Sunday, July 24, 2011

PART 2 - "Sister Wives" Moving over FEAR? I thought it was Business?

If you refer back to my July 18th post, The Browns have said OVER AND OVER in the NEWS, PRINT, and on TV shows that they moved for Business Ventures, that Kody and the wives decided to move long before they did.

HOWEVER, after spending days pouring over Season 2, reminding myself how much I liked the Browns, but felt it hokey how they ran with a bunch of bad tires (again) (remember the trip to MT?) I've put together a few quotes and pictures from the show. So, did they move out of fear? 
I started this blog because I liked the show. I liked the family, and probably sympathized with Meri. I don't pretend to agree with everything, but, the family seemed nice. Janelle has said on numerous occasions that she wished people would just ask HER the questions instead of talk about or around them. 

Its ridiculous how many times you all said the terms police, investigation, fear, prosecution, the only way to keep the family together was to move, remind us of the raid of 1954, on and on. Rulon’s family was broken up and never got to see each other again… (is that even that true?)

WHY would you lead your viewers down such a empathy, sad filled, tear jerking path... when Christine so often tells us that you just want to show us what is real?? Was it a pre-planned ploy before this next legal move? Sympathy? What? You have confused the very people that keep you on the air, your viewers. A simple explanation would be nice. 
SO WHAT WAS THE MOVE FOR, BUSINESS OR THE FEAR?  You and TLC, we learned later had talked to the Attorney General’s Office, and they had told you no, they wouldn’t prosecute. Christine knows all of them well from all her AUB, Principal Voices, and Safety Network. We’ve now seen Kody in a video talking to the Attorney General at a Polygamy Summit. Sadly, however, I pray the kids were acting too, because if you fooled them for TV tears, shame on you. 

WE WANT THE TRUTH, TELL US, FEAR OR FORTUNE? Remember Christine telling us she wanted us to see what was real. Show us REAL. Be Brave. Don't become a sitcom. We will like you all the more for it, it would show true character.

My Accumulation of Season 2, What I call, “Fear Fest”
I apologize for the lack of form here, I meant to go through inch by inch, but it just took too much time. I think you all can remember and get the drift....

DRAMATIC BLACK SCREEN! Let me remind you, Christine’s exact words were… she wanted to be arrested, “bring it on.” The AUB conference in 2008.

How many times did we see the Lehi police cars? 20 - 30?

(Remember the girls walking to the gas station, where they called Christine in fear Ep10); In the scene, CHRISTINE fills us in on a little story about the picture above.….
“ASPYN texted today, she and MADISON were walking to the gas station, and I can hear Madison yelling, freaking out, going, there’s a sheriff, that’s been driving up and down our road.” (How can you text and hear? Anyway…)

*Christine Dramatically tells us “ That right there is why were moving. That right there.”
Does that not implicate they are moving for fear of prosecution? 

*We were told, at least 15 times “When they prosecute the family, they break up the family”.

*Kody is under so much stress… heard that a bunch…..

*They had to pack p the kids and go to a cottage for Christmas, no easy undertaking ….”Leaving where there are no phones… under so much stress.”

* How many scenes were the Policeman in the driveway scaring them.?

Kody, Tearfully, “How do I protect my family?”

Robyn, “All the fear just makes you all on edge, all the more…”

Police siren goes by, be getting paranoid, we’re leaving under duress. Kody

*Remember Robyn saying she actually got mad at God? “Why are you letting this happen to us – god?” Please quit the persecution complex!

Janelle, even! That’s what got us, Janelle! We love Janelle! “I had the fear get to me, the children, our”… she has to stop WHEN have we seen Janelle cry? 

Kody “Janelle’s scared to get a big truck because  it will change the dynamic, the sheriff is dumb tapping his breaks,  not because of the  of the dogs,  but because in Janelle’s head, there after us”.

“Police driving by again, see the trailer”

Christine, “We’re making decisions based on fear.”

