Friday, May 25, 2012

I Scour the Internet: The Pre Memorial Day Edition 5/25/12

Can you believe its been 24 days since 'Becoming Sister Wives' went on sale at a bookstore near you (and also available at the Kody Brown family website) ? And, although the Brown Klowns travelled (with little baby Sol in tow) from Vegas, to New York, then Los Angeles before returning to Vegas talking up their TLC new season premiere and as an after thought their book, what happened to the obligatory book signings at various bookstore locations across the US of A?

The Anderson Cooper and TLC book giveaways do not count. C'mon Browns! I want to see you signing books, and smiling, and answering questions and stuff! You can even have one of those big ole' bottles filled with that green stuff you sell sitting on the table! Hey, I'll even take a swig or two from it!

Is that too much to ask?

Let's take a look at what's been going on with Kody and his Sister Wives. Now, in case ya'll missed it, when the new season of Sister Wives premiered on 5/13/12, not only did  Kody's Konkubines kommit to having one of those fun-filled chats on their FRIEND ONLY Facebook fanpage, their  publisher, Gallery Books, also kommited Kody and his plus fours to tweeting, TWEETING to Twitter fans during the premiere showing!

The Browns. Doing more than one thing at a time. Answering questions. Thinking. Tweeting.


Surprise surprise! Even Kody least I think it was Kody. You be the judge....Here's a sampling of the tweets:

Hells bells, Kody. It's HANUKKAH. I suppose we should be thankful you were able to get Joseph Smith right. (For the record, Christine couldn't spell Hanukkah either.)

Oh dear!!! Looks like Robyn may have lost a sale!! Note to Robyn and Meri: Make sure the website is up and running BEFORE you start talking about it! And before your 'fans' have a chance to impulse buy junky jewelry on HSN and QVC , two companies that KNOW how to market and sell merchandise. I don't hate to say this - ladies, this was a MISSED OPPORTUNITY!!

I know its dangerous (I do value my brain and I know I'll miss the brain cells destroyed by my reckless action), but I ventured over to the FRIEND ONLY facebook page. I thought oh well, what the heck. Maybe losing a few brain cells won't be THAT bad.

Well, let me tell you, it was WORTH IT! Seems like Robyn reverted back to her old 'loose lips sink ships' behavior and blabbed something to a fan. Here's a short transcript of the convo.

Enthusiastic Fan: Did you guys open the gym?

Enthused Robyn: Our investor that we did have wanted something different. So we are still looking for the right person. We haven't given up the dream.

So which investor pulled out, so to speak?
Was it the big time gym owner who was seen in a 'business meeting'  with the Browns' last season
Was it Bill the Trainer - who Kody described as his "... wifes' trainer and new business partner..."

Is it time to retire Fundamental Fitness to the PipeDream Hall of Fame? I think so. One down, four(LIV, MySisterWife'sCloset, Real Estate license, cul-de-sac houses) to go.

Robyn also mentioned to a fan that, despite the show alluding to Hunter and Robyn being brought together by the birth of Super Sol, their relationship still is not very good. Says Robyn "... Things with Hunter are still a little strained but it is ok. I can't worry about it. I just have to love and accept him wherever he is at in his head. He is just a teen."

Well, at least she didn't call him a monster like Kody did last year. But really, Robyn. You've got to stop talking about real stuff that contradicts your reality show!

Oh, interesting to see that Robyn changed her twitter pic from the "Becoming Sister Wives" cover ( which matched Kody's twit pic by the way) back to her old picture featuring Robyn with Kody.

And somebody had an anniversary this week!!

Which is probably a good thing, because according to this tweet, Robyn was feeling kind of down...

Oh reeeeely? Guess Meri and Kody in Mexico would put a damper on things for you.

OUCH !!!! Looks like somebody is asserting her number one status to all concerned. Makes one wonder what precipitated Meri needing to send out such a strong message. An inquisitive fan asking the WRONG question or saying the WRONG thing perhaps? Hmmm.....No wonder poor Robyn has been having a rough couple of weeks.

But a true milestone occurred this week. There's another adult now in the Browns' household!

And before we leave Brownsville, a number of online newspapers have jumped on the Becoming Sister Wives publicity wagon by writing extremely short articles with excessively sensational titles.  For example, has an article published 5/23/12 titled 'Sister Wives': Did Kody Brown hide the down side of his polygamist lifestyle? Which talks about Janelle leaving Kody. We already have discussed here on SWB that while Janelle did move out,  she did not leave Kody. 

And has an article titled: 'Sister Wives' Kody Brown: 'None Of My Wives Can Satisfy All My Needs'.

Funny thing, both the and reference as their source. And when you go to you find out...well, I'll let you see for yourself. Here are the links. Enjoy!

That's all for now. So remember, I Scour the Internet so You Don't Have to !!


  1. Yeah, Hunter is just a teen. A teen who sees that the emperor has no clothes and gets slapped down for saying it. I hope he joins the military and goes far, far away where he can find some peace.

    1. That is exactly the fable I always think of when we enter into Kody land of delusional thinking. Perfect comment MN CAMO!

    2. MN That might be the best solution-I doubt the adults have saved enough for Logan's college tuition, much less Hunter's. He could go into the military, then used the GI Bill to finance higher ed.

    3. Your tax dollars at work ARE their college savings. Single mother with 6 kids=hardship grants that will likely pay for everything for all of them. Thanks, America! #BleedingTheBeastBrownFamilyStyle :)

      Att: Middle-class kids with 2 working parents, and fewer than 5 siblings, you'll still be paying back loans in 2025.

    4. finally seeing realityJune 6, 2012 at 12:11 PM

      I wondered how they would pay for Logan to go to college as he will be considered an out of state student since they have been out Utah for move than a year, and I know these students pay alot more than instate students. I also think he will have to include his Dad's income. I don't know how they are being paid by TLC, but I wonder if that income could exclude him from financial aid? I was recently a student in the MSA program in CA and saw alot of students like talking about that are forced to work because parents are middle class and make ends meet but can,t afford to help. It is so sad.

  2. I wish Janelle would tell Robin to quit talking about Hunter. If I were Janelle I'd knock her to the ground for this.

    1. sounds like Janelle must have had a talk w/Robyn about it. there's no way Robyn was able to come up with that common sense wisdom on her own. She's just parroting what Janelle was finally able to drill into her frontal lobe.

    2. I agree, Janelle should tell Robyn to quit talking about Hunter. He's "just a teen," like a "teen's" feelings don't count?

    3. like! Like! Like! - all 3 comments!

  3. How can I find the FRIEND ONLY facebook page? I'd like to see it.

    1. Well, U might have to wait awhile, bcuz U have to send a Friend Request to KODY BROWN FAMILY on FB, & last season, they were making a big deal about accepting friend requests & only like 1000 at a time...(eyes rolling)

    2. That is because they have to do a thorough check of each person, ensuring (through cross-referencing: you, your e-mail adress, and your friends) that you have never criticized them, tweeted a non-positive message, or questioned anything they have ever done.

  4. "....did Kody's Konkubines kommit...."
    CJ, Love the alliteration !!! Makes for even more fun !!!

    And the "Kody and his plus fours..."
    Now THAT is really amusing and a great double entendre !!! LOL

    Brilliant !!!!

    1. "Kody's on all fours" is another one that takes on a whole new meaning! lol

  5. Kody’s comment seems to fall in-line with adult thinking: you can’t expect another human to make you feel fulfilled. And that every adult relationship has a different feel and focus and chemistry.

    Also, and this is going back a little I know, though I see it as pertinent. When Meri and Christine had their little talk and Meri told her to changer herself… that’s a pretty common sentiment expressed in a lot of places (AlAnon and therapy, to name two). It’s a good lesson for most people, when expressed correctly.

    The idea is that you cannot change another person. You can only change yourself and how you react to that person. You can decide which issues are important to you and express those to the other person, but whether or not s/he changes or reacts in any way is beyond your control.

    Christine can’t change Kody. She’s expressed her feelings and he’s chosen to ignore them (at least on camera, who knows what goes on when the cameras are gone). So now she can decide to let it go or to leave. It seems like Meri’s “be sweet” remark is part of their religious tradition, which sucks, but doesn’t seem to be bullying (above what their faith dictates).

    It seemed to me that that was what Meri was trying to express.

    1. I totally agree Allyn - good job!

  6. I've been thinking about the TV show and the 'reality' of it. It's difficult for me to conceive a situation where I could expose my private life they way the Brown's have. I'm pretty sure if anyone put my family under a microscope we would be thoroughly lambasted on a number of fronts, since non-conformity is one of our trademarks.

