Thursday, December 8, 2011

Misc. SWB news

1. Well, we didn't get to All American Muslim. Too much SW goodies. How could it compete for our time? We will post anything we deem interesting on them, however,  for now, we will not be doing recaps. We might at a later date.

2. So many of you have written comments worthy of a post. Many have passionate feelings about a topic. If you are one of those folks, why not write up a post and send it to us? We may run it!

3. Are you good at something that we need, such as someone who can make clips of video, (ex. Kody's dance June 2011) or can clip several pieces of video together? (Ex. I'd love love love on all the times Robyn cried) If you are a video guru, please PLEASE contact me.

4. Same goes for pictures. Remember my feeble attempt of splicing Kody? If so, we NEED you~ just email us.

5. This blog is for all, we need some to pitch in!

6. PLEASE tell us what you think about the posts. At the bottom, please checkmark the appr. boxes to tell us your reactions!! And those that are able, please +1 us to Google (also under post). We work hard to give you this blog, we'd appreciate you help to spread the word! You can retweet us, put our posts on Facebook, help spread the word!


  1. I think Robyn is very sweet.x0x0 LG

  2. Totally agree that this is how it should be. I'm sure two out of the four people there think so too.

  3. a picture says a 1000 words! in this one all 4 are openly happy and smiling from the heart ......

    newer photos shows a depressed Meri & Christine, a don't care Janelle ...........

    and cat-swallowed-mouse Kodi & Robyn.........

  4. @Anon 8:23

    you are correct, they ae smiling with their eyes ......

    can't bear to check newer photos with Meri & Janelle passing dodgy glares, Christine "confessing" about dealing with "her jealousy" ......... and Robyn holding court......

  5. I believe this is a newer picture- from their promo tour of the talk shows this fall. And thanks to Caramel Brownie for sending it in!!

  6. @Mister Sister

    if that is the case, where is clingy Robyn?? I don't see her missing an opportunity to hang-on Kody's arm!

  7. This fall, they did many quest spots- Anderson, Ellen, Wendy Williams, Today, etc...
    Robyn was unable to attend/fly because she was in her last trimester of pregnancy.

  8. I will try to hit the Reaction buttons better.

  9. OK .......... makes sense why they are so happy - NO ROBYN HONEYMOON DRAMA!

  10. I hate to beat a dead horse here. But would you do an indepth look at how the birth was faked, and prob. not born when said. Example.
    normal belly after birth-
    Now, if you look at her GIVING birth on the show, her belly isn't THAT big when she "pushes"him out!!!
    NOW- remember the pics of her right after the birth???

    NO WAY.

  11. To Anon 10:07 -

    There is no typical birthing experience, no typical birthing body, no typical after birth body.

    I agree something wasn't quite right about the whole birth sequence. TLC still didn't give us enough visual info to call the entire event into question.

    Where are the fluids? The births I've seen have involved a fair amount of residual excretion that would have made Robyn's bed a mess. Home birthing mothers prepare for this.

    I *think* the camera crews were in and out of that bedroom and tried to cobble together a birthing story from whatever clips they got. I'm not sure the "I can feel his head" clip was so close in time with the actual birth.

    Yes, Robyn's posture during the filmed birth was strange. Women assume whatever position is comfortable for them at that moment, which isn't the same for everyone.

  12. This photo is on their fb page. It's recent - from American Choppers Live, in Vegas. Robyn is probably home with the baby. They DO look happy (for a change).

  13. Oh don't tell me they are going to give Kody a bike!

  14. Janelle has a fake smile plastered on, Christine's eyes are very sad - Meri looks vacant and Kody looks like the douchebag he always, always acts like.

    Robyn's probably off crying somewhere.

  15. Call me LDSinVA. Ok you may have had this up already, but I just found it and it smacked me between the eyes. It is a you tube video of Crusader Christine saying that the Utah Attorney General should "bring it on," regarding charges being brought against them. This was published on 24 October 2009 where she came out on being a polygamist IN FRONT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL: "Chris­tine Brown and Anne Wilde meet with the At­tor­ney Gen­er­al (Mark Shurtl­eff) to dis­cuss de­crim­i­nal­iza­tion of plu­ral mar­riage amongst Mor­mon Fun­da­men­tal­ists and oth­ers in Utah...." So what is the big deal about coming out on national TV in 2010? The guy already flipping new about her! I and I found another video of her in St. George in 2008. What a fake. The link is on this page the title is "Women fight for legalization of polygamy." It is worth a watch just to see her swing her hair and declare, "bring it on!" They knew exactly how and why they were sacrificing their own kids.

  16. if you can ignore the spelling errors, here's an informative easy read q&a regarding the differences between FLDS, AUB and mainstream practice of polygamy. Also, gives a brief and concise basic explanation of why law enforcement long ago decided for the most part to not prosecute plygs in the state.

  17. Watched Christine's "bring it on" tape and was again amazed at how stupid these people are. Well the attorney general declined her offer so the Grifter Wives crew had to make their own fake escape from fake prosecution with fake tears & drama. The only real thing is how cruel they are to these children. Maybe next time Christine throws down a challenge she should be sure she has enough Prozac on board to handle it

  18. These people are not amateurs anymore to the photo-op world. They are semi-seasoned media pros by now. They are photographed ALL the time wherever they go, and whenever they are making *an appearance*, be it TV or live events.

    They know how to cuddle up close and put on the plastic smiles and effervescence.