Janelle, “I’m really concerned the sheriff and the Lehi police have been by.”

Christine… “The reason we decided to do this because we didn’t want our kids to live in fear like we lived in fear. And now, if we stay, we get broken up, and they raise their kids in fear.   Just like we were raised in fear”.

Meri screaming “hurry up hurry up!” Police sirens wailing… they are all looking… THE DRAMA!

And the sobbing kids. I mean, if this didn’t get you up, nothing would. It tore me up to see them hurt. They fear their dad is going to jail, and according to what they’ve been told, they would never get to see each other again….

 And Garrison, oh my, listen, I have several children. And if I saw one of my boys that tore up, I would of grabbed them right off that stage and said we're done! Do you think these poor children could act that? I don't.
The emotion is those kids were so REAL. I wonder how they felt when they heard…Oh, Kody wanted to move for years! I felt so sorry for them. Since many were starting their first year of regular school, only to be moved again 2nd semester. And Dayton, 4 moves, before this, geez. I could go on and on and on, but you remember. The Season was about fear and prosecution. Leaving Utah out of Fear.

Logan – “The scare factor, why are we moving, if we don’t, they could potentially split us up, which says, you have no choice but to move.”

Kody tells Christine she has a choice in moving. ROBYN, she has a choice just like all of us.
Maddie – “There’s the potential our dad could go to jail and our family split up.”

Aspyn  - “We want to stay together.”

Logan – “The scare factor, why are we moving, if we don’t, they could potentially split us up, which says, you have no choice but to move.”

Kody tells Christine she has a choice in moving. ROBYN, she has a choice just like all of us.
Maddie – “There’s the potential our dad could go to jail and our family split up.”
Aspyn  - “We want to stay together.”

Kody,”Inspite of the collateral damage, the kids, $$, he feels he knows what needs to happen”

Janelle says, “I don’t”

A scene where Christine sad, “I thought you wanted to move all along. Others stay still, Robyn  and Meri shaking heads no. And you are excited to move and you don’t want to do this anymore?”

Kody “I ‘m doing that for the sake of leadership. If I don’t go optimistically, then”

Christine, “I didn’t know you didn’t want to move, and we’re just being optimistic.”

Hunter – “Stay, get separated, go away, stay together.”

 “The main reason we’re moving to Vegas is to preserve our family” – KODY

“I don’t feel like this is what we’re supposed to do” – Christine.

Christine and Kody argue over it. It’s going to tear our family apart

KODY “Nobody wants to do it, everybody just sees the need to do it.”

And then there's the saddest one of all........

OOPS, I mean the happiest, he wanted to move for years! Which is it? Why the move?
Just re watch the first 40 seconds of this interview after looking at all these pictures and quotes. WHAT DO YOU THINK?



  1. I agree, you must watch the Acess Hollywood - at least the first minute. they act so CAVALIER about the move, it really pisses me off that I watched the and sympathized with them.
    Well, tell us, FEAR OR FUN, oops, I mean WORK?
    And, if Robyn doesn't want to move back, I guess that's HER CHOICE!HAHAHAHHAHAHA

  2. Yeah, there boo fucking whooing all the way to the bank, while us mere mortals, that they wear their special underwear to protect them from us christians, have slow dial up and are eating KFC in ONE house , if we're lucky.

  3. So how about we stop watching this hypocritical bunch of liars??? If we do, they will have to stop airing this mess. I know, I know, we all love trash TV so much. However, I have faith that TLC will come up with a substitute that is just as trashy but more interesting and more real.

  4. NOOOOO!!! I am addicted to this show...its like a train wreck that never ends. I have to watch it! But Robyn seriously should never, ever frown like that. It's just not right...

  5. We can do it. We can get over our addiction to this show. The whole reason the family submitted themselves to a television program was to desensitize the American public to the notion of polygamy (and put a false pretty picture on it), which is the first step in the campaign toward legalizing it.

  6. A few seconds into to Access H interview when questioned about fear of being charged Christine does a very definite wave of the hand and a shrug off kind of gesture---no fear there.

