Thursday, April 26, 2012

Oh My Gosh, What Were They Thinking?

Photo courtesy Las Vegas Sun

We all know that the Browns are in desperate need of makeovers, right?

But good gravy, don't these yokels own  ANY nice slacks, suits, dresses ANYTHING THAT ISN'T WORN and WRINKLED???? And Meri already wore that horrible sweater and blouse before. I'm positive the steerage passengers on the Titanic dressed better. I KNOW First and Second Class passengers did. SHOW SOME RESPECT for yourselves! DRESS UP SOMETIMES!!

I'm going to be perfectly honest. The last time I wore such worn out jeans, my boss ( a very nice woman) took me aside and asked me to go home immediately and rethink my attire. And that was a non customer facing job, by the way.
That was over 35 years ago. I never wore jeans like Meri's to work again.

Now, I know the Meri and Kody were at the Titanic Exhibit, but damn Meri, you didn't have a better pair of jeans to wear?

And Kody, do you have to look like you just rolled out of bed? Surely, someone owns an iron and a mirror?

These two are an embarrassment to reality show 'stars' around the planet! They just DON'T get it do they? I guess dress for success was never a factor in their business plan.

But if you're posing for pictures on the red carpet, or anywhere out in public, damn it, DRESS THE PART!!

Thanks to Caramel Brownie and others who feel the Browns need a stylist - NOW.


  1. Hahahahahaha, 1st & 2nd class steerage!!! DAMN!! is actually an understatement for this sight for sore eyes!!
    Both outfits have officially been worn out too many times on tv & pics...What? No more shoping sprees @the mall, thrift or consignment stores? Guess they invested way too much $$ in the LIV products & gym idea, that they're are apparently NOT using themselves!!
    I really expected to see @least a 10-20lb weight loss from each of them. For Robyn, I was giving a temperary pass since she did have Sol & I think she was breastfeeding, but the others.... I mean, maybe their still tryna shed the holiday weight they gained over the last few months...there has been 6 holidays( Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Super Bowl(yes, it's a holiday people,, Valentine's, St. Patty's Day, Easter..I'll even throw in March Madness & April Fools Day, just to give them the benefit of the doubt...Oh yeah, forgot about the birthdays & anniversaries too!!...HA!!
    If they're gonna continue to eat out so much, they need to make better choices & start exercising more.
    Seriously, the only Brown, that has shown a signifigant weight loss is Madison & she looks great. So, yay for Maddie!! Keep up the great workouts!

    1. For all the money they make from their show surely they have the means to visit Macy's or Dilliards a few times a week!

    2. When I breastfed my children, I lost weight…a lot of weight. In order to maintain basic metabolic rate and produce healthy milk, a nursing woman has to increase her calories to over 3000 a day. As hard as I tried, I could not get that many calories in and still have time to cook and clean and work my full time job. Consequently, I lost weight, which was way good. Who needs wls when you can breastfeed.

  2. Hmm.. is their ship sinking?

    1. Looks like they are ready to swab the deck!

    2. Wow, totally a metaphor for the show. Heading straight for that iceberg at top speed.

    3. Totally, what are the kids wearing ?

  3. Maddie seems like an all round good kid, she tweets about her good grades, and how she want's a gentleman in her life. Seems that Janelle's kids appears as the most responsible and normal of the bunch

  4. Meri lives in Las Vegas. Do you guys have any idea how cold it is there? If she didnt wear that swaeter she'd have frost bite for sure. hehe

  5. Kody's forehead is huuge, kinda like mr potato head. I think it's time to change that dated haircut because it only bring more attention to what is NOT there....

    1. Poor Sol inherited his father's 'watermelon head' !!!

  6. This isn't even about dressing about just clean and neat?
    They look as if they were cleaning out the garage and just jumped in the car.

    They KNOW they are going to be photographed, they even ENCOURAGE being photographed, yet this is the image they want to project??

    Kody's rumpled, shirt hanging-out look just screams, "I am just a dumb, carefree dude, so don't expect much from me" and Meri's worn wrinkled jeans and teen-look little sweater just emphasizes Kody's message.

