Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Original Post Jun 7, 2011:
Christine was on food stamps as late as last May 2010- 9 months after filming began.

Do you think they are still on it? I would say Robyn and her children are on it b/c of the circumstances. All bankruptcy papers can be found below. Robyn admits on twitter she also used food stamps in the past.

Here are the links:

Kody and Meri:





  1. I think they are on it- they manage to maybe not pay the three wives on the show- therefore, they are open to benefits, or only pay them so much.
    Great to see a new blog about Sister Wives!!

  2. I don't doubt that the entire family was on welfare at one time. Only Kodouche and Janelle had gainful employment that I know of. I would think that having the show and getting paid by TLC would disqualify them for now, though. Do you have copies of those docs ? Enquiring minds want to know...

  3. I have a copy of Janelle's and Christine's Bankruptcy, Kody and Meri's is online I believe thru the Utah site- I'll email it to ya!

  4. Yes, yes, yes, and yes! Kody's job- big question as to what that ever was besides "courtin'". I know Janelle worked, but if she made around 60K, that is not going far with that many people. Thanks so much for starting this. I hope we can get answers. Unfortunately, I'm not good at the research.

  5. 1 more thing...I don't know if anyone here follows Real Housewives of Orange County and the Slade Smiley child support case, but apparently he showed a very low income for court records (I would have to go back and check to see what it was, but under $10k). He has a dying son, and is way behind on child support, but he has been on a Bravo show for 6 seasons. He is supposedly running his money through his Bravo girlfriend, Gretchen, and she pays him. I don't know how this is legal, but I have a feeling the Brown Family has set up a funnel like that. It might be through the Brown Entertainment Group.

  6. That is TERRIBLE Slade would do that! I just don't get some people. AT ALL.
    Hey, it's not like I would get all the perks in the world if I was going to open my family up- but, I wouldn't turn around and use assistance!
    Geeky Girl, if you want copies that shows Christine was on assistance, just email me your address, and I'll send them to you.

  7. Isn't it about time that Meri files for Bankruptcy again? But, she only has one, and has to count Kody's money.

  8. I would imagine that they are all on food stamps/WIC for the infants/toddlers. It is very shady that they have a show when it seems that they are milking the system, and the taxpayers dollars!

  9. Ali - we know for a fact that Christine was when they were filming last May - she filed bankruptcy and it listed it!

  10. Looks like Kody Brown lied on his bankruptcy application - see it here -

  11. Here is a portion of the 3/2010 bankruptcy filing of Christine Allred Brown - note that she was on food stamps while TLC was paying the Browns to film the Sister Wives series. Note that a mysterious "companion" is listed as providing the rent...

    1. Her "companion" would likely be Kody. Remember they are not legally married; Kody is only legally married to Meri.

    2. Hmmm, Janelle owned $100 of clothing but she owed Lane Bryant $141.

  12. Second portion of the 3/2010 bankruptcy filing of Sister Wife Christine Brown, detailing her assets and liabilities.

  13. Janelle's bankruptcy filing -
    I wonder if Robyn will file next....it is her turn.

  14. Robyn already filed when she got divorced so she has to wait another 5 years to do it again. The four seperate houses I have always had a feeling were for welfare just like the seperate kitchens(they seemed to do fine sharing at the rental house). Who is paying for Robyn's prenatal care? No one is working besides the show, and even if they started up some home based business, it would be very costly to get private health care(they might not even take Robyn because of Dayon/Davidjr's aspergers). Clark county gives better food stamps and welfare in general then Utah. I know people who move from Southern Utah to clark county just for benefits.

    I usually try and not get angry over healthcare for kids or WIC since it is not the kids fault but where I live polygamists clog the system. When specialists come to our area they have to take mediciad kids first. Last time I went for my son, there was a polygamist family with 11 kids, all with the same health issue(maybe they should have stopped after 5? kids were born with a condition but no). I pay more for my health insurnace premiums(it is over 1k a month) then my house payment, yet my child was turned away because they had to service all these polygamists kids first because they had medicaid. Then my husband has to take a day off from work and we drive 8 hours to see a specialist. This kind of situation makes me upset.

    I have gotten so used to polygamist usuing WIC that if I am behind them in the grocery store and see milk and cheese etc in the cart I ask nicely if they are using vochers(I just say Im in a hurry) because they have somany vochers check out can take 30 or more minutes sometimes. I like my ice cream not to melt.

