Saturday, August 27, 2011

Polygamists Cemetery - why are so many babies dying?

Why are the children of polygamists so accident prone? And why has the county never ordered a single autopsy? Why did this community have pre-signed death certificates available for years?

This is the Babyland Cemetery in Hildale, Utah. These are the graves of babies, so many born with birth defects and genetic disorders from the interbreeding of the FLDS flock, that they require an entirely separate cemetery for them, apart from the regular cemetery up there in Hildale's sister city, Colorado City. There are so many of them that some remain unmarked, forever.You will notice that there is no money provided for the mothers to put stones up for their children's graves. Instead, the only memorial is the little tin or brass temporary tag provided by the mortuary for the grave. Once time and weather have worn it down or blown it away, all that is left is the little mound over the burial, that no one ever bothered to smooth over or plant grass upon.
This is also completely separate from where they have buried most of the still births and babies who die shortly after birth, since Warren Jeffs took power. He declared that babies born dead were born without souls, and therefore did not need to be buried in consecrated ground. Many of those babies used to be buried, like dogs, with their afterbirths shoved into black garbage bags, in the back yard of the publicly funded health clinic on the Hildale, Utah side of the city. This is a "Public Health Clinic", funded by the state of Utah, that no one is allowed into for treatment, unless they are members of the FLDS. Check out the security gate in front of this "public health clinic," which receives taxpayer money, stretched right across a county maintained road, also taxpayer funded.
Also of note is that there has not been one reported case, nor any prosecution, of domestic violence in this community for decades. Apparently, defying human nature, these people can have homes where six, seven or eight women who share a "husband" to whom they are completely subservient, along with literally dozens of children, and yet nobody has ever lost their cool. Really? No one? Ever?
Or perhaps you buy that in a community of less than six thousand people that over a dozen toddlers have been "accidentally" killed by being run over by cars in their streets. Never mind that in a major city like San Antonio, Dallas or Houston, a toddler being accidentally run over by a car is always major news in the community. In this community it's a regular occurrence. Even more interesting is that in the state of Arizona, being run over by a car is considered a "traffic accident" so not a single one of these children's bodies was ever even glanced at by the county corner's office. The community was given stacks of pre-signed death certificates to fill out, however they wished, for years.
So if you want to shake your baby too hard, or hit them too hard, you could just run them over with the family car and no one would ever ask a thing about it, I suppose.
Do yourself a favor and check with your local police department to see how many children have been accidentally run over in the streets of your community in the last 20 years. I'll just bet that the little town of Colorado City, with less than six thousand people in it [at its peak population], has run over more of them.
Oh, and while you're checking on that, you might also want to check on the local food stamp statistics...because in the two polygamist cities of Colorado City and Centennial Park in Mohave County, Arizona, the cost of food stamps sometimes totals more than $180 grand a month. They pay big bucks there for the FLDS people's "freedom of religion." At its peak, fully 76% of the population was on food assistance.

That means either they are working the system and lying to get those benefits, or all the anti-polygamy activists are correct; polygamy forces women and children into gross poverty. Pick one.

These are pictures of the junk yard cemetery, where they were looking for removed graves.
ALL Work, Data, Pictures, extensive research donated by K. DEE IGNATIN

And we thank her for sharing on this  site!!


  1. if you click on the cemetery information, it will come up large. thanks to k Dee for sharing her extensive work!!

  2. You mean they have so many baby deaths, they have their own death certificate system? So much to learn. I feel so horribly bad for these men and women that don't know any better. don't you think they want them to stay uneducated so they won't learn the difference?

  3. These Statistics are utterly shocking. k.Dee, what do you plan to do with them? What effect, if any will it have. It makes my heart hurt to think that these folks are inbreeding so bad to have all these babies, and then throw them in the back like trash.
    Cars can run over children and not even a traffic write up? my god, like so many women have said, if that is the way to heaven, I'd rather go to hell.
    I am saying a prayer to all the men, women, and children stuck in that life, GET OUT NOW!
    In the name of the Lord, someone will be there to help you. PLEASE save yourself and your children.

    K. DEE IGNATIN , I don't know if your in a paid job or do this on your own, but god bless you for the work you do, and thank you for sharing with so many of us from the mid east that have never heard of such a thing.

  4. In Arizona, are the Politians and Social workers FLDS, too? What's going on there?
    Or are teh LDs and turning their head again?
    This is terrible, I can't imagine something like this is Illinois, MO, or really, anywhere! Learning quite abit about the old West.

  5. k.Dee, you words have moved me. I swear, i have to go and pray for these people, and the officials that allow it to go on my allowing these fake marriages. God bless you for bringing this to light to a number of us that really no little about it.

