Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sister Wives: My World Is Upside Down

Janelle struggles with her new life in Las Vegas, leaving her career, and the changing dynamics within her family. What did you think of this segment?


  1. I bet Janelle gets the least amount of sex too.

  2. I know exactly how she feels. I felt the saem way when I quit my job and moved....and knew it was a mistake.

  3. I need to make a disclosure: ever since learning that Janelle was married to Meri's brother and her mother is married to Kody's father, I have never really felt the same about Janelle.

    Regardless, I feel sorry for Janelle. She had a lot of what seemed to be positives in Utah. These included a job which seemed to fulfill a need she has for identification outside her home. Her children were well cared for with close family members (however you identify this). She still seemed to have a close relationship with her children and be a caring mom. Plus she seems to really be the brain power behind this whole operation.

    She gave all that up for what ultimately proved to be a farce. There are no charges being filed, probably was never really a threat. She gave up her life for a tv show that needed to up the drama factor. I'm sure that the other alternative (remaining behind) was not really an alternative - both emotionally because she wouldn't want to give up her family and probably because they were then under contrat with TLC.

    Snark: Why is Robyn crying in this clip? It is not about her. Meri and Christine seem very sincere in their facial expressions and what Christine said to her. Kody though, has a WTH look initially, like he has never seen Janelle fall apart or is realizing "what will I do if the brain power has a nervous breakdown?"

  4. I respect (and relate to) Janelle the most. She works her butt off to keep that family afloat and now the financial problems are overwhelming. She's spoken before of how much of a toll it takes to be constantly juggling to get the bills paid, yet here they are in 4 houses and with no imminent income other than the TLC deal.

    I really hope the real estate careers pan out. Whatever it takes, Janelle needs stability and something outside of the home for her to feel normal. She really does deserve that at a minimum. She's taken on so much of the burden that it will break her back if she doesn't get some relief soon :(

  5. For this comment you really need a sad button! Of all the wives Janelle is the one that have given up everything!

  6. I agree . Janelle seems to be the smartest one and she needs to work outside the house -- she seems depressed and it's sad.