    1. The only adults that don't work are Robyn and Christine.

    2. Don't they get more SSI if the kids are diagnosed with a chronic health problem? Might be the reason they all have the same syndrome.
      At least the Duggars provide for their 19 kids and dont expect the state to do it.

    3. Looks like Robyn is working now...if the show is to be belived

  15. Collecting food stamps and filing for bankruptcy while on the payroll of TLC is absolutely over the top in my book.

  16. I don't understand how this type behavior can be considered being a good witness for God. I do not know many Mormons, certainly none well enough to have a frank discussion re: their doctrine, but I cannot imagine that Jesus condones this. I mean, a mistake is one thing, everyone gets over stretched and in a jam sometimes. But to habitually (and in many Mormon communities it is encouraged) and intentionally take advantage of the government and to deceive in order to get aid is not Christian at all. For all the mission work they do, they're hurting people here in their own neighborhood. I don't see Jesus doing that. Asshats.

    1. These people are NOT Mormons. Mormons have their own welfare system and rarely use a state welfare system. Remember, biblical kings often lived polygamy, so if you live by the Bible, and are a descendant of Abraham (which most of us are) it's in your past, too.

    2. Mainline Mormons frequently use the government welfare system. Lived in Utah all my life and worked for DCFS. In a state over 50% Mormon, who do you think is using it all if not them? They use both, regularly and habitually, for generations.

    3. Makes me see red. I work full time and try to support elderly parents. They live on a fixed income and were denied a measly $60 bucks in food stamps for a month because they got a $200 a month retirement check. They dont even make $20K a yr. I'm tired of supporting all these people. I cant own a house or have my own family. Disgusting.

  17. Of course this type of behavior is not a witness for God. Remember that St. Paul said that a man who does not support his family is worse than an infidel ....

    1. He sure does.
      He also says that he loves us no matter of our sins.
      And to take responsibility of your actions.
      She did but she sure didn't.

      Teach you children well.
      Don't show your private issues on television.

  18. Yes, well so is half of America right now

  19. This is something I'm going to grouse about. WHY or WHY is it such a big deal that the women get food for their children to so many of you?

    How is that abusing a system that was created for that purpose. If they were Christian or Jewish, would that make it better?

    There are so many rich rappers, artists, who have 10-15 innocent children, ALL by different baby mothers, and many of them must use the food help or their kids would be in trouble.

    For the life of me, this abhorrence for this specific group really gets under my skin. They are not the Warren Jeffs of the world, taking those cards and cashing them in to give to their leader. They are simply feeding children.
    I know all social sets that abuse the system. There's not one need to say that the Browns are.

    1. How about stop having so many children if you can't afford to feed them. Why should all the hardworking middle class have to pay for them? How about that one? My husband and I work our asses off to pay CASH for our daughter's college, yet so many there abuse the system and their parents lie and they get it FREE.

    2. You are so right richsmom!

    3. Yes you are right, but that should go for every one; Mormon, Christian, Jewish, Muslim etc. etc. If you can't afford to raise them don't have them.

    4. When your religion demands that you to spawn a ton of kids because it will give you an e-ticket to heaven and "God will provide" and that provider ends up being the taxpayers, it's just an arrogant and selfish thing to do.

    5. We bring in $175,000 a year and WE'RE poor!...why...because we both have serious health issues and we help others. My furnture is from used or discount stores, as is most of our clothing.
      I would LOVE having a new home filled with nicer furniture liike these sister wives have...and having the system feed their children is WRONG! If one can't afford to feed those babies, keep yer pecker in yer pants!
      Well tell you 1 thing at least...I don't have to share my husbands weiner!...and when I want someone to sleep with, I don't have to wait my turn...major wrong here with these Browns!

    6. $175k a year and you're poor? Nah. You're not poor -- you're an idiot.

  20. Why don't they have to put where they work on the Bankruptcy papers? And has anyone looked father back? 20 years, each could be filing every 7 years?

  21. I'm not sure, Hot Talame. They do list what kind of business they do. Once I have ALL the bankruptcy papers I will give you a total count of all the $$, what it was spent, or should I say lost on, etc. i still think there's a couple more out there, and Robyn's too. One day, I'll get there!

