Friday, November 11, 2011

Sister Wives: Browns Take Beantown

The family travels to Boston to explore colleges for the oldest kids while also facing their fears head on - they agree to sit on a panel speaking to college students about their lives.


  1. There goes Robyn with the fake tears again!

  2. Why not UNLV?... in state tuition, numerous degree or certificate programs, even religious studies and marketing....FAFSA, wonder how each family will out the requisite financial ado applications? Robyn????? Putting her two cents in on college, an oxymoron, her bonus kids are not in the college pack, too young... and her input is gotta be, she is a self appointed expert at so many family meetings with everyone else's kids....becoming the go to parent in her mind.

  3. I was goint to say... Robyn in tears... What a suprise...

  4. Robyn, crying about what? Oh my gosh, she confuses herself. What a fake? what goofiness? This entire group is taking themselves too seriously, believing the hype, and thinking they are deeply informed and in touch....But in what?????
    What a jamboree.

  5. OMG! yeah, Christine - the whole world's with you on being against little girls being abused and forced against their wills. Robyn - yeah, Warren Jeffs deserves to rot in hell. ditto crocodile tears on that one. now tell us about yourselves and quit deflecting to the obvious dislike about Warren Jeffs to try to make us like you and your plyg situation. This group really is hopeless in the PR arena.


  6. This will be totally scripted and questions will be pre-approved by Team Kody as well as their professor friend from this school that already has befriended them and is in awe of them. Snoozefest already.

    Obviously they're convinced all their viewers are as dumb and gullible as they are and visiting that ridiculous fan page of theirs, i can see why. It's kinda scary how easy people can be sucked into sucky marketing.

  7. Am I the only one who cannot see the video?

  8. I saw it just fine.
    Seriously, they were "fearful"???
    Like above said- they are going to pre approve everything!!! I am beginning to to think the Brown's really DO thing we are that stupid! I agree with above! Pampered Chef! OMMG!

  9. Well, now, that was really enlightening, wasn't it? Jeez. Do a better clip than that. Robyn's tears? Really, GET READY JINXIE!!!LOL

  10. These crazy fools received no local press while they were here so I doubt they'll return. I'm sure Kody & wives were shocked that NO ONE noticed (or cared) they were in red carpet? no key to the city? Hmmmm- I wondered if it dawned on them yet that they aren't celebrities.

  11. I'm sure if the Boston Corgi had of found them, he'd have nipped their heels clear out of town. Keep the ears up and the eyes open, and don't let 'em get a toe-hold in town.

  12. I live in Boston and I can verify that they received no press while they were here. Like you guys, I'm sure that the questions were scripted.

    On another topic, it's starting to really irritate me how they're trying to cash in on their supposed fame with this pyramid scheme and then with an online Pampered Chef party. I hope that people don't fall for that stuff, though, I'm sure that some will.

  13. OK seriously does Robyn carry an onion in her pocket or something?!? Enough with the fake tears!! We can all see through your "rescue me" bit. Ugh, at least I know now to fast forward my DVR past this bit o' shit LOL

  14. I imagine Robyn is continuing doing what has always worked for her in her whole life so far. Turn on the waterworks. It's probably the only way she got any attention growing up and her ex-hubby probably finally got tired of the manipulation of it and so, Robyn had to divorce him and move on to the next victim.

    She struck GOLD when she joined Team Kody and can now use tears to manipulate a hubby, 3 sister wives, and 17 kids plus a bunch of the gullible public minions. So far, the only ones that have copped out on her already are the smart teens. I"m sure Janelle and Christine are sick of her tears but like a brat child they want to just stop, they probably just give here whatever she's crying about so she'll just SHUT UP and they don't want her running to Kody and have him come to them about it. She is a Queen Manipulator. And of course, Meri's just enjoying all the havoc she's brought in for Kody and the other wives.

  15. What an INFANT Robyn is! She reminds me of Elizabeth Hasslebeck. When someone challenges or disagrees, they cry.

    Not much higher brain activity there, apparently.

    Oh, and Janelle, plenty of women would want more than one man...if we didn't have to support, nurture, honor, take care of them all. But that isn't what Kody does for his women either. So sure, if men made it as easy as you make it for Kody, I'm sure many women might enjoy several men in their lives. In fact, many do. They don't feel the need to broadcast it with a phoney-baloney religion, however.

  16. LOL @ Janelle for acting like multiple husbands would just be ridiculous idea-- this coming from the woman who is sharing her husband with multiple women. LOL, silly Janelle.

    Kody was afraid people would say he is a controlling misogynist? Now why on earth would someone think that?

    LOL, this family is delusional. And Robyns tears a such a joke, at least people can see through it.

  17. Robyn has never annoyed me. So, I was quite surprised as she twinged her nose and began to sob, that I found myself hoping her overies would jump out of her body and punch her in the eye.

