinking this morning how sad this show has become, and what people will possibly do for money.

    I was thinking about Meri, and her struggle with not being able to have a baby. It made me question everyone's sanity in this household. No, I'm not trashing this family, I am trying to understand at what point do you "sell your soul." After seeing the family photo in MO that was taken recently, many people think Robyn is already pregnant. It can't be Meri's because if the trip to Mexico was at the end of April, they've only had about 8 weeks or so to prep Meri and Robin, and for Robyn to have already conceived. Someone pointed out on a post that I made in another thread, that they just saw Robyn not long ago, and she definitely did not look pregnant.

    If she is pregnant, then Meri would of had to agree to go along with the fake story line, in order for ratings. I will say that I have felt Meri's tears are real when she discusses the baby issue (you guys know that is where I believe her anger stems from in the first place)....I don't know that she would be that great of an actress. IF Robyn is pregnant, how in the world will they explain the time line. The birth of the baby will be announced somehow...whether it be TMZ or something, so they can't change the timing if Robyn is truly around 4 months or so. I know from being married to a pro-photog that pics can be deceiving, so I have remained on the fence about her being pregnant. However, if she is around 4 months pregnant, then what are the producers going to say when people know that the whole surrogacy thing was a lie?

    If Meri has no desire to be pregnant again, then why even allow the story line since it is so painful. I understand...ratings. Which goes back to why this family would allow themselves to be so exposed and such in return for money. I think about the kids. I teach my kids on a daily basis to be honest. Now after Robyn's little blurb the other night on the couch about being the "everything wife" or whatever it was called, I too wonder if she and Kody were already married. That the family agreed to go along with the story of bringing in a new wife, just to make the plot line juicer. I remember seeing the picture of the four women and how long Meri's hair was. Now, I didn't want the first season, but when I see flashbacks to it, wasn't Meri's hair short and she was heavier? In that pic she looks younger and a lot thinner.

    It's actually very sad what people will do for the money. I truly think the children in this family are good kids. I really hope they are able to escape this unscathed.

    1. And the plot thickens....Dr. Laura says once cameras are in your living room, it is no longer 'reality'...I've said at least 4 different times in the comments on this blog, that this all reminds me of Jon and Kate + 8, TLC has to liven things up with these families or no one would watch these train wrecks....and that's OK with me if consenting adults agree to be trained monkeys for all the world to see, but it is still beyond me why they seem to be OK with their kids being exposed to the whole world....very, very sad....and I don't blame TLC, I blame the so called 'parents'...

    2. They have led everyone to believe kody and RNC were married in the fall of 2010. But I swear I just saw a twitter post congratulating RNC on her anniversary the other month. I'll have to check again, but I agree, they were together for awhile, quite possibly pre-martial special dates. Did anyone notice the other dating episode for the teens, Madison ( who is awesome!) fought with kooty over " Robyn says she's been with several guys!!". Robyn tried to turn it into, I was dating and my frontal lives weren't developed so I made mistakes. Bull. She was running around.

    3. Dragonfly,
      I truly believe Robyn was living a very active social life. I've always thought that. It made me ill when I found out she had all that debt with V.S., and yet insinuated her life was so bad, she couldn't afford a baby bed for her children. No, I'm not knocking anyone who owns Victoria's I love some of their lingerie, and I really like their pink like for pj's. I am also not knocking anyone who doesn't have a baby bed. What I am upset about is that she played the victim, and heavily insinuated that she was a damsel in distress before Kody came to rescue her. I truly would not be surprised if she was a stripper and that's why she owed so much to Victoria's Secret.

    4. and also true to Robyn's manipulative lies, when she was pressed about why from Kody, she couldn't remember whether it was cause they never had the money nor the room. regarding money - like has been addressed here a bunch of times - you're in a close church community aren't you? w/tons of other plygs that SURELY someone had one you could borrow or even buy for $10. she's such a con.

    5. Oh man, that stripper theory is so intriguing. Years ago I used to work at Victoria's secret and some strippers were my biggest customers. They always spent a lot of money too cause they wear their own stuff on stage, which is something I didn't know til then. But if Robyn was a stripper, idk how she'd end up married to a polygamist cult member.

  18. Given that the show has been scrambling for footage and showing the same thing over and over, I am guessing that next week's finale will be Logan's graduation and a recap of their thoughts and memories about moving to Las Vegas and their life there.

    Jannelle will recall the rental housing situation where Kody wanted Meri to rent a smaller home and TLC will "flashback" to old footage where Meri gets mad at Kody for "discriminating" against her because she only has one child.

    Meri will recall that Ro-Bun (I'm still convinced that she is currently preggers) offered to be her surrogate and that Meri has agreed to have her eggs tested. TLC will flashback to the surrogacy offer and the dinner in Mexico.

    Christine will ponder how "far she has come" in overcoming her jealousy of Robun. TLC will flashback to her "keep sweet" conversation with Meri and her Applebee's conversation with Robun.

    Janelle will discuss her children's adjustment to Vegas. She will mention that Hunter has blended in nicely and holds a class officer position as well as a position on the football team. TLC will flash back to Hunter's difficult days.

    She will talk about Logan's future college plans. TLC will flashback to footage of Kody dictating that all children should go to college and Logan's conflicts of where to go.

    Finally, Janelle will also talk about her exercise regimen and how it has given her more energy and flexibility. TLC will flash back to that tired gym footage of her working out with trainer Bill.

    Kody will talk over all of his wives and children as he seems to think that he knows best about what others think and feel.

    True to form, Kody will again raise the issue of his "dream" of four homes on a cul-de-sac. TLC will flashback to the kites, the mortgage officer meeting, and Aspyn's statement that she never sees her Dad anymore.

    Then the episode will end with some ridiculous "happy" ending that they are putting their faith in God to fix everything. The end. No new footage, nothing really happening, just a lot of talking and pretending that polygamy is not as soul-crushing as it is has clearly been for these poor women.

