Friday, October 28, 2011

**UPDATE!! Solomon Brown is HERE !! New Pic

***New pick at the bottom, and any other news ones of Solomon will be put here for awhile. The woman lost her stomach in 8 hrs! Lucky her! 

I had to laugh when I saw the layers, though. Buy a long sleeve! Jeez!

People magazine reports Solomon Brown made his appearance this morning at 2:02 AM.

According to the People Magazine article, Solomon was born at "the couple's " home and weighed 9 lbs 10.5 oz and is 22 inches long.

Kody said Solomon " [is] perfect and we couldn't be happier...we are so thrilled."

And so are we.

So, my questions are - Is People Magazine part of TLC?

Will the Browns be able to afford that "Big House" now?

Will Solomon have Kody's nose and Robyn's chin?

What are your thoughts?

OK, Ladies, look at this picture, then look the unmarked one below- does this really look like someone who gave birth 8 hrs ago? Seriously?If so, maybe I need some of that Detox!,,20540328,00.html
Pictures courtesy of TLC/Jana Cruder


  1. Candy had put this under the Centennial post - i think she got it under the wrong one.

    We might go over there and help her.

    I posted the informative video that details the bankruptcies and other financial oddities of the Brown family onto Facebook's Sisterwives page. I can't believe the number of people rushing to the Browns' side for support. "Well perhaps the bankruptcy was all medical debt..." or "Robyn didn't file bankruptcy!" It all made me want to vomit!!! The bottom line is that these people and their religous beliefs/calling for multiple wives and multitudes of children is NOT COST EFFECTIVE! No one can afford this lifestyle! And who is paying for these yahoos to "practice" their religion? WE ARE--THE MONOGOMOUS PEOPLE!!!! These AUB/Fundamentalist mormons don't have any conviction to pay for their lifestyles!!! Even if we did vote to make pleural marriage legal, who will be picking up their excessive bills when they visit the bankruptcy court or welch off of social services???!!! WE WILL!!!!

    Any comments?! ANYONE??!!

  2. I'm not on the facebook or I would go defend and help you. I post too many posts from here heeehee.

    Well, if I could get paid big bucks from People, I'd probably have a big head. I'm sure they do!

  3. Wow. sad. the kids didn't get to tweet it, and they were all excited. Janelle has tweeted about something else! Isn't that odd?

  4. I shouldn't feel this way but....

    Well good. Baby is here happy and healthy, NEXT!

    I saw that the kids were tweeting and all excited. And then quit.
    Bummer! i was hoping they would be the ones to get to tell of their siblings arrival!

  5. Ha ha Mister Sister, I know what you mean!

    I let my fingers do the googling and found out some interesting info.

    Did Ya'll know that People Magazine:

    Paid $1.5 million for exclusive rights of Kim Kardashian's wedding pictures.

    Was rumored to have paid JLo and Marc Anthony $6 MILLION for the exclusive US rights of their twins pictures.

    Surely the Browns are worth something in between - I predict new cars for all the wives and kids with driver's licenses. And Kody will finally get rid of that damn Lexus and order up a special edition Ferrari to tool around Vegas. And of course, he will start building that dream compound with 4 houses. !

  6. Every picture that is posted on this blog of Robyn makes me chuckle. That girl-woman is not going to age well. She has the most bird-like facial features and a wicked witch of the west chiny chin chin chin.

  7. Cynical Jinx...I did just read that Jessica Simpson is trying to sell the story of the official confirmation of her pregnancy to magazines like People for $500k, but no magazines want the story for that price. I am hoping the KBF get far less than that for their story....of course, I am sure they will still spend like drunken sailors and buy all the things you mentioned above... Love your show summaries too! :)

  8. They probably hold out, not tell, and sell them for a free buffet!

  9. I might be old fashioned but I HATE it when people tell everyone the sex and name of the baby before it arrives. It takes away most of the excitement of the occasion. When I had my daughter, we didn't even find out what sex she was until she was born and it was so exciting!!! (not only for us but for a lot of people around us as well).
    With Solomon, we knew he was a boy, we knew his name so now he is out, ok, big deal.