  6. K Dee doesn'r receive a penny for what she does; she runs on passion. This is a passion to expose the problems caused by polygamy in the hope that our law enforcement will listen and that our lawgivers will not be beguiled by voices that advocate decriminalization or legalization of this socially and morally reprehensible practice. As for car accidents with little children, I have seen tots in diapers wandering the streets of other polygamist communities (AUB). The fact is that many women are on overload with so many children they do not watch them as a responsible parent would.

  7. Thanks for the kind words guys. I've had all this stuff for years. The AG's of both Utah and Arizona have had all of it for years. You can hand them this stuff and they will crinkle their brow, look very concerned and say, "Oh my goodness. This doesn't look good. We will definitely look in to this...." Then they trash it and take FLDS money under the table, and give their companies government contracts to build their state's roads.

    I've seen the Mohave County Sheriff on TV lie through his teeth and claim to have investigated the baby's deaths. There never was any investigation. After activists threw fits he simply made them put up new tin markers so it didn't look quite so bad to have all those unmarked graves. They mix and match them. The cemeteries have been documented twice. Either they dug everyone up and moved them around or they ran around mixing up the markers, lol.

    Look at the 3 year-old who died "from drinking pure hydrogen peroxide out of the family refrigerator." I couldn't get my 3-year-old to take a teaspoon of grape flavored Dimatap,but apparently this toddler chug-a-lugged hydrogen peroxide, while it foamed up his mouth and throat? Really? A baby died from falling out of his high chair?

    These women have to bury their babies in this horrible place and they only get 3 days to grieve. "You can have another one!" There is no money for a headstone? Have you seen some of the cars and trucks the FLDS men drive, what they pay in legal fees for Warren Jeffs or what they have spent building up the YFZ Ranch in Texas?

    Thanks for listening, guys. I appreciate it. This has been very frustrating for years. No one out their cares. It's like Stephen King novel.

    Please join the AAAP's mailing list at if you want to receive our newsletter. Nobody is paid. We do this because we care about women's freedom, and if this is decriminalized, our great granddaughters can look forward to a future just like this.

  8. How many times have you seen someone write, or heard someone say, "Leave them alone; they aren't hurting anyone. Everyone has the right to do what they want in the privacy of their own home."

    The next time you see or hear that, point them to this post.

  9. I KNEW IT! Political money. That's what talks.
    Always is.

    PLEASE allow us to post anything that you write that will help us learn, you are an excellent writer, and put it in such a way we all understand!

    k.Dee, this is off track, but this was put on another post of "Principle Voices" could you or FreeAndClear - clear this up for me? I am confused.

    Anonymous said...

    The Safety Net is not run by polygamists. The Family Support Center manages the Safety Net. It is run by a coordinator and is funded by a grant through the state legislature. The meetings are public meetings so anyone can attend. Representatives of different agencies attend, including DCFS, and non-profit organizations. Yes, several polygamous communities have representatives who attend the public meetings. Anyone can watch the meetings online and anyone can participate in the activities.
    August 28, 2011 1:12 AM

    I thought The P people ran it???

  10. If I lived in your area, or if I can do anything for you here on the computer, just let me know, I'd be happy to help.

  11. Boots, are they "killing" the children with deformities and illnesses?

    1. The inbreeding has gotten so bad that many are just born dead.

    2. K. Dee Ignatin is investigating these deaths, some are under alleged mysterious circumstances, and is going to write more posts about it. Here's one:

    3. So how many total baby graves are there? Are they on the list posted here?

    4. I am not sure, I will check with K. Dee, however, the ones that were reported on above in the listings- just click and they will openup.

    5. The list is the list. There are more now, because that list was completed before 2005. But honestly we will never know how many have really died, because many of them were never buried there at all.

  12. Are you saying, they don't have to report it, have the child looked at - at all? And can type up their own forms?
    I hope those politicians enjoy the money they take-they will be going to hell! Outstanding article.

  13. "since Warren Jeffs took power. He declared that babies born dead were born without souls, and therefore did not need to be buried in consecrated ground."
    Does that sound like a man so lacking a soul himself, money means more than a little grave? It's frightening that families follow him.

  14. Hello all, I am sending out a very important newsletter for the AAAP late tonight, so it will be in everyone's email box first thing tomorrow morning.

    We have a major development around the corner, just next month. Those of us in the anti-polygamy biz are calling it "the arrival of Goliath."

    This development is so huge that unless we do something to turn the tide,now, September of 2011 may just be known to future generations of American girls as the month our country turned to decriminalizing polygamy.

    If polygamy is decriminalized in America, our great grand daughters will look back at our lives as "the golden age of women's rights" in this country, just as the women of Iran look back on the 1970's that way, before the fall of the Shaw, after which they were all thrown back behind the veil and into the burka, and polygamy. Have you seen pictures of women from Iran in the 1970's going to university, becoming doctors and lawyers, wearing skirts and makeup, having their hair dressed and wearing western clothing? Have you seen them today?

