Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Holy Mormon Underwear

And here it is... in the interests of cultural competency, an article on holy Mormon underwear!

Fundamentalist Mormons, as well as observant mainstream LDS folks like the Osmonds, wear a special undergarment under their clothing directly against their skin. For most devout Mormons who wear it, the garment takes the place of regular underwear. If conventional underwear is worn, this undergarment is worn beneath their conventional underwear. This undergarment is alternatively known as “temple garments” or the “sacred undergarment” or “holy Mormon underwear” to outsiders. Devout Mormons understand that in only a very few instances might the garment be removed, such as for swimming, showering or bathing, using the toilet, or during sexual intimacy. The garment is worn even during sleep. 

Mormons begin wearing the temple undergarment during their first visit to the Temple or Endowment House, wherein they receive individual instruction on how the garment should be worn and cared for, during the Temple Endowment Ceremony. More about the Temple Endowment Ceremony in a future post. The AUB have their “Endowment House” in Bluffdale, Utah, and no doubt the Browns have undergone the Endowment Ceremony in Utah at the AUB Endowment House. 

According to the LDS Church, the wearing of temple garments serves a number of purposes. First, the garment provides the wearer with a reminder of the covenants made in the Endowment Ceremony. Second, the garment "provides protection against temptation and evil". Finally, wearing the garment is "an outward expression of an inward commitment" to follow Jesus Christ. The garment is thought to "strengthen the wearer to resist temptation, fend off evil influences, and stand firmly for the right."

Devout Mormons believe that wearing the undergarment provides "spiritual protection.They also believe that the undergarment provides physical protection, as many devout Mormons credit their temple garments with helping them survive accidents and injuries.

Holy Mormon underwear consists of a top and bottom piece, usually made from lightweight white cotton fabric. There are two styles of temple garments, one for men, and another for women. The garment is white as white symbolizes physical and spiritual purity. Mormons are encouraged through the modest length and cut of their temple garments to always dress appropriately, because if they do not, the temple garment will be visible. The temple garment is not to be altered in any way to accommodate immodest clothing.

The undergarment has four Masonic symbols embroidered onto the white fabric, in the region of the chest, navel, and knee. One of the embroidered symbols is related to the Squares and Compasses, symbols of the Masonic Order into which Joseph Smith, the Prophet of Mormonism, had been initiated about seven weeks prior to his introduction of the Mormon Endowment ceremony. Thus, the V-shaped symbol on the left breast of the garment was referred to as "The Compass", while the reverse-L-shaped symbol on the right breast was referred to by early Mormon leaders as "The Square". In Mormonism, "mark of the Compass" represents "an undeviating course leading to eternal life; a constant reminder that desires, appetites, and passions are to be kept within the bounds the Lord has set; and that all truth may be circumscribed into one great whole"; the "mark of the Square" represents "exactness and honor" in keeping the commandments and covenants of God; the navel mark represents "the need of constant nourishment to body and spirit"; and the "knee mark" represents "that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is the Christ.”

( And a BIG THANKS to a new little helper, "Pretty in Pink" for writing this great article!!!!!! VERY INTERESTING! I know we were all curious..... Thanks PRETTY, I need the help - and I appreciate it!)


  1. MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that those who have been through their temples are wearing secret underwear to protect themselves from "evil". This "evil" includes non - Mormons like you. Am I right?

    1. In my opinion mormons don't pretend not to be wearing the garments. They probably wont show them to you, but surely you can appreciate that? It's no secret that they wear them. You can notice them a mile off if you know what you're looking for.

  2. The Men's are o.k., but the Women have to wear bras OVER the garment? Seems like that could be updated just a tad. I wonder how Robyn got those Victoria Secrets on, how they looked over this garb? LOL

  3. EWWW I just envisioned Kodys winkie dink it that!

  4. Excellent post, very informative and straightforward. Thank YOU!

  5. Yes, Robyn would have to put her Victoria's Secret clothing on over the undergarment in the picture, and she should be wearing it at all times.

  6. Do these garments have to be bought through the church, or are they given?
    Is there a certain age you start wearing them? I've read where Mormons have said the garmets saved ehir lives.

    1. They are bought at LDS distribution centers, or online through http://store.lds.org/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/TopCategories1_715839595_10557_-1_

      There isn't a particular age. Usually you only get them when you go on a mission or get married.

  7. That's why Meri is wearing the black leggings alot.

  8. The garments are purchased through the LDS church and are given at the time of the temple endowment ceremony, which is like a confirmation ceremony. Extra garments or replacement underwear are purchased via mail order from the LDS church.

  9. Is there any times they are not required to wear them because I get the feeling Robyn didn't invest so much in Victoria Secret's garments just to put her lingerie over or under magical Mormon undy duds.