  22. How did Kody lie on his Bank. papers? I'm too lazy to read. AND, why is that never prosceuted?

  23. Someone go on Twitter and ask them!

  24. WHOA! I didn't know that.

  25. And look what they are wasting now. And the price tehy are paying with their children's health.

  26. I wonder if they are on it now. I bet Robyn is. i had a son with severe ADHD. Although I could of labeled him, I never asked for welfare, we could buy the medicine and take him to the doctor ourselves. I don't see where her son is that bad.

  27. Janelle Kody said : This is something I'm going to grouse about. WHY or WHY is it such a big deal that the women get food for their children to so many of you?

    How is that abusing a system that was created for that purpose. If they were Christian or Jewish, would that make it better?

    There are so many rich rappers, artists, who have 10-15 innocent children, ALL by different baby mothers, and many of them must use the food help or their kids would be in trouble.

    For the life of me, this abhorrence for this specific group really gets under my skin. They are not the Warren Jeffs of the world, taking those cards and cashing them in to give to their leader. They are simply feeding children.
    I know all social sets that abuse the system. There's not one need to say that the Browns are.


    1. I also agree. I workd 40 years to support myself and my three children - I am a single mother - and now the system I have contributed to for so many years is in trouble because it supports so many who will not work or who have children irresponsibly. ( not to even mention the multitude of illegals we support ) I was raised to be self reliant and responsible for my actions. It is hard to accept that so many aren't. Also Social Security was not designed to be a permanent way of life for the indigent, but as a help for the short term. I also believe in mandatory drug testing for recepients.....Just Saying..

  28. Has anyone thought of all of the illegal aliens the health system cares for and helps with rent and food stamps? Last time I looked around this situation has been going on for generations? While I don't personally have access to the Brown "financial info" I certainly know that at least they make an effort to support their family.

    1. The majority of welfare recipients are caucasian.

      I don't care about the way they choose to live their lives other than the use of financial assistance as their fianancial planning....wrong.

    2. Clearly you have never been in a welfare office in southern california :/

  29. That's all true anonymous and yes, at least the Browns make an effort but that should not exempt nor justify their theft.

    It is still stealing from the government, the people, the taxpayers, society as in you and me.

    They are stealing from the people even though other sects, agendas and people do it, too.

    I have no clue why taxpayers are not outraged at this type of abuse no matter whom it is coming from.

    Sooner or later the rich will run off or at least protect their money off shore and from being taxed and taken, the middle class will be so stretched they cannot afford to carry the abusers, so what will happen when the straw breaks the camel's back?

    LOL Maybe By then, all these special interest groups should be wealthy enough from all the stealing to care for themselves but will they turn around and take care of the middle class that they sunk and spiraled into poverty , those they stole from?

    If mid america skipped work for a month, a week in protest, the country would probably fall apart.

  30. In the information provided for publication in the Utah Attorney General's "Polygamy Primer", the AUB stated, "We believe in being honest in our financial dealings".

    The following is taken from a public statement issued by AUB leaders, regarding their beliefs and practices, on March 17th, 2008:
    "We try to encourage our people to take care of their own needs and to entirely avoid any reliance upon the government. Though there are some members of our faith who may have received government assistance, they are encouraged to become self-sustaining as soon as possible. Our teachings are to be honorable in all our financial dealings which includes full payment of all required taxes as well as avoiding debt."

    The AG goes on to say, about the AUB, "A reliance upon each other is considered a higher form of living. For this reason, the use of government aid programs such as Medicaid or Food Stamps, though not forbidden, is discouraged, except as a last resort."

    The reason I am annoyed by the Brown's financial history is that they did not learn their lessons after the first bankruptcy and have not been "honest in their financial dealings". They kept living a lifetsyle (pun intended) they could not afford; kept buying things they could not afford; kept running up credit card debt they could not afford; filed the last bankruptcy a couple of months before the TLC paycheques arrived to avoid using their income to pay their debts; and lied to the public about the reasons for their last bankruptcy. They defaulted on credit card debt; only a small percentage of their debt in the last bankruptcy was medical debt.

  31. AMEN! Sista! You need to post this on YOUR post on Welfare, also!!!!

  32. JanelleKody said...
    This is something I'm going to grouse about. WHY or WHY is it such a big deal that the women get food for their children to so many of you?
    Well, its not the fact you're feeding your kids, its WHAT you're feeding them...prime cuts, pre-prepped, expensive choices, while I'm having to spend half the day prepping food, more inexpensive choice AND your living in nicer homes while the rest of us living in small apartments, hand me down toys, hand me down clothing...while you're getting "the best" the rest of us having to settle for cheapest....so NOT fair!