    1. I think you nailed the finale, anonymous...

    2. ahhhhh so in other words: "Sister Wives Finale: Cure for Insomnia". How many times do they have to flash back to Robyn's offer? with subtitles yet. jeeeeeez.

    3. The more this "season" goes on, the more I am thinking it is not as much cheesy editing and bad scriptwriting, but rather that the Browns don't agree with what scripts TLC brings up, refuses to make episodes out of things that really get ratings and don't want to tape often and often will say - I am not comfortable filming this and demanding filming being stopped/not for the show. They probably wanna tape very few hours and only cheesy boring weird and stupid plots they themselves come up with and besides of that, them travelling, going out for dinner, some meeting or another in someone's home but that's it.

      If they did what TLC wanted (which I think they did in the first few episodes of season 1), they would get a LOT of ratings.

      Just check out the Kardashians. Characterless, classless, dumb and boring people with sky-high ratings season after season.

    4. DJ - ah, the beauty of TIVO. i've only had to endure that fake "private" talk w/Robyn and Meri once. I've lost count of how many times in all the following episodes I've been able to FF through it and not have to repeat the agony of again and again ad nauseam.

    5. You know I am not a reality show lover in general--I swear! I have seen few or no episodes of most of "the" shows. But, I was watching Mob Wives on Hulu last weekend. My sister and I had a marathon. LOL. Most of the show was silly, but the two things I did notice were: they only name a particular name or event if it can be verified by public record (really a necessity in their circle; and about 90% of their show is the ladies sitting around drinking coffee or talking to the camera ONE AT A TIME. Even though you know it's scripted it's not so offensively obvious.
      Kody and Janelle openly rein in the couch chats and even Talk show interview answers of the other 3 (and sometimes one another--especially Janelle "explaining what that ignorant ass is "trying to say"). Kody asks the wives close-d ended questions, designed to make him look like less of a douche.
      I have read in several websites about the crews saying that Kody demands specific events be filmed or refuses to allow them to film. Ostracising the set directors and camera crews of your "reality" show is not exactly the best way to get a kind "scene edit". He's just begging the producers to make him look like a total ass--not that he's not. Since they choose to collectively refer to themselves as "Kody Brown Family Entertainment", one would think that K-douche's plan is to keep themselves in the limelight "celestially". The only REALITY is that their 15 minutes is ticking away. :D

    6. I totally agree about the Season Finale, I haven't seen much as far as story lines go, this show is all over the place now & just plain BORING. I'm sure TLC has brought up story lines but The Brown's think they are SO SPECIAL that they don't have to follow any script so we're all hanging on still waiting for something, anything to happen but Kody's Head Dumbass In Charge & driving this Show right into the Crapper. I've said this before, Kody is a Legand In His Own Mind & probably considers himself The Elvis of Polygamy...he's got a rude awakening coming very soon when TLC finally shit can's this garbage.

    7. "Elvis of Polygamy" Very good, TOASTY. :D

    8. good posting...i think this show has jumped the so many before...the producers can force story lines and do but it is a numbers game especially people flipping channels if the same footage is used often.I do.
      I found the lunch with christine and robyn quite interesting to see how passive aggressive christine is in that setting and many others...none of these women have self esteem but as far as smarts go i think janelle is the smartest...although robyn found a fast way to get her bills paid...kody took her as a wife, I think, because she was young and hot compared to the others..and lets remind ourselves only Meri is a wife...this show needs to fade into the sunset...I wish the kids well especially Logan and Maddie.

    9. finally seeing realityJune 24, 2012 at 3:36 AM

      Anonomyous 2;41~ Couldn't said it better myself!

  19. And while I'm thinking about it:
    In order to prove what something is by telling what it isn’t is one of the most rhetorically sound methods that came through Aristotle; however, that form of definition cannot be used to justify human action.
    The argument for polygamy is that poly lifestyle is better because non polyg men cheat and non poly couples get divorced and women need help in child rearing. In all three of these premises, there exists the generalization that only men outside of polyg cheat, that men and women outside of polygamy divorce; that women need multiple people to help raise their children.
    Each of those premises is based on generalizations that are as false as a non polyg saying that all polygs marry minor girls. An argument for something cannot be based on generalized premises that cannot be proven.
    Divorce happens in polyg families too: Cameltoeboy married two women who are divorced. Robyn, Christine, and Janelle’s mothers are all divorced from their biological fathers.
    Cheaters happen in polyg families too: The difference is that a cheating polyg spouse just convinces his wives that god called upon him to marry another woman. While I cannot prove it, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exists.
    Women need help raising their children: That seems to be one of the most common myths that polyg men use to suck women into the vacuum. Women have raised children alone for centuries and we have seen that having a sister wife doesn’t provide you with support; in fact, sister wives often create chaos that hampers normal child/parent relationship development, especially relationships between the father, mother, and children. Plus, in all four of cameltoeboy’s wives, not one of them seems to agree upon college or no college; normal teen cussing or horrible teen cussing.
    My point is that the ideology of multiple wives is based upon one man’s irrational thinking. In fact, that ideology of having multiple wives seems to be all about older men getting younger wives to keep their marriage bed warm. Plus, I have read the bible a million times; have translated it from Latin to English and attempted Greek to English. I have a friend who is teaching me Hebrew and I hope to translate the bible from Hebrew to English. And, having read the bible and studied the bible from an academic standpoint, I have never read where multiple wives was an acceptable social or religious practice. When the men took other wives, bad things happened: Abraham’s first child was sent to the desert with his mother to die; Rachael and Leah fought were so jealous of each other they brought their maids into the bed for Jacob to boink to produce more kids and those kids grew up to sell one of their brothers into bondage. So, multiple wives usually end badly for the wives and for the generations to follow. Look at the nation of Islam and nation of Israel.

    1. Well said Zelda1 !

    2. words...excellent comment, Zelda1!!

    3. "When the men took other wives, bad things happened: Abraham’s first child was sent to the desert with his mother to die..."