  10. joanne--as much as I dislike Robyn and Kody, I am a fan of knowing gender and name ahead of time. My husband and I lost a full-term baby boy. We had a name but had not told anyone.
    With our next pregnancy we found out the gender and named him and shared it with everyone. I wanted him to be "real" and be known by his name for as long as possible in case he died too (he lived and is eating little bites of apple as I type this).

    Well I guess Robyn was NOT 30 weeks when she tweeted in July. She could have been due Oct 12 and had him today, 12 days later. Making her a week and a half late, not 5.

  11. LOL Anonymous! Yes, I'd say it's worth a free buffet or at least a "kids eat free" stop.

    I was watching a bit of Sex and the City last night, and I couldn't stop noticing how much Robyn resembles the character Charlotte York. Anyone else see it?

    Congratulations Robyn on popping out a new little Pliglet! Hope you're happy! (ugh. what a sourpuss I am. But I just can't help it with these people.)

  12. Bargain Babe I liked NOT knowing for the exact same reason as you stated! I was sure I was going to have a still born baby (a friend had one not long before) and I thought knowing the sex and name made it more real and harder. As you have been through it ( well done on your next baby and sorry for your loss) then I would say you know a LOT more about it then me. So sorry you had to go through that, I cannot imagine what it would be like.
    PS I am not having anymore but I still think I would keep it as a surprise! lol :o)

  13. ME!! I will donate a bag full of canned goods to our panty!!!!!

    I am so sorry for your loss, i had a friend go through that.We are sorry.

  14. You have to be kidding me, $500,000.00 for newsflash of Jessica Simpson being pg? There are pictures of her from multiple sources all over the web with a definite pregnant stomach. It's way late for an exclusive. I don't even know what she is famous for--singer, actress, whatever. I don't know, except I think she saw her dog get taken by a coyote.

    So the kid is here. I'm with those who feel bad for the kids' excitement and not being able to break the news. Still, somebody lied here.

    Does anybody know what the twitter name of Robyn might mean? LuvgvsUwngs This BC can't decipher the meaning. It must mean something. Please give ideas for the meaning. Driving me crazy and you don't want a mad BC on your hands.

  15. That song from An officer and a gentleman- is also what I think of

  16. Joanne--I am sorry for your friend and I'm sure you were scared during your pregnancy. Several of my friends were expecting when we lost our baby and I knew that I was like the OH CRAP person that made them fear my fate. It would be real and hard whether you knew the sex ahead of time or not. Burying a baby just isn't something we should have to do.

    I appreciate you and Mister Sister's condolances. Our baby would be two and a half now. We miss him every single day. BUT. We believe he is in heaven with our Savior and when our time on earth is done we are going home to our baby! :)

    Mister Sister--my food pantry comment was on a different post so people think you are nuts right now. lol

    So everyone knows, on the post with the youtube video I suggested that we all band together and donate to a food pantry this week.
    Ridiculous people are donating to the Brown's so they can have a fancy new house and eat out. Let's counter that by donating to WORTHY causes. I'm taking peanut butter to our church food pantry this week.
    MS is donating a bag of canned goods.
    Who is next?
    (Admins, maybe this could be its own blog post so more will see it?)

    I love to see what can happen when people join together for GOOD.


    Not much, but at least they are real, kind alike WTF?

  18. Thank you Bargain Babe. I'd never have gotten that. You put my little mind at rest.

  19. Wonder whose day it was ... which wife? Did he give Christine a smooch before going over to Robyn's (snark - like he wasn't already at Robyn's no matter what). Will be interesting to see if the other plyglets will see Kody's preference toward this son in time?

  20. Luv gives you wings ... that is when you can lay your bills on the kitchen counter of the other sister wives.


    Another site devoted to SW's and especially Robyn.

  22. I doubt people magazine would pay that much. On the anti gosselin and kids on reality tv blogs it has been posted that these big tlc families usually make about 10-20k off interviews or exclusives. People seems to run alot of the TLC exclusives. I have never figured out which networks/magazines are tied together but it seems like People and NBC and TLC are linked up?

