This article was originally published on 7/19/11. I thought it would be interesting to "bump" it since we are in reminisce mode right now, and readers new to the blog can have a chance to enjoy. -Cynical Jinx
First, I must say, to my friend...YOU WERE SO RIGHT!!!! Thank you for teaching me and being my mentor. Without you, this blog would be what it is.
I feel like Kody right now, when he was smirking about the wedding dress... OH YEAH, I got a BOMB, I got a BOMB I am dropping today!!! Why? I am so happy I finally found this piece that started the whole "Sister Wives" concept in Kody's head, and see how it all started.
Let's see, what did MARK SHURTLEFF get for going to this meeting and trying to be a fair officer of the law? oh, yeh, A LAWSUIT! KODY, I would be ashamed. You abused his fairness with you, and are trying to punish him for it. BAD KODY.
Kody Brown introduces his three wives and 12 children
Some 40,000 people in the US state of Utah live in illegal polygamous families in which a man takes more than one wife. These fundamentalist Mormons have now begun a campaign for a change in the law they regard as discriminatory and unfair. Humphrey Hawksley met some of the families involved.
'Love them all'
Kody and Christine Brown live in a polygamous relationship. The house is divided into three adjoining apartments for each of the mothers and their children and as for where Kody lives.
"Well," as Christine put it, "he's everywhere."
The campaign is called Principle Voices and one of the organizers was Anne Wilde, now a widow after a 33-year marriage. In her basement she keeps religious books that she used to publish with her husband.
Death threats
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"I had such a wonderful man as a husband," she said. "I was so privileged. He was such a blessing that I was willing to share him with other good women."
(Courtesy of:
First, I must say, to my friend...YOU WERE SO RIGHT!!!! Thank you for teaching me and being my mentor. Without you, this blog would be what it is.
I feel like Kody right now, when he was smirking about the wedding dress... OH YEAH, I got a BOMB, I got a BOMB I am dropping today!!! Why? I am so happy I finally found this piece that started the whole "Sister Wives" concept in Kody's head, and see how it all started.
A BBC correspondent met the Browns at a Legalization of Polygamy Conference in 2009, and went to their home afterwards. After they did this, they went around and plugged for a show themselves. Also, BE SURE and read about KODY mingling with MARK SHURTLEFF, Utah's then and current Attorney General and Republican politician RIC CANTREL. See what ANNE WILDE says about sharing her husband.
Let's see, what did MARK SHURTLEFF get for going to this meeting and trying to be a fair officer of the law? oh, yeh, A LAWSUIT! KODY, I would be ashamed. You abused his fairness with you, and are trying to punish him for it. BAD KODY.
"Quest to legalize polygamy in Utah"
Kody Brown introduces his three wives and 12 children
Some 40,000 people in the US state of Utah live in illegal polygamous families in which a man takes more than one wife. These fundamentalist Mormons have now begun a campaign for a change in the law they regard as discriminatory and unfair. Humphrey Hawksley met some of the families involved.
"All right everyone, listen up," shouted Kody Brown, brushing his shoulder-length hair clear of his face.
He put both hands out in front of him, pointing towards 12 children aged between four and 14 gathered around a square table in the middle of a huge kitchen.
Six were on one end. One all alone in the middle and five with their mother stood at the other end.
"Those belonging to Janelle identify yourselves," instructed Kody who is 41. Six pairs of hands shot up with screams of "wahoo".
"And the child belonging to Meri," said Kody. Thirteen-year-old Mariah raised her hand.
"Now Christine's kids," said Kody.
A show of five pairs of hands with a loud "wahoo" from everyone including Christine herself, one of Kody Brown's three wives. The other two were out at work.
After the introductions, the kitchen returned to a kind of controlled mayhem.
The boys played a board game. Three teenage girls chatted at the kitchen counter. The very young scampered around.
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Kody Brown's daughter Mariah is the same age as one of her half-sisters
Mariah got her guitar and her half-sister Madison, who at 13 was the same age, played a song on the piano.
"So do you consider all of them to be your children?" I asked Christine.
"Well my children are my children," she answered. "But, yeah, I love them all to bits and this is all my family. It's awesome."
"Well," as Christine put it, "he's everywhere."
Suprising message
I had met the Browns a few hours earlier at the Utah State Legislature where they had joined a campaign to legalise polygamy.
Under US law it is a felony, and technically the adults could be jailed and the children taken into care. But there are simply too many.