      Yes, exactly; and, I think that's why it's in the Bible--to show peeople that polygamy does not work.

  20. When you freeze the frame after the lady asks the "sex" question, the teens are appalled/disgusted/in disbelief. The mothers are snickering and the King Kody is sitting high on his throne ( with the help of Janelle). Really????

  21. I just went back and checked that goofy book they wrote and sure enough, it says Kody/Robin began before the show but they didn't disclose it! Also talks about how Christine was turned off by Kody/Meri when she met them because they were "courting" an underage girl and needed to wait until she was 18 so they could "marry" her...YUCK! They were in their 20's at this point.

    Once again I say...these people didn't read their own book!!! Coming clean that your life isn't what you pretend on tv is a step in the right direction. Thinking the readers are stupid enough not to remember what you wrote and continue to shovel garbage down our throats is just rude. I honestly watch now just to see how many lies they tell per episode!

    1. Thank you Boston Corgi, I have tried to find in the book where Kody and Meri courted a 'woman' for a long time (as stated by Kody in episode 10). The only reference of courting a wife (outside of Robyn) I could find was the underaged courting of a teenager as wife #2, who was slated to be married on her 18th birthday to Kody if she hadn't changed her mind. AND it was in CHRISTINE'S recollections that she felt the girl was too young...Meri just talked about how 'close' she had been to the girl and the disappointment when it fell through. WTF???

      Funny how Kody neglected to say how old this girl really was on the Q&A show. She would be the same age Aspyn is now, and Kody and Meri saw nothing wrong except she had to be 18 yrs old before Kody could propose and then marry her?!!? And Kody now says THEY chose not to marry her when it was the GIRL who got cold feet and said no? (per Christine in the book).

      And the sheeple on their fansites say nothing about this at all. UNBELIEVABLE. I shudder to think they would allow this to happen to any of their daughters.

      Sorry for the rant. But when I heard Kody whitewash what was written in the book on the Q&A show, just stick me with a fork --- I was done and I had to step away. They give lip service how they are different from the FLDS, when in fact, they follow the same practices of the FLDS (who claim they do not allow their daughters to marry until they are 18). Courting an underage teenager is just wrong! PERIOD.

    2. it seems more like "grooming" than courting. ick

    3. Judging by the first season, I'd say it was obvious he was dating Robyn before the show started. I didn't think they hid it at all.

  22. The "they courting" is just about is yuck as you can get. I'm sorry but when a woman and a man court another woman, it is implicitly bisexual. Now, I have nothing against the gay-bi-transgender communities, but when you are supposedly hetero and are passing yourself off as hetero/polyg, your wife should not be courting with you.

    1. But they are all married to eachother. It was like that in Big Love too when they group dated the 4th wife. There was nothing sexual going on there.

  23. Boston Corgi - I'm sure Kody and Meri only waited cause the elders in their church won't approve a child bride. I wonder how they would feel now if Mariah announced to them she's currently being courted and is just counting the day til she turns 18. Betcha they wouldn't approve of it whatsoever. I'm sure Meri expects more from Mariah and that's to be FIRST WIFE, Mariah!!

    1. I was thinking the exact same thing! How would Kody like some couple in their twenties courting one of his underage daughters?

    2. Unfortunately, they would probably be thrilled, especially if he is within the same age range (give or take 5 years). She is unlikely to ever be a second wife, so she will likely have to marry very soon to ensure her place as a first. Unlike the Duggar adult girls, who will be moldering away, still talking like babies and deserately searching for a way to look busy in front of the public eye, when they are poorly educated and ill-equipped to deal with real life. Their option are so much more limited than the Brown's For that I give these idiots props.

    3. linnet, ITA.
      I’ve been truly annoyed with the Brown’s move to LV and all the ‘drama’ involved, but I think there has been a benefit to the children with exposure to the world at large and to normal peers. The kids will survive and thrive despite their parents.

      The Duggar girls, however, are woefully lacking any real-world preparation. They were raised to be good wives and that’s it. They lack a skill or trade that will get them out of the house to meet people to whom they’re unrelated. Sure, they’ve got public appearances, but they shy away from men. And they once had home-school conferences, but they’ve aged out of the system. They may eventually find a mate.
      I doubt they have the imagination to guess at what they’ve missed.

  24. If there's going to be a next season I would like to see them pay back the bankruptcies...and stop breeding. They are spouting off about their "values" and making some good money in doing an example to everyone and show us your so called integrity. PAY BACK THOSE THAT YOU ROBBED! There's a lot of money being consumed in eating out, maintaining 4 very nice homes, making babies, fancy cars, trips, etc. I wonder how the folks feel that never got their money from the upstanding Brown family - 5 bankrupt, sad people, trying to sell us on a lifestyle that is so laughable the way they live it! Seems like they chase a lot of empty dreams - Kharma?

    Humble yourself Kody. Really would be cool to see you live simply, pay back the credit companies, get your family under 1 roof. I would like to see you sell the sports cars and make do. Might change your heart...cause right now all I see is a man who worships fame, money and sex. As for your wives - money, food & power.

    1. I agree and for that matter throw in the years of welfare fraud. Kody should stand up and claim his children not allow them to be fatherless dependents who just so happen to have his last name..*wink wink. Man up Kody. Quit making your "wives" forge documents. Live the life you proclaim that you want for your kids.

      I think it's really funny that they're betraying themselves with their own need to be in the spotlight. They talk talk talk so much that the lies are beginning to slip out.

      I am having a hard time giving the ladies a pass on a lot of this. They're not worn down prairie dress women with no options. They choose to partake in this charade for the same reason he

    2. it's us working middle class that pay for the BROWNS (and others like them) bankruptcies, welfare, food stamps. Corporations, vendors, and the government entities don't. Those unpaid for items and subsidies are counted as "business costs" and passed on to the consumer and taxpayers in the form of higher prices and higher taxes. WE pay for it all!!