    So, I'm torn between feeling kind of sorry for these people and wanting to jump on the criticism bandwagon. I really think they started this with good intentions. They have put a different face on polygamy. And, personally, looking at people's differences makes life interesting if you can keep it somewhat nonjudgmental.

    As the show has evolved however, I think they have lost part of that message. Once someone joins the media circus, it seems like it becomes more and more difficult to 'keep it real'. The first season, I really thought the living situation was positive to the extent that all three women seemed to work together and the kids were one large community. Being a working mom, it made sense to me that Janelle could have a career partly because Christine was there to help with kids during the day. If Janelle's brood was sick, I'm sure Christine was more than happy to be the nursemaid so Janelle didn't have to take time off. And Janelle made the house payment so Christine could stay home.

    Now it feels like the family dynamic is more driven to ratings than their religion, their beliefs or anything else. I'm not sure I'll hang with the show much longer since I really do think they've gone from having a different lifestyle to being celebrities.

    To me a very diagnostic decision was when they moved to Vegas and decided to have four different houses. Any other family would have at least put Robyn and Meri in a single house to save money. If they truly believe in the lifestyle that seems like a reasonable financial move.

    Just my 2 cents.

    1. First, I love this blog!! Thanks, CJ!

      Second, I agree with Mother Farty. This started in first season as an interesting look at another family's unconventional approach. But now with the dates, trips, convertibles, unrealistic housing scenarios, lack of real jobs, unreasonable and dramatic midnight move, IVF for a 40 year old as if 17 aren't enough, and all - it has all just become typical TLC "reality" drivel. Bleah.

      Also, at the beginning I could almost, imagine a positive side to this domestic eccentricity. By now, learning the backgrounds, that some of these women were indoctrinated with this he-is-my-light-and-my-world Cult Of The Male, I see it more as a sad, mental sickness. It's an extreme version of something I see in the medium-small town I live it: the humiliating means females not uncommonly go to for the (dubiously) all-important status of having a man to be attached to.

  7. CJ,
    Do you have any polygamy/former sister wife/escape from polygamy book recommendations? I'm interested in the the subject/cult and what the women go through. I know you're read several based on some of your comments. I was wondering if you had a favorite.

    1. i know you asked CJ but I have some good recommendations.

      Shattered Dreams: My life as a Polygamist's Wife by Irene Spencer
      Favorite Wife: Escape from Polygamy by Susan Ray Schmidt

      They are both on Amazon and you can read the reviews to get a feel for the stories.

      For what its worth, both of these stories (these women were actually married to the same man, Susan after Irene) will make you grateful for every single thing that you have. When you read about how some polygamists live(d), you will understand that the Brown wives have it relatively good comparatively.

      And as a general note, there is a common theme that these men usually think they are going to have 3 wives (the minimum in their culture usually) but end up deciding they need more wives (and kids) as they get more power and influence. This is why I think Kody will go for more wives, at least down the road.

    2. I read "Under the Banner of Heaven" by Jon Krakauer. It's a very interesting history of fundamentalist Mormonism. This is also available on Amazon. It was fascinating to me how close the story lines of "Big Love" were to the book.

      I also have "The 19th Wife" which I'm saving for a long weekend when I can just curl up with a book. My sister read it and thought it was quite good.

    3. Hi drdawnffl!

      And a big Thank you to CPA Carol! Those are the two books I'm currently reading. And I totally concur with Carol's assessment!

      My goal this year is to read all the books by Dorothy Allred Solomon. BTW she is Christine's aunt.

      My favorite book has to be Secret Ceremonies by Deborah Laake. It's about mainstream LDS and totally shook up the LDS world almost 20 years ago because she actually described in detail the Temple ceremonies that were meant to be kept secret, hence the title. If you can, I'd suggest reading this book first to get background on the LDS culture.

      Have fun reading!

    4. So far I've read:
      Lost Boy: The True Story of One Man's Exile from a Polygamist Cult and His Brave Journey to Reclaim His Life -Brent Jeffs.

      Escape/Triump Carolynn Jessop

      Stolen Innocence by Elisa Wall

      Under the Banner of Heaven-John Krakauer (1st FLDS/polygamy book I read).

      Propeht's Prey-Sam Brower

      Daughters Of Zion: A Family's Conversion To Polygamy by Kim Taylor

      Favorite Wife- Susan Ray Schmidt

      Shattered Dreams-Irene Spencer

      I really recommend Lost Boy, since it give insight into how male children are mistreated in polygamy (Jeff's was raped by his uncle, Warren Jeffs, along with two of his brothers, who later committed suicide).

      I think SWB should start a polygamy book club!

    5. Sorry for the typos.

    6. Thanks guys! I downloaded Favorite Wife yesterday on my ipad, and I've almost finished it. Just wow, is all I can say. It gives great insight into the indoctrination process the women of the polyg community go through as girls and as young wives.

    7. I just ordered "Daughter of Saints" by Allred Solomon. I couldn't buy a Kindle version but the paperback should arrive Thursday!

      I read most of "Under the Banner Heaven" last year. I thought it was a little dry, but held my interest until close to the end. I think I stopped reading because of the gore and sadness. Off topic, but I loved Krakauer's "Into Thin Air," about a very bad day on Mount Everest.

      I've just finished "Favorite Wife." It is so disturbing, on so many levels. The guiding principle of polygamist culture appears to be misogyny.

    8. finally seeing realityJune 6, 2012 at 12:21 PM

      I have always been interested in the LDS as I had a number of friends in high school who were LDS, way back in the 70's. Thanks for the book reccemendations. I am anxious to read some of them. I have read the 19th Wife and enjoyed it.

  8. Damn iPad. Will not let me post. Arch

  9. "You can even have one of those big ole' bottles filled with that green stuff you sell sitting on the table! Hey, I'll even take a swig or two from it!"

    Single funniest thing I have ever read on this blog. Really. I snarfed a bit of Coca-Cola up my nose when I read that.

  10. Watch the girls of The Talk totally rip into Kody Brown

    starts at the 5:45 mark

    1. Those ladies were really having fun! And how wonderful was the look on Sharon Osborne's face when she called Kody a "piggy pig pig" for saying his wives don't fulfill all his needs. Their conversation kinda reminded me of the conversations here on SWB!

      A must see, everybody!

    2. Thanks for the link.

      Loved when one of them said, "They need to get themselves some *brother* husbands if he says he can't fulfill all of them. It would be like a NFL/NBA draft to find lots of men for their needs."

      Also when Sharon Osbourne comments after they read his quote from the book about needing *all four* to fulfill his needs...she says, "What a piggy-piggy!!"

      So, it isn't just *us* here at SWB who see through his BS.

    3. "25% of one lame guy?" That was awesome!

    4. Anonymous, I ran and watched the clip to get the full impact and yes, 25% of one lame guy. When he was on Ellen, and Rosie, and other talk shows, they seemed to humor or indulge his little world. I believe Rosie even said they were cool. The truth is they may have appeared cool in the beginning but like the Wizard of Oz, the curtain is slowly falling, and we are seeing that he has not trick, their family has no special security, and what he has hurts not helps women.

    5. "When he was on Ellen, and Rosie, and other talk shows, they seemed to humor or indulge his little world. I believe Rosie even said they were cool."

      It seemed that Rosie was tweeting to them, but since her talk show was cancelled, maybe one time since. I just wish when they were doing their tour that a talk show had surprised them with a Flora Jessop or Susan Ray Schmidt...I'd like to see the Browns try to answer the questions they would pose!

    6. Cynical Jinx,
      I would have loved to have seen just one of the talk show hosts have one expert on the damage that occurs to women and children in plural marriage. Instead, all they did was talk about how cool he is and how cool the wives are…they didn't even read between the lines. ARGH.

  11. So, I am far away from home and most of the day, I’ve had to rely up iffy wifi connections. Today, my husband found out his body is rejecting his recent corneal transplant, so we sat in the doctor’s office with our four-year-old granddaughter bouncy up and down and up and down and the doctor upped his steroids and then we left. We found a local McDonalds, so the granddaughter could play between bites of burgers and granddad and I surfed the net, hoping to not think about the next few weeks. On the bright side, if his body completely rejects it, he can get another cornea. We are now about four hours away from home in a pretty nice hotel. The granddaughter and I swam in the pool of the hotel, and there is apparently a special Olympics in town, so many of the kids came into the pool with their various parents and all the stress about my husband’s eye, my job, sisterwives, and world hunger dissipated. The children, many downs kids, played in the pool with my granddaughter and one teenage girl and her younger sister, one with downs the other not, worked with teaching my granddaughter to swim, and the patients that the little downs girl had with my baby and all of the kids’ laughter and their parents, who by all means should be stressed, just laughed and clapped and jumped and had such a good time, and I found myself doing the same. Sometimes, the simplest things can alleviate so much—like a group of very sweet kids jumping up and down and clapping.

