Monday, January 9, 2012

Celebrity Wifeswap - Polygamy Style and The Real Sista Wives Episode 2

In episode 2  of The Real Sista Wives, Jacob Jones talks about raising children with his three wives.

Celebrity Wife Swap - Polygamy Style !

Last week, I happened to watch Celebrity Wife Swap. The celebrity families involved were Ted Haggard and that crazy, zany Gary Busey.

I'm still trying to figure out how Ted Haggard can be considered a celebrity. But, hey, if Kody Brown and Family are considered entertainment, I guess ole Pastor Ted can be a celebrity.

Anyway, what family do you think is worthy to swap their wife (and mother) for Kody's sisterwives? My thoughts - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Just because Angelina is the only woman I can think of that is powerful enough to  take the place of FOUR women. And the fact that she is filthy rich would not stop old Kody at all! In fact, with all those business schemes working in Kody's wee mind, he's going to need some big bucks to finance it all and let's face it, Angelina's got some major ducats, if you know what I mean.

So what Celebrity family do you think would be a perfect Celebrity Wife Swap with Kody Brown and his Sister Wives?  Tell us who you would like to see!

If you need to see this show in action, here's a link to the entire (GULP) Haggard/Busey episode.


  1. Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards.

  2. I'd like to see them swap with the Dargers.

  3. Kriss Jenner and her 3 Kardashian daughters plus either Scott Disic or poor ole kris Humphries.

  4. Sex is better on a scheduleJanuary 9, 2012 at 11:26 PM

    Someone from the FLDS compound in Texas.

  5. I watched the show from the link you provided. I've always liked quirky Gary Busey, and Gayle was a delightful lady.

  6. Kate Gosselin. I think Kody deserves her.

  7. I vote for Gosselin and Kody, too! Kody and Kate plus 8 + 17. Oops, forgot the +4 wives. Gonna need a compound!

  8. Oh my gosh, how perfect. Yes, Kate and her "bodyguard". Great idea.

  9. @ Border Collie, well Kate does have the carrying on with a married man thing down, so she'd be a good fit!

  10. Pam - don't forget, Kate DOES have a compound - a gorgeous one at that all paid for by her TLC show! Even though it was at the expense of her marriage. Look at the Roloff's gargantuan house, the Kardashian's gazillions - I'm sure the Brown's are well aware of the "perks" with a popular show. They will keep doing interviews, tweeting etc. to keep all of us interested.

    Sorry to get off topic - I couldn't resist answering to Pam's post!

  11. Haha! I forgot she had that house. Kody could build more little cottages there, too, and move in MORE wives. Could you just see him trying to take control of Kate? heehee, I want that as a reality show!

    1. I am in no way a fan of Kate but boy would I LOVE to see her put Kody in his place!!! And imagine what she would do with Robyn!!!! Now that would be a show huh?

  12. Excellent choices everyone!

    Did anyone watch last nite with Dee Snider and Flavor Flav? I'm changing from Brangelina to Flavor Flav and Liz! Liz doesn't cook, watch her young child or clean...she just crochets, reads self help books and eats out. Kody would go nutso!

  13. CJ thanks for introducing us to the real sista wives. I thought the first episode was very funny (love the storyline about all of the brothers doing missionary work at "the ranch" in Nevada), but it went downhill fast by epi 3. Too bad - it had potential! It has me wondering ... Who'd you rather? The fictitious Jacob Jones or the real Kody Brown? I can't decide, though I think Jacob Jones is much cuter. At least there might be a reason to not want to puke and run on your scheduled night. I'd definitely go for Jacob over Joe Darger!

    1. I think Kody and Joe Darger have "evil" eyes - you know, when they try to sound and act like rest of us but their eyes betrays the evil in their souls. Yes, Jacob Jones is a cutie!

      I have to agree with you on The Real Sista Wives. However, with a good production and writing team and better actresses for wives 2 and 3, I could see this on Comedy Central.

  14. If Madea(Tyler Perry's creation) was really a live person - I would gladly swap her into Brown house hold - then take Meri & Janelle out to Madea's house!! leave Kody, CHristine and Madea with all the kids ------
