Monday, July 4, 2011

Sister Wives - Winn Brown's Loving Family

Video no longer working. Anyone that finds the famous spokes on a wheel clip, please let me know!
We've got some time before the new Sister Wives comes on, so let's visit some of our favorite scenes from the past. 
I wish my kids had grandparents that they could go visit and be loved on by - stay and play. My folks have been gone a long time. One thing about the Browns, they are loving. There is a sense of security within the family that you are cared about. I appreciate that because I don't have that at all. We are a one unit family. I know a lot of kids that have never had a grandparent pay attention to them. Also, I happen to love the
"Spokes in the Wheel" comment. My sons friend has grandparents who are married, which makes their parents technically step siblings, and the creepy thing is they grew up as teens together. So it's not just a polygamy thing. I'm ready to go spend a few days on the ranch. I know the kids have been going up there this summer, back and forth. It's in their twitters, and they love it. What did you think about this side of the Browns? Comments?


  1. The children seem to love to go there, and it is a great adventure for a child. Not many get to experience the wild, the horses, the wide open country without paying large fees for a camp. What a great childhood memory.
    My big question is, HOW MANY other sister wives are there? How many siblings does Kody have? How on earth will they slpit up that farm? the brother in law runs it-so a sister must have the most potential to own it. My wish is that they would continue to have have the farm for the upcoming children, and I think they will.
    Spokes in a wheel. Well, honey, I am a wheel on my own, in fact 4 of them, and can drive my own car, thank you very much, as well as I can drive my own marriage.

    Seems like Janelle's mom was the Horn dog that took Winn's affections away. Same as Meri, how contradictory for Kody's mom to say she was jealous, when she was the one who wanted to get back into polygamy.

    Tthese poor women need to realize they don't nned that to get into heaven. that being said, they all seem like very nice people.

    1. Janelle's mother, Sheryl, wasn't even a polygamist when she met Winn. She met him when she accompanied Janelle, who was fraternising with a polygamous community of which neither she nor her family were at that time a part. I don't know whether Winn was already married to Bobbie as well as Genielle at that stage, but the Browns had made a decision to become polygamists before they ever met Janelle's mother, which has been documented by Kody saying his parents converted to fundamentalist Mormonism while he was on his mission. Therefore, it is probable that Winn had taken a second wife by the time he met Janelle's mother; remember, Janelle is Kody's second wife, and she was married before him, so Winn could not have met her mother for a number of years after his family began practising polygamy. Janelle's mother seemed like a lovely woman, loyal to her daughter when the rest of her family abandoned her, and she worked as a nurse before she retired. It is disrespectful to call her a "horn dog" in the wake of her partner's death and blame her for his family's religious decisions (which were approved and endorsed by his first wife).

  2. I don't see why Kody didn't move the family back to Wyoming. The law there is only about cohabitation. Nothing, really that would get them in trouble. They have this massive farm. Cows are money. Seems he like "Bright Lights and Big City" over wholesomeness to me. That Wyoming lifestyle would be hard work, but keep you back to basics.
    I think Kody wants to be a star.

  3. I am amazed that everyone assumes that these people are genuinely happy based on a tv show where they are paid big bucks to look happy.
    We have absolutely no idea what they are genuinely thinking or feeling based on what we see on camera. No idea whatsoever.
    The Browns have already lied to us regarding the fact that they are living on Kody's retirement savings - which was only 1900 dollars in 2005.
    They have created this fake "panic" about fleeing Utah due to an investigation which was closed and the attorney general of Utah had stated that he did not intend to prosecute the Browns for polygamy / cohabitation. What else are the Browns lying to us about ?
    Does anybody really think that the girls in this family are delighted to be a part of a religion which teaches that girls cannot get into heaven without a male priesthood holder to escort them "beyond the veil?" Does anyone think that the girls are really delighted to belong to a faith which teaches that a man can have as many wives as he wants, but a woman can only share one husband ? Winn Brown and his wives live in a ramshackle house which is unkempt. Is this what we are supposed to be impressed with ?

  4. I think the kids are happy with each other, the parents love their children, Kody is a complete jackass, and being a Sister Wife is not all it's cracked upped to be, all opinions I've developed while watching this show. I've watched the Duggars, Little People, Big World, and Kate+8, plus that one show about septuplets where the parents ended up divorce and I don't think non-actors are very good at faking happiness.