  7. The whole reason the family submitted themselves to a television program was to desensitize the American public to the notion of polygamy (and put a false pretty picture on it), which is the first step in the campaign toward legalizing it.

    Absolutely correct !

  8. I believe that's the "official" reason - to bring polygamy to the mainstream. but the real reason IMO is...dollars dollars dollars. and Kody obviously thrives on the attention. If the govt said tomorrow that "okay polygamy is no longer illegal if everyone involved is of legal age, consenting etc fact you can get married to multiple people legally etc.." then Kody and family just become a statistic...they WANT the controversy and to hell with the kids...they'll get over it. Of course I'm sure that not a penny is being put aside for college for these kids...

  9. Not only that, I bet not a penny is being put aside to pay federal taxes. When TLC pays them as independent contractors, I bet they don't deduct anything. These people don't know how to manage money; they had 3 bankruptcies. The problem with federal taxes is that it can come back to bite them hard and quick. Wouldn't it be ironic if the poster family for polygamy ends up with federal criminal charges for failure to pay taxes?

  10. Actually they've had 4 bankruptcies that we are aware of - Janelle, Meri, Robyn and Christine have all filed for bankruptcy.

  11. I don't think they are lying per se. I think the truth is that they were now "different" than their AUB counterparts and didn't want to be in Lehi anymore.

    Las Vegas is a bit more interesting a place than Lehi, and it's very natural to want to move to a bigger metro area. And of course, the weather.

    And now we can have seasons of the Browns interacting with people, unlike Lehi where everyone was obviously avoiding them with a ten-foot pole, to stay under the radar. Kind of like an Amish in the City idea.

    And of course, last but not least, when will we realize that these "reality" shows are a little bit a of reality and a whole lot of setting up situations and hours and hours of editing.

  12. Creating religious persecution to ensure Biblical truths. Sick.

  13. Not sure if their old neighbors were "avoiding" them, maybe it was more just NOT wanting to be on camera and not wanting to have their own kids on camera? Not wanting to go through the hassles especially without a big payday waiting for them?

    Now personally...perhaps this is from living in California all my life...but really, personally, I don't have a problem with polygamy IF IF IF there is nothing illegal such as underage, welfare fraud etc etc etc. If it's just consenting adults with one legally married wife and the rest agreeing to sign on with no real legal rights other than any offspring... I don't see what the really big deal is. And personally I don't see why they would want to stay married to him, he is such a camera ho! he was cute in the early wedding pictures but he ain't all that cute now.

    They are riding the coattails of the "Big Love" effect. Lots of folks including me got into that series on HBO so of course doing a reality series about a real polygamy family that is as normal as possible would be the next step, it was just finding a family willing to expose their privacy and the right amount of money to make it interesting. it's really all about dollars and ratings, the Browns had to rush to be the first to cash in before another possibly more appealing family came along. I just find it interesting that he decided to find a new wife conveniently DURING FILMING. maybe there was another polygamist family in the running for the leads in the show, and so of course to make it more spicy if you can see a courtship/wedding of a younger and slimmer #4 to the patriarch...well that would be a ratings boom. I wonder when the book will be coming out? LOL

  14. Why does Robin always do so much talking like she has been a part of the family for years? I bet Janelle gets so annoyed with her!

  15. I'm reading a book by Rulon's daughter and the family did break up. But every time there was a rumor of a raid he had the wives scatter, as far as Mexico.

  16. I think that the reason Lehi got mad was that they has actually protected them, then they turned around and sued them, shame on them. And, anybody can be paid to be a friend on TV. They will use the kids to make friends.

  17. Also, you can find them online the day after- then they don't get their points!

  18. Cynical Jinx said...
    NOOOOO!!! I am addicted to this show...its like a train wreck that never ends. I have to watch it! But Robyn seriously should never, ever frown like that. It's just not right...

