Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Good Morning Friends of "Sister Wives" - Gotta Question....

Good Morning! Wow, woke up to lots of comments! I haven't been on the ball- not feeling great, but woke up to some interesting news from Cynical Jinx- a fun post coming later!

I have a question- Do any  of you use If so, may I borrow your password and username for a day or two? If you don't use it, if ANYONE would get a free trial for 14 days, that would be great!!! I would, but I cut up all my credit cards after they hit a $1000. I know, dumb, but you can get a free 14 day trial and that would help with my Brown genealogy. YOU just have to remember to cancel it at the end of 14 days!
If anyone would be super nice and help me, please email me with the un and pass. Wanting to finish this genealogy file!   (Free 14 day trial)

Also, we will start reviewing all of Season 2 soon- if you don't have it, go to
You'll have to download a silly toolbar, but you can delete it. Watch S02E01 again, interesting what you see the second time around. We will be discussing it.
AND, we've added REACTIONS under each blog, so be sure to give us yours!!!!

Stay tuned, more posting today!