    Now, to Sisterwives---let me just say that I agree with so much but that whole thing about not changing another human. It’s true, we cannot change the behaviors of those around us, and it is true that what we need to do is change our reactions to those behaviors that aren’t conducive for our own good mental health; however, the problem that I have with meri’s advice, is that true, Christine needs to change. But, we come into relationships with an expectation of reciprocal treatment: Christine is devoted to her “husband” and she reserves time for him, and she takes care of his kids, and the decent and humanistic thing for Kodsturd to do is make an effort to listen to his wives, accommodate their needs, and attempt to be attentive in those few short hours that he is with them. And, to make an effort to co parent those children in those relationships. Kodsturd isn’t doing any of those things. A relationship to him is You give, and I take; you change, and I remain the same; you work to rear the children, and I sweep in and say hi/by; you make yourself available for sex for me, I can only do so much.

    I hate to keep comparing their relationship to my husband’s and mine but here goes. I listen to him and he listens to me. We share the burdens of our family and we celebrate the victories of our family. He works to contribute; I work to contribute. He is the other side of me; when he is too far away, I am lost and when I am too far away, he is lost. If he died tomorrow, I would be devastated but I have these wonderful memories that would eventually kick in to carry me through the rest of my life and the same is true if I died tomorrow. One night, we were reading, yes Browns, that’s something normal folks do, and I looked up and he was laughing, and I said, did you read something funny, and he said, no, I thought of something funny, and I said, what, and he said, remember the day we were on the west coast and you were trying to feed the seals, and I started laughing and finished the story: we complete each other.
    Christine, MeriBitch, Janelle, and Robin-No-Character, I hate that you ladies have not found the secret to happiness; however, it isn’t too late. You don’t have to be unhappy between those rare moments of happiness. With the right man or woman, happiness is not an effort and it just rolls our of your heart. Toss that dead beat to the curb.

    1. I love your reply. It's exactly what needs to be said to the Browns.

    2. I am praying for your husband. My father died two weeks ago. We donated his eyes. It was the first time I heard about corneal transplant. The donation (and your post about the blessings of transplant) have been a bright spot in our grief.

    3. Anonymous,
      I cannot say enough good things about any transplant but my husband has a deblitating eye disease in which his corneas are unable to perform the function that they are supposed to provide--nutrition to the entire eye. Over time, the condition causes blindness and eventually severe pain as the starving eye begins to necross. We were so lucky to get a cornea that was healthy, but my husband's immune system just went nuts; however, it is treatable and he is already, we think, back on track. He is seeing a little out of the eye and that is a huge improvement. The pain is gone too. Everyone in my family have signed the organ donor card because of my husband's needing the transplant. We are both cautiously optimistic . We will know for sure in a few days if his immune system has been pushed away from the cornea. If not, the doctor's said they will give him another cornea Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

    4. I'm cautiously optimistic for ya'll as well!!! Please keep us up to date.

    5. Anonymous May 25@10:58 PM:

      Extremely sorry to read of your loss. It has to be devastating. I hope you are managing to take good care of yourself, it helps. I think that's wonderful that you donated his eyes. There are now at least 2 people (and their friends and families) thanking you for being selfless enough to do so.

    6. Zelda, your post was a blessing to me as well. My precious husband died 5 months ago. Due to his illness it was only possible to donate the corneas. It helped me to know that somewhere out there he was still doing what he always

      God bless you.

  12. Excellent Article! You've got their number!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Caramel,
      Call me Christine cuz I am jealous!! I haven't been to a Drive In in ages, my 11yr old thought I was lying when I told him about them...I'm here in TX so guess I may have to hunt one down to prove to the young'n that I'm not crazy, lol. KIDS these days!!

      Anyway, speaking of Christine....I noticed how she is already making excuses in her Tweet..."Kody & I are working on our relationship! You have seen my PAST struggles. YUCK!"

      So, I guess she's put all her struggles w/Kody & Robyn behind her no one saw that coming,GMAB!

    2. Lol Toasty, I accidently deleted my post, b/c I was tryN to multi task... =)
      Yes, OKC, has an extremely old Drive Inn, but its cool as's the Winchester Drive Inn...people, including us, bring in ice chests, lawn chairs, blankets...+ kids be throwing a football around & playing during intermission, so it's pretty neat. My teens usually toss a futon mattress on top of our Durango & chill up there & if we get too tired we usually make a pallet in back of the Durango too :D

  14. I'm sure this has been said before, but there is no way that these women can consistently block out the fact of their husband's intimacy with the other wives. They can protest and pretend ALL they want; they each live in a fantasy world (and in more than one way).

    And, I find it hard to believe that these women aren't trying to one-up each other in bed (re: Kody's non-salacious comments)--there is so much jealousy in this ordeal, it's almost comical to hear the protests (-too-much-).

    I think the 3 older wives had to up their game when Robyn arrived...

  15. One more comment--don't these people realize that the rest of us turn a deaf ear to their "no sex before marriage" speak since it's negated by the husband's numerous sexual partners?! They really think we believe that they are sexually "modest"? lol!!!

    1. the same way they believe they are dressing modestly by covering up their cleavage. The only problem is with Meri and Christine they wear clothes so tight they look like they were poured into their clothes. So tight every bump and curve of their bodies are obvious! Layering doesn't help when you are overweight.

    2. That's exactly what I thought. What hypocrites. Oh you can't show skin, but you can have clothes so tight you can't breath? WTH

    3. OK, Everyone might have figured out by now that I do not support the Browns or any of their little friends, BUT I think it's unfair to paint the who polygamists can't be sexually modest thing. I grew up SBC in West Texas and went to a COC university. Anyone from the southwest knows what that means. All my friends were pretty prudish and definitely modest. When I moved to Europe, and met a lot of people from all over the world, I realized that the whole world thinks that Americans are the most hedonistic people in the world. They were constantly shocked that I was such a prude. I don't agree with what they do, but I think they are true to their own moral code, in that respect. I'm not sure that I tied all that together the way I wanted to, but it's already way tooooo wordy :D.

      I think the dressing thing is typical of most communities of conservative religiosity. If any of you ever go to the Middle East, I can tell you that women who wouldn't be seen without a scarf on their head will wear jeans that are painted on (most unpleasant camel toe you can imagine), and a spandex wrist length shirt under a tank top. But if you wear capri pants and a big, loose t-shirt, you're a slut on the loose. LOOL. It's not quite that bad, but not too far off. That's not just the Muslims, either. Christians Do all that--but without the scarf.

    4. what's pretty interesting is all the sexual abuse that goes on in the FLDS world w/their over-the-top controlling modesty dress standards they're so adamant about. goes on w/both the little boys and the little girls. and on into their teens. sexual molestation is pretty rampant there and is done by their brothers, fathers, cousins and church leaders - including their prophet himself - Warren Jeffs. sweet!

  16. Lol...just watched the Talk clip & it was pretty funny! So, I guess Kody & Krew aren't tweeting or FB about this clip, huh? =)

  17. What?!? Kody left ROBYN home alone on HER Anniversary to take MERI to MEXICO?? Say it ain't so! HE HE!! I can only imagine Meri's Tweet was telling Robyn to shut the hell up crying about it & suck it. No wonder Christine was soooo eager to Congratulate Kody & Robyn, lol.

  18. Here's some irony for ya! Meri tweeted: " If everyone could have love, patience, & understanding, things, would go smoother & there would be lot less anger & stress in your world"

    Umm, ok, mean girl! HA!

    Oh, here's another tweet from her just about an hour ago: "Wouldn't you know it, the night I get my jammies on early to relax, I get an unexpected visitor!"

    Hmmmmmm???? So, U already know, I'm thinkN, it's Kody for a BUT, she could also, be baitN Kody, if he's not at her place, & wants to leave him wondering, who in the hell is over at Mare's place while she's in her jammies & he's not there??....LOL

    1. i saw those Tweets and thought the same thing. Letting all the other sisterwives know that Kody 'dropped by' when she was relaxing in her jammies. Meri's tweets always have a little jab at one of the sisterwives.

      I'm sure Robyn isn't nearly as fun now that she has a baby to keep her (and Kody) up half the night. He is seeking refuge from chaos with Meri, the peaceful house without 4 or more children. No wonder Robyn wants Meri to have another baby..this just confirms Robyn's worst nightmare, that Meri will have more special alone time with Kody than the rest of them because she has a relatively empty nest. Meri;s tweets are always self serving. "I swam two hours today"..."I got an unexpected visitor"...Mean Manipulative Meri. 3M!

