Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Back to School with the Brown Family "Sister Wives"

Janelle is Kody Brown's second wife. They have been married since 1993 and have six children: Logan, Madison, Hunter, Garrison, Gabriel, and Savanah.Their lives in a plural family are featured in TLC’s popular program Sister Wives.
The kids have started school again.  Fall in Las Vegas seems a little foreign to our family.  It was still over 100 degrees on the first day of school and my kids have opted to dress, not so much in their newest school clothes, but in clothes that will keep them cool.
This will be the last year my Logan has his “first day of school.”  He will graduate this spring and is already planning out which colleges to apply to and making note of their application and scholarship guidelines.   I wonder how it will be to have one go away to college.  Each summer I have a small taste of an empty nest as my children make their annual pilgrimage to the family ranch to work for the summer.  I am so melancholy those first few weeks as I adjust to the silence in the house.  Now, with Logan close to leaving and spreading his wings, I feel the time coming soon when the house will become quieter on long term basis.   I try to remember though, the great thing about my family, is even though my older children begin to leave the nest, there are younger children in the family besides my two who will help fill the void I am anticipating.  The birth of Robyn’s baby this fall is kind of a manifestation to me - that for people who have made their life’s work their family , we will still have work to do for many years – both parenting our young adults out in the world and our newest little ones.

(Source: Janelle and Kody Brown. Image credit: DCL Story TLC)


  1. Eh, a little better than the others. Janelle has a point. It's hard to see that last year start. But, will Robyn's kids really be all of theirs? We'll see!

  2. Seriously, does TLC suck at these or what?


    Sneak peek at Robyn and Kody telling everyone about the new baby.

  4. thanks, anon. and what a surprise - a robyn pity party. geez - it's sad because that family really was happy and things really were working well for them. it's definitely off the track w/robyn and co.

    it's at least encouraging to see that the kids really are allowed to be true to their feelings and not be forced to act happy about it to Robyn or their parents. but it's painful to watch. it's obvious they're still blaming her for their move there and now she expects them to rejoice in her pregnancy and they're rebelling in the only way they can - just silence and ignore her.

    also, they've never bonded with her or her kids in the past cause they've never lived in the same house with her. even tho they're all in separate houses now, they at least have that shared close-knit history with everyone else but her and her kids.

    it's always been doomed from the start. the wives and kids all knew it for sure when the 2 week honeymoon happened and they didn't understand that at all. nor agree with it at all.

    there's really no winners here. not even robyn.

  5. Hmmm...the three original moms were all moms together, all were wives before the babies started popping out. NONE raised their kids as single moms but as sisters. Robyn, on the other hand, was a singular wife with her first three kids. Pretty sure she won't be as keen on sharing her bounty with the others. Nope, especially with them all being in separate houses.

    I can't imagine teenagers in a traditional marriage being all that thrilled that parents were expecting again. It's embarrassing to admit your parents have sex as OLD PEOPLE! lol

    Yeah, wonder how THAT goes over in high school, with it all being televised - "Dang, Logan, your dad is a HORN DOG!"

  6. Horn Dog! Doggy's getting old. What will he be when this one graduates? 61?

    Got it in a post now- your comments are great, hope you post them up there, too!!