      I don't mind when it's for the truly helpless and unfortunate but I don't like it one bit when it goes to the likes of the lazy, irresponsible and entitled mindset Browns.

    3. If they were Chapter 7 individual bankruptcies with no assets, they do not have to pay them back...i said this somewhere before but a show after TLC would be interesting to see the shattering of this family....I am sorry there are so many young children however.

  25. these people just blow me away, GET A JOB, any job...what is wrong with these stupid woman!

    KICK this loser to the curb, with his tart Robin.

    Stop having kids, and GET JOBS

    1. They think their TLC show IS their job.

  26. Ok, from the previous thread, what does "bedroom wife" actually mean? The one who is attractive and has the most sex?

    1. I'm assuming they mean the one who tends to his bedroom needs.

  27. As for the name thing, you'd think it would be sad to legally change your name after a "spiritual marriage" at the court instead of presenting your marriage license at the SS office (at least I think that's how it's done). Also, did some wives really leave Kody's name off the birth certificate? Someone mentioned that above. After having to change your name in a different way than marriage, you'd think it would be extra sad to not include his name on the birth certificate since you finally managed to score a matching last name. Plus wouldn't he want it on there to be a control freak and have custody of the kids if something happened to mom?

    1. I don't think any of them actually legally changed their names. I think they just started publically using the name Brown. From what I understand--maybe it's just in states where I have lived--a mother can legally name her child anything she wants to, regardless of whether a father is named on the birth certificate or not. When I was growing up, my mom worked in NICU, and a woman named her daughter Gaunarheea Destiny Velvet. The mother's last name was Jackson. She came home from work and told me that and I did not believe her; I was a candy striper and later that morning got to write her a congratualatory card and present it to her in person!!! Can you imagine being 16 years old and attempting to hand that to that woman with a straight face???!!! Anyway, the point is--you can write any last name you like.

    2. I thought Christine's bankruptcy papers had her name listed as Christine Brown.

      In NM, my son's last name would have been mine except his father signed a paternity paper so it could be listed as his. It was explained to me that it was the law since we were not married. That was in 1996.

    3. Thank God there are laws that partially protect the innocent in some places (though that woeful child would still have had a venereal disease for a name). I'm not sure about the rest of the women, though. I'll have to look it up.

    4. kody brown is a loser..he does not care about custody looking forward down the road....he is a ego maniac narcissist in the classical sense and somewhat effeminate I think...what a trip to see him picking clothes to pack for a trip and complain he has to go to 4 places to get clothing...In my opinion..Robyn was the bedroom bride from the beginning...I think she is a functional illiterate.

  28. DragonflyJune 20, 2012 3:56 PM said
    "They have led everyone to believe kody and RNC were married in the fall of 2010. But I swear I just saw a twitter post congratulating RNC on her anniversary the other month." So was this all a concoction for TV and were they already fake "married" and pretending to be just dating? Would explain why Robyn was "bedroom wife" when Christine was having her baby. If not, raises a lot of questions about what Robyn meant. Can anyone find that congratulations tweet?

    1. "Christine Brown ‏@rosecolored6
      Happy Anniversary to @realkodybrown and @LuvgvsUwngs. Hope you have a wonderful day and upcoming year!"
      "Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown
      @remi_indaclub I need a good dance place for Tuesday 5-22 I want to go dancing with Robyn for our anniversary. I like Kylie Minogue music."

    2. Courting anniversary? I know they didn't "court" very long before marriage.

      Also, what does Robyn's Twitter handle mean?!

    3. Love Gives You Wings may be from the Kylie Minogue song since Kody says he likes Kylie.
      Here is a link to the lyrics:,Butterfly.html


      Mm mmm
      In the morning I'll wake up with you
      There's not anything I would rather do

      You are more than you'll ever know
      And your love teaches me to grow
      You are more than my everything
      And your love gives me wings

      Like a butterfly
      And I'll dance in the sunlight
      Like a butterfly
      From the day into the night

      Your touch
      Is the one thing I know is true
      My mind
      Is completely devoted to you

      You are more than you'll ever know
      And your love teaches me to grow
      You are more than my everything
      And your love gives me wings

      Like a butterfly
      And I'll dance in the sunlight
      Like a butterfly
      From the day into the night

      And it mightn't last more than a day
      But I'll take my chances anyway
      'cause my heart is saying it's for real
      No-one else has made me feel this way

    4. Robyn's twitter handle "love gives you wings" - she's supposedly in that perpetual "honeymoon" state. "Lust addles your brain" would be more apt.

    5. Cat Loaf,

      It is "Love Gives You Wings."

      But it took me a few looks to figure it out. Even now, it always first reads to me like luv-ug-wugs.

    6. I'm guessing they were already married a year when the show started, and just had the big wedding for the show.

    7. Thanks, All, that is so... ugh, never mind. Just yeah, I get it now.

    8. Ah crap Kodouche and Robchin's anniversary is on the same day is mine. The day is tainted!!!!! ;)

    9. that's my parent's anniversary...Mom is that you?

    10. Nope I don't have any kids.

  29. Lobotomized says "The more this "season" goes on, the more I am thinking it is not as much cheesy editing and bad scriptwriting, but rather that the Browns don't agree with what scripts TLC brings up, refuses to make episodes out of things that really get ratings and don't want to tape often and often will say - I am not comfortable filming this and demanding filming being stopped/not for the show. They probably wanna tape very few hours and only cheesy boring weird and stupid plots they themselves come up with and besides of that, them travelling, going out for dinner, some meeting or another in someone's home but that's it."

    I agree. The book implies that the Browns are determined to control the content of the show to "convey the joys and stability of [their] lifestyle." (p. 255)

    Consider the following quotes:

    Robyn says, "I usually place last in the 'Favorite Sister Wife' poll . . . .I've had to be very open with Tim, our producer, and tell him that in certain areas he has to tread lightly so as not to give America's women another reason to hate me. If the audience dislikes me then we've failed in our mission to convey the joys and stability of our lifestyle. We want to dwell on the positives, not only on dramatic things that sully the picture . . . ." (p. 255)

    Meri's portion explains why the first season seemed less scripted than the others.