    2. sorry, but i'm so not a fan of those kind of ridiculous tweets or FB posts . they usually invoke a "do tell us more" pleading response from beggar fans and then crickets chirping for an answer to the mystery. ugh - just such an immature high school game of "I know something you don't know and i'm not gonna tell you. nanny nanny noo noo." Grow up already, Meri.

    3. Yep CPA Carol, I saw those tweets about swimming for 1 1/2 hours doing laps, etc...& I'm thinking, really??

    4. Peanut Butter FritosMay 28, 2012 at 6:47 PM

      I threw up in my mouth a little when Kodster complained about being kept up one night a week by that annoying male heir. Really quite inconvenient for him. I mean, the man has needs! NEEDS!

    5. finally seeing realityJune 6, 2012 at 12:34 PM

      I am not a fan of Robin, but if I was getting up every night with a baby and my husband was not there to help, I would make him do night duty on his one night there. Kody is a jerk!

  19. I really do believe that this entire ordeal is Meri and Kody's "game"--they make the rules.

  20. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but how do you mean, "they run the show"? I can see how Kody may gain, but how does Meri benefit? What does she get? I actually feel sorry for Meri. I know she chooses to live the way she does, but I think she is very, very much in love with Kody, & would do whatever she has to, in order to be with him , even if it means sharing him with 3 other women! You can see it in Meri's eyes when she looks at him. Maybe I'm naive, I don't know. What is "the game"?

    1. I don't know what compelled the two of them to start this lifestyle, other than Meri growing up in it and Kody being *easily* influenced by his parents (his high school friend seemed shocked at how readily Kody went for it), but I think that the reality was more than Meri bargained for. Her impressions of how it should work out didn't include feelings, and she became jealous and vindictive. IMO, since she was so bold about WANTING this lifestyle, but finding herself quite unhappy, control became her only relief. I, too, think that they were in love when they married, and that she holds clout in Kody's crazy eyes--and she wields it well.

    2. Anonymous,
      I don't really find Meri too sympathetic because she feels it is her duty to find wives for her husband. Even though she only has one child, almost grown, she still feels the need to sanction the other children in spite of ther mother's presence. I believe, and I may be way off base, but I believe Meri struggles with her own sexuality. On the one hand she is chirping about her feminity--she never leaves the house without make-up blah, blah, blah, but on the other hand she dresses and even acts a little butch. And, she is the one that always reminds the group and audience that they don't do kink--but she does that protest with a smile and a little "I protest too much." She picks her husband's wives. Kodsturd said that she pointed out Robyn and said, what about her…she is kind of cute. Is that not the most sexually provocative thing a woman can say. It's as if she is vicariously picking her own lover. She and Kody held hands under blankets with wife number two in the room and feeling very fifth wheel. My thoughts on that are that she was being somewhat cruel and vindictive to Janelle--a woman who had been her sister in law and her friend who was now, intermittently, sleeping with her own husband. And, she does the packing of the trucks and takes charge and yells orders around and stands with her hands on her hips…I'm sorry, she acts too much like she wants to be man. I wouldn't be surprised if she hasn't made passes at her sister wives or their daughters.

    3. Just because Meri is bossy and used to telling everyone else (save Kody) what to do, doesn't mean she wants to be "a man". my own sister is used to telling everyone what to do, and she's FAR from wanting to be a man.

      Every herd of horses has a "boss mare" who is in charge. Meri in this case, is the Boss Mare, so she calls the shots. (I'm sure other herd animals are the same - there's no such thing as equality in the animal fact, that's what this whole polygamy thing reminds me of...a herd situation in which the male is strictly there to impregnate, collect/steal more mares from other males, and fight with other males, for the most part. Same thing with lions, the female does most of the hunting...the males do a little but just hang out and wait...

    4. Haha Dakota, I think you are on to something!

      Meri is Kody's "boss mare" and Robyn is Kody's "brood mare"!!

    5. that's why i always laugh out loud when Kody walks into Meri's stable and yells out, "hey, Mare!!" ;') (dammit now they'll read this tho and he'll come up with a better pet name.)

    6. Dakota, I know that there are a lot of women who are bossy and take charge of things that are typically seen as male gender assigned; however, it's not just the barking out orders or the dressing a little butch or the trying to be instigator of all the wives activities; it's the entire picture. When a man or woman has been raised to consider ony one life style--polgyamy, moreover, their very strick religious raising provide some very conservative stances in relation to same sex marriage/unions, it is difficult to come to terms with a alternative sexual orientation. What I'm suggesting about Meri is that she could be struggling with her own sexuality. By having an active role in choosing Kodsturd's wives, she is, in some way, living vicariously through Kody. She picks his wives; she handled Janelle's money; she disciplines their children; she seems to have more than a typical polygamist wife role in their family. I am bosy, so to say that all bosy women are gay is a big generalization but when you take the whole package, I think she is struggling with her own sexual identity. I don't think you can compare how Meri acts to how horses act. Humans are, after all, a little more sophisticated in our social connections and social roles. Horses and other animals rely more upon strength and reproductive ability; that alone would have deemed Meri a ticket out of any pack or herd of animals.
      But, we can certainly agree to disagree.

  21. CPA Carol - You MUST read Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer. He is a journalist who follows up on stories in the news and gets behind the story. This book chronicles the entire history of the Mormon cult. It is an extremely violent past!

    1. Thanks for the recommendation! Will get it on my kindle thanks!

  22. I think Meri couldn't bear that she couldn't give Kody children, so decided she'd be instrumental in giving him wives instead. I think she loves him deeply and blames herself for not being able to have children, so has tried to make it up to him by being in "mergers and acquisitions". But I think it kills her, she never wanted to share him and the only thing that has changed over the years is that she's become less openly aggressive about it - no way would she now sit on a couch holding hands with Kody under a blanket while another wife was there, because that would be more obviously nasty now than it was when Janelle was just newly married and they were all still "learning". I think she knows what Kody wants, i.e. more wives and more children, so she'll do whatever she can to give that to him; at the same time, I think the more children and wives Kody has accumulated, the more narcissistic and egotistical he's become, so Meri has had to tone down her overt aggression and nasty behaviour to "keep sweet" for him. The result is that these other women have been subjected to a life (which, admittedly, the chose), where I do believe it is Meri and Kody calling the shots. There is no way that Meri would dare to act like as much of a bully, putting down her sister wives by claiming Robyn was the first wife she really felt "that special bond" with, refusing to support Christine in any her struggles, etc, when she is in such an inferior position in relation to the amount of children she has produced, had she not been the first wife. She can be safe in doing whatever she wants, because I think she really is the only wife Kody married for love, and she is the only one who is legal.

    1. Robyn's definitely the first wife both Kody and Meri fell in lust with together. lust?? i meant love. yeah, that's what i meant. lol

    2. Robyn was a piece, I meant peace offering to I say this only bcuz they both admitted that prior to this, their(Kody & Meri) relationship was pretty bad & stale.
      Now, to me, that's crazy & doesn't make any sense to me. Guess it was Meri's way of "keeping sweet"...HA!

    3. I doubt that it was because of Meri's apparent inability to have children - she said in last week's episode that she agreed to more wives before they were married...but i think you're right otherwise. I do believe and have said this before that NONE of those gals INCLUDING ROBYN felt like they would do any better. Kody was the best guy in their crowd...i know hard to believe huh. ew.

    4. In their book, Meri says guys would never pay attention to her and would always pick her friends over her. It seems that Kody was the first guy to pay her any attention.

  23. Anon 5:09: you said it yourself, she would do anything to keep him. I think he uses her as his enforcer to keep the other women "in line" with his demands and rules. I also think she relishes this role, and that she would be a bully even if Kody didn't ask that of her. All the discussion of how she hounded Janelle at first, even down to how she cleaned the kitchen, to the point where Janelle lost her identity? That type of hounding looks to me like a seriously damaged control freak in action. To me, that is "the game" played out on a field of passive aggressive blows with self pity used as a guilting mechanism ("I was ALONE on NEW YEARS EVE").

    just my opinion.

    1. I agree.

      Is it not mind-boggling that, from what they say, plural marriage is the be-all of their relationship, but then the first plural wife (Janelle) was treated so shabbily?! And Kody knew it was happening, and his solution was another wife? That means that Meri has never been "called on the carpet" for her behavior.

  24. Every time I re-read this I rofl!
    Btw - someone posted on TWOP yesterday that TLC does NOT pay for most of the trips etc - otherwise each family/show would want more than the last one. Makes sense so that means the Browns are paying for those tripe with their TLC salary.