    They look as if they don't have a clue....or *don't want to.*

  7. I love your blog! I am actually glad the Brown family is dressing like this because perhaps it means they are not using their money from the show to shop for clothes (I am probably wrong). In my wishful world they will save their money so when the show's over they don't have to file bankruptcy again. I'm all for them shopping at thrift stores and dressing dowdy!

  8. I am a long time reader, first time poster and love this site...and follow the show with curious amazement. Every since I was 8 years old and my next door playmate told me that her parents wore "secret magical underwear" I have been fascinated by the LDS, FLDS and all things Mormon.

    You folks leave me rolling with laughter as an extra kicker to my guilty pleasure, "Sisterwives". The over produced reality show that manipulates the daily lives of a family that lives a plural marriage and their adventures in Sin City.

    For years these folks have had the nerve to invite us into their home after years of abuse of the tax payer dollars, bankruptcies and divorce, claiming to be a well balanced family and a picture of morality. I call fraud. Only in America can you go from food stamp to a TLC show and "D" list celebrity status. Train wreck doesn't even come close to an analogy. But I just saw the commercial for the new season last night and I'm strapping myself into the roller coaster. More discontent from Christine, surrogate hanger, and lots of kids. And let's not forget the always crying Robyn that doesn't even pronounce the name correctly that she gave her son, Day-en.

    Is it just me or is Logan the only adult in this family?

    And yes, as always the broke housewife style that they all seem to share is part of the fascination. The long sleeve under amour that they seem to sport with a sexy halter layered up, is my favorite. It doesn't take much money to hit the discount salon for a ten dollar hair cut, buy clothes at consignment shop or even just use an iron.

    Lets' just hope the new season brings more than pumpkin carving and Kody "babysitting" his own children.

    1. HAHAHAHA! Yes, baysitting his own children. The arrogance of this man. If you can't take the heat, don't go on national TV. As easy as that.

    2. @lisasumms, there is a difference between what the mormon sister wives believe and the main stream lds believe. Including the "magic underwear' aka- garments. The browns wear ones that are commissioned by the lds. Their tops have sleeves just past the elbows, this the 3/4 shirts they wear. The bottoms go to their calves, -thus the capris. The lds do not believe that garments are magical. It is to remind them of jesus Christ and the commitment to christ. Just like -usomeone wearing a yamica. Or when you go on a trip people get something to remind u of the trip, when u r home every time you look at that item you think about the trip that is similar to what the garments
      do for the lds.

  9. You people!!! Make up your mind! One time you complain they are letting fame go to their heads, and the next they are just regular joes.

    1. It's not our fault! The Browns made us do it!

    2. We're all entitled to our opinion here & since the Browns are in the spotlight & ESP peddling LIV weightless products & fundamental fitness stuff, yes, I would expect them to be walking the walk since they're doing a whole lot of talkN.
      Besides, I'm sure SWB isn't the only ones talking about their No sense of fashion styles!!

    3. It's that "Anonymous" guy who posts here. He's all over the place. Like a split personality. I don't know what his problem is but it confuses the heck out of me too.

    4. Excuse me, Anonymous, we are not doing the schizo dance. The fame is going to their heads to the point that they are pushing their faces in every interview possible, which if you guys remember when Octomom and Hate plus eight did their face in every corner how the fans quickly tired of them. But the idea that they are above those social decorums that the rest of civilized folks hold to the norm like wearing nice clothes when we go to nice places; wearing clothes that fit us when we go out in public; wearing clean and pressed clothes when we are trying to impress; and washing our hair more than once or so a month.
      Because the women are so fat (all four), it is understandable that they do not rush to try on clothes or buy a lot of clothes. and Kody has that attitude of his supreme coolness so yeah, dude, let's just throw on a pair of like really washed out jeans and hit the scene man. I'm way cooler than this shirt and folks will love me no matter what. Just let me flip my hair a little and try to run backwards without falling to show that I am like really fit. In the meantime kids, what kids. Oh those kids. Hi kids. Let's go wives, we got cameras to pose for and porn stars to hang with because we are so immersed in our spirtual connection that we are down with any type of person. As long as their is some publicity. Oh yea. dudes.

  10. At least it isn't a really tight long sleeve shirt under a really tight spaghetti strap tank top.

    Kody should tuck a shirt in once in awhile.