    If they get 10-20k I really hope Kody would buy a lot to build his dream home for his family to be together. Of course he will squander it some other way or maybe Robyn will think it is all her money! If he got a nice building lot, then maybe he could call JimBob for the number of that metal home kit manufactuer and have the kids build the house!

  23. So I'm thinking if People was a good payday for the Brown's then Robyn will be prego again around the holidays to try & cash in on the mere remainder of their 15 min of fame & repost another Baby registry :/ Clock is ticking, so I'm sure they'll resume pleasure in the bedroom(yes, I know
    Also Kody will be too busy making speaking debuts instead of making bottles & changing diapers..poor Robyn is prolly about to get smacked w/ plural reality! Hello, My name is Kody the spermanator & ur just the concubine & caretaker!! Ain't plural marriage grand??HA
    I wonder if The O3 have been discussing amongst themselves why baby Sol is 2 wks late?? Probably bc K&R lied about when they "really started trying" Maybe one of the teens will spout off & bring it up during family meeting
    . Hope TLC is around to catch that

    Super curious & want to see pics of new baby plyglet :)

  24. So I'm thinking if People was a good payday for the Brown's then Robyn will be prego again around the holidays to try & cash in on the mere remainder of their 15 min of fame & repost another Baby registry :/ Clock is ticking, so I'm sure they'll resume pleasure in the bedroom(yes, I know
    Also Kody will be too busy making speaking debuts instead of making bottles & changing diapers..poor Robyn is prolly about to get smacked w/ plural reality! Hello, My name is Kody the spermanator & ur just the concubine & caretaker!! Ain't plural marriage grand??HA
    I wonder if The O3 have been discussing amongst themselves why baby Sol is 2 wks late?? Probably bc K&R lied about when they "really started trying" Maybe one of the teens will spout off & bring it up during family meeting
    . Hope TLC is around to catch that

    Super curious & want to see pics of new baby plyglet :)

  25. Sorry for the double posts..

  26. Caramel, go look at Starcasm- they have added us as a reference!!!
    that wasn't there last night was it???
    I told CJ it wasn't- is this because of you??

    We are a free site- so a little recognition is nice!

  27. Wow, anon 1.30am, your rant seems a little random, I must have missed something. Probably because I am a 'narsasistic idiot.' Not really sure why but thanks for the compliment. :o)

  28. Joanne, don't take Kody's title away from him!!!LOL

    I say kudos to the admin.
    RULES are you may agree or disagree, but not talk trash to each other.

  29. And here's a thank you from me to you, too, Caramel Brownie and everyone else who's got the sisterwivesblog's back!

  30. Hoot, I didn't! lol, I don't use big words I don't understand, I just copied and pasted. Cynical Jinx you guys keep us entertained and without your reviews, I wouldn't know what the show was doing because we are on series one here in Australia. Yes, we are ahead in time and behind in tv series. LOL.

  31. Joanne, does anyone practice polygamy in Australia?

  32. Now that baby solman is here want to bet that Robyn becomes more assertive and stakes her claim?
    I love this blog! It's the best!

  33. Sister wives on facebook has a picture up of the happy 3some...look like sol just may have that square jaw too!/sisterwives,,20540328,00.html

  34. Mister Sister, CJ,& Terrasola
    Ya'll are welcome! U run a straight -up fantastic site & ya'll deserve recognition :)

  35. Serena if they do, they are very quiet about it. Its a shame really, I love reading about nutbag cults (I was fascinated with the FLDS and AUB long before sister wives ever hit the air) and we seem to lack them down here!! We did have some bloke who was going to take all his chosen to an island while the rest of the world ended but as far as I know they weren't odd enough to practice polygamy. I am very happy being only wife although I could do with a housekeeper.

  36. I wonder if now that Robyn has to 'be rested' from the Kodsters stable (if you know what I mean) the other wives might get some more attention?

  37. Caramel and everyone, they also wrote us a letter, thanking us for the help, and said we were awesome!
    And, an apology!