Up to 40,000 people in Utah live in polygamous families and it is a way of life that they insist is based on religious belief.
The campaign is called Principle Voices and one of the organizers was Anne Wilde, now a widow after a 33-year marriage. In her basement she keeps religious books that she used to publish with her husband.
Anne Wilde talks about her late husband and his other wives.
"This was our best selling one," she said, pulling out a slim paperback called Jesus was Married.
"This is Martha and Mary," explained Anne pointing to a picture at the front. "And then, of course, there was Mary Magdelene. You see, Jesus said follow me. He didn't say follow me in all things except marriage."
I had met Anne the evening before her big campaigning day and she was worried as to how many would turn up for fear of being identified for future prosecution. But she need not have worried.
Walking across the snow in brilliant sunshine, dozens and dozens of people living in polygamous families arrived at the legislative building.
Nestled in a snow-capped valley, Salt Lake City is the historic capital of the Mormon church. But in 1890, the mainstream church outlawed polygamy.
Those piling into a conference room to hear from the state's politicians were from a breakaway group that had refused to opt for monogamy.
"I see myself as a free man in a free society," said one father, who came with his two daughters, both aged 12.
On the podium was Republican politician Ric Cantrel who had a surprising message for people seen to be openly breaking the law.
"Your patriotism is unquestionable," he said, "and your faith inspiring. "You have no hesitation to put God's law above the law of the state with a propensity toward civil disobedience and I find that very American."
Death threats
Afterwards, Kody Brown and Anne Wilde mingled with Mr Cantrel and with Mark Shurtleff, Utah's larger-than-life attorney general, his suit jacket bulging because of the sidearm he carried after getting death threats from a much more extreme group of polygamists.
"I'm not being soft on them," he said. "But I don't have the resources to throw them all in jail. I hope they now work through the process of changing the law if they disagree with it."
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Kody Brown's family are close-knit and his wives support each other
It became clear that Utah's polygamous communities would be safe from the police as long as they stuck to other laws and, for example, did not indulge in child marriages or paedophilia.
But something was gnawing at me. Given that sexual infidelity so often leads to bitterness, even violence, how did the wives cope with that natural emotion of human jealousy?
"My relationship with my husband is only going to be great if his relationship with his other wives is great," said Christine.
And what about the widowed Anne Wilde?
And what about the widowed Anne Wilde?
"I had such a wonderful man as a husband," she said. "I was so privileged. He was such a blessing that I was willing to share him with other good women."
(Courtesy of:
I am so pleased I found this, I have been looking for it!! Maybe if I get enough clicks, I can get better internet and search easier!! Love to you all!
ReplyDeleteI can go to bed now, I can't wait to see comments tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteI love Anne Wilde's comment about her husband being such a blessing that she was willing to share him with other women. She totally glosses over (lies!) about the fact that once his first wife left, she never had to share him with anyone again.
ReplyDeleteAnne Wilde married Ogden Kraut as his second wife, and Kraut's first wife left several years later. Anne is described as "the dominant wife in the marriage" by John Llewellyn. In one of his books, John Llewellyn, a close friend of Ogden Kraut and Anne commented that Anne Wilde did express jealousy when her husband took another wife. An elderly widow requested that Ogden Kraut marry her for his "priesthood services" to call her "beyond the veil" in the afterlife into the Celestial Kingdom. Sexual relations were not involved as this new wife was post - menopausal, it was simply a marriage to guarantee her entrance into the Celestial Kingdom as a plural wife. Llewellyn related that Mr. Kraut said he was getting a "rough time" from Anne about his new marriage which had nothing to do with love or sexuality.
ReplyDeleteIf you would like to read some of the books that Anne Wilde co-authored with Ogden Kraut, here is a great link where you can read them for free online -
Long time reader, never poster. I know MS, she's a really good woman in a really down time. She started this blog b/c she liked the Browns, and thought the show was sweet. She was disturbed by the Mormon chruch after learning about it, and now is REALLY obsessed with women finding out, b/c she knows all about abuse. (don't kill me ms) Her mind and the tide of this blog has totally turned because of her fear of others being abused. To all that are PRO Browns, it's not that she has a thing against them, it's what they stand for that upsets her.