  15. Crazy Cookie:

    I am saying that when i discovered how many children had died being "accidentally run over" I called the Arizona Department of Health and Human Services, to ask what the autopsy results on all these toddlers had been. I was told, since it was a "non-traffic accident" no autopsy was performed. Zero. The County Coroner never went up there to look at one single body. The town doctor [FLDS] signed the death certificate, which was pre-signed by the county coroner. The town police [FLDS] signed off on the accident reports. that was it. End of trail. End of story.

  16. Mister Sister: Buster Johnson has a video of one FLDS girl who worked in one of their birthing clinics making just such a statement. The interviewer asked her what happened to the severely deformed babies and she shrugged and said, "Well, they just let it die."

  17. This is abhorrent and revolting. Whatever we can do, let us know. I knowticed many didn't even have a reason for their death. Tragic.

  18. Unbelieveable. Women and children mean absolutly nothing to them. I can't fixate or comprehend why they would even want polygamy. it's like a game.
    DON'T tell me they are going to legalize polygamy?

  19. I think the women and children mean a great deal to them, just not in the sense we are used to thinking of human beings being important.

    The women are absolutely necessary, as a means for the man's exaltation in Heaven. Without the three women the man believes he cannot obtain godhood. Without the children he believes there will be no one to populate his planet.

    It's quite ironic in a way. Slave owners needed their slaves to produce a product on the plantation. Fundamentalist Mormon men need them to get what they want in the afterlife.

    If they can convince the women, from childhood, that their entire afterlife will be spent in a burning Hell unless they subject themselves, here, to the abuse of polygamy, they're home free. They get sex with multiple partners, have the taxpayers pay for their children's food and medical care and get to be a god with their own planet in the afterlife, where they'll get to keep doing it all for eternity.

    Great gig if you can get it, huh?

  20. Which group is this cemetery from, Boots?

  21. This is the FLDS "Babyland" Cemetery in Hildale, Utah. The combined cemetery list is the Isaac Carling Cemetery on the Colorado City side, with the babyland cemetery being on Hildale, Utah side of the street.

    You will notice that children make up more than 50% of the bodies buried by the FLDS. I've never seen a cemetery like it anywhere, and I grew up playing in cemeteries, because I was raised by Southerners, who are probably only 2nd in ancestor worship to the Chinese.

  22. And I am a serious genealogist and I have NEVER seen more than one, two babies in a Cemetery. Unreal.

  23. I have seen more but there is always an explanation, like a flu or pox epidemic. I stopped at a small one near my hometown when I got back to Texas, after leaving the Mohave County area. I love cemeteries and find them great places to reflect on life. I stepped in to the slave portion of the cemetery and marveled at the tiny but very beautiful granite markers on the graves of a few infants and small children; obviously paid for by the owners of the plantations where they lived. I sat down and cried that slave owners had more mercy on women they owned when they lost children, than Warren Jeffs did for the women of the FLDS. Little moments like that keep me going in this fight.

  24. Dear Boots,
    This is amazing!
    Please write more for us.

  25. I was looking high and low for my 4th great grandfather tombstone, from the 1800's/ I didn't think I would find it. then , out in a field, was a new little stone, with their names. One of my
    "cousins" thought more of a family that died over 100 yrs ago, than these guys. you'd think the mothers could at least make a wooden plaque. They may not be allowed to.
    and a baby having no soul?
    Good lord, have mercy on his soul.

  26. How sad. God have mercy on them!

  27. This is insane. I do genealogy, too. the FEW baby ones I have seen, tend to be the biggest. I need to run all off this off and study it. you don't see this stuff in KY.

  28. Flu/ran over??? Well, what killed the baby, the flu or getting ran over?
    Lots of 17 yr old boys drown.
    This is shameful.
    How many times can the same family have a shocking death?
    All they will do is to get smarter and smarter about hiding the births, so when they die, no need for records.
    The GOVERNMENT is as fault as anyone!
    I suggest everyone put this link on their facebook and get the word out.
    Make you sick.
    Thank you, maybe you can teach us some more, once I get over this.
    oh, and what does bby gy mean? so many child deaths, yet they don't even have an explanation in the box.

  29. My oh my, I've got to print this out and go over it.

  30. You would think that they would look into a drowning because they don't believe in swimming right? So how did all the 17 year old boys drown? Sadly I probably could guess. This makes me sick!