  38. Kody was "right there". More than Christine got.
    Robyn looks good but-she looks a bit tired. almost 10 lbs though, whoo.

  39. Kody look like he's in heaven in that one picture.

  40. Just found your sight and LOVE LOVE LOVE it.... finally a group of people who can think for themselves, not just have wait for someone to give them their thoughts on a silver platter er ah screen. I found your sight on a TMZ comment about the new little bndle of joy as i was vomitting in my mouth just a little more than normal knowing there is another one of "them" in the world.

  41. Kid looks more like a week or old rather than a day or so old. hmmm. Well, nice airbrushing by TLC I guess.

  42. Wow Starcasm works That's cool apology & complimentary letter :)

    Of course Robyn looks good's amazing what make-up & hair stylist can I'm betting since they previously had this photo opp. & interview planned w/ People, that she was keeping her hair done(as much as she could) so she could look all put together, too bad she couldn't cover up those bags underneath her eyes :)
    Janelle looks awesome & I can see her inner hottie lil vixen screaming to come out!! I like her hair cut too. I always thought maybe a more modern bobbed cut & style would look good on her...I really hope she sticks w/ her diet & workouts :) I'm secretly hoping she leaves Kody & becomes a legal wife & experience a real wedding & honeymoon!! :)

  43. Also did Robyn really have to get completely dressed & make the bed?? (Smh) Most folks are still lounging in night gown or PJ's a day after birth...

  44. I can't believe that baby looks just like Truely did. Not a sight of Robyn.

  45. Its natures way of clearing up any paternity issues, babies always look like their dad when they are born. When I had my daughter, she looked exactly the same as her two older sister who are by my husbands first wife (first as in they divorced and then we got married, not first wife like Meri lol) but as she grew older, she looks more like me.

  46. Why is that baby's skin peeling so bad?


    Remember how Robyn went on and on and on about how she didn't want to go into the other wives' bdrms., and they were uncomfortable in hers???

    So, nothing like laying on a bed, with a newborn, to remind the other wives about "virtual manifestation of my intimacy with their husband"

    JEEZ, does this woman sit around and think this shit up months ahead?

  48. I honestly do not think that picture was of an 8 hour old baby and a woman who gave birth, at home, to a Big 9 1/2 pounder. I've been trying to convince myself, but can't do it.

  49. I call bullshit. Look, I hate to look at the woman's crotch, but hey- NO WAY 8 hrs before.

  50. Awesome new pics, Cynical!

    I noticed that:

    1) Robyn isn't wearing her Temple Garments. (That's the first thing I check for these days. It seems pretty easy to tell.)

    2) Meri is hot. From the first new picture, it's clear that she used to be a babe.

    I refuse to pay any more attention to Robyn, Kody, and So'mon. Although I agree it's crazy that she's that sxinney after giving birth to a 10 pound baby.

  51. Wow. My baby is due any day and last week she weighed in at 7.5lbs, hubby keeps saying she is gonna be a big baby and it freaks me out. But if Robyn really gave birth to a baby THAT big AT HOME and lost her stomach within the first 24 hours then there is hope for me with an epidural and (hopefully) not a 10lb baby. My sister lost almost all of her stomach within an hour of having her 6.9lb baby but she didn't even show until a month before she was due. I am huge (I think) but pics taken from the front don't make me look pregnant at all. It's gotta be lighting or something.

  52. Their sneakiness & lies just irks me to no end :/
    I don't remember Christine & Truely getting this much publicity & pics this time last yr...or did I miss something? ?

    I betcha everyones. Just loving all the attention that is being showered over. Robyn....Not...except for R of
    Which brings me back to my earlier post ....Robyn will be preggers again around the holidays bc she knows it's a way to get all attention focused on her! !

  53. Just for shits & giggles I checked out the dates for JLo! & Marc Anthony photo shoot w/ the twins...Born Feb 22,2008 & Exclusive. Was March 8,2008

  54. Kodysfavourite, how can you tell whether they are wearing their temple garments? How weird that a religion tells you what undies to wear?

