Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Polygamist Poof - Comedy

Women's hair and the bible - My dad explained that The Greek translation of shorn, is keiro; as in shaving a sheep. the verse had more to do with knowing the head of a woman is her husband, his head is god, and our conditions with our hearts and the lord. It meant a woman shouldn't shave her head, like a man's. Good enough for me at the time! It is interesting that in  I Timothy 2:9-10 it says not to braid your hair. Guess they missed that one.
I have been unable to find the requirements on hair for the AUB. I would assume they would still require long hair. The FLDS requires that not only is hair not to be cut, ever, it is to be up or braided, only for her husband to see. MANY Pentecostal Churches in the areas I lived went by the same standards. I don't feel that it's wrong to keep long hair if you believe that's serving God. The "Poof" is what cracks me up. It must be all the rage! Some don't even tweeze the brow, believing it's more rightous not to. And, it does follow the standard of no vanity, that we all fall into and do sin with. I have to say that. Now, on to some HUMOR!


  1. I'm a hillbilly from Atlanta, long time reader, finally decided to start posting. Love this blog. You all do a great job. This was cute.

  2. I am getting ready for work. Now I know how to do my hair. Just for fun I will do my hair this way and see what people say; I'll check back with you folks after work and tell you if anyone even noticed.

  3. Sentencing in. Jeff's gets life plus twenty.

    New articles. The one from UK Daily Mail is good.


  4. I hope the Texas AG gives a conference and shares the complete sentencing details. I don't see Warren living that long even in parole was included in the sentencing.

  5. I guess Snookie is FLDS!

  6. I wonder if they use those "bump-its" - If they caught on to those - their sales would go through the roof!

  7. Can you imagine how hot in Texas it is with those dresses and the undies?

  8. I imagine those girls are H-O-T-T-I-E-S!

  9. Now they need a followup - Mormon undies - husbands are gods (in afterlife), they should come here and get ideas!!!LOL

  10. Oooh, I wonder if they know about the Mormon Soaking! I sure didn't know half of their crazy stuff.
    Urban Dictionary - 1 In Mormonism, when a man inserts his penis into a woman's vagina (or a man's asshole), but doesn't move it around.

    Is that not nuts? Nothing like soaking the dishes!LOL

  11. "A polygamist on trial explained that for a man to enter heaven he must have at least 3 wives. Any less and you’re practically a homosexual." LOL

  12. I can only begin to imagine how useful their Rapunzel-esque hair will be during my nightly group sexcapades

  13. Cute! needed a little song.

  14. Could of added the righteous eyebrows!

  15. Terrasola, anyone notice?

  16. Not only did no one notice, I wasn't the only one with a poof. And some of them don't even have long hair! or an X chromosome (i.e. they aren't women)!

  17. AUB's hair requirement is long. A woman who cuts her hair is said to be on the road to apostasy. Some of the Jessop women in AUB think it's wrong to even trim hair, cut bangs or shave their legs and underarms (because that constitutes cutting their hair).

  18. FreeAndClear,
    So where does that leave Meri? Is she ok, or not?