  10. Do they make them expandable for pregnancy? Or with nursing features?

  11. Wait so like Meri has them over her tights right? Is the White Garment supposed to be the first layer against the skin or can you wear tights and what not under the garment? Is there a certain method or just as long as you have the garment on somewhere under or over other clothing? How do they explain bad luck or "evil" or whatever if something negative happens while wearing your protection garment?

  12. Has anyone researched early Mormonism and the Occult? I bet these garments are directly related to J. Smith's occult practices. They like to deny the involvement of mysticism, magic and witchcraft, but it seems to always be there just underneath their practices. If you believe and trust in the Lord then why do you need underwear to protect you?

  13. The garment is the first layer over the skin. Everything else goes over. There are special Mormon undergarments made for members of the military which are not white. Yes, the garment is available in all sizes, including sizes which accommodate pregnant women. The garment can be modified to accommodate breast feeding as well.
    Some women cut a hole in the crotch area for purposes of hygiene. The garment is ALWAYS the first layer against the skin, the bra or tights and pantyhose goes OVER the garment, not under.

  14. It does take the guess work out of choosing the next day's underclothing.

  15. Interesting. Thank you PrettyinPink. I guess you would have to have strong convictions to layer up clothing. But , in the desert, that seems to be helpful. In a weird way, the wives seem similar to polygamist of other religions. They make holes for hygiene because they never remove the garments? Do they leave them on during sexual contact? Are they switched out daily? Worn in the shower?

  16. No the garment is changed every day, removed before the shower or bath, and removed for marital intimacy. The average Mormon has several sets of the holy underwear. The women often cut holes in the crotch are to facilitate changing sanitary napkins or tampons.

    1. I have never heard of Mormon women cutting holes in the crotch. Why would they need to do that? The underwear bottoms have an elastic waist just like "regular" underwear. They would just pull the bottoms down like anyone else would to use the toilet or for changing sanitary items.

  17. I see London, I see France, I see Ro - Bun's underpants !

  18. Well they used the right biblical terms- I always thought that it was part of Smith's occult, too, just from what I've read. But here's the thing. IF they believe they are doing it for the lord- The lord will see that.

  19. My husband and I are Christians, go to a Methodist church, and are very involved. his family never went to church, and aren't interested, although they say the believe in God. So, they don't know much about the Bible. Father in law is HEAVY into the Masons, Scottish Rite, Shriner's. Le me preface this with these organizations to a lot of good.
    Hubby joined to please his father. When he got back from his "initiation" he was so upset that he went to speak to our pastor the next day.

    He said there was, in his eyes, a whole bunch of occult like things going on. He didn't like it. He feels many of these older men don't realize that it has ties to the occult, and what they might be doing that is not good.

    Then after reading about the secret Mormon stuff, he said it was the same thing! Why would a religion base it's rituals on an Occult? Is that God based?
    Has anyone else thought this, or is my hubbs nuts?
    He said they have to say crap like they'll slit your guts out, and the handshakes, secret words, who ever heard the like to get into heaven?

  20. Someone help me here, In the bible, doesn't it refer to God's love and your commitment to him as your Armor?
    This would of been fine in the 1880's, make no sense today.
    MODESTY is such a big deal, yet Kody was flexing the first chance he got to take his shirt off! And, the women in bathing suits. NOT modest.
    If you look at how those women wear the sexy shirts over the long T's, that's a form of sexual peek a boo, like, Think what's under this! They are all cut low.

  21. When the go to war, they can just strip to their tidie whities, that's all they'll need!

  22. I read somewhere that Joseph Smith was very interested in the occult and Magic, and used items such as seer stones (rocks) to interpret the book of Mormon, Jupiter Talisman, Urim and Thummim (crystals or diamonds).
    Seems like many of is "Brandings" Like the undergarments stem from his occult interest. However, the garments have good meaning, and if the wearer wears them with Christ in their mind and hearts, I see no problem with these.

    Side Fact: In 1890, my grandpa and great grandpa got bitten by a Copperhead. In a last ditched effort to save gr grandpas life, they put him in a wagon and carried him over 500 miles to a seerstone owner in Cincinnati. Poor guy, he died on the way back. Grandpa lived, b/c the bite didn't go through his heel very much. Can you imagine that trip to the seersayer? Then driving him home dead?

  23. Waht do the square and compasses mean in the Masonic Order?

  24. Square and Compasses are symbols of the stone masons of medieval and renaissance Europe.

  25. Mormon Fundamentalists do not wear two piece knee length garments. They wear the old style which are one piece and down to the wrists and ankles.

  26. Whoops, my bad - I assumed that they were wearing the newer version because the one piece undergarment would have been more visible on the women in the tv program. Here is a link to the full length undergarment photo :

  27. Yes, Pretty in Pink, your link shows what AUB members wear. (Horribly hot in Utah summers.) Sometimes people roll up the sleeves and legs a little so they don't show, but the "fundamentalist Fundamentalists" frown on that. Don't think Kody and his brigade fit in that category!