  55. Joanne - check out the Underwear article in the July section- they even use Mason symbols, even weirder

  56. I've said it before and I'll say it again, AUB and most 'independents' don't wear temple garments/'holy underwear', they don't consider it a requirement of their faith, it is only the FLDS and of course mainstream LDS who wear them. I was reading a book by an ex AUB lady (Irene Spencer) who was shocked when she married Verlan Le Baron as he was wearing the undergarments of the mainstream LDS; she was shocked as people in their sect did not wear these and even saw them as a symbol of the mainstream LDS-who had 'sold out' their faith in the opinion of the AUB.

  57. Does anyone know if Christine is one of thee "Allred" group? What about Robn's ex is it Jessop? those are two main names in the polygamy world. Also for your 411 the FLDS is not allowed in the Mormon Temple, and the underwear your talking about isn't talked about not secrecy but because it is sacred, and due to respect shouldn't be made fun of. I know it sounds odd but seriously it's not that big of deal people make it one. :)

  58. Hi Anony 4:44 !

    I was cruising by when I saw your question. Yes, Christine is the granddaughter of Rulon C Allred, the first prophet of the AUB. When Cristine mentions her grandfather being jailed for being a polygamist, she is referring to him.

    Surprisingly enough, not only is Robyn's ex-husband a Jessop, he is also a cousin of Christine.

    I believe more info is located on the blog. I'll try to get a link for ya!

  59. Does anyone know why he was kicked out of the AUB and why?!

  60. Thanks Cyn!! I appreciate the info:)
    They could only pray the were kicked out of that group. My friends daughter was basically brain-washed by that AUB and they basically had to go and rescue her, they still don't know if she's ever going to be the same.
    They talked about being upset when Kody's mom started talking about her new found faith, it's because they act like they are Mormon but aren't. And THATS why people were pissed, not because they didn't believe in free worship, but because of the way they acted, I think Kody knew before he left on his mission he was going to start polygamy.

  61. Things can be sacred without being kept a secret. No other religion to my knowledge has sacred undergarments with masonic emblems on them that are given to you in a special ceremony in a temple that not everyone has access to, complete with unique handshakes.
    You can believe it to be holy and special all you want. But you gotta admit, to an outsider, that is bizarre.

  62. Bargain babe, you are so wrong. You can order them from catalogs and on line. Do your research!

  63. Anony 12:55

    I let my fingers do the googling and found the following information regarding purchasing temple garments online...

    This is part of an article from 2004 found at url:

    New Rule On Purchasing LDS Garments 7, 2004

    The misuse and sale of sacred LDS temple garments on internet auction sites has angered LDS faithful. ... the church is taking action that would make it harder for non-members to buy garments. Yesterday the church's first presidency announced new requirements for buying temple garments... shoppers must now present a current LDS temple recommend or their church membership number when buying garments.

    And this is from wikipedia url:

    To purchase temple garments, members must be endowed.[21] To purchase garments online, they must provide their membership record number.[22] Endowed members can find their membership record number on their temple recommend or by obtaining a copy of their Individual Ordinance Summary.[22]


    My understanding (from researching this topic a few years ago) is that one needs to provide proof of their endowment (temple recommend) in order to purchase temple garments.

    My suggestion to you is to follow your own advice: DO YOUR RESEARCH!

  64. Bargin B, If people find it so odd, why would you want them? What reason could you possibly have for purchasing an item that means nothing to you? Cyn, the same goes to you, why would you go to all the trouble to look all that up if it means nothing to you, other than to try and prove them wrong. Because others choose not to believe what you do, does that make you wrong, does everyone have to believe like you do to make it okay? WHY DO YOU CARE, IT IS NOT WRONG TO ALL BELIEVE WHAT WE WANT TO AND STILL RESPECT ONE ANOTHER. Oh wait that goes for everyone except Mormons right?