    She writes, "The 'couch sessions,' in which we talk about issues and problems were a real wake-up call for our family. We had to learn to think before we spoke. At first, when the producer would ask us questions about a particular situation, each of us would answer as if he or she was alone with the camera, and not sitting on the couch with the rest of the family. Often one of us would inadvertently throw a sister wife or Kody under the bus, publicly airing a grievance that would have been better dealt with in private." (p. 215-16)

    1. If the Browns are truly in charge of the SW's scripting - then that truly explains the boredom, non-clever humor, hypocrisy, and passive/aggressive behavior we're constantly subjected to. Apparently, they think they're doing an AWESOME (christina's soundbite here) job!! Let alone the Deep Thoughts by Robyn Handy part. aaarrgh!

    2. Ha Ha...Robyn, I'd say u failed then, lmao!

      What a Twit..She didn't want the show to give America's Women anymore reason to hate her? Wow, Robyn thinks it's just Women that hate her, I've heard plenty of Men talk about how they can't stand her! Sounds like she thinks we are all jealous of her, lol!!

  30. What an eye opener today has been. Fuzzy time lines, fuzzy events and distorted reality served up by the ever pious Browns.
    "The joys and stability of their lifestyle" ??
    Puleeeeze. Whatever.

  31. Way off topic: but check this out.

    Jailed polygamist prophet Warren Jeffs decrees that only 15 men among the thousands in the FLDS are allowed to have sex. 15 men alone are to father all children that will be born in his group from now on. All other men are to abstain. Women too -- until they're called by one of the 15.

    Sexual Bait 'n Switch:

    You want to know what's really, really sick about all this?

    Before Warren announced his Super Sperm Donors, I am told his top leaders were pulling a sexual bait and switch.

    Here's how it worked: When Warren first ordered all sex to cease, husbands and wives who wanted more children had to apply for permission. If approved, my sources tell me they would be instructed that sex was an "ordinance" that could only take place in certain locations and with witnesses.

    It was the same pattern Warren established before his arrest when he was marrying underage girls and then bedding them in the FLDS temple in Eldorado, Texas.

    Anyway, if the couple agreed, they were told when and where.

    That was the bait, my sources say the switch happened when the couple showed up at the appointed time and place. Only then were they told, "Sorry, but you're not to be the father, husband. This man here will be fathering a child with your wife. You are to stand as a witness."

    "Sick" doesn't begin to describe how I feel about that.

  32. This is a terrific blog that has become far too addictive for this first-time poster! There is insight and also great wit, so thank-you, Cynical Jinx and all you wonderful posters. :)

    I agree with so many of your keen observations of the Brown children. Logan is a fine young man with a very big heart, and that's so evident. I worry that he will feel duty-bound to try to fill in the substantial gaps in his many siblings' lives where their father should be fully present. I just hope that he will be able to focus upon his own education and happiness, but I fear he will be pulled back into the vortex of family obligations.

    As so many of you have pointed out, there has been far too much emphasis placed on Kody Brown in the taped segments, and far too little on the day-to-day activities with the kids. I don't know if the children have specifically requested that they have limited time on film. That's entirely possible. I can't imagine how disruptive and weird it would be to have that chaos around. However, if this is the reason why we see so much of Kody: Kody on his separate wife dates, Kody with his brothers, Kody in Mexico with Meri, and the (cough cough) business meetings, perhaps TLC should cancel the series. We all know that Kody loves to have fun rather than work, and that instead of choosing a car that is practical for his large family, he selected an expensive toy for himself. We have all seen that the favorite recipe the family all agrees upon is "Mock Tapioca" and they don't get it all the time. However, when the young kids finally get to enjoy their treat, Kody doesn't just have a little taste from their bowls; he slurps up more than 1/2 the contents with successive spoon dives! It boils down to the fact that he is a narcissist who thinks his "aw shucks" humor and smiles disguise his jaw-dropping level of selfishness. Honestly, his children must feel extremely marginalized, and that is not right. As many other posters have pointed out, the women opted for this lifestyle. I cannot imagine how hard it is for those kids when they really need Kody to be a dependable, supportive, involved Dad rather than being a horny goofball.

    When Kody's brothers were in L.V. to celebrate his birthday with him, it was so clear how excited the children were to see their uncles, but the producers just showed the guys out and about, shooting guns, riding motorcycles, going to a bar and guzzling-----water-----, eating at a nice restaurant, and finally, the Sunday church scene. So much fun for the kids, right?

    The first season, I was intrigued by this family, and I agree with all who have previously commented on the cohesive family situation that existed in Utah vs. the fragmentation of their lives in L.V. I am perplexed that Kody et al don't expand their search for land to build a similar structure for their large family, or look for a more modest neighborhood than the ridiculously expensive community w/ homes just under 1/2 million each! The kids, during Season 1, seemed to be so much happier, and for their sakes, I hope that the adults in their lives will re-evaluate what's most important. They don't need 3-car garages. They need more stability and some permanent jobs that will help their kids have the chance to either attend college or a trade after they finish high school.

    Thanks again, Cynical Jinx and great contributors!

  33. "Christine Brown ‏@rosecolored6
    Happy Anniversary to @realkodybrown and @LuvgvsUwngs. Hope you have a wonderful day and upcoming year!"
    "Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown
    @remi_indaclub I need a good dance place for Tuesday 5-22 I want to go dancing with Robyn for our anniversary. I like Kylie Minogue music."

    Does anyone think Christine would have remembered the anniversary of Kody and Robyn's first date? Sounds a lot more like a fake "wedding" anniversary. Maybe Christine let the "cat out of the bag" there? Curiouser and curiouser!

  34. I live in Vegas. Have you checked into the houses on Elkhorn just west of Bradley? There is a small development of unfinished houses that I wondered if you has looked at!