    1. Sorry don't believe it. There's no way the Browns could afford all those trips...first season when Kody took Meri to Mexico? Robyn's honeymoon? The recent trip to Mexico? If it's filmed, TLC paid.

    2. That's what I thought too, but Mexico can be a very cheap vacation. I know several people who go to PV, Cancun, etc for very little money, in exchange for enduring timeshare presentations. Personally, I'd rather stay home than endure a presentation!
      We will probably never know. Again, the Gosslins were a much bigger draw than the Browns IMO.
      However I'm sure TLC will never say exactly what they do and don't pay for.

    3. I agree with Anonymous that the Browns couldn't afford those huge trips; especially, since it seems that Janelle was the only one bringing in any substantial income. I do think, like Kate Plus Eight, there are some perks to being on TV. Maybe they don't pay for their nights out in Vegas if the film crew goes along or at the surfer place when Kodsturd and Robin-No-Character were doing all the running on the beach. Hell, I don't even have a reality TV program but I do teach at pretty high profile University and you would not believe how hard book publishers and their representatives try to wine and dine faculty with the hopes of getting their books adopted. And we cannot ignore the billions upon billions of dollars that are given yearly for buildings to carry names of men and women affiliated with huge corporations and scholarships and prizes from competitions all for the name of the corporation getting mentioned on a program, lab, sidewalk, building, etc. So, yep, corporations, large and small, and even smaller businesses will say, yep, come on in and bring your loud family and we will feed you and provide dessert and wine but just get a shot at the name of the restaraunt etc.
      I totally believe the vacations are paid for. Give me a break: Kodsturd and his harem can barely put food on the table let alone renting a vacation home or even their own homes. But, like Kate, the bottom can fall out at any moment. Audiences, we are a fickle bunch. Kate, in the beginning, was like us. She shopped for bargains, she did whatever she could to get vegetables in her bunches' bellies, and she organized her house like we would. We all loved watching the day to day grind that was her life. But, when she started acting like she was a diva and getting her nails done and her hair styled and wearing those expensive and very high shoes, she lost touch with her main audience, the moms.
      In the beginning of the Brown's thing, we had a curiosity and a hope that their relationships were functional and okay so we bore with them. We liked their honesty and were hopeful that it was as it seemed; however, over the first few episodes, we realized that they lie, they con, and they are trying to portray a father knows best scenario but since none of them have ever lived in or seen a normal monogomous relationship dynamics, they can only compare their lives to a dysfunctional monogamy--men who cheat. So, they say, this is much better than the alternative--men cheating. Well, if human nature is to cheat, then women need their four husbands too. Their whole premise is based upon the assumption that all men cheat; therefore, make it legal by having multiple wives. After the first few episodes, we all realized they they are living a life based upon fallacies in their very argument. That's why their show will fail.
      So, to the Browns, should you be stalking this site and I hope you are: You base your premise--men will be men and cheat:therefore, they all need multiple wives--on an assumption that all men are cheaters, which we know is not true. And, your audience is getting it, slowly, but they are getting it. If you want to stay on the gravy train, you need to change your focus from convincing us that your life is good, cause we see it aint, to I'm a dochebag and my wives are getting sick of it and are coming up with startegies to get the hell out of dodge. Now, that would be good TV.

    4. They might not have been able to afford the trips at the beginning of the series, but they can certainly afford trips, along with food on the table and rent on four big homes, at this particular moment in time, I'm sure.

    5. Kate openly said in an interview I read in a magazine (might of been People...can't remember) that her children had grown accustomed to the trips TLC sent them on, and those type of things. She definitely eluded to the fact that they paid for it. I've never seen the stats on what the browns get paid for the show, but you can't tell me that there is enough for luxury trips after paying for 4 homes, 4 sets of utility bills, car payments, and ALL of those children. I have two kids at home with my hubby, and I just returned from Walmart and it was over $300.00 in groceries for a week. Also dinners to the Melting Pot (which is not cheap) and such leads me to believe that TLC DEFINITELY pays for things. Just like on the Real Housewives when they go to Africa or whatever.

    6. Peanut Butter FritosMay 28, 2012 at 6:56 PM

      Sorry. Highest ratings on the network. Of course they pay, just like Jon & Kate.

  25. Kate Gosselin made it very clear that TLC paid for all her trips. She said the trips are what her kids miss the most about not being on TV. I just saw her on an interview where she said she's "ready to go back on TV, the kids suffered no harm from it and they miss it." Another train wreck....

    1. Perhaps TLC USED to pay, but don't now. TLC has a lot more of these shows (so called "reality") then they did when the Gosslins were hot...Still again, Kate doesn't have that TLC $ coming in, and she has 8 kids to support.
      The Gosslins were far more high profile - especially during the Jon scandal - than the Browns are. .

    2. YUP. TLC pays for all the events to provide storylines for the shows. Otherwise, it would be all homeowrk and tuna noodle casserole. They paid for the wedding, honeymoon, all the vacation houses--anything like that. They also arrange for others to "provide materials" for instance, Kate had all of her organic groceries comped by Giant Food Stores. They lived around here before they got the big house, and she was quite infamous. Jon was actually the one you hear was a nice guy before he went all "legend in his own mind".

    3. I look at it a different way - in order to keep their TLC gravy train check coming, it is in the Brown's best interest to keep things interesting - otherwise their income source dries up very quickly. Maybe the trip to Boston was paid for by TLC since the entire episode took place there ...but paying for an entire Mexico trip when the show aired 5 minutes of Meri and Kody having dinner and discussing brother husbands? Don't think so...

    4. Consider the Duggars. Their story line was about how frugal they are. They never went out, they made their own laundry soap, they lived in a three bedroom house, they drove old vans, they were building their own house with their own 32 hands, they rarely took trips and then it was on the cheap and usually a mission trip or homeschool deal. They had a couple of specials on TLC to show how they did it.

      Then TLC used their home-renovation shows to "help" build the Duggars home. And then P&G got involved with product placement and now they don't have to make their own soap and shampoo, weave their own brooms. They've got Tide and Swiffer and lots of products they advertise and get for free. Restaurants comp their bill so that they'll eat there; "friends" provide services to get their name on TV.

      Somehow they're able to take fabulous trips. Maybe TLC is paying for them, maybe TLC is paying part. Maybe TLC is paying them enough directly so that they can take the trips, with the understanding that they have to be entertaining or the show/income stops. The Duggars’ show is no longer about how one man can support 97 children and how frugally they live. Now it’s about their vacations and adventures. So boring, can’t watch.

      Anyway, it’s possible that the Browns have way more money than they used to have because of TLC, companies may be giving them things for free advertising, and some meals, events and outings may be comp’ed by the companies providing the service. And the Browns know that they have to be entertaining, or they lose their easy income. (Also consider that what the Browns do pay for they get to deduct from their taxes as business expense. For all the money they’re making, they’re likely paying little-to-none in taxes.)

      I don’t care for the destination-style layout of the show. I don’t care about what dates he takes his wife on; I want to see the family dynamic at work. They spoke so much the first season about how the kids have three/four moms. Show us. It seems more that each mom has her own brood and rarely interferes, or do we just not see that?

      TLC/Browns: stop feeding us fluff, feed us meat. We (I) want to see how this family dynamic plays out. Who goes to parent-teacher conferences? Who goes to sports games? Who picks the kids up from school? Does each mom drop her own kids off? Do they work together? Do the kids interact like siblings or like cousins? Who watches Truly while Christine is studying? What happened with Christine’s kid who was shipped off to Meri’s house? How do the moms help each other out now that they’re in Vegas, vs when they lived in one house? Do the kids honor each mother, or treat her more like an aunt? Does Kody spend any personal time with any of the kids besides Sol? (Beyond taking them shopping as an advertisement for a particular store.) Give us (me) meat, we (I) don’t care about the fluff.

  26. Could anyone help me find where to watch the episodes online? YouTube clips for Sister Wives are either old or spam.

    1. I use and sometimes itunes. amazon is $1.99/episode, while I think itunes might be $2.99. It seems amazon gets the episodes faster than itunes.

    2. Google watch sister wives online

    3. So the Christine /Robyn episode tonight is only 30 min..& the next 30 min episode is titled: The Brown's Answer TOUGH QUESTIONS from Viewers!

