Wednesday, August 3, 2011

FLDS Leader Warren Jeffs Trial Sex Tape Number One

Whew! Listen to this....
Warnings of what will happen if you leave, "Keeping Sweet", Teens to stay away from each other and be married by the Prophet. Only those faithful to the Prophet will get to the Celestial Kingdom, ETC.
Let's Discuss!


  1. I about posted under my partner's-he had asked me to check is email, he would have killed me!LOL His is hooked up to his online applications.

    Listen to that slow, methodical, monotone voice. Just perfect for a group that has been emotionless for years. I find it hard to believe that if he is brainwashing, that all other sects don't do the same to one degree or another.

  2. What is he repeating? "This law" or "this life" or what? It almost sounds like "lie" - maybe a Freudian slip?

  3. I thought the same thing! I'll listen again, I'm watching some other good ones to post!

  4. Maybe use separate log ins on the computer system itself that way you can't accidentally log in onto any of his?

    Totally agree. There is a certain amount of indoctrination in anything these days. It is not limited to Jeff's and his monotone rants. However, most don't go to such hideous lengths to brainwash and most people are given choices to enter whatever entity it may be i.e. political parties, converts, etc. In Jeff's FLDS the people are born into it, raised in it, confined by it and usually with very little access to the world.

    Sex for salvation!?! I wasn't shocked just more disgusted than yesterdays news. What a bastage Jeff's is. This guy is a special kind of sick. His soul is diseased. Someone mentioned mental illness and disorders. I can't help but agree. He is grandiose and narcissistic and totally out of touch with reality. Mix all that into a religious foundation that rolls out a red carpet of grandiose possibility and voila!

    I can't believe there has not been a rebellion and an official ousting of Warren from his own ilk far prior to the law removing him.

    Then again, listening to that ever so hypnotic, mesmerizing (blech , not really) monotone voice full of BS from day one certainly helps to keep members in tow.

    I wonder what lines, he could even possibly show his FLDS followers , from the Bible or Mormon writings , to convince them they need to have this special kind of "sleep" and "closeness" to get to heavenly father and god/goddess status?

    We just keep hearing the repeat of law 132 from FLDS poly's. Okay, well that covers justification for polygamy but how does it cover, warrant and justify special sexual situations that cater to the fantasy of a so-called prophet?

    Circling back to the Brown's. The Brown's knew this trial was coming. They had an idea that evidence would not be a pretty display and definitely detrimental to FLDS , in public opinion, so I wonder why they even associated FLDS to their family in the beginning?

    Now they are scurrying to draw lines in the sand and create differences between FLDS and this AUB they are trying to make it sound like different religions and churches altogether. The differences we have found are very small. Other than no child brides, what is there?

    What, if anything, in FLDS , is there to stop someone from growing into a narcissistic nut like Jeff's? From creating more believers like Jeff's? What is their moral compass , moral foundation to prevent another Warren from taking lead? How will they handle the corruption? Will they chock it up to being the proven people because they are "persecuted" or will they see the reality that he is a false leader?

    The news coverage this morning is beating a dead horse with repeating that the FLDS followers and Jeff's himself think something miraculous will happen to set him free.

    All indications say the trial will wrap up far early, even as early as today. How will his followers accept no divine intervention from God to save him? No walls crumbling, no sky parting just the law and justice doing its job.

    I hope the FLDS see Jeff's removal from their society as divine intervention, an act of God to show them that he is a false prophet, because he is!

    Look forward to comments that offer insight into the minds of Warren's followers!

  5. Remember Val and Laurene Jessop. Laurene said back then that child molestation was rampant and tolerated.

  6. This is my lunchtime treat - to read and snark.
    To hear him has so much more of an impact than just reading the same things over and over about him. thanks for this.