    1. Kody can't tuck in his shirt becuz he would show his big old belly. Same thing with Meri's big old hips. It's plain to see Meri and Kody are not using that sxinney stuff they sell, and definitely don't use the Fundamental Fitness workout facilities.

    2. I suspect they are indeed using the stuff they sell.

      Has anyone else noticed that the LIV page that is linked off the brownfamily page is gone? Their testimonials were removed from that LIV site. Wonder what happened there?

    3. Interesting...Yessiree, seems the Browns presence has been wiped clean from the LIV site, but I did notice one of their followers' testimony is now shown. The Browns are for sure still involved, so I wonder if it's something TLC may have asked them to do now that the season is about to begin. Also, has anyone noticed the Browns are now being represented by a management company? (I heard thru the grapevine that it's the same person who took a picture of the Browns with Carrot Top)

  11. I may be poor but I do know how to wash, iron and dress neatly. I think they thought they were looking good...

  12. I think Kody looks ok to even good in this photo. At least this outfit fits him. This is the only fancy look he's got. Unless he picks up another wife, and then he rents a tux and a bow tie. This look isn't bad for Kodster.

    Poor Meri. Eyebrow pencil!!! These dumpy sweaters are awful. She just needs a jacket with some shape, easy enough, right?

  13. You try to juggle 4 wives and 2 handfuls of kids and a job and see how well you dress...I am poor too, and I try to dress nice but give them a break, geez people. They are never going to be good enough for everyone, I don't agree w/ the way they live but just like if gays have the right to choose then don't poligamist? If they are all consenting adults that choose this life then more power to them, you wouldn't be making these comments if it were a interacial or a gay couple...who cares how they long as no one is being hurt...WHO CARES!!!

    1. They chose to 1)become polygamist and 2)to appear on national tv on a 'reality' show, so yes, people will comment about the way they dress because they are in the public eye. Style matters. If that wasn't the case, why would shows like 'What not to wear' or 'Queer eye for the straight guy' and many other shows featuring stylists be on tv? (in fact isn't one on TLC, just like the Browns?)

      I agree that the Browns need to improve their appearance. They have made 2 red carpet appearances, each time the wives were dressed like they were going to the supermarket or in the case of this picture, like Meri was about to clean the staircase. Kody's sense of style on the red carpet was to dress in a shapeless brown suit at one event and a horrible blue satiny 'blouse' with satiny blue and black striped pants at another! I agree they need a stylist. But I disagree about the job. WHAT JOB DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE OUTSIDE OF THEIR REALITY SHOW?

    2. I have quite a few gay friends & they know how to dress, even if they're going to the supermarket!! Bcuz u never know who u might run into or meet!! :)
      & yes, if this was an inter racial or gays on tv & they were making red carpet or photo op appearances, hell yeah I'd still be commenting on them bcuz their in the public eye & I'm allowed to express my opinion.
      My husband is white & I'm 1/2 Native american & 1/2 black & yes, we dress clean, neat & properly according to are whereabouts & were not on tv.

    3. The point is that the Browns have chosen to have FOUR wives and SEVENTEEN children. That is their choice.
      And.....they have chosen to make their life choices *public* via a well-paying major cable reality show...which has led to well-paying speaking and appearance gigs...and has led to paying endorsement gigs where they Tweet to *fans* about which restaurant and boutiques and God knows what for $$.

      Factor in their business scams....detox plans, veiled fitness business
      where they again use the Internet to coerce their *fans* again to pad their bank accounts.

      The least they can do is make an attempt to look the part of people who crave this *notoriety.*

  14. You guys are correct -- if the Browns are selling the Browns -- then they need to own it. Not expensive clothes, not overdone...but professional enough that I'd want to buy something from a BOOK?

    Also, am I mistaken or is "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding USA" taking the SW Sunday Night time slot? Definitely could give them a run for their money on ratings.

    1. That's a pretty interesting show too! Intriguing how they live in traveling trailers & then go all super crazy loud fab glamorous weddings!! Loved the pink stretch hummer :)
      Still wondering what they do to make $$ to afford all that, since they're hush hush on finance$ & bartering...

  15. This post was just low.

  16. Real disappointed with this post, just seems mean. I would rather see this than that horrible makeovered Kate Gosselin.

