Friday, July 8, 2011

Salt Lake Tribune - The Polygamy Blog

The Polygamy Blog - Lindsay Whitehurst
 Seems like Hollywood likes polygamy.

Yesterday, I got a call from a TLC producer looking to contact another polygamous family about a new possible TV show. And at last month's Safety Net committee meeting, a filmmaker who developed the reality show "Sister Wives" dropped by to see if there were any other families who would want to "show their lifestyle publicly," according to the meeting minutes. Calling the Browns a "gateway family," Salt Lake City filmmaker Tim Gibbons suggested there is room for more TV shows.

The show has been a hit, becoming five highest-rated premieres in the network's history, though at the cost of one wife, Meri, losing her job and the family coming under investigation by Lehi police.

So are we likely to see plural families dominating the airwaves? Maybe not anytime soon, Principal Voices co-founder Anne Wilde told me. Another show might be "overkill," she said, but maybe something else.

Gibbons did also say he's interested in a documentary ...

I would like "Annonymous" *my S friend, to explain to our readers what the Principal Voices and the Safety Net Community are in comments.
More of them?????



  1. I told you folks that Flora said that the Browns were handpicked by the Safety Net Committee / Principle Voices to put a "happy face" on polygamy. Now here is the evidence of it.

  2. Yes, and I was hoping you'd write a small post on it. I think if you wrote a short post telling what you told me, it would help things be understood better.

  3. Whatever makes money is what TLC will do. the Brown's won't be happy about this. But, they should do more PDA. you rarely see them out pushing their show.

  4. Another polygamy show? Let's hope it's one where they can talk about their religion, instead of doing the dance.

  5. brownfriend-not polig.July 8, 2011 at 8:11 PM

    I think the Browns have been very brave, but not ready for all the pubicity. You would think the TLC hadlers would prepare them for the onslaught of publicity, however, I don't feel they were taken well care of.

  6. It could be quite interesting if they choose a family from another sect. However, I doubt they could find a family quite as evolved and interesting as the Browns. If they don't talk about their religion, the show won't last. Personally, the ladies personalities, the cute children, made this show.

  7. I think it's a load of CRAP, another agenda for the poligs - and another way for the Mormons to push an agenda- yes they are all mormons, Joseph Smith geeker, who put a MAN over GOD.

  8. If the Browns talk about their religion the show is over - they will be exposed as members of a misogynistic racist cult.

  9. I had to look that one up, Friend of Flora,
    misogynistic- hate women.
    Do you think that that haven't evolved from that? Have they made their own religion up at this point? I swear, the more I read, the more I get confused. I do know that they are racist. They women seem loved, yet jealous. WHO IS THEIR LEADER OF THEIR RELIGION? Or is Kody? I know you know more than your telling us, please explain.

  10. The Browns are former members of the AUB polygamy group, a sect of fundamentalist Mormons. Christine Brown has stated that they are independent Mormon fundamentalists at this time in a You Tube video. This means that they believe in the Mormon fundamentalism, but they do not recognize the spiritual leader or prophet of any one polygamy group (such as Lamoine Jensen, the high priest and prophet of the AUB) as their spiritual leader. Kody would therefore be considered their "prophet" or spiritual leader or "priesthood holder" for his family of independent polygamists. This is the equivalent of someone being an evangelical Christian, but not belonging to a particular denomination, and holding home prayer meetings / worship services in lieu of church attendance.
    In Mormon fundamentalism, the husband of a family seeks to become a polygamist with a minimum of three wives. When three wives are obtained, a man obtains the rank of High Priest Apostle. He will become a god in the afterlife,ruling over his own planet, which will be populated by his wives and children, and his wives will be perpetually pregnant in the afterlife, bringing more souls into existence to populate their husband - god's planet. In Mormon fundamentalism, a woman is not worthy to "go beyond the veil" in the afterlife and enter the presence of God. She may only enter the afterlife if her husband calls her by a secret name assigned to her at the time of her "endowment ceremony" - only when her husband calls her beyond the veil may she enter the presence of God. If a woman does not live in polygamy she may be forever damned (See Mormon Scriptural Document Doctrines and Covenants Section 132) Mormon fundamentalist women usually wear long hair because they believe that a woman will wash their husband's feet and dry them with her hair, just as Mary Magdalene did for Jesus. Mormon fundamentalists teach that Jesus was a polygamist, having multiple wives, among them Mary Magdalene, Mary, and Martha. Mormon fundamentalists are taught that they should continue to have as many children as they possibly can, to fulfill the imperative to bring holy souls out of pre-existence into life, thus activities other than child bearing and child rearing are discouraged for fundamentalist Mormon women. No matter what they say, Mormon fundamentalist women are permitted, yet discouraged from attending college. If they do enter a profession, it is usually something traditionally female, such as nursing, midwifery, or teaching. Having children and having as many children as they possibly can have is their goal as fundamentalist women.