  35. Robyn Sullivan Brown
    ‏@LuvgvsUwngs It is Truely's first Birthday today! It was sweet to see her reaction to everything.She stares at me all the time.I think she knows! ;-)10:00 PM - 13 Apr 11"

    This means if the May "anniversary" tweeted about was the "wedding" anniversary of Kody and Robyn, they still wouldn't have been married when Christine was having her baby, and Robyn's "bedroom wife" comment is sick. Yep Truely "knows" all right! Too bad she can't talk.

    1. Is she saying Truely knows she's pregnant? Sounds that way to me.

  36. Is Taralyce Sullivan Robyn's sister? She wrote on FB on June 7th "I'm going to Nauvoo" with "The Brown family."

    1. she probably is. i went to her FB page and she sounds very narcissistic and mouthy. Robyn should bring her into her sisterhood marriage.

  37. We all need to send an email to TLC and tell them for the sake of these children they need to stop this show.
    It's not what they were supposed be showing. It was supposed to be informative about their religious beliefs and how they live out their religion. They don't even follow their own beliefs very well.
    Modesty? Forgiveness? Self control? good parenting? godliness?

    Do your family a favor. Concentrate in uniting as a family, focusing in raising these children well, to get along, to be productive, godly people. Don't just want access to easy money so you don't have to work hard like the rest of us.
    What happen with Kate and John? same thing, they wanted to have access to easy money. Kate said it multiple times she couldn't go back to work and would do whatever she had to to stay in show business to provide for her kids. Provide?? They got used to the expensive, extravagant life style.

    1. Good luck with emailing TLC, beemom...TLC did not care about the Gosselin kids and trust me, they do not care about the Brown kids....I followed the escapades of the Gosselin's train wreck and many posters on the 'Gosselins Without Pity' blog said the same thing, over and over and over: 'stop watching the show, petition for the show to stop, contact TLC and their corporate people, etc, etc'....TLC finally stopped the Gosselin's show when THEY wanted to and that was mostly due to low ratings...I've said this in a comment just yesterday, the 'parents' have to be the ones to stop this mess or keep their kids off camera, TLC won't until they are good and ready...once again, I feel badly for these kids, they didn't sign up for this (or polygamy, for that matter), their 'parents' did....

    2. As long as T&T and MBFGW are in the line-up, I figure these kids have relatively normal lives

    3. Good point, linnet...I guess 'relatively' normal is the best we can hope for in this on reality shows get a such a raw deal: their parents have to be clueless to sign up for this sort of thing, and if the parents care so little about their kids, it's not a big leap to conclude they are also not socking away some of the TLC money for their kids' futures, either...not to mention exposing their kids' private lives to the world, and the ridicule of their classmates, etc....I just would like to know how they are able to rationalize and live with what they are doing to their kids.....

  38. I'm in the group that thinks Robin is probably pregnant but if she's not, I think she very soon will be. I'm betting that before she's done, Robin will have two more kids by Kody. That will make her, Janelle and Christine each with six kids.
    That accomplishes a few things -
    1) cements her into the family (much harder to squeeze you out when you have multiple kids by Kody - not to mention all the bonding and private time she'd get with Kody while working on making the next baby)
    2) gives her a reason to have more time with Kody (her kids would be the youngest and likely popped out pretty quickly so she'd need him to 'help' her more)
    3)puts her on a bit more of an even level with Janelle and Christine (Meri can pull the 'first wife' card but the only real thing Janelle and Christine have is their having six kids by Kody)

  39. Did anyone actaully hear her say bedroom wife? Or was the giggeling fit just her realizing that she was about to say it??

    Also, I don't like talking about the kids BUT what was up with logan's socks? Mid calf?? It creeped me out.. But all the adults also had horrible shoes on.. I couldn't listen to anything they said when the camera wasn't zoomed on a face due to all those nasty feet..

    1. Process of elimination. She said 3 of the four and then started acting all embarrassed/stupid.

  40. Why did I look at that stupid "Sister Wives" book again earlier? Now I stumbled upon Kody saying he got engaged to Robin 9/26 and they had to wait 6 months for the marriage until he could afford it...hmmm that would mean March. Why did he give an anniversary tweet in June and pretend on the show the wedding was in October?

    Does this tool even know who he "married" and when?

    Another gem before I go burn the book & wash my eyes:
    Kody states he and Meri "were both bitten by the same love bug" after meeting Robin.

  41. Now that I know about Kody's sweaty butt, that picture of him sitting on Meri while he ties the tree to the car is extra-disgusting.

    1. boston corgiJune 20, 2012 10:44 PM

      Another gem before I go burn the book & wash my eyes:
      Kody states he and Meri "were both bitten by the same love bug" after meeting Robin.

      Well, that makes 2 times he's made a comment about Meri being smitten w/other women! I've stayed away from the whole Meri being Lesbian/Bi Sexual thing but now I'm really starting to wonder. I thought it was just her Duty as the 1st Wife to help him find another Mate but now I'm not so sure. Or maybe, Kody is just a Sick Perv who gets his Jolly's thinking Meri wants some of the action too....maybe she does! So much for "We don't do Weird!"

    2. He also said on episode of browns throwing birthday party for Robchin, when Meri gives her a gift, "I'm not the only one in love with Robyn." as he says this Meri bows her head in a very embarrassed and shy way just like a school girl gets when teased about a crush. She was crushing on her from day one.

    3. i think the Meri/Robyn honeymoon crush is over. Meri falls in love/lust too quickly and can fall out just as fast.

  42. Straight from the horse's mouth (Robyn and TLC) She and Kody had their fake "marriage" on May 22nd 2010. So that would have taken place about one month after Christine had Truely. Here's the link
    All the reception hullaballoo came months later it seems. When was the honeymoon? When did TLC start filming? Did they con us that they had got together later, or is that just our assumption because of the reception that came so much later - obviously for the sake of filming.

  43. lol I feel bad for whomever had to wash those sweaty ass pants and his scubby undies...