      Yeah right, I bet they'll answer the same questions that they've already been asked during their TV interviews. Just like them rehashing their book o_O

    4. I bet they'll answer the same questions that they've already been asked during their TV interviews. Just like them rehashing their book

      What gets me is that TLC asked for those questions from fans not only on their facebook page but invited people to go to a casino in Vegas for a chance to be on Sister Wives (which was cut from 8 hrs to only 5 hrs). So it will be very interesting to see what questions were chosen and if the questions truly are the "toughest" as TLC claims. Let's hope this Krew was smart enough to align their answers with what they wrote in their book. I think its going to be another Rev Dani style of questioning.

    5. I watch it on The new episodes usually posted within a few days of airing.

  27. The questions will all be softballs. They always are. The key for us sophisticated viewers (lol) is to look for discrepancies between their book and what their canned answers will be. Also looking for body language.

    I also noticed that both Meri and Robyn changed their pictures back from the Sister Wives book cover to their own little pics with Kody. Neither Christine nor Janelle feel the need to include Kody in their twitter pics (good for them!!).

    So it sounds like the first episode will be the next stop on the Christine groveling and apology tour,..and the second one will be the softball questions with canned answer standard TLC q&a show. i hate the 30 minute episodes because they take 10 minutes recapping the viewers on what happened in the prior episodes (really insulting that they think we have no memory).

    1. I think they are going to beat the dead horse a little too much. I agree that this groveling is not making ratings points. I did send a friend request thing for Christine's twitter and on her twitt that she is so happy, I responded with why do you look so unhappy on your show. I know my question will not be answered and that is fine.
      I would like to see Christine and Janelles' heart to heart. In the preview, stupid Robin-no-character looks up at the cieling as she begins to cry and dab at her eyes and the camera switches to Christine and her expression is like girl you need to stop. I really think that Meri, Kodsturd, and Robyn-No-Character are really trying to make Christine look evil but they do not have the reference for monogamous happiness, so they don't realize that the audience is seeing this as torture for Christine and we do love to root for the underdog or the one being tortured.

  28. Been thinking as Sister Wives begin's its descent into the moldy, forgotten landfill of *done and done* TV shows that have gone past their sell-date and shelf-life....
    The original premise of SW was to appeal to "women", wouldn't you say??

    True, Kody was the Harem Master, but it was the women themselves, with their different styles and MO's that was the hook for the show. THEY were whom the show was about, initially. The show's opening montage was all about lining them up and having them speak *their truth and joy*....*blink, blink*

    There probably had been a pocket of *male* viewers early on, men who found the premise of a guy having three (and then four) beds to romp in at will, to be pretty intriguing/ stimulating. But it probably didn't take long for the wife conflicts, the pregnancies/childbirths, the many kid-related issues to dissuade any consistent following from male viewers. And TLC surely knew that going in.

    So that left female viewers to fill the ranks of the SW parade of fan devotees.
    Women who were mothers, wives, life mates, workers, etc. themselves. Women who likely didn't know much at all about plyg marriages and who would be curious and willing to observe what it is all about.
    Women who had children, women who struggled to keep their finances balanced, women who wanted to see the Brown harem as women just like themselves, except for the plyg bit.

    Unfortunately, the camera proved to be an efficient tool for displaying and learning all about them and *it.*
    Whether TLC had the supreme power over creating the episodes or not, the Brown Babes chose to participate.

    What has come out of the show is hardly what most non-plyg female viewers could *ever identify with.*
    What SW has basically done is clearly illustrate the inconsistencies, the inadequacies, the outright negative elements of this lifestyle.....for the women, and surely for the hoard of their seventeen children.

    And now most sincerely observant viewers want nothing more than for these women to aspire to something better, something healthier for themselves and for their children.

    ** Yes, indeed.....Sister Wives really did *educate* the public about Polygamy !!! **

    Happy Memorial Day to all !!!
    Thanks and blessings to all the veterans, past and present !!!

  29. I watched the show to see how the sisterwives got along with each other and the children. I didn't think that Kody Brown would be the center of attention. If anyone asks me why the show is so bad, I'll tell them it's because of Kody Brown and how he has to be the center of attention all the time. The show should not have been called sister wives when the main star is a no talent jerk who doesn't want to work and treats the two wives who produced the most offspring for him like total crap while cruising town in a Lexus sports car he can't afford!

    1. GREAT point. I too wish more of the focus was on the wives rather than Kody ALL THE TIME. Bring it on TLC.

  30. I have always wonder why Kody gets a Lexus. In the episode where they go camping did you see what poor Chrisitine was having to drive. Don't about the rest of y'all but my husband always puts me in the more reliable car and he drives the other.

    1. I just kind of assumed that they were driving their old POS cars until the real $ kicked in, also that they didn't get TLC $$ until filming wrapped, or maybe got a check after every ep was filmed...the last one (Sol's birth) was filmed late Oct, the first ep this season was filmed in December. There must have been a torrent of spending going on during that two months since everyone seems to have a new (to them) car...and the LIV lease car..,

    2. Ditto kristie, Ditto.

  31. What I want to know is why does Dalton ALWAYS need a haircut?

    1. I'm a little uncomfortable addressing a comment related to a kid, since they didn't ask for this attention, but I think this is supposed to be a knock at Robyn, not Dayton, so here goes:

      I have a son with Asperger's, and I can tell you that having his hair cut is almost torture for him. Part of the disorder in some kids, like mine but I don't know about Dalton, is a hypersensitivity to touch. For my son, it is almost painful. It has gotten better as he has gotten older, but I still let him decide when it is time, and it usually is when the sweating is uncomfortable.

    2. This is in regards toRobyn. It seems like she has time to do her own hair and makeup but the kids (girls too) are in need of either cuts or brushing. Even if she is only getting pretty just for Tv; wouldn't she want her kids to have the same?

    3. I have noticed that in every single episode where you see her girls, aurora and breanna! She makes a point to go over the same strand of hair on her head multiple times, but both her girls are running around with knots and rat nests in their hair. Notice too, how after spending a good chunk of time in the bathroom doing her stuff, she walks out and gives a laundry list to the babysitters to do?

    4. About the sister wives' hair - I noticed that their hair is looking really good this season in the "couch" interviews. Maybe they got a new hairdresser. As for the kids: they're hardly showing them any more - which is a relief in a way - so I don't think TLC worries about their hair at all.

  32. Just saw the show and Janelle talks about her weight loss. I read on another site that she is blogging about her weight loss on

  33. They tried to make them look human again like the first year when everyone liked them. How can we believe that bs they wrote the book & aired their feelings on TV. They don't like each other can't take that back there not a happy family

  34. All of this is so very sad for the children and I feel for the women. Meri, Janelle, Christine and yes, even Robyn, are lonely, desperate and insecure women with low self esteem. They are feeling sad and depressed, trying to put on a happy face, (and not just for the cameras) but are in denial. Kody is selfish, thoughtless, egotistical, narcissistic and a manipulator. I feel sorry for Kody because he isn't even aware that he is those things. He will not listen. It is a shame that he has to measure his manhood by the number of children he has. Robyn will not be the last. His ego will not allow it to end there. Kody knows that these women have such low self esteem of themselves that he knows how to play them to get his way. He has them believing they have him under control, but in actulality, it is he who has them under control. The laws need to stick. I really do think this is a form of emotional and spiritual abuse on vulnerable women, like Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn.
    It is very sad. I hope their children do not follow in their footsteps. As far as I am concerned, Kody is not setting a good example as a leader of his family for someone who thinks so highly of himself.

    1. Wow, great analysis, anon 11:25. You are really spot on.
      Pick a name, please.

    2. Thanks Border Collie, I was just writing it all down as the truth to how I see it. I thought at first, let them live their lives, till I saw how their chosen lifestyle is truly affecting them. My real concern is the children and their future.
      I like your name Border Collie, I have a Jack Russell, maybe I should go with Jackie Russell!?!

  35. I notice when Kody is answering the question regarding selecting a SW he said he wouldnt go out courting "without his wives' involvement or knowledge" to me not the same as "permission"...

  36. I cannot believe, when asked about having a fifth wife, that they said it's not about numbers!!! HELLO. That is the most basic "reason" for the wiveS.

  37. I'm confused. So, you marry all these wives and have all these children so you can be together in the afterlife. But should something happen to Kody, the wives could remarry. Ok, but who do they spend the afterlife with? Are they with Kody or the second husband? And does Robyn spend the afterlife with Kody and company or with her first husband and his biological kids? And what happens to Solomon?

    On the episode about Kody's birthday...did anyone else think Logan is more effective at handling the kids than Kody is?

    1. It sounds to me like somebody didn't think this religion through before they adopted it.

    2. Sounds to me like someone didn't think the religion all the way through while they were contriving it!

    3. Well I'm going to answer your question because I've spent entirely too much time focused on this religion and trying to figure them out...but I learned in the process. lol

      Husbands in the afterlife....You can only be "sealed" to one man. If you divorce like Robyn did, you were probably granted a "release" by the high ups in your religion and then you can get sealed to your new husband (Kody) thus guaranteeing you will be together for "all time and eternity."
      This is true in mainstream lds/mormonism and in the flds.

