Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sister Wives: Hunter Withdrawn "Sister Wives" S3E2

Poor Hunter! Hunter does not want to get involved in new activities in Las Vegas. He is fighting the change and doesn't want to try new things. Kody is trying to talk him into starting football and getting involved in new things. He just wants to hang out in his room and seems to be shutting down. The other older kids in the family have noticed it too. They want him to go back to being normal, but it doesn't seem to be happening so far.Makes me think of Terrasola's Aug. 6th - "THE BROWN FAMILY, Polygamists, Utah, and Depression"and grl2 who kept trying to tell us HUNTER! You go girl~
What do you think?


  1. Gosh,
    Dad's got some new girl pregnant, he's a teen that is not to date or think about girls, he got uprooted from his life, not for a job change, but cause dad had to make them front page news by suing Utah, which pissed of many of his friends parents, I'm sure. Oh, dad's got time to talk to him when a camera is there? I'd be an ass, too.

    Be a man, Kody, you've boo hooed enough last season. WE don't need two crybabies.

    Maybe Kody should realize what new wife, 3 kids, and a new one, is taking away from his kids...TIME. 10 day honeymoons, etc.

    I put all of this on Kody. Bad dad.

  2. Kody is a clueless ass. This makes me so mad! Believe it (or not) I try so hard to be objective about polygamy, but when I see what it does to the women and children, I just want to scream WHY ARE THE MEN SO DAMN BLIND???!!!

    Yeah, in that interview on GMA Kody said with pride how his kids come to HIM if they need to talk. It's obvious Kody was not available when Hunter needed him, and Kody is too damn stupid to understand the signals Hunter sent out when Kody originally told the teens of the move. Wasn't it Maddie who said Hunter was crying - and that he rarely cries? Where was Kody when Hunter needed him? Oh yeah, impregnating Robyn producing yet another human being he doesn't have time for. And now he looks into the camera all wild eyed and goofy looking saying "Hunter won't even let me talk to him". You're a day late and a nickel short, fool!

    Maybe this is a setup by the producers - manufactured drama. Who knows. We'll find out Sunday. But until then, Shame on you Kody!!

    I feel better now. I hope Hunter does, too.

  3. Haha! Vindication!

    I don't think this is a setup by the producers. I mean, this particular conversation might be, but Hunter's demeanor is not. He resents the changes going on around him and doesn't trust the adults making them, which is why he won't talk to them.

    If Robyn wanted al lthe kids to stay in their faith, she probably lost Hunter just by existing.

  4. I'm an Army brat and so are my kids. I've moved every two years for my entire life. He will adjust. It takes time. You have to remember - he is probably having culture shock. When I moved from Germany to Alabama, I had a huge problem with the different cultures. It took me a year to be accepted at school. I was miserable that year, but two local girls used to walk to school the same time as me. We started talking and they are friends of mine to this day. Just give Hunter his space. Pressuring him is only going to make it worse. He will be fine in a few months or maybe even a year.

  5. Wow, I cannot think of anything worse than being a teenager & having my (very normal & understandable) emotional difficulties played out on TV. Hunter seems pretty introverted and private. Can you imagine how going to school know this is available to anyone/everyone?

    This should have been dealt with privately. Even if Kody & the Kodettes have sold their souls to TLC, they still have enough control over content to not offer up every aspect of their children's lives. I think this is going on the top of my list of why these people suck as parents.

  6. I'm a military brat myself, Lizzie, and I respectfully disagree with you that the kid will adjust. For those of us brought up that way, we KNEW from the first box we unpacked that the house/school/friends were temporary. My dad retired when I was a freshman in high school and moved to a small town. (Culture shock!) ALL of the kids I graduated with had been in school together ever since nap time was required and I honestly think that had they had to move in high school, there would have been some suicides. It's a different mindset...

