Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Sister Wives: "Front for Islam, Sharia Bigamy; Lawyer Got Big $s From Islamic Terrorists" EXCELLENT STORY!

Disclaimer : I found this entry on, and I don't necessarily agree with it, but I am  posting it here for my reader's review and comment.

Mr. Turley has responded to Ms. Schlussel on his blog:
Turley Demands Retraction and Apology From Conservative Attorney and Radio Host Debbie Schlussel

You’ve probably heard about the lawsuit soon to be filed by the menage-a-cinq from the “Sister Wives” reality TV show.  The man and his four “sister wives” are suing the State of Utah in federal court, challenging the state’s anti-bigamy laws as unconstitutional.  But this law isn’t about fundamentalist Mormons, as the “Sister Wives” people are.  It’s about Islam, Muslims, and Islamic terrorists, who make up a good portion of the clientele of the plaintiffs’ lawyer in this suit, Jonathan Turley.  Make no mistake, Turley–sleazebag lawyer for Islamic terrorists, including Islamic Jihad founder and convicted terrorist, Sami Al-Arian–is filing this one for his Muslim friends and patrons and using these bozos from Utah as his cover for what he’s really seeking here. Reportedly, the Bin Laden family paid for Turley’s failed defense of Al-Arian, just as the Bin Ladens reportedly paid for the Al-Arian kids’ expensive college and grad school educations.
This is Who Lawyer Jonathan Turley Claims to Represent in Bigamy Lawsuit . . .
This is Who Lawyer Jonathan Turley is Really Representing in Bigamy Lawsuit . . .
Jonathan Turley w/ Client, Convicted Islamic Jihad Terrorist Group Founder & Chief Sami Al-Arian

Muslim Sister Wives: “Your Sister’s Prettier”
I’ve written about Turley on this site before.  Not only does he love to represent Islamic terrorists and extremists in ACLU-style lawsuits, but he’s been a frequent fixture on the high-paid Arab and Muslim propaganda lecture circuit.  Turley spoke to the national gathering of the openly pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah ADC (the deceptively-named American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, which has as one of its top officials a “former” Islamic terrorist.  And he’s attacked me for daring to mention that Lara Logan was raped by Muslims and saw the real way that Muslims treat women when Muslims are “liberated” to act as they please.  And, yet, when it comes down to it, Jonathan Turley knows exactly who Muslims are and how they treat women, but he won’t admit it.
Instead, he files lawsuits on Muslims’ behalf to legitimize their four-wives way of life and has the dumbasses from the extreme Mormon reality show fronting for them as plaintiffs.  Let’s get real:  the real bigamist problem in the U.S. is among Muslims, who either bring their multiple wives here or marry them here.  They marry them all under the eyes of the mosque and only one of them legally, with the rest collecting Medicaid, welfare, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, food stamps, and other entitlements on your dime.  There are far fewer fundamentalist Mormons with multiple wives than there are Muslims.
Just who is paying Jonathan Turley to file this federal lawsuit against Utah?  The metrosexual fundamentalist Mormon and his “Sister Wives” . . . or Jonathan Turley’s legions of Islamic supporters, including his sharia-lovin’ friends at HAMAS’ CAIR Action Network?
Either way, it’s the latter that this lawsuit is meant to benefit.  And the latter who pose a threat.  Fundamentalist Mormons didn’t blow up 3,000 Americans ten years ago, and they didn’t shoot to death 12 soldiers at Fort Hood.  We know who did that.  The religion of multiple wives . . . and jihad for allah.

(Courtesy of:; Written by Debbie Schlussel)


  1. I stole this comment, but I want to get the word out!
    The Browns lawyer Jonathan Turley represents the polygamous Bin Laden family and other Islamic extremists. Surprise ! Anonymous said...
    The man and his four “sister wives” are suing the State of Utah in federal court, challenging the state’s anti-bigamy laws as unconstitutional. But this law isn’t about fundamentalist Mormons, as the “Sister Wives” people are. It’s about Islam, Muslims, and Islamic terrorists, who make up a good portion of the clientele of the plaintiffs’ lawyer in this suit, Jonathan Turley. Make no mistake, Turley–sleazebag lawyer for Islamic terrorists, including Islamic Jihad founder and convicted terrorist, Sami Al-Arian–is filing this one for his Muslim friends and patrons and using these bozos from Utah as his cover for what he’s really seeking here. Reportedly, the Bin Laden family paid for Turley’s failed defense of Al-Arian, just as the Bin Ladens reportedly paid for the Al-Arian kids’ expensive college and grad school educations. BE AFRAID!

  2. You can submit your blogs to citizen news sites.

  3. This is plum scary. Not sure I understand it all, but it reeks fear in me.

  4. I had over 20 emails about this post. Please don't be afraid to post your comments. It's not like they are going to come after you!

  5. I am wondering if the Muslims or the Bin Ladens aren't paying the Browns in some way. It would be impossible for them to live in Las Vegas for 6 months with no job. Oh, they will say they have one, we'll see how much it really makes. NV businesses are online.

  6. Do you think these people are paying the Browns? Do you think all the mothers know this? How did Turley get involved with the Browns in the first place? This is truly (no pun intended) making me wonder how "nice" the Browns are, and if they are getting kickbacks. If I met them in the neighborhood, I could like them despite our religious differences. not with this. they are going to make those poor children piranhas with the other classmates.
    Can anyone explain this in simpler terms?

  7. We are FLDS members. Although we disagree with many comments on this site, we feel that each should represent their own religion, and understand our differences as logical adults. We do believe in Polgamy and the Mormon bible. However, we want it to be LOUDLY known, we DO NOT codone this lawsuit, nor do we feel it is neccessay. It has been stated by the AZ, CO, UT Govt. (and others) that if we follw what is right and do not brek any laws or have underage marriages, the Govt. will respect us and leave us alone. Kody Brown was living surrounded by polygamist homes. We do not want to be associated with this type of behavior, nor do we want to be associated with Mr. Jonathon Turley. We feel this iss an Anne Wilde/Turley, AUB, and overseas operation. PLEASE do notconnet us to this situation. Sincerely, concerned FLDS members.

  8. Islamic Terrorists may have nothing to do with the Browns. butthey sure picked a heck of a lawyer. Couldn't they find a "cleaner" one?
    akes you feel sorry for Kody. Now this is really smearing his name.
    This will get thrown out in court, but people will qestion Kody's activities fromnow n, and he'l probably be watched, I'm not kidding.

  9. Proud Polygamist is correct, the AG of Utah has stated that no one will be prosecuted for polygamy unless coercion, failure to support children or plural wives, or underage marriage is involved. Mark Shurtleff has been true to his word, and the history of all of the AG of Utah since the mid 1950s. This is a publicity stunt.

  10. Sorry, correction of above post : Mark Shurtleff has been true to his word, and the history of all of the AG of Utah since the mid 1950s is to refrain from prosecuting for polygamy unless the criteria that Shurtleff cites are met.

  11. Sami Al-Arian, Bin Laden, what on earth have the Browns gottn into? Do you think they are paying for the Vegas homes?

  12. Ah yes, Jonathan Turley, pre-eminent advocate for free speech, is suing another lawyer for exercising her right to free speech.
    Hypocrite much ?

  13. Saudi Arabia nightmareJuly 23, 2011 at 7:48 AM