  44. Oh my god! The mod on the TWOP Sister Wives forum has shut down the board!

    1. that mod Howard over there has always seemed like a control freak douche. that's why i'm here! ;')

    2. I'm not surprised. There was some arguing going on and people were talking about the book, not the show. As TWOP Howard says at the top of that forum, that forum is limited to talking about only the show; discussions related to the book or their trips or whatever aren't allowed.

      Lucky for us we have this blog where we can (and do) talk about anything and everything related to the family. Thanks, CJ and the other blog owners!

    3. how do you have a snark forum called Television WITHOUT Pity and then have so many limiting rules on what you can talk about or say? ridics.

      Thanks Cynical and Mister Sister!!

      (i agree w/ not picking on the kid victims as well as not publishing private info publicly for a rule here. TWOP goes way beyond that realm of common courtesy/legal liability censorship.)

  45. On the subject of marriages and weddings, I do have some questions.

    Why all the secrecy in the Mormon faiths, LDS and others, with regards to the temple ceremony? How is it conducted, what does it entail? How come others of different faiths cannot attend the ceremony?

    Privacy is one thing but secrecy? They trying to hide something??

    1. Hi SheRah!

      The temple ceremony (as well as the temple itself) is very sacred to all Mormons. In order to enter a Mormon temple, not only do you need to be Mormon, but you need to have a "temple recommend". No temple recommend, no entry to the temple.

      For example, someone I knew in HS converted to LDS and was married in the Mormon Temple. Her parents, who were not LDS, could not attend this wedding (her sealing to her husband). She actually had a second wedding to accomodate the non - LDS members of her family.

      Here's a link to wikipedia article explaining the significance of the Mormon Temple to Mormons:

      And here is a link to a SWB posting about Mormons, which includes a link to the site and their series called The Mormons, telecast a few years ago.

    2. oops, here's the other link!

    3. Thanks for the info. I'm going to check it out!

    4. The sealing ceremony inside a temple===uses quite a bit of symbolism that the Masons use. They USED to make a sign with their hands that they would slit their throats if they told what went on in the temple. They have since (in our lifetime) removed that symbol.

      In the ceremony a woman is giving a special name that only her husband knows...THAT is the name he must use to call her into heaven with.

      They do a symbolic thing with their hands reaching through a veil, doing the right hand shake, and the husband then pulls his wife through to the other side...symbolic of how he will pull her into the highest heaven after they die.

    5. Interesing reading into further details of the Mormon faith and Temple, both on this blog and other reccommended sites. Sounds to me like an interesting culture and unique perspective. Just need a little clarification on one item. Did I understand correctly that while non Mormons cannot attend Temple activities that they would be welcomed to attend a Mormon church service? Is that what a "meetinghouse" is, or am I totally confused here?

      Thanks to all, and Happy Friday, as the weekend is upon us!

    6. Correct. Non-Mormons, or even LDS that have not been deemed worthy enough to get a temple recommend---they are not allowed in the temples.

      anyone can go visit the church on Sunday morning

  46. If the "show" timing for the courting and wedding was phony, and apparently after the fact, then that means that several incidents in season 1 were contrived for show effect and instant ratings.

    Like the infamous brouhaha about Kody secretly picking out the wedding dress and the subsequent *hurt feelings* of Meri, Janelle and Christine about that. That bit got a lot of mileage of chat time, didn't it?

    And then there was the sisters oh so happily picking out the flowers for the event....and the cake-tasting...and of course, the coordinating 'brown' bridesmaid dresses.
    And let's not forget the much discussed clip back then of Kody having to see his "fiance'" and kiss her for the camera which was played against Christine being shown in labor and delivery.

    Evidenced by their own timelines in their book....much of season 1 was sheer bullsh*t.
    Makes one feel rather foolish for ever having given these phonies any attention at all.

    1. None of them are good actors so I think the feelings and jealousies they showed were genuine. I wonder if Robyn and Kody were married before and TLC asked them to have another ceremony for the show. That would explain the dress and cake and everything. it's possible that during all that planning the other wives found out that Kody had kissed Robyn before the initial wedding.

    2. Exactly Amused! I was thinking that very thing. If all of that was theatrics, why would anyone believe all of the other major stories?
      The jealousy drama? The IVF drama?
      If these ppl. can full on lie to the viewers about such a "sacred" event (to them) logic tells me that any of the other big show continued stories are entertainment,nothing more .

  47. Wow, I never got the "brown" wedding dresses until now! :)

    1. I know, me too.

      Thx, Amused, but now I feel stupid. :)

    2. Count me in, too. I wondered why that particular color had been chosen since it wasn't an autumn wedding, but thanks to Amused, I finally get it. :/

    3. i always got the brown colored dress connection tied to their name as soon as i saw them and they thought they were able to pull of the ugly color due to a fall wedding. but it was actually a late SPRING wedding and they just HAD to go with that color? obviously - that was done for TV show hype.

  48. I guess Kody and Robyn weren't officially AUB hitched until after Christine had Truely, but does anyone remember the date of the "wedding" reception? Certainly all the cake and dress shopping, must have come between the fake wedding and before the reception, when these people were pretending she was about to get married. For sure, the "honeymoon was way after the fact. What a sham - in every way!

  49. Coming from the last page & haven't read this page's comments---

    On the question of Kody having sex nightly (when possible), the picture of Kody holding a tiny Logan with each of the 3 wives holding a baby daughter tells me that at least at one point, the guy was having sex nightly with these women!

  50. Robyn was very realistic in saying not all the kids will be going to college. She is the parent of a special needs child.. Obviously Kody hasn't figured out he is the parent of a special needs child. Reading a book as aspergers would be a good idea. Not saying he wouldn't go to school beyond high school but it is a possibility that is not the path for him.

    1. i think Day-un would be the one having to read the book to Grody and Robun.

