Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sister Wives: New World of Possibilities

What would you say if your husband walked into a bdrm, said he heard angels singing, and imagined it to be YOUR sister wife's bedroom, not yours?


  1. I would say that he was an asshole but he knows her better than I do.

  2. if I were Meri and robyn, that would make me sick

  3. God took a rib and made Eve, not EVES. This is pure harassment and abuse for women.
    How on earth can they say this is good for women? How can bitterness bring you closer to god?

  4. Isn't that just too weird. Christine, it was great, I'm happy that Kody slammed Robyn once, but, it's all just TOO WEIRD. I love the show, I even like MOSt of the people, but when you really look at it, isn't it keeping women in the dark ages?

  5. I just can't imagine it. It's just totally odd to me. I don't CARE what they say, that has to hurt. WHY would a religion want women to hurt all the time?

  6. If you notice, they really didn't show the faces of Meri and Robyn when he said it. But it is disturbing, to say the least. I would have punched him in the mouth!
    It is a bit odd the guy wouldn't lease those houses to them considering they have a contract with TLC. i guess their credit is REALLY bad.

  7. Yes but there's no way of knowing how many seasons the show is going to last is there? maybe 2 more seasons I'd guess, and it doesn't really matter if their credit sucks including at least one bankruptcy...if you're a landlord, you want LONG TERM tenants (usually) with at least good credit. What happens if this next season is the last one? the Browns move out (or are evicted out) of four homes, which the owner now needs to clean, fix up, repaint etc etc and then put on the market which is to say the least not all that great in LV from what I've read. If I were a landlord and I had my choice between some reality show fly by nighters or a regular person with good credit and steady job(s), hell I know who I would pick...

  8. Anonymous, I understand what you are
    saying but who is not to say that TLC did not sign a contract for so many months or perhaps a year or more. With guaranteed money behind... what do they have to lose?

    It could be written in a contract that TLC is paying all rents for a period of two years or more.

  9. We don't know that though. Why would there be a problem if that were the case? if TLC *was* paying the rent directly to the landlord(s) then why would there even be credit issues? We really don't even know how much they are getting paid to begin with, the taxes, etc. come to think of it maybe that was a big reason for their move to Nevada as there is no state tax in that state...I haven't seen one published verification as to how much they are earning from TLC...all just suppositions...of course I could have missed it at some point...

  10. I had to come back to this one... if my husband said he heard angels, and then told me it was my other sister wife's room- that would be it for me. Who can put up with that abuse. I know Kody doesn't think of it as, or mean to be abusive, but realistically, the whole system stinks for women.
    It is so hard for me to comprehend they would put their faith into Joseph Smith instead of the lord. But can you imagine how hard it would be to leave your whole family? I think most are in a resigned depression

  11. He's just stupid with his sayings.... my favorite...navel to the spine.

  12. I don't have the sort of faith where one receives divine messages regarding bedroom assignments. So if it was a nice bedroom, I would tell him that's why he needs to wear hearing protection when he does yard work/hunts, because obviously he is having ringing in his ears.

    If I was truly in that situation, it would be like a silent slap each time one of those sort of things happened. Kind of like when you are the child that never gets the new clothes, but always the are provided for, but it is not as fun--especially if you have to go on shopping trips to get the older sister new clothes.

  13. "I don't have the sort of faith where one receives divine messages regarding bedroom assignments."

    bwahahahahahhah GREAT!

  14. Princess Layla - that is an excellent description of the wives' state- "resigned depression." If something continues for long enough, however bad, it just becomes something you learn to deal with - either that or you kill yourself, because there is no way out when your soul is at stake. What is more horrible, you find yourself defending the way of life in an attempt to win what you think is God's approval, with the hope that eventually there will come a time when you feel at peace about it. For me that time never came.

  15. And Praise God for that! We love you FreeAndClear!