  7. I guess what bothers me is a religion, or denomination within a religion, where the head is:
    * God's representative on earth, and therefore speaks God's words (can have new revelations to build on the faith);
    * is infallible because he or she (but it's always he, isn't it, because of the male bias in these religions) is God's representative (therefore, nothing said can be challenged because to challenge the head of the religion is the same as challenging God -- convenient, isn't it);
    * is installed in this position for life (no term limits); and
    * in a 1 person-only position and not part of a committee (no check and balance of the views of others, has the ability to get rid of dissenters).

    Remember the children's story of the Emperor having no clothes. No one had the nerve to tell the truth. That is how it is in a closed community.

  8. Magick Mormon UndiesAugust 3, 2011 at 1:39 PM

    Warren Jeffs will go straight to prison once they play the tape of him raping the 13 year old, which will be aired this afternoon.

  9. How is it there's a tape of him having relations with his "wife"? His very underage wife? For posterity?

  10. "Remember the children's story of the Emperor having no clothes. No one had the nerve to tell the truth. That is how it is in a closed community."
    Great Analogy.

    WHEW, I've got a lot to catch up on!
    Here's my question to the knowledgeable ones: If your a Christian, say a Baptist, you would also consider all other factions, although they have some small variation in their belief. Sprinkle VS immersion, Communion weekly or 3 times a year, etc. A Christian, whether it be Christ of Christ, Methodist, Lutheran, Pres., Church of God., you get my drift. There's 100 different Baptist churches alone in my area.
    You still consider them your brothers in Christ.

    Why does this group- Fundamentalist Mormons, not get their shit together and realize, they are of the same principle, and you can't deny the bad ones. Wouldn't it be easier to say, "Yes, that group has a problem that needs much fixing, let's see what we can do to help."

    I remember a Catholic Church burning down, and every church in the community pitched in to help restore the building.

    Are you getting the drift, I don't see how they can say their not connected?

  11. The thing I thought of was that Narcissistic personality coming out- who ELSE would tape such things, when the children, young women are obviously in distress?
    Someone who only cares for him self. SICK.

  12. So much sadness and pain for these young victims, all the young victims, who grow up to become the next generation of perpetrators.

    When there is a reasonable risk that these things will or could occur, men and women of good conscience cannot stand by and allow attempts by the Browns and others to de-criminalize, legalize, or even de-stigmatize polygamy. We would do well to remember the saying from WWII Germany that the only thing needed for evil to flourish is for people of good conscience to do nothing.

    For Canadian readers, this fight is going on in Canada. Sites such as Stop Polygamy in Canada (I have no affiliation with this site or its authors) describe the current court case on the constitutionality of the Criminal Code's prohibition against polygamy. Did you know that the 12 year old girl who is the subject of the Jeffs court case tape was trafficked from Bountiful, BC (Canada)?

  13. No, I didn't.
    The Browns don't care who else it hurts as long as they get what they want.

  14. Sex for salvation!?! I wasn't shocked just more disgusted than yesterdays news. What a bastage Jeff's is. This guy is a special kind of sick. His soul is diseased. Someone mentioned mental illness and disorders. I can't help but agree. He is grandiose and narcissistic and totally out of touch with reality. Mix all that into a religious foundation that rolls out a red carpet of grandiose possibility and voila! Terrasola

    Isn't it all just awful.,
    Don't the Brown's believe the same thing?

    They knew they were gonna lose. Now they can blame it on Jeffs-FLDS

  15. (((shudders)))
    And adults would want their children in this?

  16. Holy PR points Batman. The Browns knew the Jeffs trial firestorm was coming and they did not have a strategy to deal with it (communications "talking points" or how to differentiate themselves from the FLDS). And this from the family with 5 heads vs. 2 that includes Janelle the very practical mom and Christine the experienced activist mom.

    I hope I never need CPR if they are the only ones around. They seem to not be able to do anything right.

  17. Do you have a facebook? I would love to join!

  18. We don't yet- coming soon! we Are on Twitter.

  19. According to Phrydoom, Warren Jeffs has been telling women his cum is blessed for years. This is nothing new.