  28. I really see nothin wrong with this-but when your lyin the whole time your in them, they are not goin to do you much good.

  29. Great Comments! I learn so much and get to laugh, too!

  30. Another ruse to make them special.

  31. SACRED, and I'm glad you don't have any! Obvious you thought you were being cute calling them underwear.

  32. If Adam Eve Jesus Mary Joseph, etc. didn't need them, I don't either.

  33. This is just another ruse, hokey pokey magic of Joseph Smith. I'll just stand there butt naked and let my lord protect me.
    There poor people are - they HAVE to be brainwashed. To be that messed up, it must start at birth.

  34. For most of you this will come "from left field", but my religion teaches me that everything I need for protection, fulfillment, service to others and to fulfill my responsibilities in this lifetime is already within me because my Creator already put it there.

    "And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without". (i.e. outside yourself)

    I don't need special trappings or ceremonies, frou-frou or garments or coverings of ANY kind, intercessions from intermediaries, or anything at all to bring me closer to, or find favour with, my Creator. I can do/intend/think good or bad all on my own.


  35. I think that's how we all feel, and why we are looking into this strange society.

  36. You know, everyone has different ideas- especially about religion. This article was well written and researched. The comments calling the practice strange and the practitioners liars is just wrong. If you disagree with the practice, don't follow it. This is how religious wars are created and how prejudice is continued: we need to learn to accept people even if we don't accept their underwear!

    To answer a few other questions posted above: the original endowment sessions used to speak of disembowelment and death as punishment for speaking about these matters to people outside of the temple (or endowment house). This part has been removed from the ceremony, but it still discourages speaking to others about it.

    2) The garment is worn under all other clothing, including bras. Yes, it can seem as if the desert heat makes this layering unbearable, but it can actually help (depending on the material worn). The placing of the bra over the garment top helps with comfort as well.

    3) Garments are also sold at local "distribution centers" generally close to mormon temples. Garments can be purchased to accommodate pregnancy as well as breast feeding- no alterations need be made.

    4) Joseph Smith was indeed interested in magic and such. He investigated many belief systems, including the masons. He borrowed heavily from other belief systems when putting together his church.

    5) If you look up the definition of cult in the dictionary, you will find that every church (including the GREAT CATHOLIC CHURCH) fits this definition: –noun
    a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
    an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.
    the object of such devotion. (dictionary.com)

    I advise against using the term in a derogatory manner, since whatever religion you subscribe to can also be termed a cult.

    6) Just as an FYI, the one-piece garments can also be purchased for men or women- complete with a slit in the crotch for elimination purposes.

    7) The military garments are a green so as to match what the rest of the regiment is wearing. It is not advised to "take them off" during war time as was suggested before.

    Hope this helps some. Feel free to email me with other questions or comments- 929tygger@gmail.com
    Laura Taylor

  37. Oh Dear.

    While the definition of cult "Unknown" used is available from Dictionary.com, 1 part of that definition has been omitted:
    "a quasi-religious organization using devious psychological techniques to gain and control adherents". This missing portion is what I think of when I hear the word "cult."

    Cultwatch, one of the most well-respected organizations watching cults today, defines a cult as:
    1. any group that uses manipulative psychological “mind control” techniques to recruit and control their members;
    2. any group which claims to be a Christian group yet teaches something that is not primarily a Christian belief.

    It is interesting to note that Cultwatch includes the LDS as a cult, but not "every church (including the GREAT CATHOLIC CHURCH)".


  38. I love your blog, but it's hard to read the posts when they are in an all bold fount.

  39. There was a tweet about this someone commented on magic underwear and one of the people that speak for robyn said they were called garments.

  40. Hi 8fall!
    We've been watching you on Twitter. Boy, ask an honest question....they get not nice. Well, that crazy HOP.
    I'm sorry, the light is so light, I thought the bold would be easier. I'll try it both ways. Nice to have you!

  41. Another Informative Article, Pretty in Pink! How do you write these with no judgement or snark?

  42. I am a former mormon and I just wanted to correct they do not need to cut a hole for hygiene, its two pieces But they do offer a one piece with a slit in the crotch. the mainstream church changed the garment *made it shorter* after the flds people split off so that's why the polyg's have the old style. They do have to purchase them and they are not cheep. I really hate this modest is hottest crap since in reality the shorter the church makes the garment the shorter the clothes and skin tight is not modest. just my view.
    and Joe Smith stole the temple ceremony from the masons, its almost exactly the same. if you have been through the temple your light and knowledge is about the same as a third degree mason.

  43. Male outfit is a little bit too generousness no?


    I just realized a valid reason for Kody's insecurities. Makes sense.
    Need women around him. And to constantly have kids. No job, or good qualities.


    Ahhh....Faking a religious viewpoint, to actually get female attentions?


  44. I honestly don't understand the connection between undergarments and spirituality. But I do can say that the garments do look comfy! Thanks for sharing these great post with us!
