Friday, July 22, 2011

Quick Comment

Before I'm off to work today, I wanted to tell you all that there's been a TON of new comments, some on the old posts, that are must reads. Please look through them. Lance Allred's post has a good one. We hit 25, 000 WOWOWOWOOOO and 1700 yesterday!!!
Welcome to all the new folks! We sure to click those darn ads every now and again, and I THANK YOU for EVERYTHING!!!!

 Have a wonderful day and be safe!


  1. Geez, miss a few days, and it will take me forever to catch up, but I LOVE IT!

  2. Here is a link to the story of Troy Bowles, an ex AUB member who now teaches at a college in Utah. It provides a real glimpse into the lifestyle of the average AUB member.

  3. Love it, don't stop!

  4. Now, if you only made $1700 for doing it.... Your helping the Browns stay popular, don't you deserve a cut?