  31. That's true, they don't swim much, forgot about that. It makes you pray, doesn't it?

  32. Man, this is disturbing. Is there any more to this story, I am interested. Maybe a part 2?

  33. I wish I lived where I could help.

  34. My God, how sad. How Terrible. Brings you to your knees to pray.

  35. I keep coming back to this one, and looking a little more each time. What can we do?


    Add your name to our mailing list. Let us know you care and want to help. We send out a newsletter and let supporters know how they can make a difference. Adding your voice to the movement to educate America on the human rights abuse of polygamy does help.

    G-d Bless,


  37. Very interesting. I certainly had no idea this type of thing went on. The Law knows it, obviously the don't care either. God will punish for this, I would think.

  38. It's horrible. I am glad that the the Brown's are not FLDS! There is no such thing for AUB, right?

    1. I've never heard of them having large baby cemeteries. They probably DO have a somewhat higher incidence of birth defects or pregnancy loss than the rest of us because of their inbreeding (not as much as FLDS but two Darger wives are sisters and 1 is a KBF, a couple wives are cousins or something.)

  39. I don't know. I've never checked. I would certainly hope that the AUB hasn't stooped to this level of abuse. As far as I know, they just dupe the taxpayers like other polygamists groups and restrict the freedom and equality of women and children by indoctrinating them to accept the abuse of polygamy.

  40. Did you notice all the Barrlows and Jessops on the list?? More than any other names.

  41. I am so interested. I would love to go with you!LOL To bad I am on the other side of the USA

  42. Fascinating work. if I win the lottery - I would love to do work to help this group K. Dee works with.

  43. This is a scary read. I'm from the midwest and can not imagine this not being investigated.

  44. They claim it has been investigated. They're lying, of course, but that's what they claim. When I confronted the Mohave County supervisor who represented that area about these deaths in 2005, he told me "More children die there, because they have more children." Somebody try to sell me on the fact that the twin towns of Hildale and Colorado City, with a combined population of maybe 6,000-7,000 people has more children than the entire state of Connecticut, with a population of over 3 million! Yeah, right.

  45. Has any thing changed there since Jeffs went to prison? Are the new groups simply continuing the old practices? Do any of them care? These women must have feelings for their dead babies. It's so hard to believe that a woman can put religion before a child they've borne. But then look at mothers who turn on Gay children. All of it is so much against nature, and against any god who could have ever existed. And all for men to get a planet of their own to destroy. I've read that the mid-wife there in Hildale would simply take dead or dying babies out in back of the clinic and bury them--alive or dead. It will take other women to stop this, if it is true. Maybe forcing officials to exhume bodies in both the Babylands and behind the clinic. This has nothing to do with religious freedom, but the sanctity of life.

  46. I will ask K Dee and get back to you.

  47. In my opinion, nothing has changed. The fact that there was a stop put to any sexual activity at all in the communities for over a year means there were no children being born. Now that Jeffs' has allegedly ordered every woman and girl in puberty to become pregnant as quickly as possible, some of this will resume. What you heard was right, many babies were buried like dogs in back yards, because, well, funerals cost money you know. Jeffs declared all babies who were stillborn to have been "born without souls and it was not necessary to bury them in sanctified ground." I have personally talked to a mother who had a complete breakdown after the stillbirth of her son, and the midwife did indeed put him into a trash bag, along with the afterbirth and wanted to dispose of him in the back yard. This victim's pleading and tears finally got her the ok to bury him in the cemetery. I can guarantee you they are now trafficking the underage girls to other compounds for their upcoming impregnations. But leaving that aside, do many of you have any concept of how many boy children in the FLDS are sodomized? I spoke to foster families here in Texas who kept many of the children and they said virtually every boy they had temporary custody of had damaged rectums. The FLDS is a pedophile cult, which is incredibly common in every polygamous society. In my humble opinion once you have degraded the women of a society, the children become degraded as well. Mohammed approved the rape of girls as young as nine and approved the "thighing" and sodomizing of infants. Slavery is slavery, all over.

    1. That is so enlighteneing, Boots. I hope you put this on the discussion page that is newest in some way so others will see more of it.

  48. Thanks, Boots. I guess I wanted to hear they were being beaten back, that America really did care about the children living much like girls in the Thai brothels. While this is a sick bunch of human beings, what can we call the society that surrounds and protects them? Is anyone opposing them in Utah, Arizona, Texas, Mexico?

  49. I came across this web page quite by accident... its very eye-opening. I now wonder about how these sects maintain their polygamy over generations. I suspect that a lot of "accidental" infant deaths would be boys, so that the men in power can accumulate wives with minimum future competitors.

    And what of the boys who survive infancy? What if they end up being too sympathetic to the plight of their sisters and cousins? Will they also suffer some sort of accident or be kicked out of the flds?

    I'm now curious. I would like to see child mortality rates split by gender, and homeless rates in regions near flds compounds...