  33. As a taxpayer, I'm happy to provide welfare to the Brown's. As long as they don't abuse drugs/alcohol and provide a healthy/happy home for their children.

    Janelle is right we support rappers with dozens of children via various mothers, who make millions, travel the world, and have minimal interaction with their children.

    I'd rather know that my tax dollars go to people like the Browns!

    1. Rappers are on welfare? The Brown's need quit adding wives and kids! They need to pay their freakin bills. They spend a lot of money that's not needed!

    2. Which rapper has kids on welfare?

    3. We don't support them by giving them free stuff. We support their talent by purchasing their music and going to their concerts. Last time I checked rapping is a job, sitting on your arse and popping out babies is not. I could care less if a rapper has 30 kids by 30 women as long as their support is coming out of his pocket and not mine, sobeit.

    4. I like sister wives and learning about different ways of living. But give me a break--they are doing reality television and getting paid enough to afford 4 large homes while most of us now days couldn't afford one. When the Duggers and the Goslings received their large homes, there wasn't the hype about how broke they were. They just continued on with a shows about how the different families dealt with life. And the shows continued to be interesting. Sister wives is going down if they don't quit focusing on their finances.

  34. As a taxpayer, I am not happy to feed the Browns. I work my butt off, so they can have baby after baby with no thought?
    And RAISE the prices of store items, because they dump it in bankruptcy?
    THANK YOU for this site. I would have never known about it, if she hadn't talk about it on the other site!LOL

  35. Reading of the Browns' bankruptcy issues and their use of food stamps and likely lack of health insurance offers a very different picture of this family than does the show. On the show, they're portrayed really as a very 'together' family - everyone's smiling and they all sit down for family conferences. The show makes them appear a very functional family despite their unusual lifestyle.
    Yet something is clearly very awry. It takes more than love to feed a family. I've enjoyed watching the show precisely because they seem like such a nice family even if unconventional but in the end the niceness is mostly Hollywood? There's nothing nice about needing food stamps and being on the public dole for your health care.
    Is it a responsible decision to have more children when you can't feed the ones you already have?

  36. Does anyone know what the Browns are paid by TLC??

  37. It just irks me to no end that people can expect others to support their lifestyles. I'm not against government assistance...but if he sold that Lexus sportscar would he have more money to feed his family instead of getting government support? They all have nice houses, clothes, cars, vacations...my family struggles and we make simple, wise choices because money is limited. I don't drive a Lexus because I want to feed my family, too. Maybe the Browns (legal and not) should look at some of their chopices becfore asking others for help or filing bankruptcy so much.

  38. Of course they get paid by TLC

  39. Okay, a few comments
    On the Mormon issue...
    FLDS is not "Mormon" (as in the big church based out of Salt Lake with a bunch of temples all over the world)they are their own weird offspring group, that interprets old doctrine and modify's the meanings to fit their adgenda. Just wanted to clear that up, and a note that being around mormons, all accross this country (military brat) I have never known anyone to encourage going on state welfare, the church has it's own walfare program paid for by it's members and not the government.

    Next, I agree with all the comments above that it's completely intentional stealing to plan on the state to pay for your children's healthcare and food. It's one thing to have children and fall on hard times, it's completely different to bank on getting the state to pay you to make babies. "I want a puppy, but the state won't give me puppy chow *sigh* so I'll just squirt out a kid and I can dress it and play with it and snuggle it *he, he* It'll be so much fun having a free baby, thank you hard working tax payers, I get to play Mommy on your dime, yippie!" Grow up, get a job (or a husband than can provide for his family) and take some responcibility for being a fat baby pez dispencer who files bancruptcy everytime Lexis driving mentally handicaped idiot Kody can't actually lead his family...oh, yeah, that's all the time.

  40. it is just so perverted IMHO

  41. Sorry - but very wrong to be driving a Lexus and then have a wife on foodstamps. Even more wrong to put yourself in the public eye as someone who takes care of his family and has been working the system to get by. I don't see rappers wtih 17 kids on tv talking about how well they care for all 17 kids. Kody Brown does that, and that is why it's wrong that they are collecting food stamps and filing bankruptcy.

