Friday, September 23, 2011

Sister Wives: Co-ed Pool Party VIDEO

What do you all think? I'll keep my mouth shut this time!


  1. Gosh, I've had that many kids on any given day.

    What's the big deal with Logan swimming with the girls? Not that big of a party. Throw a couple of token parents in.
    What a dumb question, "What do you think of it being mixed" - boy that was a set up.

    I agree, it's been said before. ALL this fuss for virginity and purity, just to have Mommies that say things like Robyn does, to marrying the first boy and quickly. I might add, before you get to know them.

    Girls, your to young to have muffins. Covering up with black shirts? Starting to remind me of FLDS.

  2. The only thing more disgusting than a man too lazy to provide for his family is a man whose "job" is exploiting his own kids.

    What kind of parent would expose their kids to this?

  3. I just don't see what the big deal is, do you all?
    There weren't a BUNCH of extra kids there, maybe 4 or 5. Parents stopping by. Sad, that's a special to these kids, daily life for the rest of us.

  4. Wonder what the rest will be, I hope better than this!

  5. Muffins? Those girls look like maybe there's some BUNS going on! WOW!

    Logan surround by a harem and Kody thinks that's shocking? Huh?

  6. Really. I am not being mean, but realistic. Somethings wrong when any kid is overweight in high school. And they all are chunky. It might be because they didn't get your average school stuff, gym, volleyball, cheerleading, etc. that gives you exercise

  7. I think more of it is what they eat, since kids usually have a much higher metabolism rate than adults. Too much "convenience food" going on for the girls, for sure. Just sayin'...

  8. Why haven't they had their friends from school over before now? If they want social, it seems odd they haven't visited before.

  9. Kody concerned about the word "harem?" Kody concerned about his son being around a few girls? There's a weird disconnect here! And this whole thing look really contrived on the Browns part. Kids of that age don't usually need their parents to stage manage their friendships.

  10. I agree FreeAndClear, it wouldn't have taken till summer to have some kids over.
    Staged for the show. The Browns have said they know what days they are taping and things are planned, this is not a reality show- it's a set show, about like The Real Housewives or all the others.