  11. Now, I can begin to comprehend all of this mess. Thank you, Friend of Flora, for teaching us in a style that helps us to really understand what is going on in the Brown family. So, no matter what "name" they place on the religion- Mormon Polygamists believe this, correct? No wonder Meri struggles so badly. Yet I feel in my heart of hearts, she would leave if she hadn't had Mariah. Why do you think she won't do fertility treatments, then? Is she just waiting to die to have more?
    One aspect I've never understood is this. When their "children" become adults, would that not split up the family planet? The boy children becoming men and hopefully a High Priest, so they would have their own planet, and the girls would have to be called by their husbands. So, in reality, it makes no sense.
    I have no problem with polygamy, I have a problem with the sacrilege of God's word, and how they profess to use the bible, yet turn from it's words. How sad.

  12. In the books "Shattered Dreams" and "Predators, Prey and other Kinfolk", both authors discuss the Law of Chastity. Once a woman gets pregnant, her purpose has been served and while she is pregnant and breast-feeding, the husband is not supposed to have sex with her. This also serves to keep the jealousy in check. But it also reduces the actual number of times a "wife" has sex, while increasing her chances of being pregnant.

  13. I doubt the Brown's follow that rule.

  14. You might be shocked at how normal the families are. the ones I know are extremely nice and ones you trust your own kids to play with or stay over.

  15. A Christian would have no problem telling their story. Wouldn't it be funny if they found a better couple? Couplets? to tell the religious side of it? TLC, if you are listening, do this, or we won't watch another one of these.

  16. My guess it will be another "Independent Fundamentalist" family as to not get their groups in trouble. The really sad aspect is that the leader, aka, the man, probably know very little of the scriptures and doctrines, and therefore is probably a poor teacher.

  17. Kadouche ran from Utah. Yet, they have Principal Voices, The Primer, and the Safety Net Committee. Utah is Pro Polygamy, and that shows through all these arenas. running from there was silly, leaving their families was worse.

  18. Enough documentaries of these people- speak your real agenda, or go ahead and hide. the truth is coming out. I seem to really like the Browns, but that will only go so far if they don't start talking about why they are living this life.

  19. "You might be shocked at how normal the families are. the ones I know are extremely nice and ones you trust your own kids to play with or stay over."

    Males and females are born into this world in a 1:1 ratio.
    For every Mormon fundamentalist man who has three wives to ensure his entrance into the Celestial Kingdom, two Mormon fundamentalist men have no wife at all. These unmarried fundamentalist men are painfully aware that their chances of having marital happiness or children are nil. That means that they are also painfully aware that their chances of ever entering the Celestial Kingdom with their parents or siblings are slim to none.
    These men with little hope of marriage or achieving "exaltation" in the Celestial Kingdom are discarded from Mormon fundamentalist society, and they are known as "the Lost Boys." I suggest that you read about the high rate of alcohol and drug abuse as well as suicide which has been described in the Mormon fundamentalist "lost boys."

    How can one fulfill the fundamentalist Mormon "divine imperative" to have multiple wives and ensure "exaltation" in an ethical manner without resulting in suffering of others ? It is not possible. I am sick to death about reading blogs on the Brown family which repeatedly tell us how happy and normal they are. For every Brown family with 4 wives, there are three men without even one wife who are alone and without hope. Fundamentalist math does not add up.

  20. Kody has 10 girls and 6 boys. Those 6 boys need 18 wives. So he's not made enough "girls" to trade for the boys wives! (JK)

  21. Friend of Flora, can you give me the link to the YouTube video where Christine says they are Independents? - the paperwork their attorney filed says they are AUB members, and as such need to be in Utah to participate fully in their religion. Also, can any one help me find (on this site I think) where the Browns said that they had already planned the Vegas move some time in advance, and where Robyn says she hopes it is their last move? In the legal documents filed, it also says they plan to move back to Utah. Thanks.

  22. Kody says they are Independent fundamentalist Mormons in the first show, you can find it online.
    Christine may have say it in the video at the bottom, pre- sister wives, They said they planned to move in advance in the access Hollywood video, the one on the very bottom, (there's two), and Robyn says last move in one of the clips- I'll find it.

  23. I say pick one from the Kingston group.