    As to how delighted the girls are with their religion, who knows. However, unlike the poor Duggar girls, the Brown girls are being exposed to people with other view points. I was raised in an ultra-conservative religious home and rejected those beliefs as an adult, I have no doubt that any of the Brown girls who want out will be able to get out.

  5. I don't think you can totally "fake" love between a mother and children when they are not actors. This group seems to have mothers who genuinely love them. I in fact suspect Robyn got into this mess for her children, esp. Dayton. She wanted them to feel love, and after a couple of years of looking around, didn't find a man to take care of her and the kids. In her mind, she hit the jackpot. From a 1971 Double wide to the house she's in and not working? Come on, it's a dream for her.
    The Browns are big liars as far as finances are concerned; most TLC families are. Remember how hard the Gosselin's were struggling, now she's in Christian Louboutin heels? Let's hope the Browns don't go this route. SAVE for college. Kody, I believe, he's a second thought to Christine and Janelle. To Meri and Robyn, though, they are in high gear love struggle for him. They do show their weaknesses and such. Above poster is right, just quit lying about the MONEY, say your living off of TLC, which must be $400,000 a year or more. QUIT trying to make TV with fake "fires" and just be a show about life.

  6. Does anyone know how many wives Winn had? I haven't seen his parents in town

  7. Not impressed with a ramshackle house, but I am impressed with the Ranch. Geez, Anonymous, what do you think, they all hate each other?

  8. I agree with Annonymous. Ramshackle bullshit at it's best.

  9. Well said, Nysha.

  10. I have no idea what they really think or feel, and none of us really do. The cameras are rolling and the checks are coming in...and they will continue to smile to keep those checks coming in.... I do think that Janelle LOOKS like she is the least happy of the wives. Who knows what goes on when the cameras aren't rolling.

  11. This Brown TLC series reminds me of the Life Magazine photo journalism piece on polygamist Clyde Mackert and his family which appeared after the 1953 raid of the FLDS group in Colorado City / Hildale. The magazine highlighted the love between Clyde Mackert, his wives, and all their children. The public was won over by the wholesome, Christian values and all the love displayed between the family members in the wake of the 1953 raid. The Life photojournalism piece turned the political tide against the Arizona governor who had ordered the raid who was subsequently removed from office.
    Fast forward over 25 years later - 3 of Clyde Mackert's daughters reported that he was sexually abusing them, even while the Life magazine spread was being written, and they also reported that family life for them was chaotic and the Mackert sister wives did not get along as well as Life magazine reported that they did.
    I wonder what we will learn about the Browns in the future. One of his daughters has already reported that she will never enter into a polygamous marriage, and one of the children has voiced suicidal thoughts as per the admission of the family patriarch. All is not well in the Brown family - or it is not as well as they would have us believe it is.

  12. Brown Friend, not PolygamistJuly 4, 2011 at 11:36 PM

    So what you are saying is because one man was an abuser and sex offender, The Browns must be because they are on T.V., being the poster child for Polygamy? I strongly disagree. I know them. Do you? I have seen your posts on here. Always always negative. Do you even watch the show? Are you so sure that they are terrible people, or do you just have an agenda that your are trying to push on everyone else? Sorry to be so harsh, but you are.

  13. I liked this episode too. Not as much as the fireworks tonight, but, hey, it did show the family more, the group efforts that they can put forth, and not ALL of that can be made up. Sure, it can be SET up, but, it's pretty obvious the kids are used to working in a group effort. I don't see Kody as any kind of disciplinarian at all, he's not with them enough to have any real effect. Those moms run the show, Kody runs his mouth and his dick.

  14. The Browns have a political agenda, just as Clyde Mackert did. Is Kody a sex offender ? No, probably not. Are they all happy and getting along ? Probably not. Are they self supporting and honest ?
    Definitely not.

  15. I agree somewhat with Anonymous, but the fact remains, they are not FLDS, and are trying hard to dispel the pitfalls they fell into.

  16. Everyone's up after Fireworks tonight! I liked the Brown grandmas. Uncomfortably sad, however, is the fact that Kody's mom wanted this life, then had to moan on TV that Janelle's mom took over the sex life. Geez. they've seemed to work it out, and appeared to be very honest. I bet they are best friends now. Winn doesn't look like he's sowing any more oats. Glad I found this site!

  17. So Kody is actually Janelle's step brother - I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  18. Sorry Friend of the Brown Family, Not Polygamist -
    From what I understand from a friend the Browns were chosen by the Safety Net Committee and Principle Voices to present a "happy face" for polygamy, so they do have an agenda, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Just saying. I don't know what to think about the show given what a friend of mine has told me. This is an interesting blog, I will have to start following it.