ReplyDeleteSeeing this, thinking about the sweet little song they play in the beginning, sickens me. I am mean, I'll say it, this Mormon stuff is a bunch of crazy messed up psychopathic stuff made up by a true sicko to please his "loaf of bread" and if you look, it's based on the Masonic Temple stuff which is such a true joke. He couldn't even make up new handshakes? Kudos to ms for putting the time in to try to be fair, but show the hyprocisy of of all time, and making Kody a horrible narcissist. Anyone that is in an abusive relationship like this often doesn't even understand they are in one. They need a de-brainwashing camp.
Boy, that BBC correspondent didn't know what can of worms he was starting, now did he?
ReplyDeleteThe Attorney General wasn't going to let Kody be arrested, and it sucks what they are doing to him
If I were Attorney General Mark, I'd throw Kody in the slammer the next time he pulled up in one of those leased cars they drive. Where did they get those from, and why aren't they seen on the show? there were 4 black ones, nice cars, up here last time.
ReplyDeleteIs thi the Kody show or the Anne Wilde fantasy tour?
ReplyDeleteThanks, interesting. I bet Meri and Janelle about shit when they got home and found out about this.
ReplyDeleteThey are so far up that old bitches butt Kody probably scratches it for her.
ReplyDeleteChange it to the Christine Anne and Kody wild west tour!
I gleaned these links from a tv site posting:
ReplyDeleteMeeting Clip:
Arizona News Coverage of the Summit Clip:
Unofficial AUB discussion group on Yahoo:
AUB Profile, includes some downloads of things like priesthood charts.
The book, Polygamy under Attack , has a bit of input on the AUB and women in the AUB.
Some excellent excerpts to be found @ Utah Books:
The old AUB site is down. It seems AUB site portions *may* have been absorbed into the Mormon Fundamentalism site:
Apparently, The Brown Family had their own YouTube channel at one time, that featured a variety of video's on the family and polygamy.
The YouTube page the video links to
The Polygamy Files Q & A with the Brown's:
The Brown Family Video that was referenced in the Q & A @ Polygamy Files:
i found a link to this blog on a tv site and im glad i came to check it out. i have seen so many people try to tell the truth about FLDS and this family on tv sites and TLC only to have that info blocked and removed.
ReplyDeleteits nice to have an open place like this blog. the browns dont share what they believe but lead viewers like the pied piper.
anways there are plenty of sites that are pro Browns pro polygamy or whatever where no one can say an honest thing so it is great to come here and read and share without consequence.
we have choices and a voice here no matter what side we are on that other sites wont allow and plenty of informative people that share a lot of great info.
the browns shouldve and coulde been fair and honest with their viewers but they weren't so here we all are and i dont think the blog creator or readers should be criticized for being honest or having their own opinions
Well Thanks! Anonymous and welcome! Yes, we try to be open and honest, and just trying to figure things out like you. We look forward to your comments!
ReplyDeleteSo this is what started the whole she-bang? THANKS for finding it!
ReplyDeleteThe BBC just had to start this up.
ReplyDeleteKody did fairly well in his "first" appearance.
It's very sad that Mykelti and Mariah said they were going into it. I loved when Mykelti said she had a couple of years to think about it- you could see the implication on Kodys face of, OH SHIT, that's not what we want to say! LOL LOL.
ReplyDeleteMaddie is certain, she's been steadfast for years. They never ask the boys, do they? I am sure Logan and Hunter are in, the rest, dunno.
Poor Dayton will be ran off.
Found this on Wikipedia : According to one former member, John Llewellyn, "plural wives of AUB men are sent into nearby Hamilton to apply for welfare as single mothers. The informant reported that welfare checks are often taken directly to the priesthood leaders."
ReplyDeleteI had to watch this again. I HATE to say it, but Christine and Kody were very natural and did a good job.
ReplyDeleteI still would like to see, in writing, what happens to the boys in post on this blog.
ReplyDeleteI loved this when I saw it years ago! I knew they were meant to stand out and fight for what they believed in. It would be best for them, however, to keep Anne Wilde out of the picture. just because she believes Jesus had 3 wives, doesn't mean all of the AUB does. She goes overboard, and then becomes unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteThis so troubles me:
ReplyDeleteAfterwards, Kody Brown and Anne Wilde mingled with Mr Cantrel and with Mark Shurtleff, Utah's larger-than-life attorney general, his suit jacket bulging because of the sidearm he carried after getting death threats from a much more extreme group of polygamists.
Mark Shurleff has tried to be more than fair and empathetic. What is he getting for it? Death threat? Is that how the FLDS do it? Break commandments?
I would like to hear from a polygamist how they feel about this-
Cool find, I bet from that moment on, Kodaouche was ready for "Lights, Camera, Action!"