  18. Why Shouldn't the Browns, I ask you, NOT take Beantown?

    Weenies and beans go together just fine bwahahahah

  19. "Mono4Life said...
    OK seriously does Robyn carry an onion in her pocket or something?!""
    And unfortunately, she has taught her daughters to do the exact same thing.

    I actually feel sorry for DA-TN. It's very hard for a child to grow up with special needs, and have a younger, male child grow up and be the messiah of the group.

  20. I actually feel sorry for DA-TN

    OMG so the pronunciation bothers others as well?? That kills me! Why can't she pronounce his name properly >.<

  21. Still not the right pronunciation! Its DA-UN

  22. yep, we've made fun of this tons of times here. and Anony's right - she does leave the T out!

  23. Just watched this episode and the Brown adults are so bizarre I just can't wrap my brain around it anymore. Christine wants the kids to go to Harvard so I suggest she start calling J-E-S-U-S or selling alot more detox drinks on that one ($$$$$). She also thought it was funny to mock our wonderful Boston accent...not cool.

  24. BC I found Christine's "Bawston" so-called accent NOT funny and like her daughter i would be embarrassed. and omg the trip to the colonial village...the docents are staying in character in both dress and timeline. Polygamy was sinful to them so why Christine gets so upset when she was aware they were staying in character is ridiculous to say the least.

    but not as ridiculous as Kody making such a big deal of "meeting" Brigham Young's great grandma or whoever the docent was supposed to be...I'm not sure what he expected...gimme a break.

    and they never said at which school the meet and greet was held? or did I miss it?

  25. I wonder if Christine isn't in delusion land?

  26. Wow, I am pretty shocked at all of the comments on here. I have really enjoyed watching this show and learning about their family and about Polygamy. This show has helped open my eyes to a new and different lifestyle that I knew not a lot about. Even though this lifestyle isn't for me, I get that mine isn't for them. As an athiest, I continuely try to learn about various religions and what people get from it. I see that this family has gained what they need to fullfill their lives. I like the fact that they do not preach their way of lives to others yet at the same time, don't hide in shame.

  27. Christine brown your attempt at our accent was insulting. You are an arrogant, miserable woman. I can see now why the bostone press couldn't be bothered covering your trip to our fine city and robin grow a pair enough with the tears

  28. I love the Browns myself, I know I am a minority, and not a ubber fan lie on their sites, I just enjoy watching a different culture than mine.

    Even I have to admit, Robyn's tears were fake and over the top. She needs to watch what abuse she is doing to her autistic son.

  29. Priest Danielle teaches a class at Tufts (along with being a lifestyle coach and spinning instructor) according to her profile. The audience looked suspiciously like a captive class of students and some fellow professors to me.

  30. Ok people. Let's get real here. Kody does not preach about his religion because it is not a real religion. How close does he have to get to God to get to heaven. What is he going to do, stand on his wife and kids shoulders. I wonder who paid for this trip. TLC or Tufts University. Kody makes me sick. Are we supposed to feel sorry for him because he has to go from home to home to find his clothes. He has a key to everyones room. Does he go from hotel room to hotel room kissing on all his wives. Just nasty if you ask me. Janelle's comment about wanting some me time is full of crap. You have 6 kids. You do not get me time. I have been happily married for 29 years to one man. I am more than enough for him to handle. No, I would not like it if he is kissing on someone else and then come into my room and kiss me. My husband works hard to support his family and he gets tired. I can tell you that I get plenty of me time. An in my me time, my husband is not with other women. I want to know what happens if Kody is tired on your night. You have waited 4 nights to have Kody come to your bedroom and he falls asleep because the last sister wife tired him out. All you can do is wait for another 4 nights. I think that the Browns were out of their element when they went to Tufts. Boston is in another league than the Browns. Boston would eat them up alive. Sure, the show is scripted. TLC is only going to show us what they want to show us. I still feel that these wives were brainwashed from an early age. Its all they have known. This is the only lifestyle they are familiar with and its easier to go with what you know. Kody does seem to watch what everyone says. He asks as if he does not know what they are going to be asked. Bull. Kody is well aware of what he will be asked and he has instructed his family on how to answer.

  31. If I were in the audience, I would have just one question for the Browns:

    Christine said they want their kids to marry who they love. Ok, fair enough. Good answer Christine, that sounds very accepting and tolerant!!

    So, if Hunter or Logan or any of the other boys end up being gay, would they embrace them marrying a few other men (brother-husbands)?

  32. I think, in all fairness-- I would MUCH rather my child be gay than to become a fundy Mormon with wives belittling them all. I think it's the wrose religion in the world against GOD

  33. LOL, Kiska. I think the Browns can't even contemplate that as a possibility.

    Personally, I think being gay wouldn't be their choice but their religious beliefs and living as a polygamist is a choice.

    That is just how I see it.