  42. So Kody has the cake and eat it too. this man, he gets to have lots of fun with these women and he does not have to take care of them, our tax dollars do. these people don't do this in the name of God, no God would allow this. they do this in the name of SEX, period. I worked all my life for little money after I retired, and have to pay for everything. These people just sitting around, getting fat, having sex, collecting welfare, and complaining. I'm very upset. If you want to know more about these FLDC, read the book, 19th wives.

  43. I watch the show on a Regular basis. Why who knows maybe because I pay cable and its cheap entertainment. On the flip side of this. I am a l&d nurse and I see people abuse the system every day. I see people have 10+ kids all the time while collecting help from the government. What I as being sad is that people don't want better for themselves and their children. I am the youngest of 7 kids my mother never collected a dime in assistance. She was the middle of 15 and her parents never got government help. A person can care for their family if they so desire to and produce as many babies as they want. They just have to choose to!
    When watching this show I observe many things mani/pedis, each living in nice homes (rented or not) VOSS water (look up the price of that its like 2.00+ per bottle. Personal trainer for each wife to get into shape on top of gym member ships. WOW!!!! However look. the wives drive beat up cars and the homes have very little in them.

    So now I will tell you how they work the system. There are 5 adults they could have put 2 wives in each home but no!
    Each wife collects full benefits from the government and the TLC checks go directly to Mr. Brown Him self!!!! How else would they have the money to pick up and move 17kids to another state. While we are at it lets point out that yes the children are happy and healthy. However they don't behave as well as 19kids and counting do or even Kate plus 8s kids. Those 17 kids will more then likely be a debt to out country for many more years to come because you pick up the habits you learned as a child. Look at the relationships he holds with each wife. He keeps the wives happy so he doesn't have to pay child support thats all it is!!!!

  44. Lot's of people abuse welfare. Not just polygamists. And not all polyamists are on welfare or accept any government help. There are plenty of plural families that have working parents and are able to support their entire family on their own.

  45. I am disabled and they said I make too much money to get food stamps (i have two children)

    1. Yep, I agree. My husband and I are both disabled and manage to live with in our means. This is our choice. We take care of our own.

  46. Quote: Anonymous said...

    Lot's of people abuse welfare. Not just polygamists. And not all polyamists are on welfare or accept any government help. There are plenty of plural families that have working parents and are able to support their entire family on their own.

    This has NOTHING to do with the BROWNS..... Who Cares? The issue here is the Brown's do it not ALL Polys

  47. Kody Brown is a fraud. This is exactly why he was being investigated and why there are laws against this sort of lifestyle. While yes, polygamists are not the only ones that cheat the system, the fact that polygamists pretend to be married yet legally have independent finances making them eligible for food stamps, multiple bankruptcies is the problem. Even worse, the more kids they pop out and the more wives they take, the more benefits they can collect. Disgusting.

  48. Very interesting. New to the blog. Didn't know this!

  49. Janelle worked for DWS (Department of Workforce Services) in Utah. Since this is the state agency that issues public assistance she would know the ins and outs of qualifying for all of the programs such as food stamps, medicaid, heat assistance, etc. You can look her salary up on the internet since she worked for the state. On one episode I did see Christine using a Horizon card (food stamps). Disgusting!!!

  50. The 1st 3 wives are wearing their unhappiness and frustration in the excess weight they are carrying. They have insulated themselves from pain with food. Foods expensive,like any other addiction substance. This is the life they grew up in. They have not experienced the natural condition of 2 independent people living a partnership. Polygamy is a patriarchal society totally mzle benefitting.
    Like other male dominated religions it is offensive to those of us who owe our present freedoms to those women and men who struggled and suffered to overcome and change society. The vote,the right to work and own property. It is offensive to see women who would disrespect these strides for the "privledge" of being "married" to self indulgent ass.not to sound crass but out of 17 chidden 16 are illegitment. That is abusive.

  51. I had no idea they were scamming the system as they are purported to be doing here.

    Makes Robyn's comment "If you just want sex get a prostitute" sound a little suspect. Because indeed that is what he is getting each time he remarries and has more children? Except he does not pay for them, they bring in money for HIM by way of government assistance.