    1. Ur welcome to visit the all positive happy go lucky, not allowed to ask hard hitting questions or express ur opinion Kody Brown FB fan page :)
      Like I stated before, TMZ, Starcasm, etc... Doesn't hold back on expressing their opinions whether it's good, bad, or ugly.
      SWB is a safe haven for us who have a good variety & some interesting, funny, great insight to the Kody Brown show(snark). Plus we're allowed to friendly debate, where we can all agree to disagree , bcuz we all have different opinions & that's what makes this a great blog! =)

    2. Fair enough. But at least Kate understood that her picture would be taken and should be to promote her gravy train.

  17. Seems like the people on the "redneck vacation" show at least wore clean clothes. Meri's jeans look dirty.

    1. Lol, right, right!! :) Redneck Vacation had me rolling & having Tom Arnold pop up out of no where w/ a snarky remark was icing on the

  18. Here is what I think they are not bad people and you all w want to see reality tv well this is real they tried to lose weight and if they did not succeed how many real people don't and they do not dress rich realpeople don't so maybe you all sold check your selves and see why it makes you feel so good about urself to judge others and work on that as hard as you do trash talking others my five year old even knows if you have nothing nice to say then do not open your mouth at all

    1. A suggestion: Periods are your friend.

      Thanks for the feedback!

    2. Right! And none of us "real" people are on Tv trying to sell ourselves as a "brand" like the Browns (and most other realty stars) are. We're not writing books and begging people to buy them, we're not getting paid go tweet shout outs to businesses, etc. Most other realty Tv "stars" work hard at keeping their 15 mind going (Kardashians, Real Housewives, etc). The ongoing problem with the Browns is they're not even trying bug are expecting the same results. Its really just constructive criticism we are giving here...

    3. Way to go there, E.E. Cummings.

      I absolutely LOVE when white knights and Pollyannas stop by our little corner of the Internet, just to tell us how to be better people.

      They are SO darned cute with their righteous indignation!

    4. Lol!! Me too, RTP, Maybe its someone from the Brown camp or a fan! Wouldn't know, since they all post as ANONYMOUS!!

  19. The negative comments about their attire are attrocious. If your concern is a person's dress, you are very superficial and in dire need of self examining your heart and soul.


    1. Thank you for your feedback!

      I like my reality stars to dress nicely when their picture is being taken. Is that too much to ask?

    2. Hey I thought this was a blog, not church?
      No, CJ, it's not too much to ask! :)
      A-list, B-list, C-list, D-list, & Z-list stars get ridiculed all the time, when they dare step out in public looking fashionably ridiculous! That just comes w/ the territory of being famous & a public figure.

    3. Wait a second!!!!

      Telling someone they are superficial is JUDGING THEM!!!!

      But then this Anonymous guy preaches JUDGE NOT!!

      See what I mean about this Anonymous guy? He usually uses multiple posts to contradict himself, but here he's doing it in just one post!

  20. I'm no fan of the adult Browns or the stuffed sausage look but agree with some others that this post was mean. Also feel resulting commentary was the same.

  21. Well CB I'm flummoxed at the negative feedback on the post. It seemed quite matter of fact to me.

    To answer the question about how gypsies get money, uh, the reputation is actually true. And the ones in the U.K. also get "benefits" which are absolutely astounding, and you'd have to be a fool anymore to actually work in the U.K. anymore. Pride keeps enough people slaving away to pay for the huge number of people on the dole, and their dole in unbelievably generous. When the next generation comes along the system will collapse because there are more of them than there are people with pride.

  22. I love roasting the Brownies...and usually do BUT this time around I have to agree that this post was not necessary. Nit picking Meri's (whom I do not like) clothes felt graspy and a bit desperate. That aside I have to say men and that whole I'm wearing a dress shirt that is rumpled and not tucked in REALLY is irritating it looks crappy. Also that Titanic staircase looks pretty rad.

    1. I appreciate your opinion!

      And while I'm at it, a big THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to voice their opinions on this posting! Whether you agreed or disagreed, I appreciate everyone keeping the discussion civil and thought provoking.

      You guys rock! (But the Browns still need a stylist)

  23. Re: the protests of this thread....
    Isn't this a bit like *let's kill the messenger* rather than discuss the message???