  34. Kody cannot actually play a parenting, diaper-changing, feeding, cleaning, nurturing role with his children and/or his wives. He has to be like a big, dumb teenager. If he was taking care of his families, he wouldn't have the energy to be able to impregnate his four wives, sleeping with each in turn on a rotating basis. Actually, maybe a brother-husband is now in order- Meri wanted another child and Kody has been unsuccessful- maybe another husband would be able to get that job done!

  35. Kody is a jerk. Above, I agree!

  36. Is it just me or is anyone else noticing the real divide between team Meri/Robyn & team Christine/Janelle? In tonight's episode, when Janelle made that remark about M&R being the good wives, it just spoke volumes to me. My theory is that Meri has chosen to get close with Robyn because she has resigned to the fact that Robyn is Kody's favorite and Meri wants to stay close to Kody. I also think that Christine now finally understands how Janelle has felt being "replaced" by the new wife & not feeling special anymore & I think they have really bonded over that. BTW...who was watching the other kids while they were in Boston?

  37. Oh and also seriously Kody?! Sitting at one wife's house while on the phone to another wife making sure she's ironed his shirts?? Ugh...made me want to bang my head on the wall

  38. I see the divide. I (am guessing) from observations that Meri was extremely jealous of Christine and Janelle's baby making; and then those 2 got close raining the kids, while Meri stood back.
    Meri thinks it's "cute" to have Robyn there- she even said it was the sister wife relationship she never had.
    In all honesty, Meri was my favorite. And, I do like her personality. However, lately, she seems to be turning into this immature brat. Sticking with Robyn is the single dumbest thing she has ever done.

  39. Isn't Meri STUPID for being with Robyn?

  40. Agreeing with the above comments :) I can't watch Robyn much longer. Forgive me but she is an absolute idiot. Her presence into the family is now their downfall. Look at the shows before her and compare what you see today. I can't hold her entirely accountable and in her defense, I am sure she means well. Kody should have stayed with the 3wives he had.

  41. Robyn destroys the show. Isn't it a shame they didn't stick with what worked? I mean, it's funny Janelle said after 2 years- she barely knew Robyn's kids. Jeez.

  42. As an fyi, when they had the seminar in Boston, the Hynes Convention Center is not affiliated with any college here in Boston. It is a convention center. Why use a convention center? Because no school wanted to host this meet & greet.

    Also, what does their religion believe in? Are they living a lifestyle or a religion? Do they go to a church, temple or have meetings with others with their beliefs? What's us with the long sleeves, yet Christine had on capri's at Plimouth Plantation, why cover your arms but not your legs?

  43. omg! it's so ok to make fun of people's accents. come on now. we have different dialects all across the U.S. that are interesting and funny. when did making lighthearted fun about that now become so "not cool." it's not like she was doing it right to some Bostonian's face! she was behind the scenes doing it and it was completely normal to do that.

    the only thing that was uncool about it was that Christine did a horrible impersonation of it. and ALL teens thing their parents are whacked when they're trying too hard to be funny.

    but thanks for the chuckle i got that it's fine for us to be on here making fun of anything and everything about them but god forbid - they should dish some back!!

    Lighten Up Peeps and quit coming across as overly sensitive and even hypocritical.

  44. Christine has every right to make fun of anyone she wants...just not sure how that ties into their philosophy on tolerance. Oh well, least they're gone and our pilgrims are safe again. More Kody Kool Aid anyone?

  45. Kody always have a little coy, smug look on his face when asked about the sleeping arrangements with his wives. It's like....yeah everyone, can't you really see how I've got it made? If you only knew, but I'll just pretend to be shy about answering this one. Mary was always my favorite too and I didn't like how she is acting like BFF with little weak, sensitive(cough,cough), victim mentality Robyn. It's interesting how the Brown family adults try to act so open when the foundation of their Mormon religion is about judgement. "LDS, Mormons believe their religion is the only true one on the face of the earth and that if something isn't blessed and coming from God, it has to come from the devil. How they are acting as if they just embrace and except all things when they don't. It just happens to be easier to handle that way. Why don't they tell people exactly what they believe in. People would really be shocked by that I'm sure.

  46. I know I've been shocked by what I have learned about the religion!

  47. To Anonymous,
    It's hard to leave a religion when one is born into it. It honestly took me until I was 39 yrs. old to finally tell all I wanted nothing to do with the church and it's lies. Yes, I'm fit the exact epitome of the Mormon woman, white, blond hair, blue eyes...etc. What probably did it for me was receiving my college degree and working in a professional setting. You see, I was married at 19 and had my first baby one year later. That is typical of Mormon women. They are taught from an early age part of that doctrine. Nothing bad happened to me, no one was mean, I never got a divorce or had one traumatic ordeal. I just finally grew up and had enough confidence as a woman to say I will not be a part of this any more. Education and personal self growth was the guiding factor that most influenced my life. I am very happy and have been every since I left the church.