    Bunsterj said...
    A few seconds into to Access H interview when questioned about fear of being charged Christine does a very definite wave of the hand and a shrug off kind of gesture---no fear there.


  19. I do love the way you sort through it all for us, MS. And you are fair. Thanks!

  20. I fnd it hilarious that they are showing us what hypocries they are. Train wreck! YEAH!
    Also, Kody says he's not the boss. Anyone? Would you like to tell your wife or wives, your moving, are they coming? Their choice? Nothing Democractic nor married cooperation to me. He's the boss. I dare ya men, tll us your moving, are we coming? HAHAHABAAAHHAHHAHA

  21. I was all sucked in Season 1, despite religious differences, I really didn't know the BIG difference. Now, I am cynical. So, let the snark begin!

  22. I say, you can go to the pirate bay and download them and not give them ratings, but I do love watching them lie at this point.
    "our finances our finite"
    Have any of you been to see the Blue Man Group or any other expensive stuff this summer?
    Those kids traveling back and forth ain't cheap.
    11 day honeymoon
    3 days in Mexico
    Trip with Christine to LV
    5 houses.
    umpteen cars, teens driving, insurance.
    Robyn GETS her house cleaned.
    Finite my ASS.

  23. If you haven't WATCH THAT CLIP!

  24. Yes, they can find a bunch of "friends" in Las Vegas. Who wouldn't want to be on TV?
    They had friends in Lehi. The whole town.

  25. Lots of crying on every show, but of course they are all happy.

  26. FYI - The Attorney General of Utah is pictured in the videos meeting with the Safety Net, Kody, Christine and Anne Wilde in a previous blog entry. His name is Mark Shurtleff. He assured everyone at the meeting that he has no intention of charging anyone with polygamy unless they marry an underage bride or a woman is coerced into a polygamous marriage. Mark Shurtleff has colon cancer, and he has been very ill with the disease and the chemotherapy. This is some way to reward a friend for very fair treatment of your family and your religion - file a lawsuit while he's really sick. These people have no ethics. Glad this blog is here to give us the truth.

  27. Tthe Brown "religion" dwell in whatever rules they make up to justify their lifestyle. Lies appear to the be foundation of a lot of the what toes on including the dramatic midnight flight from Utah to avoid "persecution".

  28. No body really addressed this. Do you think the kids were in on the gig, or do you think they let them think it was all over dad being prosecuted?
    I'm new here, but would REALLY like to know what ya'll think. I'm upset by it.

  29. GREAT Article! I'm going to go thru and cach up! Glad I found this site!

  30. WEll, Kodster, now your really in a tight spot.

  31. FYI - In addition to meeting with Kody and Christine Brown and the Safety Net, TLC scheduled a meeting with the Attorney General of Utah prior to beginning filming the series. The AG assured TLC that no charges would ever be brought against the Browns or TLC regarding polygamy. The fake "flight to escape persecution" was a tactic to garner sympathy. His kids and Janelle were the real losers in this situation, as Janelle lost her job and the kids lost the companionship of their friends.

  32. They moved for GREED, didn't think of the innocence they had put in their children, and now the children are paying the price. Hope they love those 4 homes! Are they worth it?

  33. What a bunch of hypocrites. their lack of intelligence is showing. Can't even keep it together to make money off of a show! And what an EASY JOB!

  34. I look at other blogs, but this one is the BEST. you take the time to put it all out there. What we're thinking, but really show it.

    Robyn, not a good look. that JAW

  35. Man, you nailed the hypocracy with these two articles, yet said not one bad word- just used THEIR words.
    Why would the do such a thing? Play it one way or another. I'm beginning to think TLC loves to watch the train wrecks.

  36. brownfriend-not polig.July 30, 2011 at 11:51 AM

    I feel it was pushed on them by the producers. I don't know.

  37. One again outstanding work! I love learning so much going through these.

  38. I never saw this video, thank you for the link in an earlier post. Sure has changed my mind about the Browns. Great article.

  39. What a bunch of con artists.