    Message being the Brown family is in the business of making themselves "a business." If so, then their would-be clients are free to observe and critique the "package" being offered and how it is being presented before they commit to being clients. Isn't that how it works?

    The Browns want to be "seen"....we can all agree on that, can't we?
    They go out of their way to be where cameras will be. They accept the freebies (or paid deals) to go where the action is as part of their marketing plan..along with making all the tweets. If not, they would decline these public appearances or attend under the radar.
    They make these appearances with *full knowledge and intention* that their presence will be documented and displayed in the media.

    And if they choose to appear in public in whatever attire pleases them, then they also are choosing to be observed...and critiqued (or applauded) for that image.
    That IS how it works when placing yourself in the public eye.

    To vilify this Blog as "mean" is really missing the point of the message.

    1. I think it's poor sportsmanship to jump down the throat of someone who has a differing opinion on the blog posted. I think Cynical Jinx is usually spot on and hilarious however this post just felt off and ya I've critzied the Browns for everything, people in glass houses right? So Amused chillax and let people voice their opinion whether nay or yay, it definitely makes for better dialogue.

    2. Anon 08:25,
      You are right....better dialogue.
      Having voiced my opinion, as you do yours.. !!
      That is what it is all about.

      It was not about jumping down anyone's was an opinion.
      Sorry if you took it that way.

  24. This just in!!! Meri & Kody fleeing..err I mean leaving for Mexico! If only I had such 'finite resources' at my disposal ;)

    1. How nice of them but didn't Meri and Kody already do the anniversary trip to Mexico once before? You can bet that camera crew is with them so this trip is free. Haha! Maybe this time Meri will tell Kody she wants in vitro and Robyn to be the surrogate. And I wonder if this means Robyn's and Kody's anniversary will be in San Diego again, too? 3 guesses what the cliffhanger this season is gonna be.

  25. Notice how the critics of the article agree that the Browns look scrungy. They just think that the the Browns should get a pass on it. And what else would you expect from Brown fans? According the them, it is OK to file bankruptcy multiple times and lie to the federal court, it is OK to use food stamps, it is OK to uproot your family and move to a state where only 44% of high school students graduate, it is OK to cheat on your wife with 3 other women, it is OK to kiss another woman while your supposed "spiritual wife" is giving birth, it is OK to gain so much weight it threatens your health, it is OK to promote a lifestyle very different from others and then criticize the rest of the world for being "sharks", it is OK to have a reality show that is very UNREAL, it is OK NOT to have jobs and just live off the reality show, etc etc etc.

    I am glad this post pointed out the ratty jeans. How many times have celebrities been criticized for their attire? Don't we still remember the stupid outfits Cher wore? Or how about the swan outfit that the singer wore where she actually laid an egg on the red carpet?

    The Browns should be fair game more than most, since they have been given a free pass---the press has not really discussed their bankruptcies, or the food stamps etc. We all keep waiting for some investigative reporter to ask the really tough questions, and instead, they get publicity for attending all these events, and receiving free food.

    Oh, by the way, the graduation rate is based on the revised stats published March 2012.

  26. I think that all the real Brown Fans need to adopt a team uniform. If they really defend the style choices of these people, then if it's good enough for the Brows, it should be good enough for the fans.

    That said, I expect to see pictures of women in the long tee shirt under spaghetti strap baby doll tee shirt, all one size too small, covering the newspapers in the next week.

    If I don't we will know you guys are all talk and can't walk the walk, and really don't care at all about the Browns at all.

  27. KodysLexus JanellesJalopyApril 27, 2012 at 4:08 PM

    Normally, I would agree with the comments that discussions of their appearance aren't necessary and are unkind. HOWEVER, have you ever heard the phrase, "Dress for the job you want."? Clearly, the Browns are wanting to take a short cut to fame and fortune by becoming media stars. A tv show, a book, and you know a Cooking for 19 on Infinite Resources Cookbook is not far behind. So, in their quest to usurp Howard Stern as the King of All Media, the Browns need to embrace the fact that Looks Do Matter in the media. Now, I am not saying that they need to wear high heels to shop at Target like Kate Gosselin. However, a little effort would go a long way in their quest to conquer the media. If Kody is really interested in capturing the attention of the media, then I DO recommend that HE wear high heels to shop a Target. That said, I think I need a new screen name. Any suggestions?