    Schools with high numbers of military brats have many outgoing kids. I HATE public speaking, I HATE waiting to see if someone new "approves" of me, yet because of the way I was brought up, I DO "make friends" easily. It's a life skill, but it's not something I'm all that comfortable with.

    Teenage years would be the worst, ESPECIALLY when you are given three days and can't tell any of your friends you are moving. We ALWAYS knew EXACTLY when we were moving, and friends were told, as well. We had time to exchange addresses (pre-internet), phone numbers, get one last play date, etc. What happened to these kids was traumatic, moreso on the ones with a real social network and FRIENDS.

    Was it Miriah who was on a committee for a high school dance, after her wonderful father pushed her into public school, and not only was she missing the dance, she was leaving a friend holding the bag? Kody's lucky they don't shoot him on sight!

    (Just my opinion, after all, I'm not familiar with their lifestyle, just remember mine...)

  7. Kody is a ass. There is simply no way that he is available for the emotional needs of his children, unless of course there a camera available. What bothers me the most right now is that this exchange was captured on camera in what is an obvious set up. This was not a spur of the moment exchange between a father and son that happened to be captured......

    Shame on Janelle for allowing this to happen. Seriously. I work with adoloscents that have emotional and behavioral disorders - I am not in any way implying that Hunter does. What I see is a young man who appears to be struggling with sudden change in his family on all fronts - physically, dynamically, emotionally, etc. If this young man is struggling, conversations like this should not be broadcast for all the world to see. Does Kody and Janelle really believe that putting this out on tv where his new peers can see it will make it easier for him? Do they really think that Hunter can't process the fact that his problems aren't important enough to be deserving of private time and conversation?

    Ugh,I really tried to be open minded about this family, but the more I see them and the more I read about them, the more I believe they are not any better than those nutso compound polygymists.

  8. Hey, I was an Air Force brat! Great comments, everyone!

  9. I think Hunter looks suicidal.

  10. Anonymous, I totally agree with you. Someone should be keeping a very close eye on Hunter. I hope the show's producers are picking up that something is wrong with this boy. Kody needs to clean himself up. He needs a good haircut as well.

  11. Maybe the BROWN NEWS was right, just had the name mixed up? Maybe Janelle was thinking of moving home for Hunter, not Logan.
    And played out on TV, shame on you entire family. THAT could hurt him more than the move? I would think.

  12. All kids go through Drama. Anyone that's had a teen knows there are times like this. But to have it played out on TV, that would kill my kids. embarrass them to death.

  13. I am very concerned about Hunter. I don't think he wants any part of being on camera and he is very sad. Kody is a pompass ass and he is all about Robin.

  14. I pray they have enough sense to have NOT shown this if things hadn't gotten better. If he were still this depressed, surely they wouldn't allow this to air.

  15. This sucks for Hunter. It probably doesn't make it any easier for him knowing that his family is going to be on TV and they are a little different. The majority of the kids at his school haven't experienced anything like that, and I'm sure it makes him feel awkward and different. I know if I were in that type of situation I would want to try and make friends and be normal. Like what the hell Mom's and Dad. lol

  16. I would say Hunter is not the only one that is having problems.

  17. My heart really felt Hunters pain. As a Mom of a teenager who is also into Football, I can completely understand where this kid is coming from. Kids like Hunter and my own son have a strong devotion to not only those closest to them but to their teamates and friends. Uprooting them and changing their lives so quickly is a serious infraction to their center core of morals. Just from the show I felt Janelle his Mom understands this but his Dad is clueless because he is a metrosexual, flamboyant type of personality whose former school mates, friends and wives readily admit needs the spotlight. Hunter on the other hand works as a team player and he seems to feel his team has fallen apart with the addition of the new location, new wife and her emotionally hyper children. He may feel he has let down his peers, close family members and is not being able to cope with that feeling. I really hope they lay off of Hunter and allow him time to adjust on his own terms.

  18. LOL I go to school with these kids..