  65. Well, if you really want to know. I used to watch a show called Big Love and garments were mentioned many times. I also live in a state that has a large Mormon population - I went to school with Mormons, I work with Mormons and I even have had friends who are Mormon. I know from experience many Mormons prefer not to discuss their faith in detail. I respect their feelings and their religion. One of my best work friends was Mormon. He said to me if I wanted to know more about his religion to just ask. Since we shared the same last name, he called me sis, and I called him my bro. So yes, as for any subject I am inquisitive about, I research it so I can understand it better. That's how I was taught as a child. That's how I choose to live as an adult. And I hold no animosity towards Mormons or their faith.

  66. I never said I wanted them. Not sure where you are getting that from. YOU stated that they are not secret and could be bought online. CJ posted that probably isn't true because of her research.

    Quit being so defensive and take a look at it. You wear sacred underwear. Get a sense of the world around you and be big enough to admit that to outsiders, yes, it is odd.

  67. I never said they could be bought online that was someone else. Bargain B. Cyn, Big Love was based off of AUB or FLDS Polygamists, I am sure you know that and none of them were raised as Mormons, they were all raised as polygs from birth. They have a book out called Love Times Three or Three Times the Love, something like that,I too think they lived at some point one or all of them on some assistance from the state, just like the Browns, Mormons have their own welfare program and believe they should go to family first, then the church, the church provides help with getting a job, and learning about education to help yourself. These people see state welfare as and bankruptcy as a right not a disgrace. Most Mormons see welfare and bankruptcy as most people do, something you never want to do unless you absolutely have to.

  68. If anyone is "friends" with "myvegaslife" in real life, let us know if she's had her baby!

  69. IF you want to know if the AUB uses the special undergarments, PLEASE ask Troy Bowles, he's answering questions about this and anything else on his post!!!!!!

    Utilize him!

  70. I know some women are fortunate enough to give birth and within a few hours their tummys go right down...lucky girls!
    I personally think Solomon is cute,just like most babies!!!
    What a big baby for someone like Robyn to have at home!Not a Robyn fan,but well done!!

  71. Hi, it's MyVegaLife. No baby yet. I swear it feels like she's messing with me. She's weighing in at an almost 39 week baby and they thought for sure I was going to be induced last Thursday, but no, still pregnant. Still on bedrest. Still bored... :)

  72. myvegaslife I've been thinking of you!

    Listen, when I was pregnant with twins, they told me baby A was 7.5 lbs, but baby B was only 5 lbs.

    When they were born, baby A was 5.5 lbs.... which had me in tears thinking baby B was in trouble.... and he came out 6.11 lbs!
    Sometimes they are off.

    She's still coooking. She'll come out when she's ready!!LOL

  73. Mister Sister - TWINS?!I couldn't imagine the weight you felt with that pregnncy. I'm complainng about my belly being heavy with 1! I am definitely a baby about having a baby. I hope she is a healthy weight, but one that is gonna be easier to push out... Today the Doc said she is probably about 8lbs now and I just kept telling myself that with an epidural it wouldn't matter. But none of my friends have had babies that big. I'm glad that they can be wrong about the weight, you made me feel better. Still hope I lose most of the weight right away. : )

  74. Bill and barb from big Love were meant to be ex mainstream LDS; hence them continuing to wear the garments, also maybe to keep up appearances and hide the fact they are independent polygamists? Other characters in the show, i.e. Adaleen who wore the garments are part of the sect in the show that was originally based on the AUB but when they started showing them wearing scared undergarments the writers had decided to base Roman's group on the FLDS instead

  75. well I love watching sister wives I think it is a great bond between the women and such ... I am not sure tho when I watch and I see the look on Robyn's face when it comes to having to share Kody she does indeed get all sour she seems to me to be the one who is and probably will cause most arguments and jealousy between em .. Meri loves her top pieces and that is fine ... I just think that if something were to happen to Kody the only legal wife he has is Meri .. what happens to Christine , Janelle and Robyn .... what would they get to support themselves ... nothing .. kids would but most are becoming of age and then than is over and done .. have my rants and raves about it ... I just think there IS definatley favoritism and I feel bad for Janelle and Christine they seem to be the one s who are left out
