Friday, September 30, 2011

Sister Wives: Dating Guidelines

New Videos to talk about!
Kody and the wives establish dating guidelines for the kids. Rules and expectations are firmly set in place.


  1. I can't believe he jumped from a sex! Bam!
    I am sure the moms have already discussed this- Those older ones have had to go out some. Do you think he's trying to throw restrictions but hasn't thought out how to say it?
    Seems that way to me.

  2. What in the ___? Kody. Sex before marriage UNWISE? And you call yourself a fundamentalist. The early brethren would be ashamed of you.

  3. Yea, Kody is one to give "dating advice" [Remember in Season 1 where he kissed Robyn at her house when Christine was in labor with Truly?]

  4. I thought that their religion only allowed them to date for the pretense of marriage?

  5. It's ridiculous to give a big group of kids, all different ages, the same rules. What a waste of breath, I am sure the kids are, yeah dad, yeah....except for LOGAN who will take it to heart and remind the others, since he is the second dad.

  6. Why do all these teen girls have bulging tummies?

  7. I have to say - in some ways it's somewhat modern of Kody to say what he did. Christians are expected to be virgins at marriage if we follow God's rules, but as sinners, we all break them daily.
    You can't expect all these kids to perfect. But, Kody was so vague, it really came out terrible. Ok kids, no sex until you've graduated! Really should of been several conversations about love, commitment, birth control, etc.
    this was just thrown together for us.
    BUT, since they are here to show us what the AUB is like, um, bad taste. Elizabeth is right, too - These kids have watched their father LUST after another woman, and make a baby. How strange is that? The original recipe parents they were used to, this one, nope.

  8. I don't know...Logan's comment to Robyn "Oooh, you've told us" didn't sound like a "second dad" to me.

    That being said, he probably takes the advice seriously and is just tired of it by now---as we all are too.

  9. Kody to Boys:
    Don't date, don't hang with girls in a normal fashion. Know nothing about them. Then, when your 18, marry the first AUB girl you see, and do as you wish. Don't like her? Don't worry, you can get a new wife, when the feeling "calls upon" you..... and ignore the one you don't like.

    GIRLS - Get rid of them rolls, cause when your 18 and know nothing about men, marry the first AUB guy that doesn't look like a horse, and has no other wives, so you can always be #1 wife. Good for legal stuff. Get ready to be miserable when he tires of you and marries #2-7.

  10. OMG, Annony, your terrible, but probably correct!
    I wish Logan would cut that hair.
    Are we all hippies now?

  11. This should be worth some laughs!!
    Nothing like lumping all the kids together. Like they are cookie cutter kids - all the same thinking, personalities, etc., for a sex talk. Wouldn't this better be a more personal talk? Oh yes, Kody doesn't have time for one on one fathering.

    Seriously, does this guy even think through what he is going to say?
    They know when it's tape time, they know the general ideas. Yet Kody fascinates me with his lack of preperation.
    I bet his home church is very proud.

  12. This should be worth some laughs!!
    Nothing like lumping all the kids together. Like they are cookie cutter kids - all the same thinking, personalities, etc., for a sex talk. Wouldn't this better be a more personal talk? Oh yes, Kody doesn't have time for one on one fathering.

    Seriously, does this guy even think through what he is going to say?
    They know when it's tape time, they know the general ideas. Yet Kody fascinates me with his lack of preperation.
    I bet his home church is very proud.