ReplyDelete**The BBC just had to start this up.**
ReplyDeleteOh sure, blame the British. I suppose next ya'll will start whining about having to drink tea because coffee is too expensive. ;-p
Those Damn Brits!
ReplyDeleteIt was interesting to see how it all got started. Thanks MS.
ReplyDeleteCan't you see Kodauche after that, OH yeah, that's that were gonna do to make money, be a STAR!
ReplyDeleteJust looking back at older blog posts tonight--I am fairly new to this site and love it-great job! I have commented anonymously a few times as well where I have seen fit.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, this BBC clip of Kody is actually very telling and intriguing. First of all I am utterly SHOCKED at how THIN everyone is! I mean since they hit the airwaves their collective weights have literally doubled-adults and teens! Meri and Janelle must have been at work because they are clearly missing. Also, I have not seen Christine so happy as she is here, on ANY episode of sister wives. Maddie and Mariah look beautiful and Aspyn doesn't look pregnant. Hunter looks like a happy tween playing board games.. Maddie states as she also has recently that she would not enter a polygamist lifestyle, as for Mariah still sort of committed.
Watching Kody and Christine interact back then is totally reminiscent of watching Kody and Robyn,today.
I hope you refresh this post/clip and give it a "re-up" because I think many people new to this blog just won't see it. It portrays a much more peaceful and happier family "sans Robyn..."
It actually makes me feel really sorry for the whole family unit- adults included with exception to Robyn of course and it truly shows that she just may be the catalyst in the ultimate destruction of this family. I hate to say it but even Kody seems kind of likeable(ewwww).
Thanks for your consideration.
Thank you Anonymous in Canada!
ReplyDeleteGreat suggestion about "refreshing" this posting so newer readers can enjoy. Since we are in reminisce mode right now, I'll "bump" this post so others can enjoy...again!
wow, it really annoys me when people, (not just fundamentalist Mormons, but other religions) claim what's in the Bible is historical fact, None of these people have studied the history of the old and new testament. So what if it were true that Jesus was married, and to 3 women? He would have been doing what was socially acceptable to that time! Are we to go back to stoning people for crimes, too? Incidentally, the Catholics use a similar argument for celibate and male priests: saying Jesus WASN't married and was man, so.....
ReplyDeleteCatholic priests were allowed to marry until the 12th century
DeleteAnonymous 2:04 Some good links there, thanks.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that Christine has been involved in pro poly stuff for awhile along with the Dargers.
These women talking about how great it is. It makes me wonder. Are any of them just happy to get the ass they married out of their own bed and into someone else's? Seems like adding another wife would be an easy way to rid yourself of the husband and his sperm. Just sayin hehe
Every religion is based on making money in one way or another. That's why having lots of believers is so important to most religions of the world. I have to say that Christine looked really cool, calm and collected and the kids looked happy and comfortable. It's amazing what a couple short years in the spotlight will do to a family. I wonder if Robyn ever sees this old footage and feels really guilty. I think Kody is a total shiester.
ReplyDeleteI disagree. GOD is not based on making money.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't know who Anne Wilder is-she's a REAL kook, blasphemous book writer and Christine's buddy.
ReplyDeleteGreat find! Glad you brought it back up front, I'd would have not viewed it otherwise. Thank you.
ReplyDelete@Anon 4:00
ReplyDeleteYou're right whatever God or the Devine may be is not based on money but spirituality however God in the context of organized religion is ALL based on money. It is a manmade construct for economic and political gain.
That Anne Wilde looks scary ! Like a witch used to scare the children to go to bed... Thanks for the re-post ! I checked the links posted by Anony and it's very interesting to see considering the situation now.....How can you choose the Browns to go to war for your organization ? Seems pretty desperate !
ReplyDeleteThe post from Canada mentioned "Maddie." Who's Maddie????
ReplyDeleteMaddie is Madison Brown, Janelle and Kody's 15 yr old child.
ReplyDeleteKody's hair has certainly gotten a makeover! XD
ReplyDeleteGreat piece, got to start surfing through here more - the oldies.
ReplyDeleteVeryInteresting, they are much more involed in the church than I thought
ReplyDeletere watching old videos today. Anyone notice Mrs. Darger in the Anne Wilde Video?
ReplyDeleteVery interesting stuff.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I can't get enough of the beginnings.
ReplyDeleteInteresting stuff! LUV THIS BLOG!