  19. Anonymous for now...July 5, 2011 at 6:19 AM

    Good Gravy, if Kody Brown was the best the Safety Net Committee and Principle Voices could produce to champion their cause, makes you wonder what the family that came in second was like. Friend of Flora, if you haven't watched the show, please do and let us know what you think!!

  20. I have watched the show, and the Brown family doesn't represent the lifestyle of the average polygamist family in the US.

  21. The posts of "Friend of the Browns" make me laugh. This "Friend of the Browns" accuses another of "trying to push an agenda" but I think that the "Friend of the Browns" has an agenda of her own. Sorta like the pot calling the kettle black IMHO.

  22. Wow! Lot's of comments and thoughts. I'm curious, Friend of Flora, were you in FLDS or AUB? Is there not a big difference? Just curious, I am new to all of this. appreciate all the comments!

  23. Flora was a member of the FLDS polygamy group, but she has relatives in Centennial Park and the AUB too.

  24. Kody and Janelle didn't become step-siblings until adulthood, so it's not as though they were raised as brother & sister.

    While I realize they have in the past received food stamps, if they are not at the moment because of TLC then they are self-sufficient. While they don't necessarily owe us an explanation, it's somewhat insulting that TLC expect its audience to believe that 5 unemployed adults are able to rent 4 very nice homes in Las Vegas.

  25. From appearances Winn's two wives (were/are there any others?) will outlast him. They seem to at this point get along so that they will be companions to each other after Winn is gone.

    A question I have is let's say Winn in his younger days or Kody died. Would the remaining wives as a group seek out a new spouse, or would they be looking for themselves as individuals? Surely this has happened in younger polygamous families...generally what is the outcome? Or do surviving wives not remarry?

  26. In some groups the women are reassigned together, or they can be "reassigned" separately. Yes, the children could be separated as a result if Kody died and they were "reassigned" or remarried to different people.

  27. If the kids are having fun- that's all that matters to me.

  28. Sure, the kids are having tremendous fun - all on the TLC payroll. Before that, they made it work with food stamps, filing bankruptcy, and shifting around their assets to different people's names. Pretty amoral if you ask me.

  29. Loving family, because love should be multiplied, not divided..... as long as it's the men getting the loving. do these women have no sex drive or spontaneity?

  30. Brown Friend, not PolygamistJuly 6, 2011 at 1:01 PM

    There are happy, as much as any family. no one said they are perfect, but I can tell you, you won't find a moe loving family group. Those children love each other. The parent love all the children. Christine and Janelle are getting used to Robyn, and a bit irked she's pregnant, but love the kids.

  31. The Browns are an Amoral Group of FoolsJuly 6, 2011 at 7:38 PM

    Who cares if they love each other ? What about the Browns supporting themselves independently, having jobs, and teaching their children about the development of character and self reliance ? That isn't happening here at all. The Brown parents are raising another generation of children reliant on the public dole or handouts - and that is something our society does not need and cannot afford.

  32. I think the wives need some brother husbands. After all, since Kody really isn't into this lifestyle for the religious aspect, as merisnewneighbor tells us, then the wives are entitled to brother husbands.

  33. Hey Brown Friend, Not Polygamist...
    Just windering who you are and where you are getting your information about my family. Thanks for keeping it positive!!:]

  34. The Brown Friend, Not Polygamist is no doubt an apologist from the Safety Net Committee or Principle Voices, spewing out their "talking points" for the blogs.

  35. Remember, be RESPECTFUL- you may disagree, but not name call and talk harshly about each other.
    I hear you, but I see it as such .....says the Psychiatrist. AND PLEASE PICK A NAME AND USE IT! TOO MANY ANONYMOUS'

  36. I'm sorry, but who can agree that polygamy is GOOD for women?

  37. Polygamy is a system devised by men for the benefit of men

  38. No matter what religion, the family seems very loving and caring.

  39. The do love each other.

  40. What a nice story.

  41. Nice. I hope Kody buys the ole man something nice for all his hard work. Think he will?

  42. I serioously doubt it, Bada. Wouldn't it be nice for him to buy pops a new truck?

  43. I'm not a polygamist, I attended Safety Net once years ago, and I've talked with Anne. I will say that Friend of Flora is actually wrong about the Browns being hand picked by the Safety Net and Principle Voices. I've seen that comment several times now on this site and feel I should set the record straight. Anne told me that media people have called her for years looking for a family to interview. She has passed on those invitations to the communities. Occasionally a family would agree to interview here or there but it was never pushed on a family. The Browns connected with TLC on their own after the initial invitation was circulated and that was that. The safety net didn't have anything to do with it.

