Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The Drama! The Heartbreak! The KODSTER looking sad! All in 3:44 minutes!

KODY tells us that a week before the move to Vegas, MERI, ROBYN, and HE came down to Vegas to do some house hunting. They found 4 they loved. “The homes… and the proximity of these homes, was the hook.” KODY explains. “We felt very inspired when we found the homes.” “It was perfect, but unfortunately, it just didn’t work out” KODY tells us. The homes are very close in a little area. And, they seem much nicer than the ones they are renting. Man, his hair is really looking whack in these scenes. We get a glimpse of ROBYN’S profile.  Kody explains we they all came back, they still wanted to show JANELLE and CHRISTINE these 4 homes. CHRISTINE says she thought they were supposed to have them, so she wanted to see them. Keep in mind, they have already been told NO. Rose colored Glasses might fit here. And, didn’t she just file Bankruptcy?   Why does Kody think, after 3 bankruptcies total,  we know of, thousands of dollars ripped from businesses, and welfare, that they “deserve” such nice home! “I didn’t want to dwell on it when it happened” KODY Tells us as he’s laying on the sad looks and the melodramatic music is playing  “We lost this, and we feel like we’re supposed to be here, and just go on, and find something else.”

The Browns look and peek in the houses that weren’t meant to be.  Christine is looking like she’s lost some weight. You go girl! Christine is VERY excited. And they are beautiful homes, no doubt about it. We’re told how CHRISTINE bought the move based on these homes. Poor Christine! MERI, CHRISTINE, and ROBYN and a few kiddos are peeking through windows, lamenting about their beauty.  Poor MERI, she looks like she has gained weight. And I say that in sincere sadness.  It’s just more work to find to find more homes, Kody sad face says. “Let’s go to my mommy’s house!” one child squeals in excitement. Now why are they getting these kids all worked up over something they can’t have? Then more lamenting from KODY – be sure and check out everyone’s SAD faces in this couch interview! My favorite line…”It’s all….Heavy” Kody solemnly says. GEEZ! The Drama! The Tension! Will they find a home? Will they sleep in tents? Will TLC NOT BUY THESE?? I think that’s what they were rooting for. A freebie.

GARRISON says something to the effect he doesn’t want to see the homes yet, as to not spoil the surprise. GARRISON is taped looking forlorn or bored, as a boy, not sure which. KODY explains it’s “because he doesn’t want his dreams dashed.” Good to notice, KODY, why take them there to begin with?? GARRISON tells us a bit differently, that “I don’t want to spoil the fact of when you go in and chose the room you get,.and “I’m not gonna look until we actually move in.”  Seems they are saying two different things to me, but that’s just me. What do you think? I have a boy, and when we look at houses, he could care less, until we say bought, sold ours. KODY says it’s because he’s just like his mother. Well, good for GARRISON. Maybe he won’t grow up and try to get 4 houses after what they’ve done and expect everyone to feel sorry for you.  “Garrison would rather not hope for something he could lose, he’d rather hope for something that is absolutely attainable.” Says KODY about GARRISON. GARRISON says, “I’m not afraid we won’t get it, I just don’t want to see it right now” Hmmm….. Drummed up drama? He’s a BOY.  

This tape is over the top. Janelle, being the smart one, didn’t bother to look at them. Why bother? Be looking at something you can get. Why is 4 trailers not good enough? It seems more and more to me that these people think they deserve handouts, that they are somewhat special for… being alive. Maybe I’m wrong. No jobs, their other house not sold, KODY irks me, b/c he rushed this mess. And to think he is making the kids wishing and wanting for something they can’t have is terrible. I know the kids will get some fun trips out of TLC, but to be used to make a point, like GARRISON, saddens me. Enough of my blabbering. WHAT DO YOU THINK!!! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this!  


  1. Who owns the homes ? TLC ? Can anyone check ?

  2. Idiots!! It's like Kody is mourning a life. It's a freaking house that he never had. When my husband and I looked at homes 20 years ago (neither of us with a bankruptcy), there were homes we fell in love with, but after we sat down and looked at the total picture, some were not as affordable as our comfort zone would allow. End of story. Move on...

    Someone on TWoP suggested Meri and Mariah get a condo. Don't know if there are condos in the area, but that would appeal to me. I would guess that a lot of the condos in Vegas would have pools, gyms, and other fringes.

  3. No one owns the homes, they are renting all four of them.

  4. There are many, many Condos in the Area, with all kinds of amenities, I looked and decided that's what I would want!

  5. "Devastating" "sad" "troubling" "heavy". Kody- you were "disappointed", don't make it anymore than that. Yes, you did not get the 4 houses you wanted- you prob low-balled the offers thinking your charm would win the day. I cannot stand the Kodester, why do I watch? Thanks for the clip!

  6. So glad that someone posted Christine Brown's bankruptcy papers online! I wonder when more info will be published about the AUB? For instance, Christine's grandfather, Rulon Allred, arranged for his niece to become the second wife of Verlan LeBaron when she was SIXTEEN! And he did this in order to prevent his young niece from marrying a man who was not a polygamist. And his young niece ended up living in poverty so extreme that it is almost incomprehensible to the rest of us.

  7. If you are interested in the AUB and other polygamy groups, you should consider reviewing or posting at FLDS Texas Wordpress blog.
    From whom are the Browns leasing / renting these homes ?

  8. The attorney who filed the bankruptcy documents for Christine Brown is the lawyer who works with the Safety Net Committee in Utah. This lawyer is affiliated with Mary Batchelor and Anne Wilde of Principle Voices.

  9. I felt too bad to post them, but am so glad that BlooklynBorn did, and found the Meri/Kody ones! See above post for link.
    Ididn't know that Rulon arrange that- that will fit into my Genealogy I am working on thanks!

  10. I see quite the pattern of state funding. Really? Why not live in Egypt where it's accepted, instead of taking our hard earned money from our kids.

  11. Janelle looks so sad, almost like she was on medication. Anyway, if they are smart (questionable) they should renovate the Lehi house so Robyn can move in and the family can be together once the series winds down. But seeing how morose Janelle is looking, they must be spending that TLC money like crazy. I want to feel sorry for the adults, but I just can't.

  12. Don't you wish the Reality show was real? they've said that They know when film crews are coming; only 2-3 days a month, so there's no "capturing the moments" here. A Real show would allow Janelle to speak what's really bugging her, your right, geeky girl!

  13. TLC is footing the bill. If they wanted these homes, tey woul be cuning enough to get them. I accredit it to the fact they want to build a mansion. I always thought the 4 kitchens was ludicrous. We had a family of Doctors come live in our area, and the 4 built a huge home, with a communial kitchen and living area. It was super cool. Wy not do that?

  14. They'll get one far better in the end.
