Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sister Wives on Twitter

Sister Wives on Twitter!
 I am not a Twitter fanatic. In fact, it annoys me to only see part of a conversation at times. HOWEVER, I know a lot of people love it, and I thought you'd like to get a feels of what our favorite Sister Wives family was doing on there. Here’s my lowdown on the Brown family tweets and what I think about them! Hopefully soon I will have an up and running the newest tweets on this site to the right.

MADISON, ASPYN, and MARIAH have the usual teen stuff- although I was surprised Aspyn was tweeting from school “4 hrs left!”. My kids can’t even turn on their phones at school. But you can tell they are very careful about what they say- most 15 yrs old aren’t tweeting how much they love their family, more like they love Lady Gaga.

 Even GARRISON has one post  - he sums it up best! Hee hee, MARIAH has 5 

ASPYN seems like your average teen, loving Glee, and it appears Mom has been on vacation. Here’s one of her philosophical ones.

MADISON - MADDIE - (one of my favs)

 You can tell she's still stuggling with the move, going to visit Utah, and has mixed feelings. I just love her and am waiting for her to Bust OUTTA There! 

The kids all have between 340-360 followers – really no more than most HS kids. They remind us how they have an amazing life and love their family. (Ho-Hum). Moving on….
 JANELLE! How glad we were to see you on Twitter. She’s new to the game, but YEAH!! JANELLE seems to be trying not to give out anything before it airs - although she seems real, asking for recipes and saying she is doing better, even praying for a fan that almost lost their child. She’s only done 40 tweets and has 1202 followers! I will be more interested in hers than any of the others. Here’s a cute on from her:

 CHRISTINE is also new to the tweet world; you know she wasn’t going to let Ro-BUN (ROBYN) do it alone!! Interestingly, her nickname is “rose colored glasses”– an idiom for “Seeing things with an attitude that things are better than they really are.” Hmm ..Is she trying to clue us in? She’s done a big 16 tweets and has 1, 136 followers. Of course, her tweets are a bit daffy-a reminder of the toaster incident. She’s kinda the Polygamist Lucy Ball. She clues us that she’s been away to Disneyworld with an adult only…Wonder who she went with, Logan? Surely she doesn’t mean Kody! Of course, she gives us this helpful hint:

 AND then we finish with ROBYN. UGH. Love her smaller picture? She doesn't rate equal size with me! She annoys me even more. I try to like her, I can’t.She’s been on since Jan 4th, and has sent out 636 tweets! I haven’t had 636 interesting things to say in my whole life. She has 1576 followers so you know what that means - friends, go over on Twitter and follow all the others but her wether you read them or not (they’ll be on here) but it will boost our other girls.
ROBYN (RO-BUN) as in "bun in the oven" heehee. She seems to think she needs to talk about EVERYTHING. She is such a witch.  She, back in Jan was reporting on them moving, no secrets here…except, of course, questions about religion. I find it strange that they are secretive about their religion.  I would never deny my god or church. She does let us in on more things, of course, being a blabbermouth. According to Robyn, they are planning on building a new home, Christine’s wallet got stolen, her and Meri have been furniture shopping, haircuts, movies, etc., Kody loves Ed Hardy perfume (!);  She LOVES to shop and seems to be getting goodies from some, happy to tell you what she likes. She’s having a home birth on the show; beween shopping she is always sick. Baby baby baby. Really exciting, aren’t you glad I’m sifting through it for you? Here’s some of Robyn’s to see for yourself. Of course, the ones that irked me or I loved, depending on if she got snarked. From Robyn’s posts you can certainly see they are spending money like crazy – not worried about it at all. Trips to Disneyland, Tickets to see Brett Michaels and the Blue Men Group, with all that shopping adds up to people not worried about money.

(Double Gag)……

(I’m hip, they’re not, the others are on here now..BULLCRAP!LOL) 

 (PLEASE KODY, ONE MORE WIFE!! Just for fun, and while she's preggers, Karma baby!!!!!)

(Yes, ROBYN, you love MERI so much, why don’t you be a surrogate?) I wish someone would ask her that!


(Tell me, How Can You Believe in the Bible, and be Morman, putting man before God?) We WILL be writing about this soon......




  1. Very interesting, I hate looking trough tweets, glad you did it for us. Robyn sure is talky. I fell for those kids, I wonder if they ever get to do band, sports, etc.? Esp. when they are young! I hope they let them take advantage of opportunities at their school they might not have had in the private school. Keep writing!

  2. I am a Twitter-er, and I have been following them. Too bad Kody doesn't yet, he would be a hoot to follow. I watch many celebs, and it can be interesting to see what they say. Robyn shouldn't be telling so much, and letting it be more suspenseful, but yet, she's not spilling all. If she loves Kody so much, I can't imagine her being happy one out of 4 days. I see her rooting them all out in 3 years.

  3. Isn't Madison beautiful? She should be a model.

  4. I just found this site trolling around. I will be back. Great fun to see.

  5. Thanks for taking one for the team on Robyn's tweets! Hahaha Robyn, you just keep telling yourself Kody is done!!! Please, please, please, let there be a 5th, younger, non-ratchet-jawed, skinny wife with no initial "ick" factor!! I thought it was Kody and Meri's decision about adding wives- not the new wife's. Is she an usurper or what?! I enjoy Janelle and Christine so much. They are my favorite Sister Wives couple. I also enjoy the kids. They impressed me so much in S1. Christine may not be the brightest bulb, but those kids KNOW she loves them.

  6. HAHAHA geeky girl, you hit the nail on the head. Time for a new wife NOW. Maybe he can kiss her while Robyn's in labor!!!!

  7. Bahahaha! I love that person who asked Robyn about Kody marrying her daughter!

    I fucking hate twitter, it makes my eyes hurt.

  8. I love this site and totally agree with you about Robyn!! She will be the trouble maker, what and see..

  9. Hi New Members, glad to have you!!!
    I hate Twitter, too- but, just had to see what dumb things Robyn would say!!

  10. If Kody doesn't marry a 5th wife, at least, Christine have another baby.

  11. YES!!! I would love for her to get pregnant!!!!

  12. All Twitter is a way for them to get publicity, hide behind their homes, and not tell us the whole story. i'm not picking on this family in general, but the AUB as a whole.

  13. Actually Robyn, your theology allows men to marry a wife's daughter from a previous marriage, when she is of age. It may not happen much, but early leaders in Mormonism did this too, and it was not considered incest. I know that you are trying to avoid taking about your religion, but at least be honest. On the other hand, you may just be ignorant about your own belief system - I suggest you study more. There may be some surprises, such as Joseph Smith marrying already married women, and said women living with two husbands at the same time.

  14. FreeandClear,
    What Robyn was saying is for just our family personally. You say it may have happened, and it very well could have, but we do not believe like that. Never, ever, ever will any one of us do such a thing.