    1. The way I see it is that their new season is starting very soon so they know that anything they do in public will be reported by various "news" organizations - more likely written by marketing people who are using thier outtings as advertisements. If this is the case (and I think it is since these "news" agencies are reporting on them more frequently), they should know that they should be looking their best. Although, the other thought would be that they are trying to show how "downtrodden" they are by not wearing flashy, clean, ironed clothing. Maybe that is the persona they are wanting to show - that they are regular people and not the prairie clothing polygamist but also not the rich and above the common-folk persona that usually comes to pass on other reality shows. Or maybe I am wrong and they just don't care how they look or no one is acting as mentor and showing them how.

    2. Good theory HOWEVER regular people aren't invited to walk the red carpet nor do they get their picture taken by paparazzi. They are told to stand behind the velvet rope.

      Hopefully the Utah AG understands that the truly downtrodden don't make the entertainment pages on the internet and newspapers, smiling like movie stars for the cameras!

  28. A little OT, but has anyone seen the promo yet? Depressing. Poor Christine.

    1. I Thought she and Kody had "repaired" their marriage last season. This screams out "plot sensationalism" for viewer's interest. Am I wrong?

  29. Good point HockeyMom & I totally agree w/ you about the Branding. So I did some research, so that people can see the point a few of us are trying to make about the Browns appearances. Now out of the thousands of Branding blogs, strategies, etc...I only chose a couple of sites that jumped out at me!


    Branding yourself keeps you current in your chosen field, opens doors fo you, & CREATES A LASTING IMPRESSION ON CLIENTS. By developing your own brand, you'll have control over people's initial perception. If you don't brand yourself, someone else will & the outcome might not be in your favor. Etc, etc......
    (Again, these are not my words folks :D)

    Here's another one, website about BRAND STRATEGY

    Your Brand is more than your log, name, or slogan. It's the entire experience your prospects & customers have w/ your company, product, or service.
    It's what you stand for, a promise you make, & the personality you convey.
    Instead, your brand lives in every day-to-day interaction you have with your market!

    * The Images you convey
    * The messages you deliver on your website, proposals, or campaigns.
    * The way your employees interacts with customers.
    * A customer's opinion of you versus your competition.

    Branding is crucial for products & services sold in huge consumer markets.....

    Now, with this insightful info before us, hopefully you can understand my point of view. We can't deny that the Browns have been & are still trying to market themselves to the public.
    Their Kody Brown Family Entertainment Website, LIV Products, Fundamental Fitness, Realators, Book deal & in the the recent past, The Pampered Chef products.
    Unfortunately, it takes more than just being on a tv show or making a few appearances to make your name & products a Branding Success!

  30. Every episode I thought, " what the hell are they wearing?!!!" could they choose anything more uglier or unflattering?!?!?!?

  31. Well, the LIV page on the Kody Brown web page is still down. I wonder why that is? I doubt the Browns will tell us. Anything bad happens and they spin it so it really is a benefit. I bet the only reason Christine says in the promo that she is struggling is because they live in 4 separate houses. And we all know that the only reason they live in separate houses is because the big bad police forced them to move from Utah.

    This mental attitude of refusing to admit anything wrong seems to be common with polygamists, even the non-religious ones. Remember polygrrl?? She reviewed several episodes, and had her own blog, and I think she commented on this website. Well, she has not had a blog entry since the very beginning of January 2012. I believe this is probably due to problems, but of course, she won't admit that or reveal them.

    And remember Charley from Anderson Cooper show? Well, according to him, Rebecca needs more time to adjust to becoming a second wife. And of course, Charley, self-centered jerk that he is, compares Rebecca's situation to his wife's. His wife was able to adjust and decide about marriage quicker because he spent hours on the phone with her when they lived apart. They discussed everything, like what diet they would have. And he ends the blog post by boasting about his life and his family. I bet that Rebecca realized that she did not want to be a live-in nanny and second-class lover to the father. Good for her. I hope she takes so long to decide that good ol' Charley gives up and tries to find another "wife".