      Solomon would be considered sealed with Robyn and Kody.

      Men can, obviously, be sealed to more than one wife...but women just to one man.

      It's all far-fetched and not based on any real Biblical teachings...just horn-dog Joseph Smith who wanted to screw a bunch of married women.

    4. I should also add that a wife whose husband dies can choose to remarry and NOT be "sealed" to the new husband...that means in the afterlife she is goddess with her first husband...and the new husband was only "till death do us part"
      That is in mainstream LDS and I assume the same is true for FLDS.

    5. Actually, I researched this very topic pretty deeply not too long ago. Women CAN be sealed to more than one man, in mainstream LDS, if she is widowed--but also (in some cases) if she is divorced. I guess she gets a timeshare on each planet. Also, in the early days of the church, there were several cases of documented polyandry--including at least 2 of Joseph Smith's wives. They were both "celestially" and "temporally" married to 2 men. So apparently, though Kody is disgusted and offended by brother husbands, his idol the horn-dog--was not. If anyone is interested, I can try to find the LDS website where I learned this craziness.

  38. How sad was it to see Logan pondering whether the family dynamic will change when he is gone.

    Will they notice his absence? Will he be missed? Do they care about him?

    And him telling the little kids "Don't go in the street till I get there"

    You never hear Kody say that to his kids.

    1. Logan, the answer as to whether or not you will be missed is a resounding YES. That kid has more maturity in his 18 years than his dad has in his 44. The younger kids are going to miss him terribly. Janelle did something right with that young man. I hope he goes off and does great things, and that the other kids follow in his footsteps.

    2. poor Logan. his childhood has ended and he never even got one. ;'( always has had to be the man of the house. and head babysitter, chief cook and bottle washer. and he would have to think all cause my dad needs to be at so and so's house making another baby with her. where's the benefits of plyghood for him?

    3. I have to disagree Anony 8:25, I see what you're saying about him shouldering a lot of responsibility but in an age where people are still considered "kids" well into their 20's I think Logan waas lucky to have learned responsibility at an early age. I think that will only help him in life. Also overall, I think he had a good upbringing with lots of love and fun.

  39. In LDS a woman is sealed to her first husband in the afterlife, even if she remarries. I don't know about AUB, however.

    1. She's only still sealed to the first husband if she doesn't request a cancelation of the original sealing. In addition, even if she dies and is still sealed to husband #1 that does not mean she's stuck to him for eternity. It's just part of a ticket into the celestial kingdom.

  40. Part 1

    Ok, I have been saving up because there is only so much I can comment with through my phone. I have been reading and watching everything about the Brown family. So much to say! I too, in the beginning, felt they as consenting adults could live that way. I was intrigued. But as the show has gone on, I have found I analyze everything over their lifestyle. That's what it is, a lifestyle.

    Meri has had emotional issues since Day 1. Unfortunately, with the constant contradictions from their book, couch interviews, tv interviews, and actual footage from the show, I will stick with the truth from what I see. She never wanted sister wives. She went along with it to keep Kody. She, as an 18 year old deeply in love with Kody, felt that she should abide her familys' religion and Kody's parents recent conversion, to just keep with the faith. Kody himself contradicts when he actually converted; converted to marry Meri, or converted because as he told his friend from WY, because his parents firmly believed in it and they had converted. So, for Meri, she messed up by not standing her own ground and continued in the faith. Now in embittered with the consequences. Yes, she is passive-aggressive.

    Christine- She had a good understanding of polygamy. But she also suffered from the abandonment of her own mother. Her mother and her aunt both left polygamy, the aunt writing a book about the experience. So as an individual, she probably wanted to A) Stick to the faith because it kept her going throughout her childhood, B) Never wants her own children to feel the way she felt, and C) Deeply believes in the faith and therefore can not accept reality. She probably either talked to Meri and Robyn on her own accord (seeing her sister moms do so among each other while she was growing up) or was ordered to by Kody because he is tired of Robyn crying herself to sleep. Yes, I believe Kody is a very dark person and I would be frightened to be the same room with him alone!!! Christine has a better grasp of what this religion is all about, has seen it from childhood to adulthood. Its the other morons in the family (save Janelle) who pick and choose and change their religion into a lifestyle for lust and disgust. Also to note, I think Christine is a wonderful mother. She is so into her children and plays the perfect mommy perfectly. So I think it's still a tie between Christine and Janelle for my favorites on the show.

  41. Part 2
    Robyn- OMG. OMG OMG. Having Robyn enter the family was the absolute worse thing Kody & Meri have ever done in their lives! Kody, bored with his happy lot at home, and Meri, passive-aggressive witch. She as an individual is not a good match for the family. She has children from a previous marriage. She has emotional issues. She is very insecure. I FIRMLY believe all this anger and resentment comes from quote " I believe we should have all been together from the beginning". Really? That would have made her like, 10? She is jealous! Jealous that Christine as the fun, easy-going younger wife had 16 years with Kody! That's where all this garbage is coming from. Robyn is so jealous of Christines x's on the calender she can't even see straight. Watch a few episodes with that in mind and you will see exactly what Robyn is thinking. Granted, Christine is disoriented with the change, and the reality that things will never, ever, ever be the same. But having Robyn in there stealing time with Kody is rubbing Christine the wrong way, and Robyn KNOWS it. She wants Christine to feel pain. Then, to shift anything off her, she cries and says, Christine isn't accepting me. Come the heck on. It's been 2 years. Last season and now this season. First it was poor Madison, now it's Hunter and Christine. Just keep an eye on who Robyn points her witch finger at and you'll see it was probably one of Kodys' old favorites. Poor kids, can't go to Dad or their Mom to complain about Robyn. Daddy would ground them and give them a long spiel of how the frontal lobe develops and Mommy would miss her night with daddy for ticking him off when she confronts him. Yeah, I don't think Robyn will ever live down her frontal lobe instruction seminar. It was classic!

    I agree, why isn't Meri and Robyn sharing a house together? I understand the one point the adults stress is "they are their own people and have their own individual relationship with Kody." BUT, they all lived together in the Lehi home! Robyns house is too big for her. She's using Kody to get back at her ex for having her live in a trailer in the boondocks. I did notice that the girls shared a room. So why is there 1-2 empty rooms? If they really are family oriented, then being a little on top of each other should teach them to "be nice" in a more practical way. I just don't get how when it's convenient for them, they say each marriage is a "monogamous" relationship. That way they each get their own home. I can see Janelle and Christine each getting their own home because they do have more children each and NV law does require x amount of children per rooms. Plus, C&J have lived on their own before and can handle it. Then, wonder of wonders, Kody won't be as stressed! lol yeah right. Seriously, they need to double Meri and Robyn up to save money, show the world they really are one family, and "be nice".

    OK, I think I am good now. lol

    1. I noticed Robyn working her magic the other night when she managed to sideswipe all her beloved SWs.
      When the wives decided TOGETHER what to buy for Kodymaster for his B-day, they all chipped in TOGETHER. Lo and behold, when he was not as thrilled as they had hoped Robyn spouts out that she knew he didn't want that but...(paraphrased)
      Nothing like making sure they ALL know that she, alone, knows the inner Kody. She alone knew that he wouldn't really be jazzed about the computer.

      Way to alienate your SWs Rob-chin. Way to start asserting your "specialness" at a family party...that way EVERYONE can get it...

    2. I totally saw that!! Even raised her voice too. Lol her attitude was disgusting over that scene. And all the other ones in that episode and the Q&A episode.

      Did you see the look on her face when she asked about a special budget for the gift purchase and Meri said it was to come out of each of their allowances/ budget. Her face totally fell. Instantly I thought, "whoops, someone cleaned out the VS bins......"

    3. Yes, yes, anon & dragonfly--I notice that, too!! She just had to point that out.

  42. Am I the only one who think Kody is downright manic? His thoughts seem to race and he can't relax for even 2 minutes. I really think that he should be put on Lithium STAT. His wives are all depressed and unhappy, that ain't no accident.

    It's very obvious that Robyn saw this nut as a meal ticket and a way our of her crappy job and apartment - plus, the other women can help take care of the kids she shows absolutely no interest in! She knew that most quality men were not going to want an uneducated, single mother-of-three with a weird religion - so she chooses this desperate option. And that is what this show reeks of....desperation! Getting pregnant that fast was just to solidify her place in this harem and to secure the meal ticket. It was pretty irresponsible if you ask me, since they cannot even give quality time to their existing children. What a bunch of loons these people are. And the more seasons of reality TV they get, the more they don't have to work and are in our face.