  44. I happened to come back to read this, not sure why you put the post of Anne on here, but if you look at the post July 19, What started it all, the BBC,.... you'll see it presented that the BBC filmmaker got the ball rollin.
    Thanks for telling your side of it.

  45. Bad Girl - Friend of Flora has been instumental in getting this site rolling. It's fine to disagree with her, but intead of say, oh, your worng, please say, I see a different side of it. That's how we roll here, I've told many people that. Friend of Flora is a great person.

  46. Came here looking for something on Winn. Nice blog, great articles.
    Is there more on Winn Brown's Family Tree on this blog? His history? His descendants?

  47. If I were Kody, I would stay up on the farm and raise my children there.

  48. I give Winn kudos for listing he had 3 wives. I remember a scandalous story coming from one of Kody's siblings or uncles wives. Anyone know what I am talking about?

    I hope that we see a big genealogy soon. Please remind me exactly who was polygamous in Kody's family in general. Did the blog say was his great granparents on?

  49. I didn't know Mr. Brown had 3 wives. I thought he just had the two. I must have missed that if it was said on the Family Ranch Visit episode. I just watched that episode last week and I don't recall hearing about a third wife unless she specified that it not be addressed in public. Or perhaps they recently wed? Anyone know?
    I respect her decision to remain private. I may get snarky about Kody and Robyn (occasionally Meri) but Winn seemed like a hard working guy. Can't say much about him as I only saw bits and pieces of his life. Nor will I speak poorly of someone that has passed on. My condolences to the wives and family. It must be devastating to his grandchildren.

  50. Can you imagine what Robyn will put the family through at the funeral?
    Oh my. Robyn. Respect.
    Janelle lost a step father which I bet she valued. She lost her father long ago, sent her kids up north every summer to work. Christine too. (boys)
    Kody and Janelle have much more at stake.
    Meri and Christine have known them for 20 years or more.

    But who will be the biggest mess? Robyn. Because she lost what could have been her sons grandfather or some crap.
    Her daughters might just scream and tear their dresses!
    I think it was one of them that ran and grabbed the elderly man like she knew him all her life. Why?

    I actually liked the show very much. Even with the crazy speech the ladies gave, you bet it was great fun to go there. That man has had to work blood, sweat, and tears to add to and build up that farm. He has our nod of respect and to the wives, all the best.

  51. Why does the obit say they had the service Wednesday August 28th and he rests at XXX place. That is tomorrow!?

    1. I saw that! Creepier is he is already up on find a death.

  52. Free Range Browns is my favorite episode. It was all about family. Winn reminded me of my own grandpa, who was also a rancher.

    1. How great for you!
      Mine was from a TN farm, and was a Conservationist. I certainly learned to love the land, but when I saw Winn's ranch, I wanted to live there.

  53. He raised Hereford cattle and farmed as well.

  54. I was shocked to see Kody lost his father. I always felt he was close to him.

  55. This blog is so interesting. From the reviews to the chatter to the serious issues. I enjoy it all!

  56. We saw a picture of Kody and his parents a the beginning of the show. I went back to TLC and could not locate the picture. Cynical Jinx, do you know how many siblings were in that said picture? Mister Sister? (Really anyone that can help)
    Thank you.

  57. I am really happy to read such a positive post, Mister Sister. I know we all have our criticisms about the Browns, but I totally agree with you about the love they have for each other. Sheryl's "spokes in a wheel" comment always stuck out to me too, and she and Genielle seemed so genuinely close and appreciative of each other; Sheryl's compliments about Genielle's beauty and intelligence were obviously heartfelt, despite her own obvious...sadness is the wrong word?...but perhaps chagrin that it was Genielle who "took care of Winn while [Sheryl] took care of the kids". There is a lot of love and appreciation in this family, and I am sorry for their loss. It is a pity Kody is not as selfless as his mother.
    RIP Winn Brown.

  58. Mixed up the names in my previous comment - sorry, I confused Genielle and Sheryl. I know that Sheryl is actually Janelle's mother and was married to Winn after Genielle, who is Kody's mother and Winn's first wife, was married to him.