    1. To me, non religious based polygamy is just a married man cheating on his wife.Look at that Charley guy. He talks polygamist double talk like his family has soooo much love to give. Isn't it amazing how Charley and his wife never think that maybe their CHILDREN may not feel the same way. The Brown children were born into polygamy, have only known polygamy. But notice the shift when Robyn and her kids were brought into the family. Janelle's Hunter did not fully accept Robyn as a mother and definitely did not accept (love) the unborn Sol. Logan and Madison can't wait to graduate and go back to Utah. So heres a religious based polygamist family showing the strains of adding another wife. Imagine how childen of a monogamist family will react with another women is brought into the mix? Resentment wouldn't begin to describe the feelings those children will have. Like we all know, the only adult who benefits from this arrangement - either in religious or non religious based polygamy - is the male! And the females in non religious based polygamy have NO religion to seek solace in when they realize that their husband is enjoying having sex with another woman, and that the children that result will be living proof of his infidelity, forever.

    2. Good for Rebecca!!
      Maybe she started indulging herself in SWB & it gave her a lot more insight to what the hell she was really getting herself in :D
      Or not only did she not want to be basically a nanny live in, but prolly realized that she really wouldn't be his legal wife, so therefore, if things didn't work out, she would be assed out on her luck & really wouldn't be left w/ anything & that's just not very reassuring or secure feeling.

    3. "And remember Charley from Anderson Cooper show? Well, according to him, Rebecca needs more time to adjust to becoming a second wife."

      Sounds like reality set in and Sorry Charlie's now eating crow...

    4. Glad to hear Rebecca grew a brain. Who wants to bed Charley and his HOT wife are divorced in the near future?

  32. "To me, non religious based polygamy is just a married man cheating on his wife."

    It strikes me this way too. Also, the *added* women who want to be a part of that form of "cheating" makes one wonder what their personal agenda is.

    But it all has to go back to the original deal between the first wife and the wannabee plgyguy. If she accepts that reality, whether from sincere compliance (beliefs) or from fear that if she doesn't agree, then hubby will still brings difficulties down on the kids.

    "Some" of the Browns' 17 (and counting) children may choose to follow the lifestyle, but it's doubtful that all will. And if they don't, how easy will it be to mesh an adult non-plyg life with their plyg family of origin?
    Just like with the Duggers, it seems that the Browns only socialize with their own kind.

    It may work just dandy right now for the Brown adults, but only time will tell how it all really was, and how it *will be* for the kids as they mature.

  33. Clint and Stacy from What Not to Wear needs to Visit the wouldn't that be a ratings boost?

  34. The Browns are sending their children a very mixed message. On one hand, they say they need to live this life in order to receive higher blessings in heaven. (according to some "guy" in the 1800's with who knows what agenda) but then they insist their children are free to marry the way they want and not live a polygamous life. So... how important is this multiple wife part of their "spiritual belief" anyway? Apparently not enough to care whether the kids get to that celestial planet. I feel like the Brown's are very nice people who are valiantly trying to justify this lifestyle, and not doing a very good job of it, simply because no one can justify this bizarro, subservient female/dominant male way of life.

  35. When one mistakes these people for "consenting adults," one forgets that there are seventeen innocent children who did not consent to be in this twisted family. As a psychologist and a mother, I have no doubt that this "lifestyle" is harmful to the kids. Narcissistic Kody is always blabbering about having "access" to his children, as if they are a ride at Disneyland. None of these kids gets the love and attention they need. This set-up is more about Kody's need for attention than any religious calling (which you will notice they refuse to explain in interviews, lest they sound as ridiculous as they are). It's all about him, and the children are the ones who suffer. If Meri has such poor self esteem that she volunteers to share her husband, that is indeed her choice, but once they brought children into it, there are victims. The worst offender against children is Robyn, who dragged her three children into this mess where they are lost in the shuffle while she focuses on her absurd romance and produces more children. Just what the world needs, more people with room temperature IQs like Robyn. Can't wait to see what fashion forward clothing they peddle on their new site. Of all the closets in the world, the sister wives' are four I would not want to borrow from. Spaghetti straps over long sleeves? Really? But their offenses against fashion pale in comparison to their offenses against children.
