Thursday, October 27, 2011

Peek at Sunday's Sister Wives Show

 This Sundays show peek:  July 4th Rebellion

Ysabel and Breanna move into Meri's house; the family is off for some camping fun, but the teens have different ideas.


  1. I'm confused.. breanna isn't that one of robyn's kids ..who does the other one belong too? They all start to look alike unless they have that huge jaw.

  2. Prof--Ysabel is Christine's I am pretty sure.
    Yes Breanna is Robyn's.

  3. How many divorced Dad's do you know that are going to allow their daughter to move in with a totally legally unrelated woman - which is what Meri is to both kids? Can you say family court? I can see that court case now.

  4. Why are any of the other wives kids living w/ Meri & not w/ their own moms??
    It's not Meri's responsibility!! She's not the one who popped em out! !

  5. Did it say they were moving in on a long term basis or just for the summer? I can see Robyn saying with the Vegas heat and being pregnant she needed help with her kids and having her girls go stay with Meri for the summer or during her last trimester. I'm sure that was what was nice about the old house set up, if one wife was sick or pregnant, it would be easy for Meri or another mom to take care of thier kids.
    I hope they are just making it seem more dramatic then it is. I hope it is more like Meri is lonely because Meri was back in Utah so the girls went to stay with her for a few weeks during summer break.

    I also do not like seeing things out of order. TLC did this with the Duggars the last 2 seasons, Anna goes back and forth from being pregnant to having 2 kids in tow. Hopefully they will get the timeline back on track by the end of the season since I saw they are having a birth special at the end of Nov. as the season finale. I hope they edit Robyn well and we don't see too much. We don't need a repeat of the last few Duggar births. Gross!

    Photos of baby Solomon, poor thing looks like Kodster.

  7. That last picture with all the wives, Kody and the baby Janelle looks so beautiful. I'm telling ya. in her photo before she was ever pregnant she was very beautiful, if she really follows a fitness trainer's plan strictly she will end up outshining all of the wives, especially Robyn.

  8. I think Janelle is very pretty too. I looked at the pics and Christine and Janelle's faces both look thinner. I think they are sticking with the trainer and good for them!

  9. Baby picture is down on Solomon's post.
    He does look like a Brown, doesn't he?
    She really looks good for just giving birth, I have to say, you should of seen me! LOL

  10. Glad the baby arrived safely and everyone is well. Does anyone have a job yet?

  11. Mister Sister, yes she looks good, and so does the baby, especially for a 1-2 day old. And over 9 lbs, birth at home.....looks good enough to be a week or two old.

  12. Yeah, makes one curious... really, just born?
    I don't believe it.
    In a few months, how can we check Nevada Births? On, they only go to 2005.

  13. OK. Again,
    Why doesn't that poor child have any hair?

  14. Many Times Blondie babies are like that. I bet she'll be a true blonde.

  15. i don't know about checking births.

    in my state I do not think it is public? You can choose to put it in the newspaper but the hospital can't release it without your consent. I assume a midwife would be the same? Also who is to say the midwife wouldn't lie and put whatever date the Brown's wanted? Especially if they found themselves an AUB midwife.

    THIS whole debacle will be in the tell all book that one of the kids writes! :)

  16. Apple Pie for BreakfastOctober 28, 2011 at 7:49 PM

    I am a rural health family nurse practitioner. If I were to alter any charts, like forge a date for my benefit, there would be big trouble.
    Parents can decide if they want an announcement in the newspaper. You can decline.
    Baby's pictures are cute- looks alot like pictures of a cute little 2 week old.


    What about his little hand-isn't that peeling of a newborn?
    I don't think he's looks newborn except for that, and in one picture somewhere on her- her tummy is too low.