    It's pretty obvious, but at this stage of the Kody Show, it's doubtful if anything is really *real.*

  19. LDSinVA here. Go back to the page and look at the video in the bottom left corner that says "Utah Town Hall 2008 - Polygamy," in St George. It is Christine Allred Brown right on the thumbnail. She was out by at LEAST 2008 as a practicing AUB (whatever she is now) polygamist. So . . . what's is up with the big "oooh, the Lehi police is going to arrest us" stuff. Wait . . . I hear it ripping, its tissue, a tissue of lies. We have been had by TLC. They should have vetted the Browns a little better. We aren't as dumb as they obviously think we are. Hey, I am all for decriminalizing polygamy and getting rid of the child brides and the secrecy surrounding all the abuse, but the lifestyle needs a more honest poster family. I really need to figure out how to get a screen name here. I hate being anonymous! LDSinVA

  20. Quick question: If polygamy was decriminalized, how would that affect the Brown family's taxes? Could Kody declare everyone in his family as dependents (if the wives aren't working, of course? Would they file jointly? I wonder what *that* return would look like!

  21. Anon 6:21 -

    Great perspective!

    Do you have a Google email acct? If you don't feel like using that to post with a name, you can make another acct with a snappy new name just for posting on boards. When posting, you should get an option of posting anonymously or through another ID. Choose your new Google ID and voila! You have a name! We all get to know you!

  22. Ok, this is LDSinVA. I will use my blogger name, which is skibbins. Nice to meet everybody. I have to say that my experience with reality television before SW was only Top Chef and Top Shot. I had no idea how loosely the term "reality" is being applied to this drek. I remember decades ago there was a family that was profiled on PBS, can't remember their name anymore, but the series pretty much trashed them. At first I was really touched by the show, but got suspicious at all the fake paranoia that was whipped up during the Christmas episodes. I don't think this series has anything to do with religion. It has to do with a family that is broke and looking for a fast buck. As I said before, I am LDS. I know the history, the whys and wherefores of polygamy. I see no conviction here. Is it true that the Browns left the AUB? Guess the Church didn't mean that much after all.

  23. Hey, who wants to bet that before long Kody will start his own sect, "the Brown Group" ? They've emphasized enough times that they are "all alone in Las Vegas", without their church, there are no polygamous there and no homes built for such families, etc etc.

  24. That could very possibly happen since they already seem to pick & choose which tenets of the faith they prefer to honor.

  25. With Kody's ego I wouldn't be surprized if he claims he had a "revelation" and is now a prophet himself! After all, apparently any man can make that claim right?

  26. Another little video from the past, I think I have seen it on here somewhere, but it fits with this thread: "Intoductions from the AUB at the St. George TOWN HALL meeting/Polygamy summit on 5-8-08. The groups that attended want or expect the state to decriminalize polygamy...." Here is Christine in MAY 2008 being out and talking about her lifestyle.

    So, did the Browns and TLC think we wouldn't do the math here on when they actually went public? Shouldn't reality being portrayed actually have some basis in it? I am feeling more and more like we are watching a bunch of hucksters rather than religious martyrs. What a crock.

  27. This blog has ALL those videos in the june, july sections! Also talked about in the post about FEAR of moving.

  28. skibbins, that's an interesting video you found! So Christine's mom left the AUB and so did her siblings? Seems like they thought polygamy wasn't such a great idea after all.....

  29. Does anybody have a reference where the Browns say they have officially left the AUB? I know that I have read here that the AUB isn't very happy with them for doing this whole reality thing.

  30. I believe from sources they are still active in the AUB.

  31. That would be a GREAT question to ask Christine at one one of their fake q&a's like at the college or Anderson Cooper, etc. Too bad that opportunity won't ever be given tho to ask them the hard questions.

  32. clarification - the "great question" i'm talking about asking Christine is if it's true her family left AUB and if so, why?

    also, SURELY sooner or later SOMEONE's gonna write an INSIDER's tell-all book! they should strike while the iron's hot! it would be a bestseller with all this publicity from Browns/Dargers/Jeffs right now.

  33. Much of Christine's family has left the AUB. Her mother, and most women siblings.

  34. Actually, the hard questions can be asked by the court. The hearing that is scheduled for Dec 16 is not just for the attorneys to argue, it is also for the Browns to present true convincing evidence regarding their damages from the "investigation." Christine and Robyn have not filed any affidavits and if the Utah attorney wants to devote the resources to this case, they could subpoena Christine and Robyn and cross-examine them on the witness stand for hours. And they would have to answer the questions truthfully or be found in contempt.

  35. Update on the court proceedings:

    Both parties have filed responses to the court's show cause order as to why the United States should NOT be added as a party. The Utah attorney general says that it should be left up to the United States, while Turley says that they are NOT arguing about the constitutionality of the ban against polygamy, so the U.S. government has no interest in the case. (He is impliedly agreeing that if he were trying to legalize polygamy, that the U.S. may have an interest.) His position is inconsistent with the view of the court, the State of Utah, and the affidavit filed by Janelle.

    By the way, most attorneys practicing law right now believe that law schools are a scam. Some law professors believe that, too. One even started a blog admitting it. Former law students have sued law schools for lying to them about the job prospects for practicing attorneys. Justice Scalia says that the law schools are becoming too liberal and that it is adversely affecting the court system. I think this environment might be contributing to the bogus suit filed by Turley. He thought he would be on the cutting edge of changing law, and help his law school reputation in the process, but it has back-fired big time. This is especially true in light of the well-reasoned and thorough decision by the Canadian judge upholding the ban against polygamy.

    Female Attorney