  51. On the TLC page about Kody and Robyn, Robyn says "Kody told me later he knew he loved me from the beginning. He said God told him that we all belonged together." Hang on a minute - didn't he say on camera that initially there had been an "ick factor" about Robyn (due to her being divorced)? Can't they keep their stories straight?

    1. Again, with all the fake junk that they feel comfortable tossing out for their fans, maybe the "ick" factor is pure fiction. Maybe Krody tailors some of his innermost feeeeeelings for the fans? Maybe he thought it best to show them that he (and God) needed to acknowledge that she was a divorcee, nip any raised eyebrows and soldier on to the next lifelie.
      I believed so little of their BS before and now even less.

  52. I looked through the tweets to find a june happy anniversary tweet, couldn't find one BUT since I was already there I did notice NO mention from Kody or robin about an anniversary on the 22 of may, the date tlc has as the anniversary?? and i was thinking it was in the fall as well? weird but consistent with this group. It seems to me Meri and Kody has always been trying to find a way to make money without working. Janell just plugs along working and doing the right things as much as possible and Christine just wants to live the principle, be a home Mom, Robin just wants some attention. Robin reminds me of the middle sister in downton abbey.
    just my take

  53. Kay - Christine tweeted "happy Anniversary" on May 22nd. Maybe we are assuming the reception and "honeymoon" came much later because it was not shown on TV until the fall? Poor Christine having to deal with al that when she has a brand new baby - and then all the "courting" nonsense during her pregnancy. I know she bought into all this, but you still have to feel for her.

    1. The browns put out a press release announcing the wedding in October 2010.

  54. What burns me is that Robin said she was engaged to Kody before TLC picked up the show and TLC even wanted the 1st episode to be her wedding...seems that didn't go over well with the other Sisters, however. Guess those episodes devoted to the courtship, intro to the family, engagement, etc. were re-created for our viewing pleasure.

    TLC needs to cancel this show before the Browns' heads pop off from the strain of trying to keep the lies straight!

  55. that makes those brown colored dresses even uglier if it was a late spring wedding and not a fall one. i was barely able to accept them as both a play on their name as well as a fall colored theme.

  56. I remember Meri saying that she did her "duty" by making the introduction for Kody to Robyn. A more interesting show would be the actuality of what goes on after TLC is gone....

  57. I think I remember an ep back then that Meri stated she did her "duty" to make the introduction Robyn to Kody....the best show would be an "actuality" show of what is going on after TLC leaves...that family will split up and Kody wont be buying the latest sports car...I do wish the kids well and I am happy to see that Madison is going to leave at 18 and not pursue the "lifestyle"...also coming up I think there is an issue as to why Meri needs such a big house with only one child who will be leaving a a couple of years...that was an issue before..she wanted the same size house as the other so called things should be equal ..not a great economical viewpoint...

  58. Sounds like Christine needs to straighten out Mykelti's brain-washed confusion--the "spiritual connection" is supposed to be with future Sister Wives, not "sisters"!!

    Also, I kind of think Mykelti going on and on about Robyn's daughter shows a rebellion towards her own mother--there is no way that she didn't know about Christine's jealousy, etc. with Robyn. And Christine previously highlighted that she and Mykelti butt heads...

  59. Not sure if it helps anyone with time frame but in season one, episode 2, courting fourth wife... There is a calendar not once but twice in the show. Kody drives 5 hrs with teenagers in tow to babysit Robchin's kids and when Robchin is putting on her make up there is a September calendar on her wall next to bathroom. Well the 1st is on a Tuesday. That would make it 2009, becuz there is no year on it I looked up what year that September started on a Tuesday. Then just a few seconds later when Kody greets Robchin there is another household hand written calendar/schedule in dining room, same month September with the 1st on a Tuesday.
    Just came across it when I froze Netflix and said huh, here is a date stamp of filming. If you have Netflix check it out.

  60. Again in season 1,episode 3, wives on the move...same calendar in hall by bathroom, now it is March 2010. This is when Robchin is packing and the klan is coming to move her to Utah. Soooo according to robchins calendars ...
    Courting September 2009
    Engaged and moving March 2010
    Anniversary tweets May 22
    TLC press announcement of wedding October 2010, 5 months later. They led us to believe the sealing and reception was all the say day, since they made it a point to tell us how sacred the actual ceremony is and that us why it wasn't filmed.
    Sorry I have insomnia and catching inconsistency in the Brown web makes me so tired.

  61. I'm thinking the reception had to be pretty close in time to the sealing ceremony. Truely was born in April 2010. If you look at the wedding photos where Christine is holding Truely, that is a 1-2 month old baby, not a 6 month old.

  62. their wedding photos...there are photos of Robyn posing in front of a stone walkway and there are rows and rows of tulips in full bloom...they ain't bloomin in October!

  63. I have to say this. Dunno if it's already been said. During the family answering viewer questions, one woman asked how Koty satisfies all four women in the bedroom. Big drama as the teenagers were asked to leave the room....then Koty answer's by saying they do not even discuss that among themselves so he was not going to answer that question. So why did the kid's have to leave the room for THAT answer? Drama..drama...drama.

  64. It's clear Meri has jealousy issues. She call's Koty "Lover"....cute nickname which screams "we have sex"....
    I think she pushed him to marry Robyn out of jealousy towards Christine as she was the last wife, pregnant and all giddy happy. I think she wanted to pop Christine's bubble and make her deal with another she has had to....
    It worked perfect! Christine was so crushed, jealous, and was niave enough to actually ask MERI for advice and support.
    Now Robyn is the happy giddy last wife. So Meri say's to Koty in Cancun that the tour guide girl was cute. Look out, Meri's looking for another wife to crush Robyn's giddyness now! lol

  65. In the first pic, Meri looks like Kiefer Sutherland when he's turning into a vampire in "The Lost Boys."


  66. I'm sorry CJ, and all.

    It is the THIRD pic down, where Meri looks like Kiefer Sutherland changing into a vampire in "The Lost Boys."

    One of the best movies of the 80's.
