Good Morning America Sofia Vergara; Mick Jagger; Kody Brown; Daphne Oz. (N) 7 a.m.
Somebody catch and write for us! Cynical or T, are you around?Let's hope someone gets it! catch and write for us! Cynical or T, are you around?Let's hope someone gets it!
This is what was on the GMA site:
Kody Brown and His Four 'Sister Wives' Return to TV
(Slideshow of pictures)
Nice to see the original three without Robyn whatever the reason. They seem to to have all gained lots of weight though.
ReplyDeleteYes Mister Sister, I heard your cry! I did get a chance to watch the interview (it's available on the GMA website) earlier this morning. Well, I had every intention of tuning down my snark meter, but, goodness gracious, Kody needs a stylist and a haircut.
ReplyDeleteThe Browns were interviewed by George Stepanopoulous (sp?). There was actually not a lot said that we didn't already know - George S. specifically asked Janelle about the lawsuit, and Janelle respectfully declined to answer as advised by their attorney, Jonathan Turley. Janelle and Christine did briefly discussed they were afraid of their families being broken up, with Christine repeating the story what happened to her grandfather and his wives.
Now, the part I found interesting was the following - I tried to transcribe this exactly as I heard it:
George S. (to Kody): How do you keep up your responsibilities to every single child.How can you be a dad to so many kids?
Kody: I think you grow into it. Its like any new father who's having a first child or second child who's going to wonder can I deal with this can I be a good enough father for this child. I think you develop a capacity for it. I feel connected to all my children. I feel like I'm involved in their children when they want to talk about something specific seek me out. and you know we've had a lot of interesting discussions this week cuz I have two boys who two oldest sons are discussing whether they want to be in athletics anymore...or whether they want to pursue other things and they are like, hey, let's do will be the only year the only time we'll ever be able to be in high school athletics I've got a freshman son and a senior son both who want to wrestle on the same wrestling team...
George S: Are they going to do that?
Kody: You know I think they are going to, but that was a big discussion so I'm involved there.
(sound of crickets chirping...)
I found it interesting that Kody had such a problem expressing how he is a dad to 16 (soon to be 17) children - so what has been doing for 16 years? Talking about wrestling? No wonder Garrison's having problems.
If anything, the above conversation is probably a good representation of what we are going to see in season 3. I can't wait!!
Your thoughts?
I will, in a rush right now, love to all!
ReplyDeleteIt's Hunter who's having problems.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, I love how Kody *thinks* they're going to do it. I thought he was there for the conversation.
i just happened to catch it and meh - i agree - nothing new. it definitely was nice not to hear Robyn answering every question or adding on to one that someone was able to beat her to first.
ReplyDeletei also agree that they all had gained more weight - meri being the most. must be anti-depressants. Christine seemed to be her usual chipper self but the other two definitely seemed to be down and just looked unhappy in their countenance. it's the first time i couldn't see the natural beauty in Janelle. her eyes aren't right. they all 3 acted excited about the upcoming baby's arrival but who really knows for sure what's gone on behind the scenes the last few months.
it's sad that they're all under the delusion that kody's doing the humanly impossible of working full-time and having more than enough time and physical/emotional energy to divide himself amongst 4 wives and 16 kids and it's all just peachy keen. i'm sure the kids who choose NOT to go into polygamy up the road will be sure to tell him how they hungered for some one-on-one time and attention with dad and wasn't going to do that to their kids.
i just want to go cut samson's hair while he's sleeping.
My Thoughts:
ReplyDelete1. Remember Randy Quaid playing the idiot who was a genius at bowling in Kingpin? that's what Kody is looking like. One more bowl and he'll have the haircut down.
2. Christine - (About Robyn) We're happy, SLAM, not that she's back there, about the baby BAM!
3. Kody "We deal with everything things that and go WHOA, that happened in our life" I keep waiting for him to be sitting on the floor cross legged with a tie dyed shirt on smoking off a bong.
4. Cynical hit the Dad thing, what a dumbass statement haha My 23 yr old son who's a father could do better than that.
5.Was that a clip of him preaching?
6. I LOVE it when George says Compound, LOVE it!
BEST PART!!!! And Georgie is a genius, one has to wonder.....
You know, in general, If a woman is working, she keeps up her appearance more than if she's at home. IN GENERAL. I know since I've been a home mom I've gained a few, because I just am too dang relaxed about how I look.
Now, If I were going on TV- you bet your bottom dollar that me and most of the women i know would be on slimfast quick.
After SEEING yourself on camera, most women lose weight.
These ladies are gaining like crazy. To me, it saddens me because it make me think these are 3 very unhappy ladies. And please ladies, learn, if you gain weight, wear looser clothing, don't add to the muffins with tight tops. But, it really bothers me that that is a message of how hard this Robyn deal is on them. Esp Meri and Janelle.
Also, Kody's face and skin seemed weird, like he'd just had botox or something.
ReplyDeleteI saw it, and thought blaw. I come here and read you all comments, and I laugh and it makes my day! They should pay you!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are so funny! It seems they would have a cue by now as to who should talk, there's always two starting to answer, and one wins out.
ReplyDeleteI give this series 2 - 3 more seasons, tops. The women are stressed out to the max. Check out their body language - and their weight.
ReplyDeleteWhy no Spanx over their magic underwear? After all, Spanx ARE magic underwear! lol
ReplyDeleteYou KNOW that Kody is not mowing four yards, probably just Robyn's unless he gets one of the other mothers' boys to do it. Not sure how that division of labor goes, but I'm reasonably sure it ain't daddy time! That sunglasses tan line is from hanging out at the pool, NOT doing yard work, washing the cars, etc.
Was nice to not have Robyn jumping in and contradicting answers.
Hi Pretty in Pink!!!
ReplyDeleteSnowflake, that is hysterical! Spanx! Maybe the church will come out with a version of them!
cc- I read, but didn't get Sampson's hair till now, bwaaaaa good one!
Kody always look uncomfortable in the spotlite like that.
ReplyDeleteAs much as Kody likes to talk, having that camra live bothers him to no end. He can't edit.
ReplyDeleteBoy that Christine knows how to turn it on. i would of never thought that of her until I saw the AUB videos.
ReplyDeleteI don't know that spanx is gonna help that crew. Throwing RO BUN out on her ass, now that would do it.
ReplyDeleteI hate their anti christian rhetoric
...trying to give important, i do not believe their words