    My daughters do back ground and acting work. Recently they volunteered (usually paid) to be on a reality show. It was that day on 'set' that I realized what bullshit reality TV is. They were invited to pretend to be at a staged event. Lame and no doubt happens all the time with reality shows.

  52. Many use the welfare, and the men take the cards and cash them in for money from church owned supermarkets.

  53. The issue isn't so much that they are FLDS or polygomists and scamming the system, but that they get paid thousands of dollars a week for being on a 'reality show' and are scamming the system, getting food stamps, etc. Doesn't TLC pay them? Maybe we should start a write-in campaign for the sister wives to get raises so they don't need food stamps.

  54. I wonder when TLC pays, maybe at the end of the year or something, then they could still collect the benefits legally. I have seen this same issue on Teen Mom, where it seems to take awhile. The way that money is funneled is one of the reasons to me that justifies legal unions in polygamous marriages. Of course the whole compensation issue for reality TV families is a big topic with a lot of meat. Are the kids getting something saved for them, is product placement used instead of salary, etc. I do feel that filming is work and thus should be compensated, but how do they make it fair?

  55. All I know is there are so many people who abuse the system and real families that need help can't get it. My hubby works but doesn't make very much, we have no car so he walks to work every morning and home again after. We get food support and medical. I get Wic for my son. I appreciate the help but I would rather I could get a car or transportation and daycare help so I can get a job and we could be self sufficient. Our money goes for rent, electric, diapers, wipes and occasionally a toy for our son (used from thrift store). We can't even save up enough in a year to even touch buying a car or insurance for it (all the used cars that are cheap are sold for scrap instead because less hassle). Yet I know other people who work for better pay and they get food support, cash assistance, wic, rental assistance and energy assistance. I don't get it. Seems like the social services office makes up who qualifies for what as they go along. I really think welfare needs fixing. Give people government food pack, basic supplies to make meals with (flour, eggs, rice, beans) and pay the bills directly for essential services and medical. Have a bus come get able-bodied adults for community service work in order to qualify. Supply day care for those who need it. Sure it would not be fun for the people on it (and remember I am one of them) but the cost to the taxpayer would drop. And it would weed out the people who sell their food stamps or use them to buy steak and soda and candy on a regular basis instead of occasional treat. Weed out the people taking advantage and help those who really do need it. It shouldn't be a holiday.

    1. I am new to the site...I would like to say that i belive Kate + 8 made about 80,000 for each show. I read it some where or heard it on the news when the couple were in the mis of the divorce. I do belive the Browns would aleast make 50,000/more each show,and I would think when they first started they wore paid for a season. We all agree people need help, but I just cant see having so many kids and letting the gov, pay for there living. I do see Cody and Robin driving real nice cars. The other moms have older used cars. May be the state needs to check into all the money that TLC payes them and take back all the money the state has payed to them back. I state can make them paly all back but the stamps. so any medical are child support the moms have gotting should be payed back. Maybe the kids will see how and what goes on and will not do the same. The only good to come from this show is its does show half sister and brothers they need to love each other and love the step moms. Threr are so many step moms that dont wont to take in the kids and treat the step kids so bad.There is alot I could say on this way the family if stealing and lieing about there gov. help it is a sin for all they are doing even having kids out of wedlock. ( I AM NOT PERFECT )

  56. sad they're milking/bilking welfare system...new homes, renting motorhomes, nice new furniture...how many of us work 50 hrs week, live in low rent apartments, take the bus to work, take sack lunch and wear clothing from thrift stores, but at least we don't have to share the sheets!

  57. Meri is the greddy one to me when the other women are struggling all she wants to do is buy posessions that they dont need to fill her house for what she can't do and that is have a baby.They should all have to live in one home together that is what i thought the lifestyle was about they are just using the system with 4 homes like everyone says. They make me sick KODY GROW SOME BALLS AND GET RID OF meri.........

  58. Why should Meri be penalized for not have more kids that the family can't afford. The money should be divided evenly among the wives. The money Meri saves by not having to feed and clothe children (and the water and utilities, health insurance, etc.) can be used to adorn her home as she pleases. After all, she is the only legal wife.

  59. Thank you for this information.

  60. Heard about this but never had come to see the documents provided in the comments. Will be passing this around to my friends. Just goes to show, this blog started out quickly finding the facts!