    1. Everything about Mormonism contradicts itself, how can thier kids are sealed to them for time and eternity. They will grow and and get married. At that point the boys can earn thier own planet or the girls becomed sealed to thier husband. I have talked to mormon abaout this and they can not explain how it really works. They are also giving a secret name before getting married and the husband has the choice to call his earthly wife to also be with him in eternity. He must speak her secret name to her from the grave before she will be risen to his kingdom. CRAZY!

    2. "They are also giving a secret name before getting married and the husband has the choice to call his earthly wife to also be with him in eternity. He must speak her secret name to her from the grave before she will be risen to his kingdom.

      I remember reading about this in Deborah Laake's book Secret Ceremonies. She was married in the Temple, but later divorced her husband. She told her mother what her secret name was, and asked her mother to scream it out so she could enter heaven. She also wrote about the expectations of a Mormon wife. She talked about every week having to clean out every drawer in the kitchen including the junk drawer. She was expected to keep a perfectly clean house.

      AS far as Mormons not being able to explain how it really works, I think it's because they don't WANT outsiders to know how it works. From my experience, no matter how much you think you are a friend with a Mormon, unless you convert to their faith you really aren't "a friend". There are many aspects of their religion they prefer not to discuss with outsiders.

    3. No wonder they prefer not to discuss them with outsiders. Sounds loony.

      Who is the author of a book who is also Christine's aunt?

    4. I believe it is this person. If I am wrong I apologize.

      Won't Let me link. Dorothy Allred on Wikipedia

    5. I once googled "ex-Mormon" on-line, and found many informative message boards--they tell every secret. ;)

  43. I'm anxiously awaiting the weekly episode review!

  44. If you compare the SW from season 1 up until now you can see how unhappy and insecure they have become...all except Robin...because Robin knows and feels she is the favorite wife. She is the only wife Kody would fight to not lose...

    He teaches the 3 unfavored wives that if they complain about his lack of love, attention or favoritism towards Robin, he will stop talking to he is doing to Christine...he will ignore her until she says she is sorry and then accepts his abusive treatment...

    The Christmas episode was upsetting to see Kody sitting on Meri's back as he is tieing the tree to the shes a work horse...I doubt he would do that to Robin...

    His lack of a relationship with his kids is so distrubing...its like he's obsessed with having all these kids but he doesnt interact with them or treat them like his kids...I dont think Ive seen him hold Truely yet...I see him holding Sol a lot...why doesnt he take his sons camping/fishing for the weekend...teach them how to tinker on a car engine...anything fatherly...throw a football around to the kids...he is so NOT hands on...

    His car isnt even equiped to handle having a few kids ride with him...his lifestyle is all about collecting wives and having sex with multipal women...hes nothing more than a horn dog...

    During their couch interviews I have a feeling he sits there very uncomfortable, the control freak that he is, not really knowing what will come out of this wives mouths....

    These women need to smarten up and get out of this abusive relationship...

    1. So many good points!!

      I am still shocked at how he ignored Christine, then she basically caved.

    2. Kody is petulant.
      One who is petulant will pout, scour, make sly remarks under his breath, but loud enough for you to hear, but you ignore it because you know he is acting like a child, this leads to him giving you you the cold shoulder treatment and he can make it last for as long as it takes til you can't take it anymore because he has drained all of your energy. You cave in. This is what a person does to others when they have a petulant personality. It is abuse. When Kody can't have is way, he becomes petulant, emotionally and mentally abusive.

  45. Longtime lurker, but I love you all!

    Okay- I have a question about the sealing. So wife A is sealed to husband A and they have 5 kids. They get a temple divorce and later on, wife A is sealed to Husband B and they have 3 kids. My question then is who are the original 5 children of Wife A and Husband A sealed to?

    So Breanna, Aurora and Dayton- are they no longer sealed to their bio dad? Because the only way they could ever be sealed to Kody and Robyn would be for Kody to legally adopt the kids and their bio dad relinquish his rights. (bio kids are sealed to their parents upon birth and any kids that are adopted can be sealed to them once the adoption is officially legal) Otherwise, the way I see it, those three kids are still sealed to both of their parents. Now how does that make for celestial bliss?

    Does anyone know about that kinda thing? Can a kid pick who they do/don't want to be sealed to?

    1. Once the mother is sealed to husband B, her children belong to him in the celestial afterlife. Many FLDS men are threatened and coerced into doing things the prophet wants by threat of having his wives and children stripped from him and sealed to someone else. Of course the children can't pick. Women and children mean diddly-squat.

    2. I don't think anything matters. What happens outside the legal marriage seems to be made up as they go along, or according to the small offshoot sect to which they belong.

      I'm thinking that's really the whole problem. The laws in fact should be enforced against them. Why should they get to live however they want? If it is decriminalized the whole mess of inheritance and so on come into play. In the meantime, why should YOU be treated as an outsider if you drive down their street, or why should you a taxpayer be not demanding that they support their own kids, including boys up till age 18, and demand that the kids attend approved schools. They don't seem to get state follow up at all with their home schooling. Can they pass grade level tests or not. Seems derilection of duty with the taxpayer and society the loser. Do they pay their hospital bills? Why not? Can't touch their assets, how are they hiding them?

    3. What if Wife A and Husband A are sealed, they have 5 kids and then he dies. Wife A then remarries and is sealed to Husband B and they have 3 kids. Who are the original 5 kids sealed to now? Is the eternal family now made up of Husbands A and B and Wife A plus all 8 kids? Or is Husband A, waiting for his family to join him and then realize, "oh shit" that wife of mine gave them to someone else and now I don't have wife to get me into the celestial kingdom?

    4. LOL, I think you're right. Outside the legal marriage if the rules don't "fit" the dictator husband, he makes up some new rules and has his own *ahem prophetic message to start a new sect.
      How do these fruitloops manage to be okay with drinking caffeine? Do they have their food storehouse?
      I loved how Kody said that it's certainly NOT about how many wives and his mindless women parroted that revelation.....helloooo isn't that the whole idea? lots of wives & kids? Since when have they adopted some strange morphed version of monogamy & polygamy?

      All of a sudden, they all looked stunned that anyone would be asking about a next wife. As if their stint on tv has cleared their collective brain cell and gawwwleee, it's all about being deliriously happy with the absolutely perfect family they have now...except we don't live together and kinda hate on each other but it's all good cuz we're on tv.

    5. Mother of the Year RobynMay 29, 2012 at 9:16 AM

      They are now ok with drinking caffeine because the LIV products "they are now selling " are filled with them. As soon as LIV becomes another failed business venture, I'm sure Kodi and family will go back to the no caffeine rule.

  46. "Or is Husband A, waiting for his family to join him and then realize, "oh shit" that wife of mine gave them to someone else and now I don't have wife to get me into the celestial kingdom?"

    Wow, so all the old men who marry young women loose those wives and kids after they die because the young wives remarry? And they still carry on the pretense of it all being for a "higher purpose?"

    It is shameful.

    1. Anonymous,
      That's pretty much how all religions function: they are filled with scare tactics, failed logic, and mythological answers for questions that could not be answered. And, this religion is no different than any of the others. Except, they overtly hate on women. The other religions do that women should obey their husbands in a little less harsh voice. Also, the level of hate that comes from religion astounds me. In a recent church service, a little four year old boy was at the front singing, and his song kept repeating: all homos are going to hell. When he sang that part of the song, all of the folks in church yelled and praised god. Now here's my thoughts: all of them were clearly over eaters with their enlarged butts and huge bellies, and in that same verse that they are basing homosexuals burning hell, they need to read the rest and liars, and gluttons, and point is that all religions breed hate of those unlike themselves. I've yet to see a religion that practices what it preaches and in most cases cannot practices what it preaches. On my second point to the song is if they had really, truly been christ like, wouldn't they love the sinner and if they loved the sinner would they rejoice in the potential for hell.

  47. I'm continually astonished that in this day and age, with all the info at our fingertips because of the internet, etc, that there are women that fall for this
    so-called 'religion'! Even if they were brought up in it, like Christine, how can they believe in something that degrades women so much?? ?It is wrong on so many levels to me...But I guess if your self-esteem is so low, you can be easily brainwashed...just like the victims of Jim Jones were when they drank the Kool-Aid....

    1. I guess anyone's religion seems strange. That's why it's called "faith", not "critical thinking".

  48. kody and the sister wives family is walking the oceanside ca strand right now friday aug 17 2012
