Friday, June 10, 2011

Sister Wives: Previews


  1. THANK YOU to MobMistess! She posted this video for me. Let me know your thoughts....Usually I will blabber about it, but this week is crazy, so I want to hear from you!!!!!!
    This preview made me MAD, how about you?

  2. Hmm... wonder what the bullcrap was for? I bet that one of Janelle's kids don't want to stay in their "secret" church. I wish that Robyn would shut up and let others talk without interrupting. They are falling into the TLC trouble crap, they start out pretending to stir up drama... and then it becomes real drama. What's season 4's catch at the end? I PRAY it's a new wife he's courting 500 miles away while Robyn's pregnant. Serves her right. did they really have to get married the month she was to give birth? HOW RUDE. Karma is a bitch.

  3. Why does Robyn always wear tops with other tops underneath? Modesty? Wear something higher cut then! She looks stupid.

  4. I was thinking today, modesty is not being filmed in a bathing suit!! The honeymoon!

  5. I thought that too! A top underneath, but yet, a LOW top leading the imagination!

  6. That's right she did appear in a bathing suit.

  7. Kody is absolutely right! Tensions between wives affect the entire family. Yet another reason why this system is so bad for the children. Monogamy can have its problems too, but polygamy creates an inherently unstable environment - the children never know when their world is going to be rocked.