  61. Oh no way! According to Robyn, it's their hard work and perseverance that made it pay off where they can live well as the best revenge! hahahahaha

  62. Interesting. All these bankruptcies and then they turn around and spend like crazy. They defiantly have a problem with money.
    Sad, actually, to see Janelle go right along with the program. I used to see her as different, but she lost me when she pretended to be so scared about moving then laughing about it on TV.

  63. Looking through these old posts, you were on this FAST. Good job!

  64. My friends told me to come to this site and check it out. I've only seen a few episodes, and now I am hooked on learning more about this religion. This is such a sham that they used the system, and now built these new houses. Can't wait to read more of this.

  65. And I'm that friend!
    I am no stranger to having to be on welfare at one point in my life. And let me tell you, it is no picnic. At least in my state, extremely regulated. The sad thing is, when you could make a little extra money, it's not worth it to have your insurance and food money taken away. There should be a system in place that allows a family that is working hard to slowly lower the amt. they get in food$, and KEEP the insurance until they can provide for some.
    What bothers me is that this is blatant lying. She was not a single mother living on her own. The separate living areas was a muse.
    If this family could have been honest, applied with all they made and all they supported, they probably would qualify.
    But to file bankruptcy time and time again, living in a home above their means, and now just plain going nuts with money, shows they learned very little. Many of us who have lived through it are very frugal after the fact, and think of the future.

  66. Very interesting information

  67. Kody Brown is a dreamer and sweet talker. The "wives" are dreamers as well. They are living a life of pure charm. Two wives plus Kody should work full time jobs. Two wives should keep the children (to save on child care expense) those jobs plus the income from the "family" business, or extra income from wherever should be enough to stop all state, federal or charity assistance. Birth control patches should be mandatory if any assistance is given. The rights of anyone are suspended when abused. They are not entitled to everything. Only what they earn. I feel great sorrow for the children, I hope they run fast and learn to leave this nightmare dream.

  68. So how the heck did they all get mortgages?

    1. I came hereto see for myself if the stories were true. Yes, they are. How did they? That is a great question. Cynical?

  69. whew. wow. just wow.

  70. How did they get the mortgages for those huge houses? Where did Kody get the money for his expensive car? They are always crying about money. If you can't pay the bills on your illegal lifestyle don't expect the the legally living taxpayers to foot the bill.

    1. I get the impression that TLC forced those mortgages through. They have such bad credit/so many bankruptcies- that it would be impossible for any of us to do it! That is why the women didn't get their houses right away...because TLC had some issues. Most likely, they ended up having to pay big bucks to push those homes along! If the Browns were smart, they would have demanded 1 large home- paid off! But, they are not- at all- they went the greedy route...who needs 4 super-sized homes? That is greed at play...and they will lose those homes probably no more than 2 years after TLC pulls the plug on their show..mark my words!

  71. I have seen many questions about, ''how can they get assistance if they are on TLC.'' TLC is NOT a job, it would NOT count as a job on a homeowners application, etc. It would most likely be seen as assets/bank accounts- but probably not steady income. From what it seems, it does not seem like TLC pays any person on any show on a steady, income-like basis. And pays them in increments that vary widely. So, it is possible for them to still be milking the welfare system because of this.

    1. That is crazy "not steady income" They still make a certain amount every year! They still have a yearly income ...weather it is paid in the first part of the year when the series is filmed or at the end of the year...contractors don't have a steady pay check and all of them are not on assistance. You have to budget accordingly. I sure wish I made what they make. Maybe they should buy houses that fit in their budget like the rest of us!

  72. I think the Koty Brown family should beable to get state help, such as food stamps their life style and religious believes, it is not ever held up to people of different religious believes so they should get help if they need it, but i do believe like all families u should never have more children than u can support...i have no religious believe at all, but think it is ok for others to believe in what they will.

  73. did anyone notice that there were a lot of salvation army boxes when the wives moved into their new homes??? it caught my eye...I thought ..they must get a lot of food handouts.....why would they have a lot of salvation army boxes???

    1. Hi! i was actually told the boxes were loaners from the local SA.

  74. I am new to the blog. Started watching the show recently. I certainly didn't know this information.

  75. Trying to keep this simple...... why do all the people watch the show its disgusting , watched two episodes and thought what the heck am I making these people rich by viewing ?

  76. They are not responsible adults, if others have to take care of them. I'm sure they get every penny of any taxes they pay, right back, with all the kids they have. They make me sick.
